首页 麦地小学体育大课间活动方案



麦地小学体育大课间活动方案麦地小学体育大课间活动方案 麦地小学体育大课间活动方案 一、指导思想 为认真贯彻中央政治局会议精神,把学校体育工作作为全面推进素质教育的重要切入口和突破口,吸引广大学生走向操场,走进大自然,走到阳光下。提高师生对体育大课间的重视与认识,积极参加体育锻炼,确保“阳光体育运动”落到实处,培养学生良好的体育锻炼习惯,切实提高学生的体质健康水平。我校把开展“大课间操”活动作为重要途径之一,保证学生每天一小时体育锻炼时间,增强学生的体质,提高学生的心理素质和道德素质,促使学生主动参与体育活动,使锻炼成为习惯,使学生拥有健...

麦地小学体育大课间活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 麦地小学体育大课间 活动方案 关于团建活动方案关于感恩节活动方案关于团建活动方案歌咏比赛活动方案革命传统教育主题班会活动方案 一、指导思想 为认真贯彻中央政治局会议精神,把学校体育工作作为全面推进素质教育的重要切入口和突破口,吸引广大学生走向操场,走进大自然,走到阳光下。提高师生对体育大课间的重视与认识,积极参加体育锻炼,确保“阳光体育运动”落到实处,培养学生良好的体育锻炼习惯,切实提高学生的体质健康水平。我校把开展“大课间操”活动作为重要途径之一,保证学生每天一小时体育锻炼时间,增强学生的体质,提高学生的心理素质和道德素质,促使学生主动参与体育活动,使锻炼成为习惯,使学生拥有健康,阳光的人生,让学生终生受益。 二、目标和原则 (一)目标 1、促进学生健康成长,并形成健康意识和终身体育观,确保“健康第一”思想落到实处。 2、让学生有选择地参与、学习、享受体育,激发学生的运动兴趣,发挥学生的学习积极性和潜能。 3、改革学校课间操,优化课间操的时间、空间、形式、内容和结构,使学生乐于参加,主动地掌握健身的方法并自觉锻炼。 4、促进师生间、生生间的和谐关系,提高学生的合作、竞争意识和交往能力。 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 5、丰富校园文化生活,营造积极向上的学风。 (二)原则 1、教育性原则。开展大课间活动,以达到对学生的促德、健体、调智、审美等的教育功能,重视活动过程的教育。 2、科学性原则。根据学生的身心发展的规律及特点,以及学校的实际情况,科学合理的安排大课间的课程 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和活动内容。 3、全体性原则。师生全员参加,充分发挥师生的积极性和创造性,达到全体健身的目的,促进师生间、生生间的和谐关系。 4、创造性原则。根据学校场地的特点,科学合理的安排一些活动内容,将艺术、体育融为一体。 三、实施措施 (一)活动时间的安排(30分钟) 下午才v (周一3:30——4:00) 1、进场6分钟 2、准备活动(柔韧操)5分钟 3、跑操7分钟 4、练习活动10分钟(周一、三、五全校统一活动,周二、四各班自主活动) 5、放松活动2分钟 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 6、集队退场 (二)活动内容、形式见附件 (三)活动场地的安排 六年级活动区:2号篮球场至体艺馆区域 五年级活动区:两个篮球场之间区域 四年级活动区:西门至游泳池校道区域 三年级活动区:1号篮球场至舞台区域 二年级活动区:西架空层、东架空层、中庭及周边连廊 一年级活动区:厨房前空地及东架空层区域 (三)进退场要求 各班按两路纵队进场。要求:一是中高年级两排左右对应的是男对男,女对女(垫上运动协作练习的需要);二是正、副 班主任 高三班主任计划七年级班主任计划初中七年级班主任计划初二班主任计划高一班主任计划 要及时到位组织,特别是带头先进场的班要抓紧;三是要培养学生听音乐集合的习惯,音乐一响迅速集合;四是要求学生课间不要离课室太远,在课室或走廊等候;五是要求学生在行进间做到不讲话,不打闹,集中精神,加快行进的速度;六是正副班主任一头一尾组织队伍,把控速度,注意安全。 (四)练习队形 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 各班均按两路纵队(体操队形)做柔韧操、跑操、集中练习等活动。跑操在做柔韧操的队形基础上按长方形循环匀速跑动,两列纵队之间的距离1.5米左右,垫上运动有些队形变换。 (三)活动器材的准备 学校添置部分运动器材供学生活动,班主任也要动员学生购置或自制一些体育活动辅助器材,保证活动的顺利开展,学生参加活动必需穿好校服,运动鞋。 (四)活动项目的选择 体育科组提供一些室内外体育活动项目,供各班参考,由班主任根据班级实际情况选择项目进行活动。室内活动项目及大部分的室外项目要靠班主任及副班老师 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 、辅导学生。部分复杂的室外活动项目由相关体育老师对学生进行培训。 室外活动:跳长绳、踢毽子、立定跳远、捉迷藏、丢手绢、钻山洞、丢沙包、跳橡皮筋、推手、贴烧饼、掷纸飞机、抓尾巴、快快跳起来、闭眼平衡、木头人、老鹰抓小鸡等项目。 室内活动:拾子、击鼓传花、扳手腕、传口令、画鼻子、纸球入篓、挑小棒、七巧板、猜拳写字、猜猜他是谁、叫号起立、过独木桥、头顶气球、写字接力、指部位、开火车等项目。 (五)活动注意事项 1)大课间活动时间不得挤占或早退。 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 2)进退场,活动时间挂钩行政、体育老师、班主任、副班教师必须到位管理,确保安全。 3)由于我校学生人数多,人均活动面积小,户外集体活动开展起来难度较大,为了能更好地开展体育大课间活动,活动前和活动中要对学 生进行安全教育,落实好安全防范措施。 4)活动全程由广播音乐指挥,全体师生随音乐的变化而变化活动内容。 5)跑操结束,周一、三、五各班在原位按柔韧操队形排队,由学校统一组织活动,周二、四由班主任、副班主任带至活动场地进行自主活动。活动结束时,正、副班主任组织学生有序排队退场。 6)年级挂钩行政、体育教师进行巡视与指导,活动项目由体育科组负责解释说明。 7)体育大课间如遇阴雨天改在室内活动,先在课室走廊做柔韧操,然后在室内组织活动(周一、三、五由班主任负责组织,周二、四由副班主任负责组织)。 附件: 一、活动顺序: 进场——柔韧操——跑操——垫上运动(跳短绳)——放松——退场 二、活动内容(形式): layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 1、进场:6分钟 两路纵队操步进场,到位后按体操队形站队,并继续按音乐节拍操步。 2、柔韧操:5分钟 第一节:踏步运动4?8拍 第二节:头部运动4?8拍 第三节:上肢运动4?8拍 第四节:扩胸运动4?8拍 第五节:体侧运动4?8拍 第六节:压腿运动4?8拍 第七节:腹背运动4?8拍 第八节:踝关节运动4?8拍 3、跑操:7分钟 跑操队形在做柔韧操队形的基础上,左排向后转先跑,右排排头跟上左排排尾,按长方形循环匀速跑动,左右排之间的间隔距离1.5米左右。 4、垫上运动(跳短绳):10分钟 共25个动作。 5、放松:2分钟 三、集中训练时间安排(可根据训练的效果进行时间调整): 第八周的一、三、五训练柔韧操,第九、十周的一、三、五训练跑操,第十一、十二周的一、三、五训练垫上运动,第十三周的一、三、layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 五训练放松活动,第十四周起各环节串联一起训练。 每周的周二、四由各年级、班自主安排。建议第八至第十四周各班利用这个时间段分班进行大课间各环节的加强练习。 监督建议电话:2531428 注:本方案未尽之处,可另作调整,有调整的以通知为准。 惠州市麦地小学 2014年9月16日 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of
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