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全自动模切排废机维修保养手册全自动模切排废机维修保养手册 CLASSIC 1200-CS 全自动模切排废机 维修保养手册 1常见故障与排除 1.1给纸部分: 给纸机的常见故障主要有以下几种: 1.1.1给纸头吸纸嘴吸力不足 原因可能有: i吸气管漏气:如果是接头处漏气,请紧固卡箍,若是气管本身漏气,则 应更换气管。 ii吸纸嘴因磨损漏气:此时更换吸嘴或对阀芯进行修理。 iii气泵原因: 检查气泵看空气滤清器是否脏污,元件应每1-2个月检查清洗,如果脏污应立即清洗。 气泵端盖平面是否磨损、漏气,如磨损则修平。 iv吸纸...

全自动模切排废机维修保养手册 CLASSIC 1200-CS 全自动模切排废机 维修保养手册 1常见故障与排除 1.1给纸部分: 给纸机的常见故障主要有以下几种: 1.1.1给纸头吸纸嘴吸力不足 原因可能有: i吸气管漏气:如果是接头处漏气,请紧固卡箍,若是气管本身漏气,则 应更换气管。 ii吸纸嘴因磨损漏气:此时更换吸嘴或对阀芯进行修理。 iii气泵原因: 检查气泵看空气滤清器是否脏污,元件应每1-2个月检查清洗,如果脏污应立即清洗。 气泵端盖平面是否磨损、漏气,如磨损则修平。 iv吸纸嘴离纸堆上平面太远:通过转动调节手轮可以调整给纸头高度,分纸吸嘴一般应与纸堆上平面有6mm距离,而递纸嘴一般应与纸堆上平面有5-10mm距离。 1.1.2输纸歪斜 原因有: i给纸头在递纸时,两侧递纸吸嘴不同步,递纸吸嘴 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 与纸堆上平面高度一致,而且相对纸堆中心对称,如有不符,要进行调节。 ii两侧输纸带松紧不一、压纸轮压力大小不一、方向不正均可造成纸张歪斜或拱起,这时,需调节输纸带的涨紧轮及压纸轮上的调压手钮及压轮支funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 承杆的方向。 iii花纹辊上接纸轮分布不对称,压力大小不一致,这时就调整接纸轮的位置及压力。 1.1.3给纸头在工作中抖动 原因可能有: 给纸头万向节两插头磨损,配合间隙变大,传动时产生振动,此时需更换万向节插头。 1.1.4双张 主要原因有: i给纸头吸纸嘴离给纸堆上平面太近,此时调整其高度,使其到纸堆顶部距离6-7mm左右。 ii分纸毛刷及分纸簧片离纸堆太高、伸入纸堆太少,此时应调整簧片使其离纸堆上平面5-10mm,伸进长度为3-7mm,调整分纸毛刷使其距纸堆后沿尖顶处约1mm。 iii松纸吹嘴过低。松纸吹嘴的作用是对纸堆上面几屋纸张吹开以利分纸,如果位置过低则对纸堆上面纸张不起作用,容易造成双张。 1.1.5侧规矩不齐 侧规不齐主要是因为侧拉规拉力过大或过小,过高或过低所致。如果侧规拉力过大,会造成纸张被拉过位,纸边折弯,如果拉力过小则纸张拉不动或拉不到位。这时应调整拉规高低及拉力大小,拉规的高低一般以薄纸为3张纸厚左右,厚纸为纸厚+0.2mm左右为宜。拉力的大小可以通过调整弹簧力来实现。 另外,侧规矩不齐也与侧规抬起过早有关,如果在叨纸牙排的叨牙尚未闭合前侧规就已抬起,则会造成纸张失控,从而造成模切时侧规矩不funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 齐,如果侧规抬起太晚,则如果易撕裂纸张。此时可以调节侧规上传动面的链轮,使侧规在叨纸牙闭合后,牙排开始运动前抬起。 1.1.6前规不到位 前规不到位一般是由于前规处压纸簧片压力太大或输纸板上压纸毛刷轮分布不合理所致,此时应检查调正压纸簧片使能够在低位时允许纸张顺利通过(离前挡规上板约2张纸厚)。调整输纸板上压纸毛轮的位置,使其中心正好处在最上面纸张的后沿,这样就可以保证在纸张到达前规时,毛刷轮有一个向前的推力,确保纸张前规到位。 1.2模切部分 模切部分常见故障主要有以下几种: 1.2.1模切压力不均 如果是轻微的不均,请查一下模切刀线分布情况。刀线分布不均造成动平台在模切时受力歪斜,此时应在模切板上加装平衡刀线,使平台受力均匀。 如果是平台前后或四角出现比较严重的压力不均现象,则主要是支承动平台的四个连杆摆杆高度不一致造成的,此时请打开模切底座的护罩检查摆杆是否磨损,如果磨损严重则须更换,否则调整四个压力斜铁,调到完全一致为止。 1.2.2模切精度不好 主要有以下几方面: i间歇机构磨损造成牙排在停止或起动过程中发生抖动。这种情况一般只对前定精度产生影响。此时最好请生产厂家派人来对间歇机构进行检修。 ii主传动链条磨损拉长。这将直接影响模切前定位精度,必要时请更换新链条。 funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon iii上模切版或下模切钢板定位不准。一般是因为机器长时间使用后造成模切版框或模切上定位块磨损从而使配合间隙过大所致,更换定位块。 iv前、后定位摆架定位距离过小。 因为链条本身长度有一定误差(约1.5%),如果定位距离过小,在前、后定位时不能消除链条误差,就会影响模切精度。此时应调整前定位摆架的定位块或后定位摆架的凸轮位置,使前、后定位架能拨动叨纸牙排2-3mm距离为宜。 v叨纸牙压力大小或不均 如果叨纸牙的活动牙弹性由天长期使用会变小,造成纸张在传送过程中滑移或滑脱,影响模切精度,叨纸牙之间的压力大小不均会造成纸张在模切过程中的歪斜。此时应更换活动牙。另外,固定牙在水平高度上也应该一致。否则也可能使纸张在叨纸时产生碰撞或叨纸后纸张起皱,影响模切精度。 vi侧定位板的磨损是造成侧定位不准的重要因素,定位的拨动量不足以弥补磨损量,则会造成侧定位精度变差,须更换定位板。 1.2.3模切散版 模切时造成散版主要与制版 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 及弹出胶条有关。如果加工件形状复杂或排列数量多,而模切连点又小又少,则很容易造成模切时散板,此时应适当增加连点数量,最好是将加工件长度方向与纸张传送方向保持一致。模切版上胶条太软,纸张就不能顺利弹出,也会造成散版,应更换硬度高、弹性好的优质胶条。 另外,牙排起动太早也是造成散版重要原因,当动平台模切后下降时,纸张虽已被胶条弹出刀线,但由于胶条般高出刀线2-3mm,将纸张还压在模切钢板上,此时牙排开始运动,很容易撕裂纸张造成散版。此时应funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 松开间歇机构与链轮轴的联结套进行调整,使动平台由上止点下降7-8mm(加工瓦楞纸时应10-15mm)左右时,牙排开始运动为好。 1.2.4润滑压力不足 本机器有润滑油压力不足故障显示。如出现警告,首先要检查过滤器是否堵塞,可以用汽油清洗过滤网。如油量不足,请按油标指示加油。检查油管是否变形或堵塞,检查调整开关压力设定压力是否正确。 1.3收纸部分 收纸部分的主要故障是收纸不齐或收纸散版: 1.3.1纸张收不齐: 最初纸张收不齐主要是因为收纸台开始时与侧齐纸板及前后齐纸板下沿间隙过大所致。只要按微升按钮SB36,将其往上适当升高即可。如果在收纸全过程中收纸不齐,则可能收纸台自动下降太大,此时可以适当减小收纸处自动降定时器的设定值,将下降距离适当缩小既可。另外在加工薄纸时也容易造成收纸不齐,此时应适当降低机器速度。 1.3.2收纸散版: 对收纸部分扶纸毛刷,当扶纸毛刷动作与纸张运动不协调是即夹纸力量过大或夹纸时间过早均容易造成模切后纸张的撕裂,此时应调整扶纸毛刷的动作时间及压力,使毛刷夹持纸张的三分之一,并且压力要小,能将纸张扶平即可。 2机床的保养和润滑 新机器使用一个月后,须重新更换润滑油,然后进行正常使用。 操作人员要准备润滑油的安全技术说明书(MSDS),要认真阅读技术说明书,了解盒掌握化学品的危险性,并根据使用的情形制订安全操作规程,选用合适的防护器具。安全技术说明书(MSDS)要放到容易拿到的funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 地方,以便危急时用。 2.1给纸部分 各转动部件或摆动部件与定轴间应每班加注一次适量的机油。 i给纸头各摆杆与轴之间 ii传递给纸头动力的球头万向节机构 iii齐纸翻板和接纸轮传动摆杆处 iv纸堆自动上升用的蜗轮蜗杆,要求每半个月加一次钙基润滑脂。传动链条每周润滑一次(用机油枪) v吸纸嘴在工作过程中,因纸毛堵塞动作不灵活时,可以拆开,用汽油或煤油清洗干净后,再装好使用。注意不要使用机油。 2.2模切部分 2.2.1润滑油泵 此油泵安装在模切传动面墙板下侧。 型号 pcr仪的中文说明书矿用离心泵型号大全阀门型号表示含义汽车蓄电池车型适配表汉川数控铣床 为ROP-13MA。它用来润滑主传动机构,润滑方式为循环式。主机底座收纸一侧有方形油标和放油管,用来指示润滑油的多少,机器使用前应将润滑油加到指示位置,操作者应经常观察及时加油和维修。更换润滑油时打开放油管的阀门即可把主机底座内润滑油放出。主机底座内旧的润滑油清洗干净后,关闭阀门即可加入新的润滑油。在油泵的一侧有一个过滤器,每周要定期进行清理,每次左右旋转上面的手柄几次即可,当过滤器内脏物较多时,用扳手松开底面的放油螺栓可以把脏物清洗干净。 主机所用润滑油为N46号机油。 2.2.2各传动部件及摆动部件的润滑 i叨纸牙排的润滑 每排叨纸牙排上有两个润滑点,五排叨纸牙排共有十个润滑点,要求每funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 班润滑一次。 ii拉规运动部件需每班润滑一次。 2.3收纸部分 i收纸台升降电机传动链条:每周用机油枪润滑一次。 ii各开式传动的齿轮链轮,每周用机油枪润滑一次。 2.4两根运载叨纸牙排的主链条的润滑: 主链条的润滑采用自动润滑泵进行自动定时润滑注油。自动润滑泵安装在传动面收纸墙板的外侧,操作者应经常观察及时加油和维修。自动润滑泵设置为上电加油和每间隔3小时注油一次(指在3小时不断电情况下)。 主链条的润滑采用的润滑油为意大利LANCER(领先)优质润滑油。LANCER(领先)专业印刷机链条润滑油:CG500、530、550是一种纯度极高的链条润滑油,使用时无需大量涂抹于链条上,从而可减少喷粉聚积,减少清洗链条的需要。也可使用其他品牌同等品质的印刷机、模切机专用链条油,延长主链条的使用寿命。 2.5高精密分度机构: 本机采用的高精密分度机构,是该机的关键部分。该机构的部件制造精度及工作负荷较高,因而对润滑也有较严格的要求,否则会造成零部件的过度磨损,从而降低了机构的精度和寿命,所以它的润滑是极其重要的。此高精度分度机构安装在机器传动面护罩内,护罩设有观察孔,要经常检查油面是否达到油标指示位置。若需更换润滑油时,应首先将该机构的上表面清洗干净,松开螺钉取下上面的盖板,拧开机构下面的放油塞,把旧的润滑油放干净,再将机构箱体内部清洗干净,然后注入清洁的合适粘度的润滑油,所注油量不低于油标的1/2位置为宜。 funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 换油时间:新机构在使用一千小时之后,应更换一次润滑油,以后每三千小时更换一次,但即使运转时间短,每一年也应更换一次。 高精度分度机构的润滑油为90#重负荷车辆齿轮油,是高质量润滑油,可四季使用。 模切机自工作之日起到第15天,必须检查高精度分度机构是否运行平稳有无异常响声或震动。 工作时应经常检查并随时注意机构的工作状态,要注意相连接链条是否松弛,联轴器是否松动等,如有上述现象,应即时排除。对于机构本身发生异常响声、震动或输出动作不正常,应打开机构进行调整、检查,如发现凸轮或分度部件的滚针轴承损坏,应及时与本公司联系。以上调整和操作应该由专业人员进行,如果没有相关经验请通知我公司,我公司将派专业人员进行维修。不要随意调整或拆卸该分度机构。 3电气控制系统的维护和保养: 维护和保养本机器电气控制系统的人员,必须是具有电气控制知识的合格的专业技术人员,必须按照有关法规穿戴和使用劳动保护用品,并且使用合格的工具。 为了发挥最大的效益,要定期对机器进行维护和保养。 机器运转一段时间后,由于振动等原因,安装电器元件的螺钉可能发生松动,必须经常检查,及时紧固,防止机器故障的发生。 由于机器工作性质的原因,会产生一些纸屑,它们会影响到传感器,特别是光电开关的正常工作,必须经常检查,去除这些污物,但要保证不改变电器元件的安装位置及其性能。 要定期的对各个电器柜进行清扫,保持清洁,包括排风扇的过滤网。否则会影响电器设备的正常运行。 funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 注意: 对各个电器柜进行清扫时,必须断开供电系统的电源,并挂上警告标识。否则有电击的危险~ 在检查变频器电源部件之前,一定要断开交流输入电源和等待主要电解电容完全放电~ 机器的运动部位较多,它们能够协调工作,靠的是合理的分配运行时间,该动的时候动,不该动的时候不动。 电器控制也是同样,同样有一个装置控制传感器的起作用时间。这个装置我们成为程序控制器。所有的检测体位置,在机器出厂之前都已调好。一般不用重新调整。 3.1常见故障与排除 为了正常运行和安全操作,机器的控制系统设置了多地点操作与各种保护装置。但是不管哪个地方出现问题,都会使机器停止运转。这样一来,就要求操作者对机器非常熟悉。才能在很短时间内排除因为操作而出现的故障。 由于本机应用了人机界面,对一般的故障有自诊功能,可以按照画面的提示,方便地排除故障。除此之外的故障,应首先排除供电系统和外部环境的影响。然后在确定机器的故障范围。 3.1.1给纸台没有自动上升: 发生这种故障时,如果手动正常,应检查:给纸机选择旋钮SA11的置是否正确 ;自动上升传感器SQ13是否动作;自动上升定时器设置是否合适。仍不能自动上升时,检查传动机构。 3.1.2收纸台没有自动下降: 发生这种故障时,如果手动正常,应检查:收纸堆上限传感器HL31funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon 是否动作, 自动下降定时器设置是否合适。仍不能自动上升时,检查传动机构。 3.1.3收纸台有微升,没有连续上升: 发生这种故障时,如果手动正常,应检查:收纸堆上限传感器HL32是否动作,将发光部分与受光部分对正。 3.1.4机器的所有电机均不能起动: 发生这种故障时,应检查:急停按钮有没有复位;灯柱上的两个灯是否同时闪烁,如果是,机器处于保护状态,表示机器上的旋钮或锁钮至少有一个没有复位,必须全部复位后,才能开始工作。如果是急停按钮没有复位,还要按动电铃按钮,解除急停状态。 3.1.5收纸超高不能复位: 发生这种故障时,应检查:收纸部分的纸张情况,是否纸张在自动下降位置,自动下降传感器HL31是否正常,自动下降定时器设置是否合适。 3.1.6运行中主电机停止工作: 发生这种故障时,应检查:变频器是否报警,记住数字盘上显示的代码,对照变频器说明书检查机器是否过载,压力是否过大;打开护罩,检查机器的润滑是否良好,是否局部过热。 funnel, add water to the 20mL. Drawing on 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30., 0.40, 0.50mL lead standard solution (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 µ g of lead), separate 125mL in a separatory funnel, plus 1mL nitrate (15.9 per cent) to 20mL. In the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and lead plus 2mL in standard solution of ammonium citrate (20g/L), 1mL hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (200g/L) And 2 drops of phenol red indicator solution, ammonia (1+1) to the red, plus 2mL potassium ferricyanide solution (100g/L), and mix. Plus 5.0mL II-dithizone with fluid, violent shaking 1min, static after stratification, chloroform layer through cotton wool filters into the 1cm in the Cuvette, to adjust the zero point in trichloromethane 510nm wavelength absorbance measurement, minus zero tube after each point, draw standard curve or calculate a regression equation, sample compared with the curve.cV1-the total volume of the sample digest solution, mL; V2-sample digestion liquid for measuring volume, mL. Results statement: report parallel determination of the arithmetic mean of the two valid number. 24 allow relative difference ? 10%. Detection of arsenic in the sixth chapter of food (Advanced) 1 scope this standard specifies a method for the determination of total arsenic in food. This standard applies to the determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.01mg/kg, linear in the range of 0ng/mL~200ng/mL silver salt method; 0.2mg/kg; arsenic spot method, 0.25mg/kg; borohydride reduction colorimetric method: 0.05mg/kg. First, 2 principles of food samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry after wet digestion or dry ashing after adding thiourea pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent arsenic and Adding boron hydride or potassium borohydride reduction of hydrogen arsenide, by loading the silica atoms of argon
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