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乱世的“太上皇”乱事乱世的“太上皇”乱事 乱世的“太上皇”乱事 嘉庆五年(1800年),积赵翼十年之功的《二十二史札记》最终成书。在这部清代最伟大的史论著作中,有一则在我看来挺特别的笔记——《“太上皇”帝》。这是一篇非常有时评范的“影射史学”笔记,就在《二十二史札记》成书的前一年(嘉庆四年),中国历史上最著名也是最后一位“太上皇”乾隆爷驾崩,而赵翼在文中盘点了历史上的十四位“太上皇”之后,也非常识时务讲政治的将乾隆捧为历史上“最伟大、最圆满”的“太上皇”,“真开辟以来所未见,岂不盛哉”。 乾隆究竟当得起当不起如此盛赞,容我之后再...

乱世的“太上皇”乱事 乱世的“太上皇”乱事 嘉庆五年(1800年),积赵翼十年之功的《二十二史札记》最终成书。在这部清代最伟大的史论著作中,有一则在我看来挺特别的笔记——《“太上皇”帝》。这是一篇非常有时评范的“影射史学”笔记,就在《二十二史札记》成书的前一年(嘉庆四年),中国历史上最著名也是最后一位“太上皇”乾隆爷驾崩,而赵翼在文中盘点了历史上的十四位“太上皇”之后,也非常识时务讲政治的将乾隆捧为历史上“最伟大、最圆满”的“太上皇”,“真开辟以来所未见,岂不盛哉”。 乾隆究竟当得起当不起如此盛赞,容我之后再说。但对我来说,赵翼此文最不过瘾的是,他对于“太上皇”们退位之后的“退休生活”几无涉及,将权力转换时代的残酷与悲凉深深的隐藏在了孝与不孝的寥寥几笔之中。 如果要给“太上皇”分个类的话,从成因来说,无非可以分成两大门派: 以乾隆和宋高宗赵构为代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的“自愿派”,原因大多是出于倦政而“内禅”,这算不上什么多数派,可见禅让还真不是宋鲁郑先生以为的那么可爱,当“太上皇”更不是一份有前途的职业;以唐高祖李渊为代表的“被迫派”,玄武门的血可不是白流的,这其中还有一个支派,比如唐玄宗李隆基和明英宗朱祁镇,虽然还真没有人逼他们当“太上皇”,但一个是在往四川逃亡路上因为儿子称帝而自动成为了“太上皇”,另一个是打败仗做了俘虏后因为弟弟当了皇帝而莫名的intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 成了“太上皇”,反正都不是自愿的就是了。 还有一种分类是以退休后的状态来分,大约也可分为三派。“退而不休派”,还想发挥余热送接班人一程的,代表非退了等于不退的乾隆爷莫属,想参加这一派难度比较大,你首先得是自愿让位,还得皇帝实在缺乏实力挑战你的垂帘听政才行;还有一派是“裸退”派,让位之后除了养老喝酒无法有任何追求的,代表是李渊和他的玄孙李隆基,这派比较晚景凄凉,但故事也最“精彩”;还有一派是“重新上岗派”,下了台之后又复辟成功的,这派人丁稀少,正牌的只有明英宗朱祁镇。 我可以相当武断的说一句,在这么多十几位二十位“太上皇”的退休故事中,还真没有一个是真正意义上的“圆满”结局:要么是“太上皇”自己的不幸,带着对失去皇权的悔恨与念想郁郁而终;要么是继任皇帝的不幸,在父亲的巨大阴影之下,唯有交给隐忍和时间。 下面具体说点啥吧,你会知道,即使是伟大的赵翼,他口中的“伟大和圆满”也是属于神话范畴。权力之下,几无人伦。 “刘大爷”的“太上皇”生活 谁是中国第一个“太上皇”,这是一个挺纠结的问题。有一种不太流行的说法是秦始皇的父亲——秦庄襄王。秦始皇发明了皇帝这个职位之后,可能是孝心大爆发,特别为自己只做过“秦王”的父亲不值,便追封父亲为“太上皇”。恩,第一个“太上皇”是去世后才当上的。 赵翼的说法则比较深入人心,第一个“太上皇”是刘邦的爸爸刘intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 太公,“太上皇”本汉高祖有天下后奉其父太公之称,非太公有天下传于子而有是称也”。作为历史上唯一没有做过皇帝的“太上皇”,刘太公的历史地位相当“可疑”,史书中甚至没有他的真名,那“太公”呢,你见过有人的名字叫“刘大爷”么,刘太公,也是历史上唯一没有名字的“太上皇”。 《史记》中关于刘太公当上“太上皇”的过程挺有戏剧性,刘邦即位六年后,还保持着每五天朝拜父亲一次的习惯,后来太公身边的人急了,劝太公说:“天无二日,土无二王。今高祖虽子,人主也;太公虽父,人臣也”,怎么能让皇帝拜你这个臣子呢,太公听了很惶恐,等到下次刘邦回家时就抱着扫帚面对门口倒退着走,表现得非常谦卑。刘邦也急了,想去搀扶太公却还被太公义正词严的拒绝“帝,人主也,奈何以我乱天下法~” 怎么又不坏皇帝为尊的“天下法”,又能尽孝呢,刘邦的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 就是尊太公为“太上皇”,《汉书》中刘邦诏书的权威说法是“父有天下,传归于子。子有天下,尊归于父”。 像太公这种不大正宗的“太上皇”,是皇帝最喜欢的,对皇权一点威胁都没有。在这种情况下,太公的退休生活还真就回归了“父慈子孝”的人伦逻辑。 最感人的一个段子是晋代野史《西京杂记》中的,说是刘邦看见太公当上“太上皇”之后还是整日怏怏不乐,了解情况之后才知道是因为太公想念家乡丰县“酤酒卖余,斗鸡蹴踘”的市井生活,过不惯长安的大城市生活。刘邦听说后祭出大手笔,在长安附近仿造丰县造intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 了一座“新丰城”,把太公从前在家乡的老相识老邻居们找来住进这座新城,““太上皇”乃悦”。这座新丰城现在叫“新丰镇”,还在。这个故事的感人程度简直让我想起了《射雕英雄传》中完颜洪烈为了包惜弱在王府中修的那座牛家村旧宅。 还有一则挺温馨的故事记载于《史记?高祖本纪》。有次刘邦帮太公祝寿,刘邦想起太公以前偏心二哥就突然“发难”说,太公以前常说自己无赖,不好好干活,不如二哥,现在回过头来看,您肯定没有想到我的发迹吧,“今某之业所就孰与仲多,”。 但你要说刘邦有多孝顺太公,还真不一定,太公幸福的晚年“太上皇”生活是建立在没有权力的考验之下的。有一则往事或许能印证这一点,在楚汉战争中,太公和刘邦之妻吕雉曾一同被楚军所擒,项羽在战场上当面威胁刘邦若不投降就煮了太公,刘邦“镇静”的回答说,我们是兄弟,我父亲就是你父亲,如果你要煮了太公,也分我一碗汤吧(“必欲烹而翁,幸分我一杯羹”)。 公元前197年,“太上皇”刘太公驾崩。我可以保证,像刘邦和太公这样良性的皇帝与“太上皇”关系是中国历史上绝无仅有的。 饿死的“太上王” 必须得谈一谈另一位不正宗的“太上皇”,但我仍然认为他比有名无实的刘太公还是来得正宗一点。赵国最伟大的君王赵武灵王在当了二十七年的赵王之后,将王位传于儿子赵惠文王,他除了尊号叫“主父”以外在事实上和后世的“太上皇”基本没有区别,姑且就当做“太上王”吧。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 曾有着“胡服骑射”光荣历史的赵武灵王绝对属于之前说的“退而不休派”,不过儿子赵惠文王也没有那么惨,和赵武灵王的王权区分基本上是各管一块。主父“主外”,继续穿着他的胡服主抓军事和战争;赵惠文王“主内”,主抓国内事务。赵武灵王退休后最辉煌的事迹是一次外交事件,退休后第一年,他冒充使节出使秦国,会见了很多秦国大臣,最后竟然还冒险见了秦王和秦国太后,据说当时这位“太上王”的王者之气溢于言表,当时就遭到了秦王与太后的怀疑,后来接见完醒悟过来后还派骑兵追杀,可惜警觉的赵武灵王已然金蝉脱壳。 在“主父”任上,赵武灵王仍旧是东征西讨,竟然一口气灭了中山国,还打残了楼烦王。但是这时候赵武灵王犯了一个后世的“太上皇”们都罕有的错误——主动挑起了宫廷王位争端。简单的说,就是他后悔将王位传给赵惠文王了,倒不是说他自己想“复辟”再当赵王,而是他也想让另外一个儿子公子章也称王,将赵国一分为二。当然,你也可以说,赵武灵王当了四年主父之后,不甘寂寞了,毕竟,他此时只有四十六岁,在权力的诱惑之下,这位雄才大略的君主也犯了混。 这次王位之争的结果就是著名的“沙丘之变”。公子章仗着有父亲支持起兵作乱,战败后跑到了赵武灵王的沙丘宫寻求庇护。谁料赵惠文王的军队不仅攻入沙丘宫杀死了公子章,还包围了赵武灵王的内宫并遣散了所有的宫人。赵武灵王一世英雄,最后竟然落到了掏鸟蛋充饥的地步,被困三个月后,最终饿死于宫中。 最戏剧性的结尾是,赵王在获悉父亲饿死之后,痛苦一场,举国intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 哀痛。而这正是日后皇帝与“太上皇”之争的最经典桥段——奸人“矫诏”作乱,蒙蔽圣听,离间骨肉。 可是,这一“矫诏”终究是加了引号的。 乱世的“太上皇”乱事 乱世之中,“太上皇”一事,也多是当不了真的闹剧。比如,在西晋的“八王之乱”中,赵王司马伦篡夺了晋惠帝(“何不食肉糜”那位)的帝位,囚禁于金墉城,这也就罢了,他还尊惠帝为“太上皇”。更狗血的是,后来司马伦又兵败身死,晋惠帝竟然又“复辟”做回了皇帝,由诸王辗转挟持,形同傀儡,不过,这对总以一颗童心面向世界的晋惠帝应该不是个大问题。 北朝的“太上皇”就更乱了,竟然整出了五个,奇人辈出,用赵翼的话说就是“北朝诸君固无足道”。先是后凉的开国君主吕光,在位十年,重病之中传位太子吕绍,自号“太上皇”,新闻点在于,他只当了几个小时“太上皇”,就于当天病死了(赵翼竟然不提),更神奇的是,吕绍的皇位在当天就被弟弟吕纂夺走了,还顺带丢了命,而就在几小时前,哥俩还在“太上皇”的病榻前发誓要“兄弟辑睦”。 再是后魏的献文帝拓跋弘,这位“太上皇”也是奇人,在位七年,“常有遗世之心”,十七岁就把皇位传给了儿子,堪称历史上最年轻的“太上皇”。可新皇帝即位时才五岁,献文帝也被迫继续打理朝政,期间还有御驾亲征的经历。最后当了六年的“太上皇”驾崩,一天“世”也没“遗”过。 下一个是北齐武成帝高湛。这位“太上皇”的亮点在于,他喜欢intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 的太子高纬不被皇后喜欢,皇后疼爱的是小儿子,为了造成既成事实,他找了个天象有变的理由(这也是经典的交班理由),突然宣布传位给十岁的太子,给了还想换太子的皇后一记闷棍。但在传位之后,二十八岁的高湛也走得是“退而不休”的路线,“军国大事咸以奏闻”,而皇帝负责的领域是君主立宪式的礼仪项目。当了四年“太上皇”,高湛也驾崩了。 高纬后来也当了“太上皇”。也有亮点,传位原因是被北周军队打得即将亡国,或许是出于不想做败家子的理由传位给八岁的儿子高恒,具体或许可对照后世宋徽宗传位给宋钦宗的例子。高恒没当几天皇帝竟然也禅位给丞相了,不过自己没当成“太上皇”罢了,可见这亡国皇帝真成了烫手山芋了。但高纬这次的尊号又升级为了“无上皇”(后世别无分号),可当了也没几天,父子二人就被北周军队俘虏了。 北朝最后一位“太上皇”是北周宣帝宇文贇,刚当了一年皇帝就急不可耐的传位给七岁的太子。这人精神大概也有点问题,父亲武帝驾崩的时候竟然拍着棺材板大喊“死得太晚了”,可就这样一个人,竟然也玩“退而不休”的把戏,过了一年的瘾,也驾崩了。 隋炀帝的“太上皇”经历也挺奇特,同时当了四个月的皇帝和“太上皇”。大业十三年(617年)十一月,在晋阳起兵的李渊攻破长安,立杨广的儿子代王杨侑为有名无实的隋恭帝,同时也遥尊此时身在江都的隋炀帝为“太上皇”。但问题是,隋炀帝此时也还是皇帝,不过,他身兼两职的生活很快在四个月后结束了,大业十四年三月,隋炀帝死于宇文化及 策划 活动策划ppt下载游戏策划下载民宿策划下载游戏策划shu下载英文歌曲大赛策划免费下载 的“江都之变”。消息传到长安后,李渊随即在同intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 年五月便逼杨侑退位,自行称帝。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision
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