首页 考研新题型翻译综合冲刺训练(适用英语一和英语二)



考研新题型翻译综合冲刺训练(适用英语一和英语二)考研新题型翻译综合冲刺训练(适用英语一和英语二) 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Passage 1............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ....

考研新题型翻译综合冲刺训练(适用 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 一和英语二) 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Passage 1............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Passage 2 .................................................................................. 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试.................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 .................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ........................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 .................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Passage 3............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Passage 4............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Passage 5............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Passage 6............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part 1 解题应试................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part2 学习积累 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 Step1 词汇速记 ............................................................... 错误~未定义书签。 Part3 全文解析 ................................................................ 错误~未定义书签。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Passage 1 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 1. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 2. 结合上下文将D选项段落,翻译成中文写在指定答题处。 In the grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism(功利主义). The goal of this theory is encapsulated(压缩) in Bentham's aphorism(格言) that "the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation." 1._____________________________ One of the classic techniques used to measure a person's willingness to behave in a utilitarian way is known as trolleyology(电车实验). The subject of the study is challenged with thought experiments involving a runaway railway trolley(有轨电车) or train carriage(火车车厢). All involve choices, each of which leads to people's deaths. For example: there are five railway workmen in the path of a runaway carriage. The men will surely be killed unless the subject of the experiment, a bystander in the story, does something. The subject is told he is on a bridge over the tracks. Next to him is a big, heavy stranger. The subject is informed that his own body would be too light to stop the train, but that if he pushes the stranger onto the tracks, the stranger's large body will stop the train and save the five lives. That, unfortunately, would kill the stranger. 2._____________________________ To find out, the two researchers gave 208 undergraduates a battery of trolleyological tests and measured, on a four-point scale, how utilitarian their responses were. Participants were also asked to respond to a series of statements intended to get a sense of their individual psychologies. These statements included, "I like to see fist fights", "The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear", and "When you really think about it, life is not worth the effort of getting up in the morning". Each was asked to indicate, for each statement, where his views lay on a continuum(连续的尺度)that had "strongly agree" at one end and "strongly disagree" at the other. These statements, and others like them, were designed to measure, respectively, psychopathy(精神变态), Machiavellianism( 马基雅维里主义,厚黑主义)and a person's sense of how meaningful life is. 3._____________________________ 4._____________________________ 备选项: A. Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests. They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas (push the fat guy off the bridge) and personalities that were psychopathic, Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless. Utilitarians, this suggests, may add to the sum of human happiness, but they are not very happy people themselves. 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ B. Which all sounds fine until you start applying it to particular cases. A utilitarian, for example, might approve of the occasional torture of suspected terrorists-for the greater happiness of everyone else, you understand. That type of observation has led Daniel Bartels at Columbia University and David Pizarro at Cornell to ask what sort of people actually do have a utilitarian outlook on life. Their answers, just published in Cognition, are not comfortable. C. That does not make utilitarianism wrong. Crafting legislation-one of the main things that Bentham and Mill wanted to improve-inevitably involves riding roughshod over someone's interests. Utilitarianism provides a plausible framework(框架)for deciding who should get trampled(蹂躏). The results obtained by Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro do, though, raise questions about the type of people who you want making the laws. Psychopathic, Machiavellian misanthropes? Apparently, yes. D. Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro knew from previous research that around 90% of people refuse the utilitarian act of killing one individual to save five. What no one had previously inquired about, though, was the nature of the remaining 10%. 请将D选项的翻译写在以下横格处: 翻译答案:见Part3 全文解析 Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 1. approve [?'pru:v] vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据vi. 批准;赞成;满意 根解单词:前缀ap=ad,表“去,面对”;单词prove,证明。 一句速记:能去证明有效,便可以批准执行。 2. comfortable ['k?mf?t?bl] adj. 舒适的,舒服的n. 盖被 根解单词:前缀com=con,表“共同,全部”;词根fort,表“城堡,堡垒”;后缀able,表形容词词性。 一句速记:同住城堡,都很舒服(安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜——舒适) 3. correlate ['k?:r?,leit] vi. 关联vt. 使有相互关系;互相有关系n. 相关物;相关联的人adj. 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 关联的 根解单词:前缀cor=com,表“共同,全部”;单词relate,关系。 一句速记:全部都有关系的状态叫关联。 4. craft [krɑ:ft, kræft] n. 工艺;手艺;太空船vt. 精巧地制作 联想记忆:create [kri?'e?t] vt. 创造,创作;造成 一句速记:手工艺很多时候是一种创造。 5. dilemma [di'lem?, ,dai-] n. 困境;进退两难;[逻]两刀论法 根解单词:前缀di,表“两个,分开”;词根lem=lim,表“限制,界限”;拉丁语后缀ma,无意义。 一句速记:进退两难是指先前进或是向后退,两个方面都受到限制。 6. ethical['eθik?l] adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的n. 处方药 根解单词:前缀sym=sim,表“相同,一样”;词根path=pass,表示感情。 一句速记:相同的感情,同情。 7. grand [ɡrænd] adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的n. 大钢琴;一千美元 联想记忆:great [gre?t] n. 大师;大人物;伟人们adj. 伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的 一句速记:伟大的人,住在豪华的地方~ 8. improve [im'pru:v] vt. 改善,增进;提高…的价值vi. 增加;变得更好 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;单词prove,证明。 一句速记:在证明自己的过程中不断改进自身! 同根单词:approve [?'pru:v] vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据vi. 批准;赞成;满意 9. inevitably [in'evit?bli] adv. 不可避免地;必然地 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;前缀e=ex,表“向外”;词根vit=vid,表“视觉,看见”;后缀ably,表副词词性。 一句速记:很多危险向外能看见就能避免,看不见就不能避免„„ 10. inform [in'f?:m] vt. 通知;告诉;报告vi. 告发;告密 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;词根form,表“形状,表格”。 一句速记:在一个表格内写报告和通知。 11. inquire [in'kwai?] vt. 询问;查究;问明vi. 询问;查究;询价 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;词根quire=quest,表“询问,疑问”。 一句速记:在询问的过程中问明一切。 同根单词:request [r?'kwest] n. 请求;需要vt. 要求,请求 12. legislation [,led?is'lei??n] n. 立法;法律 根解单词:词根leg=log,表“法律,逻辑”;后缀ise,表动词词性;后缀late=ate,表动词或形容词词性;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:立法就是是使法律化的事儿。 同根单词:legal ['li?g(?)l] adj. 法律的;合法的;法定的 13. observation [,?bz?:'vei??n] n. 观察;监视;观察报告 根解单词:前缀ob=off,表“分开”;词根serv,表“保存,保护”;后缀ate,表动词或形容词词性;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:监视可以是一种分开的保护方式,即间接保护。 14. obtain [?b'tein, ?b-] vi. 获得;流行vt. 获得 根解单词:前缀ob=on,表“在”;词根tain=tin,表“在内,握”。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 一句速记:获得某物,握在手中。 同根单词:contain [k?n'te?n] vi. 含有;自制vt. 包含;控制;容纳;牵制(敌军) 15. occasional [?'kei??n?l, ?u-] adj. 偶然的;临时的;特殊场合的 根解单词:前缀oc=on,表“在”;词根cas,表“情况,例子”。 一句速记:在某种情况下,特殊场合的。 16. outlook ['autluk, ,aut'luk] n. 展望;观点;景色vt. 比……好看;用目光压倒vi. 朝外看、 根解单词:前缀out,表“在„„之外,向外”;单词look,看。 一句速记:向外看得到风景。 17. particular [p?'tikjul?] adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的n. 详细说明;个别项目 根解单词:词根part,表“部分,偏颇”;后缀ic,表形容词词性;后缀ular,表形容词词性。 一句速记:特别的,一部分的。 18. plausible ['pl?:z?ble] adj. 貌似可信的,花言巧语的;貌似真实的,貌似有理的 根解单词:单词plause,鼓掌,喝彩;后缀ible,表形容词词性。 一句速记:可以获得掌声和喝彩的,貌似可信。 19. previously ['pri:vju:sli] adv. 以前;预先;仓促地 根解单词:前缀pre,表“时间上的前”;词根vi=vid,表“视觉,看见”;i,发音添加;后缀ous,表形容词词性;后缀ly,表副词词性。 一句速记:预先,就是之前便预见到的。 20. remain [ri'mein] vi. 保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存n. 遗迹;剩余物,残骸 根解单词:前缀re,表“向回,再一次”;单词main,主要的。 一句速记:通过残留物质,可以向回还原主要成分。 21. response [ri'sp?ns] n. 响应;反应;回答 根解单词:前缀re,表“向回,再一次”;词根sponse=bounce,表“反弹,弹起”。 一句速记:响应有一个向回反弹的过程。 同根单词:responsible [r?'sp?ns?b(?)l] adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的 22. scheme [ski:m] n. 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ;组合;体制;诡计vi. 搞阴谋;拟订计划vt. 计划;策划 根解单词:词根sch=school,表“上学,学校”;单词me,我。 一句速记:我们上学都得有计划„„ 同根单词:schedule ['?edju?l; 'sked-] n. 时间表;计划表;一览表vt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将……列入计划表 23. technique [tek'ni:k] n. 技巧,技术;手法 根解单词:词根techn=touch,表“接触,触摸”;i,发音添加;后缀que=ure,表名词词性。 一句速记:技巧是在实际的接触生产中得到的。 24. torture ['t?:t??] vt. 折磨;拷问;歪曲n. 折磨;拷问;歪曲 联想记忆:turtle ['t??t(?)l] n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟 一句速记:速度慢如龟,对于其他人来说无异于折磨。 25. willingness ['w?l??n?s] n. 乐意;心甘情愿;自动自发 根解单词:单词will,vi. 愿意;下决心;后缀ing,表名词词性;后缀ness,表名词词性。 一句速记:愿意去做的才能心甘情愿。 26. undergraduate [,?nd?'ɡrædju?t] n. 大学生;大学肄业生adj. 大学生的 根解单词:前缀under,表“在„„之下,下面”;单词graduate,毕业。 一句速记:没有到达毕业要求的,肄业或者在学校的 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 In the grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism. The goal of this theory is encapsulated in Bentham's aphorism that "the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation." 从宏观的角度来看,Jeremy Bentham和John Stuart Mill通常都被认为是好人。 他们一起合作建立了现在被称为功利主义的道德理论。 该理论的核心目的可以被Bentham的一句格言很好地概括"道德和立法的基础在于让最多的人最大程度的幸福" Which all sounds fine until you start applying it to particular cases. A utilitarian, for example, might approve of the occasional torture of suspected terrorists-for the greater happiness of everyone else, you understand. That type of observation has led Daniel Bartels at Columbia University and David Pizarro at Cornell to ask what sort of people actually do have a utilitarian outlook on life. Their answers, just published in Cognition, are not comfortable. 听上去很不错,但当你开始把这套理论应用在具体事件上时问题就出来了。 比方说,功利主义者可能赞成对恐怖主义疑犯用刑,大家都明白,这是为了其它所有人好。 哥伦比亚大学的Daniel Bartels和康奈尔大学的David Pizarro受到类似这样的观察启发,提出了哪一类型的人对生活的看法最接近功利主义这一有趣问题。他们的论文最近在认知科学上发表,其中得到的结论让人不安。 One of the classic techniques used to measure a person's willingness to behave in a utilitarian way is known as trolleyology. The subject of the study is challenged with thought experiments involving a runaway railway trolley or train carriage. All involve choices, each of which leads to people's deaths. For example: there are five railway workmen in the path of a runaway carriage. The men will surely be killed unless the subject of the experiment, a bystander in the story, does something. The subject is told he is on a bridge over the tracks. Next to him is a big, heavy stranger. The subject is informed that his own body would be too light to stop the train, but that if he pushes the stranger onto the tracks, the stranger's large body will stop the train and save the five lives. That, unfortunately, would kill the stranger. 测量一个人有多大的意愿以功利主义方式行事的一个传统方法是电车实验。 参加者进行一个想象实验,实验里有一节失控的有轨电车或火车车厢。 该实验有很多版本,不管哪一个都要求参加者进行选择,而且不管怎么选都会有人死亡。 例如:有五个工人在失控车厢前方的轨道上。 如果实验参加者作为故事中的一个旁观者不进行干涉这五个人就死定了。 参加者被告知他在铁道上方的一座桥上, 身边有一个身材肥胖的陌生人, 同时参加者知道自己的体重太轻,无法停止火车, 但如果把那个陌生人推下去,他的巨大身躯将会停止火车,让五个工人得救。 不幸的是这么做会杀死该陌生人。 Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro knew from previous research that around 90% of people refuse the utilitarian act of killing one individual to save five. What no one had previously inquired about, though, was the nature of the remaining 10%. 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Bartels博士和Pizarro博士从之前的研究中得知大约90%的参加者会拒绝杀死一个陌生人救出五个人的功利主义行为。 但是之前的研究没人提出过剩下的10%人的性格这一问题。 To find out, the two researchers gave 208 undergraduates a battery of trolleyological tests and measured, on a four-point scale, how utilitarian their responses were. Participants were also asked to respond to a series of statements intended to get a sense of their individual psychologies. These statements included, "I like to see fist fights", "The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear", and "When you really think about it, life is not worth the effort of getting up in the morning". Each was asked to indicate, for each statement, where his views lay on a continuum that had "strongly agree" at one end and "strongly disagree" at the other. These statements, and others like them, were designed to measure, respectively, psychopathy, Machiavellianism and a person's sense of how meaningful life is. 为了找出结果,这两个研究者对208个大学生进行了一系列电车实验,并以一到四分的机制来给他们的答案中的功利主义成分打分。 参加者也要进行一系列分析个人心理的测试。 测试包括这些问题,"我喜欢看人打架","应付别人最好的办法就是说他们想听的话", 以及"认真想想的话,生活没什么意思,每天起来真不值"。 参加者要在一个连续的尺度上标出他们对每一个问题的看法,从"完全同意"到"完全不同意"。 这三个问题按次序分别是为了测量一个人的冷血程度,厚黑程度以及他觉得生活是否有意义的程度,其它问题也是围绕着测量这三个方面而设计的。 Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests. They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas (push the fat guy off the bridge) and personalities that were psychopathic, Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless. Utilitarians, this suggests, may add to the sum of human happiness, but they are not very happy people themselves. Bartels博士和Pizarro博士然后开始寻找人格测试和电车实验结果的相关性。 他们发现在面对道德两难(将胖子推下去)时回答体现功利主义的参加者和冷血变态心理,厚黑主义以及觉得生活没意义的想法有很强的关联。 这表示虽然功利主义者能够增加人类整体的幸福值,但他们自己并不是什么快乐的人。 That does not make utilitarianism wrong. Crafting legislation-one of the main things that Bentham and Mill wanted to improve-inevitably involves riding roughshod over someone's interests. Utilitarianism provides a plausible framework for deciding who should get trampled. The results obtained by Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro do, though, raise questions about the type of people who you want making the laws. Psychopathic, Machiavellian misanthropes? Apparently, yes. 这并不意味着功利主义是错误的。 任何法律的制定,当年Bentham和Mill希望借其理论能够有所助益的主要行为之一,不可避免的需要牺牲一部分人的利益。 功利主义提供了一个比较合理的框架来决定应该牺牲谁的利益。 不过Bartels博士和Pizarro博士的研究提出了应该让哪种人来制定法律的质疑。 冷血,厚黑的厌恶人类者, 从表面上来看,是的。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Passage 2 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 1. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 2. 结合上下文将D选项段落,翻译成中文写在指定答 题处。 In a group of Vietnam veterans(老兵), IQ test results and emotional intelligence, or the ability to perceive, understand and deal with emotion in oneself or in others, were linked. And in brain scans, the same regions of the brain seemed to perform both emotional and cognitive tasks, the study found. The findings were published in the journal Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience. "Intelligence, to a large extent, does depend on basic cognitive abilities, like attention and perception and memory and language," said study coauthor Aron Barbey, a neuroscientist(神经系统科学家) at the University of Illinois, in a statement. "But it also depends on interacting with other people. We're fundamentally social beings and our understanding not only involves basic cognitive abilities but also involves productively applying those abilities to social situations so that we can navigate the social world and understand others." 1. 2. Barbey's team found that as IQ test scores went up so did measures of social abilities. 1. 2. The findings suggest that social savvy(悟性) and general smarts are more tightly connected than previously thought. A.Next, they studied brain scans from the veterans. Participants had suffered injuries in different parts of the brain, so the researchers created a map of the brain, then broke it into tiny sections. They then compared emotional and general intelligence test results between those with and without injuries for each individual section. B.But Barbey and his colleagues wondered whether emotional intelligence and IQ were more tightly coupled than previously thought. To find out, the team used emotional intelligence, and intelligence tests drawn from 152 Vietnam veterans. C.In the past, scientists believed that emotional intelligence and general intelligence were distinct, and books and movies are rife(流行的) with depictions of intellectually brilliant but socially clueless nerds(呆子). 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ D.Those with brain injuries in the frontal cortex(额叶) and the parietal cortex(顶叶) had impairments in both general and emotional intelligence. The frontal cortex plays a key role in regulating behavior, planning and memory, while the parietal cortex plays a role in understanding language. 请将D选项的翻译写在以下横格处: 翻译答案:见Part3 全文解析 Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 1. brilliant ['br?lj(?)nt] adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的 联想记忆:bri=bring,带来;billion十亿;后缀ant,表形容词词性。 一句速记:有才气的能赚来十个亿。 2. clueless ['klu?l?s] adj. 无线索的;愚蠢的 根解单词:单词clue,表“线索;(故事等的)情节”;后缀less,表“少”的形容词后缀。 一句速记:愚蠢到连线索都少到没有。 3. cognitive ['k?ɡnitiv] adj. 认知的,认识的 根解单词:词根cogn=know,表“知道;了解”;后缀ite,表形容词词性;后缀ive,表形容词词性。 一句速记:知道了,认识了。 同根单词:recognize ['rek?ɡnaiz]vt. 认出,识别;承认vi. 确认,承认;具结 4. colleague ['k?li?g] n. 同事,同僚 根解单词:前缀col=com,表示“全部,共同”;单词league,表示“联盟;社团”。 一句速记:同在一个联盟,同事关系。 5. depiction [d?'p?k?n] n. 描写,叙述 根解单词:前缀de,表示“向下,变坏”;词根pict,表“挖,画”;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:向下滑下来,描写。 同义单词:description [d?'skr?p?(?)n] n. 描述,描写;类型;说明书 6. fundamentally [,f?'mentlnd?‎‎i] adv. 根本地,从根本上;基础 根解单词:单词fund,表示“基金”;元音a,发音添加;后缀ment,表名词词性;后缀al,表形容词词性;后缀ly,表副词词性。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 一句速记:钱是建立组织的根本和基础。 7. impairment [?m'pe?m(?)nt] n. 损伤,损害 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;词根pair,表“双,完好”;后缀ment,表名词词性。 一句速记:把成双成对的破坏掉,就是损害。 8. injury ['?n(d)?(?)r?] n. 伤害,损害;受伤处 根解单词:前缀in,表“在内,否定”;词根jur,表“发誓,判断”;后缀y,表名词词性。 一句速记:发誓的时候人品会受伤。 同根单词:jury ['d???r?]n. [法] 陪审团;评判委员会adj. 应急的 9. navigate ['næviɡeit] vt. 驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于 vi. 航行,航空 根解单词:词根nav,表“航行,航海”;后缀ig=ic,表形容词词性;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:航行需要驾驶。 10. participant [pɑ?'t?s?p(?)nt] n. 参与者;关系者adj. 参与的;有关系的 根解单词:词根part,表“部分,分开”;词根cip=cept,表“拿”;后缀ant,表形容词词性和名词词性。 一句速记:参与者需要从事部分工作,或是承担一部分责任。 11. perceive [p?'si:v] vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知vi. 感到,感知;认识到 根解单词:前缀per,表“每一个,从头到尾”;词根ceive=cept,表“拿”。 一句速记:理解,就是把所有的一切都掌握在手里~ 同根单词:perception [p?'sep??n] n. 知觉;感觉;看法;洞察力;[法律]获取 12. region ['ri:d??n] n. 地区;范围;部位 根解单词:词根reg,表“管理,统治”;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:每个地区都有自己的管理者。 同根单词:regulate ['regj?le?t] vt. 调节,规定;控制;校准;有系统的管理 13. scan [skæn] vt. 扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律vi. 扫描;扫掠n. 扫描;浏览;审视;细看 联想记忆:screen [skri?n]n. 屏,幕;屏风vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽vi. 拍电影 一句速记:扫描的内容在屏幕上看。 14. suffer ['s?f?] vi. 遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经验;受损害vt. 遭受;忍受;经历 根解单词:前缀suf=sub,表“向下”;词根fer,表“带来”。 一句速记:上层统治着会给下层人民带来需要忍受的痛苦。 同根单词:confer [k?n'f?:] vt. 授予;给予vi. 协商 Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 In a group of Vietnam veterans(老兵), IQ test results and emotional intelligence, or the ability to perceive, understand and deal with emotion in oneself or in others, were linked. And in brain scans, the same regions of the brain seemed to perform both emotional and cognitive tasks, the study found. The findings were published in the journal Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience. 通过对一组越战老兵的研究发现,他们的IQ测试结果与其情绪智力——感知、理解并 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 应对自身或他人情绪的能力——具有相关性。并且,该研究还通过脑扫描发现,大脑中同一区域似乎同时执行感性和知性任务。该研究结果已《Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience(社会认知与情感神经科学)》期刊所发表。 "Intelligence, to a large extent, does depend on basic cognitive abilities, like attention and perception and memory and language," said study coauthor Aron Barbey, a neuroscientist(神经系统科学家) at the University of Illinois, in a statement. "But it also depends on interacting with other people. We're fundamentally social beings and our understanding not only involves basic cognitive abilities but also involves productively applying those abilities to social situations so that we can navigate the social world and understand others." 就职于伊利诺伊大学的神经学家Aron Barbey,在一份声明中指出:“像注意力和理解力与记忆和语言的关系一样,智商在很大程度上取决于那些基本的认知能力。但是,智商也与人际间的相互交往密切相关。我们本质上是社会性生物,我们的理解能力不仅仅依赖于自身的基本认知能力,也更加依赖于我们是否能在社交场合有效运用该能力,以便我们能够穿梭于社交世界,进而理解他人。” In the past, scientists believed that emotional intelligence and general intelligence were distinct, and books and movies are rife(流行的) with depictions of intellectually brilliant but socially clueless nerds(呆子). 科学家们过去曾相信情绪智力和一般智力是有着明显区别的,并且,书籍与诸多电影惯常与于去描述那些智力超群但社交无能的书呆子。 But Barbey and his colleagues wondered whether emotional intelligence and IQ were more tightly coupled than previously thought. To find out, the team used emotional intelligence, and intelligence tests drawn from 152 Vietnam veterans. 然而Barbey及其同事们却想知道是否情商与智商的关系远比我们想象的更为紧密。为此,他们对152名越战老兵的智商和情商进行了测试。 Barbey's team found that as IQ test scores went up so did measures of social abilities. Barbey的研究小组发现,老兵们的IQ测试得分与其社交能力测试结果呈正比。 Next, they studied brain scans from the veterans. Participants had suffered injuries in different parts of the brain, so the researchers created a map of the brain, then broke it into tiny sections. They then compa‎‎red emotional and general intelligence test results between those with and without injuries for each individual section. 接着,他们对老兵们的脑扫描结果进行了研究。由于这些被研究者的大脑在不同的部分受过伤,所以研究者们绘制了一幅大脑地图,并在其中细分区域。然后这些科研人员将这些情商和智商的结果与那些受伤和未受伤的个体就每一个独立的区域进行比对。 Those with brain injuries in the frontal cortex(额叶) and the parietal cortex(顶叶) had impairments in both general and emotional intelligence. The frontal cortex plays a key role in regulating behavior, planning and memory, while the parietal cortex plays a role in understanding language. 那些在脑部的额叶与顶叶受损的老兵,在智商和情商方面均有所下降。而额叶对调节行为、计划和记忆能力都有着重要作用,而顶叶则与语言理解方面有着重要意义。 The findings suggest that social savvy(悟性) and general smarts are more tightly connected than previously thought. 这些发现说明,人的社交能力和一般智力,两者间的关系远比我们以往所知的更为紧密。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Passage 3 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 27. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填 入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 28. 结合上下文将C选项段落,翻 译成中文写在指定答题处。 In the digital realm, things seem always to happen the wrong way round. Whereas Google has hurried to scan books into its digital catalogue, a group of national libraries has begun saving what the online giant leaves behind. For although search engines such as Google index the web, they do not archive(把…存档) it. Many websites just disappear when their owner runs out of money or interest. Adam Farquhar, in charge of digital projects for the British Library, points out that the world has in some ways a better record of the beginning of the 20th century than of the beginning of the 21st. 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ 3._____________________________ The biggest problem, for now, is money. The British Library estimates that it costs half as much to store a digital document as it does a physical one. But there are a lot more digital ones. America’s Library of Congress enjoys a specific mandate, and budget, to save the web. The British Library is still seeking one. 4._____________________________ The daily death of countless websites has brought a new sense of urgency—and forced libraries to adapt culturally as well. Past practice was to tag every new document as it arrived. Now precision must be sacrificed to scale and speed. The task started before standards, goals or budgets are set. And they may yet change. Just like many websites, libraries will be stuck in what is known as “permanent beta”. 备选项: A.So national libraries have decided to split the task. Each has taken responsibility for the digital works in its national top-level domain (web-address suffixes such as “.uk” or “.fr”). In countries with larger domains, such as Britain and America, curators cannot hope to save everything. They are concentrating on material of national interest, such as elections, news sites and citizen journalism or innovative uses of the web. B.In 2003 eleven national libraries and the Internet Archive launched a project to preserve “born-digital” information: the kind that has never existed as anything but digitally. Called the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), it now includes 39 large institutional libraries. But the task is impossible. One reason is the sheer amount of data on the web. The groups have already collected several petabytes(拍字节) of data (a petabyte can hold roughly 10 trillion 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ copies of this article). C.In 1996 Brewster Kahle, a computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, founded the Internet Archive, a non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving websites. He also began gently harassing national libraries to worry about preserving the web. They started to pay attention when several elections produced interesting material that never touched paper. D.Another issue is ensuring that the data is stored in a format that makes it available in centuries to come. Ancient manuscripts are still readable. But much digital media from the past is readable only on a handful of fragile and antique machines, if at all. The IIPC has set a single format, making it more likely that future historians will be able to find a machine to read the data. But a single solution cannot capture all content. Web publishers increasingly serve up content-rich pages based on complex data sets. Audio and video programmes based on proprietary(所有的) formats such as Windows Media Player are another challenge. What happens if Microsoft is bankrupt and forgotten in 2210? 请将C选项的翻译写在以下横格处: 翻译答案:见Part3 全文解析 Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 1. ancient ['e?n?(?)nt] n. 古代人;老人adj. 古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的 根解单词:前缀:anci=ance,表“时间上的前”;后缀ent,表形容词词性。 一句速记:古代的,时间在我们现代之前。 同根单词:antique [æn'ti?k] n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格adj. 古老的,年代久远的;过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的vi. 觅购古玩 2. bankrupt ['bæ?kr?pt] n. [经] 破产者adj. 破产的vt. 使破产 根解单词:单词bank,表“银行”;词根rupt,表“断,裂”。 一句速记:与银行关系破裂,企业将会破产。 3. budget ['b?d??t] n. 预算,预算费adj. 廉价的vt. 安排,预定;把…编入预算vi. 编预 算,做预算 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 联想记忆:单词bud,表“花蕾”;单词get,表“得到” 一句速记:最早的预算,是对农业的收成预先估计,即从植物开花就估计得到多少。 4. capture ['kæpt??] n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏vt. 俘获;夺得 根解单词:词根capt=cap,表“头,首要”;后缀ure,表名词词性。 一句速记:古代战争,抓获奴隶,获得战利品是首要目标。 5. catalogue ['kæt(?)l?g] n. 目录;(美)大学情况一览vt. 把…编入目录 根解单词:词根cata=cid,表“落下,切割”;词根log,表“逻辑,规律”;后缀ue,表动词词性。 一句速记:编排目录就是按照一定的逻辑把相关内容放在一起。 6. challenge ['t?æl?n(d)?] n. 挑战;怀疑vt. 向…挑战 联想记忆:colleague ['k?li?g] n. 同事,同僚 一句速记:怀疑同事,挑战同僚。 7. concentrate ['k?ns(?)ntre?t] n. 浓缩,精选;浓缩液vi. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集 vt. 集中;浓缩 根解单词:前缀con=com,表“共同,全部”;词根centr=center,表“中心”;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:全部去到一个中心位置上,集中到一起来,浓缩。 8. congress ['k??gres] n. 国会;代表大会;会议;社交 根解单词:前缀con=com,表“共同,全部”;词根gress=cess,表“走”。 一句速记:国会,全国的代表全部走到一起,召开的会议。 9. document ['d?kj?m(?)nt] n. 文件,公文;[计] 文档;证件vt. 用文件证明 根解单词:词根doc=dict,表“说话,引导”;后缀ment,表名词词性。 一句速记:把领导说出来的话记录下来,就是命令。 10. election [?'lek?(?)n] n. 选举;当选;选择权;上帝的选拔 根解单词:前缀e=ex,表“向外,前任”;词根lect,表“挑选,拿”;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:选举,从候选人中选出一个。 11. entrepreneur [,?ntr?pr?'n??] n. 企业家;承包人;主办者 根解单词:前缀entre=enter=inter,表“在内,相互”;单词preneur,表“承租人;买主”。 一句速记:企业家是相互为买主的人。 12. estimate ['est?me?t] n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价vi. 估计, 估价 根解单词:前缀e=ex,表“向外,前任”;词根stim=state,表“情况,状态”;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:向外说出内在的情况,估计。 13. fragile ['fræd?a?l] adj. 脆的;易碎的 根解单词:词根frag=fract,表“碎的,脆的”;后缀ile,表形容词词性。 一句速记:脆的,易碎。 14. format ['f??mæt] n. 格式;版式;开本vt. 使格式化;规定…的格式vi. 设计版式 根解单词:词根form,表“表格,形状”;后缀at=ate,表动词词性 一句速记:使之形式变得相同,格式化。 15. index ['?ndeks] n. 指标;指数;索引;指针vt. 指出;编入索引中vi. 做索引 同根单词:indicator ['?nd?ke?t?] n. 指示器;[试剂] 指示剂;[计] 指示符;压力计 16. innovative ['?n?v?t?v] adj. 革新的,创新的 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 根解单词:前缀in。表“在内,否定”;词根nov=new,表“新的”;后缀ate,表动词词性;后缀ive,表形容词词性。 一句速记:内在的更新,创新。 17. institutional [?nst?'tju??(?)n(?)l] adj. 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的;制度上的;学会的 根解单词:前缀in。表“在内,否定”;词根stit,表“站,立”;后缀ute,表形容词词性;后缀ion,表名词词性;后缀al,表形容词词性。 制度是在内部确立的。 一句速记: 18. mandate ['mænde?t] n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作vt. 授权;托管 根解单词:词根mand=mind,表“思想”;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:托管之后,就是由托管人费脑筋去思考问题了。 19. manuscript ['mænj?skr?pt] n. [图情] 手稿;原稿 adj. 手写的 根解单词:词根manu,表“手,制作”;词根script=scrib,表“写,画”。 一句速记:手稿是手写的。 20. material [m?'t??r??l] n. 材料,原料;物资;布料adj. 重要的;物质的,实质性的;肉 体的 根解单词:单词matter,表“物质,事件”;后缀al,表形容词词性。 一句速记:肉体是物质的。 21. permanent ['p??m(?)n?nt] n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变 的 根解单词:前缀per,表“每一个,从头到尾”;词根man,表“人,人类”;后缀ent,表形容词词性 一句速记:每一个人身上都有的特征,就是人类永恒不变的特征。 22. preserve [pr?'z??v] n. 保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;禁 猎 根解单词:前缀pre,表“时间上的前”;词根serv,表“保存,保护”;后缀e,表动词词性 一句速记:腌制的食物就是提前保存好的。 同根单词:observation [,?bz?:'vei??n] n. 观察;监视;观察报告 同根单词:preservation [prez?'ve??(?)n] n. 保存,保留 23. realm [relm] n. 领域,范围;王国 根解单词:词根real,拉丁语,表“皇家,国家”;m 一句速记:皇家的,就是国王的。 24. sacrifice ['sækr?fa?s] n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售vi. 献祭;奉献 根解单词:词根sacr,表“神圣”;词根fic=fect,表“做”;后缀ice,表名词词性。 一句速记:用祭品做神圣的事。 25. tag [tæg] n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物vt. 尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰vi. 紧 随 联想记忆:lag [læg] n. 落后;迟延;防护套;囚犯;桶板adj. 最后的vi. 滞后;缓缓而行;蹒跚vt. 落后于;押往监狱;加上外套 一句速记:标签一般贴在防护套上。 26. urgency ['??d?(?)ns?] n. 紧急;催促;紧急的事 根解单词:词根urg,表“急,紧急”;后缀ency=ence,表名词词性。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 In the digital realm, things seem always to happen the wrong way round. Whereas Google has hurried to scan books into its digital catalogue, a group of national libraries has begun saving what the online giant leaves behind. For although search engines such as Google index the web, they do not archive it. Many websites just disappear when their owner runs out of money or interest. Adam Farquhar, in charge of digital projects for the British Library, points out that the world has in some ways a better record of the beginning of the 20th century than of the beginning of the 21st. 在数码界,出乎意料的事情屡见不鲜。当谷歌忙于将书籍扫描成数字文档时,各国图书馆已经开始保存这个在线巨人漏掉的资料。尽管谷歌这类搜索引擎提供网站的索引服务,但并没有把网站保存起来。很多网站因其所有人缺乏资金或失去兴趣而昙花一现。Adam Farquhar负责大英博物馆的数字项目,他指出在某种程度上全世界对20世纪初期的记录比21世纪初期的记录要好。 In 1996 Brewster Kahle, a computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, founded the Internet Archive, a non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving websites. He also began gently harassing national libraries to worry about preserving the web. They started to pay attention when several elections produced interesting material that never touched paper. 在1996年,一个名为Brewster Kahle的计算机科学家和因特网企业家,成立了英特网档案室,这是一个非营利性的组织,致力于网站的保存。他也开始委婉地敦促各国的图书馆关注保存网站的问题。几轮选举中出现很多有意义材料,但从未以书面形式保留下来时,此时,各国图书馆开始关注这一问题。 In 2003 eleven national libraries and the Internet Archive launched a project to preserve “born-digital”information: the kind that has never existed as anything but digitally. Called the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), it now includes 39 large institutional libraries. But the task is impossible. One reason is the sheer amount of data on the web. The groups have already collected several petabytes of data (a petabyte can hold roughly 10 trillion copies of this article). 2003年,11家各国图书馆和因特网档案室启动一个保护数码信息的项目:此类信息没有以数码之外的任何其他形式存在过。这个称为“国际因特网保护联合体”的项目,现有39家大型机构图书馆。但是这一任务几乎无法完成。理由之一是网络上的数‎‎据量极其庞大。这些团 体已经收集了几拍(petabytes)的数据(一拍大约能装下10万亿篇本文)。 Another issue is ensuring that the data is stored in a format that makes it available in centuries to come. Ancient manuscripts are still readable. But much digital media from the past is readable only on a handful of fragile and antique machines, if at all. The IIPC has set a single format, making it more likely that future historians will be able to find a machine to read the data. But a single solution cannot capture all content. Web publishers increasingly serve up content-rich pages based on complex data sets. Audio and video programmes based on proprietary formats such as Windows Media Player are another challenge. What happens if Microsoft is bankrupt and forgotten in 2210? 另一个问题是如何确保现在储存数据的格式,在几个世纪之后依然存在。古代的一些书 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 稿人们到今天还能读。但是很多过去的数字媒体,即使勉强能读,也仅限于为数不多的几台老掉牙的机器。国际因特网保护联合体已经单独创立一种格式,让未来的历史学家更有可能找到读取这些数据的机器。但一种解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 不能抓取所有内容。网站发布工具越来越多地按照数据的复杂程度提供内容丰富的网页。以各类专有格式(如windows media player)储存的音频和视频内容也是个大问题。万一2210年微软破产或无人知晓怎么办, The biggest problem, for now, is money. The British Library estimates that it costs half as much to store a digital document as it does a physical one. But there are a lot more digital ones. America’sLibrary of Congress enjoys a specific mandate, and budget, to save the web. The British Library is still seeking one. 现在面临的最大问题是钱。大英博物馆估计储存数字文件的花费是储存物理文件的一半。但是数字内容要多很多。美国国会图书馆很幸运‎‎,因为国家有具体的保护‎‎网站的命令和预算。大英博物馆还在争取这种命令。 So national libraries have decided to split the task. Each has taken responsibility for the digital works in its national top-level domain (web-address suffixessuchas“.uk”or“.fr”). In countries with larger domains, such as Britain and America, curators cannot hope to save everything. They are concentrating on material of national interest, such as elections, news sites and citizen journalism or innovative uses of the web. 因此,各国的图书馆决定共同完成这个任务。它们分别承担其顶级域名内的数字作品(如后缀为“.uk”或“.fr”的网址)。如果某些国家域名庞大,如英国和美国,馆长们不要指望把什么都保存下来。他们需要重点处理关系国计民生的材料,如选举、新闻网站和公民的报章杂志或创意使用网站的方法。 The daily death of countless websites has brought a new sense of urgency—and forced libraries to adapt culturally as well. Past practice was to tag every new document as it arrived. Now precision must be sacrificed to scale and speed. The task started before standards, goals or budgets are set. And they may yet change. Just like many websites, libraries will be stuck in what is known as“permanentbeta”. 每天,都有无数网站消失,更让人感到时间紧迫——图书馆也不得不根据社会文化需要,灵活处理。过去习惯做法是凡是新文件,一一标注保存。现在则必须牺牲准确性换取规模和速度。 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、目标或预算都没确定,就开始工作了。而标准、任务、预算还可能变更。同很多网站一样,图书馆也将陷入所谓“永久试用”的境地。 Passage 4 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 3. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 4. 结合上下文将B选项段落,翻译成中文写在指定答题处。 Everyone hates digital ads. Yet the ads pay for the free apps that people love to download. Small wonder(不足为奇) that crafty firms are slipping them into unexpected places. And that is 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ why, on July 12th, America’sDepartment of Commerce will hold a public meeting in Washington, DC, to discuss this and other aspects of mobile privacy. 1._____________________________ Lookout, a mobile-security company, has analysed Google’sAndroid ecosystem and spotlighted ten ad providers, including Moolah Media (which did not respond to requests for comment) and LeadBolt, that use one or more monetisation(货币化) strategies it considers “aggressive”. These include making ads appear outside apps (for instance, in the notification bar usually reserved for a person’stextmessages); altering mobile desktops and browsers so that, among other things, new icons display ads when they are clicked on; and gaining access to personal information without giving a clear warning. 2._____________________________ Richard Harris, the boss of Moonbeam Development, an American firm with about 200 published apps, says his company started using LeadBolt about a year ago. At first it went well, but when ads were pushed into people’snotification bars and onto phones’desktops, users grew angry. Mr Harris says the company even received death threats. Dale Carr, the boss of LeadBolt, which is headquartered in Australia, says his company takes privacy seriously, and that it does not dictate to developers which ad units to choose from the range it offers. He also says LeadBolt lets people opt out of receiving ads sent to notification bars and desktops, though they need to go to its website to do so. 3._____________________________ 4._____________________________ To avoid that, mobile-ad firms will have to act fast. App privacy policies should spell out what information ad networks are collecting and why. Firms should adopt an opt-in(选择加入) approach to the collection of personal data, such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses. And they should avoid collecting things such as unique phone identification numbers in ways that can be traced back to specific individuals. If they can stick to such principles, it would be a great advert(广告) for self-regulation. 备选项: A.“Mobile is the wild West,”saysRanAvidan, the co-founder of Startapp, a mobile-ad network based in Israel that is also on Lookout’slist.Startapp is striving to make its own policies clearer, but Mr Avidan is worried that governments may end up dictating rules for the industry. B. Such practices can confuse and unnerve(使失去勇气) phone owners, says John Hering, Lookout’sboss. The firm reckons apps using the networks on its list have already been downloaded at least 80 millions times in the Google Play app marketplace alone. This is common in apps in apps that let people customise(依照顾客具体要求而制造) their phones with digital wallpaper and other stuff, and in simple games. C. As smartphones and tablets capture ever more eyeballs, digital-ad firms such as AdMob, for which Google paid $750m in 2010, are hot. Not all have flourished: on July 2nd Microsoft took a $6.2 billion accounting charge, most of which reflected a writedown(减记) of the value of aQuantive(公司名称), which it bought in 2007 for $6.3 billion. But the sector is now prominent enough to attract scrutiny. 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ D.LeadBolt is working with academics and officials in Australia to define a self-regulatory framework(框架) for mobile advertising. Butnextweek’sdiscussions in America are crucial to any firm with a global reach. These will be a test of the Obama administration’scommitment to protecting privacy, says Jeff Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy. He speculates that the government is counting on Google and Apple to twist arms in the ad world. Apple already has a reputation for cracking down on apps that use controversial ad formats, so it could be a willing ally. 请将B选项的翻译写在以下横格处: Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 29. administration [?dm?n?'stre??(?)n] n. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 根解单词:前缀ad,表“去,面向”;词根ministr=minister,表“大臣,牧师”;后缀ate,表形容词性;后缀ion,表名词词性。 一句速记:管理工作是由皇帝交给大臣做的。 30. aggressive [?'gres?v] adj. 侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的 根解单词:前缀ag=ad,表“去,面对”;词根gress=cess,表“走”;后缀ive,表形容词词性。 一句速记:有闯劲儿的就是敢于走向未知的人。只有走出自己的局限,才能取得成就~ 31. alter ['??lt?; '?l-] vt. 改变,更改vi. 改变;修改 联想记忆:alert [?'l??t]n. 警戒,警惕;警报adj. 警惕的,警觉的;留心的vt. 警告;使警觉,使意识到 32. commerce ['k?m??s] n. 贸易,商业 同根单词:commercialize [k?'m?:??laiz] vt. 使商业化;使商品化 33. commitment [k?'m?tm(?)nt] n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身 根解单词:前缀com,表“共同全部”;词根mit=mis,表“发出,错过”;后缀ment,表名词词性。 一句速记:承诺是双向的是全部的人发出的。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 34. controversial [k?ntr?'v???(?)l] adj. 有争议的;有争论的 根解单词:前缀contr=counter,表“反,相反”;词根vers,表“词语,旋转”;后缀al,表名词词性。 一句速记:争论是,所说的内容相反。 35. crack [kræk] n. 裂缝;声变;噼啪声adj. 最好的;高明的vi. 破裂;爆裂vt. 使破裂; 打开;变声 联想记忆:crush [kr??] n. 粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人vt. 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入 vi. 挤;被压碎 一句速记:破碎时法出声音 36. crafty ['krɑ?ft?] adj. 狡猾的;灵巧的 根解单词:单词craft,表“手工业,手工艺”;后缀ty,表名词词性。 一句速记:手工业的手艺灵巧的双手。 37. crucial ['kru??(?)l] adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的 根解单词:词根cruc=crit,表“标准”;后缀al,表形容词词性。 一句速记:标准是重要的 38. dictate [d?k'te?t] n. 命令;指示vt. 命令;口述;使听写vi. 口述;听写 根解单词:词根dict,表“说话,引导”;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:说的话能引导人去做,就是命令。 39. ecosystem ['i?k??s?st?m] n. 生态系统 根解单词:词根eco,表“生态”;单词system,表“系统,制度” 一句速记:生态系统 同根单词:ecology [?'k?l?d??; e-] n. 生态学;社会生态学 40. identification [a?,dent?f?'ke??(?)n] n. 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明 联想记忆:ID,身份 41. notification [,n??t?f?'ke??n] n. 通知;通告;[法] 告示 同根单词:notion ['n???(?)n] n. 概念;见解;打算 42. privacy ['pr?v?s?; 'pra?-] n. 隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处 根解单词:词根priv,表“个人”;后缀cy,表名词词性。 一句速记:个人拥有的,隐私。 43. prominent ['pr?m?n?nt] adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的 根解单词:前缀pro,表“向前,支持”;词根mini,表“小的”;后缀ent,表形容词性。 一句速记:杰出的人都是从小事中前进的。 44. provide [pr?'va?d] vt. 提供;规定;准备;装备vi. 规定;抚养;作准备 根解单词:前缀pro,表“向前,支持”;词根vid,表“视觉,看”。 一句速记:准备就是提前预见。 45. reckon ['rek(?)n] vi. 估计;计算;猜想,料想vt. 测算,估计;认为;计算 根解单词:词根reck,表“思考,顾虑”;词根on,表“在上面”。 一句速记:顾虑于什么,便估计什么。 46. reflect [r?'flekt] vt. 反映;反射,照出;反省vi. 反射,映现;深思 根解单词:前缀re,表“向回,再一次”;词根flect,表“飞,流”。 一句速记:雷达反射,光波与物体飞回。 47. reputation [repj?'te??(?)n] n. 名声,名誉;声望 根解单词:前缀re,表“向回,再一次”;词根put,表“放,堆”;后缀ate,表动词词性;后缀ion,表名词词性。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 一句速记:名声是一次次的成功积累起来的。 48. reserve [r?'z??v] n. 储备,储存;自然保护区;预备队;[金融] 储备金vt. 储备;保 留;预约vi. 预订 根解单词:前缀re,表“向回,再一次”;词根serv,表“保存,保护”;后缀e,表动词词性。 一句速记:储备是收回来保存,不是为了防火烧掉。 49. scrutiny ['skru?t?n?] n. 详细审查;监视;细看;选票复查 联想记忆:screen [skri?n] n. 屏,幕;屏风vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽vi. 拍电影 50. sector ['sekt?] n. 部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺vt. 把…分成扇形 根解单词:词根sect,表“节,部分”;后缀or,表名词词性。 一句速记:扇形是一个圆的一个部分。 51. speculate ['spekj?le?t] vi. 推测;投机;思索vt. 推断 根解单词:词根spec=spect,表“看”;后缀ulate=ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:推测一般是通过观察得出的。 52. strategy ['stræt?d??] n. 战略,策略 根解单词:词根str,表“紧的,结构”;后缀ate,表动词词性;后缀gy=cy,表名词词性。 一句速记:战略是一个大的结构。 同根单词:strive [stra?v] vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争 53. stuff [st?f] n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料vt. 塞满;填塞;让吃饱vi. 吃得过多 联想记忆:staff [stɑ?f] n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员 一句速记:员工是公司的填充物,没有员工没有公司 54. tablet ['tæbl?t] n. 碑;药片;写字板;小块(该词现又指平板电脑) 联想记忆:table ['te?b(?)l] n. 桌子;表格;平地层vt. 制表;搁置;嵌合adj. 桌子的 一句速记:桌子上面(top=t)有平板。 Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 Everyone hates digital ads. Yet the ads pay for the free apps that people love to download. Small wonder(不足为奇)that crafty firms are slipping them into unexpected places. And that is why, on July 12th, America’sDepartment of Commerce will hold a public meeting in Washington, DC, to discuss this and other aspects of mobile privacy. 没人喜欢数字广告。然而,却是广告为人们喜欢下载的那些免费软件支付了费用。狡猾的公司将广告植入在意料之外的地方已经不足为奇了。所以,这就是美国商务部将会于7月12日在华盛顿特区召开公开会议,去商讨移动设备在这些方面的隐私问题的原因了。 As smartphones and tablets capture ever more eyeballs, digital-ad firms such as AdMob, for which Google paid $750m in 2010, are hot. Not all have flourished: on July 2nd Microsoft took a 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ $6.2 billion accounting charge, most of which reflected a writedown(减记) of the value of aQuantive(公司名称), which it bought in 2007 for $6.3 billion. But the sector is now prominent enough to attract scrutiny. 随着智能手机和平板电脑吸引了越来越多公众的眼球,谷歌在2010年花了7.5亿收购的移动广告(AdMob)的生意就越发兴旺。但并不是所有的广告公司都能取得成功:在7月2日,微软有一笔62亿的财务支出,其中大部分反映了aQuantive公司的贬值,而该公司则是微软在2007年用63亿收购的。但该行业突显的市场规模足以到了吸引监管的地步。 Lookout, a mobile-security company, has analysed Google’sAndroid ecosystem and spotlighted ten ad providers, including Moolah Media (which did not respond to requests for comment) and LeadBolt, that use one or more monetisation strategies it considers“aggressive”. These include making ads appear outside apps (for instance, in the notification bar usually reserved for a person’stextmessages); altering mobile desktops and browsers so that, among other things, new icons display ads when they are clicked on; and gaining access to personal information without giving a clear warning. 一家移动设备安全性检验的公司Lookout,分析了谷歌安卓的生态系统,并将注意力集中于十家广告供应商,包括Moolah Media(但其并未对‎‎此作出回应)和LeadBolt在内。Lookout公司认为这些公司运用了不止一种被Lookout公司认为“具有侵略性的”盈利策略。这些策略包括在应用程序的外部(例如在保留私人信件的通知栏上)上打广告;改变手机桌面和浏览器——这样当使用者点击其他程序的时候,新图标就会显示广告;并在不提供明确警示的情况下获取个人信息。 Such practices can confuse and unnerve phone owners, says John Hering, Lookout’sboss. The firm reckons apps using the networks on its list have already been downloaded at least 80 millions times in the Google Play app marketplace alone. This is common in apps that let people customise their phones with digital wallpaper and other stuff, and in simple games. Lookout的总裁,约翰?海林认为,这样行为会让手机用户困惑并在失去了使用手机的勇气。这家公司估计,在它的列表上的运用网络的应用程序,仅在安卓电子市场中,就已经被下载至少八千万次。人们根据自己对手机壁纸、应用和小游戏的不同需求对手机量体裁衣,这种现象在应用程序之中已经非常普遍了。 Richard Harris, the boss of Moonbeam Development, an American firm with about 200 published apps, says his company started using LeadBolt about a year ago. At first it went well, but when ads were pushed into people’snotification bars and onto phones’desktops, users grew angry. Mr Harris says the company even received death threats. Moonbeam Development公司,一家发行了大约两百种应用的美国公司,其老板理查德?哈里斯声称,他们公司在一年前就已经开始接受LeadBolt了。一开始进展还很顺利,但当广告被植入公告栏和手机桌面后,用户就很生气。哈里斯先生说他的公司甚至收到过死亡恐吓信。 Dale Carr, the boss of LeadBolt, which is headquartered in Australia, says his company takes privacy seriously, and that it does not dictate to developers which ad units to choose from the range it offers. He also says LeadBolt lets people opt out of receiving ads sent to notification bars and desktops, though they need to go to its website to do so. 总部设在澳大利亚的LeadBolt公司的总裁,戴尔?凯尔说,他的公司对于隐私问题是严肃对待的,他们不会命令开发者要从它所提供的范围之内去挑选那些广告模块。、他同时表明尽管用户需要到公司的官网上进行选择,但是LeadBolt还是给予用户是否接收发往公告栏或桌面广告的权利,。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ LeadBolt is working with academics and officials in Australia to define a self-regulatory framework for mobile advertising. Butnextweek’sdiscussions in America are crucial to any firm with a global reach. These will be a test of the Obama administration’scommitment to protecting privacy, says Jeff Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy. He speculates that the government is counting on Google and Apple to twist arms in the ad world. Apple already has a reputation for cracking down on apps that use controversial ad formats, so it could be a willing ally. LeadBolt正在与澳大利亚的学者和官员共同来制定一套对于移动设备广告的自我约束制度。但是,下周美国进行的讨论,对全球范围内任一家广告公司都非常重要。民主党数据中心的Jeff Chester认为,这将是对奥巴马政府在保护个人隐私方面的一次考验。他推测,政府将指望谷歌和苹果在广告世界中进行较量。苹果在处理使用受争议的广告形式的应用程序方面上已经颇负盛名,所以它将是政府的好盟友。 “Mobile is the wild West,”saysRanAvidan, the co-founder of Startapp, a mobile-ad network based in Israel that is also on Lookout’slist. Startapp is striving to make its own policies clearer, but Mr Avidan is worried that governments may end up dictating rules for the industry. 一家同样也在Lookout的名单上的,位于以色列的移动广告网络公司Startapp,它的联合创始人Ran Avida认为:“移动设备就像是西大荒(蛮荒的美国‎‎西部)”。Startapp正致力于让自己公司政策更加明确,但是Avidan先生担心的是政府可能最终将垄断这个行业的行规制定权。 To avoid that, mobile-ad firms will have to act fast. App privacy policies should spell out what information ad networks are collecting and why. Firms should adopt an opt-in(选择加入) approach to the collection of personal data, such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses. And they should avoid collecting things such as unique phone identification numbers in ways that can be traced back to specific individuals. If they can stick to such principles, it would be a great advert for self-regulation. 为了避免这样的事情发生,移动广告公司将加快行动。应用程序的隐私政策应该写清楚,广告网络需要收集是哪些信息,以及为什么要收集。公司应该采取选择加入的方式去收集用户的如手机号码和电子邮件地址等个人信息。并且,这些公司应该避免去收集那些,在一些途径下追溯明确个人的如手机的唯一身份识别码等信息。如果这些公司可以坚持这些原则,那么他们的行为就是自我约束最好的招牌。 Passage 5 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 1. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 2. 结合上下文将A选项段落,翻译成中文写在指定答题处。 1._____________________________ It has been springtime for cultural conservatism in Indonesia. The conflict in Indonesia between religious conservatives and the middle classes exists nearly two months. We are often 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ told that Indonesia, the largest Muslim(穆斯林) country, is peaceful and tolerant, and it is true that radical Islamic(伊斯兰的) parties have never been particularly successful at the Indonesian ballot box. But radical Islam’svictories in the cultural sphere have not been unreasonable. 2._____________________________ 3._____________________________ Perhaps they have changed decisively. In 2008 a controversial anti-pornography(反色情) bill was passed by parliament that regulates images, gestures, or talk regarded as pornographic. The presidential task-force charged with implementing the bill began its work in February this year. 4._____________________________ This chaos does not entirely ruin Indonesia’sreputation as a place where “religion and democracy need not be in conflict,”asBritain’sprime minister, David Cameron, said recently on a visit to Jakarta. Many Indonesians were astonished by the Gaga affair, though no one much expects it to linger. But why the views of the majority have been overruled by the minority so easily, it makes one wonder who is in charge. 备选项: A.In late March, the religious-affairs minister, fixed his eye on the short skirts of Indonesian women. He declared his wish to ban them and have the women fined and arrested, mostly because “theymake men do things.”Hedidnotelaborate. The matter, far from being dismissed as ridiculous, is now being studied dutifully and prayerfully(虔诚地) by a presidential task-force. B.Thelaw’smostrecent victim has been an American pop singer, Lady Gaga, who cancelled what would have been her first concert in Indonesia, refunding 52,000 tickets. Indonesian authorities asked Ms Gaga to tone down the show by not, for instance, dancing on stage with a group of male dancers. Rather than defend the right to artistic expression against an irritable rabble(暴民), the government has joined them as another thorn(刺) in her side. As Ms Gaga herself pointed out in a twitter(微博): “theJakarta situation is 2-fold: Indonesian authorities demand I censor the show,and religious extremist are threatening violence.” C.This month a major film distributor from Indonesia visited the Odeon cinemas in High Street Kensington to watch the“TheDictator”, a bawdy comedy(下流喜剧). “I’mlooking forwardtothis,”hesaid. But I was puzzled. He usually watched movies in Indonesia, preferably in one of his own theaters, where tickets cost 50,000 rupiahs—around ?3.50, or $5.50, compared with Kensington’s?11.25 (160,000 rupiahs). Considering he was in London for only three days, it seemed an odd priority. “Well, you see,”hesaid, “thefilmhasbeenbanned in Indonesia.”Oh? I said. “Yes, they’regetting a bit nosy these days.”Later, during a particularly scene, he pointed out that“evenifthey allowed the film to pass, this entire scene would have been cut.”Hewanted to see the film in its intact form. D.In early May, a Canadian liberal Muslim writer, Irshad Manji, who is a lesbian, had hardly book the room in Jakarta disrupted by the local Islamic militia. A colleague of hers was hospitalised after being walloped(重击) repeatedly with a metal stick. Two hotels, worried over precisely this kind of security risk, had refused her request to stay. She sniffed:“Four years ago, I came to Indonesia and experienced a nation of tolerance, openness and pluralism(多元化). Things have changed.” 请将A选项的翻译写在以下横格处: 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 1. ballot ['bæl?t] n. 投票;投票用纸;投票总数vt. 使投票表决;拉选票vi. 投票;抽签决 定 联想记忆:ball,球; 一句速记:最早的选票是圆球状的石头。 2. chaos ['ke??s] n. 混沌,混乱 联想记忆:吵(chao) 一句速记:吵起来会混乱。 3. conservatism [k?n's??v?,t?z?m] n. 保守主义;守旧性 根解单词:前缀con,表“共同,全部”;词根serv,表“保存,保护”;后缀ate,表动词词性;后缀ism,表名词词性。 一句速记:保守主义就是要保留保存现有的一切。 同根单词:conservative [k?n's??v?t?v] n. 保守派,守旧者adj. 保守的 4. disrupt [d?s'r?pt] vt. 破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱adj. 分裂的,中断 的;分散的 根解单词:前缀dis,表“消失,分开”;词根rupt,表“断,裂” 一句速记:断裂到消失的程度,瓦解。 5. distributor [d?'str?bj?t?] n. 经销商;[电] 分配器;分配者;散布者;[电] 配电盘 同根单词:distribution [,distri'bju:??n] n. 分布;分配 6. elaborate [?'læb(?)r?t] adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的vi. 详细描述;变复杂vt. 精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物) 根解单词:前缀e=ex,表“向外,前任”;词根labor,表“劳动,劳力”;后缀ate,表动词词性。 一句速记:做出来需要很多劳动的东西,是精心制作的。 7. extremist [?k'stri?m?st; ek-] n. 极端主义者,过激分子 同根单词:extreme [?k'stri?m; ek-] n. 极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的 8. implement ['?mpl?m(?)nt] n. 工具,器具;手段vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;词根ple=ply,表“使用,用”;后缀ment,表名 词词性。 一句速记:工具在手中用的东西 9. intact [?n'tækt] adj. 完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的 根解单词:前缀im=in,表“在内,否定”;词根tact,接触 一句速记:没有被接触的完整的 10. irritable ['?r?t?b(?)l] adj. 过敏的;急躁的;易怒的 根解单词:前缀ir=in,表“在内,否定”;词根rit,搅动;后缀able,形容词词性。 一句速记:过敏是有过敏源在身体中起作用 11. linger ['l??g?] vi. 徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭vt. 消磨;缓慢度过 联想记忆:long,长,久 一句速记:长久的徘徊~ 12. overrule [??v?'ru?l] vt. 否决;统治;对…施加影响 根解单词:前缀over,结束,正上方;单词rule,统治。 一句速记:在上方统治的人拥有否决权。 13. parliament ['pɑ?l?m(?)nt] n. 议会,国会 根解单词:词根par=part,部分,分开;词根lia=lie,依赖,躺;后缀ment,名词词性。 一句速记:国会的基础在于不同的阶级。 14. priority [pra?'?r?t?] n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事 同根单词:privacy ['pr?v?s?; 'pra?-] n. 隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处 一句速记:有闯劲隐私问题应该优先考虑。 15. tolerant ['t?l(?)r(?)nt] adj. 宽容的;容忍的;有耐药力的 联想记忆:to=去,leran=learn学习;后缀ant,形容词词性。 一句速记:去学习,要忍受~ 联想记忆:tolerance ['t?l(?)r(?)ns] n. 公差;宽容;容忍;公差 16. radical ['ræd?k(?)l] n. 基础;激进分子;[物化] 原子团;[数] 根数adj. 激进的;根本 的;彻底的 根解单词:词根rad,光,辐射;后缀ic,形容词词性;后缀al,形容词词性 一句速记:激进主张的人总是很有辐射性的 联想记忆:ridiculous [r?'d?kj?l?s] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 一句速记:激进观点有时很荒谬。 17. violence ['va??l(?)ns] n. 激烈,猛烈,强烈;暴力,暴行,暴乱 根解单词:词根viol,猛烈;ence,名词词性; 一句速记:暴行为猛烈的行为。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 This month a major film distributor from Indonesia visited the Odeon cinemas in High Street Kensington to watch the“TheDictator”, a bawdy comedy(下流喜剧). “I’mlooking forward to this,”hesaid. But I was puzzled. He usually watched movies in Indonesia, preferably in one of his own theaters, where tickets cost 50,000 rupiahs—around ?3.50, or $5.50, compared with Kensington’s?11.25 (160,000 rupiahs). Considering he was in London for only three days, it seemed an odd priority.“Well,you see,”hesaid, “thefilmhasbeenbanned in Indonesia.”Oh? I said. “Yes, they’regetting a bit nosy these days.”Later, during a particularly scene, he pointed out that“eveniftheyallowed the film to pass, this entire scene would have been cut.”Hewanted to see the film in its intact form. 本月,一个有来头的印尼影片发行人,在肯辛顿高街的欧点影院,观看电影《独裁者》。《独裁者》是一部下流喜剧。“我很期待”,他说。但是对此我有点疑惑。他通常都是在印尼观看电影,尤其钟爱他自己的影院,票价为50000卢比——大概在?3.50,或是$5.50,相比而言,肯辛顿的票价为?11.25(160000卢比)。考虑到他只待伦敦三天,把看电影作为头等 “这部电影在印尼是一度被禁播”这样大事来做貌似有点奇怪吧。“好吧,你知道的,”他说, 啊,我说。“是的,最近他们管得有点宽。”后来,在一个特别的场景时,他说,“虽然他们允许播放这部电影,但是这个镜头还是会被剪掉。”他想看到的是一部没有被删节的、完整的电影。 It has been springtime for cultural conservatism in Indonesia. The conflict in Indonesia between religious conservatives and the middle classes exists nearly two months. We are often told that Indonesia, the largest Muslim(穆斯林) country, is peaceful and tolerant, and it is true that radical Islamic(伊斯兰的) parties have never been particularly successful at the Indonesian ballot box. But radical Islam’svictories in the cultural sphere have not been unreasonable. 印尼,对文化保守主义者而言,正是好时光。印尼的宗教保守主义者和中产阶级之间的冲突都持续了将近两个月。我们所了解的印尼,这个世界上最大的穆斯林国家,是和平且宽容的,而且事实上也是这样,激进的穆斯林党从来都没有在印尼的选举中成功过。但是激进的伊斯兰,可以在文化领域取得胜利也不是那么的想不通。 In late March, the religious-affairs minister, fixed his eye on the short skirts of Indonesian women. He declared his wish to ban them and have the women fined and arrested, mostly because “theymake men do things.”Hedidnotelaborate. The matter, far from being dismissed as ridiculous, is now being studied dutifully and prayerfully by a presidential task-force. 在三月底,宗教事务部长,把眼睛盯上了印尼女人的短裙。他申明自己是想要禁止女人穿短裙的,穿短裙的女人应该被罚款拘留,主要理由就是“她们让男人们蠢蠢欲动。”对此他并没详细的解说。本来是应被视为无稽之谈的这件事,现在却被总统特别小组正在忠实地且虔诚地研究这件事。 In early May, a Canadian liberal Muslim writer, Irshad Manji, who is a lesbian(女性同性恋), had hardly book the room in Jakarta disrupted by the local Islamic militia(民兵组织,自卫队). A 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ colleague of hers was hospitalised after being walloped(重击) repeatedly with a metal stick. Two hotels, worried over precisely this kind of security risk, had refused her request to stay. She sniffed: “Fouryears ago, I came to Indonesia and experienced a nation of tolerance, openness and pluralism(多元化). Things have changed.” 五月初,加拿大女同性恋自由穆斯林作家Irshad Manji,在当地伊斯兰自卫队阻挠下,连在雅加达预定房间都几乎做不到。她的一个同事,因为被金属棍连续打击住进医院。 两家酒店,鉴于此前类似的安全风险,拒绝她入住。她叹气道:“四年前,我来到印尼,那时印尼给我的印象是宽容,开放和多元化。现在事情都变了。” Perhaps they have changed decisively. In 2008 a controversial anti-pornography(反色情) bill was passed by parliament that regulates images, gestures, or talk regarded as pornographic. The presidential task-force charged with implementing the bill began its work in February this year. 或许可以说,他们变得太彻底了。在2008年,议会通过了一个有争议的反色情法案。法案规定什么样的形象,姿态,或是谈话被认为色情。负责这件事情的总统特别小组于今年二月份开始执行此项法案。 Thelaw’smostrecent victim has been an American pop singer, Lady Gaga, who cancelled what would have been her first concert in Indonesia, refunding 52,000 tickets. Indonesian authorities asked Ms Gaga to tone down the show by not, for instance, dancing on stage with a group of male dancers. Rather than defend the right to artistic expression against an irritable rabble(暴民), the government has joined them as another thorn(刺) in her side. As Ms Gaga herself pointed out in a twitter(微博): “theJakarta situation is 2-fold: Indonesian authorities demand I examine the show,and religious extremist are threatening violence.” 最近这项法案的受害者,美国歌手Lady Gaga,取消了原本是她在印尼的第一场演唱会,并退回52000张票。印度当局要求Lady Gaga演出低调,例如,不要与一群男舞者共舞。当局没有选择与艺术的自由表达站在一起反对闹事的乌合之众,反而跟这群乌合之众站在一起,这无疑再一次刺伤了嘎嘎。就像嘎嘎在推特中所讲:“在雅加达有双重阻碍:印尼当局要求我审查这次表演,而宗教极端分子以暴力威胁。” This chaos does not entirely ruin Indonesia’sreputation as a place where “religion and democracy need not be in conflict,”asBritain’sprime minister, David Cameron, said recently on a visit to Jakarta. Many Indonesians were astonished by the Gaga affair, though no one much expects it to linger. But why the views of the majority have been overruled by the minority so easily, it makes one wonder who is in charge. 这混乱局面并没有完全摧毁印尼的号称是一个“宗教和民主没有冲突”的国家这一名声。正如英国首相David Cameron,在最近的一次对雅加达的访问中所说。虽然没几个人认为嘎嘎的这次不愉快会持续多久,但是许多印尼人还是被震惊了。许多人被其宗教本能摆布。但是,为什么大多数人的意见就这么容易的为少数人的意见所操纵,这不禁让人疑问,到底是谁在领导国家。 Passage 6 做题日期 开始时间 结束时间 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part 1 解题应试 请在25分钟之内完成以下内容: 5. 将A、B、C、D,四个选项填入1、2、3、4的空白处,使原文通顺且完整; 6. 结合上下文将B选项段落,翻译成中文写在指定答题处。 Brian Sandoval, a Republican who became governor of Nevadalast year, sent his three children to public schools but admits that Nevada’s schools are bad. Making them better is one of his main goals, but he does not want to raise taxes for that purpose. Instead, he intends to eliminate teacher tenure(任期) and improve how teachers are rewarded. These and other ideas, he says, he got from Jeb Bush, a Republican (and brother of George W.) who was governor of Floridafrom 1999 to 2007. 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ These efforts thus represent an attempt to seize from Democrats one of their signature issues, public education. The states with the best schools, such as Massachusetts, still tend to be Democratic, with relatively high taxes and school spending. And some Democratic places, such as the District of Columbia and New York, have made aggressive attempts at reform. But voters increasingly see Democrats as beholden(负有义务的) to teachers’ unions and the state, says Eric Hanushek, an education expert at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. The Republican reformers, by contrast, promise reform without higher taxes, in part by confronting the unions. 3._____________________________ First Floridastarted grading its schools from A to F, based on the proficiency and progress of pupils in annual reading, writing, maths and science tests. The state gives extra money to schools that get an A or improve their grade, and children at schools that get two F grades in four years are allowed to transfer to better schools. Second, Floridastopped letting third-grade pupils who could barely read go on to fourth grade (a practice, common all overAmerica, called “social promotion”). Third, it created a merit-pay system in which teachers whose pupils pass certain exams get bonuses. Fourth, it gave parents much greater among between public, charter, private and even online schools. Fifth, Floridaset up new methods of certification to draw more talented people into the profession, even if those people have no college degree specifically in education. 4._____________________________ 备选项: A.This is why they look to Mr Bush. What he proved inFlorida, claims Jaryn Emhof, his spokesman at the education foundation he now runs, is that “it’s not about how much you’re spending, but how you’re spending, how you’re teaching.” Although school spending did rise slightly under Mr Bush, Floridastill spends very little per pupil compared with other states. With a Republican legislature, Mr Bush instead made Floridathe only state to adopt an entire bundle of reforms simultaneously, in the teeth of the teachers’unions. 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ B.Controversial at the time, these reforms now have bipartisan(代表两党的) support inFlorida, where black and Hispanic pupils in particular have made huge gains. This, too, is an implicit part of the political appeal for many Republicans, who are secretly astonished at the nativist(当地媒体) tone of recent presidential-primary debates and know they must reach out to Latinos in coming elections. Mr Bush is married to a Latina, Mr Sandoval and Ms Martinez are Hispanic themselves, and all realise that Hispanic voters, while often conservative on social issues, care deeply about public schools. C.Nevada and New Mexicoare among a growing number of states that are looking to Floridaand Mr Bush’s time in office for inspiration on school reform. Many of these, such as Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arizona, have Republican governors, while others, such as Colorado, have Democratic governors but influential Republican education leaders. Many are also known for mediocre schools. That, indeed, was Florida’s situation: its schools were among the nation’s worst in 1999 and are now among the best. D.In Santa Fe Susana Martinez, another first-term Republican governor, uses almost exactly the same words about school reform in New Mexicoand similarly credits Jeb Bush. Her experience, admittedly, also shows how hard such ideas may be to implement. This month a last-minute filibuster(阻挠议事的议员) shelved(搁置) several of Ms Martinez’s education reforms, including a new teacher-evaluation system. 请将B选项的翻译写在以下横格处: Part2 学习积累 Step1 词汇速记 1. bonus ['b??n?s] n. 奖金;红利;额外津贴 联想记忆:bounce [ba?ns] 跳;弹力;活力vt. 弹跳;使弹起vi. 弹跳;弹起,反跳;弹回 一句速记:红利是投资后返回的 2. bundle ['b?nd(?)l] n. 束;捆vt. 捆vi. 匆忙离开 根解单词:词根bund=band,绑,带子。 3. confront [k?n'fr?nt] vt. 面对;遭遇;比较 根解单词:前轴con=com,共同,全部;词根front,正面,前面。 一句速记:遭遇是双方正面相对。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 4. district ['d?str?kt] n. 区域;地方;行政区 根解单词:前缀di,两个,分开;词根str,紧的,结构 一句速记:在地图彼此区分的结构,行政区。 5. implicit [?m'pl?s?t] adj. 含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的 同根单词:implement ['?mpl?m(?)nt] n. 工具,器具;手段vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效 一句速记:在执行中,只需盲从。 6. legislature ['led??sl?t??] n. 立法机关;立法机构 根解单词:词根leg,法律,逻辑;后缀ise,动词词性;后缀ulate=ate,形容词词性;后缀ure,名词词性。 一句速记:立法就是使之成为法律。 7. mediocre [,mi?d?'??k?] adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的 根解单词:词根med,中间,媒介;词根cre=create,创造。 一句速记:中间创造的事物,不好不坏的中等。 8. method['meθ?d] n. 方法;条理;类函数adj. 使用体验派表演方法的 根解单词:词根meth=mens,测量,尺度 一句速记:测量需要方法 9. primary ['pra?m(?)r?] n. 原色;最主要者adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的 根解单词:primarily ['pra?m(?)r?l?; pra?'mer-] adv. 首先;主要地,根本上 10. proficiency [pr?'f??(?)ns?] n. 精通,熟练 根解单词:前缀pro,向前,支持;词根fic=fect,做,事实;后缀ency,名词词性。 一句速记:向前不断去做一件事,就会熟练并精通。 11. prove [pru?v] vi. 证明是vt. 证明;检验;显示 联想记忆:前缀pro,向前,支持 一句速记:想证明,就前去实践 12. purpose ['p??p?s] n. 目的;用途;意志vt. 决心;企图;打算 同根单词:pursue [p?'sju?] vi. 追赶;继续进行vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠 一句速记:从事任何事情决心,最重要~ 13. seize [si?z] vt. 抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕vi. 抓住;利用;(机器)卡住 联想记忆:要塞(sai) 一句速记:夺取要塞 14. specifically [sp?'s?f?k?l?] adv. 特别地;明确地 根解单词:词根spec=spect,看;后缀ify,动词词性;后缀ic,形容词词性;后缀al,形容词词性;后缀ly,副词词性。 一句速记:明确的的特点可以看的到 15. talent ['tæl?nt] n. 才能;天才;天资 根解单词:单词tale,传说;后缀ent,表人名词后缀。 一句速记:传说中的人物,天才 16. transfer [træns'f??; trɑ?ns-; -nz-] n. 转让;转移;传递;过户vt. 使转移;调任vi. 转 让;转学;换车 根解单词:前缀trans,变化,迁移;词根fer,带来 一句速记:迁移而来的,转移,过户。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Part3 全文解析 本文是最新的考研试题的同源阅读,请认真仔细的对照,进行全文翻 译练习。 Brian Sandoval, a Republican who became governor of Nevadalast year, sent his three children to public schools but admits that Nevada’s schools are bad. Making them better is one of his main goals, but he does not want to raise taxes for that purpose. Instead, he intends to eliminate teacher tenure(任期) and improve how teachers are rewarded. These and other ideas, he says, he got from Jeb Bush, a Republican (and brother of George W.) who was governor of Floridafrom 1999 to 2007. 去年上任的内华达州州长布莱恩?桑多瓦尔将自己的三个孩子都送往公立学校就读,但同时也坦承内华达州的教学质量让人不敢恭维。他将提高内华达州教学质量作为自己任期内的主要目标之一,但却并不打算以此为理由提高税收。不同于通俗的做法,他打算取消教师终身制并加强实施教师奖励。他说,上述的这些以及他的一些其他想法都是受到佛罗里达州前州长杰布?布什(乔治?布什之弟,于1999年至2007年期间任佛罗里达州州长)的启发。 In Santa Fe Susana Martinez, another first-term Republican governor, uses almost exactly the same words about school reform in New Mexicoand similarly credits Jeb Bush. Her experience, admittedly, also shows how hard such ideas may be to implement. This month a last-minute filibuster(阻挠议事的议员) shelved(搁置) several of Ms Martinez’s education reforms, including a new teacher-evaluation system. 苏珊娜?马丁内斯,另一位还在首届任期内的共和党籍州长则在圣塔菲宣讲关于新墨西哥州的教育改革时,不仅说了一番几乎与布莱恩相同的话,而且还对杰布?布什的理念深信不疑。但是从她本月的经历来看,要将这些理念付诸实际是相当困难的:本月反对派最后的抗争将马丁内斯女士的许多关于教育改革的想法都束之高阁,其中就包括建立一个全新的教师考核体系。 Nevada and New Mexicoare among a growing number of states that are looking to Floridaand Mr Bush’s time in office for inspiration on school reform. Many of these, such as Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arizona, have Republican governors, while others, such as Colorado, have Democratic governors but influential Republican education leaders. Many are also known for mediocre schools. That, indeed, was Florida’s situation: its schools were among the nation’s worst in 1999 and are now among the best. 如今时刻关注着佛罗里达州并希望从杰布?布什时代的政绩当中寻找教育改革灵感的,不止内华达州和新墨西哥州。其他诸如印第安纳州、新泽西州、俄克拉荷马州、路易斯安那州以及亚利桑那州等由共和党人担任州长的自然不必多说,即便像科罗拉多州这样的一直由民主党担任州长的地方,当地的共和党籍教育领袖也不甘寂寞,颇具影响力。许多州都是众所周知的二流学校聚集地。其实,佛罗里达州也曾是他们当中的一员:1999年 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ 时,佛罗里达州的学校还堪称全美最烂,然而士别三日当刮目相看,今天的佛罗里达州境内名校无数、众星璀璨。 These efforts thus represent an attempt to seize from Democrats one of their signature issues, public education. The states with the best schools, such as Massachusetts, still tend to be Democratic, with relatively high taxes and school spending. And some Democratic places, such as the District of Columbia and New York, have made aggressive attempts at reform. But voters increasingly see Democrats as beholden(负有义务的) to teachers’ unions and the state, says Eric Hanushek, an education expert at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. The Republican reformers, by contrast, promise reform without higher taxes, in part by confronting the unions. 因此,从上述各州的动作可看出,共和党确实想要从民主党的标志性政绩亦即公共教育这一领域分一杯羹。许多像马萨诸塞州一样坐拥名校的州仍然乐意由民主党执掌大权,即选择接受相对较高的税收和教育支出。当然还有其他民主党的地盘,比如哥伦比亚和纽约州,已经大刀阔斧地进行了教育改革。但与此同时,选民们也越发开始将民主党人视作教师工会及教育现状的责任人,来自斯坦福大学胡佛研究所的教育专家埃里克?汉努谢克如是说。而共和党籍的改革者们则另辟蹊径,他们承诺不会增税,且反倒有些打算同教师工会作对的意味了。 This is why they look to Mr Bush. What he proved inFlorida, claims Jaryn Emhof, his spokesman at the education foundation he now runs, is that “it’s not about how much you’re spending, but how you’re spending, how you’re teaching.” Although school spending did rise slightly under Mr Bush, Floridastill spends very little per pupil compared with other states. With a Republican legislature, Mr Bush instead made Floridathe only state to adopt an entire bundle of reforms simultaneously(同时地), in the teeth of the teachers’unions. 这也是他们为什么向杰布?布什看齐的原因。借杰布?布什现在经营的教育基金会的发言人杰瑞恩?艾蒙霍夫的话说,他在佛罗里达州向人们证明了“教育的关键不是你花了多少钱,而是你是怎么花的,又是怎么教的。”尽管布什先生任期内的教育支出还是有一些增加,但与其他各州比起来,佛罗里达州人均教育开销仍然要低得多。共和党掌握立法机构的情况下,布什顶着教师工会的压力在佛罗里达州实现了教育系统多管齐下的大换血。 First Floridastarted grading its schools from A to F, based on the proficiency and progress of pupils in annual reading, writing, maths and science tests. The state gives extra money to schools that get an A or improve their grade, and children at schools that get two F grades in four years are allowed to transfer to better schools. 首先,佛罗里达州开始基于各校学生年度阅读、写作、数学以及科学熟练程度以及进步情况对学校进行A到F的评级。州政府对获得A级或者从低级晋级的学校进行额外的经费奖励,并允许在四年内两次被评为F级的学校的学生转到更好的学校就读。 Second, Floridastopped letting third-grade pupils who could barely read go on to fourth grade (a practice, common all overAmerica, called “social promotion”). 其二,禁止只能阅读的三年级学生升入四年级(美国学校的惯例是允许这种情况的,称为“自动升级”)。 关注韩苏老师新浪微博:韩苏_suger 答疑解惑,一起加油~ Third, it created a merit-pay system in which teachers whose pupils pass certain exams get bonuses. 其三,佛罗里达州开发了一套根据绩效支付薪金的教师待遇体系,这样一来那些学生通过了某些考试的老师会得到额外奖励。 Fourth, it gave parents much greater among between public, charter, private and even online schools. 其四,家长们也拥有了更多的选择,只要手持政府评估表,他们可以任意让子女入读公立、私立或者特许私立学校甚至在校学校。 Fifth, Floridaset up new methods of certification to draw more talented people into the profession, even if those people have no college degree specifically in education. 其五,佛罗里达州实行全新的教师资格考核方法以吸纳更多的教育人才,在佛罗里达州,只要你有才,哪怕你没有教育学大学背景也行。 Controversial at the time, these reforms now have bipartisan(代表两党的) support inFlorida, where black and Hispanic pupils in particular have made huge gains. This, too, is an implicit part of the political appeal for many Republicans, who are secretly astonished at the nativist(当地媒体) tone of recent presidential-primary debates and know they must reach out to Latinos in coming elections. Mr Bush is married to a Latina, Mr Sandoval and Ms Martinez are Hispanic themselves, and all realise that Hispanic voters, while often conservative on social issues, care deeply about public schools. 虽然当时两党在佛罗里达州就以上措施争吵不休,但现在双方都支持教育改革。要知道,佛罗里达州的非洲裔和西班牙裔小学生可是在布什的那场改革之后收获不小、成绩不俗。那么,共和党人在这里的政治目的大家也就了然于心了,最近佛罗里达州当地媒体对总统初选的讨论着实让他们暗暗吃了一惊,那么面对即将到来的大选,他们势必要跟拉丁美洲人们套一套近乎了。布什先生的夫人是拉丁裔,桑多瓦尔先生和马丁纳斯女士本身就是是西班牙裔,现在共和党上下已经意识到,西班牙裔虽然通常在社会话题上持保守态度,但对子女的教育问题还是很上心的。
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