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四年级国防教育教案例一四年级国防教育教案例一 四年级国防教育教案例一: 圆明园的毁灭 (原文)圆明园的毁灭是祖国文化史上不可估量的损失,也是世界文化史上不可估量的损失~ 圆明园在北京西北郊,是一座举世闻名的皇家园林。它由圆明园、万春园和长春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,还有许多小园,分布在圆明园东、西、南三面,众星拱月般地环绕在圆明园周围。 圆明园中有金碧辉煌的殿堂,也有玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁;有象征着热闹街市的“买卖街”,也有象征着田园风光的山乡村野。园中许多景物都是仿照各地名胜建造的。如杭州西湖的平湖秋月、雷锋夕照,海宁的安...

四年级国防教育 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 例一 四年级国防教育教案例一: 圆明园的毁灭 (原文)圆明园的毁灭是祖国文化史上不可估量的损失,也是世界文化史上不可估量的损失~ 圆明园在北京西北郊,是一座举世闻名的皇家园林。它由圆明园、万春园和长春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,还有许多小园,分布在圆明园东、西、南三面,众星拱月般地环绕在圆明园周围。 圆明园中有金碧辉煌的殿堂,也有玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁;有象征着热闹街市的“买卖街”,也有象征着田园风光的山乡村野。园中许多景物都是仿照各地名胜建造的。如杭州西湖的平湖秋月、雷锋夕照,海宁的安澜园,苏州的狮子林等。还有很多景物是根据古代诗人的诗情画意建造的,如蓬莱瑶台、武陵春色„„园中不仅有民族建筑,还有西洋景观。漫步园内,有如漫游在天南海北,饱览着中外风景名胜;流连其间,仿佛置身在幻想的境界里。 圆明园不但建筑宏伟,还收藏着最珍贵的历史文物。上自先秦时代的青铜礼器,下至唐、宋、元、明、清历代名人书画,各种奇珍异宝。所以,它又是当时世界上最大的博物馆、艺术馆。 1860年10月6日,英、法联军侵入北京,闯进圆明园。他们把园内凡是能拿走的东西,统统掠走,拿不动的,就用大车或牲口搬运。实在运不走的,就任意破坏、毁掉。为了销毁罪证,10月18日和19日,三千多名侵略军奉命在园内放火。大火连烧三天,烟云笼罩整个北京城。我国这一园林艺术的瑰宝、建筑艺术的精华,就这样被化为灰烬。 一、教材分析 《圆明园的毁灭》是语文教材第七册中的一篇重要讲读课文,且要求全文背诵,可见其重要程度。编教材者究竟要突出它的什么呢,从它的内容上我们不难看出:编者突出的是历史,中华民族近代那一段受屈辱的历史。语文教师在落实语文大 纲要 中国近代史纲要中国近代史纲要复习资料大学中国近代史纲要重点中外历史纲要课件乒乓球课程纲要 求的同时要领悟其深层次的思想含义,不能忽略重要的情感目标,应该挖掘课文中内在的历史情素。在讲解过程中,要抓住鸦片战争这一历史大背景,不能把它当作简单的说明文一概论之。 课文描述了圆明园昔日辉煌的景观和惨遭侵略者肆意践踏而毁灭的景象,表达了作者对祖国灿烂文化的无限热爱、对侵略者野蛮行径的无比仇恨,激发人们不忘国耻、振兴中华的责任感和使命感。 二、教学目标 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 1、 通过学习课文,感受圆明园当年的辉煌,了解圆明园毁灭的历史,使学生记住这一国耻,增强振兴中华的责任感。 2、搜集相关文字或图片 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 ,了解屈辱的过去与今天的强大。 三、教学重难点 1、通过对课文的反复朗读,深刻体会侵略者烧毁的不仅仅是一座圆明园。 2、理解课文中重点词语和句子的深刻含义,体会圆明园的建造和毁灭反映着祖国的强盛与衰败,进一步激发学生振兴中华的责任感和使命感。 四、教学过程 1、走近圆明园 ?、我写三个字,大家注意看,跟着读(板书圆明园)。看到这三个字,你眼前出现了怎样的画面,(拿出预习作业说出自己对圆明园的了解)(出示文字 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 :走近圆明园) ?、让我们进一步思考:圆明园毁灭的究竟是什么,(学生若有所思)带着思考,让我们一起走进圆明园。(出示文字课件:走进圆明园) 2、走进圆明园 不可估量”的价值。 (一)体会圆明园“ ?、课件(五幅圆明园废墟图)这是——圆明园的废墟。 这一座座废墟已经在风雨中伫立,,8年,然而却还只是圆明园的一角。看着画面你有什么感受吗,(学生纷纷发言)把这种感受带到歌中读一读。 圆明园里,荒野的风,呜咽地讲述着——一个古老的故事;(低沉、缓慢)“ 残留的柱,痛苦地书写着——一个国家的耻辱。” ?、让我们走进这个古老的故事。打开书,齐读课文第1段。 ?、有不可估量的损失,就说明它一定有不可估量的价值。昔日圆明园究竟有些什么,让我们说说它有哪些不可估量(板书“不可估量”)的价值,(结合课文,,,段说一说) ?、这美丽迷人的景色只是圆明园的冰山一角~俄国大作家雨果眼中的圆明园是怎样的呢,拿出雨果写的文章,有选择地读一读。如“有一座言语无法形容的建筑,某种恍若月宫的建筑,这就是圆明园。”书中概括地说——“圆明园是园林艺术的瑰宝、建筑艺术的精华。” ?、下面让我们一起陶醉在这恍若月宫的圆明园中,齐读课文,,,段。体会圆明园是当时世界最大的博物馆、艺术馆,也是园林艺术的瑰宝,建筑艺术的精华~为祖国的优秀灿烂的文化而自豪。 (二)体会圆明园的“不可估量的损失”。(补充鸦片战争的资料) temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive ?、然而“这人间的奇迹,园林艺术的瑰宝,建筑艺术的精华”在,,,,年,,月,日——英法联军入侵北京,被化为灰烬。英法联军是怎么做的,浏览第,段,用书上的词语概括。 英法联军是“统统掠走”,“任意毁坏”,“放火焚烧”。 ?、有没有补充的资料,举个例子说说,(学生拿出课前查阅的资料) 资料:参与劫掠的英法军官、牧和记者回忆——军官和士兵,英国人和法国人,为了夺取财宝,从四面八方冲进圆明园。有的搬走景泰兰瓷瓶,有的抢走绣花长袍,有的挑选高级皮大衣,有的去拿镶嵌珠玉的挂钟。有的背负大口袋,装满了各色各样的珍宝。有的在宽大的口袋里装进金条和金叶;有的半身缠着织锦绸缎;有的帽子里放满了红蓝石、珍珠和水晶石;有的脖子上挂着翡翠项圈„„ 他们用枪捣毁大镜子,把上好的花瓶瓷器等随便往地下一扔„„(教师再次出示资料) ?、侵略者除了大肆抢劫外,被他们糟蹋了的东西更是不计其数。房子里的绸缎、衣服扔了一地,人走进屋里,可超过膝盖。工兵们带着大斧,把家具统统砸碎,取下上边的宝石。一些人打碎大镜子,另一些人向大烛台开枪射击,以此取乐。大部分法国士兵手抡木棍,将不带走的东西全部捣碎。当,,月,日,法国军队暂时撤离圆明园时,这处秀丽园林,已被毁坏得满目疮痍。 ?、这还没完,敌人为了销毁罪证,放火把圆明园烧了,大火烧了三天三夜,圆明园只剩一片灰烬~放无声录像(是大火焚烧圆明园的镜头:烈火熊熊,浓烟滚滚) (配以解说)同学们,1860年10月6日英法联军侵入北京,闯进圆明园。他们夺我珍宝,毁我园林。为了销毁罪证,三千多名侵略军奉命在园内放火。大火连烧三天、烟火笼罩整个北京城。烧掉许多精美的建筑物和画家、书法家的作品。烧掉许多华丽的丝绸和衣服。烧掉唐、宋、元、明、清历代的奇珍异宝。我国这一园林艺术的瑰宝,建筑艺术的精华,就这样被化为灰烬。 ?、此时此刻你们心中涌起的是什么,带着这种感受齐读 “,,,,年,,,月,日„„”(全体学生有感情地朗读第五段) ?、至此,圆明园所拥有的一切,现在都“没有了”。 圆明园中,没有了金碧辉煌的殿堂,也没有了玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁。 没有了象征着热闹街市的“买卖街”,也没有了象征着田园风光的山乡村野,还没有了根据古代诗人的诗情画意建造的景物,如“蓬莱瑶台”“武陵春色”。 园中不仅没有了民族建筑,也没有了西洋景观。上自先秦时代的青铜礼器没有了,下至唐、宋、元、明、清历代名人书画、奇珍异宝也没有了。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive ?、音乐响起,男女诗朗诵《游圆明园吟》。(内容见链接) ?、让我们一起回顾那中华民族近代那一段受屈辱的历史:鸦片战争。 (课件:鸦片战争的资料) 3、走出圆明园 ?、“圆明园里,荒野的风,呜咽地讲述着——一个古老的故事;残留的柱,痛苦地书写着——一个国家的耻辱。”就要离开圆明园(出示文字课件;走出圆明园),请闭上眼睛,眼前出现的是圆明园昔日的辉煌,是焚烧的火焰,还是那残留的柱,集体朗诵《圆明园,你在哪里,》 ?、让我们永远记住这一天——,,,,年,,月,日。它留给你的是什么,侵略者烧毁的仅仅是一座圆明园,(指着课题问) 学生思考后回答:圆明园的毁灭是我们的耻辱。是中国人民的警示牌„„(略) 、课堂小结:圆明园的大火早已熄灭,可是我们思考的脚步不能停止。有? 着五千年文明的中国为什么会被几千个强盗杀到京城,圆明园烧掉的究竟是什么,毁灭的究竟是什么,永远也毁灭不了的是什么,——也许今天的学习只是给同学们打开了一扇小小的门,希望大家从这扇门出发,怀着更多的思考走向未来的人生。这才是这节课学习的真正的目的。 五、知识链接 1、圆明园遗址公园简介 圆明园座落在北京西郊海淀,与颐和园紧相毗邻。它始建于康熙46年(1707年),由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成。占地350公顷(5200余亩),其中水面面积约140公顷(2100亩),有园林风景百余处,建筑面积逾16万平方米,是清朝帝王在150余年间创建和经营的一座大型皇家宫苑。它继承了中国三千多年的优秀造园传统,既有宫廷建筑的雍容华贵,又有江南水乡园林的委婉多姿,同时,又吸取了欧洲的园林建筑形式,把不同风格的园林建筑融为一体,在整体布局上使人感到和谐完美。真可谓:“虽由人做,宛自天开”。圆明园不仅以园林著称,而且也是一座收藏相当丰富的皇家博物馆。法国大作家雨果曾说:“即使把我国圣母院的所有宝物加在一起,也不能同这个规模宏大而富丽堂皇的东方博物馆媲美。”园内各殿堂内装饰有难以计数的紫檀木家具,陈列着许多国内外稀世文物。园中文源阁是全国四大皇家藏书楼之一。园中各处藏有《四库全书》、《古今图书集成》、《四库全书荟要》等珍贵图书文物。 圆明园,曾以其宏大的地域规模、杰出的营造技艺、精美的建筑景群、丰富的文化收藏和博大精深的民族文化内涵而享誉于世,被誉为“一切造园艺术的典temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 范”和“万园之园”。 不幸的是,这一世界名园于1860年10月惨遭英法联军野蛮的劫掠焚毁,以后又经历了无数次毁灭和劫掠,一代名园最终沦为一片废墟。经过血与火的洗礼,圆明园犹如中国近代史的一部史册,具有撼人心魄的价值。站在西洋楼残石断柱前,人们仿佛听到了历史的呐喊。 1988年1月5日,圆明园遗址被公布为国家级文物保护单位。同年,遗址公园试开放。经过各级政府多年不懈的努力,遗址的保护整治工作取得成效,目前已初步形成福海、长春园和绮春园三大景区,既有浩瀚的福海,又有亲切可人的湖泊,更有山水环绕的河溪,保持了水体的天然风韵;按原有的植物配置,形成了以松、竹、荷、柳为主题的植物景观。昔日的皇家园林,今朝成了人民的游憩之地,同时又是一处难得的爱国主义教育基地。先后被国家教委等六部委命名为“全国中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 爱国主义教育基地”;被中宣部公布为“全国百家爱国主义教育示范基地”;被北京市国防教育委员会办公室命名为“北京市国防教育基地”。 江泽民、李鹏、朱镕基等党和国家领导人、中央军委领导及北京市领导曾先后来圆明园遗址参加植树活动,体现了各级领导对圆明园遗址公园建设事业的关心和支持。正如江泽民同志所说:“圆明园为什么叫遗址公园,就是让大家看到这颗灿烂的东方文化明珠,当年被外国强盗毁灭的惨痛历史,给人民以爱国主义教育。现在我们把她绿化起来,进行整建,就是要让全国人民和外国友人看到我们国家的发展变化”。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive
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