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牛津版8A 第三单元 课时练


牛津版8A 第三单元 课时练牛津版8A 第三单元 课时练 Unit 3 A day out 第1课时 Welcome to the unit 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.需要锻炼 ___________________ 2.保持健康 ______________________________ 3.爬上 _______________________ 4.乘船旅行 ______________________________ 5.走过悉尼歌剧院 _____________ 6.玩得开心 _____________________...

牛津版8A 第三单元 课时练
牛津版8A 第三单元 课时练 Unit 3 A day out 第1课时 Welcome to the unit 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.需要锻炼 ___________________ 2.保持健康 ______________________________ 3.爬上 _______________________ 4.乘船旅行 ______________________________ 5.走过悉尼歌剧院 _____________ 6.玩得开心 ______________________________ 7.在河边 _____________________ 8.美国总统 ______________________________ 9.白宫 _______________________ 10.埃菲尔铁塔的顶部 _____________________ 11.保重 ______________________ 12.参观著名的海湾大桥 ___________________ 二、句型转换 1. Nick is having a great time in Australia.(同义句转换) Nick is ________ ________ in Australia. 2.Jane’s house is a beautiful building. It has a big garden and many trees.(合并为一句) Jane’s house is a beautiful building ________ a big garden and many trees. 3.You need to exercise and keep fit.(对划线部分提问) ______ ________ you need to _________ ? 4.The boy is not young. He can dress himself.(同义句转换) The boy is ______ _______to dress himself. 5.He decided to go to the island by boat.(同义句转换) He decided to ________ a boat _______the island. 6.Lucy often lends her dictionary to Li Hua. (同义句转换) Li Hua often _______ a dictionary _______ Lucy. 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. You needn’t _______ those things if you _______them. A. buy ; needn’t B. buy ;don’t need C. to buy ;need D. to buy ;needn’t ( ) 2. He is a handsome boy ______ large bright eyes. A. have B. has C. with D. having ( ) 3. I walked _____a shop on my home yesterday. A. passed B. past C. by D. on ( ) 4. He looked tired . He ______ . A. needs rest B. neeeded to rest C. was in need of rest D need to rest ( ) 5. Did you enjoy _______ at the party , my children? A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. yourselves ( ) 6. Sydney is ______ . A. the capital of Australia B. the name of a big building C. a big city in Australia D. a big city in America ( ) 7. My uncle lives ______ 105 Beijing street. A. on B. at C. to D. of ( ) 8. ----Could I have some water? -----Certainly. There is ______ in the bottle. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 9. I spent half an hour ______ my homework. A. finish doing B. to finish doing C. finish to do D. finishing doing ( ) 10.The window is broken(坏的).Try to ______who broke it. A. look for B. look C. find out D. find 二、词形变换 1.Here is a card for you with our best ________ (greet) . 2.Most of people enjoy _________ (travel) by train because it’s safe and comfortable. 3.He kept __________(sit) there for tow hours without _________(move) . 4.Our English teacher often tells us ________(do) many _________(exercise) after class. 5.You can see many ____________(foreign) in Beijing. 6.Nobody else is here. I can’t do it by _________ (I). 7.Lucy has ________(little) coffee than the other girls. 8.It is not hot today. Please keep the door ________ (close). 9.We can’t live _________ (with) air or water. 10.I was very ________ (surprise) at that news. 三、完形填空 English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But it is also used very widely 1 a foreign language in many 2 countries in the world. If you travel in India, or France, or 3 other country in the world, you will 4 be able to use English. It is used by travelers and business people 5 the world. That is 6 we are learning English in China. It is 7 of the world’s most important languages 8 it is so widely used. If you learn even 9 English, you will find it useful after you 10 school. ( )1.A.like B.by C.for D.as ( )2. A.other B.others C.another D.the other ( )3 A.hardly any B.almost some C.almost not D.almost any ( )4. A.yet B.still C.never D.not ( )5. A.over B.at C.all over D.to ( )6. A.why B.because C.what D.how ( )7. A.some B.one C.any D.none ( )8. A.why B.how C.whether D.because ( )9. A.a lot B.a little C.a few D.a bit ( )10. A.leave B.will leave C.leaves D.are leaving 第2课时 Reading 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.邀请某人做某事 ___________________ 2.看起来像真的金门大桥 _______________ 3.做一个网页 _______________________ 4.在开始的时候 _______________________ 5.把照片放在网上供人们看 ___________ 6.名胜古迹 ___________________________ 7.全世界 ___________________________ 8.歌舞庆祝晚会 _______________________ 9.自学 _____________________________ 10.由金属做成 ________________________ 二、根据课文内容填空 The Class 1,Grade 8 students would have a ______trip to the ______Park in Beijing.Their teacher Mr Wu _______Linda to ______ in it. They ______ at the school gate. Then they got on a ________. The trip _______ about two hours. It was boring. Kitty and Linda felt ______ for ______ of the trip. They got _______ when they saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach.They had a good time in the park. There were ______ _____a hundred places of ______ from all ______ the world. They were small _____ wonderful. Students couldn’t _______ their eyes when they saw them. The _____ part was the song and dance ______. It was amazing and Kitty wanted to join in the ______ .When they came back, Daniel put some ______ on his own home page for everyone to look at. 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. You neeed ________ fit. A. exercise keepig B. exercising keeping C. to exercise keeping D.to exercise to keep ( ) 2. It was a great trip ______ we didn’t enjoy it ______ the beginning. A. and; in B. or; at C. so; at D. but; at ( ) 3. The table is made _______ wood. A. of B. from C. by D. in ( ) 4. They _______the school gate very early. A. get to B. arrived in C. reached to D. arrived at ( ) 5. There are some tall trees _______ our classroom. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the front D. at the back ( ) 6. Jim was very busy because he had to do ________housework. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( ) 7. It _______ me 2 hours to finish my homework yesterday. A. will take B. spent C. took D. cost ( ) 8. This apple is ______ redder than that one. A. very B. too C. much D. more ( ) 9. We do morning _______ every day. A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised ( ) 10 .The baby needs _______more. A. sleeps B. to sleep C. sleep D. to sleeps 二、词形变换 1.He ________ ( get ) on the train and ________ ( leave ) his hometown ten days ago. 2.Come on, Hobo. Let’s _______ ( enjoy ) ourselves. 3.Yesterday he_________ (fall) off a big tree and hurt badly. 4.The shirt is too small for me. Give me a _______ ( big ) one. 5.She was ________ ( amaze ) at the beautiful fish under the sea. 6.What an __________ ( amaze ) result it is!. 7.He makes a living by ________ ( make ) toys. 8.It _________ ( take ) me 2 hours to finish my homework yesterday. 9.The students spend 2 hours in _________ ( plant ) the young trees. 10.The places of interest are _________ ( bore ). 三、阅读理解 Americans think much about time. From children they learn to value(重视) time. As children, they are taught to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying( 快要死了), they say he is living on borrowed time. Time is money. Time is knowledge( 知识).Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the money. In his spare time, he also works hard for more money. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly see that a man walks slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running. They love time because time can bring them money and a lot of things. But sometimes they feel they have become servants(仆人)of the clock. ( ) 1. A working American has to work _______hours a week in his working time. A. seventy B. eighty C. five D. forty ( ) 2. An American always walks _______. A. easily B. fast C. slowly D. quietly ( ) 3. He is living on borrowed time means _______. A. he is dying B. he is dead C. he has a lot of money D.he has no time ( ) 4. In his spare time, an American usually ________. A. has a good rest B. plays cards with their friends C. stays at home all day and watches TV D. gets more money by working ( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The Americans think much about time. B. All Americans always have a deep love for time only. C. The Americans even value their spare time. D. Some of the Americans hate time. 第3课时 Vocabulary 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.颐和园 _______________________ 2.天安门广场 ______________________ 3.更多地了解 ___________________ 4.在过去 __________________________ 5.看一看 _______________________ 6.感受…的美 ______________________ 7.乘地铁旅行 ___________________ 8.北京市中心 ______________________ 9.欣赏京剧 _____________________ 10.人民英雄纪念碑 _________________ 11.茶室 ________________________ 12.在高速公路上 ___________________ 13.不再 ________________________ 14.整个下午 _______________________ 15.从一地到另一地_______________ 16.城市之间的主要公路 _____________ 二、句型转换 1. I’m not afraid of dogs any more.(改为同义句) _________________________________________. 2. Miss Green rides her bike to work every day.(对划线部分提问) _________________________________________? 3. I tink it will rain tomorrow.(改为否定句) __________________________________________. 4. Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. (改为同义句) __________________________________________. 5.It took me about two and a half hours to walk there. (改为同义句) __________________________________________. 6. It’s half an hour’s walk from my home to school. (对划线部分提问) __________________________________________? 三、改错(在错误下面划线,把正确答案写在后面的横线上) 1. Tom invited me go swimming with him. ______________ 2.The puppets are very beautiful, don’t they? ______________ 3.The all family were happy and they asked us to go there. ______________ 4. He needs only a small room to live. ______________ 5. What a great fun we had in the World Park! ______________ 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1.She was late for the meeting because she _______ the bus. A.failed B. missed C. missing D. lost ( ) 2. No one taught ______ English. He learned it _______. A. him, by himself B. his, by himself C. him, himself D. his, by himself ( ) 3. The trip _____ about 3 hours from the school to the park. A. cost B. used C. spent D. took ( ) 4. ______ elephant is ______useful animal. A. An, an B. The, an C. An, a D. A, an ( ) 5. This maths problem is too hard. I think ______ students can work it out. A. a few B. a little C. few D.little ( ) 6. There ______ a lot of traffic in the daytime. A. are B. is C. are going D. will have ( ) 7. He needs to stay healthy, _______? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. needn’t he D. needn’t him ( ) 8. ---- _____ good time we are having! -----Yes. And ______easy life we are living! A. What a, what an B. What, what C. How, what D. What, how ( ) 9. I wonder _________ himsef. A. where is Simon hiding B. where Simon hiding C. where Simon is hiding D. what is Simon hiding ( ) 10. ----Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine.----___________. A. That’s a good idea. B. Very well C. That’s OK. D. No 二、词形变换 1.There are many __________ (interest) places in China. 2. _______ (luck), he didn’t pass the exam. 3. When I walk slowly around the lake at the sunset, I feel the _______(beacutiful) of this city. 4. He writes ___________ (care) in his class. 5. After the PE class, the teacher gave them something _________ (drink). 6. We are both interested in ________ (chat) on line 7. Believe ________ (you), you are the cleverest student. 8. Yesterday he ________ (drive) to his office, but this morning he _____ (ride) there. 9. I _________(plan) the trip to the Temple of Heaven at present. 10.They _________ (climb) over the mountain when I saw them. 11. I’m afraid he ________ (not be) able to play basket in three months. 12.Do you know how ________ (make) a model plane ? 三、缺词填空 When you travel in Hongkong, you must be c______ of the traffic rules, because the traffic there keeps to the left and it’s d_______ fom that of the interior(内地)of China. Before c_______ the street, you must look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop, people can go arcoss the zebra line. If the lights t______ green, the traffic can go, people m_____ cross the road. In the morning and in the evening, when people go and from w______, the streets are very busy. The traffic are the most d_______.When you go somewhere by bus in Hongkong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic keeps to the left. Have a look first, or you may go the w_______ way.In Hongkong, there are a lot of big buses w_______ two floors. You’d better sit on the s_______ floor. From there you can watch the city well. 第4课时 Grammar 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.做…玩得痛快 ____________________ 2.捉迷藏 _______________________ 3.把自己拉上去 ___________________ 4.同意干某事 ___________________ 5.弄伤自己 ______________________ 6.拍照 _________________________ 7.随便吃…… ______________________ 8.在车的前部 ___________________ 9.攀岩 ____________________________ 10.自学 ________________________ 11.决定呆在家里 ___________________ 12.保守秘密 ____________________ 13.看日落 _________________________ 14.去骑马 ______________________ 15独自 ___________________________ 16.暗自 ________________________ 二、句型转换 1.Tom and Jerry are famous cartoon stars.(对划线部分提问) __________ are famous cartoon stars? 2.Must I finish doing this work?(作否定回答)____, ____________. 3.The Olympic Games are really amazing. I have lots of fun watching it.(用and, but或or连接) ______________________________________________________________ 4.She wonders what she should do next.(同义句转换) She _______ ________ ________ what ________ ________ next. 5.The trip was very boring at last.(改为感叹句) _________ _________ the trip __________ at last! 6. Daniel doesn’t feel well today. Daniel studies very hard. (用and, but或or连接) ___________________________________________________. 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. Beijing Zoo is an interesting place _________. A. visit B. visits C. to visit D. visited ( ) 2.The Palace Museum is _______. These foreigners are all _______ in it. A. amazing, interested B. amazed, interested C. amazed, interested D. amazing, interesting ( ) 3. My mother is a teacher ________ my father is a teacher, too. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( ) 4. After drinking a glass of hot milk, I felt _______. A. good B. better C. best D. tired ( ) 5. Work hard, _______ you will fall behind others. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 6. Liu Ruru, a Mongolia leader, always thinks more of ________ than of _______. A. him; other B. the other; him C. himself; the other D. others; himself ( ) 7. Will you choose ______ in the front of the bus ______ in the back? A. to sit; and B. sitting; but C. sit; or D. to sit; or ( ) 8. The boy ate some bread and wasn’t _______ hungry. A. any more B. no more C. some more D. not any more ( ) 9. It’s too hot _______ the coat. A. to put on B. put on C. to wear D. wear ( ) 10 .Let me introduce _______. A. yourself B. myself C. my D. mine 二、词形变换 1. He tried ________ (open) the door with a knife,but he failed ________ (do) it. 2. Please remember __________ (close) the window when you leave. 3. Did your mother agree _________ (go) with me? 4. The students saw a lot of old things people _______ (use) thousands of years ago. 5. I hope _________ (see) the beautiful sunset and I want _________ (take) photos of it. 6. Thanks for __________ (agree) me __________ (join) you. 7. Help ________ (you) to some fish, Tom and Linda. 8. The mother made the poor girl __________ (play) the piano for eight hours a day. 9. ---- Whose book is this? ----It’s _______(me),and it doesn’t belong to ________(he). 10.Mother is very busy, I often help ________ (she) with the housework. 三、任务型阅读 When you go on a holiday, there is a lot to see and to do. There are many interesting places, (1)____________parks and museums to visit. (2) You can go shopping but buy some nice souvenirs for your friends. There are also a lot of theatres and concert halls to go. You can see many films and listen to music. Do you like to play computer games? Do you enjoy watching films? What kind of activities do you like to do when you are on holiday? If you have one day to visit London, please follow me. First you can go shopping in Oxford Street. You can walk through Hyde Park. There are many restaurants over there. Then you can have lunch there. There are many museums in Oxford Street. The British Museum is near the street. You can visit it in the afternoon. In the evening you can go to the theatre. Many theatres are in Shaftebury Avenue. Don’t forget Buckingham Palace. (3)I think you’ll have a good time. 1.How can you go to the Hyde Park? ______________________________________. 2. 将文中(2)句中的一处错误找出并改正。___________________________________. 3. 在(1)处填上适当的词(组)使句义完整正确。_____________________. 4. 写出(3)句的同义句。 _________________________________. 5. If you have one day to visit London, what can you do there? _______________________________________________. 第5课时 Integrated skills 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1. 得到奖杯和奖牌 ___________________ 2.at the end of… ___________________ 3. cost of the trip _____________________ 4.发生 ___________________________ 5.返回到 ___________________________ 6.进入篮球赛的决赛 _______________ 7.别忘记带上你的朋友 __________________8.在饭店前上车 ___________________ 9.需要你的支持 _____________________ 10. 到达南山学校 _________________ 二、根据中文意思、首字母提示填空 1.I’m p________ for the trip to Guangzhou. 2. Our team ________(赢得) the basket final today. 3.I’m a_______ I can’t pass the exam. 4.They a_______ at the stop too late, so they missed the bus. 5.It’s a secret. You can’t telll a_________. 6.The teacher __________ (想知道) who broke the window. 7.Thanks for __________ (同意) to let me watch the match on TV. 8.Who taught him to sing the song? Nobody. He taught h________. 9. You must speak English as much as p_______. 10.Let’s go and __________ (喝彩) for them. 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. It is ______ rainy in summer. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( ) 2. Father went to the doctor for _______ about his heart trouble A. an advice B. some advice C. advices D. many advices ( ) 3. What are they talking _______ the teacher ______? A. to, with B. with, to C. to, for D. to, about ( ) 4. My teacher’s new hair style makes her ________. A. to look young B. looks young C. look young D. looking young ( ) 5. I often spend a lot of time _______ softball after class. A. practisng play B. to practise to play C. to practise playing D.practising playing ( ) 6. I think diving is ______ dangerous than cycling. A. very B. much C. more D. as ( ) 7. Why ________ come to school earlier? A. not to B. not C. don’t D. don’t to ( ) 8. ---The bus has stopped. Let’s _____ .---OK. Take care not to fall to the ground. A. get on it B. get it on C. get off it D. get it off ( ) 9. The bridge is made______ stones and paper is made _______ wood. A. of, of B. from, from C. of, from D. from, of ( ) 10 .Shall I get someone ______ her lessons? A. help B. to help C. help with D. to help with 二、词形变换 1.Please write down the ________ (win) names on this piece of paper. 2.They ________ (choose) to sit at the back of the classroom,so they couldn’t see clearly. 3.The dog threw ________ (it) at the foot of the tree. 4.The _______ (climb) on the rocks are crying for help. Let’s go and save them. 5.There’s a ________ (present) of the cup and medals at 11:45 a.m. 6.We are very sad that he’s even ________ (ill) today. 7.I’ll spend as much money as I can _________ (buy) you a computer. 8.I hope _______ (become) a doctor _______ (treat) all patients. 9.It’s two _______ (hour) coach ride from here. 10. It is ________ (interest) to see so many old things. 三、完形填空 A Frenchman was once having his holiday in Japan, but he could not speak Japanese. 1 day he went to visit some places. 2 he came back, it was twelve. He felt tired and 3. He went to a restaurant and 4 down at a table. When the waiter came 5 , the Frenchman opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them 6 again. 7 this way he wanted to say,”Bring me something to 8 .” The waiter 9 brought him a cup of tea. The Frenchman shook (摇) his head and the waiter 10 that he didn’t want tea, so he took it away and brought him a glass of milk. The Frenchman shook his head 11 . He was very hungry now and looked 12 hen another man came in. When this man 13 the waiter, he put his hands 14 his stomach(肚子). After a few minutes, there was a large plate of bread and meat on the table in front of him. The Frenchman smiled and 15 he had his meal in the same way. ( )1. A. One B. A C. On one D. In a ( )2. A. While B. When C. During D. As soon as ( )3. A. well B. strong C. thirsty D. hungry ( )4. A. lay B. sat C. put D. lied ( )5. A. over B. again C. on D. to ( )6. A. up B. out C. off D.down ( )7. A. By B. In C. At D. On ( )8. A.eat B. play with C. drink D. take ( )9. A. slowly B. soon C. first D. always ( )10. A. told B. understood C. answered D. said ( )11. A. again B. either C. yet D. still ( )12. A. tired B. interested C. worried D. surprised ( )13. A. saw B. caught C. shouted D. laughed at ( )14. A. into B. on C. out of D. in ( )15. A. at first B. last time C. long ago D. at last 第6课时 Main task 练习反馈 一、翻译下列词组 1.回到美国 __________________________ 2. 在下半场 ______________________ 3一天外出游玩的计划 ________________ 4.使它成为有趣的一天 _____________ 5.尽可能 ____________________________ 6.最后 ___________________________ 7.代替…… __________________________ 8.换乘公共汽车 ___________________ 9.攀岩 _____________________________ 10.下定决心 ______________________ 11.算出 ____________________________ 12.每个人旅行的费用 ______________ 二、改错 (在错误下划线,并把正确答案写在后面的横线上) 1. Let’s join in the computer group. ______________ 2.Which foreign country will you go this summer holiday? ______________ 3.What did the teacher ask Tom to speak at the meeting? ______________ 4.Why not we go to the Palace Museum? _____________ 5.We will meet our friends at the Moonlight Town in March 1. ______________ 6.Remember not to play water or fire. ______________ 7.He only needs a small room to live. ______________ 8.Look, there is a road in the front of the building. ______________ 9.I am not feeling well. Can you give me any hot water? ______________ 10.Would you please not to stand here? ______________ 拓展提高 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. I didn’t like the trip, because it was hot ______ boring. A. but B. and C. or D. so ( ) 2. Students in our class always ______ home at five. A. get to B. reach to C. arrive at D. arrive ( ) 3.There were ______ friends of hers at the gate. So she left quickly. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 4.Millie likes Maths best. So she does her best ______ it well. A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. of learning ( ) 5. Our playground is about 150,000_______. A. squares metres B. metre square C. squares metres D. square metres ( ) 6. Don’t worry. I’ll send you the email ________. A. as soon as possible B. as soon as possibly C. as soon as can D. as quick as possible ( ) 7. Why ____ you _____ to enjoy the Beijing Opera? A. did, not to go B. didn’t, go C. not, go D. won’t, to go ( ) 8. “The Great Wall is beautiful. It’s the most beautiful place of interest in China” This sentence is ______ A. an opinion B. a fact C. not an opinion D. not a fact ( ) 9. They hope ______ the Summer Palace next week. A. hope me to visit B. hope visiting C. hope to visit D. hope themselves to visit ( ) 10 .The TV tower stands at _____ end of Jiefang Road. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 二、词形变换 1.He often leaves her daughter at home by _________ (she). 2. The books aren’t _______ (we), but ______ (they) 3.No one teaches ________ (we) English. We teach ________ (we). 4.Beijing is one of __________ (good) ________ (city) in the world.. 5.What did you think of my idea? Sorry, I ________ (not catch) it. 6.The ________ (run) will do their best at the sports meeting. 7.The teacher was ______ (cheer) because we won the match. 8.The film we saw yesterday was the ________ (bore)one. I don’t like it at all. 9. He was the ______ (nine) to get to the top. 10. How _______ (luck) you are to catch the last bus! 三、完形填空 Who says honesty is dead ? Last Tuesday morning Allan Reed, a student at Claremond College here, was getting 1 money out of the bank. He wanted to have 50 dollars and the teller(银 行出纳员) 2 him five twenties instead of five tens. For a few seconds, as Allan tells it, he wondered 3 to do. Should he give the extra (额外的)money back ? Keep it ? 4 he kept it, he could buy several new CDs, or he could take his friend Simon to a big dinner. 5 no one would ever notice(注意到). But then he 6 the teller. She was a middle-aged woman with a sweet face, and she reminded(使…想起) him of his mother. She had been nice to him. Then he thought that there were probably(可能) exact(精确的) 7 kept of how much money was paid out, and the 8 would probably get in trouble. 9 of all, Allan felt he would probably feel 10 about keeping the extra money. Allan gave back the money. ( ) 1. A less B. some C. any D. several ( ) 2. A. added(增加) B. took C. asked D. gave ( ) 3. A. what B. how C. where D. when ( ) 4. A. So B. If C. As D. Since ( ) 5. A. Quickly B. Shortly C. Probably D. Safely ( ) 6. A. saw B. listened to C. heard D. looked at ( ) 7. A. records (记录) B. dates C. photos D. places ( ) 8. A. mother B. students C. lady D. man ( ) 9. A. Each B. Worst C. Part D. Best ( ) 10. A. excited B. satisfied(感到满意的)C. happy D. guilty 参考答案 第1课时 练习反馈 一、1.need to exercise 2. keep fit 3.climb up 4.take a boat trip 5.go past the Sydney Opera House 6.have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself 7.by the river 8.the President of America 9.the White House 10.the top of the Eiffel Towwer 11.take care 12.visit the famous Harbour Bridge 二、1. having fun//enjoying oneself 2. with 3.What do, do 4. old enough 5.take , to 6.borrows, from 拓展提高 一、1-5 BCBCD 6-10 CBBDC 二、1. greetings 2. traveling 3. sitting, moving 4. to do, exercises 5.foreigners 6. myself 7.less 8.closed 9.without 10. surprised 三、1-5 DADBC 6-10 ABDBA 第2课时 练习反馈 一、1.invite sb. to do sth. 2. look like the real Golden Gate Bridge 3. make a home page 4.at the beginning 5.put the photos on the Internet for people to look at 6. places of interest 7.all over the world 8. the song and dance parade 9.teach oneself/learn by oneself 10. be made of metal 二、school ,World, invited, join, met, coach, took, sick, most, excited, more than, interest, over, but, believe, best, parade, dancing, photos 拓展提高 一、1-5 DDADB 6-10ACCBB 二、1. got, left 2. enjoy 3. fell 4.bigger 5.amazed 6.amazing 7.making 8. took 9.planting 10.boring 三、DBADB 第3课时 练习反馈 一、1. the Summer Palace 2. Tian’anmen Square 3. learn more about 4.in the past 5. have/take a look 6. feel the beauty of 7. travel by underground 8.the centre of Beijing 9.enjoy Beijing Opera 10. the Monument to the People’s Heroes 11.tea house 12. on the highway 13.no more/longer 14.the whole afternoon 15. from one place to another 16.the main road between cities 二、1. I’m no more afraid of dogs 2. How does Miss Green go to work every day? 3.I don’t think it will rain tomorrow. 4.Daniel learned how to make home page by himself. 5.I spent two and a half hours walking there. 6.How far is it from your home to school? 三、1. go?to go 2.don’t?aren’t 3.The all?All the 4.live?live in 5.去掉a 拓展提高 一、1-5 BADCC 6-10 BAACA 二、1.interesting 2.Unluckily 3.beauty 4.most carefully 5. to drink 6.chatting 7.yourself 8. drove, rode 9. am planning 10.were climbing 11.won’t be 12.to make 三、careful, different, crossing, turn, mustn’t, work, dangerous, wrong, with, second 第4课时 练习反馈 一、1. have a good time doing 2.play hide-and-seek 3.pull oneself up 4.agree to do sth. 5.hurt oneself 6.take photos 7.help oneself to 8. in the front of the car 9.climb the rocks/pull oneself up the rocks 10.teach oneself/learn by oneself 11.decide to stay at home 12.keep secrets to oneself 13.watch the sunset 14.go horse riding 15.by oneself 16.to oneself 二、1.Who 2.No, you needn’t 3. The Olympic Games are really amazing and I have lots of fun watching it. 4. wants to know, to do 5. How boring, was 6.Daniel doesn’t feel well today, but he studies very hard. 拓展提高 一、1-5 CAABB 6-10 DDBCB 二、1.to open, to do 2. to close 3. to go 4.used 5. to see,to take 6 agreeing, to join 7.yourselves 8.play 9.mine, him 10. her 三、1. On foot 2.but?and 3. such as/like 4. I think you will have fun/enjoy yourself/yourselves. 5.We can go shopping, have lunch, visit many museums, go to the theatres and visit Buckingham Palace 第5课时 练习反馈 一、1. receive the cup and medals 2.在…的末尾/尽头/结尾 3.旅行的费用 4.take place 5.return to 6.in the final of the basketball competition 7.don’t forget to bring your friends 8.get on the bus in front of the restaurant 9. need your support 10.arrive at/get to/reach South Hill School 二、1. preparing 2. won 3. afraid 4. arrived 5. anyone/anybody 6. wondered 7.agreeing 8. himself 9. possible 10.cheer 拓展提高 一、1-5 CBDCD 6-10 CBCCD 二、1. winners’ 2.chose 3. itself 4.climbers 5. presentation 6.worse 7. buying 8. to become, to treat 9. hours’ 10.interesting 三、1-5 ABDBA 6-10 BBABB 11-15 ACABD 第6课时 练习反馈 一、1. return to America 2. in the second half 3. the plan for a day out 4. make it a fun day 5. as … as possible 6.at last/in the end 7.instead of 8.change to the bus 9.climb up the rocks/pull oneself up the rocks 10.make up one’s mind 11. work out 12. the cost of the trip per person 二、1.去掉in 2. go?go to 3. speak?say 4.去掉we/not?don’t 5.in?on 6.play?play with 7.live?live in 8. 去掉the 9.any?some 10. 去掉to 拓展提高 一、1-5 BDAAD 6-10ABACC 二、1.herself 2.ours, theirs 3. us, ourselves 4.the best, cities 5.didn’t catch 6.runners 7.cheerful 8.most boring 9.ninth 10.lucky 三、1-5 BDABC 6-10 DACBD
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