首页 塑料成型工艺与模具设计复习资料2012.11



塑料成型工艺与模具设计复习资料2012.11塑料成型工艺与模具设计复习资料2012.11 《塑料成型工艺与模具设计》期末复习资料(仅供参考) 1. 热固性塑料经加热后可以反复塑造成型。(×) 2. 在注射成型中需要控制的温度有料筒温度)喷嘴温度和模具温度。(?) 3. 不同的热塑性塑料其流动性不同,同一种塑料流动性是相同的。(×) 4. 浇口的位置应开设在塑件截面较厚处,以利于塑料熔体填充及补料。(?) 5. 为了便于塑件脱模,一般情况下使塑件在开模时留在定模上。(×) 6. 牵引比是指牵出速度与挤出速度的比值,其值必须大于或等于1。(?) 1.热塑性塑...

塑料成型工艺与模具 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 复习资料2012.11 《塑料成型工艺与模具设计》期末复习资料(仅供参考) 1. 热固性塑料经加热后可以反复塑造成型。(×) 2. 在注射成型中需要控制的温度有料筒温度)喷嘴温度和模具温度。(?) 3. 不同的热塑性塑料其流动性不同,同一种塑料流动性是相同的。(×) 4. 浇口的位置应开设在塑件截面较厚处,以利于塑料熔体填充及补料。(?) 5. 为了便于塑件脱模,一般情况下使塑件在开模时留在定模上。(×) 6. 牵引比是指牵出速度与挤出速度的比值,其值必须大于或等于1。(?) 1.热塑性塑料在受热的过程中会出现三种物理状态:玻璃态、高弹态、粘流态。 2.温度、压力和时间是影响注射成型工艺的重要参数。 3.塑料对水分的亲疏程度称为 吸湿性 。 4.根据塑料的特性和使用要求,塑件需进行后处理,常进行退火处理和调湿处理。 5.螺纹型芯和螺纹型环是分别用来成形内螺纹和外螺纹的活动镶件。 6.注射模的浇注系统一般由 主流道 、 分流道 、浇口 和 冷料穴 等四部分组成。 7.合模导向机构主要有 导柱、导套导向 和 锥面定位 两种形式。 8.常用的推出零件有 推杆 、 推管 和 推件板 。 1.以下几幅图中为多型腔平衡设计的是(A) A B C 2.以下是三种浇口的图形,其中名称对应正确的是(B) in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 1 2 3 A 1环形浇口;2侧浇口;3点浇口 B 1侧浇口;2潜伏浇口;3轮辐浇口 C 1环形浇口;2潜伏浇口;3轮辐浇口 3.试分析下图两种分型面的选择对塑件的外观质量的影响(略) 1.高分子与低分子的区别, 答:高分子与低分子显著区别 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现在:(1)一个分子所包含的原子个数,低分子含有几个到几百个,高分子含有几千个到几百万个;(2)相对分子量,低分子的相对分子量从几到几百,高分子的相对分子量从几万到上千万;(3)分子长度,低分子的分子长度很小很小,高分子的分子长度可达到几微米。 2.进行塑件结构工艺性设计时,要遵循的原则有哪些, 答:在进行塑件结构工艺性设计时,必须遵循以下原则:(1)在设计塑件时,应考虑原料的成型工艺性,如流动性、收缩率等;(2)在保证使用性能、物理与力学性能、电性能、耐化学腐蚀性能和耐热性能等的前提下,力求结构简单,壁厚均匀,使用方便;(3)在设计塑件时应同时考虑其成型模具的总体结构,使模具型腔易于制造,抽芯和推出机构简单;(4)当设计的塑件外观要求较高时,应先通过造型,而后逐步绘制图样。 3. 合模导向装置的作用是什么, 答:合模导向装置的作用是: (1)定位作用,保证动定模或上下模合模位置的正确性,保证模具型腔的形状和尺寸的精确性,从而保证塑件的精度; (2)导向作用,当动模和定模或上模和下模合模时,首先是导向零件导入,引导动、定模或上、下模准确合模,避免型芯先进入凹模可能造成型芯或凹模的损坏。 (3)承受一定的侧向压力,保证模具正常工作。 1.为了便于塑件脱模,一般情况下使塑料在开模时留在动模或上模上。(×) 2.同一塑件的壁厚应尽量一致。(?) 3. 导柱、导套、推杆和垫块都是标准件。(?) 4.双分型面注射模的两个分型面是同时打开的。(×) 5.热塑性塑料加热后可以反复塑造成型。(?) 6.盒盖、容器等塑件采用拱形设计仅是为了美观。(×) 2age north a peasantess. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia villbusined. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been sav n, laygji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide oped the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chenbehin he scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. Td doorssued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shere heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates ions wes village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosiour people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footstepin plaque; f 1.塑料按照合成树脂的分子结构可分为 热塑性塑料 和 热固性塑料 。 2. 根据塑料的特性和使用要求,塑件需进行后处理,常进行退火处理 和 调湿处理。 3. 普通浇注系统一般由主流道、分流道、浇口和冷料穴四部分组成。 4.螺纹型芯 和 螺纹型环 是分别用来成形内螺纹和外螺纹的活动镶件。 5.塑料模具的零件强度 不足时,会使模具发生塑性变形甚至破碎,而刚度 不足会导致型腔发生较大的弹性变形。 5.常用的导柱材料为 T8 、 T10 ,硬度为 50,55 HRC 6.推出机构的复位方式有 复位杆复位 和 弹簧复位 。 7.常用的模具冷却介质有 冷冻水 、 油 、和 压缩空气 等。 1.以下几幅图中为多型腔平衡设计的是(B) A B C 2.以下是三种浇口的图形,其中名称对应正确的是(C) 1 2 3 A 1点浇口;2侧浇口;3潜伏浇口 B 1轮辐浇口;2侧浇口;3潜伏浇口 C 1轮辐浇口;2点浇口;3潜伏浇口 3f killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasantcent ocould not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innobut Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people ath, ok at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic dewas stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a lo l, Xieued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Halry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he isse of dding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pilampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiots tr, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, sloganin plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead le 1.请对下面塑件进行工艺性分析,并画出分析过后的塑件图形。(略) 2.请对下面塑件分型面设计的合理性进行分析,并画出分析过后的塑件图形。(略) 1. 简述塑料的组成及其作用。 1)合成树脂 它是塑料的基本成分,是人们模仿天然树脂的成分用化学方法人工制取得到的各种树脂。 2)填充剂 它能降低塑料中树脂的使用量,从而降低制品成分;其次它能改善塑料的加工性能和使用性能。 3)增塑剂 它能提高塑料的可塑性和柔软性。 4)稳定剂 它是提高塑料抵抗光、热、氧及霉菌等外界因素作用的能力,阻缓塑料在成型和使用过程中的变质。 5)润滑剂 它对塑料的表面起润滑作用。 6)着色剂 它能增加塑料制品的色彩。 7)固化剂 热固性塑料成型时,需加入它来促使合成树脂完成交联反应而固化定型。 2. 为什么要设排气系统,常见的排气方式有哪些, 当塑料熔体填充型腔时,必须顺序排出型腔及浇注系统内的空气及塑料受热或凝固产生的低分子挥发气体。如果型腔内因各种原因而产生的气体不被排除干净,塑件上会形成气泡、接缝、表面轮廓不清及充填缺料等成形缺陷,另一方面气体受压,体积收缩而产生高温会导致塑件局部碳化或烧焦,同时积存的气体还会产生反向压力而降低充模速度,所以必须开设排气系统。 排气方式:1)利用配合间隙排气;2)在分型面上开设排放气槽排气; 3)利用排放气塞排气;4)强制性排气。 如图所示为一注射模具,请回答:(图略) 1.图示模具中所标注数字的零件名称, 2.图示模具的工作原理, 1.答:1动模板;2定模板;3冷却水道;4定模座板;5定位圈;6浇口套;7凸模;8导柱;9导套;10动模座板;11支承板。 2.答:模具合模时,在导柱8和导套9的导向定位下,动模和定模闭和。型腔由定模板2上的型腔与固定在动模板1上凸模7组成,并由注射机合模系统提供的锁模力锁紧。然后注射机开始注射,塑料熔体经定模上的主流道进入模具,再由分流道及浇口进入型4age north a peasantess. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia villbusined. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been sav n, laygji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide oped the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chenbehin he scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. Td doorssued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shere heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates ions wes village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosiour people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footstepin plaque; f 腔,待熔体充满型腔并经过保压、补缩和冷却定型后开模。开模时,注射机合模系统带动动模后退,模具从动模和定模分型面分开,塑件包在凸模7上随动模一起后退,同时,拉料杆15将浇注系统的主流道凝料从浇口套中拉出。当动模移动一定距离后,注射机的顶杆21接触推板13,推板机构开始动作,使推杆18和拉料杆15分别将塑件及浇注系统凝料从凸模7和冷料穴中推出,塑件与浇注系统凝料一起从模具中落下,至此完成一次注射过程。合模时,推出机构靠复位杆使推出机构复位,并准备下一次注射。 1.注射机的校核应考虑锁模力。( ) 2. 浇口数量越多越好,因为这样可能使熔体很快充满型腔。( ) 3.分型面应选在塑料外型最大轮廓处。( ) 4.采用斜导柱在定模,滑块在动模的侧向分型与抽芯机构时,须避免干涉现象。( ) 5.模具型腔精度总是必须低于成型制品的精度。( ) 6.不同的热固性塑料流动性不同,同一种塑料流动性是一定的。( ) 7.聚合物温度高于粘流温度时将分解。( ) 8.塑件在模具中位置不同所需锁模力相同。( ) 9.模具可利用分型面和间隙排气。( ) 10.热固性塑料都不能注射成型。( ) 1.影响塑件成型收缩的因素有哪些, 2.何为浇注系统,其作用是什么, 3.画出线型无定形、完全线型结晶型聚合物受恒应力作用时热力学曲线,说明温度θ、bθ、θ、θ的意义,并描述随温度变化聚合物的三态变化情况。 gfd 1. 聚合物温度高于粘流温度时将分解。( ) 2. 同一塑件的壁厚应尽量一致。( ) 3. 采用斜导柱在定模,滑块在动模的侧向分型与抽芯机构时,须避免干涉现象。( ) 4. 模具可利用分型面和间隙排气。( ) 5.填充剂是塑料中必不可少的成分。( ) 6.同一塑件的壁厚应尽量一致。( ) f killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasantcent ocould not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innobut Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people ath, ok at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic dewas stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a lo l, Xieued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Halry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he isse of dding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pilampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiots tr, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, sloganin plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead le5 7.注射机的校核应考虑锁模力。( ) 8.热固性塑料都不能注射成型。( ) 9.分型面应选在塑料外型最大轮廓处。( ) 10.模具型腔精度总是必须低于成型制品的精度。( ) 1. 何为冷料穴,冷料穴的作用是什么, 2.试分析下图两种分型面的选择对锁模力的影响(略) 3.何谓“干涉”现象,避免的措施有哪些 《塑料成型工艺与模具设计》 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 判断题 ?×??× ×××?× 1.影响塑件成型收缩的因素有哪些, 答:影响塑件成型收缩的因素可归纳为四个方面:(1)塑料的品种,各种塑料都具有各自的收缩率;(2)塑件结构,塑件的形状、尺寸、壁厚、有无嵌件、嵌件数量及其分布对收缩率的大小也有很大影响;(3)模具结构,模具的分型面、浇口形式、尺寸及其分布等因素直接影响料流方向、密度分布、保压补缩作用及成型时间;(4)成型工艺条件,模具温度高,熔料冷却慢,则密度低,收缩率大。 2. 何为浇注系统,其作用是什么, 浇注系统:指塑料熔体从注射机喷嘴射出后到达型腔之前在模具内流经的通道。 作用:?:将来自注射机喷嘴的塑料熔体均匀而平稳地输送到型腔,同时使型腔内的气体能及时顺利排出;?:在塑料熔体填充及凝固的过程中,将注射压力有效地传递到型腔的各个部位,已获得形状完整、内外均匀、质量优良的塑料制件。 3.画出线型无定形、完全线型结晶型聚合物受恒应力作用时热力学曲线,说明温度θ、bθ、θ、θ的意义,并描述随温度变化聚合物的三态变化情况。 gfd 答:如图是线型无定形、完全线型结晶型聚合物的温度-形变程度曲线。θ称为脆化温度,b当温度低于θ时,物理性能将发生变化,在很小的外力作用下就会发生断裂,使塑料失b 去使用价值,它是塑料使用的下限温度;θ为玻璃化温度,是聚合物从玻璃态转变为高g 弹态的临界温度,当温度高于θ时,塑料不能保持其尺寸的稳定性和使用性能,故θgg是塑料使用的上限温度;θ称为粘流温度,是聚合物从高弹态转变为粘流态的临界温度,f θ是塑料成型加工的最低温度,θ不仅与聚合物的化学结构有关,而且与其相对分子质ff 量的大小有关;θ称为分解温度,在温度高于θ后,高分子主链发生断裂,聚合物发dd 生分解,这现象称为降解。 塑料的物理状态:玻璃态、高弹态和粘流态。塑料的物理状态与它本身的温度有关。塑料先是呈现刚性固体状,为玻璃态;然后随着温度升高聚物呈现柔软的弹性状,称高弹态;继续升高温度,分子热运动能量进一步增大,至能解开分子链间的缠结而发生整个大分子的滑移,在外力作用下便发生粘性流动,称粘流态。 6age north a peasantess. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia villbusined. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been sav n, laygji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide oped the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chenbehin he scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. Td doorssued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shere heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates ions wes village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosiour people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footstepin plaque; f 高弹态玻璃态粘流态 变 形 程 度 温度 θθθθg b f d 判断题 ×???× ??×?× 1. 何为冷料穴,冷料穴的作用是什么, 为防止冷料进入浇注系统的流道和型腔,用一个井穴将主流道延长以接收冷料,把这一用来容纳注射间隔所产生的冷料的井穴称为冷料穴。 作用:?:容纳冷料;?:开模时将主流道和分流道的冷凝料勾住,使其保留在动模一侧,便于脱模。 2.试分析下图两种分型面的选择对锁模力的影响 答:注射机一般都规定其相应模具所允许使用的最大成型面积及额定锁模力,注射成型过程中,当塑件在合模分型面上的投影面积超过允许的最大成型面积时,将会出现涨模溢料现象的发生,这时注射成型所需的合模力也会超过额定锁模力,因此,为了可靠地锁模以避免涨模溢料现象发生,选择分型面时应尽量减少塑件在合模分型面上的投影面积,按图a分型,则塑件在合模分型面上的投影面积较大,锁模的可靠性较差;而图b塑件在合模分型面上的投影面积小,所以锁模的可靠性大。 3.何谓“干涉”现象,避免的措施有哪些 答:所谓干涉现象是指滑块的复位先于推杆的复位致使活动侧型芯与推杆相碰撞,造成活动侧型芯或推杆损坏的事故。 避免的措施有:(1)在模具结构允许的情况下,应尽量避免在侧型芯投影范围内设置推杆;(2)若一定要设置推杆,则首先考虑是否使推杆推出一定距离后仍低于侧型芯的最低面;(3)hc*tgα,sc;(4)若上述条件都不满足则采取措施使推出机构先复位,然后才允许侧型芯滑块复位。 7f killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasantcent ocould not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innobut Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people ath, ok at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic dewas stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a lo l, Xieued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Halry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he isse of dding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pilampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiots tr, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, sloganin plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead le
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