首页 2009年上海高考物理试题及答案



2009年上海高考物理试题及答案2009年上海高考物理试题及答案 2009年上海高考物理试题 一(,40分,选择题。共9小题~单项选择题有5小题~每小题给出 的四个答案中只有一个是正确的~选对得4分,多项选择题有4 小题~每小题给出的四个答案中~有二个或二个以上是正确的. 选对的得5分,选对但不全~得部分分,有选错或不答的~得0 分。 I(单项选择题 1(放射性元素衰变时放出三种射线~按穿透能力由强到弱的排列顺序 是 ,A,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,B,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,C,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,D,,射线~,射线~,射线 ...

2009年上海高考物理试题及答案 2009年上海高考物理试题 一(,40分,选择题。共9小题~单项选择题有5小题~每小题给出 的四个答案中只有一个是正确的~选对得4分,多项选择题有4 小题~每小题给出的四个答案中~有二个或二个以上是正确的. 选对的得5分,选对但不全~得部分分,有选错或不答的~得0 分。 I(单项选择题 1(放射性元素衰变时放出三种射线~按穿透能力由强到弱的排列顺序 是 ,A,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,B,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,C,,射线~,射线~,射线 ,D,,射线~,射线~,射线 2(气体内能是所有气体分子热运动动能和势能的总和~其大小与气体 的状态有关~分子热运动的平均动能与分子间势能分别取决于气 体的 ,A,温度和体积 ,B,体积和压强 ,C,温度和压强 ,D,压强和温度 3(两带电量分别为q和-q的点电荷放在x轴上~相距为L~能正确反 E E E E 映两电荷连线上场强大小E与x关系的是图 q -q q -q q -q q -q x x x x O L O L O O L L ,A, ,B, ,C, ,D, construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 4(做简谐振动的单摆摆长不变~若摆球质量增加为原来的4倍~摆球 经过平衡位置时速度减小为原来的1/2~则单摆振动的 ,A,频率、振幅都不变 ,B,频率、振幅都改变 ,C,频率不变、振幅改变 ,D,频率改变、振幅不变 5(小球由地面竖直上抛~上升的最大高度为H~设所受阻力大小恒定~ 地面为零势能面。在上升至离地高度h处~小球的动能是势能的 2倍~在下落至离高度h处~小球的势能是动能的2倍~则h等 于 ,A,H/9 ,B,2H/9 ,C,3H/9 ,D,4H/9 II(多项选择题 6(光电效应的实验结论是:对于某种金属 ,A,无论光强多强~只要光的频率小于极限频率就不能产生光电效应 ,B,无论光的频率多低~只要光照时间足够长就能产生光电效应 ,C,超过极限频率的入射光强度越弱~所产生的光电子的最大初动能就越小 ,D,超过极限频率的入射光频率越高~所产生的光电子的最大初动能就越大 7(位于A、B处的两个带有不等量负电的点电荷在d f construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial a c B A b e 平面内电势分布如图所示~图中实线表示等势线~则 ,A,a点和b点的电场强度相同 ,B,正电荷从c点移到d点~电场力做正功 ,C,负电荷从点移到点~电场力做正功 ac ,D,正电荷从e点沿图中虚线移到f点~电势能先减小后增大 8(牛顿以天体之间普遍存在着引力为依据~运用严密的逻辑推理~建 立了万有引力定律。在创建万有引力定律的过程中~牛顿 ,A,接受了胡克等科学家关于“吸引力与两中心距离的平方成反 比”的猜想 ,B,根据地球上一切物体都以相同加速度下落的事实~得出物体 受地球的引力与其质量成正比~即F,m的结论 ,C,根据F,m和牛顿第三定律~分析了地月间的引力关系~进而 得出F,mm12 ,D,根据大量实验数据得出了比例系数G的大小 9(如图为竖直放置的上细下粗的密闭细管~水银柱将气体分隔B 成A、B两部分~初始温度相同。使A、B升高相同温度达 到稳定后~体积变化量为,V、,V~压强变化量为,p、ABA ,p~对液面压力的变化量为,F、,F~则 BABA ,A,水银柱向上移动了一段距离 ,B,,V,,V AB,C,,p,,p ,D,,F=,F ABAB 二(,20分,填空题. 本大题共5小题~每小题4分.答案写在题中横 线上的空白处或指定位置~不要求写出演算光屏 过程. 双缝 10(如图为双缝干涉的实验示意图~若要使干涉 条纹的间距变大可改用波长更____,填长、 短,的单色光~或是使双缝与光屏间的距离激光器 ______,填增大、减小,。 5V 甲乙R RR1 2 3 11(如图为某报警装置示意图~该报警装置在一报警扇门、两扇窗上各装有一个联动开关~门、器 SSS3 1 2 窗未关上时~开关不闭合~只要有一个开关 未闭合~报警器就会报警。该报警装置中用 了两个串联的逻辑电路~虚线框甲内应选用_______门电路~虚线 框乙内应选用______门电路,填与、非、 或,。 y/cm 8 N x/cm 12(弹性绳沿x轴放置~左端位于坐标原点~20 10 30 40 -8 用手握住绳的左端~当t=0时使其开始沿 y轴做振幅为8cm的简谐振动~在t=0.25s时~f a c 绳上形成如图所示的波形~则该波的波速为B F L construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 3 d b e =_____时~位于恰好第一次沿_______cm/s~tx=45cm的质点Ny2 轴正向通过平衡位置。 13(如图~金属棒ab置于水平放置的U形光滑导轨上~在ef右侧存在 有界匀强磁场B~磁场方向垂直导轨平面向下~在ef左侧的无磁场 区域cdef内有一半径很小的金属圆环L~圆环与导轨在同一平面 内。当金属棒在水平恒力作用下从磁场左边界处由静止开abFef 始向右运动后~圆环L有_____,填收缩、扩张,趋势~圆环内产 生的感应电流______,填变大、变小、不变,。 14(图示电路中~R=12Ω~R=6Ω~滑动变阻器R上标有“20Ω2A”123 字样~理想电压表的量程有0-3V和0-15V两档~理想电流表的量 程有0-0.6A和0-3A两档。闭合电键S~将滑片Pr S E 从最左端向右移动到某位置时~电压表、电流表示R1 A P 数分别为2.5V和0.3A,继续向右移动滑片P到另R3 一位置~电压表指针指在满偏的1/3~电流表指针R2 V 指在满偏的1/4~则此时电流表示数为_______A~ 该电源的电动势为________V。 三(,30分,实验题 15(,8分, ?用多用表的欧姆档测量阻值约为几十 k,的电阻R~以下给出的是可能的操x 作步骤~其中S为选择开关~P为欧姆 档调零旋钮~把你认为正确的步骤前的字母按合理的顺序填写在 下面的横线上。 a(将两表笔短接~调节P使指针对准刻度盘上欧姆档的零刻度~断开两表笔 b(将两表笔分别连接到被测电阻的两端~读出R的阻值后~断x开两表笔 c(旋转S使其尖端对准欧姆档,1k d(旋转S使其尖端对准欧姆档,100 e(旋转S使其尖端对准交流500V档~并拔出两表笔 __________________。 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 根据右图所示指针位置~此被测电阻的阻值约为___________Ω。 ?,多选题,下述关于用多用表欧姆档测电阻的说法中正确的是 ,A,测量电阻时如果指针偏转过大~应将选择开关S拨至倍率较小的档位~重新调零后测量 ,B,测量电阻时~如果红、黑表笔分别插在负、正插孔~则会影响测量结果 ,C,测量电路中的某个电阻~应该把该电阻与电路断开 ,D,测量阻值不同的电阻时都必须重新调零 A B R 铜 锌 a r b 16(,6分,如图为伏打电池示意图~由于化学反应~ 在A、B两电极附近产生了很薄的两个带电接触层a、b。 ?,多选题,沿电流方向绕电路一周~非静电力做功的区域是 ,A,R ,B,b ,C,r ,D,a ?在如图所示回路的各区域内~电势升高的总和等于电源的 ________。 位移传感器 位移传感器 (接收器) (发射器) 17(,6分,如图为“用DIS,位移传感器、 小车 轨道 钩码 数据采集器、计算机,研究加速度和 力的关系”的实验装置。 ?在该实验中必须采用控制变量法~应保持_______不变~用钩码所 受的重力作为________~用DIS测小车的加速度。 ?改变所挂钩码的数量~多次重复测量。在某次实验中根据测得的 多组数据可画出a-F关系图线,如图所示,。 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 5 ?分析此图线的OA段可得出的实验结论是_____________________。 ?,单选题,此图线的AB段明显偏离直线~造成此误差的主要原因 是 ,A,小车与轨道之间存在摩擦 ,B,导轨保持了水平状态 ,C,所挂钩码的总质量太大 ,D,所用小车的质量太大 2 A B l18(,6分,利用图,a,实验 x h 可粗略测量人吹气产生 O x C (a) (b) l 的压强。两端开口的细玻 璃管水平放置~管内塞有潮湿小棉球~实验者从玻璃管的一端A 吹气~棉球从另一端B飞出~测得玻璃管内部截面积S~距地面 高度h~棉球质量m~开始时的静止位置与管口B的距离x~落地 点C与管口B的水平距离l。然后多次改变x~测出对应的l~画 2出l-x关系图线~如图,b,所示~并由此得出相应的斜率k。 ?若不计棉球在空中运动时的空气阻力~根据以上测得的物理量可 得~棉球从B端飞出的速度v=______。 0 ?假设实验者吹气能保持玻璃管内气体压强始终为恒定值~不计棉 球与管壁的摩擦~重力加速度g~大气压强p均为已知~利用图,b,0 中拟合直线的斜率k可得~管内气体压强p=_______。 ?考虑到实验时棉球与管壁间有摩擦~则?中得到的p与实际压强 相比______,填偏大、偏小,。 0.9 φ 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 19(,4分,光强传感器对接收到的光信号λ φ 0.4 0.3 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 0.2 0.1 0 7.0 6.4 6.6 6.8 5.8 6.0 6.2 2λ/×10nm 会产生衰减~且对于不同波长的光衰减程度不同~可以用,表示衰 减程度~其定义为输出强度与输入强度之比~,=I/I~右图表出入 示,与波长,之间的关系。当用此传感器分别接收A、B两束光时~ 传感器的输出强度正好相同~已知A光的波长,=625nm~B光由A ,=605nm和,=665nm两种单色光组成~且这两种单色光的强度之B1B2 比I?I=2?3~由图可知,,__________,A光强度与B光强度B1B2A 之比I?I=________。 AB 四(,60分,计算题 320(,10分,质量为5,10kg的汽车在t=0时刻速度v=10m/s~随后以0 4=6,10W的额定功率沿平直公路继续前进~经72s达到最大速度~P 3设汽车受恒定阻力~其大小为2.5,10N。求:?汽车的最大速度 v,?汽车在72s内经过的路程s。 m 21(,12分,如图~粗细均匀的弯曲玻璃管A、B两端开口~管内有一 段水银柱~右管内气体柱长为39cm~中管内水银面与管口A之间 B 气体柱长为40cm。先将口B封闭~再将左管竖直插入水银槽中~ 设整个过程温度不变~稳定后右管内水银面比中管内水银面高 2cm~求:?稳定后右管内的气体压强p,?左管A端插入水银槽A 的深度h。,大气压强p,76cmHg, 0 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 7 22(,12分,如图,a,~质量m=1kg的物体沿倾角,=37:的固定粗糙斜 面由静止开始向下运动~风对物体的作用力沿水平方向向右~其-2a/(m,s) m 4 大小与风速v成正比~比例系数用k表示~物体加速度a与风速-1v/(m,s) θ O 5 v的关系如图,b,所示。求:?物体与斜面间的动摩擦因数μ,(a) (b) 002?比例系数k。,sin37=0.6,cos37=0.8,g=10m/s, construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 23(,12分,如图~质量均为m的两个小球A、B固定在弯成120:角的 绝缘轻杆两端~OA和OB的长度均为l~可绕过O点且与纸面垂直 的水平轴无摩擦转动~空气阻力不计。设A球带正电~B球带负 电~电量均为q~处在竖直向下的匀强电场中。开始时~杆OB与 竖直方向的夹角θ=60:~由静止释放~摆动到θ=90:的位置时~0 系统处于平衡状态~求:?匀强电场的场强大小E,?系统由初 位置运动到平衡位置~重力做的功W和静电力做的功W,?B球ge 在摆动到平衡位置时速度的大小v。 O l l θ +q -q A E B construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 9 24(,14分,如图~光滑的平行金属导轨水平放置~电阻不计~导轨 间距为l~左侧接一阻值为R的电阻。区域cdef内存在垂直轨道 平面向下的有界匀强磁场~磁场宽度为s。一质量为m~电阻为r 的金属棒MN置于导轨上~与导轨垂直且接触良好~受到F=0.5v ,0.4,N,,v为金属棒运动速度,的水平力作用~从磁场的左边M c f B 界由静止开始运动~测得电阻两端电压随时间均匀增大。,已知l R F l=1m~m=1kg~R=0.3,~r=0.2,~s=1m,?分析并说明该金属棒e d N s 在磁场中做何种运动,?求磁感应强度B的大小,?若撤去外力 22Bl 后棒的速度v随位移x的变化规律满足v,v,x~且 0m,R,r, 棒在运动到ef处时恰好静止~则外力F作用的时间为多少,?若 在棒未出磁场区域时撤去外力~画出棒在整个运动过程中速度随 位移的变化所对应的各种可能的图线。 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 11 【选择题、实验题详细解析】 1、【答案】B 【解析】由于三种射线的能量不同~所以贯穿能力最强的是,射线~,射线次之~,射线最弱~故正确答案选B。 2、【答案】A 【解析】由于温度是分子平均动能的标志~所以气体分子的动能宏观上取决于温度,分子势能是由于分子间引力和分子间距离共同决定~宏观上取决于气体的体积。因此答案A正确。 3、【答案】A 【解析】由等量异种点电荷的电场强度的关系可知~在两电荷连线中点处电场强度最小~但不是零~从两点电荷向中点电场强度逐渐减小~因此A正确。 4、【答案】C。 l【解析】由单摆的周期公式~可知~单摆摆长不变~则周期不T,2,g 变~频率不变,振幅A是反映单摆运动过程中的能量大小的物理量~ 12Emv,由可知~摆球经过平衡位置时的动能不变~因此振幅改变~K2 所以C正确。 5、【答案】D。 12,,,,mgHfHmv0【解析】小球上升至最高点过程: ?,小球上升至02 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 111222离地高度h处过程: ?~又 ?,小mvmgh,2,,,,mghfhmvmv110222 球上升至最高点后又下降至离地高度h处过程: 111222 ?~又 ?,以上各式联立解得mvmgh,,,,,,mghfHhmvmv(2)220222 4~答案D正确。 hH,9 6、【答案】AD。 【解析】每种金属都有它的极限频率~只有入射光子的频率大于极,0 限频率时~才会发生光电效应~且入射光的强度越大则产生的光子,0 数越多~光电流越强,由光电效应方程~可知入射光EhWhh,,,,,,,k0子的频率越大~产生的光电子的最大初动能也越大~与入射光的强度无关~所以AD正确。 7、【答案】CD。 【解析】电场线的疏密可以表示电场的强弱~可见A错误,正电荷从c点移到d点~电场力做负功~负电荷从a点移到c点~电场力做正功~所以B错误~C正确,正电荷从e点沿图中虚线移到f点~电场力先做正功~后做负功~但整个过程电场力做正功~D正确。 8、【答案】ABC。 【解析】题干要求“在创建万有引力定律的过程中”~牛顿知识接受了平方反比猜想~和物体受地球的引力与其质量成正比~即F,m的结论~而提出万有引力定律后~后来卡文迪许利用卡文迪许扭称测量出万有 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 13 引力常量G的大小~因此符合题意的有ABC。 9、【答案】AC。 【解析】首先假设液柱不动~则A、B两部分气体发生等容变化~由查 ,,PPPPAABB理定律~对气体A:,对气体B:~又初始状态满足~,,PPh,,ABTT,,TTAAAA ,,,,TTTTAAAA,,()PPP,,可见使A、B升高相同温度~PPPh,,,~~因此BBBAABTTTTAAAA ~因此液柱将向上移动~A正确~C正确,由于气体,,,PP,,,FFABAB 的总体积不变~因此,V=,V~所以B、D错误。 AB 10、【答案】长~增大。 L,, ,x【解析】依据双缝干涉条纹间距规律~可知要使干涉条纹的间d 距变大~需要改用波长更长的单色光~应将增大双缝与屏之间的距离L。 11、【答案】或~或 【解析】题意只要有一个开关未闭合~报警器就会报警~结合或门的特点因此虚线框甲内应选用或门,虚线框乙内应选用或门。 12、【答案】20~2.75 【解析】由图可知~这列简谐波的波长为20cm~周期T=0.25s×4=1s~ ,v,所以该波的波速=20/1m/s=20m/s,从t=0时刻开始到N质点开始T construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial x452振动需要时间,在振动到沿y轴正向通过平衡位置需要tss,,,2.251v20 再经过t=T/2=0.5s~所以当t=,2.25+0.5,s=2.75s~质点N恰好第2 一次沿y轴正向通过平衡位置。 13、【答案】收缩~变小 【解析】由于金属棒ab在恒力F的作用下向右运动~则abcd回路中产生逆时针方向的感应电流~则在圆环处产生垂直于只面向外的磁场~随着金属棒向右加速运动~圆环的磁通量将增大~依据楞次定律可知~圆环将有收缩的趋势以阻碍圆环的磁通量将增大,又由于金属棒向右运动的加速度减小~单位时间内磁通量的变化率减小~所以在圆环中产生的感应电流不断减小。 14、【答案】0.15~7.5 【解析】由于题意当“继续向右移动滑片P到另一位置”电压表示数一定大于2.5V~电流表示数一定小于0.3A~再结合电压表指针指在满偏的1/3~电流表指针指在满偏的1/4~可知电压表的量程为0-15V~电流表的量程为0-0.6A~因此当滑片滑到下一位置是电流表的实数为 1IAA,,,0.60.15,电压表的示数为5V,由串并联电路规律得:4 0.3126,,,IIA,0.6~得 ~由闭合电路欧姆定律得,(0.30.6)2.50.312,,,,,rE22 ,,0.15126,,,IIA,0.3同理:~得~由闭合电路欧姆定律22 EV,7.5(0.150.3)50.1512,,,,,rE以上各式联立解得:。 15、【答案】,1,c、a、b、e~30k~,2,A、C~ construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 15 【解析】,1,测量几十k,的电阻R我们一般选择较大的档位先粗测~x 使用前应先进行调零~然后依据欧姆表的示数~在更换档位~重新调零~在进行测量,使用完毕应将选择开关置于OFF位置或者交流电压最大档~拔出表笔。欧姆表的示数乘以相应档位的倍率即为待测电阻的阻值30k,。 ,2,欧姆档更换规律“大小~小大”~即当指针偏角较大时~表明待测电阻较小~应换较小的档位,反之应还较大的档位。电流总是从红表笔流入从黑表笔流出多用电表~每次换挡一定要进行欧姆调零~测量电阻一定要断电作业。 16、【答案】,1,B、D~,2,电动势~ 【解析】由题意“在A、B两电极附近产生了很薄的两个带电接触层a、b”则该区域即为非静电力作用的范围~故BD正确,依据电动势定义可知电势升高的总和等于电源的电动势。 17、【答案】,1,小车的总质量~小车所受外力~ ,2,?在质量不变的条件下~加速度与外力成正比~?C~ 【解析】,1,因为要探索“加速度和力的关系”所以应保持小车的总质量不变~钩码所受的重力作为小车所受外力,,2,由于OA段a-F关系为一倾斜的直线~所以在质量不变的条件下~加速度与外力成正 mgFmg,a,,a,比,由实验原理:mgMa,得~而实际上~可见ABMM()Mm,段明显偏离直线是由于没有满足M>>m造成的。 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial gkmg 18、【解析】,1,l ,2,p, ,3,偏小 02h4Sh 12【解析】小球从B 点飞出后做平抛运动~则有~联立解得hgt,lvt,02 gvl,,在吹小球的过程中~由动能定理可得:02h 211gmgl()4PPSh, 2220即:~可知直线的斜率()PPSxmvml,,,, lx, 002224hhmg kmg()4PPSh, 0PP,,可得。若考虑实验中小球与玻璃管的摩擦则k,04Shmg 得到的p与实际压强相比应偏小。 0.9 φ 19、【答案】0.35 27.5/35 0.8 0.7 【解析】如图所示~A光的波长0.6 0.5 为625nm~在图上对应的强度,,Aλ 0.4 0.3 0.35,同理在图中找出B的强度为10.2 0.1 =0.60~B的强度为=0.07~由A、,,2B1B20 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 6.0 6.2 5.8 B两束光经传感器的输出强度正好相 23I27.5AIII ,,,,0.600.070.35同得:得:。 ,BBA55I35B 4P6,1020、【解析】,1,当达到最大速度时~P,=Fv=fv~v, , m/smm32.5,10f,24m/s~ ,2,从开始到72s时刻依据动能定理得: 22112Pt,mv,mvm022Pt,fs, mv, mv~解得:s, ,1252m。 m0222f 21、【解析】,1,插入水银槽后右管内气体:由玻意耳定律得:plS00 construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 17 ,p,l,,h/2,S~ 0 所以p,78cmHg, ,2,插入水银槽后左管压强:p’,p,,g,h,80cmHg~左管内 ’,pp0 外水银面高度差,h ,4cm~中、左管内气体pl,p’l’~l’10,g ,38cm~ 左管插入水银槽深度h,l,,h/2,l’,h,7cm。 1 22、【解析】,1,对初始时刻:mgsin,,,mgcos,,ma 1~由右图读0? 2出a=4m/s代入1式~ 0? gsin,,ma0 解得:, ,0.25,, cosg, ,2,对末时刻加速度为零:mgsin,,,N,kvcos,,0 2~又N?,mgcos,,kvsin,~由右图得出此时v=5 m/s代入2式解得:k,?mg,sin,,,cos,, ,0.84kg/s。 v,,sin,,cos, 23、【解析】,1,力矩平衡时:,mg,qE,lsin90:,,mg,qE,lsin,120:,90:,~ mg1 即mg,qE, ,mg,qE,~得:E, , 23q 3 ,2,重力做功:W,mgl,cos30:,cos60:,,mglcos60:,,,g21,mgl~ 3 静电力做功:W,qEl,cos30:,cos60:,,qElcos60:,mgl~ e6construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 2321,3,小球动能改变量,E=mv,W,W,,,1,mgl~ kge23 ,E23k 得小球的速度:v,,,,1,gl。 3m 24、【解析】,1,金属棒做匀加速运动~R两端电压U,I,,,v~U随时间均匀增大~即v随时间均匀增大~加速度为恒量~ 2222BlvBl ,2,F, ,ma~以F,0.5v,0.4代入得,0.5, ,v,rR,rR 22Bl2,0.4,a~a与v无关~所以a,0.4m/s~,0.5, ,,0~得BR,r,0.5T~ 22Bl1122~~所以 ,3,x, at~v, x,atx,x,sat102122m,R,r,2 m,R,r,2, at,s~得:0.2t,0.8t,1,0~t,1s~ 22Bl ,4,可能图线如下: -1-1-1-1v/(m,s) v/(m,s) v/(m,s) v/(m,s) 0.9 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 O O O O 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 1 1 1 1 x/m x/m x/m x/m construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 19
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