首页 计划经济时代的工资单



计划经济时代的工资单计划经济时代的工资单 不久前翻箱倒柜~在一个皮面斑驳的笔记本中无意看到一份计划经济时代的工资单。那时全国~除军队外不论什么行业几乎都实行两种工资制度~即政治系列与技术系列工资制度。其中政治系列按行政级别~从国家主席、人大委员长、政协主席到基层办事员共分为30档,技术系列按技术等级~从总工程师、科学院院士、大学一级教授、研究员到实习生分18级。 行政级别、技术级别对应的工资如下: 一、 行政级别工资 1级,国家主席、人大委员长、政协主席、党中央主席,月工资,下同,644元 2级,上述职位副职, 581元 3...

计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济时代的工资单 不久前翻箱倒柜~在一个皮面斑驳的笔记本中无意看到一份计划经济时代的工资单。那时全国~除军队外不论什么行业几乎都实行两种工资制度~即政治系列与技术系列工资制度。其中政治系列按行政级别~从国家主席、人大委员长、政协主席到基层办事员共分为30档,技术系列按技术等级~从总 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师、科学院院士、大学一级教授、研究员到实习生分18级。 行政级别、技术级别对应的工资如下: 一、 行政级别工资 1级,国家主席、人大委员长、政协主席、党中央主席,月工资,下同,644元 2级,上述职位副职, 581元 3级,上述职位副职, 577.5元 4级,秘书长、委员、部长、省长, 460元 5级,同上, 414元 6级,同上, 368元 7级,同上, 322元 8级,同上, 287.5元 9级,上述职位副职及党中央、国务院、中央军委各部委办的司局长, 253元 10级,同上, 218.5元 11级,同上, 195.5元 12级,同上, 172.5元 13级,处长、副处长, 155.5元 14级,同上, 138元 15级,同上, 124元 16级,副处、科长, 110.5元 17级,副科级, 99元 18级,副科级, 87.5元 19级,1级办事员, 78元 20级,2级办事员, 70元 21级,3级办事员, 62元 22级,4级办事员, 56元,大学生转正, 23级,5级办事员, 49.5元,大学生参加工作, 24级,6级办事员, 43元 25级,7级办事员, 37.5元,中专生转正, 26级,8级办事员, 33元 27级,9级办事员, 30元 28级,10级办事员, 27.5元 29级,11级办事员, 25.5元 30级,12级办事员, 23元 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 行政系列中的8至12级为司局、部委办、省府办公厅主任,11至14级为处级,15至18级为科长级,17至21级为科员级,22至30级为办事员级。每个级别有交叉~这只是参考 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。每个人是什么级别根据情况而定。 二、 技术系列工资对应情况 1级,院士、总工、教授、研究员等, 322元,与行政7级相同, 2级,上述副职称, 278.5元 3级 ,同上, 240.5元 4级 207元 5级 178元 6级 154元 7级 133.5元 8级 115元 9级 102元,以上为工程师级, 10级 86.5元,以下为技术员级, 11级 73.5元 12级 62元 13级 55元,大学生转正, 14级 48.5元,大学生实习,, 15级 42.5元,中专生转正, 16级 37元,中专生实习 17级 31元 18级 27.5元 技术级工资1至3级为总工、教授、研究员、院士、主任医师的工资,4至6级为上述技术副职的工资,7至9级为工程师,10至13级为技术员,14至15级助理技术员,16至18级为实习生。 别看上述工资与今天比较~一个月所得不够一顿饭钱~但那时物价极低~ 鸡蛋每斤0.48元~,这个有误~记得是0.8元, 猪肉0.78元~ 大米每斤0.23元~,这个有误~记得是0.156元, 白面每斤0.18元~,这个有误~记得是0.164元, 粗粮每斤0.1元~ 蔬菜每斤在0.05至0.2元之间~ 各类水果每斤也不会超过1元~ 看电影0.05至0.1元。,这个有误~记得是0.05-0.25元, 除了衣食外~参加工作后住房、交通、医疗、办公用品全部免费或分配租用。因此~30级办事员月工资23元~省吃俭用也觉过的满好。 我国今天的工资已经说不清楚是按什么理论制定的~因为五花八门的各类补贴和奖金已经远远超出月工资收入的实际~加上手中有权力的人利用大小权力所得的灰色收入~现在谁也说不清楚各类岗位上的人每月究竟有多少收入: 收入实名制本来可以解决这个问题~并用法律形式固定下来。但那些制订法律的既得利益者们~有谁愿意用法律约束自己的权力~他们怎么可能让每月的收undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 入更加透明~便于让群众监督呢:收入实名制所以难以实施~关键在制订法律的有关部门强调困难~不愿意做损人不利己~只利于国家百姓的所谓傻事: 中国要解决两极分化~实现均富~首要的是制定工资法~实行收入实名制。让那些高收入阶层群体缴纳更多的税赋回馈社会~造福人民。 真是一篇当今十分难得真实史料文章:赞一个:仅做一些补正: 1、大米0.23元/斤的价格~文章所说的是优质大米——“小站米”的价格,一般的南方粗大米是在0.13元—0.16元/斤之间。 2、当时的大多数的水果在0.1—0.3元之间。那时的国家级运动健将每天的水果费补助是0.2元~就是一个佐证。 3、小学的学杂费是每学期2.5元,中学的学杂费是每学期5元,大学不收学杂费~按家庭计算~如果人均收入低于30元~则每月发给大学生18.5元的助学金。 4、冷饮价格:小豆、红果冰棍每支0.03元~奶油冰棍0.05元~雪糕0.1元,汽水每瓶0.15元,冰激凌0.25—0.3元。 5、服装是一身棉布制服15—18元~一身运动服大约也是这个价格。 6、小儿书薄厚不同一本在0.03—0.25元之间。 7、纯毛澳毛毛毯80元。 8、香烟价格:大中华,带过滤嘴,0.72元盒、大中华0.6元一盒,红蓝牡丹0.49—0.51元、群英0.47元、红金0.33元、飞马0.28—0.3元、战斗0.2元、春耕0.11元,还有一毛找的~即0.9分。火柴0.02元一盒。 9、餐饮:10元吃一桌大餐。茅台酒8元一瓶、五粮液5元一瓶、汾酒和西凤酒是2.5元一瓶。 10、锁具:普通挂锁0.15—0.3元~三排密码锁0.28—0.32元。 一张普通10元人民币~在60年代能买些什么,作者:南山大仙 60年代末的物价情况:最低生活费: 8元,如今的物价情况: 840元 60年代末的物价情况:可买大米 80斤,如今的物价情况:5。6斤 60年代末的物价情况:可买大闸蟹 12斤,如今的物价情况:6条腿,按同等质量, 60年代末的物价情况:最大的带鱼 30斤,如今的物价情况:1。5斤 60年代末的物价情况:大黄鱼 30斤,如今的物价情况:鱼鳞 60年代末的物价情况:布匹 1丈余,如今的物价情况:1尺 60年代末的物价情况:青菜 500斤,如今的物价情况:4斤 60年代末的物价情况:猪肉 13斤,如今的物价情况:1.5斤 60年代末的物价情况:牛肉面100碗,如今的物价情况:2碗 60年代末的物价情况:小馄饨 100碗,如今的物价情况: 2碗 60年代末的物价情况:小学学费 6元,如今的物价情况:一只低档文具盒 60年代末的物价情况:看电影200场,学生票,,如今的物价情况:场外听声音 60年代末的物价情况:中挡皮鞋一双,7.68元,~如今的物价情况:一双,7.68元,鞋带 60年代末的物价情况:棒冰 250根~如今的物价情况:10根 60年代末的物价情况:大白兔奶糖 4斤~如今的物价情况:4两 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 60年代末的最低工资是36元~一场电影的学生票是5分~现在的一场电影的学生票最低是30元~是600倍。以次类推~现在的21600元工资才能抵60年代末的工资是36元。而且是最保守的统计~因为成人票那时最贵的是2角~现在中等价格是600元一张~是3000倍。以次类推~现在的108000元工资才能抵60年代末的工资是36元。 原文地址:小云博客:当代工人工资与毛泽东时代工人工资对比作者:春在拂晓 当毛泽东时代的工人的工资二级工38。62相当于当前的5210元~这个消息在广大干部和职工甚至农民中传开以后~引起了最强烈地反响。它如同一声春雷~震响了中国的大地~惊醒了所有还在梦中沉睡的人们。这是当代具有重大意义的发现~揭示了资产阶级的一切用以欺骗的谎言。它将是前三十年和后三十年是前进了还是后退了试金石~是社会主义优越还是资本主义优越的透视镜。 怪不得在毛泽东时代一个老工人的工资可以养十年孩子~而今两个工人的工资养一个孩子也是相当的犯愁,怪不得毛泽东时代的工人积蓄虽说较少~但~人们生活得无忧无虑把全身的精力全部用到社会主义的建设中来~而现在人们即使有十几万元~也忧心忡忡~更何况一点积蓄也没有的人~甚至那些欠债及今日无柴明日无米的人们,怪不得毛泽东时代工人们根本不用担心自己的住房问题~而现在许多还住着破旧的房子里~而且出现了没有住房就不能找到对象~就不能结婚的一大批单身青年,怪不得毛泽东时代不用担心有了病而没有钱医治~而现在没有钱~有了病只有等死的人比比皆是,怪不得毛泽东时代孩子上了小学、中学、大学而没有失学的学生~而现在因为没有钱而上不了大学~因而退回了报考表的学生、放弃上大学的念头的学生相当多...... 我们终于明白了~原来是我们工人的工资下降了~下降到了再也不能下降的程度了~如果再下降的话~我们就有可能冬天睡冰~夏天光腚了。 但是~毛泽东时代工人的这些钱哪里去了,这个我们还不太了解。我们只看到那些月工资几十万、几百万、上千万的人们~我们只看到时常于高档大酒店里出没的人们~我们只看到拆了又建建了又拆了的那壮丽的建设群和令人眩晕高速公路和高速铁路,我们只看到每当星期天~停在大学校门前接女大学生那些豪华的轿车,我们只看到不惜花几百万上千万而狂呼着的各种文艺晚会。不止这些~我们还听说一夜年饭就花掉38万的富豪,我们还听说一次就花去了300万美金的宴席,我们还听说只出不进的二万亿美国的借款,我们还听说有一些几百亿外国货物的订单,我们还听说一次就用去了一千万元的葬礼~还有...... 可是~那些流浪于街头的人们~那些下岗了而又失去了工作能力的人们~那些没有钱做年夜饭只会哀求借钱吃一顿年夜饭的人们~那些没有钱看病跳楼赴难的人和没有钱看病而被抛弃在医院门口的人~那些为了生活而累得吐血了~还要坚持继续给资本家干活的人~那些得了职业病而被赶出工厂的人~那些为了讨薪而不惜流血不怕坐牢的人们~那些还在拣垃圾堆里的菜叶吃的人们~那些...... 这个时候我们要问~在小的时候我们时常挂在嘴边上的一句话~就是我们亲爱的党~我们亲爱的祖国~今天你怎么啦, 我们工人和农民~是中国的大多数人~,九亿农民~工人大约占一亿左右,也就是真正的劳动者应该在大约十亿左右。是我们供给着整个社会的吃穿住行~而我们的工资却是只占整个国家里开支的百分之十。而百分之九十却是在极少数人的手里: undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 下面我们把上海某区的工人的基本工资来计算:,注意:其他的单位的职工的工资都以此类推。其中包括农民、教育界教师、文艺界演员、服务行业、公检法、机关人员还包括退休人员按同等 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 计算~这些行业的工作人员和工人的工资相差不多。, 1976年二级工工资38.87元~值现在5296人民币 因为工资有地区差~下面我们按照上海某地区的工人的工资计算: 毛泽东时代工人的工资二级工41.23元,现在工人工资5617.55元 毛泽东时代工人的工资三级工48.5元,现在工人工资6608.78元 毛泽东时代工人的工资四级工56元,现在工人工资7629.95元 毛泽东时代工人的工资七级工97元,现在工人工资13216。20元 毛泽东时代工人的工资八级工111元,现在工人工资15123。65元 毛泽东时代工人工资全国职工月平均工资:51.25,现在月工人工资6982.77元 毛泽东时代工人全国年平均工资:615元,现在年平均工资83793.16元 从1950年到1972年~工人的工资涨了7倍~如果我们把30年来按照毛泽东时代涨工资的速度和工资数额来最低标准计算应该是: 毛泽东时代工资二级工41.23元+41.23元,82.46元~现在的工资应该是11235.10元 毛泽东时代工资三级工48.5元+48.5元,97元~现在的工资应该是13217.56元 毛泽东时代工资四级工56元+56元,112元~现在的工资应该是15259.90元 毛泽东时代工资七级工97元+97元,194元~现在的工资应该是26432.40元 毛泽东时代工资八级工111元+111元,222元~现在的工资应该是30247.30元 毛泽东时代全国职工月平均工资:51.25+51.25,102.50~现月工资应该是13965.546元 毛泽东时代全国年职工年平均工资:615+615,1230,现年平均工资应该是167586.32元 我们反过来说~现在的工人的工资相当于毛泽东时代工人的工资是多少呢, 15123。65元相当于毛泽东时代八级工111元 13216。20元相当于毛泽东时代七级工97元 7629.95元相当于毛泽东时代四级工56元 6608.78元相当于毛泽东时代三级工48.5元 5617.55元相当于毛泽东时代二级工41.23元 3500元相当于毛泽东时代25.69元 3000元相当于毛泽东时代22.02元 2500元相当于毛泽东时代18.35元 2000元相当于毛泽东时代14.68元 1500元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资11.01元 1200元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资8.81元 1000元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资7.34元 800元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资5.87元 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 600元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资4.40元 500元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资3.67元 300元工资相当于毛泽东时代工资2.20元 150元工资,有的是最低保障费,相当于毛泽东时代工资1.10元 那时的人们享受着公费医疗、义务教育和福利住房~这些福利相当于今天的多少钱呢,以现在为参照~一个家庭的这三项福利是整个家庭除吃喝以外的总收入的2.8倍。 在毛泽东时代~城市人们享受公费医疗、义务教育和福利住房~其中义务教育中小学的学费很少~大学中专以上的学生不但学费由国家承担~每月有生活费~那么~这些无形的福利相当于今天的多少钱呢, 公费医疗:以某市2004年为标准~每人年均医疗消费支出为1434元~按平均每户4人计算,毛泽东时代一个孩子的很少,~每户年均4302元~1964年人均寿命75.85岁~每户一生平均支出相当于今天的为75.85×4320,435046元。 义务教育:以某市2004年为标准~每户年均消费教育支出5510元每户一生平均支出相当于今天的5510×75.85,417934元。 福利住房:80年代~中国城市人均住宅建筑面积由80年代初的3.6平方米~均价按3000元,m2,还不算维修等费用,~每户一生按1.3套房子~户均1.3×3.6×4×3000,56160元。 三项共折:435046,4179345,56160,909140元 不算不知道~一算吓一跳:,本人再强调一下~手头的资料不全~只是一个大致的数字~还有待请精通这个方面的同志更加准确的进行计算。, 有的人认为~“中国工人的劳动生产率高达2200个小时。一个中国工人平均每年创造的价值为12642美元,一个农村劳动力每年才创造910美元。如果把美国的数字也这么拆开来算~一个美国工厂工人一年创造104606美元~农业工人则为52585美元。一个美国的工业工人的劳动生产率是一个中国工人的8 倍多。美国农业工人的劳动生产率则比中国农民高将近58倍:”因此他说~“那么~我们就不妨以这个底线来算出中国工人的平均月薪是多少。中国工人创造的 12642美元~按1美元7.9元人民币,2005年的汇率,来算~就是99872元人民币~接近10万元。按照39%的比例~工人的平均年薪应该是 38950元,平均到月~就是3246元,注意~这只是全国平均数~沿海大城市自然要比这一数字高得多,。同时~每个职工还应该额外享受退休金、全家医疗保险等等。看病除了缴10元或20元的门诊费~拿药再缴10元、20元外~一切都应该免费。自然~孩子上学~也应该免费~上大学至少享受部分奖学金~这才应该是中国工人的最基本生活水平。” 但~我认为~他只是计算现在工人所创造的劳动价值~而没有考虑到如果中国继续沿着毛泽东的路线走~那么~中国绝对不会是现在工人们所创造的劳动价值水平。现在的中国工人之所以毛泽东时代的原来的水平上没有发展~那是因为一、中国现在的工业、企业~已经完全失去了自主创新的能力~一个劲的跟着洋人的屁股后面爬行~好像没有了洋人~中国人都变成了瘫痪病人。而请进来洋人也没有把新技术传给中国~傻巴巴地变成了奴才。二、中国输入的昂贵~输出的价廉。工人们的血汗等于白白地送给了外国。三、中国不注重创建自己的工业基地~而把大量的资金投入了美国等资本主义国家里~名曰“救美国等于救中国”~加上腐败横行~一年的公费旅游、吃喝等费用都远远地超过了整个国家的军费~一顿饭~就可以吃掉全国少年儿童的全部的捐款。还有那些极其不合理的高额工undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 资~以及那些不应该上马的大量的建设项目~如此等等~因此失去了众多地创业资金。四、农村资本主义改造以后~失去了以最快地速度实现现代化大生产~毛泽东时代的水利建设遭到严重破坏~而新的水利建设又不能进行~造成了严重的农业经济的损失。当然~还有许多原因~使中国的工人农民所创造的劳动价值水平赶不上美国等其他的国家。这不能是中国工人农民的无能~是资本主义道路所造成的恶果。如果当初不走资本主义道路~那么~中国的工人农民所创造的劳动价值水平也绝对不会比美国等其他的国家低~甚至可以肯定的说~完全可以超过美国等其他的资本主义国家的水平。因此~我们的工人~我们的农民~他们的生活也绝对不会比美国等其他资本主义国家的低~而且应该是比他们更高。南街村等还没有解散的社会主义的新农村~就是一个有力的说明。他们的工人、农民所创造的劳动价值~远远高于美国工人和其他资本主义国家里的工人所创造的劳动价值。而他们的生活水平~当然也就比美国及其他资本主义国家里的工人们的生活水平高了。 如果按照我们这位网友根据现在中国的发展水平来计算工人农民的工资~那么~在当前来说~如果能够做到这一点~也就是中国的工人农民的福气了: 我们不禁要问~所谓的30年的辉煌的成就哪里去了, 我们工人农民及其他劳动者~辛辛苦苦工作了几十年~尤其是那些已经退休的国有企业老工人、老干部们等一大批老一代劳动者~他们为了祖国做出了不可磨灭的贡献~本来~他们理所当然地应该称为英雄~而恰恰相反~他们却当了30多年的被鄙视为不足挂齿的狗熊 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model
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