首页 西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地管理办法



西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地管理办法西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地管理办法 (试行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 继续教育基地是专业技术人员接受继续教育~补充、拓展、更新专业知识~改善知识结构~提高专业技能的重要场所。为加强我市专业技术人员继续教育基地建设~规范继续教育基地管理~根据相关政策、法规、规定~特制定本办法。 第二条 西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地由市人力资源和社会保障局认定和管理。被认定的继续教育基地~不改变原隶属关系~在业务上接受同级人力资源和社会保障部门指导。 第三条 继续教育基地的主要任务是承担本地区、本系统、本行业专业技术人...

西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地管理办法 (试行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 继续教育基地是专业技术人员接受继续教育~补充、拓展、更新专业知识~改善知识结构~提高专业技能的重要场所。为加强我市专业技术人员继续教育基地建设~ 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 继续教育基地管理~根据相关政策、法规、规定~特制定本办法。 第二条 西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地由市人力资源和社会保障局认定和管理。被认定的继续教育基地~不改变原隶属关系~在业务上接受同级人力资源和社会保障部门指导。 第三条 继续教育基地的主要任务是承担本地区、本系统、本行业专业技术人员的继续教育公修课、专业课的培训与考核工作。 第四条 鼓励大、中型企业单位、高等院校以及专业技术人员较多的科研院所等企业、事业单位积极开展继续教育活动~有条件的培训机构也可以向当地人力资源和社会保障部门申请设立继续教育基地。 第五条 专业技术人员在基地接受培训的形式、内容、学时数和考试,考核,成绩应记入《西安市专业技术人员继续教育证书》~并作为专业技术人员职务聘任、晋升的必备条件之一。 第二章 基地的条件 六条 根据我市继续教育发展现状~申请西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地认证的第 机构应具备以下基本条件: ,一,有专门的培训场所和与所承担的培训专业、培训层次相适应的教学设备。 ,二,有与所承担的培训专业、培训层次相适应的教学、 图书资料~各类教材和专业性较强的培训资料。 ,三,有与所承担的培训专业、培训层次相适应和相对稳定的专兼职教师队伍。每个 专业不得少于2名专职教师。 ,四,基地的专兼职教师必须具备大学本科以上学历~具备较为丰富的教学和实践经验~具备一定的跟踪本专业新知识、新理论、新技术、新方法的能力。 ,五,基地有健全的管理机构、完善的 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和专职管理人员。 第三章 基地的设立程序 第七条 凡申请承担继续教育任务的单位~应按照本办法规定条件对自身的软硬件进行检查~符合条件的按以下程序申报审批: ,一,填写《西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地认定申请表》,附件,, ,二,以书面形式向各区县、开发区,基地,人力资源和社会保障局和市直各主管部门提出申请, ,三,经各区县、开发区,基地,人力资源和社会保障局或市直各主管部门审核后~报市人力资源和社会保障局审查, responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, ,四,市人力资源和社会保障局组织有关人员对所报材料进行审议~对申报单位实地考察。 ,五,经审查符合条件的基地~市人力资源和社会保障局将发文予以认可~并予以授牌。未经认可的施教机构~不得以继续教育的名义开展继续教育活动。 第四章 基地的管理 第八条 凡经批准的基地应严格按照所审批的专业、级别开展继续教育培训活动~不得超范围培训。确需增开新专业、提高培训级别的~应按本办法的规定申报审批~未经批准的专业、级别不得以继续教育的名义招收学员~也不得将学习内容和成绩记入《西安市专业技术人员继续教育证书》。未经政府人力资源和社会保障部门批准的单位和个人~不得开展继续教育培训活动。 第九条 各基地要建立和完善各项管理制度~主要包括:教学考核管理、财务管理、培训效果评估等制度。 第十条 各基地应做好继续教育的 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 并认真落实。每年十一月底书面报告给市直各主管部门、各区县和各开发区,基地,人力资源和社会保障局~并报市人力资源和社会保障局备案。 第十一条 各基地应组织继续教育管理人员、专兼职教师跟踪世界最新的科学技术知识~根据本地区、本行业、本单位科研生产和专业技术人员的实际需要~及时编写开展继续教育的讲义和资料~供专业技术人员学习参考。 第十二条 各基地要积极开展继续教育的理论研究~总结继续教育活动中的新理论、新方法~并将这些理论和方法及时地运用到继续教育的实践中~努力解决继续教育活动中出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ~推动我市的继续教育工作不断的向前发展。 第十三条 各基地开展继续教育活动~应按照有关规定收取培训费用~不得擅自提高收费 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 第十四条 市人力资源和社会保障局会同各区县、开发区,基地,人力资源和社会保障局和市级业务主管部门对继续教育基地每年进行一次评估。评估内容包括:组织领导、年度培训计划的实施、师资队伍建设、规章制度、培训效果、经费落实等。同时对开展继续教育工作成绩突出的单位和个人进行表彰和奖励,对评估不合格的基地应报市人力资源和社会保障局~并责令其限期整改。经整改后确不能发挥基地作用的~市人力资源和社会保障局可取消其基地资格。 第五章 附 则 第十五条 本办法由市人力资源和社会保障局负责解释。 第十六条 本办法自发布之日起试行实施。 2the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, ect ofsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction projd other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responlth animplementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational heazed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the civilisibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and d instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responns anand owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulatio he auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governmentsnder t, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed uplementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situationresponsibility; im 西安市专业技术人员继续教育基地 认 证 申 请 表 填报单位 主管部门 填报时间 年 月 日 西安市人力资源和社会保障局制 3the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,y for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of bilitother work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsi ntation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health andmplemeed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the iy for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilizbilitinstructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsi ners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations andand owe auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments ational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under thproject situation, the r responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the 单位名称 主管部门 批准单位批准文号 详细地址 邮政编码 图书馆面占地面积 建筑面积 场积 地礼堂,会议50人以下教室 50-100人教室 100人以上教室 情室, 况 间 间 间 间 多媒体教室 计算机网络教室 多功能厅 语音教室 设 间 间 间 间 备 情其他教学设备 况 图书馆藏书 册 专业报刊 种类 定编人数 人 现有人数 人 人其中 兼职其中 未评未评人数 员教师专职人数 情人数 高级 中级 初级 高级 中级 初级 教师况 人数 姓 名 职 务 分 管 工 作 联 系 电 话 单 位 负 责 人 情 况 4the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, ect ofsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction projd other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responlth animplementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational heazed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the civilisibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and d instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responns anand owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulatio he auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governmentsnder t, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed uplementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situationresponsibility; im 继续教育管理部门名称 负责人姓名 承办人姓名 联 系 电 话 现任课专业、年 姓 名 学 历 毕业时间、学校、专业 职称 限 专 职 教 师 情 况 现任课专业、年 姓 名 学 历 毕业时间、学校、专业 职称 限 兼 职 教 师 情 况 the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,y for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of bilitother work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsi ntation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health andmplemeed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the iy for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilizbilitinstructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsi ners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations andand owe auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments ational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under thproject situation, the r responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the5 培 训 层 次 培 训 对 象 专 业 名 称 面向社会招面向本系统、本拟高级 中级 初级 生 单 位 招 生 申 请 认 证 的 专 业 主审 管核 部意 门见 ,公章, 年 月 日 市 人审 力 资批 源 和 社意 ,公章, 会 保年 月 日 见 障 局 6the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, ect ofsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction projd other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responlth animplementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational heazed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the civilisibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and d instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responns anand owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulatio he auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governmentsnder t, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed uplementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situationresponsibility; im 7the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,y for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of bilitother work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsi ntation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health andmplemeed construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the iy for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilizbilitinstructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsi ners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations andand owe auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments ational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under thproject situation, the r responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the
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