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写商务信函的原则写商务信函的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个"C"(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个"C":Completeness(完整), Clearness(清晰), Concreteness(具体), Conciseness(简明), Correctness(正确), Courtesy(礼貌), Consideration(体谅) 实例 Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of April 9,...

写商务信函的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个"C"(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个"C":Completeness(完整), Clearness(清晰), Concreteness(具体), Conciseness(简明), Correctness(正确), Courtesy(礼貌), Consideration(体谅) 实例 Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable. 信的本文汉译 关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色 铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。一经接到出口许可证号码的 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ,当即电开信用证。 对商业信函的"完整"要求 要求书信的"完整",理由有三: 1.一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果; 2.一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3.一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致的诉讼(Lawsuit); 4.有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。 一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既: "Who, What, Where, When 及Why(包括How)" 例如在定货的信中,必须明确说明 "需要什么商品"(What you want) "何时需要" (When you need the goods) "货物发到何地何人收"(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent) "如何付款"(How payment will be mande) 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由"为什么"(Why) 再给你些实例: 寻求建立商贸关系信函 Dear Sirs, A few days ago we had the opportunity to see a display If your products at the Chengdu International Trade Centre,and we were most impressed with their quality and low prices. We should like to offer you our services as a trading firm,and would mention that we have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for this type of product. In addition,we operate our own advertising agency,and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficently.You can be sure of increasing your turnover consid-erably if you would allow us to promote sales of your products throughout China. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, 中文对照 敬启者: 日前参观贵公司在成都国际展览中心展出的产品时,由于贵公司产品价廉物美,给我留下了深刻的印象。 作为贸易公司,我方非常愿意为贵公司提供服务。在贸易方面,我们有良好的关系,对此类产品进口业务更具有丰富的经验。 另外,我公司拥有自己的广告公司,善于运用最新的营销手段促销。如果愿给予我方贵公司产品在中国大陆的销售权,我方可以保证,贵公司的营业额可大量增加。 盼复。 ×××敬上 寻求代理商信函 Dear Sirs, We wish to sell our automatic copying machines in your country,and should like to be put in touch with a company or individual who would be willing to represent us. The representative we are looking for will be experienced in this field,and should already be doing business with buyers of office equipment,having contacts with suitable outlets.On our part we can offer up to Bright machines with an international reputation,which are already being sold in many countries in North America. We look forward to hearing from you. yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 我公司愿意在贵国销售全自动影印机,想与有意代理我公司产品的公司或个人联系。 我公司要联系的代理商,必须在这方面有经验,目前正从事办公用品贸易且与市场有联系的代理商。就我们方面,可以提供目前正在北美各国畅销的国际驰名的布莱特机。 期待你的回音。 ×××敬上 接受代理商信函 Dear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of 26th May.We have read with interest the acount of your activities,and have decided to take up your references. We enclose the draft agreement stating the terms and conditions of the agency. We look forward to your acceptance of the above and to the eventual signing of the provisional agreement. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 感谢阁下5月26日来信。我们有兴趣地读了您们的活动简介,并决定接受您们的推荐信。 现附上说明代理机构条件的协议草案。 我们盼望您接受上述协议草案并最后签署临时协议。 ×××敬上 推销产品信函 Dear Sirs Our market survey informs that you are interested in the import of machinery.We shall be pleased to receive your enquiries for machinery made in Germany.Our Machinery Division mainly acts as an export agent on a commission basis.In order prepare quotations,however,we would need some additional information with respect to the questions which are on the attached sheet and more particularly the checded ones. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply,and assuring you that your requirements will have our very best and prompt attention Yours very truly, 中文对照 敬启者: 根据我司的市场调查得知,贵司对进口机器颇感兴趣,如本公司能获得贵司有关德国产机器的询价则不胜感谢。本公司机构处承担机构进口代理业务,以赚取佣金为主。为了便于向贵司报价,希望能获得更多情报,谨寄上答题一份。请按各项问题特别是注有标记的给以答复。 殷盼您早日回信。对贵司提出的要求,我司定当尽力服务。 ×××敬上 信用查询信函 Dear Sirs, We have received an important order from Messrs.Itoh &Co.,of Singapore, who have given us your name as reference.We shall esteem it a high favour if you kindly give us information respecting their commercial position,and the estimation in which they are held. It would give us a great pleasure to be able to render you a similar service, should an opportunity occur. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 我们从新加坡的伊藤公司获得一份重要订单,该公司通知我们,贵公司为该公司查询信用的地方。为此,请来函告诉我们该公司商业信誉与信用状况,本公司将至为感激。今后如有机会,本公司愿为贵公司提供同样的服务。 ×××敬上 寄送报价单信函 Gentlemen: Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry,HongKong,we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us,in this market.We have been exporting and importing general merchandise of many years and can say that we have many satisfied customers and friends. We are enclosing herewith one of our price-lists for your examination.This is several weeks old and therefore the prices are not in line with today's market.However,we are sending this so that you may acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.Due to lack of time and space,we have not been able to include all the commodities we can offer and we therefore ask that you make your inquiries for any items that do not appear on the list.We would also appreciate receiving details regarding the commodities we can offer and we are therefore certain that business can be consummated between us. If you are not interested in taking advantage of the offerings on the list, please be good enough to forward it to some of your friends or a firm,who may be interested in these items.With kindest regards,we remain. Yours very truly, 中文对照 敬启者: 从香港工商会获悉贵司名称,知贵司拟在本市场与我进行交易。我司从事一般商品进出口业务已多年,在商界赢得众顾客和朋友们的赞誉。 现随函附寄我价格表一份,请参考。虽然此表已过时数周,其价格亦可能不适于当今市场,但我所以寄上此表是为了使贵司了解一下我司所经营的项目。由于时间和篇幅所限,我不能将所有可提供的商品全部列入表中,为此,贵司对表中未列项目感兴趣,请发来询函。如能收到贵方对我商品提出详细要求,将不胜感激,确信你我双方能圆满地达成交易。 若贵方对我表中所列报价无兴趣,亦请转告对此感兴趣的朋友或公司为盼。顺致最良好的祝愿。 ×××敬上 拒绝买方出价信函 Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your letter of October 6,We have given our careful consideration to your counter offer against our offer for woolen blanket.We are quite earnest, of course,to meet your wishes and to supply you with the goods which will enable you to compete in your market,but regret our inability to make any further discount at present. The quality is the best available at the price we offered to you,and far superior to those of foreign makers who are supplying to your market. We think it more advisable for you to handle our new product,and we would like to discuss the prospect of sale with you. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 贵方10月6日来函收悉,谢谢。贵方就毛毯的报价提出相反意见,本公司已慎重考虑。当然,本公司很乐意向贵方提供具有市场竞争力的货物,以符合贵方愿望。但目前本公司尚无法给予太大折扣,深表遗憾。 本公司提供给贵方价格的货物质量极为可靠,较其他外国制造商的产品更具有优越性。 本公司认为贵方接受我方新产品更为合理,并盼与阁下讨论销售前途。 ×××敬上 请开信用证信函 Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for your order NO.DF-16 March 28 with which you have sent us your shipping instructions.The goods of your order are being manufactured for shipment. You informed us that you will arrange to open an irrevocable L/C in our favour, valid until May 30 and we ask you to send it promptly. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested in accordance with your shipping instructions.We assure you that we will make complete shipment so that we can give you perfect satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 贵方3月28日寄来的DF-16号订单及其装船通知均已收到,至为感激。 贵方订购的产品正准备交运中。贵方通知我们将依我方意思开出一份5月30日前有效的不可撤销信用证,请贵方立即寄来。 信用证一到,本公司就依照贵方装船通知单上的要求立即包装启运。本公司向贵方保证,我们将作完整的装运,让贵方完全满意。 ×××敬上 要求对方付款信函 Dear Sirs, We have pleasure in advising you that your order of March 6 has been shipped today by M/Y ‘Applol' from Tokyo.Please find enclosed our invoice for @ 6182 and note that we have drawn on you for this amount at sight attaching the shipping documents to our draft. As arranged,we have instructed our bankers to send the documents against payment of our draft which we recommend to your protection。 Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 阁下3月6日订货已交由阿波罗轮承运,今天已从东京港启航,特此奉告。 现随函附上美金6182元汇票,开给贵方的汇票是见票即付期票,同时附上装船文件,敬请查收。 依照安排,现已指示我方银行发出我方汇票付款文件,对贵方是有利的。 ×××敬上 装船通知信函 Dear Sirs, We confirm dispatch of your order for Indian rugs,and give the below packing arrangements to facilitate discharge at your end. The letter A,B,and C represent sub marks on the ship's stowage plan. A.200 Sheets(red) B. 500 sheets (blue) C.300 sheets(yellow). We trust the consignment arrives in good order and give you complete satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 现去函确认贵方订购的印度小地毯已发运。为使贵方卸货方便,特作下列包装处理:船装载图案,字母A.B.C代表下列标志。 A.200块(红色) B.500块(蓝色) C.300块(黄色) 我们相信,该寄售产品会完整无缺运达,并令贵方完全满意。 ×××敬上 接到订单并通知装船信函 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for kitchen ware and would advise that dispatch will be by M/V ‘Evergreen'around April 15. This is well within the time you specified.Our bank has confirmed receipt of your draft.For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities, and shall submit a quaterly statement.Your credit maximum will be @ 10,000. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 贵方订购厨房用具一函已收悉,交由长绿轮承运,并于4月15日出发,特此函告。 我们已在贵方规定时限内完成,且我方银行已确认接到贵方支票。为便于今后联系起见,我们同意贵方按季提出结报书,但是贵方信用款额最多只能为美金10,000元。 ×××敬上
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