首页 常用电子元器件符号



常用电子元器件符号常用电子元器件符号 常用电子元器件参考资料 第一节 部分电气图形符号 一(电阻器、电容器、电感器和变压器 图形符号 名称与说明 图形符号 名称与说明 电感器、线圈、绕组或扼 电阻器一般符号 流图。注:符号中半圆数 不得少于3个 带磁芯、铁芯的电感器 可变电阻器或可调 电阻器 带磁芯连续可调的电感器 滑动触点电位器 双绕组变压器 极性电容 注:可增加绕组数目 绕组间有屏蔽的双绕组变 可变电容器或可调压器 电容器 注:可增加绕组数目 双联同调可变电容在一个绕组上有抽头的变 器。 压器 注:可增...

常用电子元器件符号 常用电子元器件参考资料 第一节 部分电气图形符号 一(电阻器、电容器、电感器和变压器 图形符号 名称与说明 图形符号 名称与说明 电感器、线圈、绕组或扼 电阻器一般符号 流图。注:符号中半圆数 不得少于3个 带磁芯、铁芯的电感器 可变电阻器或可调 电阻器 带磁芯连续可调的电感器 滑动触点电位器 双绕组变压器 极性电容 注:可增加绕组数目 绕组间有屏蔽的双绕组变 可变电容器或可调压器 电容器 注:可增加绕组数目 双联同调可变电容在一个绕组上有抽头的变 器。 压器 注:可增加同调联数 微调电容器 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 二(半导体管 图形符号 名称与说明 图形符号 名称与说明 (1) JFET结型场效应 二极管的符号 管 (1)N沟道 (2) (2)P沟道 发光二极管 PNP型晶体三极管 光电二极管 稳压二极管 NPN型晶体三极 管 全波桥式整流器 变容二极管 三(其它电气图形符号 图形符号 名称与说明 图形符号 名称与说明 具有两个电极 的压电晶体 或 接机壳或底板 注:电极数目 可增加cry 熔断器 导线的连接 指示灯及信号导线的不连接 灯 扬声器 动合(常开)触点开 关 蜂鸣器 动断(常闭)触点开 关 接大地 手动开关 -plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed249down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 第二节 常用电子元器件型号命名法及主要技术参数 一(电阻器和电位器 1( 电阻器和电位器的型号命名方法 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 1 电阻器型号命名方法 第一部分:主称 第二部分:材料 第三部分:特征分类 第四部分:序号 符符意义 符号 意义 意义 号 号 电阻器 电位器 R T 1 电阻器 碳膜 普通 普通 W H 2 电位器 合成膜 普通 普通 S 3 有机实芯 超高频 ―― 对主称、材N 4 无机实芯 高阻 ―― 料相同,仅性能J 5 金属膜 高温 ―― 指标、尺寸大小Y 6 氧化膜 ―― ―― 有差别,但基本C 7 沉积膜 精密 精密 不影响互换使用I 8 玻璃釉膜 高压 特殊函数 的产品,给予同P 9 硼碳膜 特殊 特殊 一序号;若性能U G 硅碳膜 高功率 ―― 指标、尺寸大小X T 线绕 可调 ―― 明显影响互换 M W 压敏 ―― 微调 时,则在序号后 G D 光敏 ―― 多圈 面用大写字母作 R B 热敏 温度补偿用 ―― 为区别代号。 C 温度测量用 ―― P 旁热式 ―― W 稳压式 ―― Z 正温度系数 ―― 示例: (1) 精密金属膜电阻器 R J 7 3 第四部分:序号 第三部分:类别(精密) 第二部分:材料(金属膜) 第一部分:主称(电阻器) (2) 多圈线绕电位器 W X D 3 第四部分:序号 第三部分:类别(多圈) 第二部分:材料(线绕) 第一部分:主称(电位器) ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project250clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low- 2(电阻器的主要技术指标 (1) 额定功率 电阻器在电路中长时间连续工作不损坏,或不显著改变其性能所允许消耗的最大功率称为电阻器的额定功率。电阻器的额定功率并不是电阻器在电路中工作时一定要消耗的功率,而是电阻器在电路工作中所允许消耗的最大功率。不同类型的电阻具有不同系列的额定功率,如表2所示。 表2 电阻器的功率等级 名称 额定功率(W) 0.25 0.5 1 2 5 实芯电阻器 , 0.5 1 2 6 10 15 25 35 50 75 100 150 线绕电阻器 0.025 0.05 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 薄膜电阻器 (2) 标称阻值 阻值是电阻的主要参数之一,不同类型的电阻,阻值范围不同,不同精度的电阻其阻值系列亦不同。根据国家标准,常用的标称电阻值系列如表3所示。E24、E12和E6系列也适用于电位器和电容器。 表3 标称值系列 标称值系列 精度 电阻器(,)、电位器(,)、电容器标称值(PF) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 E24 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 ,5% 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 E12 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 ,10% , , E6 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 8.2 ,20% , n 表中数值再乘以10,其中n为正整数或负整数。 (3) 允许误差等级 表4 电阻的精度等级 允许误差(%) ,0.001 ,0.002 ,0.005 ,0.01 ,0.02 ,0.05 ,0.1 E X Y H U W B 等级符号 允许误差(%) ,0.2 ,0.5 ,1 ,2 ,5 ,10 ,20 C D F G 等级符号 J(I) K(II) M(III) 3(电阻器的标志内容及方法 (1) 文字符号直标法:用阿拉伯数字和文字符号两者有规律的组合来表示标称阻值,额 定功率、允许误差等级等。符号前面的数字表示整数阻值,后面的数字依次表示第一位小数阻值和第二位小数阻值,其文字符号所表示的单位如表5所示。如1R5表示1.5,,2K7表示2.7k,, 表, R K M G T 文字符号 36912表示单位 欧姆(,) 千欧姆(10,) 兆欧姆(10,) 千兆欧姆(10,) 兆兆欧姆(10,) 251down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed 例如: RJ71,0.125,5k1,II 允许误差,10% 标称阻值(5.1k,) 额定功率1/8W 型号 由标号可知,它是精密金属膜电阻器,额定功率为1/8W,标称阻值为5.1k,,允许误差 为,10%。 (2) 色标法: 色标法是将电阻器的类别及主要技术参数的数值用颜色(色环或色点) 标注在它的外表面上。色标电阻(色环电阻)器可分为三环、四环、五环三种标法。其含义 如图1和图2所示。 标称值第一位有效数字 标称值第二位有效数字 标称值有效数字后0的个数 允许误差 颜 色 第一位有效值 第二位有效值 倍 率 允 许 偏 差 00 0 黑 10 11 1 棕 10 22 2 红 10 33 3 橙 10 44 4 黄 10 55 5 绿 10 66 6 蓝 10 77 7 紫 10 88 8 灰 10 99 9 白 ―20% ~ +50% 10 ,1 5% ,金 10 ,2 10% ,银 10 20% ,无色 图1 两位有效数字阻值的色环表示法 三色环电阻器的色环表示标称电阻值(允许误差均为,20%)。例如,色环为棕黑红,表 2示10,10,1.0k,,20%的电阻器。 四色环电阻器的色环表示标称值(二位有效数字)及精度。例如,色环为棕绿橙金表示315,10,15k,,5%的电阻器。 五色环电阻器的色环表示标称值(三位有效数字)及精度。例如,色环为红紫绿黄棕表 4示275,10,2.75M,,1%的电阻器。 -completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project252clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro 一般四色环和五色环电阻器表示允许误差的色环的特点是该环离其它环的距离较远。较标准的表示应是表示允许误差的色环的宽度是其它色环的(1.5~2)倍。 有些色环电阻器由于厂家生产不规范,无法用上面的特征判断,这时只能借助万用表判断。 标称值第一位有效数字 标称值第二位有效数字 标称值第三位有效数字 标称值有效数字后0的个数 允许误差 颜色 第一位有效值 第二位有效值 第三位有效值 倍 率 允许偏差 00 0 0 黑 10 11 1 1 1% ,棕 10 22 2 2 2% ,红 10 33 3 3 橙 10 44 4 4 黄 10 55 5 5 0.5% ,绿 10 66 6 6 0.25 ,蓝 10 77 7 7 0.1% ,紫 10 88 8 8 灰 10 99 9 9 白 10 ,1 金 10 ,2 银 10 图2 三位有效数字阻值的色环表示法 4(电位器的主要技术指标 (1) 额定功率 电位器的两个固定端上允许耗散的最大功率为电位器的额定功率。使用中应注意额定功率不等于中心抽头与固定端的功率。 (2) 标称阻值 标在产品上的名义阻值,其系列与电阻的系列类似。 (3) 允许误差等级 实测阻值与标称阻值误差范围根据不同精度等级可允许,20%、,10%、,5%、,2%、,1%的误差。精密电位器的精度可达0.1%。 , (4) 阻值变化规律 指阻值随滑动片触点旋转角度(或滑动行程)之间的变化关系,这种变化关系可以是任何函数形式,常用的有直线式、对数式和反转对数式(指数式)。 ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed253down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass- 在使用中,直线式电位器适合于作分压器;反转对数式(指数式)电位器适合于作收音 机、录音机、电唱机、电视机中的音量控制器。维修时若找不到同类品,可用直线式代替, 但不宜用对数式代替。对数式电位器只适合于作音调控制等。 5(电位器的一般标志方法 WT,2 3.3k ,10% 允许误差,10% 标称阻值3.3k, 额定功率2W 碳膜电位器 WX,1 510, J 允许误差,5% 标称阻值510, 额定功率1W 线绕电位器 二(电容器 1(电容器型号命名法 表6 电容器型号命名法 第一部分:主第二部分: 第三部分: 第四部分: 称 材料 特征、分类 序号 符号 意 符符意义 意义 义 号 号 瓷介 云母 玻璃 电解 其他 C 1 电 瓷介 圆片 非密封 , 箔式 非密封 对主称、材料相同,仅尺容 寸、性能指标略有不同,Y 2 云母 管形 非密封 , 箔式 非密封 器 但基本不影响互使用的产I 3 玻璃釉 迭片 密封 , 烧结粉固体 密封 品,给予同一序号;若尺O 4 玻璃膜 独石 密封 , 烧结粉固体 密封 寸性能指标的差别明显;Z 5 纸介 穿心 , , , 穿心 影响互换使用时,则在序号后面用大写字母作为区J 6 金属化纸 支柱 , , , , 别代号。 B 7 聚苯乙烯 , , , 无极性 , L 8 涤纶 高压 高压 , , 高压 Q 9 漆膜 , , , 特殊 特殊 S J 聚碳酸脂 金属膜 H W 复合介质 微调 D 铝 A 钽 N 铌 G 合金 T 钛 E 其他 示例: (1) 铝电解电容器 roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project254clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low- C D 1 1 第四部分:序号 第三部分:特征分类(箔式) 第二部分:材料(铝) 第一部分:主称(电容器) (2) 圆片形瓷介电容器 C C 1,1 第四部分:序号 第三部分:特征分类(圆片) 第二部分:材料(瓷介质) 第一部分:主称(电容器) (3)纸介金属膜电容器 C Z J X 第四部分:序号 第三部分:特征分类(金属膜) 第二部分:材料(纸介) 第一部分:主称(电容器) 2(电容器的主要技术指标 (1) 电容器的耐压: 常用固定式电容的直流工作电压系列为:6.3V,10V,16V,25V,40V,63V,100V,160V,250V,400V。 (2) 电容器容许误差等级:常见的有七个等级如表7所示。 表7 +20% +50% +100% -30% -20% -10% 容许误差 ,2% ,5% ,10% ,20% 0.2 I II III IV V VI 级别 (3) 标称电容量: 表8 固定式电容器标称容量系列和容许误差 E24 E12 E6 系列代号 容许误差 ,5%(I)或(J) ,10%(II)或(K) ,20%(III)或(m) 10,11,12,13,15,16,18,20,22,24,27,30,10,12,15,18,22,27,310,15,22,23,47,68 标称容量 33,36,39,43,47,51,56,62,68,75,82,90 3,39,47,56,68,82 对应值 n10 注:标称电容量为表中数值或表中数值再乘以,其中n为正整数或负整数,单位为pF。 3(电容器的标志方法 (1) 直标法 容量单位:F(法拉)、,F(微法)、nF(纳法)、pF(皮法或微微法)。 6123610101010 1法拉=微法=微微法, 1微法=纳法=微微法 310 1纳法=微微法 例如:4n7 表示4.7nF或4700pF,0.22 表示0.22,F,51 表示51pF。 有时用大于1的两位以上的数字表示单位为pF的电容,例如101表示100 pF;用小于1的数字表示单位为,F 的电容,例如0.1表示0.1,F。 roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed255down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im- (2) 数码表示法 一般用三位数字来表示容量的大小,单位为pF。前两位为有效数字,i-13后一位表示位率。即乘以10,i为第三位数字,若第三位数字9,则乘10。如223J代表22,10pF -1,22000pF,0.22,F,允许误差为,5%;又如479K代表47,10pF,允许误差为,5%的电容。这种表示方法最为常见。 (3)色码表示法 这种表示法与电阻器的色环表示法类似,颜色涂于电容器的一端或从顶端向引线排列。色码一般只有三种颜色,前两环为有效数字,第三环为位率,单位为pF。有时色环较宽,如红红橙,两个红色环涂成一个宽的,表示22000pF。 三(电感器 1(电感器的分类 常用的电感器有固定电感器、微调电感器、色码电感器等。变压器、阻流圈、振荡线圈、偏转线圈、天线线圈、中周、继电器以及延迟线和磁头等,都属电感器种类。 2(电感器的主要技术指标 (1) 电感量: 在没有非线性导磁物质存在的条件下,一个载流线圈的磁通量与线圈中的电流成正比 其比例常数称为自感系数,用L表示,简称为电感。即: ,,L I 式中:,,磁通量 I,电流强度 (2) 固有电容:线圈各层、各匝之间、绕组与底板之间都存在着分布电容。统称为电感 器的固有电容。 (3) 品质因数: 电感线圈的品质因数定义为: L,Q,R 式中:,,工作角频率,L,线圈电感量,R,线圈的总损耗电阻 (4) 额定电流:线圈中允许通过的最大电流。 (5) 线圈的损耗电阻:线圈的直流损耗电阻。 2(电感器电感量的标志方法 (1) 直标法。单位H(亨利)、mH(毫亨)、,H(微亨)、 (2) 数码表示法。方法与电容器的表示方法相同。 (3) 色码表示法。这种表示法也与电阻器的色标法相似,色码一般有四种颜色,前两种 颜色为有效数字,第三种颜色为倍率,单位为,H,第四种颜色是误差位。 -roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project256clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low 四(半导体分立器件 1(半导体分立器件的命名方法 (1) 我国半导体分立器件的命名法 表9 国产半导体分立器件型号命名法 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 第五部分 用数字表示器用汉语拼音字母表示器用汉语拼音字母 用数字用汉语拼件电极的数目 件的材料和极性 表示器件的类型 表示器件音表示规 序号 格的区别符意义 符意义 符意义 符意义 代号 号 号 号 号 2 二极管 A N型,锗材料 P 普通管 D 低频大功率管 B P型,锗材料 V 微波管 f,3MHz, (, C N型,硅材料 W 稳压管 P,1W) C D P型,硅材料 C 参量管 高频大功率管 A Z 整流管 (f,3MHz , 3 三极管 A PNP型,锗材料 L 整流堆 P,1W) C B NPN型,锗材料 S 隧道管 半导体闸流管 T C PNP型,硅材料 N 阻尼管 (可控硅整流器) D NPN型,硅材料 U 光电器件 体效应器件 Y E 化合物材料 K 开关管 雪崩管 B X 低频小功率管 阶跃恢复管 J f (,3MHz, 场效应器件 CS , P<1W) 半导体特殊器件 BT C 高频小功率管 复合管 G FH f(PIN型管 ,3MHz PIN , P<1W) JG 激光器件 C 例: 1) 锗材料PNP型低频大功率三极管: 2) 硅材料NPN型高频小功率三极管: 3 A D 50 C 3 D G 201 B 规格号 规格号 序号 序号 低频大功率 低频大功率 PNP型、锗材料 PNP型、锗材料 三极管 三极管 3) N型硅材料稳压二极管: 4) 单结晶体管: 2 C W 51 B T 3 3 E 序号 规格号 稳压管 耗散功率 N型、硅材料 三个电极 二极管 特种管 半导体 (2)国际电子联合会半导体器件命名法 257down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed 表10 国际电子联合会半导体器件型号命名法 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 用字母表示使用数字或字母加用字母对同一 用字母表示类型及主要特性 用的材料 数字表示登记号 型号者分档 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 M 检波、开关和封闭磁路中的A A 锗材料 通用半混频二极管 霍尔元件 三 导体器件B P 变容二极管 光敏元件 位 的登记序 低频小功率三 数 C Q 号(同一发光器件 极管 同一B 字 硅材料 类型器件 低频大功率三A 型号器使用同一D R 小功率可控硅 极管 B 件按某登记号) C E S 隧道二极管 小功率开关管 一参数D C 砷化镓 高频小功率三一 进行分E F T 大功率可控硅 专用半极管 个 档的标? 导体器件 字 复合器件 志 D G U 锑化铟 大功率开关管 的登记序母 及其它器件 号(同一H X 加 磁敏二极管 倍增二极管 类型器件两 开放磁路中的使用同一 K Y 复合材整流二极管 位 霍尔元件 R 登记号) 料 数 高频大功率三稳压二极管即L Z 字 极管 齐纳二极管 示例(命名): A F 239 S AF239型某一参数的S档 普通用登记序号 高频小功率三极管 锗材料 国际电子联合会晶体管型号命名法的特点: 1) 这种命名法被欧洲许多国家采用。因此,凡型号以两个字母开头,并且第一个字母是A,B,C,D或R的晶体管,大都是欧洲制造的产品,或是按欧洲某一厂家专利生产的产品。 2) 第一个字母表示材料(A表示锗管,B表示硅管),但不表示极性(NPN型或PNP型)。 3) 第二个字母表示器件的类别和主要特点。如C表示低频小功率管,D表示低频大功率管,F表示高频小功率管,L表示高频大功率管等等。若记住了这些字母的意义,不查手册也可以判断出类别。例如,BL49型,一见便知是硅大功率专用三极管。 4) 第三部分表示登记顺序号。三位数字者为通用品;一个字母加两位数字者为专用品,顺序号相邻的两个型号的特性可能相差很大。例如,AC184为PNP型,而AC185则为NPN型。 5) 第四部分字母表示同一型号的某一参数(如h或N)进行分档。 FEF 6) 型号中的符号均不反映器件的极性(指NPN或PNP)。极性的确定需查阅手册或测量。 (3) 美国半导体器件型号命名法 -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project258clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to 美国晶体管或其它半导体器件的型号命名法较混乱。这里介绍的是美国晶体管标准型号命名法,即美国电子工业协会(EIA) 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的晶体管分立器件型号的命名法。如表11所示。 表11 美国电子工业协会半导体器件型号命名法 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 第五部分 用符号表示 用数字表示 美国电子工业协会美国电子工业协会用字母表示 用途的类型 PN结的数目 (EIA)注册标志 (EIA)登记顺序号 器件分档 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 符号 意义 JAN 1 二极管 该器件 A 或J 军用品 多 该器件在 同一2 三极管 已在美国N B 位 美国电子工型号的电子工业 3 三个PNC 数 业协会登记不同档 协会注册结器件 D 无 非军用品 字 的顺序号 别 登记 n n个PN? 结器件 例: 1) JAN2N2904 2) 1N4001 JAN 2 N 2904 1 N 4001 EIA登记序号 EIA登记序号 EIA注册标志 EIA注册标志 三极管 二极管 军用品 美国晶体管型号命名法的特点: 1) 型号命名法规定较早,又未作过改进,型号内容很不完备。例如,对于材料、极性、主要特性和类型,在型号中不能反映出来。例如,2N开头的既可能是一般晶体管,也可能是场效应管。因此,仍有一些厂家按自己规定的型号命名法命名。 2) 组成型号的第一部分是前缀,第五部分是后缀,中间的三部分为型号的基本部分。 3) 除去前缀以外,凡型号以1N、2N或3N??开头的晶体管分立器件,大都是美国制造的,或按美国专利在其它国家制造的产品。 4) 第四部分数字只表示登记序号,而不含其它意义。因此,序号相邻的两器件可能特性相差很大。例如,2N3464为硅NPN,高频大功率管,而2N3465为N沟道场效应管。 5) 不同厂家生产的性能基本一致的器件,都使用同一个登记号。同一型号中某些参数的差异常用后缀字母表示。因此,型号相同的器件可以通用。 6) 登记序号数大的通常是近期产品。 (4) 日本半导体器件型号命名法 日本半导体分立器件(包括晶体管)或其它国家按日本专利生产的这类器件,都是按日本工业标准(JIS)规定的命名法(JIS,C,702)命名的。 日本半导体分立器件的型号,由五至七部分组成。通常只用到前五部分。前五部分符号及意义如表12所示。第六、七部分的符号及意义通常是各公司自行规定的。第六部分的符号表示特殊的用途及特性,其常用的符号有: M,松下公司用来表示该器件符合日本防卫厅海上自卫队参谋部有关标准登记的产品。 N,松下公司用来表示该器件符合日本广播协会(NHK)有关标准的登记产品。 Z,松下公司用来表示专用通信用的可靠性高的器件。 -ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed259down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass H,日立公司用来表示专为通信用的可靠性高的器件。 K,日立公司用来表示专为通信用的塑料外壳的可靠性高的器件。 T,日立公司用来表示收发报机用的推荐产品。 G,东芝公司用来表示专为通信用的设备制造的器件。 S,三洋公司用来表示专为通信设备制造的器件。 第七部分的符号,常被用来作为器件某个参数的分档标志。例如,三菱公司常用R,G,Y等字母;日立公司常用A,B,C,D等字母,作为直流放大系数h的分档标志。 FE 表12 日本半导体器件型号命名法 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 第五部分 用数字表示类型 S表示日本电子工用字母表示器件 用数字表示在日用字母表示 或有效电极数 业协会(EIAJ)的的极性及类型 本电子工业协会对原来型号 注册产品 登记的顺序号 的改进产品 符符符符符 意义 意义 意义 意义 意义 号 号 号 号 号 A A光电(即光敏) 表示已在日PNP型高频管 从11开 用字母 B二极管、晶体本电子工业协始,表示在表示对原B PNP型低频管 0 S C四管及其组合会(EIAJ)注册日本电子工来型号的C NPN型高频管 D位管 登记的半导体业协会注册改进产品 D NPN型低频管 E以分立器件 登记的顺序1 F 二极管 P控制极可控硅 F上号,不同公 G 三极管、具有N控制极可控硅 ?的司性能相同 两个以上PNH N基极单结晶体管 ? 数2 的器件可以结的其他晶J P沟道场效应管 字 使用同一顺体管 K N沟道场效应管 序号,其数 M 具有四个有双向可控硅 字越大越是3 效电极或具 近期产品 ?有三个PN结? 的晶体管 具有n个有效 电极或具有n-n-1个PN结1 的晶体管 示例: 1)2SC502A(日本收音机中常用的中频放大管) 2 S C 502 A 2SC502型的改进产品 日本电子工业协会登记顺序号 NPN型高频三极管 日本电子工业协会注册产品 三极管(两个PN结) 2)2SA495(日本夏普公司GF,9494收录机用小功率管) 2 S A 495 日本电子工业协会登记顺序号 roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project260clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low- PNP高频管 日本电子工业协会注册产品 三极管(两个PN结) 日本半导体器件型号命名法有如下特点: 1) 型号中的第一部分是数字,表示器件的类型和有效电极数。例如,用“1”表示二极管,用“2”表示三极管。而屏蔽用的接地电极不是有效电极。 2) 第二部分均为字母S,表示日本电子工业协会注册产品,而不表示材料和极性。 3) 第三部分表示极性和类型。例如用A表示PNP型高频管,用J表示P沟道场效应三极管。但是,第三部分既不表示材料,也不表示功率的大小。 4) 第四部分只表示在日本工业协会(EIAJ)注册登记的顺序号,并不反映器件的性能,顺序号相邻的两个器件的某一性能可能相差很远。例如,2SC2680型的最大额定耗散功率为200mW,而2SC2681的最大额定耗散功率为100W。但是,登记顺序号能反映产品时间的先后。登记顺序号的数字越大,越是近期产品。 5) 第六、七两部分的符号和意义各公司不完全相同。 6) 日本有些半导体分立器件的外壳上标记的型号,常采用简化标记的方法,即把2S省略。例如,2SD764,简化为D764,2SC502A简化为C502A。 7) 在低频管(2SB和2SD型)中,也有工作频率很高的管子。例如,2SD355的特征频率f为100MHz,所以,它们也可当高频管用。 T 8) 日本通常把P,1W的管子,称做大功率管。 cm 2(常用半导体二极管的主要参数 表13 部分半导体二极管的参数 参 最大正向正向压反向最高反反向零偏反向恢复类 数 整流电流降(在左击穿向工作电流压电时间/ns 型 /mA 型 电流栏电流电压电压/V /,A 容 /mA /V /pF 号 值下)/V 普通2AP9 20 f(MHz)1,2.5 ,40 H检波50 2AP7 ,16 ,1 100 ,250 ,1 ,5 ,150 二极2AP11 f(MHz)4,25 ,10 ,10 H管 0 2AP17 ,1 ,250 ,1 ,15 ,10 ,100 2AK1 30 10 锗开2AK2 ,150 ,1 40 20 ,3 ,200 关2AK5 60 40 ,200 ,0.9 ,2 ,150 二2AK10 70 50 ,10 ,1 极,2 ,150 2AK13 60 40 管 2AK14 ,250 ,0.7 70 50 2CK70A~E 硅,10 ,3 2CK71A~E ,0.8 A,30 A,20 ,1.5 ,20 ,4 开B,45 B,30 2CK72A~E 关,30 C,60 C,40 2CK73A~E ,50 二D,75 D,50 ,1 ,5 2CK74A~D ,100 极E,90 E,60 ,1 2CK75A~D ,150 管 2CK76A~D ,200 参 最大正向正向压反向最高反反向零偏反向恢复时类 数 整流电流降(在左击穿向工作电流压电间/ns 型 /mA 型 电流栏电流电压电压/V /,A 容 /mA /V /pF 号 值下)/V ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed261down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass- 2CZ52B 25 同2AP普通二极整2 0.1 ,1 ? H ? 600 管 流 二2CZ53B 50 6 0.3 ,1 极 ? M ? 1000 2CZ54B 50 管10 0.5 ,1 ? M ? 1000 2CZ55B 50 20 1 ,1 ? M ? 1000 2CZ56B 25 65 3 ,0.8 ? B ? 1000 1N4001 50 30 1 1.1 5 ? 4007 ? 1000 1N5391 50 50 1.5 1.4 10 ? 5399 ? 1000 1N5400 50 200 3 1.2 10 ? 5408 ? 1000 3.常用整流桥的主要参数 表14 几种单相桥式整流器的参数 参数 不重复正向整流 正向电反向漏反向工作电压/V 最高工作 o型号 浪涌电流/A 电流/A 压降/V 电/,A 结温/C QL1 1 0.05 QL2 2 0.1 常见的分档为:25, ,10 QL4 6 0.3 50,100,200,400,130 ,1.2 QL5 10 0.5 500,600,700,800, QL6 20 1 900,1000 QL7 40 2 QL8 60 3 ,15 4.常用稳压二极管的主要参数 表15 部分稳压二极管的主要参数 测试条件 工作电流为稳定电环境温度稳定电稳定电流下 环境温度oo<50C 参 稳定电流 压下 流下 ,10C 型 数 稳定电压 稳定电最大稳定反向漏电动态电电压温度系最大耗散-4o 号 /V 流/mA 电流/mA 流 阻/, 数/10/C 功率/W 2CW51 2.5~3.5 71 ,5 ,60 ,-9 2CW52 3.2~4.5 55 ,2 ,70 ,-8 2CW53 4~5.8 41 -6~4 ,1 ,50 10 2CW54 5.5~6.5 38 -3~5 ,30 0.25 2CW56 7~8.8 27 ,15 ,7 ,0.5 2CW57 8.5~9.8 26 ,20 ,8 2CW59 10~11.8 20 ,30 ,9 5 2CW60 11.5~12.5 19 ,40 ,9 2CW103 4~5.8 50 165 -6~4 ,1 ,20 1 2CW110 11.5~12.5 20 76 ,0.5 ,20 ,9 2CW113 16~19 10 52 ,0.5 ,40 ,11 2CW1A 5 30 240 1 ,20 2CW6C 15 30 70 1 ,8 2CW7C 6.0~6.5 10 30 0.05 0.2 ,10 5.常用半导体三极管的主要参数 -ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project262clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low (1) 3AX51(3AX31)型PNP型锗低频小功率三极管 表16 3AX51(3AX31)型半导体三极管的参数 3AX31 原 型 号 测 试 条 件 3AX51A 3AX51B 3AX51C 3AX51D 新 型 号 o P(mW) 100 100 100 100 T,25C CMa极I(mA) 100 100 100 100 CMo限T(C) 75 75 75 75 jM参BV(V) ,30 ,30 ,30 ,30 I,1mA CBOC数 BV(V) ,12 ,12 ,18 ,24 I,1mA CEOC直I(,A) ,12 ,12 ,12 ,12 V,-10V CBOCB流I(,A) ,500 ,500 ,300 ,300 V,-6V CEOCE参I(,A) ,12 ,12 ,12 ,12 V,-6V EBOEB数 h40~150 40~150 30~100 25~70 V,-1V I,50mA FE CEC f(kHz) ,500 ,500 ,500 ,500 V,-6V I,1mA ,CBE交N(dB) , ,8 , , V,-2V I,0.5mA f,1kHz FCBE流0.6~4.5 0.6~4.5 0.6~4.5 0.6~4.5 h(k,) V,-6V I,1mA f,1kHz ieCBE参h(,10) ,2.2 ,2.2 ,2.2 ,2.2 re数 h(,s) ,80 ,80 ,80 ,80 oeh, , , , fe h色标分档 (红)25~60;(绿)50~100;(蓝)90~150 FE B 管 脚 E C (2)3AX81型PNP型锗低频小功率三极管 表17 3AX81型PNP型锗低频小功率三极管的参数 3AX81A 3AX81B 型 号 测 试 条 件 P(mW) 200 200 CMI(mA) 200 200 极限CMoT(C) 75 75 参数 jMBV(V) -20 -30 I,4mA CBOC BV(V) -10 -15 I,4mA CEOCBV(V) -7 -10 I,4mA EBOE I(,A) ,30 ,15 V,-6V CBOCB直流I(,A) ,1000 ,700 V,-6V CEOCE参数 I(,A) ,30 ,15 V,-6V EBOEBV(V) ,0.6 ,0.6 V,-1V I,175mA BESCECV(V) ,0.65 ,0.65 V,V V,0 I,200mA CESCEBECBCh 40~270 40~270 V,-1V I,175mA FECEC交 流 f(kHz) ,6 ,8 V,-6V I,10mA ,CBE参 数 h色标分档 (黄)40~55 (绿)55~80 (蓝)80~120 (紫)120~180 (灰)180~270 (白)270~400 FE B 管 脚 E C (3)3BX31型NPN型锗低频小功率三极管 -roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed263down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im 表18 3BX31型NPN型锗低频小功率三极管的参数 3BX31M 3BX31A 3BX31B 3BX31C 型 号 测 试 条 件 o P(mW) 125 125 125 125 T=25C CMa极限I(mA) 125 125 125 125 CMoT(C) 75 75 75 75 参数 jMBV(V) -15 -20 -30 -40 I,1mA CBOCBV(V) -6 -12 -18 -24 I,2mA CEOCBV(V) -6 -10 -10 -10 I,1mA EBOE I(,A) ,25 ,20 ,12 ,6 V,6V CBOCB直流I(,A) ,1000 ,800 ,600 ,400 V,6V CEOCE参数 I(,A) ,25 ,20 ,12 ,6 V,6V EBOEBV(V) ,0.6 ,0.6 ,0.6 ,0.6 V,6V I,100mA BESCEC V(V) ,0.65 ,0.65 ,0.65 ,0.65 V,V V,0 I,125mA CESCEBECBCh 80~400 40~180 40~180 40~180 V,1V I,100mA FECEC交 流 f(kHz) , , ,8 f,465 V,-6V I,10mA ,,CBE参 数 h色标分档 (黄)40~55 (绿)55~80 (蓝)80~120 (紫)120~180 (灰)180~270 (白)270~400 FE B 管 脚 E C (4) 3DG100(3DG6) 型NPN型硅高频小功率三极管 表19 3DG100(3DG6) 型NPN型硅高频小功率三极管的参数 3DG6 原 型 号 测 试 条 件 3DG100A 3DG100B 3DG100C 3DG100D 新 型 号 P(mW) 100 100 100 100 CM极I(mA) 20 20 20 20 CMBV(V限,30 ,40 ,30 ,40 I,100µA CBOC) 参BV(V,20 ,30 ,20 ,30 I,100µA CEOC数 ) BV(V,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 I,100,A EBOE) I(,A) ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 V,10V CBOCB直I(,A) ,0.1 ,0.1 ,0.1 ,0.1 V,10V CEOCE流I(,A) ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 V,1.5V EBOEB参V(V) ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 I,10mA I,1mA BESCB数 V(V) ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 I,10mA I,1mA CESCB h ,30 ,30 ,30 ,30 V,10V I,3mA FECEC f(MHz) V,10V I,3mA f,100MHz R,5, ,150 ,150 ,300 ,300 CBELT交K(dB) V,-6V I,3mA f,100MHz ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 CBEP流C(pF) ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 V,10V I,0 obCBE参 数 h色标分档 (红)30~60 (绿)50~110 (蓝)90~160 (白)>150 FE B 管 脚 E C down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project264clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to - (5) 3DG130(3DG12) 型NPN型硅高频小功率三极管 表20 3DG130(3DG12) 型NPN型硅高频小功率三极管的参数 3DG12 原 型 号 测 试 条 件 3DG130A 3DG130B 3DG130C 3DG130D 新 型 号 P(mW) 700 700 700 700 CM极I(mA) 300 300 300 300 CMBV(V, 40 , 60 , 40 , 60 I,100µA 限CBOC) 参BV(V, 30 , 45 , 30 , 45 I,100µA CEOC数 ) BV(V, 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 I,100,A EBOE) I(,A) , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 V,10V CBOCB直I(,A) , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 V,10V CEOCE流I(,A) , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 V,1.5V EBOEB参V(V) , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 I,100mA I,10mA BESCB数 V(V) , 0.6 , 0.6 , 0.6 , 0.6 I,100mA I,10mA CESCBh ,30 , 30 , 30 , 30 V,10V I,50mA FECEC交f(MHz) V,10V I,50mA f,100MHz R,, 150 , 150 , 300 , 300 CBELT流5, K(dB) V,–10V I,50mA f,100MHz 参, 6 , 6 , 6 , 6 CBEP数 C(pF) , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 V,10V I,0 obCBE h色标分档 (红)30~60 (绿)50~110 (蓝)90~160 (白)>150 FE B 管 脚 E C (5) 9011~9018塑封硅三极管 表21 9011~9018塑封硅三极管的参数 (3DG) (3CX) (3DX) (3DG) (3CG) (3DG) (3DG) 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9018 型 号 P(mW) 200 300 300 300 300 200 200 极CMI(mA) 20 300 300 100 100 25 20 限CMBV(V) 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 CBO参BV(V) 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 CEO数 BV(V) 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 EBO 0.01 0.5 0,5 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 I(,A) CBO直0.1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 I(,A) CEO流0.01 0.5 0,5 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 I(,A) EBO参V(V) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.35 CES数 V(V) 1 1 1 1 1 1 BESh 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FEf(MHz) 100 80 80 500 600 交T 流C(pF) 3.5 2.5 4 1.6 4 ob参K(dB) 10 P数 h色标分档 (红)30~60 (绿)50~110 (蓝)90~160 (白)>150 FE 管 脚 E B C -plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed265down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 6(常用场效应管主要参数 表22 常用场效应三极管主要参数 N沟道结型 MOS型N沟道耗尽型 参数名称 3DJ2 3DJ4 3DJ6 3DJ7 3D01 3D02 3D04 D~H D~H D~H D~H D~H D~H D~H 0.3~10 0.3~10 0.3~10 0.35~1.8 0.35~10 0.35~25 0.35~10.5 饱和漏源电流I(mA) DSS 夹断电压V(V) <,1~9, <,1~9, <,1~9, <,1~9, ,,1~9, ,,1~9, ,,1~9, GS >2000 >2000 >1000 >3000 正向跨导g(,V) ,1000 ,4000 ,2000 m >20 >20 >20 >20 >20 >12~20 >20 最大漏源电压BV(V) DS 100 100 100 100 100 25~100 100 最大耗散功率P(mW) DNI 8 88888栅源绝缘电阻r(,) ,10,10 ,10 ,10 ,10 ,10~10,100 GS9 G D 或 管脚 S D S G 五(模拟集成电路 1.模拟集成电路命名方法(国产) 表23 器件型号的组成 第0部分 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 用字母表示器件用字母表示器件的类型 用阿拉伯数用字母表示器件用字母表示器件的封装 符合国家标准 字表示器件的工作温度范围 符意义 符意义 的系列和品符意义 符意义 种代号 号 号 号 号 o C T TTL C 0~70CW 中国制造 陶瓷扁平 oH HTL E -40~85C B 塑料扁平 oE ECL R -55~85C F 全封闭扁平 oC CMOS M -55~125C D 陶瓷直插 F ??? P 线性放大器 塑料直插 ? D J 音响、电视电路 黑陶瓷直插 W K 稳压器 金属菱形 J T 接口电路 金属圆形 例: C F 741 C T 金属圆形封装 o o 0 ~ 70C 器件代号 线性放大器 中国国家标准 clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project266 2(国外部分公司及产品代号 表24 国外部分公司及产品代号 公司名称 代号 公司名称 代号 CA NE 美国无线电公司(BCA) 美国悉克尼特公司(SIC) LM 美国国家半导体公司 (NSC) 日本电气工业公司(NEC) ,PC MC RA 美国莫托洛拉公司(MOTA) 日本日立公司(HIT) TA 美国仙童公司(PSC) ,A 日本东芝公司(TOS) TL 美国德克萨斯公司(TII) 日本三洋公司(SANYO) LA,LB AD AN 美国模拟器件公司(ANA) 日本松下公司 IC M 美国英特西尔公司(INL) 日本三菱公司 3(部分模拟集成电路引脚排列 (1) 运算放大器,如图3所示: (2) 音频功率放大器,如图所示: 抑 抑 正 输 调 电 自 制 制 输 电 出 零 源 举 纹 空 纹 入 空 源 端 端 端 端 波 脚 波 端 脚 8 7 6 5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 LM741 LA4100 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 调 负 正 负 输 电 衬 补 补 负 空 零 输 输 电 出 源 底 偿 偿 反 脚 端 入 入 源 端 地 地 端 端 馈 端 端 端 端 图3 图4 (3) 集成稳压器,如图所示: LM 317 调 输 整 入 1 2 3 输出 图 5 down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed267down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology low 4(部分模拟集成电路主要参数 (1) ,A741运算放大器的主要参数 表25 ,A741的性能参数 电源电压+U+3V~+18V,典型值+15V CC 10kHz 工 作 频 率 -U-3V~-18V, -15V EE 2mV 1MHz 输入失调电压U单位增益带宽积A•BW IO u20nA 输入失调电流I转换速率S0.5V/,S IO R 106dB 90dB 开环电压增益A共模抑制比CMRR uo 50mW 输入电阻R2M, 功率消耗 i 输出电阻R75, 输入电压范围 ,13V o (2) LA4100、LA4102音频功率放大器的主要参数 表26 LA4100~LA4102的典型参数 典 型 值 参数名称/单位 条 件 LA4100 LA4102 30.0 26.1 耗散电流/mA 静 态 45.4 44.4 电压增益/dB R,220,,f,1kHz NF1.9 4.0 输出功率/W THD,10%,f,1kHz 0.28 0.19 总谐波失真,100 P,0.5W,f,1kHz 0 0.24 0.21 输出噪声电压/mV R,0,U,45dB gG 注:+U,+6V(LA4100)+U,+9V(LA4102) R,8, CCCCL 、CW7812、CW7912、CW317集成稳压器的主要参数 (3) CW7805 表27 CW78,,,CW79,,,CW317参数 CW7805 CW7812 CW7912 CW317 参数名称/单位 +10 +19 -19 输入电压/V ,40 +4.75~+5.25 +11.4~+12.6 -11.4~-12.6 +1.2~+37 输出电压范围/V +7 +14 -14 最小输入电压/V +3,V-V,+40 io+3 +3 +3 0.02%/V 电压调整率/mV 1.5 最大输出电流/A 加散热片可达1A 二极管 表示符号:D 稳压二极管 变容二极管 表示符号:ZD,D 双向触发二极管 表示符号:D 表示符号:D down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project268clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to - 稳压二极管 肖特基二极管 桥式整流二极管 隧道二极管 表示符号:ZD,D 表示符号:D 发光二极管 光敏二极管或光电接收二隧道二极管 双色发光二极管 极管 表示符号:LED 表示符号:LED NPN型三极管 复合三极管 单结晶体管(双基极二极光敏三极管或光电接收三 管) 表示符号:Q,VT 极管 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed269down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology low 带阻尼二极管NPN型三极PNP型三极管 PNP型三极管 NPN型三极管 管 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 带阻尼二极管及电阻NPN型三极管 带阻尼二极管IGBT 场效应管 IGBT 场效应管 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 表示符号:Q,VT 场效应管增强型P-MOS 场效应管增强型N-MOS 接面型场效应管P-JFET 接面型场效应管N-JFET down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project270clear by bear construction task of 电阻 电阻器或固定电阻 场效应管耗尽型N-MOS 场效应管耗尽型P-MOS 电阻 电阻器或固定电阻 表示符号:R 表示符号:R 可调电阻 电位器 电位器 可调电阻 表示符号:VR,RP,W 表示符号:VR,RP,W 表示符号:VR,RP,W 表示符号:VR,RP,W 三脚消磁电阻 二脚消磁电阻 压敏电阻 热敏电阻 表示符号:RT 表示符号:RT 表示符号:RZ,VAR 表示符号:RT 271down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed 光敏电阻 电容(有极性电容) 电容(有极性电容) 可调电容 CDS 表示符号: 表示符号:C 表示符号:C 电容(无极性电容) 四端光电光电耦合器 六端光电光电耦合器 表示符号:C 表示符号:IC,N 表示符号:IC,N 单向可控硅(晶闸管) 双向可控硅(晶闸管) 晶振 石英晶体振荡器 双向可控硅(晶闸管) 表示符号:X 石英晶体滤波器 单列集成电路 晶振 石英晶体振荡器 表示符号:X 双列集成电路 表示符号:IC或U 表示符号:X 272clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project 表示符号:IC或U AND gate 非门 运算放大器 OR gate 或门 倒相放大器 保险管 NAND gate与非门 NOR gate 或非门 保险管 表示符号:F 表示符号:F 带铁芯电感线圈 永久磁铁电感 变压器 表示符号:L 表示符号:L 表示符号:T 273down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed 线路输入端子 继电器 继电器 电池 或直流电源 扬声器 按键开关 双极开关 表示符号:S AC 交流 特别重要的 电流源 电池 或直流电源 DC 直流 -ugh the construction of grasskeeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and thro-completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting recordocess in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and ion prroblem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementatspecific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of pering articipate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on enginen an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head pnd eveering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management ae hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Enginein thwaste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project274clear by bear construction task ofdown work of purpose has two aspects: a is to -down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low 公共接地端 恒压源 恒流源 GND 公共接地端 信号源 -roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-ation meeting and at each meeting record. Formared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of datecompany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeion I , and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordinatd total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progressers anrt of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in ownare important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important paments onomy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change docuive economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the ecengineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we g use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed275down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of-plementation related sector and the personnel, technology lowdown we by technology chief engineer is responsible for im
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