首页 英语角活动策划方案



英语角活动策划方案“英语角”活动策划方案 一、活动目的: 为进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生英语口语的表达能力,开辟英语学习的新途径;同时为营造健康向上、积极进取的校园学习氛围,切实提高大学生英语学习能力,特别是口语表达能力,为爱好英语口语交流的中学生朋友搭建一个施展才华提高英语能力的平台,本学期,国交系将为广大热爱英语学习的同学们准备了一系列丰富多彩的英语角活动。 具体活动时间地点请关注我们的宣传海报。 我们将以最新颖、最强大的阵容和最热情、最用心的投入,欢迎新老Fans的参与,相信新英语角将给Fans们带来视觉上的强...

“英语角” 活动策划 关于宿舍活动策划书4s店活动策划方案家电活动策划方案校园活动策划方案周年庆活动策划方案 方案 一、活动目的: 为进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生 英语口语 昂秀英语口语900句英语口语兴趣小组教案英语口语课教学设计小学英语口语训练如何提高英语口语ppt 的表达能力,开辟英语学习的新途径;同时为营造健康向上、积极进取的校园学习氛围,切实提高大学生英语学习能力,特别是口语表达能力,为爱好英语口语交流的中学生朋友搭建一个施展才华提高英语能力的平台,本学期,国交系将为广大热爱英语学习的同学们准备了一系列丰富多彩的英语角活动。 具体活动时间地点请关注我们的宣传海报。 我们将以最新颖、最强大的阵容和最热情、最用心的投入,欢迎新老Fans的参与,相信新英语角将给Fans们带来视觉上的强大震撼和听觉上的全新感受,并为同学们的英语学习再助一臂之力~ 二、活动对象、时间及地点: 活动口号:I CAN SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH 活动对象:全院师生(主要面向国交系学生) 活动时间:每双周三下午15:00—16:30 活动地点:图书馆六楼 三、基本设想:体现以学生为主,发挥教师的引导作用 1、活动场地的布置由学生设计和装饰,体现学生的爱好和需求,同时以海报的形式进行宣传,吸引学生参加。 2、每次活动的主题由老师和学生共同商定,活动内容贴近学生实际和生活。 3、活动以游戏、对话等形式开展,突出语言的功能性。 4、每次活动至少安排四位英语教师参与设计和指导。 四、活动内容与形式: 1. 表演:英文歌曲、即兴演讲、英文笑话、英文电影经典对白等等。 2. 自由交谈:由主持人阐述一个主题,大家围绕这个主题展开讨论,发表自己的观点和看法。 3.原声模仿秀:播放一段影片,然后根据英文字幕给影片配音,由学生自愿报名模仿表演。 4(娱乐: A.“心有灵犀”:选几个同学,一边用英文解说一边表演,其他人猜出单词。 1 B.单词接龙:即由一个人说一个单词,下一个人以前一个人说的单词的最后一个字母为首字母,再接一个新单词。 C.中英文的谚语竞猜。 D(英语绕口令:每次出两名学生参加比赛,由主持人评出优胜,最后由教师重复一遍。 5.师生互动:学生向外教提问,或者请外教讲有关外国的风俗。 6.进行英文问答或者抢答。 五、具体活动 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 : 第一次(第四周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:学唱“Do Ray Me” 2.会话主题:country life and city life 3.活动过程: Part 1 学唱“Do Ray Me”,缓和第一次英语角的紧张气氛,为会话作过渡。带唱几次后,由学生齐唱,再学生自我推荐唱,个人表演唱的学生获特别礼品一份。 Do-Re-Mi Let's start At the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C; When you sing you begin with Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi The first there notes Just happen to be Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti Doe-a deer, a female deer Ray-a drop of golden sun Me-a name, I call myself Far-a long long way to run 2 Sew-a needle pulling thread La-a note to follow "sew" Tea-a drink with jam and bread That will bring us Back to Do-oh-oh (Repeat) Part 2 以“country life and city life”为主题让学生展开自由会话、表演会话、教师小结话题,在学 生自由会话过程中,引导学生对比“country life”和“city life”,说说他们的喜好,最后融入 教育思想,让学生说说城市与乡村的问题,并想想和说说如何改进。 第二次(第六周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:猜词(组织者用英语描述物品、动作或状态,让学生猜所描述的物品、动 作或状态) 2.会话主题:computers 3.活动过程: Part 1 根据口头描述猜词 1. It is a lovely animal on land. It has a long tail. Often it does something like people because it wants to learn from people. It likes climbing trees too.(Monkey) 2. It’s very useful in summer. It can keep your food cold so that the food won’t go bad. You can put your drinks in it for a few minutes and then take them out. They may tastes better. (fridge) 3. You do this every day, sometimes in the day, but often at night. When you feel tired, you do it. When you do it, you often have dreams.(sleep) 4. When you own this, you lose things on your way, you fall off the bike if you go by bike, you go to the bookshop but fail to buy a book because the shop is closed today. You want to wash your hand, but there is no water right now. (bad luck) 5. It is the biggest in the world. It is blue. When you are in the open air and look up, you will see it. When it is happy, the sun shines. When it is not happy, it will cry and plenty of tears drop from it. (sky). 3 6. When you go fishing, you sit on it. When you want to get some money, you go there. (bank) 7. You buy something from the shop and never use it, you say it is….. You get up the next morning, you have a ……day. You and John just become friends. You make a ….. friend. (new) 8. He knows you well and you know him well. He is the daughter of your father’s son but you are not your father’s daughter. Who is he? (your son) Part 2 1. Free talk and speaking: Computers 引导学生说说电脑的广泛用途、与人类的关系以用它们的特点。最后让学生讨论学生如 何有选择地使用电脑。 2.总结,发奖品。 第三次(第八周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:听一段话画一幅图 2.会话主题:Holidays 3.活动过程: Part 1 学生根据组织者口头描述内容画一幅画:It’s early in the morning. It is blowing strongly and there are clouds in the shy. Look over there, some trees are broken down. A bus stops there because a big tree is lying in front of it and it cannot go ahead. Oh, that’s bad, it begins to rain now. a cow is standing in the rain and it doesn’t feel like eating. There, something is flying in the sky. It’s such a big piece. Part 2 1. Free talk and speaking: Holidays 引导学生围绕课堂以外的假日、暑假、寒假,春节假说说自己的活动,想想自己的计划, 让人听听他们的爱好习惯。 2. 总结,发奖品。 第四次(第十周)活动计划 1.游戏内容: 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 接龙 2.会话主题: health and food 4 3.活动过程: Part 1 本活动主要是训练学生的思维逻辑结构能力、想象能力。 A:先解释此活动的规则 1(先由组织者讲出故事的开头第一句,即提示。 2(学生根据开头,依顺序一个接一个地按自己的想象将故事情节补充完整。 B:游戏开始后组织者要从旁给予帮助,如一些相关的词汇。 Part 2 以“food and health”为主题谈论饮食健康,多吃什么,少吃什么,早餐的重要性,尽量不冷饮等。 第五次(第十二周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:“Add on” 2.会话主题:看图说话 3.活动过程: Part 1 游戏是训练学生英语描述能力与及短期记忆,将学生分成若干组,以比赛的形式进行,展示图片,要求学生根据图片内容描述,每说出一个完整句子可得一分,接下来必须在原句子的基础上添加新的内容,以抢答形式进行。例如: A: I see a living room. B: I see a living room and a beautiful box. C: I see a living room and a beautiful box. A cup is on the box. D: …… Part 2 让学生根据图片说一段话,先个人演练,再选代表进行比赛,图片大意如下: A boy isn’t feeling well and doesn’t feel like eating anything. His mother is worried. She takes him to the doctor. The doctor is looking after the boy very carefully and taking the boy’s temperature. It is serious. It is just a bit of cold. The doctor says the boy needs a good rest and takes some medicine. 第六次(第十四周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:朗读 5 2.会话主题: different weather in different seasons 3.活动过程: Part 1 以比赛形式竞出朗读好手,然后组织者朗读句子,参加的学生个人轮流跟读,谁模仿得 最相似就胜出。 Part 2 要求学生说出一年四季的天气特点以及他们对一年四季的喜好。 第七次(第十六周)活动计划 1.游戏内容:Words explaining 2.活动过程: 将学生分成三组,每组选三个成员上台释词,其余组员猜词,猜中一词得一分,分数最 多的一组胜出。另外释词能让组员猜中词数最多的个人奖前三名,即个人优胜奖。释词 的个人可任意选择一组词 A组: 1. people teacher, farmer, sister, friend, lady, boy, driver, classroom, cook, nurse, tourist, scientist, daughter, policeman, player, journalist, seller, shopkeeper, engineer, Chinese. 2. animals tiger, monkey, rabbit, elephant, panda, snake, dolphin, duck, chicken, fish, horse, cat, dog, cow, sheep, bear, shark, bird, deer, fox 3. sports and entertainment football, match, fishing, boating, picnic, skating, volleyball, climbing, singing, trip, dancing, swimming, party, reading, hiking ,travel, walk, talking, running, morning exercise B组: 1. time Sunday, moment, June, spring, week, quarter, date, noon, year, Tuesday, lunch, day, September, holiday, winter, birthday, evening, weekend, minute, midnight 2. feeling interesting, afraid, cold, happy, sick, terrible, cool, angry, tired, free, sad, strange, hungry, 6 poor, sorry, different, serious, hot, lucky, safe 3. school things pencil, blackboard, radio, paper, clock, picture, dictionary, eraser, book, desk, ruler, light, exercise ---book, schoolbag, playground, trees, office, bell, computer C组: 1. buildings cinema, school, theatre, factory, church, zoo, shop, market, library, hotel, playground, kitchen, restaurant, toilet, hospital, station, café, bank, museum 2. furniture TV, desk, radio, chair, light, cupboard, fridge, spoon, computer, telephone, cup, chopsticks, bed, basket, knife, plate, washing--machine, toy, brush, bike 3. action jump, sing, eat, drive, hear, swim, draw, sit, drink, sleep, smell, knock, laugh, cut, read, cry, buy, run, fly 六、指导教师与学生排表: 日期 Topics 指导教师 第四周 Country life and city life 夏晓云、杨艳、黄金晶、朱小英、许文婧 第六周 Computers 李波、林虹、刘永波、沈媛、水蓉娇 第八周 Holidays 蔡苏勤、毛一琼、邬巧娜、冯彩燕、李科、戴中 光 第十周 Health and food 王娟、韩红、傅冰、徐岚、左玲玲、梅蒋巧 第十二看图说话 洪燕琴、舒卷、雷富盈、宋文娟、柯发春、余飞 周 英 第十四Different weather in different 王琦、任玉萍、李卓娣、邓蓉年、叶琴、方旭阳 周 seasons 第十六Words explaining 朱风梅、王志军、孙益春、李佳芮、蒋其宝、苏 周 大龙 七:补充说明 各位教师: 7 本学期我系将开展系列的英语角活动,为了带动学生较好的参与,营造良好的学英语的氛围,为学生的第二课堂建设服务,我们需要各位教师能积极的加入到英语角活动中。 本活动两周一次,每双周周四下午14:00-16:00在图书馆四楼廊吧进行。敬请各位老师根据下列排表安排按时参加英语角活动,指导学生练习英语口语。在去之前,请各位老师根据话题适当的准备一下。 谢谢大家合作~ 8
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