首页 湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试操作教程



湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试操作教程湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试操作教程 湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试 操作教程 最近一个朋友参加《会计从业资格证》考试,由于以前没有接触过会计电算化上机考试(机考系统与我们平时用的用友之类的财务软件操作上是有区别的,只是流程一样),从而导致机考没及格(本人当初考试时也同样由于没操作经验机考没及格,后来补考才通过),为了让以后更多的考证朋友顺利通过考试,特抽空闲时间简要写下这个教程,不会让大家上机考试时不知从何下手,由于会计电算化机考考题是随机的(与你旁边考生的考题都会不一样的),所以...

湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试操作教程 湖北省《会计从业资格证》会计电算化上机考试 操作教程 最近一个朋友参加《会计从业资格证》考试,由于以前没有接触过会计电算化上机考试(机考系统与我们平时用的用友之类的财务软件操作上是有区别的,只是流程一样),从而导致机考没及格(本人当初考试时也同样由于没操作经验机考没及格,后来补考才通过),为了让以后更多的考证朋友顺利通过考试,特抽空闲时间简要写下这个教程,不会让大家上机考试时不知从何下手,由于会计电算化机考考题是随机的(与你旁边考生的考题都会不一样的),所以我所发的图片上的考题只是一个示范,不是考试时的题,请大家注意~ 注:由于机考所用的电脑不像我们平时自己所用的电脑,自己用惯了的输入法(如极品五笔/QQ拼音/搜狗拼音等)在你考试时的电脑上不一定有安装的,所以在考试前最好先准备一个U盘,把你自己平时用习惯的输入法安装程序拷到U盘里,到了考场后首先将U盘里的输入法安装进电脑里(不用担心他们不让你装,因为他们的电脑都装了还原卡,不管你安装了什么,下次开机后什么也没有了)。 首先说一下机考的考分,理论理70分,实务题40分(其中操作分有10分,即点完考试系统的所有步骤就会有10分,没操作完就只有相应的操作分,所以如果在60分钟内做不完考题,那你也要在最后几分钟内将后面的每一个功能菜单都点开操作一下。这个10分可不要放弃呀~) ks目录,下面有一个如当我们前期工作准备好后,打开考试系统,找到C盘下面的Cat- 下图红圈的Cst-ks文件,双击打开(注:图标有两个,要运行可执行文件那个,不要打开图标文件) 注: 如果进入考场后工作人员已将系统打开则忽略此步 打开系统后出现下图界面,在界面上的考号内输入你准考证上的考号及身份证号码后点进入 注:一但进入后就开始记时考试,不能再退出,考时60分钟,时间有限,一定要抓紧哟~考试用掉时间在系统的最右下角可以看到。 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 进入后,会在屏幕中间出现如下图的界面,至于你是先做理论试题,还是实务试题,根据你自己的熟悉程度,如果你平时实际接触过用友等之类的财务软件,你可以先做理论,后做实务,因为实务试题分少(实务40分/理论60分),如果熟悉操作也花不了多长时间就能完成。 我以先做实务试题为例进行说明,因为很多都是不会操作实务试题,造成所花的时间比较长。 先点开注意事项 ,如下图 在这里看了~考试时就不需要再仔细看了,但必须点一下这个注意事项才能开始理论和实务考试,~直接点返回答题后点击实务试题~出现下图界面~不需要输入什么~直接点进入: one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 先说一下实务的操作步骤~如下图~按照这个步骤来操作每一步会得相应的得分,即前面所说 的操作分~除了会计分录30分外~其它全部操作完就有10分,~下图为操作步骤及相关分值。 点进入后出现下图主界面 第一步 增加明细科目 点菜栏上的系统菜单里面的科目管理~出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 根据左边的年初余额在右边增加相应二级科目,选中右边的一级科目后点下面的下插即会出现 一个空行, 技巧:先看左边的年初余额~比如在途物资有A材料和B材料~那么你在右边增加科目时可以 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 选中在途物资后连续点两下下插~即插入两个空行~你在空行中输入科目代码和科目名称~未级科目选是。 这样你会节约很多时间的,这是经验~不信你可以考试时试一下~是一个一个的插入快还是按我的方法插入快,。但要注意科目编码规则。 注:里面有在途物资、原材料、库存商品、生产成本、应交税费、主营业务收入都要增加二级科目~尤其注意应交税费,见下图, 应交税费左边余额里有应交所得税、应交城市维护建设税、应交教育费附加等6个科目~而右边应交税费科目下只有一个应交增值税,已交税金二级科目~且科目代码为222106~所以些处你要注意~连续下插5次~分别在空行内增加222101-应交所得税、222102-应交城市维护建设税……以此类推~所有增加的科目未级都选是。 第二步 年初余额设置 确认全部增加完二级科目后点保存后返回~返回后点菜单栏里的初始化下面的年初余额~出现下图界面~左边是系统给予的初始数据~你需要在右边输入相应的初始数据,根据科目名称来输入相应的年初余额~如果你在上一步增加科目时没有增加相应的科目~那么此时你没增加子科目的余额你就不能输入~所以增加子科目时一定要仔细增加完整, one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 输入完毕后请仔细检查后点保存并返回。 第三步 做会计分录(20笔/30分) 点击菜单上的凭证菜单下面的凭证输入编辑菜单~出现下图~左边是给出的题目~右边是凭证~ 请按左边的题目在右边录入凭证。 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 技巧: 录入凭证时~可以不用输入科目编码,我到目前都还记不住科目编码,~可以 直接输 入科目中文名称~ 比如银行存款~只需要输入银行两个字后点黑三角下拉就可以快速定位选 择~ 注意有二级科目的二级科目也要选择 ~借贷方向不要记错~摘要不要忘了写~摘要不需 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 要写详细~简单写明意思就行。 录入完毕后点下面的保存~提示保存成功后自动跳到下一题~开始做下一张凭证。如下图 技巧:做凭证时~如遇做不到的题~不要想太长时间~直接点击左边题号选择下一题~后面有时间再返回来做~不然时间不够~一定要记得每张凭证都要保存。如有确实做不到的题~先不要管~因为你还要去做理论试题~不要浪费时间。有要计算的~这时可以直接点计算器调出计算器来计算。 第四步 分录凭证浏览 做完凭证返回后点菜单凭证菜单下面的凭证浏览菜单出现下图~可以向上向下浏览~检查凭证是否有错~此处如遇有错可以直接修改~但要记得保存。记得每一张凭证都要浏览一下~这是操作分。如果你认为开始做的凭证没什么问题~此处你可以直接点20次下移即可。 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 第五步 转账凭证生成 浏览完凭证后点击菜单栏上凭证下面的转账凭证生成。点击转账凭证生成后出现如下图的窗 口~表示转账成功~直接点确定退出。 第六步 分录凭证的审核 点击菜单栏上凭证菜单里的凭证审核出现下图~此时要确认默认的月份是不是前面做会计凭证 时的月份~若是直接点确定~不是就直接输入凭证月份,正常是不需要修改的, one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 点凭证审核即将凭证审核 技巧:此处为了节约时间~你可以直接点20次凭证审核~就会将所有凭证审核完毕。但注意鼠标不要点得太快~以防电脑反映不过来~导致没有审核完毕。审核后会在审核显示你的姓名。提示已经是最后一张凭证时点返回。 第七步 记账 点击菜单上的账表处理下的记账出现下图 同样注意月份后点确定。会提示记账成功: 第八步 结账 点击菜单上的账表处理下的结账出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 同样注意月份后点确定。会提示结账成功: 第九步 记账结账情况 点击菜单账表处理下的记账结账情况出现下图~确认一下是否成功。打勾表示成功了:点返回。 第十步 综合查询 点菜单查询下面的综合查询 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 技巧:点资产类的库存现金~再点查询~其它科目一样操作。随便查询两三个科目查询后就返 回,不要浪费时间,。不要去看数据对否,平时做账时可要看啊,。 第十一步 明细账查询 点击菜单查询下的明细账查询出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 同样注意月份后确定出现下图 技巧:点资产类的库存现金~再点查询~其它科目一样操作。随便查询两三个科目查询后就返 回,不要浪费时间,。 第十二步 总账查询 点击菜单上的查询下的总账查询出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 同样注意月份后确定出现下图 技巧:点资产类的库存现金~再点查询~其它科目一样操作。随便查询两三个科目查询后就返 回,不要浪费时间,。 第十三步 总账科目汇总 点击菜单上的查询下的总账科目汇总出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 这个地方不需要操作什么~只需要出现表后直接点返回。 恭喜到此实务试题全部完成。点菜单栏系统菜单最下面的退出实务考试试题退出实务考试出现 下图 现在开始做理论试题~点击理论试题出现下图 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 如上图~左边是题号~右边是题目~在答后面白色框内输入数字~不需要输入括号~你输 入数字后点左边的题号到下一题~同实务考试一样~不能确定的直接跳过做下一题,时间紧张 呀:,。此处注意下面的提示~要在多选要按顺序录入~并且不要在数字中间加空格等。 做 好的题左边的蜘蛛会变成黄色(见下图,。 题目全部做完后点返回主菜单~如果此时时间还充足的话~你可以去检查实务试题或者理 论试题~等到时间还剩下2分钟左右时点下图的完成交卷。 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 交卷成功后就可以离开坐位了~可以到前面向考官查询一下自己的成绩~如果有60分~恭喜你通过~如果其它两门有把握通过的话~那就等成绩出来后财政局通知你去拿会计从业资格证书。 好了~由于时间关系~再说参加考试也好几年了~很多也忘了。只是简要的讲解了一下操作~以上也难免有错误的地方。相信大家用心去体会一下~一定能及格的。至于考题那就关键是你要对书上讲的要弄懂~对凭证分录比较熟。这样就很容易过的。 再次说明考试时的题是随机的~图片仅供参考:机考不及格可千万不要说是我上的图不对哟。祝各位考证成功:加油::: 【感谢】作者:老杨 QQ:403428204 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
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