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四年级,学前班英语第四周教案!8四年级,学前班英语第四周教案!8 教学时间 2012年 3 月 5 日,第 4 周星期 一 , 教学地点 教室 教学内容 unit2 B let’s talk,第4课时, 1、Topic话题:time 2、Structure语言结构: 1,Sentence句型: 教材 What time is it? It’s……o’clock. 分析 It’s time for…… It’s time to…… 2,Words词汇:English class、music class、P.E.class、breakf...

四年级,学前班英语第四周教案!8 教学时间 2012年 3 月 5 日,第 4 周星期 一 , 教学地点 教室 教学内容 unit2 B let’s talk,第4课时, 1、Topic话题:time 2、Structure语言结构: 1,Sentence句型: 教材 What time is it? It’s……o’clock. 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 It’s time for…… It’s time to…… 2,Words词汇:English class、music class、P.E.class、breakfast、dinner、 get up、 Go to school、go home、go to bed 1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:It’s…o’clock. It’s time for…\ It’s time to …;能理解“Hurry! Oops, I’m ready.”等单词和短句 教学 2、能较好地完成Let’s check中的练习 目标 3、能够比较熟悉地吟唱本单元的歌谣 教学 “It’s time to …”和“It’s time for …”的用法 重点 区别“It’s time to …”和“It’s time for …”的用法~及对“Hurry”、“Oops”教学 意思的理解 难点 教学 CAI, pictures 准备 预设过程 设计意图 Step1:Warm up 1、Greetings 教师一进教室便问全班学生:What time is it? 许多学生会凭自己的感受猜测~随后教师拿出闹钟~学生根据闹钟的时间回答:It’s …o’clock. 教师继续用It’s time for….引导学生回答It’s time for English Class. 接着引入本课的教学:Yes, It’s time for English class. Are you ready? 启发学生回答:Yes, I’m ready. 【运用上英语课这个真实的情景在轻松自然的环境中渗透了Let’s talk中的第三个片段~真正体现了一个学习的过程~也为下面的教学做好了铺垫。】 2、sing a song:“It’ s twelve o’clock.” Step2: Presentation and practise 1、Let’s check. A、游戏:欢乐对对配。 多媒体 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 呈现一个时钟~其指针不停地转动~指针一边转教师一边提问: T:Let’s guess. What time is it? 新课标第一网 学生根据自己的想法用It’s…猜测时间。 课件中预设的时间采用Let’s check中的8个时间。 8:30 8:13 12:00 2:12 7:05 7:50 9:40 9:05 在猜时间的过程中~可以渗透ready一词~当学生猜对时~可以用Oops:表示惊讶。 【用活动巧妙地结合复习和Let’s check的内容~通过玩玩猜猜等形式~发展学生的注意力、观察力、记忆力等智力因素~调动了学生情感态度、兴趣等非智力因素。】 B、启发学生在这8个时间段中将会做的事情用It’s time for或It’s time to进行回答~在学生的回答过程中注意区别for和to的用法~课件呈现他们的不同用法~如: For English class, for lunch, for PE class, for music class To go to school, to go to bed, to get up 通过对比使学生明白for和to后面所跟的词是不一样的。 C、做Let’s check中的练习 2、小组合作自编对话 (课件呈现三组图) 要求四人小组自编一个两人对话~让学生通过练习~带上头饰进行表演~ 鼓 励学生自由发挥。www.xkb1.com 【通过四人小组的自编对话~充分体现了学生的自主合作精神~培养了与他人交际和沟通的能力~发挥他们的想象力和创造力~从而发展了学生综合运用语言的能力。】 3、引入hurry和Oops A、课件呈现两幅不同表情的头像让学生猜 B、Make a chant. Hurry, hurry, the boy is hurry. Oops, Oops, the boy Oops. C、Act and guess 一个学生做表情~另外一个学生猜其含义。 4、Let’s act. 学生在教师的示范、指导和鼓励下~结合上面提供的情景画面~通过小 组合 作~创编并表演。 5、Let’s talk. 课件呈现课文~学生读~分小组角色表演。X kb1.com Step3: Consolidation 1、Let’s find out.学会用英语了解自已要观看的电影的场次、地点和时间~并做出选择。 2、结合学生感兴趣的节目~用英语说一说播出的频道和时间 【“学以致用”是教学的最终目的~也是任务型的精神所在。这里通过让学生说说自己感兴趣的节目和播出时间~逐渐培养学生用英语表达的习惯。】 Step4:summary 同学们这节课我们学了哪些内容。 Unit 2 B Let’s talk What time is it? It’s 8:00 / 6:30. 板书 It’s time to +动词(或动词短语). 设计 It’s time For +名词(或名词短语). 0 1. Do activety books. 作业2.copy the new words . 设计 3.read the new dialogue 3-5 times. 第 2篇 教学时间 2012年 3 月 6 日,第 4 周星期 二 , 教学地点 教室 教学内容 unit2 B read and write,第5课时, 1、Topic话题:time 2、Structure语言结构: 1,Sentence句型: 教材 What time is it? It’s……o’clock. 分析 It’s time for…… It’s time to…… 2,Words词汇:English class、music class、P.E.class、breakfast、dinner、 get up、 Go to school、go home、go to bed 1、掌握五个表示课程的单词和两个句子 2、能够较好地朗读Pronunciation中的单词~理解元音字母e在开、闭音 教学 节中的读音规则。 目标 3、能完成Task time中的任务~学会本单元的歌曲、歌谣。 教学 听、说、读、写四会单词和两个句子 重点 教学 区别o’clock和clock的异同,认读句子Can I have a try? Where is the short hand? 难点 教学过程: Step1:Warm up 1、Sing a song“It’s twelve o’ clock.” 2、Let’s talk. 让学生两人一组戴上头饰表演前一课学习的对话 Step2: Presentation 1、做“人体钟”活动 T:Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello, Miss\Mr… T:Now, I’m not… I am a clock. (教师做出一个钟的样子~也可叫学生跟着做) 教师故意伸出一半的左臂~问学生:What’s this? S:It’s a hand. T:It’s a short hand. 然后伸出全部的右臂引导学生说 S:It’s a long hand. ,教师用short hand和long hand装成3点和9点~引导学生练习, T:Tick, tock, tick, tock, Look at the clock. What time is it? S:It’s 3\9 o’clock. 老师引导演练几遍~然后学生之间互练。在师生转换的过程中~老师用Do you want a try?来启发他们~并让他们用Can I have a try?来要求该活动。新课标第一网 2、Let’s talk. 学生两人一组拿出事先准备好的课程表~一学生说:Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock. It’s 12 o’clock.另一学生马上说:It’s time for lunch. 3、Game:时间列车 课件呈现一列车~列车上方悬挂一口钟~让学生猜时间~猜对了火车就鸣笛启动~如当学生猜对第一个时间8:30时~火车就鸣笛一次~第一节车厢中便呈现这个时间~接着让学生猜猜这个时间该上什么课~猜对了火车前进一步~并且呈现该单词的书写过程。类似方法呈现其他四个课程单词的书写。 【运用信息差~通过感知、体验、实践、参与~从猜时间到想象某个时间会做某事~培养学生的思维能力、想象能力。同时也让学生在这个过程中体验到了学习的快乐和成功的喜悦。】 Step3: Practise 1、Let’s chant. A、用一个简单的Chant来操练math, Chinese~English这几个单词。 Th th , m-a-t-h , math,math class, math class, it’s time for math class. www.xkb1.com Ch ch , C-h-I-n-e-s-e Chinese Chinese class~it’s time for Chinese. Sh sh , E-n-g-l-I-s-h English English class~it’s time for English class. 以四人小组为单位读一读~待学生会读后~按要求写一写四会的单词和词组。 【用Chant来做巩固练习~朗朗上口~简单易学~很好地避免了操练的单一和枯燥~又训练了学生的节奏感。】 2、Task time 这部分主要是培养学生动手、动脑的能力~建议让学生独立完成~学生可充分发挥想象力~给钟面设计新颖独特的图案。然后几人一组让学生用本单元学过的语言进行描述。 Step4:summary 同学们这节课我们学了哪些内容。 Unit 2 B Read and write music math 板书 Chinese English P.E. 设计 It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class. 1、制作一个课程钟~把相应的课程单词的拼图拼到钟的外延~看谁拼得最美观。 作业 2、用英语描述课程钟 设计 第3篇 执教教师 彭清清 课题名称 教学时间 2012.3.7 Unit2 What time is it? 复习课 学这一节课是本单元的一节复习课~学生都掌握了本单元的词汇~对话~还有这个单元的重难点~生这一节课~只是再把知识整结一下~让学生更明了~在学生有了一定基础上来完成这一课时~应分该是比较简单的。 析 教 1教学重点:Read and write中的四个四会单词以及问句“What time is it?”及其答句“ It’材 is...”在四线格中的正确书写。 分 2教学难点:难点是拼读单词o’clock和correct~在四线格中书写及句型“It’is …o’clock? ”析 以及总结元音字母e的发音规则。 教 1、能够理解并朗读Read and write和Task time中的对话。 2、能够在真实情景中灵活运用新学 学的词汇和句型。 3、能够正确朗读Pronunciation中的单词~并能分析出读音规则。 4、能够目以小组合作的方式完成Task time中的任务。 5、能够学会本单元的歌曲、歌谣。 6、 能听懂标 故事。 教 l. 本节课采用动起来的活动教学方法~因为是一节复习课~大部分的知识都已经学过~如果再学 以平常的教学方法~可能学生不感兴趣~只有活动才能调动起他们兴趣。 2.热身~猜谜语~玩策 游戏~这些都是学生所喜欢的~让学生始终都兴致高昂。 略 教3. 课前需要准备该部分的挂图~相关的词卡~录音机和录音带~学生准备好白纸和彩笔。 学 准 备 Step 1 Revision , Warm-up: let’s do. ,全班同学边说边做动作, (Time for breakfast .Drink some milk./ Time for lunch.Have some chicken. /Time for dinner. Eat some rice /Time for P.E. Jump and run. /Time for English . Read and write. /Time for music . Sing and dance.) 教 Let’s chant. 学 One ,two,three four...! 过 ,设计思路:一上课的热身~让学生从课间的玩耍中回过神 程 来~进入到英语的课堂中~运用学生学习过~对于他们来说比较 简单有趣~加上边说边做动作~可以很好地回忆起来这节课应该、 接着学些什么。, Step 2 Presentation What time is it now? Oh, it’s 11 o’clock .It’s time for lunch .”同时课件呈现 “It’ s time for ……”这一句型。 复习重要词组~句型: English class、music class、P.E.class、breakfast、dinner、get up、 Go to school、 go home、go to bed~lunch What time is it ? It’s 6:00.It’s time for dinner. School is over. Just a minute. “Let’s run !”和“Go home.” It’s time for…… It’s time to……等短语和句子的复习。 Step 3 Practice Listen to the tape and read it. (教给学生正确的四线格书写形式。) Play a game: Ask your right: what time is it? (Let him /her guess, It is...o’clock) Step 4 Pronunciation 老师让学生分小组一起仔细听录音~观察讨论~找出规律~然后 向全班汇报。 Step 5 Task time 让学生带纸和笔画时钟~并问答时间。 ,设计思路:让学生自己观察~自己动手~比老师一个人讲要有 效得多~放手让学生去做~相信他们会做得更好。, Step 6 Homework 1、Finish the exercise book. 2、Copy the words. 3、Make a lalourger about the time. Step 7:summary.本节课复习了这个单元的重点句子~重点单词以及句型what time is it? ” 及其答句“ It is...”在四线格中的正确书写。 Step 8:板书设计: 1~What time is it now? Oh, it’s 11 o’clock .It’s time for lunch 2~It’s time to go to school 第四篇 执教教师 彭清清 课题名称 教学时间 2012.3.8 Unit2 What time is it? 练习课 学这一节课是本单元的一节复习课~学生都掌握了本单元的词汇~对话~还有这个单元的重难点~ 生这一节课~只是再把知识整结一下~让学生更明了~在学生有了一定基础上来完成这一课时~应 分该是比较简单的。 析 1教学重点:Read and write中的四个四会单词以及问句“What time is it?”及其答句“ It’教 材 is...”在四线格中的正确书写。 分 析 2教学难点:难点是拼读单词o’clock和correct~在四线格中书写及句型“It’is …o’clock? ” 以及总结元音字母e的发音规则。 教 1、能够理解并朗读Read and write和Task time中的对话。 2、能够在真实情景中灵活运用新学 学的词汇和句型。 3、能够正确朗读Pronunciation中的单词~并能分析出读音规则。 4、能够目以小组合作的方式完成Task time中的任务。 5、能够学会本单元的歌曲、歌谣。 6、 能听懂标 故事。 教 l. 本节课采用动起来的活动教学方法~因为是一节复习课~大部分的知识都已经学过~如果再学 以平常的教学方法~可能学生不感兴趣~只有活动才能调动起他们兴趣。 2.热身~猜谜语~玩策 游戏~这些都是学生所喜欢的~让学生始终都兴致高昂。 略 教3. 课前需要准备该部分的挂图~相关的词卡~录音机和录音带~学生准备好白纸和彩笔。 学 准 备 Step 1 Revision , Warm-up: let’s do. ,全班同学边说边做动作, (Time for breakfast .Drink some milk./ Time for lunch.Have some chicken. /Time for dinner. Eat some rice /Time for P.E. Jump and run. /Time for English . Read and write. /Time for music . Sing and dance.) 教 Let’s chant. 学 One ,two,three four...! 过 ,设计思路:一上课的热身~让学生从课间的玩耍中回过神 程 来~进入到英语的课堂中~运用学生学习过~对于他们来说比较 简单有趣~加上边说边做动作~可以很好地回忆起来这节课应该、 接着学些什么。, Step 2 Practice 1、It’s . It’s time to go to . 2、What time is it ? . 3、It’s . It’s time for class. 4、Is this a TV room? . 5、What time is it? . 八、看图~填空。,10分, Look, is a clock. time is it ? . It’s for class. .You can see two , six and . 九、选择填空。,10分, 1 1、, ,It’s time go to school. A、to B、 of C、for 2 2、, , that the art room? No, . A、Is…… is itn’t. B、Is…… it isn’t. C、Do…… it is. 3、, , is the computer room? It's the first floor. A、Where……on B、 What…… on C、Where……in 4、, ,Look my clock. It’s nice. A、in B、 at C、on 5、, , is it? It’s seven o’clock. A、How much B、 How many C、What time Step3 Homework 1、Finish the exercise book. 2、Copy the words of unit2. Step 4:summary. 本节课复习了这个单元的重点句子~重点单词以及句型what time is it? ”及其答句“ It is...” 在四线格中的正确书写。 Step 5:板书设计:1~What time is it now? Oh, it’s 11 o’clock .It’s time for lunch 2~It’s time to go to school 3~练习题 学前班第四周教案 Unit 3 My classroom (A) The 1st period 1. Analysis of students After learning the first two units, students have already known how to greet with others and make a self-introduction. They have a general idea of learning English and are curious of the new things, thus they are desired to describe things around them. 2. Teaching contents The teaching content of this class is Part A –Point and say, Unit3 My classroom, Book 1, Primary English for China. Mainly we are going to learn some English expression of some facilities in the classroom and students can read out the words by pointing at the real objects. This is the first time that students learn vocabulary in the real significance, thus it plays an important role in cultivating their interest in learning vocabulary. What’s more, the next several lessons are based on the sentence pattern we learn in this class. 3. Teaching aims According to the students’ level of cognitive, the topic of this unit and the contents of this lesson, I design the following teaching aims: 1). Knowledge aims Students can say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects and pictures 2). Ability aims Students can use proper pronunciation and intonation while reading. Students can understand and act out properly. 3). Emotion aims Students can arouse their interest of learning English. Students can stir up their curiosity, and so on. 4. Important and difficult points Important points:1. Master the words “desk, chair, fan, light, computer” 2. Can pronounce them correctly and can use them in the sentence pattern “It’s a …” to introduce. Difficult points:1. Correct pronunciation and intonation 2. Use of article “a” 5. Arrangements for the teaching unit This lesson is the first period of Unit3, the new medium of instruction. It is the basis of after classes. 6. Teaching methods Based on the characters of the first grade students, I design a well-known image---Monkey King~to attract students’ interest in learning. And I will adopt task-based teaching, group working teaching, chants and games for teaching and learning. 7. Teaching aids 1、Real objects in the classroom. 2、A small fan, a chair, a desk, a computer, a light, a book, with their English expressions stacked on them. 3、 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt , word cards, some pictures, recorder, Koko CD and so on. 8. Lesson type: Speaking 9. Time: 40mins 10.Teaching procedures Teaching Teaching Teacher’s Students’ Teaching procedures aims activities/methoactivities/methoconditions/too ds ds ls Step1: PPT Review the Use the sentence Warming up sentences pattern we and and create learned in the revision an first two units to 1.Greeting atmosphere have simple free 2.Sing a of English talk. Sing the song and song Change the lyrics study. At free talk with of the song and the same teacher. sing with the time, the students. Just as song leads follows: to the hero Hello, friend. character. Hello, friend. What’s your name? What’s your name? My name’s Pat /Tim/Monkey King. My name’s Pat/Tim/Monkey King. How are you? How are you? Create an 1.Teacher acts as Head decoration Step 2 : easy Monkey King and of Monkey King Lead in learning says hello to the environmentboys and the . girls, thus divides the whole class into two groups, boys’ Look and Listen to group and girls’ the teacher. group. 2.Use body language to show that Monkey King is very curious of everything. Step 3: Real objects of The words we 1. Teacher acts as 1、1.A student, Tim, Presentatio desk, book, have to Monkey King and comes to help him n chair, fan, learn in comes to the and tell him “It’ light and this class desk, hangs it up s a desk.” computer with is naturally and sees the English labels. led out in label ---“desk”. such a But he doesn’t scenario. know English. Monkey King 2、Teacher repeats leads the after Tim. 3.After Monkey whole class 2. Learn to read King master it, he to learn the new words, wants to show it. together. sentence pattern So he teaches the and their pupils to read meaning. words and the sentences. 4. Teacher the other four words. Step 4: Using the Ask the class read First the whole Flash cards Practice game of the words by class read after 1、1. Read the reading one looking at the teacher, then words. by one to flash cards. read one by one, strengthen and read by students’ groups, boys or mastering of girls. words. Play the Recorder 2. Read the Following recorder. Open the book and words and the tape is a read the words and sentences better way sentences after after the of the tape. tape. presentatio n, because their tone of voice will be the standard for Prepared word Read prepared comparison. Take out the cards. words and stick 3. Read prepared words of them on the words and By labeling these objects and correct objects. stick them words on the ask students to real objects read and stick on the can check them on the correct the correct objects. objects. students’ master degree of words. And students will be very interested Labeled real in this Point to the objects. Use “It’s a…” activity labeled objects to make sentence because they by looking at the 4. Make can move up. objects. sentences Pictures, word Choose two cards The boy and the students come to girl take turns to the front (a boy point to the and a girl). 5. Take pictures while turns to the other practice students use “It’Ask students the s a …” to to point to sentence the describe. Girls pattern by pictures, to describe the looking at give them picture the girl the objects space, so points while boys that they or flash describe the can truly cards. picture the boy become the PPT points. masters of Show the exercise the of matching and do Do the exercises classroom with the class. and at the Above line are same time pictures and the competition below line are can arouse words. their 6. Matching enthusiasm. exercises To check their understandi ng of the words. Step 5 : By the way of 1.Go around the A picture of 2、 Work in groups and Produce: team classroom and classroom and stick the 1、 Design practice help them while stickers of stickers of these their own pattern can needed. classroom objects on the classrooms. increase things. 2. Ask two or picture of the their sense three groups to classroom, write of show it. words beside cooperation every picture and . tell the other group members: “It’s a…” Sprightly Step 6 : Show the chant: rhythm of Chant A book, a book, the chant It’s a book. can help A desk, a desk, students to It’s a desk. consolidate A chair, a chair, words and It’s a chair. sentence A fan, a fan, It’pattern we PPT s a fan. learned in A computer, a this class. Chant computer, It’s a Also pupils computer. can relax at the same time. Unit 3 My classroom ,B, The 2nd period 1. Analysis of students Through the first period of study, students have a certain grasp of the words and the sentence pattern, especially for those words they are interested “It’s a ...” in, such as “computer”, even though it is the longest one among them. So as long as it is of interest to students, no matter how difficult it will be, students can accept it easily. 2. Teaching contents The teaching content of this class is Part B –Say and act, Unit3 My classroom, Book 1, Primary English for China. This section is a class which acquires students mainly to learn to ask What's this?, based on their learning of the English words of the specific items in the classroom, knowing that this question should be answered by sentence for communication .At the same time it lays the foundation It's a ... for the learning of Part C---Story time. 3. Teaching aims According to the students’ level of cognitive, the topic of this unit and the contents of this class, I design the following teaching aims: 1). Knowledge aims Students can consolidate the English words of the related classroom materials Students can understand and use what’s this? It's a desk / ... in the actual situation in the application. 2).Ability aims Students’ abilities of creativity and using language can be improved. Students can apply the sentence pattern "What's this?" and its answer “It’ correctly and flexibly. s a …” 3). Emotion aims Students’ interest in learning English can be maintained. Their enthusiasm of study and the spirit of unity and cooperation as well as the love of a good class of property for public sentiment can be cultivated. 4. Important and difficult points Important points::Understand simple questions “What’s this?” and act accordingly “ It’s a …” Difficult points:Ask and answer questions about personal information 5. Arrangements for the teaching unit It is the second period of this unit, the most important part in this unit. 6. Teaching methods Situational teaching methods, group work teaching methods, visual and vivid teaching aids, competition and games will be used in this class. Also I designed a variety of student activities to create a relaxed and lively learning environment and give the largest possible for students to participate in the self-study. At the same time, more time is the key to the students so as to enhance the efficiency and quality of teaching. 7. Teaching aids CAI, video, word cards, pictures, stickers 8. Lesson type: Listening and speaking 9. Time: 40mins 10.Teaching procedures Teaching Teaching Teacher’s Students’ Teaching procedures aims activities/methactivities/methconditions/too ods ods ls Step 1 : An easy song Sing the song and Computer TPR Warming up can attract greet with Sing the song 1.Sing a pupils’ teacher together song : Hello , attention to friend the English study. 2.Greeting and free talk Using flash More than ten Flash cards Step 2 : Give the word cards, we students stand Revision cards to those can not only up to read those 1. Read students who check that words. The ones together read very well. whether who read well can students can get the word 2.Individual use English cards. students read to introduce the objects but also can we know that whether they recognize the words. Revision of the important words of this unit paves the way for the following learning. This Guess what the PPT Step 3: Lead Show them the restructuribroken pictures in slides of broken ng game may are Restructuring pictures be a great the broken interest pictures. game for the pupils. They would be excited in recovering them. Give Guess the last Blackboard and Step 4: Restructure the students a picture and chalks Presentation last broken general idea What’s learn “ picture and of the this?”board writes the sentence main sentence pattern’s “What’s this?” meaning. Step 5 : The using of Word cards The ones who have Practice Points to the TPR not only the word card 1. Ask and pictures pasted help pupils stick come to the on the board and practice the blackboard to ask “What’s words and stick the word ” this?the sentence under the but also let picture and say them move “It’s a ….” up, so that the whole class is more active. Board writings Through a Mechanical Guide the number of 2. Boys and drills of rhythms mechanical girls ask and practicing the drills, answer. sentence students can pattern. The always keep boys ask “What’in mind and be more able s this?” and the to blurt. girls answer. Then exchange the roles. To allow Choose the one 3. Individual students to One student to who ask best in asks and the act as a come to the board the above other teacher is to ask and the practice to ask students match with other students or answer. answer or the answer. Or the otherwise. characters others ask and of primary one answer. and secondary school students. They would like to show up. They have great passion in that. Step6 : It can let Watch the video Koko disc Produce Play the video them have a and think of the 1. Watch the break for questions. video with they can not questions concentrate for such a long time. And they can learn better in the following Go around the parts. Textbook classroom and 2. Read after help pupils who CD or tape Read the text by the CD. need help. may be more themselves or 3. Read by standard. practice with themselves. their partners. Head Give an example decorations first. 4. Act out the Act out the dialogue. It can check dialogue. whether they understand the text or not. Have a rest Clap hands and Step 7 : Chant Chant with the and do a chant together. PPT students. chant to sum What’s this? up. What’s this? It’s a fan ……... Step8:EnmotioEmotional PPT Show pupils a na education: education is series of dirty a necessary pictures and ask part in our them to look English around the classroom, classroom about especially their books, for the The students chairs, desks. kids. In look, listen and Educate them to this part, think. protect our we can things, but not connect destroy. everything with our real life, which can make the kids impression more deep. This is a good way to make them know what to do and how to do. We learn Step 9: Sum up The teacher language and Homework gives the that we have homework and to speak it makes some out. So this Listen and copy explanations. homework is the homework. PPT 1) Read Part B to train for five times their 2) Collect the ability of English signs in speaking and our daily life. form a good habit of studying. What’s more, collecting English signs is of great interest for them. They may know that English learning is useful. Unit 3 My classroom ,C, The 3rd period 1. Analysis of the students After the first two periods, students can use the language points “What’s this? It’s a …” to describe the things in our classroom. They are interested in things around them, eager to describe them in English. However, their knowledge is limited. They want to know more, which is a good aspect for teaching a foreign language. 2. Teaching contents This period is aimed to teach Part C, unit 4 of Book 1, Primary English for China. The story is about Koko, the students’ new friend. She comes to our classroom. Our students can describe things in classroom to Koko. All the knowledge of this part is about things in classroom. Students are interested in learning and using them. Besides, this part is a story, in which students are also interested. 3. Teaching aims According to the topic of this unit and the awareness level of the students, our teaching aims of this unit are as below: 1). Knowledge aims Students can say simple words, phrases or sentences by listening to a story 2). Ability aims Students can use proper pronunciation and intonation while reading. Students can understand and act out properly. 3). Emotional aims Students’ interest of learning English can be aroused. Students can learn to love the things in our classroom. 4. Teaching difficulties and the important points The important points: Students can use the related words and sentence patterns to describe the things in our classroom, using “What’s this? It’s a …” Teaching difficulties: Accurate tone of voice 5. Arrangements for the teaching unit This is the third period of the unit. It’s a revision period, which is to review and use the language points learned in Part A & B. 6. Teaching methods Students in Grade one is active and easy to arouse their interest. In this period, Koko is designed to ask every object in the classroom as a new friend to school. Students are going to answer the questions as a introducer. Koko is a character that students like very much. We are going to create a concrete situation. Every language point is going to be taught through some songs, some small games in a short story. 7. Teaching tools The real objects in our classroom Some word cards and some headdresses PPT, Koko discs. 8. Lesson type: speaking 9. Time: 40 mins 10.Teaching procedures Teaching Teaching aims Teacher’s Students’ Teaching procedures activities/meactivities/metconditions/ thods hods tools 1. This step is The song is Students are PPT wariming-up1to set the given the new taught a song. Word cards : tone of this lyrics. They are lead to Sing a song. lesson, sing the song telling the The teacher with new students to gives a first lyrics. relax and be example to the easy, just students, Students are joining us leading the familiar with for an students to the melody interesting sing with the although the lesson. new lyrics. lyrics are new. They can sing it Besides, the very easily teacher points because they to the word have sang it cards to guide before. the kids to change the lyrics. This step is The teacher Students say Real objects 2. aimed to gives the “Show you …” Warming-up2 practice the order “Show and point to the : students’ me …” and real things in physical oral English. guide them to the classroom exercises Doing some point to the at then same physical real things in time. exercises the classroom. (1) Individual before class (1) Individual exercises. is helpful exercises. (2)the whole for the (2)the whole class exercises students to class be interested exercises in this lesson. 3. Revision This part is The teacher 1.Students are Real objects of the old employed to points to the allowed to Word cards knowledge train the real things in answer with a the students’ classroom and whole sentence students oral ability asks “What’s “It’s a …. 2. learned. and to check this?”. Some students whether the to spell the students have After all the words. managed all word cards the necessary have shown language out, the points if teacher asks they have two or three learned well, students to everything point to the goes on well word cards and later in this say “ It’s lesson. If a …”, and not, teacher asks the other should students to emphasize the read after the necessary little knowledge in teacher. the later parts of this lesson. This is the Introduce our The students PPT 4. very new friend to listen and Headdress of Leading-in beginning of our school --- guess what Koko this story, Koko. She is a happens. which is new student. aimed to She doesn't arouse the know students’ everything in interest. our Give students classroom. a general Let’s see what idea of the happens. story. This part is The teacher Watch the flash PPT 5. aimed to let plays the Koko from Koko disc. Pictures Presentatio the students disc. Let the n of the understand students know story. the story the whole Guide the from a whole general idea student to angle; about the think what especially story. happens in the they should pictures. understand the meaning of this story. This part is The teacher The students PPT 6. Drills of aimed to points to each answer the practicing: analysis the picture and teacher’s guess what story step by ask the questions. happens in step. students to each Students are guess what picture allowed to happens. guess what happens in the picture and fill in the blanks in oral way. This step is necessary for the kids because if the kids can do it well, that means they have understood the story, which is very helpful for the next few steps. This part is The teacher The students PPT 7. Watch aimed to plays Koko read after Koko Word cards the flash train the disc. disc and again and similar imitate the read after intonation The teacher pronunciation. the disc. and proper emphasizes pronunciatiosome difficult n. Imitating and important is an points. important way for the kids to speak, not only from their teacher, but also from some useful ways, and Koko disc is a good example. This part is The teacher The students Books 8. Produce to train the guides them to work in group 1 kids’ role-play in a and play team-work small group different ability. and act out roles. They can Students are the story. consult their allowed to This time, the teacher when divide teacher asks they have some themselves them to work difficulties or into in a group to problems. different practice. roles. Students like it very much. This part is First, the Two or three Headdresses 9. Produce to check teacher gives group of 2: whether the an example to students’ performance students have the students. performs role learned all play. The the input. Then, the others look and The teacher asks listen. performance two or three is a good way group of to arouse the students to kids’ perform interest and role-play. is a good way to check the Besides, the effect. teacher should praise them if they did well. This is a good The teacher The students PPT 10. way to make gives some listen and Emotional them know pictures to look. education what to do and form some how to do. contracts. The The students teacher tells read after the the moral teacher: education. We shouldn’t throw rubbish In our on the floor. We classroom, it’shouldn’t s a computer. damage our It’s a desk. classroom let’ It’s a chair. s love our It’s a book. classroom and It’s a fan. It’cherish it. s a light. Lots of students are unlucky. They haven’t a classroom. We shouldn’t throw rubbish on the floor. We shouldn’t damage our classroom let’ s love our classroom and cherish it. (Show them some pictures and tell them to protect our classroom.) 11. Writing Homework The students PPT Homework homework is a (1) Tell the listen and copy little bit story to your the homework. difficult for parents. They can ask the (2) Listen to some questions first-year Koko disc and if they feel students. read after the puzzled. Making them disc. love to say is a good way to The teacher arouse their gives the interest. So homework and our homework makes some is aimed to explanations. train their oral English. Besides, telling the story to their parents is a good way to improve the relationship between the kids and their parents. Unit 3 My classroom ,E-- G, The fourth period 1. Analysis of the students After the first three periods, students can use the language points “What’s to describe the things in our classroom. They are interested in this? It’s a …” using English to describe the things and hoping to use it more freely. 2. Teaching contents This period is aimed to teach Part E, F, G, unit 4 of Book 1, Primary English for China. These three parts are designed to review the language points of the whole unit, especially it’s aimed to train the ability of doing and saying of a student. This period is aimed to teach through some interesting activities. 3. Teaching aims This lesson is aim to train the students’ ability aim and team-work ability. From this lesson, students can use proper pronunciation and intonation while doing Students can understand and act out properly according to the teachers’ requirements. Students can learn how to work in a team. 4. Teaching difficulties and the important points The important points: Students can use the related words and sentence patterns to describe the things while they are doing something Teaching difficulties: To use English while doing something and the accurate tone of voice 5. Arrangements for the teaching unit This is the fourth period of the unit. It’s a period aimed to train the students’ doing and speaking. 6. Teaching methods Students in Grade one is active and easy to arouse their interest. In this period, Students are encouraged to use English to describe things while they are doing something. 7. Teaching tools The real objects in our classroom Some word cards and some headdresses PPT, Koko discs, some printed pictures of fan, chair, desk, computer, light 8. Lesson type: revision lesson – speaking & doing 9. Time: 40 mins 10.Teaching procedures Teaching Teaching Teacher’s Students’ Teaching procedures aims activities/metactivities/metconditions/ hods hods tools 1. Warming- This step is The teacher use The students up1: a part of the language answer the greetings greeting, they learned in questions. which is Unit 1—Unit 3 And they can ask aimed to to train their some questions train the oral English. to their kids’ oral teacher. English. It’The language s also to patterns are: review their Hello. / Good knowledge morning. / How learned are you? / before. What's your name? / What’s this? 2. This The teacher Some students Board-writiRevisions exercise is leads the are invited to ng aimed to students to ask ask the other train the and answer the students some students’ questions. questions and individual the students performanceThe teacher are allowed to , making emphasize some answer them, them feel important and using “What’s more difficult this? It’s self-confidpoints to the a …” ent and kids if successful. necessary. Besides, it’ s a way to review the language points they learned before. 3. This step is While singing, Watch the flash Word cards Leading-in to sing a the teacher from Koko disc PPT song. Songs draws some --- what’s this are very pictures on the in my useful for blackboard. classroom?. teaching English, Then the Boys and girls especially teachers can are separated when they point to the into two are given pictures while groups, asking the familiar singing.) and answering melodies. while singing. This song Thirdly, the will be teacher “What’s this taught and separates the in my trained in kids into classroom? It’ different different s a fan. ways, groups and What’s this in including guide them to my classroom? teacher & sing as a It’s a desk. students, competition. What’s this in students & my classroom? students and It’s a chair. so on. This What’s this in step can my classroom? make our It’s a light. atmosphere What’s this in more my classroom? relaxing and It’s a book. comfortable What’s this in to learn. my classroom? Drawing some It’s a pictures can computer.” arouse the kids’ The second interest. time : ask – They must teacher know they answer : will play students. some games later with The third time: these ask—group 1&2 pictures. answer: group 3&4. The fourth time: ask ---- group 3&4 answer: group 1&2. 4. This part is Firstly, the Draw and say the Crayons Hand-making an teacher draws a puzzle. Paper interesting picture on the activity, blackboard and Students are which is to gives an allowed to draw ask the kids example of how one thing they to do a to do to the like and divide puzzle with kids. it into three or some crayons four parts. and paper. Then, the They can ask Then they teacher guides others to can separate them to do. guess, using the picture The teacher “What’s this?” into three should help or four some students (1) Draw a parts. After to finish the picture. that, they puzzle if they can ask some don’t know how (2) Introduce one to to do. the picture guess, using group by group, “What’s one by one, this? It’s using “ It’ a …” s …” (3) Divide the picture into three or four parts. (4) Ask your friend to guess~ using “ What’s this? It’s a … 5. Produce This part is The teacher 4-6 students The kids’ to check asks 4-6 are going to puzzles whether the students to perform and the students show out their others are have learned work with their going to look all the friends. and listen. input. The performance The teachers is a good way should help the to arouse kids to speak the kids’ and perform interest and fluently if is a good way necessary. to check the effect. 6. This part is Showing the The students Word cards Expanding a connective teacher’s answer the Picture way to the puzzle. questions and puzzle of next step. learn the four computer It's a The teacher’s words as well as nature way puzzle is a the phonetic. to make a computer. The Board-writiconclusion teacher asks They are trying ng of step 5. one student to to read the And it’s a spell the word. words and nature way remember the to connect The teacher sounds. step 6. writes the After words on the looking the board and teacher’s emphasizes “c” picture, read /k/. students are going to The teacher learn the introduces phonetic in another three Part E. words: classroom, king, queen. 7. Drills Kids in the The teacher The students PPT first-year guides them to read after the are not read. teacher. required to remember the Can you read The students phonetics. these words: try to read them Instead they (1)classroom, by themselves. are required computer, to read and king tell the words. So (2)come after queen, learning the cat phonetics /k/, they (3)book are given thank some oral desk exercises. (4)look cake cap The teacher gives the exercises to the kids. 8. Sing the It’s near The teacher The students Koko disc song again. the end of makes the are required to this lesson. conclusion of sing the song A song can step 5. again. bring a nature and The teacher relaxing plays Koko disc ending. again and guides the kids to sing. 9. Homework Listening, Homework: The students PPT singing and (1). Listen listen and copy playing some Koko disc and the homework. games with read Unit 3 their twice. The kids can ask parents is a (2). Sing the some questions good way to song to your about the review the parents. homework if language (3). Play the they feel points, puzzle game puzzled. which is with your less boring parents. than reading or writing. The teacher It can gives the maintain the homework and kids’ makes some interests. explanation.
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