首页 2012民事诉讼法修改新旧对照表(最新的)



2012民事诉讼法修改新旧对照表(最新的)2012民事诉讼法修改新旧对照表(最新的) 《民事诉讼法》修改前后全文对照表 2007年民事诉讼法 2013年民事诉讼法 新条文 2012年08月31日通过 序 号 2007年10月28日通过、实施 2013年01月01日实施 第一编 总则 第一章 任务、适用范围和基本原则 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法以宪法为根据,结合我国民事审判工作的经验和实际情001 况制定。 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法的任务,是保护当事人行使诉讼权利,保证人民法院查明事实,分清是非,正确适用法律,及时审理民事案件,确认民事权利义务...

2012民事诉讼法修改新旧对照表(最新的) 《民事诉讼法》修改前后全文对照表 2007年民事诉讼法 2013年民事诉讼法 新条文 2012年08月31日通过 序 号 2007年10月28日通过、实施 2013年01月01日实施 第一编 总则 第一章 任务、适用范围和基本 原则 组织架构调整原则组织架构设计原则组织架构设置原则财政预算编制原则问卷调查设计原则 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法以宪法为根据,结合我国民事审判工作的经验和实际情001 况制定。 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法的任务,是保护当事人行使诉讼权利,保证人民法院查明事实,分清是非,正确适用法律,及时审理民事案件,确认民事权利义务关系,制裁002 民事违法行为,保护当事人的合法权益,教育公民自觉遵守法律,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义建设事业顺利进行。 人民法院受理公民之间、法人之间、其他组织之间以及他们相互之间因财产关系和003 人身关系提起的民事诉讼,适用本法的规定。 凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行民事诉讼,必须遵守本法。 004 外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,同中华人民共和国公民、法人和其他组织有同等的诉讼权利义务。外国法院对中华人民共和国公民、法人和005 其他组织的民事诉讼权利加以限制的,中华人民共和国人民法院对该国公民、企业和组织的民事诉讼权利,实行对等原则。 民事案件的审判权由人民法院行使。人民法院依照法律规定对民事案件独立进行审006 判,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。 人民法院审理民事案件,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。 007 民事诉讼当事人有平等的诉讼权利。人民法院审理民事案件,应当保障和便利当事008 人行使诉讼权利,对当事人在适用法律上一律平等。 人民法院审理民事案件,应当根据自愿和合法的原则进行调解;调解不成的,应当009 及时判决。 010 人民法院审理民事案件,依照法律规定实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。 各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行民事诉讼的权利。在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,人民法院应当用当地民族通用的语言、文字进行审理和发布法律011 文书。人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。 012 人民法院审理民事案件时,当事人有权进行辩论。 民事诉讼应当遵循诚实信用原则。,禁当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分013 反言、失权等。, 自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。 当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分 自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 人民检察院有权对民事审判活动实行人民检察院有权对民事诉讼实行法律014 法律监督。 监督。(这条规定的意义在于包括了执行。) 机关、社会团体、企业事业单位对损害国家、集体或者个人民事权益的行为,可以015 支持受损害的单位或者个人向人民法院起诉。 旧法?16——人民调解委员会是在基 层人民政府和基层人民法院指导下,调解 民间纠纷的群众性组织。人民调解委员会 依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。 现删除 当事人对调解达成的 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 应当履行;不愿 调解、调解不成或者反悔的,可以向人民 法院起诉。人民调解委员会调解民间纠纷, 如有违背法律的,人民法院应当予以纠正。 民族自治地方的人民代表大会根据宪法和本法的原则,结合当地民族的具体情况,可以制定变通或者补充的规定。自治区的规定,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准。016 自治州、自治县的规定,报省或者自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会批准,并报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。 第二章 管辖 第一节 级别管辖 017 基层人民法院管辖第一审民事案件,但本法另有规定的除外。 中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:(一)重大涉外案件;(二)在本辖区有018 重大影响的案件;(三)最高人民法院确定由中级人民法院管辖的案件。 019 高级人民法院管辖在本辖区有重大影响的第一审民事案件。 最高人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:(一)在全国有重大影响的案件;(二)认020 为应当由本院审理的案件。 第二节 地域管辖 对公民提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖;被告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由经常居住地人民法院管辖。 021 对法人或者其他组织提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖。同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。 下列民事诉讼,由原告住所地人民法下列民事诉讼,由原告住所地人民法院管辖;原告住所地与经常居住地不一致院管辖;原告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由原告经常居住地人民法院管辖: 的,由原告经常居住地人民法院管辖: (一)对不在中华人民共和国领域内(一)对不在中华人民共和国领域内居住的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼; 居住的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼; 022 (二)对下落不明或者宣告失踪的人(二)对下落不明或者宣告失踪的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼; 提起的有关身份关系的诉讼; (三)对被劳动教养的人提起的诉讼; (三)对被采取强制性教育措施的人 提起的诉讼;(有可能要废除劳教制度) (四)对被监禁的人提起的诉讼。 (四)对被监禁的人提起的诉讼。 ——旧法?23 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 2 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。 023 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者保险标的物所在地人民法院管辖。 024 025 因票据纠纷提起的诉讼,由票据支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 因公司设立、解散等纠纷提起的诉讼~ 由公司住所地人民法院管辖。,这种诉讼 026 的当事人不是公司~所以~按旧法标准~ 不能确定管辖法院, 因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由运输始发地、027 目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 因侵权行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 028 因铁路、公路、水上和航空事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由事故发生地或者车辆、029 船舶最先到达地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 因船舶碰撞或者其他海事损害事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由碰撞发生地、碰撞030 船舶最先到达地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。 031 因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人032 民法院管辖。 下列案件,由本条规定的人民法院专属管辖: (一)因不动产纠纷提起的诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖; 033 (二)因港口作业中发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由港口所在地人民法院管辖; (三)因继承遗产纠纷提起的诉讼,由被继承人死亡时住所地或者主要遗产所在地人民法院管辖。 合同的双方当事人可以在书面合同中协合同或者其他财产权益纠纷的当事议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订人可以书面协议选择被告住所地、合同地、原告住所地、标的物所在地人民法院管履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标034 辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的物所在地等与争议有实际联系的地点的规定。 的人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级 别管辖和专属管辖的规定。 ——旧法?25 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的诉讼,原告可以向其中一个人民法院起诉;原告向035 两个以上有管辖权的人民法院起诉的,由最先立案的人民法院管辖。 第三节 移送管辖和指定管辖 人民法院发现受理的案件不属于本院管辖的,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院,受移送的人民法院应当受理。受移送的人民法院认为受移送的案件依照规定不属于本院管辖036 的,应当报请上级人民法院指定管辖,不得再自行移送。 037 有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因,不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。 上级人民法院有权审理下级人民法院上级人民法院有权审理下级人民法院管辖的第一审民事案件,也可以把本院管管辖的第一审民事案件;确有必要将本院辖的第一审民事案件交下级人民法院审管辖的第一审民事案件交下级人民法院审038 理。 理的~应当报请其上级人民法院批准。 下级人民法院对它所管辖的第一审民下级人民法院对它所管辖的第一审民 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 3 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 事案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审理的,事案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审理的,可以报请上级人民法院审理。 可以报请上级人民法院审理。 ——旧法?39 第三章 审判组织 人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。 039 适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。 陪审员在执行陪审职务时,与审判员有同等的权利义务。 人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。 040 发回重审的案件,原审人民法院应当按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭。 审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭;原来是第二审的或者是上级人民法院提审的,按照第二审程序另行组成合议庭。 合议庭的审判长由院长或者庭长指定审判员一人担任;院长或者庭长参加审判的,041 由院长或者庭长担任。 合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签042 名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。 审判人员应当依法秉公办案。 审判人员不得接受当事人及其诉讼代理人请客送礼。 043 审判人员有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的,应当追究法律责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四章 回 避 审判人员有下列情形之一的,应当自 行回避,当事人有权用口头或者书面方式 申请他们回避: 审判人员有下列情形之一的,必须回 避,当事人有权用口头或者书面方式申请(一)是本案当事人或者当事人、诉他们回避: 讼代理人近亲属的; (一)是本案当事人或者当事人、诉(二)与本案有利害关系的; 讼代理人的近亲属; (三)与本案当事人、诉讼代理人有 (二)与本案有利害关系; 其他关系,可能影响对案件公正审理的。 044 (三)与本案当事人有其他关系,可审判人员接受当事人、诉讼代理人请能影响对案件公正审理的。 客送礼~或者违反规定会见当事人、诉讼 代理人的~当事人有权要求他们回避。 前款规定,适用于书记员、翻译人员、 鉴定人、勘验人。 审判人员有前款规定的行为的~应当 依法追究法律责任。 ——旧法?45 前三款规定,适用于书记员、翻译人 员、鉴定人、勘验人。 当事人提出回避申请,应当说明理由,在案件开始审理时提出;回避事由在案件开始审理后知道的,也可以在法庭辩论终结前提出。 045 被申请回避的人员在人民法院作出是否回避的决定前,应当暂停参与本案的工作, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 4 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 但案件需要采取紧急措施的除外。 院长担任审判长时的回避,由审判委员会决定;审判人员的回避,由院长决定;其046 他人员的回避,由审判长决定。 人民法院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在申请提出的三日内,以口头或者书面形式作出决定。申请人对决定不服的,可以在接到决定时申请复议一次。复议期间,被申047 请回避的人员,不停止参与本案的工作。人民法院对复议申请,应当在三日内作出复议决定,并通知复议申请人。 第五章 诉讼参加人 第一节 当事人 公民、法人和其他组织可以作为民事诉讼的当事人。 048 法人由其法定代表人进行诉讼。其他组织由其主要负责人进行诉讼。 当事人有权委托代理人,提出回避申请,收集、提供证据,进行辩论,请求调解,提起上诉,申请执行。 当事人可以查阅本案有关材料,并可以复制本案有关材料和法律文书。查阅、复制049 本案有关材料的范围和办法由最高人民法院规定。 当事人必须依法行使诉讼权利,遵守诉讼秩序,履行发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书和调解书。 双方当事人可以自行和解。 050 051 原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。 当事人一方或者双方为二人以上,其诉讼标的是共同的,或者诉讼标的是同一种类、人民法院认为可以合并审理并经当事人同意的,为共同诉讼。 052 共同诉讼的一方当事人对诉讼标的有共同权利义务的,其中一人的诉讼行为经其他共同诉讼人承认,对其他共同诉讼人发生效力;对诉讼标的没有共同权利义务的,其中一人的诉讼行为对其他共同诉讼人不发生效力。 当事人一方人数众多的共同诉讼,可以由当事人推选代表人进行诉讼。代表人的诉 053 讼行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃诉讼请求或者承认对方当事人的诉讼请求,进行和解,必须经被代表的当事人同意。 诉讼标的是同一种类、当事人一方人数众多在起诉时人数尚未确定的,人民法院可以发出公告,说明案件情况和诉讼请求,通知权利人在一定期间向人民法院登记。 向人民法院登记的权利人可以推选代表人进行诉讼;推选不出代表人的,人民法院可以与参加登记的权利人商定代表人。 054 代表人的诉讼行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃诉讼请求或者承认对方当事人的诉讼请求,进行和解,必须经被代表的当事人同意。 人民法院作出的判决、裁定,对参加登记的全体权利人发生效力。未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。 对污染环境、侵害众多消费者合法权益 等损害社会公共利益的行为~法律规定的机 055 关和有关组织可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 ,排除了私人纯粹公益诉讼。, 056 对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人认对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人认为 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 5 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 为有独立请求权的,有权提起诉讼。 有独立请求权的,有权提起诉讼。 对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人虽对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人虽然然没有独立请求权,但案件处理结果同他没有独立请求权,但案件处理结果同他有法有法律上的利害关系的,可以申请参加诉律上的利害关系的,可以申请参加诉讼,或讼,或者由人民法院通知他参加诉讼。人者由人民法院通知他参加诉讼。人民法院判民法院判决承担民事责任的第三人,有当决承担民事责任的第三人,有当事人的诉讼事人的诉讼权利义务。 权利义务。 前两款规定的第三人~因不能归责于本 人的事由未参加诉讼~但有证据证明发生法 律效力的判决、裁定、调解书的部分或者全 部内容错误~损害其民事权益的~可以自知 道或者应当知道其民事权益受到损害之日 起六个月内~向作出该判决、裁定、调解书 的人民法院提起诉讼。人民法院经审理~诉 讼请求成立的~应当改变或者撤销原判决、 裁定、调解书,诉讼请求不成立的~驳回诉 讼请求。,该规定不明确~第三人提起的诉 讼是再审还是新的诉讼~如果是新诉讼~被 告为谁~如果原审是二审的~受诉法院是哪 一法院,, 第二节 诉讼代理人 无诉讼行为能力人由他的监护人作为法定代理人代为诉讼。法定代理人之间互相推057 诿代理责任的,由人民法院指定其中一人代为诉讼。 当事人、法定代理人可以委托一至二人 作为诉讼代理人。 当事人、法定代理人可以委托一至二 下列人员可以被委托为诉讼代理人: 人作为诉讼代理人。 ,一,律师、基层法律服务工作者, 律师、当事人的近亲属、有关的社会058 团体或者所在单位推荐的人、经人民法院,二,当事人的近亲属或者工作人员, 许可的其他公民,都可以被委托为诉讼代,三,当事人所在社区、单位以及有关理人。 社会团体推荐的公民。,排除了所谓公民代 理。, 委托他人代为诉讼,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。 授权委托书必须记明委托事项和权限。诉讼代理人代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,进行和解,提起反诉或者上诉,必须有委托人的特别授权。 059 侨居在国外的中华人民共和国公民从国外寄交或者托交的授权委托书,必须经中华人民共和国驻该国的使领馆证明;没有使领馆的,由与中华人民共和国有外交关系的第三国驻该国的使领馆证明,再转由中华人民共和国驻该第三国使领馆证明,或者由当地的爱国华侨团体证明。 诉讼代理人的权限如果变更或者解除,当事人应当书面告知人民法院,并由人民法060 院通知对方当事人。 061 代理诉讼的律师和其他诉讼代理人有权调查收集证据,可以查阅本案有关材料。查 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 6 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 阅本案有关材料的范围和办法由最高人民法院规定。 离婚案件有诉讼代理人的,本人除不能表达意思的以外,仍应出庭;确因特殊情况062 无法出庭的,必须向人民法院提交书面意见。 第六章 证据 证据包括: 证据有下列几种: ,一,当事人的陈述, (一)书证; (二)书证; (二)物证; (三)物证; (三)视听资料; (四)视听资料; (四)证人证言; 063 ,五,电子数据, (五)当事人的陈述; (六)证人证言; (六)鉴定结论; (七)鉴定意见; (七)勘验笔录。 (八)勘验笔录。 以上证据必须查证属实,才能作为认证据必须查证属实,才能作为认定事实定事实的根据。 的根据。 当事人对自己提出的主张,有责任提供证据。 当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的证据,或者人民法院认为审理案064 件需要的证据,人民法院应当调查收集。 人民法院应当按照法定程序,全面地、客观地审查核实证据。 当事人对自己提出的主张应当及时提 供证据。 人民法院根据当事人的主张和案件审 理情况~确定当事人应当提供的证据及其期 限。当事人在该期限内提供证据确有困难 065 的~可以向人民法院申请延长期限~人民法 院根据当事人的申请适当延长。当事人逾期 提供证据的~人民法院应当责令其说明理 由,拒不说明理由或者理由不成立的~人民 法院根据不同情形可以不予采纳该证据~或 者采纳该证据但予以训诫、罚款。 人民法院收到当事人提交的证据材料~ 应当出具收据~写明证据名称、页数、份数、 066 原件或者复印件以及收到时间等~并由经办 人员签名或者盖章。 人民法院有权向有关单位和个人调查取证,有关单位和个人不得拒绝。 067 人民法院对有关单位和个人提出的证明文书,应当辨别真伪,审查确定其效力。 证据应当在法庭上出示,并由当事人互相质证。对涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人068 隐私的证据应当保密,需要在法庭出示的,不得在公开开庭时出示。 经过法定程序公证证明的法律事实和经过法定程序公证证明的法律行为、 文书,人民法院应当作为认定事实的根据,069 法律事实和文书,人民法院应当作为认定 但有相反证据足以推翻公证证明的除外。 事实的根据。但有相反证据足以推翻公证 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 7 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 证明的除外。——旧法?67 书证应当提交原件。物证应当提交原物。提交原件或者原物确有困难的,可以提交复制品、照片、副本、节录本。 070 提交外文书证,必须附有中文译本。 人民法院对视听资料,应当辨别真伪,并结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为071 认定事实的根据。 凡是知道案件情况的单位和个人,都凡是知道案件情况的单位和个人,都有有义务出庭作证。有关单位的负责人应当义务出庭作证。有关单位的负责人应当支持072 支持证人作证。证人确有困难不能出庭证人作证。 的,经人民法院许可,可以提交书面证言。 不能正确表达意思的人,不能作证。 不能正确表达意志的人,不能作证。 经人民法院通知~证人应当出庭作证。 ——旧法?70 有下列情形之一的~经人民法院许可~可以 通过书面证言、视听传输技术或者视听资料 等方式作证: ,一,因健康原因不能出庭的, 073 ,二,因路途遥远~交通不便不能出庭 的, ,三,因自然灾害等不可抗力不能出庭 的, ,四,其他有正当理由不能出庭的。 证人因履行出庭作证义务而支出的交 通、住宿、就餐等必要费用以及误工损失~ 由败诉一方当事人负担。当事人申请证人作074 证的~由该当事人先行垫付,当事人没有申 请~人民法院通知证人作证的~由人民法院 先行垫付。 人民法院对当事人的陈述,应当结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为认定事实的根据。 075 当事人拒绝陈述的,不影响人民法院根据证据认定案件事实。 当事人可以就查明事实的专门性问题人民法院对专门性问题认为需要鉴 向人民法院申请鉴定。当事人申请鉴定的~定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定;没有 由双方当事人协商确定具备资格的鉴定人,法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定 协商不成的~由人民法院指定。 076 部门鉴定。 当事人未申请鉴定~人民法院对专门性鉴定部门及其指定的鉴定人有权了 问题认为需要鉴定的~应当委托具备资格的解进行鉴定所需要的案件材料,必要时可 鉴定人进行鉴定。 以询问当事人、证人。 鉴定部门和鉴定人应当提出书面鉴鉴定人有权了解进行鉴定所需要的案定结论,在鉴定书上签名或者盖章。鉴定件材料,必要时可以询问当事人、证人。 077 人鉴定的,应当由鉴定人所在单位加盖印鉴定人应当提出书面鉴定意见,在鉴定章,证明鉴定人身份。 书上签名或者盖章。 ——旧法?72 078 当事人对鉴定意见有异议或者人民法 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 8 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 院认为鉴定人有必要出庭的~鉴定人应当出 庭作证。经人民法院通知~鉴定人拒不出庭 作证的~鉴定意见不得作为认定事实的根 据,支付鉴定费用的当事人可以要求返还鉴 定费用。 当事人可以申请人民法院通知有专门 079 知识的人出庭~就鉴定人作出的鉴定意见或 者专业问题提出意见。 勘验物证或者现场,勘验人必须出示人民法院的证件,并邀请当地基层组织或者当事人所在单位派人参加。当事人或者当事人的成年家属应当到场,拒不到场的,不影响勘验的进行。 080 有关单位和个人根据人民法院的通知,有义务保护现场,协助勘验工作。 勘验人应当将勘验情况和结果制作笔录,由勘验人、当事人和被邀参加人签名或者盖章。 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的 情况下,当事人可以在诉讼过程中向人民法 院申请保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取 保全措施。 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的 情况下,诉讼参加人可以向人民法院申请因情况紧急~在证据可能灭失或者以后保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取保全难以取得的情况下~利害关系人可以在提起081 措施。 诉讼或者申请仲裁前向证据所在地、被申请 人住所地或者对案件有管辖权的人民法院——旧法?74 申请保全证据。 证据保全的其他程序~参照适用本法第 九章保全的有关规定。 第七章 期间、送达 第一节 期间 期间包括法定期间和人民法院指定的期间。 期间以时、日、月、年计算。期间开始的时和日,不计算在期间内。 082 期间届满的最后一日是节假日的,以节假日后的第一日为期间届满的日期。 期间不包括在途时间,诉讼文书在期满前交邮的,不算过期。 当事人因不可抗拒的事由或者其他正当理由耽误期限的,在障碍消除后的十日内,083 可以申请顺延期限,是否准许,由人民法院决定。 第二节 送达 送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。 084 受送达人在送达回证上的签收日期为送达日期。 达诉讼文书,应当直接送交受送达人。受送达人是公民的,本人不在交他的同住成年家属签收;受送达人是法人或者其他组织的,应当由法人的法定代表人、其他组织的085 主要负责人或者该法人、组织负责收件的人签收;受送达人有诉讼代理人的,可以送交其代理人签收;受送达人已向人民法院指定代收人的,送交代收人签收。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 9 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 受送达人的同住成年家属,法人或者其他组织的负责收件的人,诉讼代理人或者代收人在送达回证上签收的日期为送达日期。 受送达人或者他的同住成年家属拒绝 受送达人或者他的同住成年家属拒绝接收诉讼文书的,送达人可以邀请有关基层接收诉讼文书的,送达人应当邀请有关基组织或者所在单位的代表到场,说明情况,层组织或者所在单位的代表到场,说明情在送达回证上记明拒收事由和日期,由送达况,在送达回证上记明拒收事由和日期,人、见证人签名或者盖章,把诉讼文书留在086 由送达人、见证人签名或者盖章,把诉讼受送达人的住所;也可以把诉讼文书留在受文书留在受送达人的住所,即视为送达。 送达人的住所~并采用拍照、录像等方式记 录送达过程,即视为送达。(这条规定解决——旧法?79 了不能送达的问题,但也存在漏洞。) 经受送达人同意,人民法院可以采用传 真、电子邮件等能够确认其收悉的方式送达 诉讼文书,但判决书、裁定书、调解书除外。 087 采用前款方式送达的,以传真、电子邮 件等到达受送达人特定系统的日期为送达 日期。 直接送达诉讼文书有困难的,可以委托其他人民法院代为送达,或者邮寄送达。邮088 寄送达的,以回执上注明的收件日期为送达日期。 受送达人是军人的,通过其所在部队团以上单位的政治机关转交。 089 受送达人是被监禁的,通过其所在监受送达人被监禁的,通过其所在监所转所或者劳动改造单位转交。 交。 受送达人是被劳动教养的,通过其所090 受送达人被采取强制性教育措施的,通在劳动教养单位转交。 过其所在强制性教育机构转交。 ——旧法?82 代为转交的机关、单位收到诉讼文书后,必须立即交受送达人签收,以在送达回证091 上的签收日期,为送达日期。 受送达人下落不明,或者用本节规定的其他方式无法送达的,公告送达。自发出公告之日起,经过六十日,即视为送达。 092 公告送达,应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。 第八章 调解 人民法院审理民事案件,根据当事人自愿的原则,在事实清楚的基础上,分清是非,093 进行调解。 人民法院进行调解,可以由审判员一人主持,也可以由合议庭主持,并尽可能就地进行。 094 人民法院进行调解,可以用简便方式通知当事人、证人到庭。 人民法院进行调解,可以邀请有关单位和个人协助。被邀请的单位和个人,应当协095 助人民法院进行调解。 096 调解达成协议,必须双方自愿,不得强迫。调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。 097 调解达成协议,人民法院应当制作调解书。调解书应当写明诉讼请求、案件的事实 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 10 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 和调解结果。 调解书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章,送达双方当事人。 调解书经双方当事人签收后,即具有法律效力。 下列案件调解达成协议,人民法院可以不制作调解书: (一)调解和好的离婚案件; (二)调解维持收养关系的案件; 098 (三)能够即时履行的案件; (四)其他不需要制作调解书的案件。 对不需要制作调解书的协议,应当记入笔录,由双方当事人、审判人员、书记员签名或者盖章后,即具有法律效力。 调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方反悔的,人民法院应当及时判决。 099 第九章 保全和先予执行 人民法院对于可能因当事人一方的人民法院对于可能因当事人一方的行为行为或者其他原因,使判决不能执行或或者其他原因,使判决难以执行或者造成当者难以执行的案件,可以根据对方当事事人其他损害的案件,根据对方当事人的申人的申请,作出财产保全的裁定;当事请,可以裁定对其财产进行保全、责令其作人没有提出申请的,人民法院在必要时出一定行为或者禁止其作出一定行为;当事也可以裁定采取财产保全措施。 人没有提出申请的,人民法院在必要时也可人民法院采取财产保全措施,可以以裁定采取保全措施。 100 责令申请人提供担保;申请人不提供担人民法院采取保全措施,可以责令申请保的,驳回申请。 人提供担保,申请人不提供担保的,裁定驳人民法院接受申请后,对情况紧急回申请。 的,必须在四十八小时内作出裁定;裁人民法院接受申请后,对情况紧急的,定采取财产保全措施的,应当立即开始必须在四十八小时内作出裁定;裁定采取保执行。 全措施的,应当立即开始执行。 ——旧法?92 利害关系人因情况紧急,不立即申利害关系人因情况紧急,不立即申请保请财产保全将会使其合法权益受到难以全将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前向人民法的,可以在提起诉讼或者申请仲裁前向被保院申请采取财产保全措施。申请人应当全财产所在地、被申请人住所地或者对案件提供担保,不提供担保的,驳回申请。 有管辖权的人民法院申请采取保全措施。申 请人应当提供担保,不提供担保的,裁定驳人民法院接受申请后,必须在四十 回申请。 八小时内作出裁定;裁定采取财产保全101 措施的,应当立即开始执行。 人民法院接受申请后,必须在四十八小 时内作出裁定;裁定采取保全措施的,应当申请人在人民法院采取保全措施后 立即开始执行。 十五日内不起诉的,人民法院应当解除 财产保全。 申请人在人民法院采取保全措施后三十 日内不依法提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,人民——旧法?93 法院应当解除保全。 财产保全限于请求的范围,或者与保全限于请求的范围,或者与本案有关 102 本案有关的财物。 的财物。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 11 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 财产保全采取查封、扣押、冻结或财产保全采取查封、扣押、冻结或者法者法律规定的其他方法。 律规定的其他方法。人民法院保全财产后, 人民法院冻结财产后,应当立即通应当立即通知被保全财产的人。 知被冻结财产的人。 财产已被查封、冻结的,不得重复查封、103 财产已被查封、冻结的,不得重复冻结。 查封、冻结。 ——旧法?94 被申请人提供担保的,人民法院应财产纠纷案件,被申请人提供担保的,104 当解除财产保全。——旧法?95 人民法院应当裁定解除保全。 申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请申请人因财产保全所遭受的损失。 人因保全所遭受的损失。 105 ——旧法?96 人民法院对下列案件,根据当事人的申请,可以裁定先予执行: (一)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的; 106 (二)追索劳动报酬的; (三)因情况紧急需要先予执行的。 人民法院裁定先予执行的,应当符合下列条件: (一)当事人之间权利义务关系明确,不先予执行将严重影响申请人的生活或者生产经营的; 107 (二)被申请人有履行能力。 人民法院可以责令申请人提供担保,申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。申请人败诉的,应当赔偿被申请人因先予执行遭受的财产损失。 当事人对财产保全或者先予执行的当事人对保全或者先予执行的裁定不服裁定不服的,可以申请复议一次。复议的,可以申请复议一次。复议期间不停止裁108 期间不停止裁定的执行。 定的执行。 ——旧法?99 第十章 对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施 人民法院对必须到庭的被告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。 109 诉讼参与人和其他人应当遵守法庭规则。 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。 110 人民法院对哄闹、冲击法庭,侮辱、诽谤、威胁、殴打审判人员,严重扰乱法庭秩序的人,依法追究刑事责任;情节较轻的,予以罚款、拘留。 诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以根据情节轻重予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: (一)伪造、毁灭重要证据,妨碍人民法院审理案件的; 111 (二)以暴力、威胁、贿买方法阻止证人作证或者指使、贿买、胁迫他人作伪证的; (三)隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损已被查封、扣押的财产,或者已被清点并责令其保管的财产,转移已被冻结的财产的; (四)对司法工作人员、诉讼参加人、证人、翻译人员、鉴定人、勘验人、协助执 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 12 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 行的人,进行侮辱、诽谤、诬陷、殴打或者打击报复的; (五)以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍司法工作人员执行职务的; (六)拒不履行人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定的。 人民法院对有前款规定的行为之一的单位,可以对其主要负责人或者直接责任人员予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 当事人之间恶意串通~企图通过诉讼、 调解等方式侵害他人合法权益的~人民法院112 应当驳回其请求~并根据情节轻重予以罚款、 拘留,构成犯罪的~依法追究刑事责任。 被执行人与他人恶意串通~通过诉讼、 仲裁、调解等方式逃避履行法律文书确定的113 义务的~人民法院应当根据情节轻重予以罚 款、拘留,构成犯罪的~依法追究刑事责任。 有义务协助调查、执行的单位有下有义务协助调查、执行的单位有下列行列行为之一的,人民法院除责令其履行为之一的,人民法院除责令其履行协助义务协助义务外,并可以予以罚款: 外,并可以予以罚款: (一)有关单位拒绝或者妨碍人民(一)有关单位拒绝或者妨碍人民法院法院调查取证的; 调查取证的; (二)银行、信用合作社和其他有(二)有关单位接到人民法院协助执行储蓄业务的单位接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,拒不协助查询、扣押、冻结、划通知书后,拒不协助查询、冻结或者划拨、变价财产的; 拨存款的; (三)有关单位接到人民法院协助执行 (三)有关单位接到人民法院协助通知书后,拒不协助扣留被执行人的收入、114 执行通知书后,拒不协助扣留被执行人办理有关财产权证照转移手续、转交有关票的收入、办理有关财产权证照转移手续、证、证照或者其他财产的; 转交有关票证、证照或者其他财产的; (四)其他拒绝协助执行的。 (四)其他拒绝协助执行的。 人民法院对有前款规定的行为之一的单 人民法院对有前款规定的行为之一位,可以对其主要负责人或者直接责任人员的单位,可以对其主要负责人或者直接予以罚款;对仍不履行协助义务的,可以予责任人员予以罚款;对仍不履行协助义以拘留;并可以向监察机关或者有关机关提务的,可以予以拘留;并可以向监察机出予以纪律处分的司法建议。 关或者有关机关提出予以纪律处分的司 法建议。——旧法?103 对个人的罚款金额,为人民币一万对个人的罚款金额,为人民币十万元以元以下。对单位的罚款金额,为人民币下。对单位的罚款金额,为人民币五万元以一万元以上三十万元以下。 上一百万元以下。 拘留的期限,为十五日以下。 拘留的期限,为十五日以下。 115 被拘留的人,由人民法院交公安机被拘留的人,由人民法院交公安机关看关看管。在拘留期间,被拘留人承认并管。在拘留期间,被拘留人承认并改正错误改正错误的,人民法院可以决定提前解的,人民法院可以决定提前解除拘留。 除拘留。 ——旧法?104 116 拘传、罚款、拘留必须经院长批准。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 13 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 拘传应当发拘传票。 罚款、拘留应当用决定书。对决定不服的,可以向上一级人民法院申请复议一次。复议期间不停止执行。 采取对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施必须由人民法院决定。任何单位和个人采取非法拘禁他人或者非法私自扣押他人财产追索债务的,应当依法追究刑事责任,或者予以拘留、117 罚款。 第十一章 诉讼费用 当事人进行民事诉讼,应当按照规定交纳案件受理费。财产案件除交纳案件受理费外,并按照规定交纳其他诉讼费用。 当事人交纳诉讼费用确有困难的,可以按照规定向人民法院申请缓交、减交或者免118 交。 收取诉讼费用的办法另行制定。 第二编 审判程序 第十二章 第一审普通程序 第一节 起诉和受理 起诉必须符合下列条件: (一)原告是与本案有直接利害关系的公民、法人和其他组织; (二)有明确的被告; 119 (三)有具体的诉讼请求和事实、理由; (四)属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。 起诉应当向人民法院递交起诉状,并按照被告人数提出副本。 120 书写起诉状确有困难的,可以口头起诉,由人民法院记入笔录,并告知对方当事人。 起诉状应当记明下列事项: 起诉状应当记明下列事项: (一)当事人的姓名、性别、年龄、(一)原告的姓名、性别、年龄、民族、民族、职业、工作单位和住所,法人或者职业、工作单位、住所、联系方式,法人或其他组织的名称、住所和法定代表人或者者其他组织的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务; 主要负责人的姓名、职务、联系方式; (二)诉讼请求和所根据的事实与理,二,被告的姓名、性别、工作单位、121 由; 住所等信息~法人或者其他组织的名称、住 所等信息, (三)证据和证据来源,证人姓名和 住所。 (三)诉讼请求和所根据的事实与理 由; ——旧法?110 (四)证据和证据来源,证人姓名和住 所。 当事人起诉到人民法院的民事纠纷~适 宜调解的~先行调解~但当事人拒绝调解的122 除外。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 14 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 人民法院收到起诉状或者口头起诉,人民法院应当保障当事人依照法律规经审查,认为符合起诉条件的,应当在七定享有的起诉权利。对符合本法第一百一十日内立案,并通知当事人;认为不符合起九条的起诉~必须受理。符合起诉条件的,诉条件的,应当在七日内裁定不予受理;应当在七日内立案,并通知当事人;不符合123 原告对裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。 起诉条件的,应当在七日内作出裁定书,不 予受理;原告对裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。——旧法?112 (原来表达存在的问题是审查起诉的期限 其实不确定。) 人民法院对符合本法第一百零八条的 起诉,必须受理;对下列起诉,分别情形,人民法院对下列起诉,分别情形,予以予以处理: 处理: (一)依照行政诉讼法的规定,属于(一)依照行政诉讼法的规定,属于行行政诉讼受案范围的,告知原告提起行政政诉讼受案范围的,告知原告提起行政诉诉讼; 讼; (二)依照法律规定,双方当事人对(二)依照法律规定,双方当事人达成合同纠纷自愿达成书面仲裁协议向仲裁机书面仲裁协议申请仲裁、不得向人民法院起构申请仲裁、不得向人民法院起诉的,告诉的,告知原告向仲裁机构申请仲裁; 知原告向仲裁机构申请仲裁; (三)依照法律规定,应当由其他机关(三)依照法律规定,应当由其他机处理的争议,告知原告向有关机关申请解关处理的争议,告知原告向有关机关申请决; 解决; (四)对不属于本院管辖的案件,告知(四)对不属于本院管辖的案件,告124 原告向有管辖权的人民法院起诉; 知原告向有管辖权的人民法院起诉; (五)对判决、裁定、调解书已经发生(五)对判决、裁定已经发生法律效法律效力的案件,当事人又起诉的,告知原力的案件,当事人又起诉的,告知原告按告申请再审,但人民法院准许撤诉的裁定除照申诉处理,但人民法院准许撤诉的裁定外; 除外; (六)依照法律规定,在一定期限内不(六)依照法律规定,在一定期限内得起诉的案件,在不得起诉的期限内起诉不得起诉的案件,在不得起诉的期限内起的,不予受理; 诉的,不予受理; (七)判决不准离婚和调解和好的离婚(七)判决不准离婚和调解和好的离案件,判决、调解维持收养关系的案件,没婚案件,判决、调解维持收养关系的案件,有新情况、新理由,原告在六个月内又起诉没有新情况、新理由,原告在六个月内又的,不予受理。 起诉的,不予受理。 ——旧法?111 第二节 审理前的准备 人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内将人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内将起诉状副本发送被告,被告在收到之日起起诉状副本发送被告,被告应当在收到之日十五日内提出答辩状。 起十五日内提出答辩状。答辩状应当记明被 告的姓名、性别、年龄、民族、职业、工作被告提出答辩状的,人民法院应当在125 单位、住所、联系方式,法人或者其他组织收到之日起五日内将答辩状副本发送原 的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人告。被告不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法 的姓名、职务、联系方式。人民法院应当在院审理。 收到答辩状之日起五日内将答辩状副本发 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 15 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain ——旧法?113 送原告。 被告不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院 审理。 人民法院对决定受理的案件,应当在受理案件通知书和应诉通知书中向当事人告知126 有关的诉讼权利义务,或者口头告知。 人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权权有异议的,应当在提交答辩状期间提出。有异议的,应当在提交答辩状期间提出。人人民法院对当事人提出的异议,应当审查。民法院对当事人提出的异议,应当审查。异异议成立的,裁定将案件移送有管辖权的议成立的,裁定将案件移送有管辖权的人民127 人民法院;异议不成立的,裁定驳回。 法院;异议不成立的,裁定驳回。 ——旧法?38 当事人未提出管辖异议~并应诉答辩 的~视为受诉人民法院有管辖权~但违反级 别管辖和专属管辖规定的除外。,应诉管辖, 合议庭组成人员确定后,应当在三日内告知当事人。 128 审判人员必须认真审核诉讼材料,调查收集必要的证据。 129 人民法院派出人员进行调查时,应当向被调查人出示证件。 130 调查笔录经被调查人校阅后,由被调查人、调查人签名或者盖章。 人民法院在必要时可以委托外地人民法院调查。 委托调查,必须提出明确的项目和要求。受委托人民法院可以主动补充调查。 131 受委托人民法院收到委托书后,应当在三十日内完成调查。因故不能完成的,应当在上述期限内函告委托人民法院。 132 必须共同进行诉讼的当事人没有参加诉讼的,人民法院应当通知其参加诉讼。 人民法院对受理的案件~分别情形~予 以处理: ,一,当事人没有争议~符合督促程序 规定条件的~可以转入督促程序, ,二,开庭前可以调解的~采取调解方133 式及时解决纠纷, ,三,根据案件情况~确定适用简易程 序或者普通程序, ,四,需要开庭审理的~通过要求当事 人交换证据等方式~明确争议焦点。 第三节 开庭审理 人民法院审理民事案件,除涉及国家秘密、个人隐私或者法律另有规定的以外,应当公开进行。 134 离婚案件,涉及商业秘密的案件,当事人申请不公开审理的,可以不公开审理。 人民法院审理民事案件,根据需要进行巡回审理,就地办案。 135 人民法院审理民事案件,应当在开庭三日前通知当事人和其他诉讼参与人。公开审136 理的,应当公告当事人姓名、案由和开庭的时间、地点。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 16 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 开庭审理前,书记员应当查明当事人和其他诉讼参与人是否到庭,宣布法庭纪律。 137 开庭审理时,由审判长核对当事人,宣布案由,宣布审判人员、书记员名单,告知当事人有关的诉讼权利义务,询问当事人是否提出回避申请。 法庭调查按照下列顺序进行: 法庭调查按照下列顺序进行: (一)当事人陈述; (一)当事人陈述; (二)告知证人的权利义务,证人作(二)告知证人的权利义务,证人作证,证,宣读未到庭的证人证言; 宣读未到庭的证人证言; 138 (三)出示书证、物证和视听资料; (三)出示书证、物证、视听资料和电 子数据; (四)宣读鉴定结论; (四)宣读鉴定意见; (五)宣读勘验笔录。 (五)宣读勘验笔录。 ——旧法?124 当事人在法庭上可以提出新的证据。 当事人经法庭许可,可以向证人、鉴定人、勘验人发问。 139 当事人要求重新进行调查、鉴定或者勘验的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。 原告增加诉讼请求,被告提出反诉,第三人提出与本案有关的诉讼请求,可以合并140 审理。 法庭辩论按照下列顺序进行: (一)原告及其诉讼代理人发言; (二)被告及其诉讼代理人答辩; 141 (三)第三人及其诉讼代理人发言或者答辩; (四)互相辩论。 法庭辩论终结,由审判长按照原告、被告、第三人的先后顺序征询各方最后意见。 法庭辩论终结,应当依法作出判决。判决前能够调解的,还可以进行调解,调解不142 成的,应当及时判决。 原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以按143 撤诉处理;被告反诉的,可以缺席判决。 被告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺144 席判决。 宣判前,原告申请撤诉的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。 145 人民法院裁定不准许撤诉的,原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以缺席判决。 有下列情形之一的,可以延期开庭审理: (一)必须到庭的当事人和其他诉讼参与人有正当理由没有到庭的; (二)当事人临时提出回避申请的; 146 (三)需要通知新的证人到庭,调取新的证据,重新鉴定、勘验,或者需要补充调查的; (四)其他应当延期的情形。 书记员应当将法庭审理的全部活动记入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。 147 法庭笔录应当当庭宣读,也可以告知当事人和其他诉讼参与人当庭或者在五日内阅读。当事人和其他诉讼参与人认为对自己的陈述记录有遗漏或者差错的,有权申请补正。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 17 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 如果不予补正,应当将申请记录在案。 法庭笔录由当事人和其他诉讼参与人签名或者盖章。拒绝签名盖章的,记明情况附卷。 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。 当庭宣判的,应当在十日内发送判决书;定期宣判的,宣判后立即发给判决书。 148 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。 宣告离婚判决,必须告知当事人在判决发生法律效力前不得另行结婚。 人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准,可以延长六个月;还需要延长的,报请上级人民法院批149 准。 第四节 诉讼中止和终结 有下列情形之一的,中止诉讼: (一)一方当事人死亡,需要等待继承人表明是否参加诉讼的; (二)一方当事人丧失诉讼行为能力,尚未确定法定代理人的; (三)作为一方当事人的法人或者其他组织终止,尚未确定权利义务承受人的; 150 (四)一方当事人因不可抗拒的事由,不能参加诉讼的; (五)本案必须以另一案的审理结果为依据,而另一案尚未审结的; (六)其他应当中止诉讼的情形。 中止诉讼的原因消除后,恢复诉讼。 有下列情形之一的,终结诉讼: (一)原告死亡,没有继承人,或者继承人放弃诉讼权利的; (二)被告死亡,没有遗产,也没有应当承担义务的人的; 151 (三)离婚案件一方当事人死亡的; (四)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费以及解除收养关系案件的一方当事人死亡的。(未解决无人继承遗产的问题。) 第五节 判决和裁定 判决书应当写明: 判决书应当写明判决结果和作出该判 决的理由。判决书内容包括: (一)案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实 和理由; (一)案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和 理由; (二)判决认定的事实、理由和适用 的法律依据; (二)判决认定的事实和理由、适用的 152 法律和理由; (三)判决结果和诉讼费用的负担; (三)判决结果和诉讼费用的负担; (四)上诉期间和上诉的法院。 (四)上诉期间和上诉的法院。 判决书由审判人员、书记员署名,加 盖人民法院印章。 判决书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖 人民法院印章。 ——旧法?138 153 人民法院审理案件,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行判决。 154 裁定适用于下列范围: 裁定适用于下列范围: periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 18 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job (一)不予受理; (一)不予受理; (二)对管辖权有异议的; (二)对管辖权有异议的; (三)驳回起诉; (三)驳回起诉; (四)财产保全和先予执行; (四)保全和先予执行; (五)准许或者不准许撤诉; (五)准许或者不准许撤诉; (六)中止或者终结诉讼; (六)中止或者终结诉讼; (七)补正判决书中的笔误; (七)补正判决书中的笔误; (八)中止或者终结执行; (八)中止或者终结执行; (九)不予执行仲裁裁决; (九)撤销或者不予执行仲裁裁决; (十)不予执行公证机关赋予强制执(十)不予执行公证机关赋予强制执行行效力的债权文书; 效力的债权文书; (十一)其他需要裁定解决的事项。 (十一)其他需要裁定解决的事项。 对前款第(一)、(二)、(三)项裁定,对前款第一项至第三项裁定,可以上可以上诉。 诉。 裁定书由审判人员、书记员署名,加裁定书应当写明裁定结果和作出该裁盖人民法院印章。口头裁定的,记入笔录。 定的理由。裁定书由审判人员、书记员署名, 加盖人民法院印章。口头裁定的,记入笔录。 ——旧法?140 最高人民法院的判决、裁定,以及依法不准上诉或者超过上诉期没有上诉的判决、155 裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定。 公众可以查阅发生法律效力的判决书、 裁定书~但涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人156 隐私的内容除外。 第十三章 简易程序 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理事基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的简简单的民事案件,适用本章规定。 单的民事案件,适用本章规定。 157 ——旧法?142 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理前 款规定以外的民事案件~当事人双方也可以 约定适用简易程序。 对简单的民事案件,原告可以口头起诉。 158 当事人双方可以同时到基层人民法院或者它派出的法庭,请求解决纠纷。基层人民法院或者它派出的法庭可以当即审理,也可以另定日期审理。 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理简基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理简单的民事案件,可以用简便方式随时传唤单的民事案件,可以用简便方式传唤当事人159 当事人、证人。 和证人、送达诉讼文书、审理案件~但应当 保障当事人陈述意见的权利。 ——旧法?144 简单的民事案件由审判员一人独任审理,并不受本法第一百三十六条、第一百三十160 八条、第一百四十一条规定的限制。 161 人民法院适用简易程序审理案件,应当在立案之日起三个月内审结。 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理符162 合本法第一百五十七条第一款规定的简单 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 19 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 的民事案件~标的额为各省、自治区、直辖 市上年度就业人员年平均工资百分之三十 以下的~实行一审终审。 人民法院在审理过程中~发现案件不宜163 适用简易程序的~裁定转为普通程序。 第十四章 第二审程序 当事人不服地方人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。 164 当事人不服地方人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在裁定书送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。 上诉应当递交上诉状。上诉状的内容,应当包括当事人的姓名,法人的名称及其法定代表人的姓名或者其他组织的名称及其主要负责人的姓名;原审人民法院名称、案件165 的编号和案由;上诉的请求和理由。 上诉状应当通过原审人民法院提出,并按照对方当事人或者代表人的人数提出副本。 166 当事人直接向第二审人民法院上诉的,第二审人民法院应当在五日内将上诉状移交原审人民法院。 原审人民法院收到上诉状,应当在五日内将上诉状副本送达对方当事人,对方当事人在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内将副本送达上诉人。对方当事人不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院审理。 167 原审人民法院收到上诉状、答辩状,应当在五日内连同全部案卷和证据,报送第二审人民法院。 第二审人民法院应当对上诉请求的有关事实和适用法律进行审查。 168 第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成成合议庭,开庭审理。经过阅卷和调查,合议庭,开庭审理。经过阅卷、调查和询问询问当事人,在事实核对清楚后,合议庭当事人,对没有提出新的事实、证据或者理认为不需要开庭审理的,也可以径行判决、由,合议庭认为不需要开庭审理的,可以不裁定。 开庭审理。 169 第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,可以第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,可以在在本院进行,也可以到案件发生地或者原本院进行,也可以到案件发生地或者原审人审人民法院所在地进行。 民法院所在地进行。 ——旧法?152 第二审人民法院对上诉案件,经过审第二审人民法院对上诉案件,经过审理,按照下列情形,分别处理: 理,按照下列情形,分别处理: (一)原判决认定事实清楚,适用法(一)原判决、裁定认定事实清楚,适律正确的,判决驳回上诉,维持原判决; 用法律正确的,以判决、裁定方式驳回上诉, 170 维持原判决、裁定; (二)原判决适用法律错误的,依法 改判; (二)原判决、裁定认定事实错误或者 适用法律错误的,以判决、裁定方式依法改(三)原判决认定事实错误,或者原 判、撤销或者变更; 判决认定事实不清,证据不足,裁定撤销 原判决,发回原审人民法院重审,或者查(三)原判决认定基本事实不清的,裁 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 20 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 清事实后改判; 定撤销原判决,发回原审人民法院重审,或 者查清事实后改判; (四)原判决违反法定程序,可能影 响案件正确判决的,裁定撤销原判决,发(四)原判决遗漏当事人或者违法缺席回原审人民法院重审。 判决等严重违反法定程序的,裁定撤销原判 决,发回原审人民法院重审。 当事人对重审案件的判决、裁定,可 以上诉。 原审人民法院对发回重审的案件作出 判决后~当事人提起上诉的~第二审人民法——旧法?153 院不得再次发回重审。 171 第二审人民法院对不服第一审人民法院裁定的上诉案件的处理,一律使用裁定。 第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,可以进行调解。调解达成协议,应当制作调解书, 172 由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。调解书送达后,原审人民法院的判决即视为撤销。 第二审人民法院判决宣告前,上诉人申请撤回上诉的,是否准许,由第二审人民法173 院裁定。 第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,除依照本章规定外,适用第一审普通程序。 174 175 第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。 人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。 176 人民法院审理对裁定的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三十日内作出终审裁定。 第十五章 特别程序 第一节 一般规定 人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失踪踪或者宣告死亡案件、认定公民无民事行或者宣告死亡案件、认定公民无民事行为能为能力或者限制民事行为能力案件和认定力或者限制民事行为能力案件、认定财产无177 财产无主案件,适用本章规定。本章没有主案件、确认调解协议案件和实现担保物权规定的,适用本法和其他法律的有关规定。 案件,适用本章规定。本章没有规定的,适 用本法和其他法律的有关规定。 ——旧法?160 依照本章程序审理的案件,实行一审终审。选民资格案件或者重大、疑难的案件,178 由审判员组成合议庭审理;其他案件由审判员一人独任审理。 人民法院在依照本章程序审理案件的过程中,发现本案属于民事权益争议的,应当179 裁定终结特别程序,并告知利害关系人可以另行起诉。 人民法院适用特别程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起三十日内或者公告期满后三180 十日内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。但审理选民资格的案件除外。 第二节 选民资格案件 公民不服选举委员会对选民资格的申诉所作的处理决定,可以在选举日的五日以前181 向选区所在地基层人民法院起诉。 人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。 审理时,起诉人、选举委员会的代表和有关公民必须参加。 182 人民法院的判决书,应当在选举日前送达选举委员会和起诉人,并通知有关公民。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 21 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 第三节 宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件 公民下落不明满二年,利害关系人申请宣告其失踪的,向下落不明人住所地基层人民法院提出。 183 申请书应当写明失踪的事实、时间和请求,并附有公安机关或者其他有关机关关于该公民下落不明的书面证明。 公民下落不明满四年,或者因意外事故下落不明满二年,或者因意外事故下落不明,经有关机关证明该公民不可能生存,利害关系人申请宣告其死亡的,向下落不明人住所地基层人民法院提出。 184 申请书应当写明下落不明的事实、时间和请求,并附有公安机关或者其他有关机关关于该公民下落不明的书面证明。 人民法院受理宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件后,应当发出寻找下落不明人的公告。宣告失踪的公告期间为三个月,宣告死亡的公告期间为一年。因意外事故下落不明,经有关机关证明该公民不可能生存的,宣告死亡的公告期间为三个月。 185 公告期间届满,人民法院应当根据被宣告失踪、宣告死亡的事实是否得到确认,作出宣告失踪、宣告死亡的判决或者驳回申请的判决。 被宣告失踪、宣告死亡的公民重新出现,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应186 当作出新判决,撤销原判决。 第四节 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件 申请认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力,由其近亲属或者其他利害关系人向该公民住所地基层人民法院提出。 187 申请书应当写明该公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的事实和根据。 人民法院受理申请后,必要时应当对人民法院受理申请后,必要时应当对被被请求认定为无民事行为能力或者限制民请求认定为无民事行为能力或者限制民事事行为能力的公民进行鉴定。申请人已提行为能力的公民进行鉴定。申请人已提供鉴188 供鉴定结论的,应当对鉴定结论进行审查。 定意见的,应当对鉴定意见进行审查。 ——旧法?171 人民法院审理认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的案件,应当由该公民的近亲属为代理人,但申请人除外。近亲属互相推诿的,由人民法院指定其中一人为代理人。该公民健康情况许可的,还应当询问本人的意见。 189 人民法院经审理认定申请有事实根据的,判决该公民为无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力人;认定申请没有事实根据的,应当判决予以驳回。 人民法院根据被认定为无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者他的监护人的 190 申请,证实该公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的原因已经消除的,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。 第五节 认定财产无主案件 申请认定财产无主,由公民、法人或者其他组织向财产所在地基层人民法院提出。 191 申请书应当写明财产的种类、数量以及要求认定财产无主的根据。 人民法院受理申请后,经审查核实,应当发出财产认领公告。公告满一年无人认领192 的,判决认定财产无主,收归国家或者集体所有。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 22 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 判决认定财产无主后,原财产所有人或者继承人出现,在民法通则规定的诉讼时效193 期间可以对财产提出请求,人民法院审查属实后,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。 第六节 确认调解协议案件 申请司法确认调解协议~由双方当事人依照 人民调解法等法律~自调解协议生效之日起三十194 日内~共同向调解组织所在地基层人民法院提出。 人民法院受理申请后~经审查~符合法律规 定的~裁定调解协议有效~一方当事人拒绝履行 或者未全部履行的~对方当事人可以向人民法院195 申请执行,不符合法律规定的~裁定驳回申请~ 当事人可以通过调解方式变更原调解协议或者达 成新的调解协议~也可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 第七节 实现担保物权案件 申请实现担保物权~由担保物权人以及其他 有权请求实现担保物权的人依照物权法等法律~196 向担保财产所在地或者担保物权登记地基层人民 法院提出。 人民法院受理申请后~经审查~符合法律规 定的~裁定拍卖、变卖担保财产~当事人依据该 裁定可以向人民法院申请执行,不符合法律规定 的~裁定驳回申请~当事人可以向人民法院提起197 诉讼。,这条规定有进步~与物权法相适应。但 还不明确。比如~是否听证~审查是实质审查还 是形式审查。, 第十六章 审判监督程序 各级人民法院院长对本院已经发生法各级人民法院院长对本院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现确有错误,认律效力的判决、裁定、调解书,发现确有错为需要再审的,应当提交审判委员会讨论误,认为需要再审的,应当提交审判委员会决定。 讨论决定。 最高人民法院对地方各级人民法院已198 最高人民法院对地方各级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,上级人民经发生法律效力的判决、裁定、调解书,上法院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的级人民法院对下级人民法院已经发生法律判决、裁定,发现确有错误的,有权提审效力的判决、裁定、调解书,发现确有错误或者指令下级人民法院再审。 的,有权提审或者指令下级人民法院再审。 ——旧法?177 当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁裁定,认为有错误的,可以向上一级人民定,认为有错误的,可以向上一级人民法院法院申请再审,但不停止判决、裁定的执申请再审;当事人一方人数众多或者当事人199 行。 双方为公民的案件~也可以向原审人民法院 申请再审。当事人申请再审的,不停止判决、——旧法?178 裁定的执行。 200 当事人的申请符合下列情形之一的,当事人的申请符合下列情形之一的,人 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 23 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 人民法院应当再审: 民法院应当再审: (一)有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、(一)有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、裁定的; 裁定的; (二)原判决、裁定认定的基本事实(二)原判决、裁定认定的基本事实缺缺乏证据证明的; 乏证据证明的; (三)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要(三)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要证证据是伪造的; 据是伪造的; (四)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要(四)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要证证据未经质证的; 据未经质证的; (五)对审理案件需要的证据,当事(五)对审理案件需要的主要证据,当人因客观原因不能自行收集,书面申请人事人因客观原因不能自行收集,书面申请人民法院调查收集,人民法院未调查收集的; 民法院调查收集,人民法院未调查收集的; (六)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错(六)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误误的; 的; (七)违反法律规定,管辖错误的; (七)审判组织的组成不合法或者依法 应当回避的审判人员没有回避的; (八)审判组织的组成不合法或者依 法应当回避的审判人员没有回避的; (八)无诉讼行为能力人未经法定代理 人代为诉讼或者应当参加诉讼的当事人,因(九)无诉讼行为能力人未经法定代 不能归责于本人或者其诉讼代理人的事由,理人代为诉讼或者应当参加诉讼的当事 未参加诉讼的; 人,因不能归责于本人或者其诉讼代理人 的事由,未参加诉讼的; (九)违反法律规定,剥夺当事人辩论 权利的; (十)违反法律规定,剥夺当事人辩 论权利的; (十)未经传票传唤,缺席判决的; (十一)未经传票传唤,缺席判决的; (十一)原判决、裁定遗漏或者超出诉 讼请求的; (十二)原判决、裁定遗漏或者超出 诉讼请求的; (十二)据以作出原判决、裁定的法律 文书被撤销或者变更的; (十三)据以作出原判决、裁定的法 律文书被撤销或者变更的。 ,十三,审判人员审理该案件时有贪污 受贿~徇私舞弊~枉法裁判行为的。 对违反法定程序可能影响案件正确判 决、裁定的情形,或者审判人员在审理该 案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判 行为的,人民法院应当再审。 ——旧法?179 当事人对已经发生法律效力的调解当事人对已经发生法律效力的调解书,书,提出证据证明调解违反自愿原则或者提出证据证明调解违反自愿原则或者调解调解协议的内容违反法律的,可以申请再协议的内容违反法律的,可以申请再审。经201 审。经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。 人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。 ——旧法?182 当事人对已经发生法律效力的解除婚当事人对已经发生法律效力的解除婚姻关系的判决,不得申请再审。 姻关系的判决、调解书,不得申请再审。 202 ——旧法?183 203 当事人申请再审的,应当提交再审申请书等材料。人民法院应当自收到再审申请书 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 24 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 之日起五日内将再审申请书副本发送对方当事人。对方当事人应当自收到再审申请书副本之日起十五日内提交书面意见;不提交书面意见的,不影响人民法院审查。人民法院可以要求申请人和对方当事人补充有关材料,询问有关事项。 人民法院应当自收到再审申请书之日人民法院应当自收到再审申请书之日起三个月内审查,符合本法第一百七十九起三个月内审查,符合本法规定的,裁定再条规定情形之一的,裁定再审;不符合本审;不符合本法规定的,裁定驳回申请。有法第一百七十九条规定的,裁定驳回申请。特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。 有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。 因当事人申请裁定再审的案件由中级 因当事人申请裁定再审的案件由中级人民法院以上的人民法院审理,但当事人依204 人民法院以上的人民法院审理。最高人民照本法第一百九十九条的规定选择向基层法院、高级人民法院裁定再审的案件,由人民法院申请再审的除外。最高人民法院、本院再审或者交其他人民法院再审,也可高级人民法院裁定再审的案件,由本院再审以交原审人民法院再审。 或者交其他人民法院再审,也可以交原审人 民法院再审。 ——旧法?181 当事人申请再审,应当在判决、裁定当事人申请再审,应当在判决、裁定发发生法律效力后二年内提出;二年后据以生法律效力后六个月内提出;有本法第二百作出原判决、裁定的法律文书被撤销或者条第一项、第三项、第十二项、第十三项规 205 变更,以及发现审判人员在审理该案件时定情形的,自知道或者应当知道之日起六个有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的,月内提出。 自知道或者应当知道之日起三个月内提 出。——旧法?184 按照审判监督程序决定再审的案件,按照审判监督程序决定再审的案件,裁裁定中止原判决的执行。裁定由院长署名,定中止原判决、裁定、调解书的执行,但追206 加盖人民法院印章。 索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗 费用、劳动报酬等案件~可以不中止执行。 ——旧法?184 人民法院按照审判监督程序再审的案件,发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第一审法院作出的,按照第一审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,当事人可以上诉;发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第二审法院作出的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,是发207 生法律效力的判决、裁定;上级人民法院按照审判监督程序提审的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定是发生法律效力的判决、裁定。 人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。 最高人民检察院对各级人民法院已经最高人民检察院对各级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,上级人民检发生法律效力的判决、裁定,上级人民检察察院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判判决、裁定,发现有本法第一百七十九条决、裁定,发现有本法第二百条规定情形之规定情形之一的,应当提出抗诉。 一的,或者发现调解书损害国家利益、社会 公共利益的,应当提出抗诉。 地方各级人民检察院对同级人民法院 208 已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现有地方各级人民检察院对同级人民法院本法第一百七十九条规定情形之一的,应已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现有本当提请上级人民检察院向同级人民法院提法第二百条规定情形之一的,或者发现调解出抗诉。 书损害国家利益、社会公共利益的,可以向 同级人民法院提出检察建议~并报上级人民——旧法?187 检察院备案;也可以提请上级人民检察院向 同级人民法院提出抗诉。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 25 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 各级人民检察院对审判监督程序以外 的其他审判程序中审判人员的违法行为~有 权向同级人民法院提出检察建议。 有下列情形之一的~当事人可以向人民 检察院申请检察建议或者抗诉: ,一,人民法院驳回再审申请的, ,二,人民法院逾期未对再审申请作出 裁定的, 209 ,三,再审判决、裁定有明显错误的。 人民检察院对当事人的申请应当在三 个月内进行审查~作出提出或者不予提出检 察建议或者抗诉的决定。当事人不得再次向 人民检察院申请检察建议或者抗诉。 人民检察院因履行法律监督职责提出 210 检察建议或者抗诉的需要~可以向当事人或 者案外人调查核实有关情况。 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,接受抗人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,接受抗诉诉的人民法院应当自收到抗诉书之日起三的人民法院应当自收到抗诉书之日起三十十日内作出再审的裁定;有本法第一百七日内作出再审的裁定;有本法第二百条第一211 十九条第一款第(一)项至第(五)项规项至第五项规定情形之一的,可以交下一级定情形之一的,可以交下一级人民法院再人民法院再审,但经该下一级人民法院再审审。——旧法?188 的除外。 人民检察院决定对人民法院的判决、人民检察院决定对人民法院的判决、裁裁定提出抗诉的,应当制作抗诉书。 212 定、调解书提出抗诉的,应当制作抗诉书。 ——旧法?189 213 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院再审时,应当通知人民检察院派员出席法庭。 第十七章 督促程序 债权人请求债务人给付金钱、有价证券,符合下列条件的,可以向有管辖权的基层人民法院申请支付令: (一)债权人与债务人没有其他债务纠纷的; 214 (二)支付令能够送达债务人的。 申请书应当写明请求给付金钱或者有价证券的数量和所根据的事实、证据。 215 债权人提出申请后,人民法院应当在五日内通知债权人是否受理。 人民法院受理申请后,经审查债权人提供的事实、证据,对债权债务关系明确、合法的,应当在受理之日起十五日内向债务人发出支付令;申请不成立的,裁定予以驳回。 债务人应当自收到支付令之日起十五日内清偿债务,或者向人民法院提出书面异216 议。 债务人在前款规定的期间不提出异议又不履行支付令的,债权人可以向人民法院申请执行。 217 人民法院收到债务人提出的书面异议人民法院收到债务人提出的书面异议 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 26 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 后,应当裁定终结督促程序,支付令自行后,经审查~异议成立的,应当裁定终结督失效,债权人可以起诉。 促程序,支付令自行失效。 ——旧法?194 支付令失效的~转入诉讼程序~但申请 支付令的一方当事人不同意提起诉讼的除 外。 第十八章 公示催告程序 按照规定可以背书转让的票据持有人,因票据被盗、遗失或者灭失,可以向票据支付地的基层人民法院申请公示催告。依照法律规定可以申请公示催告的其他事项,适用本章规定。 218 申请人应当向人民法院递交申请书,写明票面金额、发票人、持票人、背书人等票据主要内容和申请的理由、事实。 人民法院决定受理申请,应当同时通知支付人停止支付,并在三日内发出公告,催 219 促利害关系人申报权利。公示催告的期间,由人民法院根据情况决定,但不得少于六十日。 支付人收到人民法院停止支付的通知,应当停止支付,至公示催告程序终结。 220 公示催告期间,转让票据权利的行为无效。 利害关系人应当在公示催告期间向人民法院申报。 人民法院收到利害关系人的申报后,应当裁定终结公示催告程序,并通知申请人和221 支付人。 申请人或者申报人可以向人民法院起诉。 没有人申报的,人民法院应当根据申请人的申请,作出判决,宣告票据无效。判决222 应当公告,并通知支付人。自判决公告之日起,申请人有权向支付人请求支付。 利害关系人因正当理由不能在判决前向人民法院申报的,自知道或者应当知道判决223 公告之日起一年内,可以向作出判决的人民法院起诉。 第三编 执行程序 第十九章 一般规定 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,以及刑事判决、裁定中的财产部分,由第一审人民法院或者与第一审人民法院同级的被执行的财产所在地人民法院执行。 224 法律规定由人民法院执行的其他法律文书,由被执行人住所地或者被执行的财产所在地人民法院执行。 当事人、利害关系人认为执行行为违反法律规定的,可以向负责执行的人民法院提出书面异议。当事人、利害关系人提出书面异议的,人民法院应当自收到书面异议之日225 起十五日内审查,理由成立的,裁定撤销或者改正;理由不成立的,裁定驳回。当事人、利害关系人对裁定不服的,可以自裁定送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院申请复议。 人民法院自收到申请执行书之日起超过六个月未执行的,申请执行人可以向上一级 226 人民法院申请执行。上一级人民法院经审查,可以责令原人民法院在一定期限内执行,也可以决定由本院执行或者指令其他人民法院执行。 执行过程中,案外人对执行标的提出书面异议的,人民法院应当自收到书面异议之 227 日起十五日内审查,理由成立的,裁定中止对该标的的执行;理由不成立的,裁定驳回。案外人、当事人对裁定不服,认为原判决、裁定错误的,依照审判监督程序办理;与原 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 27 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 判决、裁定无关的,可以自裁定送达之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼。 执行工作由执行员进行。 采取强制执行措施时,执行员应当出示证件。执行完毕后,应当将执行情况制作笔228 录,由在场的有关人员签名或者盖章。 人民法院根据需要可以设立执行机构。 被执行人或者被执行的财产在外地的,可以委托当地人民法院代为执行。受委托人民法院收到委托函件后,必须在十五日内开始执行,不得拒绝。执行完毕后,应当将执行结果及时函复委托人民法院;在三十日内如果还未执行完毕,也应当将执行情况函告229 委托人民法院。 受委托人民法院自收到委托函件之日起十五日内不执行的,委托人民法院可以请求受委托人民法院的上级人民法院指令受委托人民法院执行。 在执行中,双方当事人自行和解达成在执行中,双方当事人自行和解达成协协议的,执行员应当将协议内容记入笔录,议的,执行员应当将协议内容记入笔录,由由双方当事人签名或者盖章。 双方当事人签名或者盖章。 一方当事人不履行和解协议的,人民申请执行人因受欺诈、胁迫与被执行人230 法院可以根据对方当事人的申请,恢复对达成和解协议~或者当事人不履行和解协议原生效法律文书的执行。 的,人民法院可以根据当事人的申请,恢复 对原生效法律文书的执行。 ——旧法?207 在执行中,被执行人向人民法院提供担保,并经申请执行人同意的,人民法院可以决定暂缓执行及暂缓执行的期限。被执行人逾期仍不履行的,人民法院有权执行被执行231 人的担保财产或者担保人的财产。 作为被执行人的公民死亡的,以其遗产偿还债务。作为被执行人的法人或者其他组232 织终止的,由其权利义务承受人履行义务。 执行完毕后,据以执行的判决、裁定和其他法律文书确有错误,被人民法院撤销的,对已被执行的财产,人民法院应当作出裁定,责令取得财产的人返还;拒不返还的,强233 制执行。 234 人民法院制作的调解书的执行,适用本编的规定。 人民检察院有权对民事执行活动实行235 法律监督。 第二十章 执行的申请和移送 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,当事人必须履行。一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行,也可以由审判员移送执行员执行。 236 调解书和其他应当由人民法院执行的法律文书,当事人必须履行。一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行。 对依法设立的仲裁机构的裁决,一方对依法设立的仲裁机构的裁决,一方当当事人不履行的,对方当事人可以向有管事人不履行的,对方当事人可以向有管辖权辖权的人民法院申请执行。受申请的人民的人民法院申请执行。受申请的人民法院应237 法院应当执行。 当执行。 被申请人提出证据证明仲裁裁决有下被申请人提出证据证明仲裁裁决有下列情形之一的,经人民法院组成合议庭审列情形之一的,经人民法院组成合议庭审查 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 28 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 查核实,裁定不予执行: 核实,裁定不予执行: (一)当事人在合同中没有订有仲裁(一)当事人在合同中没有订有仲裁条条款或者事后没有达成书面仲裁协议的; 款或者事后没有达成书面仲裁协议的; (二)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的(二)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的; 围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的; (三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序(三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违违反法定程序的; 反法定程序的; (四)认定事实的主要证据不足的; ,四,裁决所根据的证据是伪造的, (五)适用法律确有错误的; ,五,对方当事人向仲裁机构隐瞒了足 以影响公正裁决的证据的, (六)仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受 贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。 (六)仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受 贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。 人民法院认定执行该裁决违背社会公 共利益的,裁定不予执行。 人民法院认定执行该裁决违背社会公 共利益的,裁定不予执行。 裁定书应当送达双方当事人和仲裁机 构。 裁定书应当送达双方当事人和仲裁机 构。 仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定不予执行 的,当事人可以根据双方达成的书面仲裁仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定不予执行的,协议重新申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起当事人可以根据双方达成的书面仲裁协议诉。——旧法?213 重新申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉。 对公证机关依法赋予强制执行效力的债权文书,一方当事人不履行的,对方当事人可以向有管辖权的人民法院申请执行,受申请的人民法院应当执行。 238 公证债权文书确有错误的,人民法院裁定不予执行,并将裁定书送达双方当事人和公证机关。 申请执行的期间为二年。申请执行时效的中止、中断,适用法律有关诉讼时效中止、中断的规定。 239 前款规定的期间,从法律文书规定履行期间的最后一日起计算;法律文书规定分期履行的,从规定的每次履行期间的最后一日起计算;法律文书未规定履行期间的,从法律文书生效之日起计算。 执行员接到申请执行书或者移交执行执行员接到申请执行书或者移交执行书,应当向被执行人发出执行通知,责令书,应当向被执行人发出执行通知,并可以其在指定的期间履行,逾期不履行的,强立即采取强制执行措施。 制执行。 240 被执行人不履行法律文书确定的义 务,并有可能隐匿、转移财产的,执行员 可以立即采取强制执行措施。 ——旧法?216 第二十一章 执行措施 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,应当 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 当前以及收到执行通知之日前一年的财产情况。被执行人拒绝报告或者虚假报告的,人民法院可以根据情节轻241 重对被执行人或者其法定代理人、有关单位的主要负责人或者直接责任人员予以罚款、拘留。 242 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 29 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 确定的义务,人民法院有权向银行、信用确定的义务,人民法院有权向有关单位查询合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位查询被执被执行人的存款、债券、股票、基金份额等行人的存款情况,有权冻结、划拨被执行财产情况。人民法院有权根据不同情形扣人的存款,但查询、冻结、划拨存款不得押、冻结、划拨、变价被执行人的财产。人超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。 民法院查询、扣押、冻结、划拨、变价的财 产不得超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。 人民法院决定冻结、划拨存款,应当 作出裁定,并发出协助执行通知书,银行、人民法院决定扣押、冻结、划拨、变价信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位必须财产,应当作出裁定,并发出协助执行通知办理。——旧法?218 书,有关单位必须办理。 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权扣留、提取被执行人应当履行义务部分的收入。但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的生活必需费用。 243 人民法院扣留、提取收入时,应当作出裁定,并发出协助执行通知书,被执行人所在单位、银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位必须办理。 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权查封、扣押、冻结、拍卖、变卖被执行人应当履行义务部分的财产。但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的244 生活必需品。 采取前款措施,人民法院应当作出裁定。 人民法院查封、扣押财产时,被执行人是公民的,应当通知被执行人或者他的成年家属到场;被执行人是法人或者其他组织的,应当通知其法定代表人或者主要负责人到场。拒不到场的,不影响执行。被执行人是公民的,其工作单位或者财产所在地的基层245 组织应当派人参加。 对被查封、扣押的财产,执行员必须造具清单,由在场人签名或者盖章后,交被执行人一份。被执行人是公民的,也可以交他的成年家属一份。 被查封的财产,执行员可以指定被执行人负责保管。因被执行人的过错造成的损失,246 由被执行人承担。 财产被查封、扣押后,执行员应当责财产被查封、扣押后,执行员应当责令令被执行人在指定期间履行法律文书确定被执行人在指定期间履行法律文书确定的的义务。被执行人逾期不履行的,人民法义务。被执行人逾期不履行的,人民法院应院可以按照规定交有关单位拍卖或者变卖当拍卖被查封、扣押的财产;不适于拍卖或247 被查封、扣押的财产。国家禁止自由买卖者当事人双方同意不进行拍卖的~人民法院的物品,交有关单位按照国家规定的价格可以委托有关单位变卖或者自行变卖。国家收购。 禁止自由买卖的物品,交有关单位按照国家 规定的价格收购。 ——旧法?223 被执行人不履行法律文书确定的义务,并隐匿财产的,人民法院有权发出搜查令,对被执行人及其住所或者财产隐匿地进行搜查。 248 采取前款措施,由院长签发搜查令。 法律文书指定交付的财物或者票证,由执行员传唤双方当事人当面交付,或者由执行员转交,并由被交付人签收。 有关单位持有该项财物或者票证的,应当根据人民法院的协助执行通知书转交,并249 由被交付人签收。 有关公民持有该项财物或者票证的,人民法院通知其交出。拒不交出的,强制执行。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 30 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 强制迁出房屋或者强制退出土地,由院长签发公告,责令被执行人在指定期间履行。被执行人逾期不履行的,由执行员强制执行。 强制执行时,被执行人是公民的,应当通知被执行人或者他的成年家属到场;被执行人是法人或者其他组织的,应当通知其法定代表人或者主要负责人到场。拒不到场的,250 不影响执行。被执行人是公民的,其工作单位或者房屋、土地所在地的基层组织应当派人参加。执行员应当将强制执行情况记入笔录,由在场人签名或者盖章。 强制迁出房屋被搬出的财物,由人民法院派人运至指定处所,交给被执行人。被执行人是公民的,也可以交给他的成年家属。因拒绝接收而造成的损失,由被执行人承担。 在执行中,需要办理有关财产权证照转移手续的,人民法院可以向有关单位发出协251 助执行通知书,有关单位必须办理。 对判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的行为,被执行人未按执行通知履行的,人民法252 院可以强制执行或者委托有关单位或者其他人完成,费用由被执行人承担。 被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行给付金钱义务的,应当加 253 倍支付迟延履行期间的债务利息。被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行其他义务的,应当支付迟延履行金。 人民法院采取本法第二百四十二条、第二百四十三条、第二百四十四条规定的执行措施后,被执行人仍不能偿还债务的,应当继续履行义务。债权人发现被执行人有其他254 财产的,可以随时请求人民法院执行。 被执行人不履行法律文书确定的义务的,人民法院可以对其采取或者通知有关单位协助采取限制出境,在征信系统记录、通过媒体公布不履行义务信息以及法律规定的其255 他措施。 第二十二章 执行中止和终结 有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当裁定中止执行: (一)申请人表示可以延期执行的; (二)案外人对执行标的提出确有理由的异议的; 256 (三)作为一方当事人的公民死亡,需要等待继承人继承权利或者承担义务的; (四)作为一方当事人的法人或者其他组织终止,尚未确定权利义务承受人的; (五)人民法院认为应当中止执行的其他情形。 中止的情形消失后,恢复执行。 有下列情形之一的,人民法院裁定终结执行: (一)申请人撤销申请的; (二)据以执行的法律文书被撤销的; (三)作为被执行人的公民死亡,无遗产可供执行,又无义务承担人的; 257 (四)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的; (五)作为被执行人的公民因生活困难无力偿还借款,无收入来源,又丧失劳动能力的; (六)人民法院认为应当终结执行的其他情形。 中止和终结执行的裁定,送达当事人后立即生效。 258 第四编 涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定 第二十三章 一般原则 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 31 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 在中华人民共和国领域内进行涉外民事诉讼,适用本编规定。本编没有规定的,适259 用本法其他有关规定。 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的260 规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 对享有外交特权与豁免的外国人、外国组织或者国际组织提起的民事诉讼,应当依261 照中华人民共和国有关法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定办理。 人民法院审理涉外民事案件,应当使用中华人民共和国通用的语言、文字。当事人262 要求提供翻译的,可以提供,费用由当事人承担。 外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,需要委托律师代理诉263 讼的,必须委托中华人民共和国的律师。 在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织委托中华人民共和国律师或者其他人代理诉讼,从中华人民共和国领域外寄交或者托交的授权委264 托书,应当经所在国公证机关证明,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续后,才具有效力。 第二十四章 管辖 因合同纠纷或者其他财产权益纠纷,对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的被告提起的诉讼,如果合同在中华人民共和国领域内签订或者履行,或者诉讼标的物在中华人 265 民共和国领域内,或者被告在中华人民共和国领域内有可供扣押的财产,或者被告在中华人民共和国领域内设有代表机构,可以由合同签订地、合同履行地、诉讼标的物所在地、可供扣押财产所在地、侵权行为地或者代表机构住所地人民法院管辖。 旧法?242——涉外合同或者涉外财产 权益纠纷的当事人,可以用书面协议选择与 争议有实际联系的地点的法院管辖。选择中 华人民共和国人民法院管辖的,不得违反本现删除 法关于级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。 旧法?243——涉外民事诉讼的被告对 人民法院管辖不提出异议,并应诉答辩的, 视为承认该人民法院为有管辖权的法院。 因在中华人民共和国履行中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合266 作勘探开发自然资源合同发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由中华人民共和国人民法院管辖。 第二十五章 送达、期间 人民法院对在中华人民共和国领域内人民法院对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人送达诉讼文书,可以采没有住所的当事人送达诉讼文书,可以采用用下列方式: 下列方式: (一)依照受送达人所在国与中华人(一)依照受送达人所在国与中华人民民共和国缔结或者共同参加的国际条约中共和国缔结或者共同参加的国际条约中规267 规定的方式送达; 定的方式送达; (二)通过外交途径送达; (二)通过外交途径送达; (三)对具有中华人民共和国国籍的(三)对具有中华人民共和国国籍的受受送达人,可以委托中华人民共和国驻受送达人,可以委托中华人民共和国驻受送达 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 32 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 送达人所在国的使领馆代为送达; 人所在国的使领馆代为送达; (四)向受送达人委托的有权代其接(四)向受送达人委托的有权代其接受受送达的诉讼代理人送达; 送达的诉讼代理人送达; (五)向受送达人在中华人民共和国(五)向受送达人在中华人民共和国领领域内设立的代表机构或者有权接受送达域内设立的代表机构或者有权接受送达的的分支机构、业务代办人送达; 分支机构、业务代办人送达; (六)受送达人所在国的法律允许邮(六)受送达人所在国的法律允许邮寄寄送达的,可以邮寄送达,自邮寄之日起送达的,可以邮寄送达,自邮寄之日起满三满六个月,送达回证没有退回,但根据各个月,送达回证没有退回,但根据各种情况种情况足以认定已经送达的,期间届满之足以认定已经送达的,期间届满之日视为送日视为送达; 达; (七)不能用上述方式送达的,公告,七,采用传真、电子邮件等能够确认送达,自公告之日起满六个月,即视为送受送达人收悉的方式送达, 达。 (八)不能用上述方式送达的,公告送 ——旧法?245 达,自公告之日起满三个月,即视为送达。 被告在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的,人民法院应当将起诉状副本送达被告,并通知被告在收到起诉状副本后三十日内提出答辩状。被告申请延期的,是否准许,由268 人民法院决定。 在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人,不服第一审人民法院判决、裁定的,有权在判决书、裁定书送达之日起三十日内提起上诉。被上诉人在收到上诉状副本后,269 应当在三十日内提出答辩状。当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。 人民法院审理涉外民事案件的期间,不受本法第一百四十九条、第一百七十六条规270 定的限制。 第二十六章 财产保全 旧法?249——当事人依照本法第九 十二条的规定可以向人民法院申请财产保 全。 利害关系人依照本法第九十三条的规 定可以在起诉前向人民法院申请财产保 全。 旧法?250——人民法院裁定准许诉 前财产保全后,申请人应当在三十日内提 起诉讼。逾期不起诉的,人民法院应当解 除财产保全。 现删除 旧法?251——人民法院裁定准许财 产保全后,被申请人提供担保的,人民法 院应当解除财产保全。 旧法?252——申请有错误的,申请人 应当赔偿被申请人因财产保全所遭受的损 失。 旧法?253——人民法院决定保全的 财产需要监督的,应当通知有关单位负责 监督,费用由被申请人承担。 旧法?254——人民法院解除保全的 命令由执行员执行。 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 33 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 第二十六章 仲裁 涉外经济贸易、运输和海事中发生的纠纷,当事人在合同中订有仲裁条款或者事后达成书面仲裁协议,提交中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构仲裁的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。 271 当事人在合同中没有订有仲裁条款或者事后没有达成书面仲裁协议的,可以向人民法院起诉。 当事人申请采取财产保全的,中华人当事人申请采取保全的,中华人民共和民共和国的涉外仲裁机构应当将当事人的国的涉外仲裁机构应当将当事人的申请,提272 申请,提交被申请人住所地或者财产所在交被申请人住所地或者财产所在地的中级地的中级人民法院裁定。——旧法?256 人民法院裁定。 经中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构裁决的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。一方当事人不履行仲裁裁决的,对方当事人可以向被申请人住所地或者财产所在地的中级人民法院273 申请执行。 对中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构作出的裁决,被申请人提出证据证明仲裁裁决有下列情形之一的,经人民法院组成合议庭审查核实,裁定不予执行: (一)当事人在合同中没有订有仲裁条款或者事后没有达成书面仲裁协议的; (二)被申请人没有得到指定仲裁员或者进行仲裁程序的通知,或者由于其他不属274 于被申请人负责的原因未能陈述意见的; (三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序与仲裁规则不符的; (四)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。 人民法院认定执行该裁决违背社会公共利益的,裁定不予执行。 仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定不予执行的,当事人可以根据双方达成的书面仲裁协议重275 新申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉。 第二十七章 司法协助 根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,人民法院和外国法院可以相互请求,代为送达文书、调查取证以及进行其他诉讼行为。 276 外国法院请求协助的事项有损于中华人民共和国的主权、安全或者社会公共利益的,人民法院不予执行。 请求和提供司法协助,应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约所规定的途径进行;没有条约关系的,通过外交途径进行。 外国驻中华人民共和国的使领馆可以向该国公民送达文书和调查取证,但不得违反277 中华人民共和国的法律,并不得采取强制措施。 除前款规定的情况外,未经中华人民共和国主管机关准许,任何外国机关或者个人不得在中华人民共和国领域内送达文书、调查取证。 外国法院请求人民法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有中文译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。 278 人民法院请求外国法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有该国文字译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。 人民法院提供司法协助,依照中华人民共和国法律规定的程序进行。外国法院请求279 采用特殊方式的,也可以按照其请求的特殊方式进行,但请求采用的特殊方式不得违反 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 34 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 中华人民共和国法律。 人民法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,如果被执行人或者其财产不在中华人民共和国领域内,当事人请求执行的,可以由当事人直接向有管辖权的外国法院申请承认和执行,也可以由人民法院依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定,或者按照互惠原则,请求外国法院承认和执行。 280 中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构作出的发生法律效力的仲裁裁决,当事人请求执行的,如果被执行人或者其财产不在中华人民共和国领域内,应当由当事人直接向有管辖权的外国法院申请承认和执行。 外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,可以由当事人直接向中华人民共和国有管辖权的中级人民法院申请承认和执281 行,也可以由外国法院依照该国与中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定,或者按照互惠原则,请求人民法院承认和执行。 人民法院对申请或者请求承认和执行的外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则进行审查后,认 282 为不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则或者国家主权、安全、社会公共利益的,裁定承认其效力,需要执行的,发出执行令,依照本法的有关规定执行。违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则或者国家主权、安全、社会公共利益的,不予承认和执行。 国外仲裁机构的裁决,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,应当由当事人直接向被执行人住所地或者其财产所在地的中级人民法院申请,人民法院应当依照中华283 人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则办理。 本法自公布之日起施行,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》同时废止。 284 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security respons- 35 - ibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain
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