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底阁中学教学计划底阁中学教学计划 底阁中学2011---2012学年第一学期 教 学 计 划 年 级 八 年 级 学 科 生 物 姓 名 姚 秀 刚 年级组长 级部主任 教导处意见 _________ 2011年9月1日 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines a...

底阁中学教学计划 底阁中学2011---2012学年第一学期 教 学 计 划 年 级 八 年 级 学 科 生 物 姓 名 姚 秀 刚 年级组长 级部主任 教导处 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 _________ 2011年9月1日 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 一、基本情况分析 (一)班级情况分析 八年级学生共有440余人,分8个班,我担任八(5)---八(8)四个班的教学工作。他们绝大多数来自底阁镇,少部分来自台儿庄。通过对他们的了解,部分学生属于留守儿童或者是单亲家庭,在教学中应对他们加强注意,多进行交流谈心。他们通过一年半对生物学的学习,基础知识掌握较好,已具备了一定的学习生物学的能力,大部分学生对生物学的学习有兴趣浓厚,有一定的学习生物学的基础。学生已初步具备自主阅读、收集和处理信息、探究性学习的能力因此,有的学生对生物学知识有浓厚的兴趣,因此,他们上课认真听课,接受新知识的能力强,课后也按时完成老师布置的作业,而且作业质量高有的学生对生物学知识没有养成学习的好习惯,所以,他们上课能听课,但神情不集中,课后能完成老师布置的作业现在最欠缺的是他们能把精力集中在学习上来,养成认真学习的好习惯。有的学生觉得生物学科目没有语文科目和数学科目重要。 (二)学生情况分析 但八年级学生分化现象较为突出,部分学生的学习主动性、自觉性仍然不高,少数学生有厌学情绪,需进一步加强课堂学习行为关注和课后督促帮扶工作。从调动学生学习兴趣上入手,来改善一向把生物视为副科,不好好学习、认真对待的学生心理,让他们在不知不觉中把注意力集中在生物课的学习上,力争培养一批热爱生物研究的生物学爱好者,学习中尽量采用分散记忆,避免在考前突击,这样一是提高教学质量的一个途径。有必要的话将采用小组式的学习、讨论教学模式,提高学生的学习积极性,尽量不让一个学生掉队,全部完成结业考试任务。 总体来讲,八年级学生还存在以下的差距: 1.缺乏自主合作的意识,不善于表达、交流、讨论。 2.生活阅历少,对教材中的知识认识不够,且不够全面、丰富。 3.缺乏实践,实践性明显不足。 这些严重影响了学生综合素质的提高,在今后的教学中,做到有的放矢,有针对性的培养学生的分析能力、表达能力、思维能力、实验能力,促进学生全面发发展和进步。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 二、教材内容分析 八年级生物学教材是遵循新课程改革的理念,根据国家“生物课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ”编写的教材。从装帧方面看,就像一本精美的彩色画报。从内容方面看,它突出了科学性,加强了直观性,增强了趣味性,注重了灵活性,显示了实用性。它较好地体现了编写者的创新意识,展示了近年来教育改革方面的最新成果,充满着时代气息。结构体系的目标明确,形式生动活泼,贴近学生发展的需要,有利于培养学生的自学能力和思维能力;教学内容体现以学生为主体,改变传统灌输式教学,语言贴近学生;同时,注重生物学与不同学科知识的联系和综合,有利于培养学生的综合素质。 教材在内容的选择和组织上有以下特点:(1)突破传统的学科体系,构建突出人与生物圈的知识体系;(2)安排了系列化、多样化的科学探究活动;(3)注重科学方法的教育;(4)重视能力培养的梯度 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ;(5)注重对生物学概念和原理的理解,适当删减需要单纯记忆的知识;(6)注意反映生物科学的新进展。 本册共一个单元,分4章18节内容。建议课时为32课时。主要学习物种的延续的基础知识(包括基本事实、概念、原理、规律等)。 第一章绿色开花植物的一生 知识要点:本章教材分为七节,较为全面地阐释从开花、传粉、受精、果实和种子的形成、种子的萌发、营养器官的生长和繁殖等方面说明了植物生长、发育和繁殖的经历。知识目标上,要求能够概述花的结构、类型以及传粉和受精的过程,概述果实和种子的形成过程;能说明种子的结构特点以及单、双子叶植物种子的区别;能描述种子萌发的条件和过程,描述芽的发育和根的生长过程;能够列举植物的无性生殖,描述植物的有性生殖。在能力目标上,课程标准希望学生通过体验一种或几种常见植物的栽培过程,了解有关植物一生的简要过程和必备的知识与技能。可使学生在情感、态度和价值观上得到充分的体验和培养。对生命延续的关注,对生命的探索,会使他们更加珍爱生命。 第二章动物的生殖和发育 知识要点:本章教材包括三节,第一节 昆虫的生殖和发育,通过观察屯思考及探究实验等活动,说出昆虫的生殖和发育特点,注意比较以蝗虫为代表的不完全变态和以果蝇为代表的完全变态发育过程的不同。第二节两栖动物的生殖和发育,通过观察教材图片和观看青蛙发育过程的视频,描述其体外、水中受精的特点和独特的变态发育过程。第三节鸟类的生殖和发育,注意做好观察鸡蛋结构的实验,结合课本插图,认识各部分的结构,讨论并明确各部分结构的胚胎发育过程中的作用。 第三章人类的生殖和发育 知识要点:本章三节内容,第一节婴儿的诞生;第二节青春期发育;第三节计划生育。中心问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 有两个:一是婴儿是如何诞生的;二是青春期发育有哪些突出的生理和心理特征。 第四章生物的遗传和变异 知识要点:本章教材包括五节,知识目标上,说明DNA是主要的遗传物质;描述染色体、DNA和基因的关系;举例说出生物的性壮是由基因控制的。解释人的性别决定;举例说出生物的变异;举例说出遗传育种在实践上的应用实例。在技能目标上,收集和交流关于人类基因组计划的报道、资料等信息。在情感目标上,认同近亲结婚的危害和优生优育,明确有关的伦理观和价值观。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 三、本学期教学目的任务 (一)、课程总目标 通过义务教育阶段生物课程的学习,学生将在以下几方面得到发展。 获得生物学基本事实、概念、原理和规律等方面的基础知识,了解并关注这些知识在生产、生活和社会发展中的应用。 初步具有生物学实验操作的基本技能、一定的科学探究和实践能力,养成科学思维的习惯。 理解人与自然和谐发展的意义,提高环境保护意识。 初步形成生物学基本观点和科学态度,为确立辩证唯物主义世界观奠定必要的基础。 (二)、课程具体目标 知识 获得有关生物体的结构层次、生命活动、生物与环境、生物进化以及生物技术等生物学基本事实、概念、原理和规律的基础知识。 获得有关人体结构、功能以及卫生保健的知识,促进生理和心理的健康发展。 知道生物科学技术在生活、生产和社会发展中的应用及其可能产生的影响。 能力 正确使用显微镜等生物学实验中常用的工具和仪器,具备一定的实验操作能力。 初步具有收集和利用课内外的图文资料及其他信息的能力。 初步学会生物科学探究的一般方法,发展学生提出问题、作出假设、制定计划、实施计划、得出结论、表达和交流的科学探究能力。在科学探究中发展合作能力、实践能力和创新能力。 初步学会运用所学的生物学知识分析和解决某些生活、生产或社会实际问题。 情感态度与价值观 了解我国的生物资源状况和生物科学技术发展状况,培养爱祖国、爱家乡的情感,增强振兴祖国和改变祖国面貌的使命感与责任感。 热爱大自然,珍爱生命,理解人与自然和谐发展的意义,提高环境保护意识。 乐于探索生命的奥秘,具有实事求是的科学态度、一定的探索精神和创新意识。 关注与生物学有关的社会问题,初步形成主动参与社会决策的意识。 逐步养成良好的生活与卫生习惯,确立积极、健康的生活态度。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 四、提高学生素质的具体措施 1、精心选择适宜的教学方法~针对具体学情因材施教, 2、进一步学习洋思经验~探索新的教学方法~提高课堂效率, 3、分层次设置课堂反馈练习~使优生得到发展~差生得到提高, 4、适当设计生物科技实践活动~充分调动学生的学习兴趣, 5、定期举行单元考试~及时反馈学生的学习效果~做到查遗补漏, 6、引领学生开展复习方法交流等活动~让优生带动差生共同进步 7、精心组织和策划好课堂 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 。 8、探索新的教学方法~做到课堂质量高效率。 9、进行课外辅导和写小论文及做小制作~提高学生的兴趣。 10、认真批改作业~从中解决学生存在的问题。 11、培养优生~转化后进生。 12、帮助学生确定恰当的学习目标~指导学生形成良好的学习习惯~掌握学习的方法和技巧。 总之~通过本学期教育教学~全面完成教学目标~使学生在理解、掌握有关知识的同时~培养相应的能力~以应用有关知识解决生活中的实际问题。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 五、本学期个人打算 1、备课标、备教材 认真钻研教材课标,研究教材教法。济南版的教材和人教版的教材有一定的区别,我们要区分对待。课下多读教材以及教材,不清楚的地方及时和其它教师交流。做到给学生半桶水,自己首先有一桶水,更应该有长流水。 2、备学生 1)深入了解学生思想实际和知识、能力水平,充分估计学生接受新知识可能遇到的问题。 2)根据学生的认识规律和心理特点,精心设计教学程序和教学方法。 3)教师能在每一堂课上找到与学生能产生共鸣的 3、备教法、备学法 根据新课标,教材内容、学生实际、突出设计重点、突破难点,解决关键的最优教学方法和学生学习的方法。 4、备作业 要精选习题,以消化、巩固当堂所学知识为基础,培养学生能力、开发学生智力。 5、岗位练功、继续教育 为了提高自身的素质,加强业务理论学习,转变思想、更新观念、增强创新意识,提高创新能力,深入实施素质教育,使练功与常规教学有机结合,根据新课标要求和学生实际,做到认真钻研教材,认真备好学生,认真批改,认真辅导等,其次有效地使用各种教学媒介,充分展示教学内容,激发学生兴趣,优化教学过程,培养学生的实践能力和创新精神,此外, 积极参加继续教育学习。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 六、教学进度表 周次 时 间 章 节 课 题 课时 第一节花的结构和类型(1) 1 1 第一章绿色开花植第一节花的结构和类型(2) 1 物的一生 周末自测 1 第二节传粉与受精(1) 1 第一章绿色开花植2 第二节传粉与受精(2) 1 物的一生 周末自测 1 第三节果实和种子的形成(1) 1 第一章绿色开花植3 第三节果实和种子的形成(2) 1 物的一生 周末自测 第四节种子的萌发(1) 1 第一章绿色开花植4 第四节种子的萌发(2) 1 物的一生 周末自测 1 第五节根的结构与功能(1) 1 第一章绿色开花植5 第五节根的结构与功能(2) 1 物的一生 周末自测 1 第六节芽的类型和结构 1 第一章绿色开花植6 第七节植物的无性生殖 1 物的一生 周末自测 1 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 第一节昆虫的生殖和发育(1) 1 第二章动物的生殖7 第一节昆虫的生殖和发育(2) 1 和发育 周末自测 1 第二节两栖动物的生殖和发育 1 第二章动物的生殖8 第三节鸟的生殖和发育 1 和发育 周末自测 1 9 期中复习 3 10 期中素质检测 第一节婴儿的诞生(1) 1 第三章人类的生殖11 第一节婴儿的诞生(2) 1 和发育 周末自测 1 第二节青春期发育(1) 1 第三章人类的生殖12 第二节青春期发育(2) 1 和发育 周末自测 1 第三章人类的生殖第三节计划生育 1 和发育 13 第一节遗传的物质基础 1 第四章生物的遗传 和变异 周末自测 1 第二节人类染色体与性别决定 1 第四章生物的遗传14 第三节性状的遗传 1 和变异 周末自测 1 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 第四节生物的变异 1 第四章生物的遗传15 第五节人类优生与基因组计划 1 和变异 周末自测 1 阶段性素能自测16 阶段性素能自测 3 (一) 阶段性素能自测17 阶段性素能自测 3 (二) 18 期终复习 期终考试 19 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected.
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