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食物属性一览表食物属性一览表 食物属性一览表 马悦凌 谷类饮食 性平:大米、玉米、青稞、米皮糠(米糠)、番薯(山芋、红薯)、芝麻、黄豆、饭豇豆(白豆)、豌豆、扁豆、蚕豆、赤小豆、黑大豆。 性温:糯米、黑米、西谷米(西米)、高粱、燕麦、谷芽(稻芽)、刀豆。 性凉:粟米(小米)、小麦、大麦、荞麦、薏苡仁、绿豆。 肉类饮食 性平: 猪肉、猪心、猪肾、猪肝、鸡蛋、鹅肉、驴肉、野猪肉、刺猬肉、鸽肉、鹌鹑、乌鸦肉、蛇肉、蝗虫(蚂蚱)、阿胶(驴皮胶)、牛奶(微凉)、酸牛奶、人奶、甲鱼(微凉)、龟肉(微温)、干贝、泥鳅、鳗鱼、鲫鱼...

食物属性一览表 食物属性一览表 马悦凌 谷类饮食 性平:大米、玉米、青稞、米皮糠(米糠)、番薯(山芋、红薯)、芝麻、黄豆、饭豇豆(白豆)、豌豆、扁豆、蚕豆、赤小豆、黑大豆。 性温:糯米、黑米、西谷米(西米)、高粱、燕麦、谷芽(稻芽)、刀豆。 性凉:粟米(小米)、小麦、大麦、荞麦、薏苡仁、绿豆。 肉类饮食 性平: 猪肉、猪心、猪肾、猪肝、鸡蛋、鹅肉、驴肉、野猪肉、刺猬肉、鸽肉、鹌鹑、乌鸦肉、蛇肉、蝗虫(蚂蚱)、阿胶(驴皮胶)、牛奶(微凉)、酸牛奶、人奶、甲鱼(微凉)、龟肉(微温)、干贝、泥鳅、鳗鱼、鲫鱼、青鱼、黄鱼、乌贼鱼、鱼翅、鲈鱼、银鱼、鲥鱼、鲤鱼、鲳鱼、鲑鱼、鲨鱼、橡皮鱼。 性温: 黄牛肉、牛肚、牛髓、狗肉、猫肉、羊肉、羊肚、羊骨、羊髓、鸡肉(微温)、乌骨鸡、麻雀、野鸡肉、鹿肉、熊掌、蛤蚧(大壁虎)、獐肉(河鹿肉)、蚕蛹、羊奶、海参、海马、海龙、虾、蚶子(毛蚶)、淡菜(水菜)、鲢鱼、带鱼、鳊鱼、鲶鱼、刀鱼、混子鱼、鲦鱼(白条鱼)、鳟鱼、鳝鱼(黄鳝)、大头鱼。 性凉: 水牛肉、鸭肉、兔肉、马奶、蛙肉(田鸡)、鮰鱼、鲍鱼。 性寒:鸭蛋(性微寒)、马肉、水獭肉、螃蟹、海螃蟹、蛤蜊(沙蛤、海蛤、文蛤)、牡蛎肉、蜗牛、蚯蚓、田螺(大寒)、螺蛳、蚌肉、蚬肉(河蚬)、乌鱼、章鱼。 果类饮食 性平:李子、花红(沙果)、菠萝、葡萄、橄榄、葵花子、香榧子、南瓜子、芡实(鸡头果)、莲子、椰子汁、柏字仁、花生、白果、榛子、山楂。 性温:桃子、杏子、大枣、荔枝、桂圆肉、佛手柑、柠檬(性微温)、金橘、杨梅、石榴、木瓜、槟榔、松子仁、栗子(板栗)、核桃仁、樱桃。 性凉:苹果(性微凉)、梨、芦柑、橙子、草莓(性微凉)、芒果、枇杷、罗汉果、菱、莲子芯、百合。 性寒:柿子、柿饼、柚子、香蕉、桑葚、洋桃、无花果、猕猴桃、甘蔗、西瓜、甜瓜(香瓜)。 菜类饮食 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 性平:山药、萝卜(微凉)、胡萝卜、包菜、茼蒿、大头菜、青菜、母鸡头、豆豉、豇豆、土豆、芋头、洋生姜、海蛰、黑木耳(微凉)、香菇、平菇、喉头菇、葫芦。 性温:葱、大蒜、韭菜、芫荽(香菜)、雪里蕻、洋葱、香椿头、南瓜。 性热:辣椒。 性凉:西红柿(微凉)、旱芹、水芹菜、茄子、油菜、苤蓝、茭白、苋菜、马兰头、菊花脑、菠菜、金针菜(黄花菜)、莴苣(莴笋)、花菜、枸杞头、芦蒿、豆腐(豆腐皮、豆腐干、豆腐乳)、面筋、藕、冬瓜、地瓜、丝瓜、黄瓜、海芹菜(裙带菜)、蘑菇、金针菇。 性寒:慈姑(微寒)、马齿苋、蕹菜(空心菜)、木耳菜(西洋菜)、莼菜、发菜(龙须菜)、蕺菜、竹笋(微寒)、瓠子、菜瓜、海带、紫菜、海藻、地耳、草菇、苦瓜、荸荠。 其它饮食 性平:白糖、冰糖(微凉)、豆浆、枸杞子(微温)、灵芝、银耳(微凉)、燕窝、玉米须、黄精、天麻、党参、茯苓、干草、鸡内金、酸枣仁。 性温:生姜、砂仁、花椒、紫苏、小茴香、丁香、八角、茴香、山奈、酒、醋、红茶、石碱、咖啡、菜油、麻油、花生油、豆油、饴糖(麦芽糖、糖稀)、红糖、桂花、松花粉、冬虫夏草、紫河车(胎盘)、川芎、黄芪(性微温)、太子参(微温)、人参、当归、肉苁蓉、杜仲、白术、何首乌(微温)。 性热:胡椒、肉桂。 性凉:绿茶、蜂蜜、蜂王浆、啤酒花、槐花(槐米)、菊花、薄荷、胖大海、白芍、沙参、西洋参、决明子。 性寒:酱油、面酱、盐、金银花、苦瓜茶、苦丁茶、茅草根、芦根、白矾。 注: 1、性平的食物一年四季都可食用。 2、性温的食物除夏季适当少食用外,其它季节都可食用。 3、性凉的食物夏季可经常食用,其它季节如要食用须配合性温的食物一起吃。 4、性寒的食物尽量少吃,如要食用必须加辣椒、花椒、生姜等性温热的食物一起吃。 食物属性一览表 中医世界?首页 资料取自《如皋长寿方案》的附表。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 谷物 性热 性温 糯米、紫米(紫糯米)、西谷米(西米)、高梁、榖芽(稻芽) 性平 大米(梗米/硬米)、玉米(苞谷)、燕麦、青稞(油麦)、米皮糠、锅巴 性凉 栗米(小米)、小麦、大麦、荞麦、 薏苡仁(薏仁) 性寒 豆类(豆制品) 性热 性温 糯米、紫米(紫糯米)、西谷米(西米)、高梁、榖芽(稻芽) 碗豆、赤小豆、饭豇豆(饭豆/白豆/甘豆)、黑豆、黄豆、毛豆、扁豆、蚕豆、性平 豆豉 性凉 绿豆、马豆、豆浆、豆腐皮、豆腐脑(豆花)、腐竹、豆腐渣、豆腐 性寒 调味品 性热 辣椒、胡椒、秦椒、肉桂、咖喱粉 葱、生姜、干姜、大蒜、芥末、花椒、孜然、莳萝、砂仁、小茴香、大茴香、红性温 糖、植物油、醋、香花菜、草果、胡葱、小蒜、料酒、石碱 性平 白糖、冰糖、味精 性凉 性寒 食盐、面酱、酱油、白矾 蔬菜 性热 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 白萝卜(熟)、韭菜、藕(熟)、蒜苔、青蒜、洋葱、雪里红、茴香苗、香椿头、香性温 菜、南瓜、罗勒、香荆菜、地笋、甘薯、香薷、荆芥、魔芋、薤白、刀豆、芥菜 青菜、大白菜、包菜、茼蒿、金花菜、番木瓜、芜菁、扁豆荚、扁豆花、四季豆、 元修菜、碎米荠、土豆、胡萝卜、长豇豆、山药、睡莲叶、葫芦、芋头、菊芋、性平 苦瓜(熟)、石耳、香菇、银耳、竹荪、黑木耳、平菇、鸡腿蘑、海白菜、马勃、 猴头菇、百合、蕨麻、清明菜、委陵菜、费菜、松蘑、口蘑、番杏、胭脂菜、宝 塔菜、水荠、桑黄、水菠菜、翻白草、葛根、鸡眼菜、败酱、郎椰菜、茅梅 芹菜、茭白、苋菜、花椰菜、马兰头、菠菜、芦蒿、莴苣、笋瓜、枸杞头、竹笋、 青芦笋、茄子、西红柿(蕃茄)、生菜、白萝卜(生)、丝瓜、黄瓜、节瓜、冬瓜、性凉 裙带蔡、西瓜皮、黄花菜、牛蒡、豆薯、荷兰芹、红薯叶、墨菜、红薯藤、蜂斗 菜、西蓝花、油菜、香茶菜、葛花、山芥菜、风花菜、刺儿菜、野苋菜、千屈菜、 蒲笋、明党参、佛手瓜、婆婆纳、酸汤菜、猪毛菜、鹧鸪菜 藕(生)、马齿苋、莼菜、鱼腥草、芦荟、海带、菜瓜、紫菜、草菇、黄豆芽、绿 豆芽、苦瓜(生)、仙人掌、江蓠、空心菜、粉丝、石花菜、蕨菜、蕨根粉、榆钱、性寒 瓠子、黄鹌菜、睡菜、地耳、猪殃殃、野白菜、薇菜、苦菜、葵菜、竹叶菜、车 前、野韭菜、醡浆草、地肤苗、腐婢、蒲公英、干苔、荸荠、芝麻叶、苎麻头、 猪牙菜、羊栖菜、落葵、发菜、木耳菜、慈菇 蛋类 性热 性温 鹅蛋、麻雀蛋 性平 鸡蛋、鸽蛋、鹌鹑蛋 性凉 鸭蛋 性寒 松花蛋 肉类 性热 羊肉、羊骨、羊髓、牛肉、牛髓、金华火腿、骆驼肉、熊掌、麻雀肉、鹧鸪肉、性温 獐肉、雉肉、鳝鱼、带鱼、鲩鱼、海虾、河虾、鲢鱼、鲚鱼、鲂鱼、河豚、鳙鱼、 海参、鳟鱼、海星、鲶鱼、海马、鲦鱼、刀鱼、大马哈鱼、海龙、蚕蛹、蚶、鸡organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 肉、狗肉、鹿肉 猪肉、驴肉、乌骨鸡、鸡血、野猪肉、鹌鹑肉、鸽肉、鹅肉、大雁肉、鲫鱼、青 鱼、黄花鱼、鲈鱼、白鱼、鲤鱼、乌贼鱼、鲛鱼、银鱼、鲥鱼、鲳鱼、海参、黄性平 颡鱼、鲍鱼、鲮鱼、鳗鲡、沙丁鱼、泥鳅、金枪鱼、鲑鱼、鱼翅、梭鱼、鳜鱼、 海胆、鱿鱼、鲟鱼、鳇鱼、甲鱼、龟、海蜇、鱼鳔、干贝 性凉 鸭肉、蛙肉、兔肉、鸬鹚肉 蛤蜊、乌鱼、章鱼、螃蟹、海粉、蚌、蚬、田螺、蛏子、泥螺、牡蛎、蜗牛、獭性寒 肉、螺蛳、鸭血、马肉 水果 性热 樱桃、榴莲 金橘、番石榴、木瓜、石榴、大枣、黄皮果、索罗果、柠檬、使君子、桂圆、红性温 毛丹、山楂、越橘果、释迦、卡密、枸橘、桃子 椰子肉、无花果、花红、李子、菠萝、菠萝蜜、萄萄、薜荔果、西番莲、橄榄、性平 海红、覆盆子、火辣、山樱桃、野樱桃、山胡桃、胡颓子、刺玫果、野苹果、梅 子 梨、刺梨、枇杷、橙子、莲雾、山竹、草莓、芒果、苹果、橘子、芦柑、火龙象、性凉 南酸枣、余甘子、山梨、八月瓜、君迁子 香蕉、柿子、哈密瓜、西瓜、柚子、杨桃、桑葚、甜瓜、金丝瓜、杜梨、猕猴桃、性寒 甘蔗 干果 性热 性温 橘饼、栗子、开心果、海松子、海枣、槟榔、橡实、核桃 葵花子、榛子、白果、松子仁、芡实、腰果、莲子、梧桐子、茅栗、锥栗、榧子、性平 南瓜子、花生、西瓜子仁、沙枣、菩提子、柏子仁、杏仁 性凉 菱角、罗汉果 性寒 柿饼 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 饮品 性热 白酒、红酒、黄酒、咖啡、羊奶、红茶、茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶、月季花茶、桂花性温 茶、白兰花茶、辛夷花茶、杜鹃花茶、金盏花茶、迷迭香茶、百里香茶、厚朴花 茶、兰香草茶、莲花茶、紫藤花茶、雪莲花茶、留兰香茶 牛奶、酸奶、母奶、醍醐、蜂蜜、蜂王浆、千日红茶、佩兰茶、绿萼梅茶、合欢性平 花茶、桃花茶、莲蕊须茶、豆浆 椰子浆、马奶、绿茶、菊花茶、金银花茶、木棉花茶、槐花茶、木槿花茶、百合性凉 花茶、蔷薇花茶、罗布麻茶、山茶花茶、山丹茶、啤酒花茶、万寿菊茶、密蒙花 茶、啤酒 金莲花茶、木蝴蝶茶、人参叶茶、凌霄花茶、番泻叶茶、苦丁茶、绞股蓝茶、黄性寒 练芽茶、若叶茶、栀子花茶 饮品 性热 白酒、红酒、黄酒、咖啡、羊奶、红茶、茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶、月季花茶、桂花性温 茶、白兰花茶、辛夷花茶、杜鹃花茶、金盏花茶、迷迭香茶、百里香茶、厚朴花 茶、兰香草茶、莲花茶、紫藤花茶、雪莲花茶、留兰香茶 牛奶、酸奶、母奶、醍醐、蜂蜜、蜂王浆、千日红茶、佩兰茶、绿萼梅茶、合欢性平 花茶、桃花茶、莲蕊须茶、豆浆 椰子浆、马奶、绿茶、菊花茶、金银花茶、木棉花茶、槐花茶、木槿花茶、百合性凉 花茶、蔷薇花茶、罗布麻茶、山茶花茶、山丹茶、啤酒花茶、万寿菊茶、密蒙花 茶、啤酒 金莲花茶、木蝴蝶茶、人参叶茶、凌霄花茶、番泻叶茶、苦丁茶、绞股蓝茶、黄性寒 练芽茶、若叶茶、栀子花茶 中药 性热 荜拨、麻黄、鹿茸、乌贼骨、沉香 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 紫河车、松花粉、五味子、肉苁蓉、川芎、橘核、红花、藏红花、木香、当归、 山茱萸、何首乌、紫苏、吴茱萸、橘皮、五加皮、豆蔻、丁香、黄芪、冬虫夏草、性温 白术、姜黄、胡卢巴、肉豆蔻、高良姜、竹叶、食茱萸、野胡椒、山柰、白芷、 人参、竹叶椒、红豆蔻、独活、红曲、艾叶、杜仲 枸杞子、天麻、荷叶、白茯苓、赤茯苓、酸枣仁、燕窝、灵芝、蜂胶、阿胶、鸡性平 内金、郁李仁、玉竹、连翘、石南叶、桃仁、皂角、茵陈 胖大海、决明子、薄荷、鸡冠花、金钱草、地黄、白芍、沙参、益母草、西洋参、性凉 冬瓜子 麦门冬、珍珠、栀子、石斛、白茅根、夏枯草、天门冬、大黄、柴胡、羚羊角、性寒 黄柏、犀牛角、海藻、车前子、宣黄连、熟地黄、牡丹皮、干葛、金铃子 站长补充: 食疗健康法:少食,阳性食物,补充酵素,胡萝卜苹果汁 少食: 每日只吃一餐或二餐。这样胃的容量才会缩小,只要吃一点点就饱了。饥饿时,就喝几口黑糖姜汁、姜红茶或胡萝卜苹果汁等流质食物,不可大量摄食,免得又把胃撑大了。只要坚持一周就能习惯这种少食的方式。 如果非吃三餐不可,建议早餐只喝胡萝卜苹果汁或吃生菜水果色拉。 阳性食物: 阳性食物(温性食物)可以温暖身体,要多吃~阴性(寒性食物)食物会冷却身体,要少吃~(请注意,不是不能吃,而是要少吃。) 其他暖身方法:运动、晒太阳、泡澡、泡脚、按摩、唱歌、跳舞、开怀大笑、姜红茶、黑糖姜汁。另外,爱心也能温暖身体,增强免疫力~ organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 补充酵素: 多吃蔬果之类的生食,因为生食本身就具有自我分解的酵素,可以不必额外补充酵素,但是如果是吃熟食,餐后要马上补充消化酵素(例如:若元锭)。 老人家更需要补充消化酵素~ 胡萝卜苹果汁: 每日必喝胡萝卜苹果汁(约480cc)~为什么胡萝卜苹果汁会这么有效呢,因为里面含有人类身体所需的所有维生素和矿物质。 胡萝卜苹果汁制作法 将以下材料放入榨汁机中榨成汁。(榨汁机的英文是juicer, 搅拌式果汁机的英文是mixer或blender。建议使用菠萝牌 榨汁机,研磨及过滤效果较佳。) 胡萝卜二根(约400公克),可榨出240cc 苹果一个(约300公克),可榨出240cc 二样加起来总共480cc,约三杯的量。(每日必喝的量) 为什么要用榨汁机而不用搅拌机(果汁机),因为如果用整个蔬 果去搅拌的话,纤维量会过多,一方面会伤胃壁,另一方面纤 维会吸附营养素,导致营养素无法完全释放出来,因此,我们 要利用榨汁机的强力离心过滤效果,把多余的纤维过滤掉。如 果家里没有榨汁机,那就只好用人工挤压过滤了。总之,胡萝 卜苹果汁最好是空腹时单独饮用,不要参杂其他食物一起饮用, 这样吸收效果才会最佳: 生姜红茶制作法 1. 先准备热红茶 。 2. 注入杯中,加入适量生姜泥 。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 3. 再加入黑糖或蜂蜜。 站长补充: 1. 买一个质量好的保温瓶(建议使用日本象印牌的保温 瓶)。 2. 先冲入100?热水,然后放入立顿红茶包(Lipton), 等颜色变深红后取出茶包。(味道浓淡请自行斟酌,茶 包浸泡越久,味道越浓越涩。) 3. 最后再放入5片生姜片,然后拴紧保温瓶,十分钟后就 可以饮用了。 4. 另外可以放入黑糖或蜂蜜,止饥效果更快~ 5. 每次喝几口,不喝时就拴紧瓶盖,继续保温。 黑糖姜汁制作法 1. 买一个质量好的保温瓶(建议使用日本象印牌的保温 瓶)。 2. 先放入黑糖粉,味道浓淡请自行斟酌。(黑糖块比较贵, 建议使用黑糖粉。品牌不一定要买冲绳出产的,因为它 的产量有限,所以可能会有冒牌货。) 3. 再冲入100?热水。 4. 最后再放入5片生姜片,然后拴紧保温瓶,十分钟后就 可以饮用了。 5. 每次喝几口,不喝时就拴紧瓶盖,继续保温。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and
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