首页 陕西警官职业学院发展规划



陕西警官职业学院发展规划陕西警官职业学院发展规划 陕西警官职业学院五年发展规划 (2010-2014) 根据国务院《关于大力发展职业教育的决定》,国发„2005?35号,、教育部《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》,教高„2006?16号,的要求~结合学院实际~制定我院五年发展规划。 一、发展方向和目标 (一)指导思想和办学方向。 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~全面贯彻落实科学发展观和党的教育方针~坚持社会主义办学方向~以服务为宗旨~以就业为导向~遵循高等职业教育规律~发挥行业办学优势~坚持学历教育与在职...

陕西警官职业学院发展规划 陕西警官职业学院五年发展规划 (2010-2014) 根据国务院《关于大力发展职业教育的决定》,国发„2005?35号,、教育部《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》,教高„2006?16号,的要求~结合学院实际~制定我院五年发展规划。 一、发展方向和目标 (一)指导思想和办学方向。 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~全面贯彻落实科学发展观和党的教育方针~坚持社会主义办学方向~以服务为宗旨~以就业为导向~遵循高等职业教育规律~发挥行业办学优势~坚持学历教育与在职培训并重~警察类专业和法律实务类专业并举~警务化管理和素质教育互促~院局、企学联办共赢~使专业教学与行业服务一体化~为国家社会经济发展、民主法制建设和建设西部强省服务。 具体思路是:学历教育应以行业和社会需求为导向~以服务基层为目标~按照立足本系统~面向大政法~服务最基层~奉献全社会的办学理念进一步提升办学质量和办学水平~努力提高毕业生就业率~把学院建设成陕西有地位、全国有影响的Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endocrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiac 警察院校,培训工作按照指令性培训与自主性培训结合、警察轮训与法律服务培训互补、领导培训与新警培训并重的原则~依托和发挥行业优势~加大培训工作力度~实现每年完成3000人次以上培训任务的目标。 (二)人才培养和发展目标。 立足政法~面向基层~服务社会~培养政治合格~具有理论分析能力、专业实践能力~司法职业能力~能胜任基层政法和法律服务、经济社会服务等工作的应用型、技能型人才~努力把学院建设成陕西省基层政法队伍后备人才的摇篮、法律服务人才的苗圃、司法行政系统在职干警培训基地。 (三)办学性质和办学规模。 省政府领导、省司法厅主管、教学业务接受省教育厅管理指导的全日制普通高等职业学历教育和在职警官及其他司法行政人员培训并重的省属普通高等职业学院。 全日制高职在校生规模为6000人~即每年招生2000人。每年培训在职警官和其他司法行政人员3000人次以上。 (四)办学特色。 按照高职警察院校的要求~把忠于党、忠于祖国、忠于人民、忠于法律~作为培养人才的首要标准~通过先进的办学理念、严格的警务化管理和科学的课程体系~突出司法警察职业素质、警务技能的培养~努力培养“政治过硬、业务精通、作 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo2 风优良、执法公正”的政法干警、政法预备人员、法律和社会经济服务人才~形成浓厚的警察院校文化氛围。 (五)招生和就业。 1、招生以陕西为主~同时面向西部地区及周边省份。招生严格执行省普通高校的招生规定~警察专业学生执行警察院校有关规定。 2、在学院招生和就业工作领导小组领导下~招生就业处具体实施招生工作与就业指导工作~各系负责本系毕业生的就业工作~确保机构、人员、经费“三落实”、“三到位”。加强招生宣传和就业指导工作专业化、全程化、信息化建设~健全毕业生服务体系~完善招生就业工作机制。 3、商请省人事、编办、司法、公检法等部门~积极安排优秀毕业生经过自愿申请、考试考核~择优录取到政法基层一线就业。同时按照双向选择、择优录用的办法~推荐毕业生到社会各方面去就业。广开门路~多辟途径~提高毕业生就业率~毕业生就业率达95%以上。 二、专业建设 (一)总体要求。 以教育部《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》为依据~以培养政法基层单位工作需要的应用型、技能型人才为目标~以社会的有效需求为导向~科学合理设置专业~努力创建特色 technology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo3 专业和重点专业~更好地为陕西经济社会发展和政法队伍建设服务。 (二)基本原则。 1、适应社会需要的原则, 2、遵循教育教学规律的原则, 3、突出重点~兼顾一般的原则。 (三)目标任务。 1、总体目标。 到2014年~学院专业建设达到教育部颁布的《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估方案》所要求的合格标准。建成3-5个院级特色重点专业~建设2个以上省级重点专业~积极争取国家级重点专业建设。 2、具体目标。 ,1,高职教育在现有13个专业,治安管理、侦查、刑事执行、社会工作、司法警务、法律事务、法律文秘、应用英语、会计与审计、国际经济与贸易、物业管理、司法信息安全、计算机应用技术,的基础上~积极适应行业和经济社会发展的需求~力争3—5年内再新增8—10个专业~把警察类专业和法律类专业作为优势和特色专业给予重点扶植~同时着力办好其它适应社会需求的各类专业。 ,2,在职培训要面向基层、面向实战~遵循培训教学规 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo4 律~ 突出不同层次培训的特点~确保主体培训~积极办好委托培训。同时适应新时期政法工作和经济社会发展的需要~依托行业、面向社会大力开拓培训市场~不断扩大培训规模~加强培训项目建设~提高培训层次和培训效益。和行业部门、政府机关、企事业单位广泛开展多形式、多层次的在职培训~扩大学院影响~增强办学活力。 ,3,课程建设。在学院开设的100余门课程中,必修80余门~选修20余门,~在5年内将30门左右的专业课程、技能型课程和思想政治理论课建成院级精品课程~力争建成4-6门省级精品课程~2门以上国家级精品课程~在师资、设备、经费等方面给予重点保障。 (四)工作措施。 1、加强领导~统筹规划。 ,1,加强对专业建设的领导。学院学术委员会负责对专业建设进行规划、论证、咨询和指导。各系、部要认真落实专业建设的各项措施和要求~在专业建设指导委员会、专业带头人、专业教学团队的有效工作推动下~确保教学和专业建设工作有序开展。 ,2,结合各专业特点~从社会需求出发~培养建设3-5个院级特色重点专业~培养和扶植精品课程~5年内培育出一大批骨干教师和优秀专业带头人。 culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endotechnology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion5 ,3,新增设专业须根据行业和社会需求以及学院实际~由各系、部提出可行性报告~提交院学术委员会论证。避免盲目建设和重复建设~对虽具条件但市场前景不佳的专业~要及时调整~或暂停招生。 2、强化特色重点专业和重点课程建设。 ,1,重点建设和扶植一批师资力量强、教学质量高、教学条件好、社会适应性强、特色鲜明的优势专业。到2014年~学院设置高职教育专业设置达到20个以上~其中院级特色重点建设专业3-5个。 ,2,重点课程建设。根据高等职业院校人才培养工作评估工作的要求~把行业和社会需求强烈、满足岗位,群,技能要求的主干核心课程作为重点建设对象~在师资、实训、经费等方面给予重点保障。 3、加大经费投入~优化办学条件。 学院要专列教学经费预算~用于教学设备、实验实训设施和图书资料等的购置、更新和改善。在学院整体收入逐年增加的基础上~要保证教学投入的逐年递增。 4、设立科研基金和教改基金~加强教研和科研工作。 办好校刊。设立科研基金和教改基金~加强对科研项目的立项、核查和验收工作~建立健全学院教研、科研和学术成果奖励办法。定期召开教研工作经验交流会和科研学术成果交流 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo6 会~鼓励教育教学创新~真正做到以教学带动科研~以科研促进教学。加强产学研结合~组织教师开发、编写适应行业特点和时代要求的教材和高质量的实训指导书~深入开展教育教学方面的课题研究。教师每年发表学术论文不少于200篇~其中在核心期刊发表学术论文不少于30篇~力争每年主持行业科研项目不少于5项。 5、加强教材建设~改革教学内容。 ,1,优选省部级以上获奖的高职高专教材~2013年以前~将近3年出版的全国法律高职教育高职高专教材使用率提高到70%以上。 ,2,积极开发教材。支持、鼓励本院特色重点建设专业的教师~编写适合本专业人才培养需要的高职教材~在院内试用。 ,3,加强新专业教材和实验实训教材的建设~利用多媒体技术~整理汇编各类声像资料和CAI软件~编写配套的教学指导书和实验实训教材~逐步形成我院独具特色的、先进的、完整的教材体系。 6、以提高学生的综合素质和职业岗位能力为目的~构建科学的课程体系~实施教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和考试方式的改革。加强对学生平时学习过程的考核~积极推动试题库建设~促进教考分离~不断强化对学生职业技能水平的测试 culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endotechnology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion 7 与考核。 7、健全教学质量监控体系~加强教学质量考核。充分发挥学院教学督导委员会的监督指导作用~按照《学院教学督导工作暂行 条例 事业单位人事管理条例.pdf信访条例下载信访条例下载问刑条例下载新准则、条例下载 》的要求~积极开展各项工作~强化学生评教、同行评教、专家评教和教师评学活动~进一步完善教学质量考核评价办法~建立有效的教学质量纠偏和激励机制~不断提高教学质量。 8、实施职业素质教育~加强基地建设。 ,1,有计划、有重点、分步骤地建设一批设施齐全、装备先进、管理规范的校内专业实训基地。2014年~校内实验实训室由21个增加到27个~实验实训课的开课率达到80%以上~切实提高实验实训课的教学质量。 ,2,力争在2011年以前校企共建一批相对稳定、基础条件好、有一定指导能力的校外专业实习实训基地~2014年校外实习实训基地由56个增加到80个。 ,3,大力推行产学结合的人才培养教育模式~积极开展订单式培养~扩大毕业生顶岗实习覆盖面~强化双证书教育~提高毕业生获取双证书的比例~保证人才培养方案的顺利完成。 三、队伍建设 (一)师资队伍建设。 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo8 1、总体目标。 以邓小平理论和 “三个代表”重要思想为指导~贯彻落实科学发展观~体现以人为本教育理念~不断优化教师学历结构、职称结构、专业结构、年龄结构。坚持教育教学改革、创新办学思路、内建 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 、外树品牌形象的方针~建立有利于优秀人才成长的培养管理模式和机制~建设一支具有警院特色、结构合理、素质优良、敬业爱岗、专兼结合、富有活力、适应学院科学发展的高水平师资队伍。 2、具体目标。 ,1,制度建设目标。 制定和完善教师培养与 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~逐步形成科学、规范的教师管理制度体系~保护教师合法权益~全面实行教师职务的评聘分离管理方法~完善和规范教师职称评审制度~建立科学的教师分级聘任考核办法~科学管理专任教师、“双肩挑”教师和校外兼职教师。 ,2,教师队伍规模目标。 以加强专任教师队伍的建设为主~同时加大“双肩挑”教师的培养力度。经过五年的努力,使我院专职教师数量达到170人,占教师总数72%,~教师总数达到220人左右,专兼职教师占教师总数92%,~生师比控制在16:1以内。。 ,3,职称结构目标。 culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endotechnology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion9 经过五年的努力~学院教授资格人数达到25人以上~副教授资格人数达到65人以上~教授、副教授受聘80人以上,占教师总数的34%,~取得讲师资格的教师超过100人,占教师总数42%,。 ,4,学历结构目标。 学院鼓励教师提高学历~采取引进、招录、培养等多种途径~保证在专职教师队伍中硕士研究生以上学历教师每年增加不少于10人~规划期内师资队伍中硕士以上学历,学位,教师达到100人以上~博士研究生达到5人以上~争取40岁以下专任教师中具有硕士以上学位者达到70%以上。 ,5,年龄结构目标。 要培养年轻的高学历、高职称、高素质人才,力争45岁以下的教授达到3-4名~40岁以下的副教授占副教授总数的25%。专职教师平均年龄在40岁左右。 ,6,双师结构目标。 学院重视培养双师素质教师~鼓励专任教师向双师教师转变~支持教师到基层单位顶岗实践、挂职锻炼~加强“双师型”教师培养的同时加大双师素质教师的培养。力争通过五年的培养学院“双师素质”教师超过100人。 3、加强和改进教师队伍建设的措施。 学院将从制度建设、组织保证、人员配备、资源管理、资 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo10 金支持等几个方面给与有效保障~为师资队伍建设规划的顺利实施创造条件。 ,1,领导重视~制度健全。 学院成立师资队伍建设规划领导小组~由主管院领导负责~组织人事处、教务处、各教学系部指定专人负责~按职能职责划分~各司其职~抓好落实。组织人事处根据师资队伍建设规划制定年度计划~上报有关培训经费预算~各教学系部根据本部门具体情况制定本单位培训计划~学院从财力上、物力上给与有效保障。各部门要进一步理顺思路~加强协调~密切配合~定期检查、确保师资队伍建设规划和年度计划的落实。 ,2,加强教师的思想政治工作和职业道德教育。 加强师德建设~以德育人。学院通过制定教师职业道德规范~组织引导广大教师树立正确的教育观、质量观和人才观~增强实施素质教育的自觉性~促使教师自觉履行《教师法》等明确的义务和职责~真正使广大教师能够爱岗敬业~为人师表~严谨笃学~依法治教~关爱学生~成为实施素质教育的优秀园丁。 学院通过每年表彰奖励优秀教师~广泛宣传模范教师、教学名师的先进事迹~带动广大教师学模范~赶先进~努力营造学院重视教学科研、教师积极参与教学科研、博学上进的浓厚氛围~促使整个教师队伍师德水平的提高。 technology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo11 ,3,通过“引进、培养、优化结构”~稳步提高教师队伍的业务素质。 ?严把教师入口关~确保专任教师队伍的质量。 一要制定优惠的引进高学历、高职称及紧缺专业人才政策~重点引进各政法大学和中央司法警官学院狱政管理学等我院相关特色专业的硕士研究生。 二要严把专任教师入口关~落实高校教师资格认定规定~凡要求进入专任教师岗位的~均须具有高校教师资格证。 ?加快教师培养、培训步伐。 一是组织教学经验丰富具有较高职称的教师对年轻教师传、帮、带~组织观摩教学的方式~培养青年教师和新上岗教师。 二是严格教师培训制度~认真落实《高等学校教师培训工作规划》~着眼于更新知识~全面提高教师素质的继续教育~鼓励教师外出参加业务课程进修和专业实习,加强校内计算机、外语和电化教学手段的培训~提高教师使用多媒体等现代教学技术手段的运用能力。 三是通过走出去、请进来的方式~定期选派部分专业课教师到基层进行顶岗实践、挂职锻炼~聘请基层相关专业经验丰富的专家到院内进行讲座~拓展教师专业知识面~加强实践与教学的结合。 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo12 ?优化专业结构~提高教师队伍学历层次。 学院加大提高专任教师学历力度~鼓励中青年教师攻读相关专业硕士研究生以上学历。学院每年制订的人才计划~应以接收硕士研究生以上学历为主。 ?加强“双师素质”教师队伍建设~提高广大教师实践动手能力。 学院鼓励教师参加全国统一组织的对口专业资格考试或对口专业第二职称评审~如工程师、经济师、会计师、软件师、程序员、裁判员、司法考试等~考试通过的教师学院给予奖励。 各教学系、部每年应有计划地组织部分专业教师到对口单位实践~今后凡专业课教师每3年必须确保半年以上的基层实践经历~职称晋升任现职期间需有基层实践工作经验~鼓励系、部教师积极参与应用技术成果研究和校内实践教学设施建设~对水平先进、使用效果好且成果被相关单位使用~产生一定效益~反应良好的成果予以一定奖励。 ,4,加强学术梯队建设和中青年专业带头人的培养。 要制定措施认真做好院级专业带头人和教学科研骨干的选拔培养工作~特别加强对中青年教师的选拔培养。通过科研、教研立项~资助出版专著~资助论文发表版面费、教学科研办公软件开发费等专项经费的方式~使带头人和骨干尽快成长。 technology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo13 ,5,切实关心和落实教师的政治、工作和生活待遇。 一是完善教学科研成果奖励制度。逐年提高教学、科研成绩突出的教师待遇,逐步改善教师的住房办公条件,改善教学、科研环境~更新仪器设备~提倡多媒体教学。 二是建立优秀教师假期外出疗养制度~每学年在专任教师中选拔一定数量的优秀教师外出疗养、考察~在教师中形成一种良性竞争氛围。 建设一支忠诚教育事业、素质优良、治学严谨、充满活力的教师队伍~是一项复杂的系统工程~需要内部条件与外部环境相互促进~协调发展。学院各部门~广大教职工应齐心协力~相互支持~密切配合~把我院师资队伍建设提高到一个新的水平。 (二)管理队伍建设。 1、总体要求。 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻落实科学发展观~以教学工作为中心~不断加强教职工队伍的政治思想建设、组织纪律作风建设和职业道德建设~切实提高教职工的工作积极性、主动性~按照公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则~推进学院干部人事制度改革~努力建设一支精干、高效、结构合理的高素质的管理队伍。 2、具体措施。 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo14 ,1,坚持用邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想武装全体教职工的头脑~认真落实“三进”要求~把各级领导班子、各党总支、党支部建设成为坚强的领导集体~使之真正成为贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和努力践行科学发展观的组织者、推动者、实践者~真正成为团结带领广大教职员工建设发展学院的中坚力量。 ,2,根据国家有关政策~全面推行全员聘用制度~实行处、科级干部公开选拔、竞争上岗和职务聘任制度~一般干部、工人“双向选择”竞争上岗、择优聘用制度~形成优秀人才脱颖而出的环境和机制。 ,3,健全和完善教职工教育培训制度~通过在职学习、培训进修、挂职锻炼等途径~开阔视野~增长见识~更新观念~有计划地提高管理队伍素质。 ,4,吸收借鉴外校的先进经验和做法~推行岗位目标责任制~建立健全适合不同岗位工作特点的岗位资格条件和考核指标体系~促进各项管理工作的科学化、规范化。 ,5,适应警务化管理工作不断发展的需要~有计划地加强学生管理人员的教育培养~完善管理制度~提高管理水平~增强办学特色。 ,6,加大人事制度改革力度~实行定岗、定编、定责~优化管理队伍~把管理人员队伍和教师队伍的比例控制在1? classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endotechnology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas15 1(5左右。 ,7,力争在2010年解决学院教师和行政管理人员入警问题~严格按照司法行政系统人民警察有关规定加强管理~严肃警容风纪。 四、校园建设 校园是培养人才的重要基地~是学院形象的外观表现~创造一流的校园环境是现代教育理论的内在要求~是落实环境育人的重要基础。 (一)建设目标。 学院现共占地151亩,100700平方米,。为满足现代化高职教育的需要和学生对教学条件、生活环境的要求~适应以陕西司法行政系统干警教育培训为主体的各类培训需要~根据教育部关于生均占地面积的规定,按照学院在校生6000人的办学规模~学院校园建设目标应达到占地面积600亩以上。经省、市政府批准~我院在西安市未央湖旅游开发区新征土地596亩~作为陕西警官职业学院的新校区~目前正在以高起点、高标准为要求~力争把新校区建成环境优美、布局合理、功能齐全、设施完备、具有浓厚警察院校文化氛围的一流校区~从根本上改善办学基本条件。 (二)基本原则。 学院新校区建设应遵循以下原则: iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo16 1、高起点~高标准。建设新校区~要立足高职学历教育和在职司法干警教育培训~着眼长远发展~高起点规划~高标准建设~切忌随意性~避免校园建设中的短期行为。 2、突出育人功能和办学特色。新校区建设必须紧紧围绕人才培养目标~突出育人功能~设置人文景点~优化人文环境。同时必须拥有警察院校所必须的警体馆、游泳池、刑事执行现场模拟场地、实验室、模拟法庭、驾训中心、射击场、武器弹药装备库和正规的专业实习实训基地。 3、统筹规划~分步实施。根据学院现状和未来发展趋势~校园建设要本着规模、速度、效益相统一的原则~新老校区统一规划~分步实施~做到既保证现有教学秩序正常运转~又促进新校区建设快速发展~同时兼顾广大教职工切身利益。 (三)建设思路和措施。 总体思路:在未央湖旅游开发区建设新校区~进行高职学历教育和全省司法行政系统干警教育培训。现有校区通过逐步改造~作为教职工生活区。 工作措施:?在新校区建设领导小组领导下~新校区建设办公室具体办公~专门负责基建日常工作。?多渠道筹措资金。新校区建设资金~拟采取财政支持、学院自筹、社会联合办学等多种方法筹集。?及时向省司法厅、省发展和改革委、省教育厅、省规划局等上级主管部门汇报工作~加强与浐灞管委会 technology. About: cardiac disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x line diagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion culardiagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (ACS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovas classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificationand f Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy and function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 week and ECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system o edicalhesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular mrheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology Medicine Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesttions intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Department Department of internal medicine outpatient infec2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear medicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (crinology and metabolism section Cardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo17 等单位的协调沟通~寻求支持和指导。 iagnosis; Typical electrocardiogram diagnosis cardioversion technology. About: cardiacline dCS) of points type, and diagnosis and processing; cardiovascular disease common drug of clinical application; common heart x nd clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and processing; acute coronary artery integrated levy (Aism, ad function features; rhythm disorders of occurred mechanism and classification; common cardiovascular disease of onset mechanECG room) 1. Rotary purpose master: cardiovascular system of Anatomy and physiological; heart conduction system of Anatomy ank and and training content and requirements (a) cardiovascular medical 4 months (containing cardiovascular medical outpatient 2 weene Department of clinical laboratory science surgery Anesthesiology obstetrics and Gynecology Oncology (radiotherapy) Three, Mediciepartment Department of internal medicine outpatient infections rheumatic Psychiatry Internal Medicine Dermatology pathology edicine rooms) 3 2 Emergency Department of Neurology (intensive care unit), 4 (b) alternative Web Department Department Dcrinology and metabolism section 2 Department of medical imaging (including ultrasound and nuclear mCardiovascular Medicine (with rooms) 4 kidney 2 respiratory medicine Department of Hematology, 3 2 Gastroenterology 3 of Endo18
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