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9.18报刊竞赛21世纪报样题稿9.18报刊竞赛21世纪报样题稿 Sample Test Hosted by China Daily 21st Century English Newspaper Series Attention: This is the question copy. All your answers must be marked or written on the answer sheet for grading. Time allowed: 35minutes Section One 75% I. The fol...

9.18报刊竞赛21世纪报样 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 稿 Sample Test Hosted by China Daily 21st Century English Newspaper Series Attention: This is the question copy. All your answers must be marked or written on the answer sheet for grading. Time allowed: 35minutes Section One 75% I. The following multiple choice questions are based on what you have read (20%): 1. According to the passage “Geek to tech-god”, in only eight years, Zuck has managed to turn a small website born in his messy Harvard dorm into_______. And he himself has grown up from a geek to a billionaire CEO. A. the most luxurious dormitory building B. the world?s definitive social network C. a popular talking shop D. a world famous university (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第955期 第2版) 2. The new standard for disposable cups rules that colored patterns on paper cups cannot be within 15 millimeters from the lip or 10 millimeters from the bottom because_____. A. fluorescent additives may have been used during production B. colored patterns are not white enough C. most pattern prints can cause cancer D. colored pattern prints damage the environment (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第2版) 3. According to the passage “Cruelty to pigeons”, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) recently completed a 15-month undercover investigation into some of the largest pigeon-racing operations in the US. The study shows that all the following statements are true EXCEPT__________. A. In many of the pigeon-racing operations in the US, more than 60 percent of the birds are lost or die along the way B. Raised in the cage, the birds mostly cannot find enough food by themselves and starve to death before the training begins C. Some racers feed the birds with morphine to enhance their performance D. When the racing season is over, the babies—no longer of any use to the racers, are often killed (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第955期 第11版) 4. Which of the following statements isn?t the measure suggested that you can take when you are fired according to “What to do if you?re fired”. A. Notifying the enterprise labor dispute mediation committee. B. Asking the municipal government to restore your position. C. Asking the local labor dispute arbitration committee to mediate the issue for you. D. Consulting a lawyer or legal counselor to help protect your rights. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第969期 第9版) 5. “Throw it out of the Window” is a website established by a student to _________. A. earn money by providing safe food B. persuade people to get as much fun as possible into the time C. expose academic corruption D. document news reports on food safety incidents, marking each one by location, casualties, and who was to blame (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第4版) 6. According to the passage “Advice on how to chat with a stranger”, the key to striking up a face- to-face conversation is to _____________? A. talk about the weather B. meet him at the pub C. smile at him D. find something you have in common (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第955期 第5版) 7. In the passage “Students in smoking epidemic” the author agrees with the idea that ____________. A. a cigarette is more effective in initiating a conversation than talking about the weather. B. when everyone is exchanging cigarettes and you don?t smoke, it is very easy to be left out C. it were the adult thing to offer tobacco as gifts D. dormitories and canteens are the main public places on campus which suffer pollution from smokers (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第8版) 8. According to “Ministry wrong on entrepreneurship” it is wrong to ask universities to offer entrepreneurship training to all of their undergraduate students as a mandatory course because of the following reasons except ________. A. it is sending the wrong message about what university education should be B. universities could set up elective courses on workplace skills or job counseling for graduating students C. university education should foremost enhance China?s economy D. government should make the job market more accommodating for graduates (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第969期 第3版) 9. According to the passage “Birth of a new industry?”, “the company?s employees were being paid to delete Internet posts” suggest that ____________. A. it is the birth of a new industry artefactes (duresa en HRC30 dins) de fitxer clau 1 i cuc cuc engranar superfície no a un segon 2 i mandíbula graus no paral•leles pinça de cable 19 més tres cinquenes parts i nas agulla pinça, 1 i elèctric amb de vora portar liquidació més de 0,2 m/m, dent boca liquidació és superior a 0,4 m/m 2 i altres treballs del despatx vora sobre 0,4 m/m despatx de boca de dent és més gran que la pinça de canonada de 0.5-0.8M/m 20 1 i pinça mare greus desgast 2 i vareta de cargol, i Eix de rosca per lligar la liquidació és superior a 1-1.5M / m 21 Taiwan cargol 1, cargol canya i liquidació de rosca i la liquidació de distribució corredissa és superior a 1,5 a 2 m/m 2 i ontologia ha cruixit 3 i liquidació de la mandíbula és més gran que 0.3M / m 22 en directe els millors 1 i els millors radial batec és més gran que 0,07 m/m 2 i la part superior de la cua con part greu desgast 3 i que s'executen fracàs 23 tornavís 1 i vora duresa prou o alta 2 i nanses Departament esquerdes 24 Serra de metalls Marc 1 i abans i després responsable galeria trenat, és no un avió dins eina elèctrica 25 1, i Part elèctrica fracàs 2 i mecànica part danyat no pot córrer 26 roda 1 i restants diàmetre diàmetre original de gruix 2 i restant cèntim de gruix original de dos terços 3, segons tramitació situació roda consum força complir no processament requisits 27 1 de diamant i per la direcció de diamant acostar implementació 28 diversos mesura 1 i els plans de sector verificació de mesura d'aplicació individual de ferralla 29 altra eina 1 i per la situació específica mitjançant l'ús que va proposar fer supervisor de tecnologia eina validació 18 article màquina i proporciona eina de treball equipades B. they have connections with administrators and editors C. they were earning money in bribes D. a post is deleted only when it violates the rules (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第970期 第2版) 10. In “Let?s talk about youthful dreams”, Struggle, My Youthfulness and Beijing Youth are said to be director Zhao Baogang?s youth trilogy. Explored from different angles, _____is the main theme throughout the three drama series. A. loving stories B. dreams of the civil servant C. fun and entertainment D. the mental and emotional pain of growing up (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第970期 第V3版) II. Fill in each blank with a proper word of which the first letter is given (10%): ( A ) In the book, s______(1) The moral Limits of Markets, Sandel points out that we are moving toward a world where everything is u____(2) for sale, and that our moral ethics are being r______(3) by the ethics of the market. He uses queuing to i______(4) his point: in particular, queuing in Chinese hospitals. They queue overnight, sometimes for days, to get an a_______(5) ticket to see a doctor. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第7版) ( B ) Harvard University is investigating c_____(6) that a number of students inappropriately s_____(7) answers on their take-home exam last spring. Roughly half of the 279 students from one undergraduate class are being investigated on s_____(8) of cheating. But many students describe it as an e_____(9) of new-age collaboration. They say that collaboration was a_____(10) as the guidelines to succeeding in the exam were unclear. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第970期 第2版) III. What do the underlined words or phrases mean in Chinese (20%)? ( A ) In China we have four levels of standards for products and services. They may be either mandatory(1) or voluntary. Mandatory standards have the force of law as do other technical regulations in China. The most widely implemented standards are the national standards, followed by professional (or industry) standards (行业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ), then local standards (地方标准), and finally enterprise standards (企业标准). These levels are hierarchical(2), with national standards as the superior and enterprise standards at the bottom. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第2版) ( B ) According to food safety law in UK, the minimum penalty for malpractice during food processing is 5,000 pounds (50,055 yuan) or three months in jail. The sale of substandard food or food which is a health hazard can lead to six months behind bars or a fine of 20,000 pounds. Heavy fines are imposed on(3) producers who cause major health incidents. Cadbury Schweppes, the world?s biggest confectionery(4) group, was fined over 1 million pounds for selling unsafe chocolate during a salmonella scare in 2006. The company recalled a million chocolate bars. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第956期 第5版) ( C ) “I?ve been going through an evolution on this issue. I?ve always been adamant(5) that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally,” Obama said in the momentous interview. “At a certain point I?ve just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” The Los Angeles Times hailed Obama?s endorsement as a milestone for the gay rights movement. It comes as the nation remains divided over whether same-sex marriages should have the same recognition and legal standing(6) as traditional ones, an article in the newspaper said. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第955期 第7版) ( D ) In its defence, The Sun explained that there was a “clear public interest” in publishing the photographs, because they had “potential implications(7)for the Prince?s image representing Britain around the world”. Public interest and protection of privacy have long been the two major concerns of Western media organizations in dealing with such controversial stories. But does “public interest” justify(8) splashing naked photos of a famous person on the front pages of a newspaper for millions to see? What is your opinion ? (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第970期 第3版) ( E ) Written employment agreements create a legally binding contract. They might state that you can be fired only for specific reasons,” said Cai Wei, a lawyer in Kaiye Law Firm in Shenzhen. If your employer is in breach(9) of the contract, you can sue them. Information in employee handbooks and other written company policies, in some circumstances, is also legally binding.(10) (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第969期 第9版) IV. Choose five appropriate sentences from the seven given below and put them in their proper places (10%) As students jam job fairs to grasp final opportunities before graduation, some find themselves befuddled about a variety of positions. “Some job titles looked really weird to us,” said Zhang Yanxin, 21, a senior majoring in political science and administration in South China Normal University last weekend. artefactes (duresa en HRC30 dins) de fitxer clau 1 i cuc cuc engranar superfície no a un segon 2 i mandíbula graus no paral•leles pinça de cable 19 més tres cinquenes parts i nas agulla pinça, 1 i elèctric amb de vora portar liquidació més de 0,2 m/m, dent boca liquidació és superior a 0,4 m/m 2 i altres treballs del despatx vora sobre 0,4 m/m despatx de boca de dent és més gran que la pinça de canonada de 0.5-0.8M/m 20 1 i pinça mare greus desgast 2 i vareta de cargol, i Eix de rosca per lligar la liquidació és superior a 1-1.5M / m 21 Taiwan cargol 1, cargol canya i liquidació de rosca i la liquidació de distribució corredissa és superior a 1,5 a 2 m/m 2 i ontologia ha cruixit 3 i liquidació de la mandíbula és més gran que 0.3M / m 22 en directe els millors 1 i els millors radial batec és més gran que 0,07 m/m 2 i la part superior de la cua con part greu desgast 3 i que s'executen fracàs 23 tornavís 1 i vora duresa prou o alta 2 i nanses Departament esquerdes 24 Serra de metalls Marc 1 i abans i després responsable galeria trenat, és no un avió dins eina elèctrica 25 1, i Part elèctrica fracàs 2 i mecànica part danyat no pot córrer 26 roda 1 i restants diàmetre diàmetre original de gruix 2 i restant cèntim de gruix original de dos terços 3, segons tramitació situació roda consum força complir no processament requisits 27 1 de diamant i per la direcció de diamant acostar implementació 28 diversos mesura 1 i els plans de sector verificació de mesura d'aplicació individual de ferralla 29 altra eina 1 i per la situació específica mitjançant l'ús que va proposar fer supervisor de tecnologia eina validació 18 article màquina i proporciona eina de treball equipades “At the fair, I saw the title of „planner? in the business development department of Walmart._____________________________(1)” So he stood in a long queue to hand in his resume to HR, but later he figured out that the role was to design shelves in supermarkets. According to the latest recruitment survey released by 51job.com, the number of recruitment positions offered on its website in April was 2.24 million, and one in four contain the title “manager”. “Sales, marketing and project operation top areas that recruit most managers, but of course not all titles with „manager? are linked to a high-level or leadership position,” said Feng Lijuan, a chief human resource expert in 51job.com. “In reality, a manager could be a lowest-level position similar to „representative? or „staff?.” He Zhaochang, 21, a senior majoring in civil engineering in Shantou University, said that the suspicious title of “trainee” gave him the false impression that ______________________________(2), but to learn some skills. At the job fair, Zhang also found a lot of other puzzling titles on the companies? recruitment list: for example, corporate culture specialist and government relationship specialist. Zhang hesitated to apply. “What can you tell from those titles? I sometimes think that reading the titles on the list is like solving riddles posted on lanterns.” Addressing the issue, career experts say that_________________(3), but if any dispute arises later, the employer reserves the right to final interpretation. “An applicant needs to find out detailed job descriptions and ask employers to spend some time explaining the job content,” said consultant Feng. “Interviewees can check whom they report to and who are their subordinates. It also helps to learn about the company?s structure and departments.” Companies have their own explanations. Li Wei, a PR manager in Walmart China, admitted that______________________________(4). “We once considered changing it, but headquarters in the US wants to retain the same name of the same position at all the branch companies.” Legal experts also caution that, students should pay more attention to brand new positions when signing the labor contract with their employer. “Employers can use any name to describe a position so long as it does not violate the law or harm the public. Besides, _____________________(5),” said Zhu Yongping, a lawyer in Deheng Law Firm in Shenzhen. He says that the key to solving confusion over job titles is for students to communicate fully with employers. This can help them clear up any misunderstandings and figure out all the responsibilities written in contract.” (A). employers might use “appealing” titles to attract graduates (B). new positions reflect improvements in society (C). he was not going to work in a company (D). New position should be properly named under the guidance of the government (E). I considered it to be an administrative position. (F). Most job applicants look confused by some weird titles. (G). the names of some of their positions are not familiar to graduates (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第955期 第9版) V. The layout of the following passage is confusing. Can you correctly sequence the paragraphs [1] – [6]? (15%) After conducting an on-the-spot survey of Zhenghe county in Fujian province, a female doctoral student in economics from Xiamen University wrote on her micro blog that she would never work at the grassroots level, reported Changjiang Daily. A. The Changjiang Daily said the student should not be blamed for her decision not to work for any organization at the grassroots level; nor should moral judgment be passed on her for the opinions expressed on her micro blog. She has the freedom to choose her career and not to work at the grassroots level. What led her to make this judgment, however, deserves further consideration. B. It says that it is high time the elite started getting closer to and taking care of the grassroots people and fulfilled their social responsibilities. C. The doctoral student?s so-called survey lasted only three days, throughout which she and her fellow students lived in the best hotel in the county. They did nothing but listen to local officials? views on the situation in the poverty-stricken county. D. In her conclusion, the doctoral student wrote: “This is a shabby place without a supermarket, and the food here tastes bad, and the hotel chefs should be changed.” E. It also points out that if the elite neglect life at the grassroots level, ignore the suffering and hardship of the people, and worry only about their own interests, they will only aggravate social problems and hinder China?s reforms. F. Highly educated people are becoming the main body of the social elite, which has an influential voice. The way they express their opinions and exercise their right to speak in public is critical for solving social problems and promoting social progress, the newspaper points out. (二十一世纪英文报 2012 第970期 第3版) Section Two 25% I. Complete the proverbs. Multiple Choice (3%) 1. A ______ man knows not where to sit easy . A. comfortable B. discontented C. selfish D. new 2. Before gold, even kings take off their ______. A. boots B. glasses C. hats D. coats 3. Each bird loves to hear ______ sing. A. himself B. baby C. loud D. nice 4. Fat______ lay few eggs. A. birds B. snakes C. hens D. turtles 5. Good ______ prevents misfortune. A. care B. guard C. money D. watch artefactes (duresa en HRC30 dins) de fitxer clau 1 i cuc cuc engranar superfície no a un segon 2 i mandíbula graus no paral•leles pinça de cable 19 més tres cinquenes parts i nas agulla pinça, 1 i elèctric amb de vora portar liquidació més de 0,2 m/m, dent boca liquidació és superior a 0,4 m/m 2 i altres treballs del despatx vora sobre 0,4 m/m despatx de boca de dent és més gran que la pinça de canonada de 0.5-0.8M/m 20 1 i pinça mare greus desgast 2 i vareta de cargol, i Eix de rosca per lligar la liquidació és superior a 1-1.5M / m 21 Taiwan cargol 1, cargol canya i liquidació de rosca i la liquidació de distribució corredissa és superior a 1,5 a 2 m/m 2 i ontologia ha cruixit 3 i liquidació de la mandíbula és més gran que 0.3M / m 22 en directe els millors 1 i els millors radial batec és més gran que 0,07 m/m 2 i la part superior de la cua con part greu desgast 3 i que s'executen fracàs 23 tornavís 1 i vora duresa prou o alta 2 i nanses Departament esquerdes 24 Serra de metalls Marc 1 i abans i després responsable galeria trenat, és no un avió dins eina elèctrica 25 1, i Part elèctrica fracàs 2 i mecànica part danyat no pot córrer 26 roda 1 i restants diàmetre diàmetre original de gruix 2 i restant cèntim de gruix original de dos terços 3, segons tramitació situació roda consum força complir no processament requisits 27 1 de diamant i per la direcció de diamant acostar implementació 28 diversos mesura 1 i els plans de sector verificació de mesura d'aplicació individual de ferralla 29 altra eina 1 i per la situació específica mitjançant l'ús que va proposar fer supervisor de tecnologia eina validació 18 article màquina i proporciona eina de treball equipades 6. Hasty climbers have sudden_____. A. descent B. falls C. ups D. promotions II. How much do you know about our world? Multiple choice (6%) 1. Robert Frost is an American _______. A. novelist B. dramatist C. painter D. poet 2. The color of _____ in Arabia symbolizes the deep affection of life in the desert nations? A. red B. blue C. green D. yellow 3. Hawaii is one of the American _______. A. states B. cities C. coastal islands D. villages 4. The Grapes of Wrath is generally regarded as the masterpiece of ________. A. John Steinbeck B. William Faulkner C. Jack London D. Scott Fitzgerald 5. The Republic of Colombia is an _________ country. A. European B. African C. Asian D. American 6. _____ are the only members of the cat family to display obvious sexual dimorphism. A. Leopard B. Lions C. Tiger D. Jaguar III. A crossword game (8%) Clues: Down: 1. The subject of a speech or an essay 2. To see or understand 3. Something kept hidden 4. A child Across: 4. Eager to do something 5. The time of being a child 6. A depository containing historical records 7. A part of a meal served as a unit at one time IV. Test your brains (8%) 1. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years ? 2% 2. The specific color of red is part of Coca-Cola brand and is a major part of its universal image. But, in Arabia, Coca-Cola had to abandon its traditional color because of the thArab?s hatred for the Crusades in the 11 century. What color do you think Coca-Cola is in Arabia ? 3% 3. Uncle Sam and John Bull became popular during the nineteenth century as personifications of America and England respectively. John Bull originated earlier in 1712, as a character in John Arbuthnot's ___________. 3% artefactes (duresa en HRC30 dins) de fitxer clau 1 i cuc cuc engranar superfície no a un segon 2 i mandíbula graus no paral•leles pinça de cable 19 més tres cinquenes parts i nas agulla pinça, 1 i elèctric amb de vora portar liquidació més de 0,2 m/m, dent boca liquidació és superior a 0,4 m/m 2 i altres treballs del despatx vora sobre 0,4 m/m despatx de boca de dent és més gran que la pinça de canonada de 0.5-0.8M/m 20 1 i pinça mare greus desgast 2 i vareta de cargol, i Eix de rosca per lligar la liquidació és superior a 1-1.5M / m 21 Taiwan cargol 1, cargol canya i liquidació de rosca i la liquidació de distribució corredissa és superior a 1,5 a 2 m/m 2 i ontologia ha cruixit 3 i liquidació de la mandíbula és més gran que 0.3M / m 22 en directe els millors 1 i els millors radial batec és més gran que 0,07 m/m 2 i la part superior de la cua con part greu desgast 3 i que s'executen fracàs 23 tornavís 1 i vora duresa prou o alta 2 i nanses Departament esquerdes 24 Serra de metalls Marc 1 i abans i després responsable galeria trenat, és no un avió dins eina elèctrica 25 1, i Part elèctrica fracàs 2 i mecànica part danyat no pot córrer 26 roda 1 i restants diàmetre diàmetre original de gruix 2 i restant cèntim de gruix original de dos terços 3, segons tramitació situació roda consum força complir no processament requisits 27 1 de diamant i per la direcció de diamant acostar implementació 28 diversos mesura 1 i els plans de sector verificació de mesura d'aplicació individual de ferralla 29 altra eina 1 i per la situació específica mitjançant l'ús que va proposar fer supervisor de tecnologia eina validació 18 article màquina i proporciona eina de treball equipades Keys Section One I. 20% 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. D 7.D 8. C 9. C 10. D II.10% (A) 1. subtitled 2. up 3. replaced 4. illustrate 5. appointment (B) 6. claims 7. shared 8. suspicion 9. example 10. acceptable III. 20% (A) (1)强制的 (2) 等级分布; (B) (3)把…加于 (4) 糖果 (C) (5)坚信 (6) 法律地位 (D) (7)意义 (8) 证明合理,使正确 (E) (9)违背 (10) 有约束力的,捆绑的 IV. 10% [1] E [2] C [3] A [4] G [5] B V. 15%( 每段2.5 分) 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. F 5. B 6. E Section Two 25% I. (3%) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B II. (6%) 1.D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B III. (8%) Across : 4. keen 5. childhood 6.archive 7. course Down: 1. topic 2. recognize 3. secret 4. kid IV. 8% 1. (2%)the letter “m” 2. (3%)green 3. (3%) The History of John Bull
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