首页 沥青摊铺机的故障分析与维修技术



沥青摊铺机的故障分析与维修技术沥青摊铺机的故障分析与维修技术 摘要:本文通过对沥青摊铺机的常见故障进行分析,指出了各个 系统的维修技术,这样有利于提高沥青摊铺机在路面施工过程中的 良好利用率,以获得更高的经济效益。 关键词:沥青摊铺机,故障分析,维修技术 abstract: this article through to the asphalt paver analyzed the common failures, points out the various system maintenance technology, this hel...

沥青摊铺机的故障分析与维修技术 摘要:本文通过对沥青摊铺机的常见故障进行分析,指出了各个 系统的维修技术,这样有利于提高沥青摊铺机在路面施工过程中的 良好利用率,以获得更高的经济效益。 关键词:沥青摊铺机,故障分析,维修技术 abstract: this article through to the asphalt paver analyzed the common failures, points out the various system maintenance technology, this helps to improve road asphalt paver in construction process of the utilization rate of good, to get more economic benefits. keywords: asphalt paver, failure analysis, maintenance technology 中图分类号: u415.52+1 文献标识码: a 文章编号: 随着国民经济的发展,沥青混凝土路面的修建任务越来越重,质 量要求也日渐增高。沥青摊铺机是筑路机械中机电液一体化最为集 中、结构复杂、作业要求最高的龙头设备,是保证整个工程质量以 及进度的关键。然而,在现实的工程运行过程中,可能会出现各种 各样的故障或问题,有时因此会严重影响了整个施工。因此,在实 际工程中如何正确操作和保养以及处理已经出现的故障并予以维 修就显得非常重要。 1 摊铺机的故障分析 1.1发动机故障分析 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 缸套、活塞磨损严重,压缩空气达不到相应的压力,柴油过脏或滤芯使用时间过长等原因可能会引起启动机能启动但不着车的现象。不过引起这类故障的原因比较多,如喷油泵或喷油器磨损严重、柴油输油管路破损漏气等。诸如此类问题要逐一排除找出问题出在什么地方,必要时更换相应部件。 造成启动机无法启动的原因主要是:误操作,如紧息开关7断开,紧急停止释放按钮断开等。启动机故障,应 检修 外浮顶储罐检修方案皮带检修培训教材1变电设备检修规程sf6断路器检修维护检修规程柴油发电机 蓄电池故障,包括亏电、搭铁不实、极柱硫化等;平时也要注意保险丝,随时备用一些,应付故障发生后可以很快更换;若启动电路有故障,可对照电路图分析;继电器的线圈或触点有故障,都会使启动电路无法完全接通,可用万用 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 测其控制电路的带电情况并判定某个继电器是否发生故降。 1.2振动、自动调平系统故障分析 振捣锤在液压马达驱动下,进行有规律不一致振动,从而增加摊铺密实度。连接马达与偏心器的连接轴内的钢丝轴断裂、轴承卡死、马达从动齿轮轴的连接叉断裂、马达从动齿轮轴承卡死等原因会导致振捣棒不振。此类况可以更换齿轮副、密封圈,重新装上钢丝轴的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 来排除。振捣棒的离心器损坏可能会引起出现振捣棒振动无力,此时就抽出离心器,并检查离心器两端的轴承、振动马达输出轴的支承轴承及密封圈,更新、装复即可。在操作过程中,切忌在振捣无力时不要加大振动频率,这样可能会加速振捣棒的损坏,平时多注意并及时加注润滑脂。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 自动调平系统的工作情况是影响路面摊铺质量的重要因素。在实际工作中发现影响摊铺平整度的因素很多,如摊铺速度的频繁变化、摊铺机熨平板底板与路面水平面夹角的大小、混合料温度的明显改变及摊铺中混合料的多少等,均可造成摊铺质量缺陷。此时应立即停止向摊铺机料斗供料,在将料斗中剩余的沥青混合料摊铺完后,关闭自动找平按钮,用手动操纵按钮将上升的支腿放下,再检查挂线高度。若是机身前后高度差超过 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,则需重新调整传感器的高度值。其次拆卸有故障的纵坡传感器,用万用表检查触杆与滑变电阻相连的传感器轴转动时,其两可变电阻的阻值变化情况是否有规律,如没有规律表示可变电阻出了问题。 1.3液压系统故障分析 摊铺机按动力传动系统不同,摊铺机分为机械传动式和液压传动式,液压式比较普遍。液压系统是摊铺机的核心系统之一,关系到众多部件的正常运行。如一台原装super-1800型沥青摊铺机的液压系统由行走、输料、分料、振捣振动、辅助、冷却和强夯等9个部分组成。因此,保证摊铺机液压系统的正常、稳定的工作极为重要。 1.3.1液压系统过热 (1)液压系统过热、温高是普遍现象,其温可接近100?。大多数情况液压系统过热与冷却部分有关(散热器外表是否干净,有无油泥污垢等)。鉴于摊铺机的工作环境,因此定期对相关部件清理是for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 有必要的,确保部件在一个好的工作环境下运行。 (2)过热的主要原因应是柱塞与泵体配合间隙过大,引起油液在环形间隙内泄漏,其次分料部分的液压泵也是主要热源之一,只是该泵和马达排量比输料部分的大,对该泵就得更换相应配件,采用适用大流量的电比例液压阀组件并重新调整预紧度。 1.3.2液压转向系统 转向液压操纵系统是由方向盘、转向油缸、油泵、液压转向器和横拉杆等组成。在运行过程中容易出现转向器零件被卡住,造成转向失灵。因此,要经常检查滤清器滤芯和油液的情况(必要时给予更换。在操作时发现失灵时或转向沉重。切忌用力硬扳方向盘,更不要轻易拆开转向器,以防止零件梭损坏。转定子或径向间隙或轴向间隙过大会引起熄火而油转向缸不时,方向盘转动而油缸不动。 液压系统故障还表现为:振捣棒振频不足,噪声加大,振动力下降等。这时首先应考虑系统的油量是否充足。其次有可能是系统内液压油严重泄漏所致,系统内泄可能是出在电磁阀及主泵内,为此,可首先检查电磁换向阀及有关系统内的其他元件与管路,再检查主泵。 2 摊铺机维修技术 维修是恢复工程机械技术性能,排除故障及消除故障隐患,延长机械使用寿命的有效手段。 2.1机械部分 任何一台机械都具有一定的性能,并符合一定的技术要求,能满for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 某一方面的使用需要。但当作为一个整体投入使用后,因各部件受不同因素的影响,会使机械的技术性能和技术状况不断下降,逐渐偏离其理想应用状态。当偏离达到一定程度后,它就不再能满足使用要求了,具体表现就是发生了故障。虽然维修工作需要多种专业知识,但都是围绕着故障问题而展开的,都是通过机械故障的现象,运用机械的结构、原理及零件的磨损、断裂、变形、腐蚀、疲劳等理论,分析个零部件(缸、帮、阀、齿轮、轴承、密封件、紧固件、轴类件等)故障发生的微观过程及内在原因和外部影响,从故障的发生、发展到形成的全过程,找出内在和外在的规律性,才能科学的采用有效地排除故障和预防同样故障再次出现,保持和恢复机械在使用过程中的良好技术状况。 维修是一项复杂而又细致的工作,能否正确地检查和分析故障是维修工作的关键。有了先进的维修设备和检测仪器,可以有效地减少维修工作量,提高维修质量和故障的诊断效率。但是,大部分工程机械的使用单位,维修时设备和检测仪器很少也比较落后,机械故障的诊断主要依靠眼看、手摸、耳听、鼻嗅等直觉经验,要做到合理的维修,维修人员就必须熟悉和掌握机械的结构、性能、零部件的作用、零部件之间的相互作用、相互关系,以及零件的材料性能。开展对机构故障诊断技术的研究,就是研究故障的分析、判断方法和检查程序。虽然故障的检查方法是多种多样的,但是工程机械都是在野外施工,运输不方便,不可能定期地进行测试,这就需for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 要维修人员用简单的测试手段和直觉经验对机械进行检查、分析和诊断,并遵循一定的程序和方法。 了解故障现象和发生的过程,要认真听取驾驶员讲述故障发生的经过,了解故障的现象。不清楚故障的发生、发展及相关情况就不能做出准确的诊断,诊断不准确就不能彻底地排除故障,因此,要想方设法获得最全面、最真实的故障的经过现象。在没有仔细检查和分析每一个环节前,有些现象虽相似,却不是同样的故障,所以还要认识到故障的特殊性。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the
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