首页 万家岭镇中心小学校本课程武术课本



万家岭镇中心小学校本课程武术课本万家岭镇中心小学校本课程武术课本 目录 第一章:综述 第一节 起源与发展 第二节 内容与分类 第二章:武德修养与武术礼节 一、武德修养 二、武术礼节 第三章:基础训练 第一节 基本动作 第二节 基本功 第四章:拳术套路 一、动作名称 二、动作说明 第五章:武术小常识 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless stee...

万家岭镇中心小学校本课程武术课本 目录 第一章:综述 第一节 起源与发展 第二节 内容与分类 第二章:武德修养与武术礼节 一、武德修养 二、武术礼节 第三章:基础训练 第一节 基本动作 第二节 基本功 第四章:拳术套路 一、动作名称 二、动作说明 第五章:武术小常识 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 第一章:综述 一、起源与发展 武术源于中国,属于世界。在中华民族几千年的文明发展史中,武术是一颗璀璨的明珠,它代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 着一种勇猛向前、不屈不挠的精神,它有着圆润,和谐的深厚哲理,鼓舞了一代又一代的人继承、发展。国家体委为继承、发展传统武术,于1979年组织了全国大范围的武术挖掘整理工作,历时六年之久,投入了大量人力、财力、物力。提出的工作方针是挖掘、整理、继承、发展,在全国二十多个省、市政府的大力支持下,民间武术组织积极相应,民间传统的武术各拳种纷纷登台亮象,充分显示中华武术的博大精深。 作为中华民族的宝贵文化遗产之一,武术以其丰富的内容、多样的形式和独特的风格屹立于世界体育之林。武术这项与多学科相关联的运动项目,是因人类生存的需要而产生的。原始社会人们在狩猎觅食和抵抗猛兽的生存之争中,把抗击的本能和自卫动作结合起来,从而形成了一种拳打脚踢和使用简陋武器的攻防方法,久而久之逐渐成为有意识的活动,这就是武术的萌芽,而使用的武器就是武术器械的原型。 原始社会末期,人们在争夺食物和地盘的激烈冲突中,把对抗野兽的方法运用于人与人之间。争斗中的人们有时是空手相搏,有时一个人要对付几个人,有时器械掉地要空手与持武器者搏斗,频繁的争斗促进了武术技术的飞速发展。人们为了取胜,把在战争中获得的技能和经验加以总结,传给后人,从而使武术技巧也逐渐得到丰富和提高。随着频繁的战争,武术在军队将士训练中普遍运用。这不仅提高了部队的作战能力,而且使武术的强身健体的功能非常鲜明地体现了出来。使武术成为一种体育手段得到进一步的发展。 新中国成立后,武术纳入了社会主义体育运动的发展轨道。在党和国家的重视与关怀下,武术运动得到了迅速的发展和提高,成为城乡广大群众喜爱的体育运动项目之一。近年来,随着武术的挖掘、整理工作逐渐深入,竞赛 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的进一步完善,武术的技术水平有了新的提高,武术理论研究也日趋活跃。随着我国对外开放政策的实施,中国的传统体育项目也逐渐为各国人民所接受。许多国家和地区兴起了武术运动,成立了武术团体、筹建了国际武术联合会并举办武术比赛。1987年 10月,亚洲武术联合会在日本正式成立。1990年9月,国际武术联合会在北京成立。在第十一届亚运会上,武术作为正式比赛项目载入亚运会的史册,这标志着具有中华民族特色的武术,正在成为一个世界性的运动项目。武术已进入世界运动会、亚运会等大型国际、洲际综合体育赛事,成为世界体育的重要组成部分。 国际武联于2001年12月10日正式向国际奥委会提交了武术进入奥运会的申请,并得到五大洲、各国武协的积极响应和声援,特别是得到了中国政府、国家体育总局和中国奥委会,以及北京奥组委的高度重视和鼎立支持,得到社会各界朋友们的帮助。 国际奥委会主席罗格和夫人,以及国际奥委会协调委员会主席威尔布鲁根于2007年8月9日在中国郑州观看了由国际武术联合会、中国武术协会安排的武术专场表演。罗格主席在观看表演时,不时为中华武术的魅力所感染,多次鼓掌致意。表演结束后罗格主席和夫人走下主席台来到运动员中间,学着用武术的抱拳礼庆贺表演成功,并与运动员们合影留念。 -ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t2 二、内容与分类 武术的分类多种多样,有按流派分类的、有按技术特点分类的、有按门派分类的,现在按其性质可分为两大类: 一、套路 套路:指动作是以套路形式进行演练的。 (一)拳术 拳术包括有长拳、太极拳、形意拳、八卦拳、南拳、通臂拳、劈挂拳、翻子拳、地躺拳、查拳、花拳、炮拳、红拳、华拳、少林拳、猴拳、醉拳、鹰爪拳等等。 (二)器械 器械包括有短器械、长器械、双器械、软器械。 1.短器械:刀、剑、匕首等。 2.长器械:棍、枪、大刀、朴刀等。 3.双器械:双剑、双刀、双钩、双尖、双枪、双戟、双锤等。 4.软器械:九节鞭、三节 棍、流星锤、梢子棍、绳镖、双鞭等。 (三)对练 对练包括有徒手对练、器械对练、徒手与器械对练等。 1.徒手对练:有对打拳、对擒拿等。 2.器械对练:有单刀进枪、朴刀进枪、盾牌刀进棍、大锤对扁担、双匕首进枪、棍进枪、三节 棍进盾牌刀、单刀进三枪等。 3.徒手与器械对练:空手夺刀、空手破三枪、空手夺棍、空手夺匕首等。 4.集体项目:指六人以上各种拳术和器械的集体演练。可以配乐,变换各种图案和队形,动作要整齐。包括有集体基本功、集体剑、集体刀、集体太极拳、集体棍等。 二、对抗性项目 没有固定的套路,动作是按实战的要求发出的。包括有太极推手、散打、短兵等。 l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-3 第二章 武德修养与武术礼节 我国是历史悠久的文明古国,自古以来就非常重视礼仪,讲究道德。武术是一项具有健身价值和技击功能的传统体育项目,它既能强身健体,防身自卫,又能修身养性,陶冶情操,还能通过研练武术了解丰富的传统文化内容、武术特殊的价值功能,对维护社会秩序的稳定,保护人民利益,调节人际关系都有其特殊的作用。例如运用武术的技击功能,既可以强身保护自己,又可以与坏人坏事作斗争,维护社会的安定团结。但如果从小没有好的武德,长大后就有可能持强凌弱,危害四方,败坏社会风气。因此,武德修养与武术礼节教育在社会主义精神文明建设中具有特殊重要的地位与作用。首先,通过武德教育能激发民族精神,弘扬祖国传统文化。历史上具有崇高民族气节的习武者举不胜举,如戚继光、岳飞、霍元甲,都是武德高尚的民族英雄。其次,武德教育能促进社会进步,推动物质文明建设。再次,通过武德教育培养德才兼备的一代新型武术人才。所以,武德与武术礼节教育是引导武术人才健康成长的重要手段。 一、武德修养 武德修养,就是按照武德原则,规范进行一系列自我反省、自我认识、自我批评、自我改造的过程,也是经过长期努力所形成的高尚的情操和道德境界。武德随着社会的发展,时代的前进而变化,从最初维护民族利益的道德观,到现在把国家、民族的利益放在首位,冲破单一狭隘的道德意识,把崇德尚武,发扬民族精神作为武德的基本原则。武德主要有以下10个方面的内容: 1、武德高——爱国爱民,品德高尚; 2、武旨正——强身健体,卫国防身; 3、武纪严——遵规守纪,不逞凶斗狠; 4、武风良——尊师爱生,共同研习; 5、武礼谦——以礼相待,谦虚诚恳; 6、武志坚——意志坚强,百折不挠; 7、武学勤——拳不离手,勤学苦练; 8、武技精——钻研武技,精益求精; 9、武仪端——举止庄重,容端体正; 10、武境美——环境优美,井然有序。 武德的基本要求主要有: 学生“十不可”——不可忘义,不可逞斗,不可欺人,不可酗酒,不可赌博,不可吸烟,不可戏色,不可炫耀,不可无礼; 教师“五不传”——人品不端者不传,人无恒心者不传,不知珍重者不传,心险好斗者不传,轻浮外露者不传。 二、武术礼节 武术中礼节主要有徒手礼和器械礼。徒手礼主要有抱拳礼、点首礼和注目礼三种;器械礼主要有抱刀礼、垂刀礼、持剑礼、垂剑礼、持棍礼、持枪礼、递刀礼、递剑礼、递棍礼、递枪礼、接刀礼、接剑礼、接棍礼和接枪礼14种。 (一)徒手礼 1、抱拳礼 并步站立,左手四指并拢伸直成掌,拇指屈拢,右手成拳,左掌心掩贴右拳面(左指根线与右拳棱相齐),左指尖与下颏平齐,右掌眼(虎口)斜对胸窝,置于胸前屈臂成圆,肘尖略下垂,拳掌与胸相距20~30厘米,头正,身直,目视 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W4 受礼者,面容举止自然大方。 2、点首礼并步直立,目视施礼者微微点头示意,勿低头弯腰。此系受礼者表示对行礼者答诺的一种礼仪。 3、注目礼 并步站立,目视受礼者或向前平视。勿点头弯腰。表示对受礼者的恭敬、尊重的礼仪。 (二)器械礼 1、抱刀礼 左手抱刀,屈臂使刀横于胸前,刀背贴附于前臂上,刀刃向上。右手拇指屈拢成斜侧立掌,以掌根附左腕内侧(刀身后部)。两腕部与锁骨窝同高,两臂外撑,肘略低于手,目视受礼者。 2、垂刀礼 右手虎口向上握刀柄,右臂屈举于胸前,使刀身向下垂直,刀刃朝左侧(刀尖朝下)。左手成立掌,掌心与右手指根节指面相贴,左掌指根连线与右手虎口平齐。两臂外撑,肘略低于手,两手与锁骨窝同高。 3、持剑礼左 手持剑屈臂,使剑身贴前臂外侧,斜横于胸前,刃朝前后或上下;右手拇指屈拢成斜侧立掌,以掌根附于左腕内侧。两腕部与锁骨窝同高,肘略低于手,两臂外撑,目视受礼者。 4、垂剑礼 右手虎口向上握剑柄,使剑身向下垂直,剑刃朝左右(尖朝下),右臂屈举于胸前。左手成立掌,掌心与右手指根节指面相贴,左掌指根连线与右手虎口平齐。两臂外撑,肘略低于手,两手与锁骨窝同高,目视受礼者。 5、持棍礼 右手握棍把段(靠棍把三分之一处),屈臂于胸前,棍身直立,棍梢向上。左手拇指屈拢成侧立掌,掌指向上,掌心与右手指根节指面相贴,左掌指根连线与右手虎口平齐。两臂外撑,肘略低于手,两手与锁骨窝同高,目视受礼者。 6、持枪礼 右手握枪把端,屈臂于胸前,枪身直立,枪尖朝上;左手拇指屈拢成侧立掌,掌指向上,掌心与右手指根节指面相贴,左掌指根连线与右手虎口平齐。两臂外撑,肘略低于手,两手与锁骨窝同高,目视受礼者。 7、递刀礼 并步直立,左手托护手盘,右手托刀前身,使刀平横于胸前,刀刃向里(刀刃不对师长),目视接刀者。 8、递剑礼 并步直立,左手托护手盘,右手托剑前身,使剑横托于胸前,剑尖朝右,目视接剑者。 9、递棍礼 双手靠近握棍于把段(棍身三分之一,靠棍把一段),左手在上右手在下,使棍竖于体前,棍把端朝下,梢端朝上,目视接棍者。 10、递枪礼 两手握枪于把段处,左手在上右手在下,两臂前举,使枪垂直于体前,枪把端朝下,枪尖朝上,目视接枪者。 11、接刀礼 ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se 5 并步站立,左手掌心向上托刀于递刀者两手间,右手手心向下握刀柄,目视右手接过。 12、接剑礼 并步直立,左手掌心向上,托剑于递剑者两手间,右手手心向下握剑柄接过。 13、接棍礼 并步直立,左手虎口朝上,靠近递棍者手下部握棍,目视左手接过。 14、接枪礼 并步直立,左手虎口朝上,靠近递枪者右手下部握枪,目视左手接过。 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W6 第三章:基础训练 习武者都知道这么几句老话:“打拳不溜腿,终是冒失鬼”,“练拳不练功,到老一场空”。当前武术多是以套路的形式出现的,如果把一个套路比作一台机器的话,那么基本功、基本动作就如同机器上的一个个零件,只有把每个零件按其规格制做精确,才能为确保这台机器的质量提供最基本的保证。由此可见,基本功、基本动作在武术训练中的重要性。基本功、基本动作是指手型、手法、步型、步法、腿法以及跳跃和平衡等动作的练习。少年儿童正处长身体时期,基本功、基本动作的练习,可以培养少年儿童正确的身体姿态,并使其身体各关节、各器官得到全面发展。从而达到增强体质的目的。具体地讲,经常进行基本功、基本动作训练,可以增强少儿身体各关节的灵活性,提高其对身体肌肉的控制能力,增强韧带的伸展性和弹性;进行腾空和组合旋转动作的练习,有助于发展前庭器官,从而提高少年儿童分析问题、解决问题的能力,有效地防止伤害事故的发生。 一、基本动作 一、身型 武术训练对身体各部分的要求是:头要正、颈要直、肩要沉、胸要挺、腹要收、腰要立、臀要敛、腿要直、脚要并。 易犯错误:头歪、腹突、撅臀。 纠正方法:随时注意身体姿态,使其养成正确的习惯。 二、手型 (一)拳(如右图) 四指并拢由第一关节处开始卷握,拇指紧扣食指和中指的第二指节。 动作要求:拳要紧、拳面平、腕要直。 易犯错误:拳松、拳面斜和翘腕。 图1 纠正方法:两拳紧握,拳面相对。 (二)掌(如右图) 四指并拢伸直,拇指弯曲紧扣于虎口处。易犯错误:四指弯曲松开。 纠正方法:压腕、撅腕。 (三)勾(如右图) 五指尖捏拢在一起,屈腕。 图二 易犯错误:屈腕不够。 三、步型 (一)弓步 (以左弓步为例)左腿在前屈膝,脚尖向前,大腿平行,小腿垂直;(膝 关节夹角为90?)右腿挺膝,脚尖内扣(约45?)全脚掌着地,上体直立 正 对前方,双手抱拳于腰间;目视前方。 动作要求:前腿弓、后腿蹬、挺胸、塌腰、沉髋、前脚后脚脚底在一条直线上。 易犯错误: layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should7 1.前腿过高、过低。纠正方法是加强大腿力量练习。 2.后腿屈膝。纠正方法是后腿挺膝和后脚跟用力后蹬。 3.后脚拔跟。纠正方法是提高踝关节韧带的柔韧性。 (二)马步(如右图) 两脚平行站立(约为本人脚长三倍),脚尖正对前方,屈膝半蹲,大腿平行, 膝微内扣(膝部不超过脚尖),全脚掌着地,重心在两腿之间;双手抱拳于腰间;目视前方。 动作要求:挺胸、塌腰、脚跟外蹬。 易犯错误:1.脚尖外撇。纠正方法是强调两脚跟外蹬。2.两脚距离过大或过小。纠正方法是先量好两脚的距离站好,然后反复下蹲马步。3.身体前倾跪膝。纠正方法是加强大腿肌肉的力量练习。 (三)仆步(如右图) (以左仆步为例)右腿全蹲,脚尖和膝部外展,大腿和小腿夹紧,臀部接近小腿;左腿挺直平仆,脚尖内扣;全脚着地,两手抱拳于腰间; 动作要求:挺胸、塌腰、沉髋。 易犯错误:全蹲腿脚底抬起,平仆腿脚外侧掀起脚尖外展。 纠正方法:提高踝关节后部和外侧韧带的柔韧性。 (四)虚步(如右图) (以左虚步为例)两脚斜向开立,右腿屈膝半蹲,左脚脚跟离地,绷脚 面,脚尖稍内扣,虚点地面,膝斜向弯曲,重心落于右腿;双手插腰;目视 前方。 动作要求:挺胸、塌腰、虚实分明。 易犯错误:虚实不分。 纠正方法:支撑腿下蹲后,前脚尖再点地。 (五)歇步(如右图) (以左歇步为例)两脚斜向交叉站立,左脚外展,右脚图1—2脚跟提起, 左腿全蹲,右腿膝向左腿外侧顶出,臀部坐于右腿接近脚跟处。两手腰间抱 拳;目视左方。 动作要求:挺胸、塌腰、两膝紧贴。 易犯错误:重心不稳。 纠正方法:前脚脚尖尽量外展。两腿贴紧。 (六)坐盘(如右图) 两腿交叉,右腿膝坐地,大小腿和脚外侧均着地,臀部坐于脚内侧;左 腿自然弯曲横跨于右腿上方,大腿贴近胸部;双手抱拳于腰间;目视左方 动作要求:易犯错误和纠正方法同歇步。 (七)丁步 图1 右腿屈膝半蹲,全脚着地;左脚脚跟掀起,脚面虚点于右脚脚弓内侧, 重心在右腿。双手抱拳于腰间;目视前方。 动作要求:易犯错误和纠正方法同虚步。 四、平衡 (一)提膝平衡(如右图) 右腿支撑,左腿屈膝上提,(过腰)左脚绷脚面内扣于右腿前;目视左 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 8 方。 动作要求:支撑腿伸直,提膝脚面内扣,挺胸。 易犯错误:支撑腿弯曲。 纠正方法:强调头上顶。 2.勾脚。 纠正方法:强调绷脚内扣。 (二)燕式平衡(如右图) 左腿伸直支撑,右腿向后蹬伸,上体前俯,两掌在体侧分开平举;抬头, 目视前方。 动作要求:抬头、塌腰、挺胸、后举腿高于头顶水平部位,支撑脚五指 抓地、后举腿脚面绷平,上体前俯,略高于水平部位。 易犯错误:1.身体不正。纠正方法:加强后腿柔韧练习,多练习后摆腿, 后搬腿。 2.站不稳。 纠正方法:强调支撑脚五指抓地,目盯一处,身体后背绷紧。 (三)扣腿平衡(如右图) 右腿屈膝半蹲,左脚扣于右膝窝;左臂屈于左肩前握拳,右拳向右侧冲 出;目视右方 动作要求:支撑腿弯曲成水平部位,挺胸、塌腰。 易犯错误:左脚扣于右膝小腿。 纠正方法:强调左膝外展。 二、基本功 (一)冲拳 一、手法(如右图) 有平拳和立拳两种,平拳拳心向下;立拳拳眼向上。 预备姿势:两脚左右开立,与肩同宽。两臂抱拳于腰间;肘尖向后,目 视前方(如图1—9A)。 动作顺序:右拳、小臂贴腰向前,肘关节过腰后,右小臂内旋向前冲出, 臂要伸直,与肩同高;同时,左肘向后牵拉。练习时,左右交换进行。 动作要求:拧腰、顺肩、急旋臂、力点达于拳面,有爆发力。 易犯错误: 1.肘外展、拳向撩出。 纠正方法:强调肘贴肋运行。 2.冲拳过高、过低。 纠正方法:在体前设一固定目标,有目的地向前冲出。 (二)推掌 预备姿势:与冲拳相同。 动作顺序:右拳变掌,右前臂贴腰向前,肘关节过腰后,前臂内旋, 以掌根为力点向前推出,高与肩平(如图1—10)。 动作要求:拧腰、顺肩、沉腕、翘掌,力达掌根。 易犯错误和纠正方法均与冲拳相同。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and w9 (三)亮掌(如右图) 预备姿势:两脚开立,与肩同宽;右手抱拳于腰间,左臂屈肘右腋前立 掌,目视前方。 动作顺序:右掌贴身向下、落于体侧肘,小臂外旋,掌心向前,然后向 右、向上划弧,至头右上方时,抖腕亮掌,臂成弧形。掌心向前,指尖向左, 眼随右手,亮掌时,转头目视左前方。练习时,左右交换进行。 动作要求:亮掌手小指一侧上顶。抖腕亮掌、转头要同时完成。 易犯错误: 1.抖腕不明显。 纠正方法:加强腕部柔韧练习。单独练习抖腕动作。 2.抖腕亮掌、转头不一致。 纠正方法:单独练抖腕亮掌和转头动作。 二、步法 (一)击步(如右图) 预备姿势:左脚向左一步站立,与肩同宽。双手叉腰、 目视左前方。 动作顺序:重心前移,右腿蹬地提起向前,左脚蹬地前纵。 在空中,右 脚向前碰击左脚,右、左脚依次落地,目视前方。 动作要求:身体始终保持正直。上体斜对前方,动作要轻灵。 (二)垫步(如右图) 预备姿势:与击步相同。 动作顺序:右脚离地提起,落于左脚处;左脚迅速蹬地向 前跳起,让位于右脚,然后屈膝提腿前落。目视前方。 动作要求与击步相同。 三、腿法 (一)正踢腿(如右图) 预备姿势:两脚并立,两臂侧平举立掌。 动作顺序:左脚向前上半步,左腿支撑,右脚脚尖勾起向前额处直腿猛 踢。目视前方,左右交替进行练习。 动作要求:挺胸、立腰、头上顶、手外撑。收髋收 腹,腿踢过腰突然加速。 易犯错误: 1.上体前俯,拨跟、送髋。 纠正方法:加强腿部韧带的柔韧性,开始练习先踢低,以后逐步加高。 2.速度不够。 纠正方法:口令强调。 (二)侧踢腿(如右图) 预备姿势:并步侧向站立,两手侧平举,掌心向前,目视前方。 动作顺序:右脚向左侧上半步,脚尖外展,左脚脚跟稍提起(如图1— 16A),重心前移,左脚脚尖勾紧向左耳侧踢起,同时右臂屈肘上举亮掌,左 臂向下经体前屈肘立掌于右肩前。目视前方(如图1—16B)。 动作要求:挺胸、立腰、侧身、开髋。 易犯错误:侧身不够。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 10 纠正方法:上步脚外展,踢腿时开髋。 (三)里合腿(如右图) 预备姿势:同正踢腿。 动作顺序:右脚向前上半步,左脚脚尖勾起里扣向左上 方踢起,经脸前向右侧上方直腿摆动,落于预备姿势;目视 前方。 动作要求:挺胸、直腰、合髋、里合经过脸时加速。 易犯错误:里合幅度不够。 纠正方法:在体前放一固定物体,体会其里合腿的动作要领。同时,还要加强髋关节的韧带柔韧。 (四)外摆腿(如右图) 预备姿势:同正踢腿 动作顺序:右脚向前迈一步,左脚脚尖勾起,向右斜上方踢起, 经脸前向右侧摆动,落于右脚内侧,目视前方。 动作要求:挺胸、直腰、展髋,外摆腿摆到脸前加速外摆。 幅度要大,呈大扇形。 易犯错误和纠正方法同里合腿。 (五)单拍脚(如右图) 预备姿势:并步站立,左臂上举,指尖向上;右臂前举,指尖朝前;目 视前方。 动作顺序:左脚向前迈半步,重心前移,右脚跟抬起;右臂向上在头上方用掌背与左手掌心相击。然后,右腿绷脚尖向前上方摆起,手迎击右脚面。左手体侧立掌。 动作要求:头上顶、胸要挺、腰立直、击响准确响亮。 易犯错误:击拍不响。 纠正方法:反复做单个击拍练习,力求准确。 上体左转:左臂向前、向左抡摆。 四、跳跃 (一)腾空飞脚(如右图) 预备姿势:并步站立。 动作顺序:右脚向前上一步,上体稍后仰,左腿向前、向上直腿 摆踢,右脚蹬地跃起,身体腾空,两臂由下向前、向头上摆起, 右手背迎击左手掌 (如图 1—25A、B)。在空中,右腿向前图上方踢摆,绷脚面, 右手迎击右脚面;左臂体侧立掌成勾手,左腿屈膝收提于右腿内侧。脚尖向下。 动作要求:上体挺胸、直腰稍前倾;右脚必须高于腰;击响必须准确、响亮。 易犯错误: 1.上体过于前倾,脚低于腰。 纠正方法:不要追求双脚落地,降低腾空高度,按动作要领去做,注意摆踢腿的高度,正确动作形成后,再逐渐加大腾空高度。 2.左腿直接屈膝提起。 纠正方法:做右腿蹬地起跳,左腿直腿踢摆,双臂由后向前、向上击响 -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for 11 的练习。 3.蹬地、左、右腿踢摆脱节。 纠正方法:做蹬地起跳,左腿直摆屈收,右腿立刻向前摆踢练习。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection bef12 第四章:初级长拳第三路 一、动作名称 预备动作 1. 预备势 2. 虚步亮掌 3. 并步对拳 第一段 1. 弓步冲拳 2. 弹腿冲拳 3. 马步冲拳 4. 弓步冲拳 5. 弹腿冲拳 6. 大跃步前穿 7. 弓步击掌 8. 马步架掌 第二段 1. 虚步栽拳 2. 提膝穿掌 3. 仆步穿掌 4. 虚步挑掌 5. 马步击掌 6. 叉步双摆掌 7. 弓步击掌 8. 转身踢腿 马步盘肘 第三段 1. 歇步抡砸拳 2. 仆步亮掌 3 . 弓步劈拳 4. 换跳步弓步冲拳 5. 马步冲拳 6. 弓步下冲拳 7. 叉步亮掌 侧踹腿 8. 虚步挑拳 第四段 1. 弓步顶肘 2. 转身左拍脚 3. 右拍脚 4. 腾空飞脚 5. 歇步下冲拳 6. 仆步抡劈拳 7. 提膝挑掌 8. 提膝劈掌 弓步冲拳 结束动作 1. 虚步亮掌 2. 并步对拳 3. 还原 二、动作说明 预备动作 1. 预备势 两脚并步站立,脚尖向前;两臂垂于身体两侧,双手成掌自然贴靠腿外侧;眼向前平视(图2-4)。 要领:头正颈直,下颌微收,挺胸、收腹、塌腰、夹腿。 2. 虚步亮掌 ?退步砍掌 重心下降,右脚向右后方撤步成左弓步;右掌经体侧向胸前上方划弧,掌心向上,左臂屈肘,左掌提至腰侧,掌心向上;目视右掌(图2-5)。 n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres13 ?后移穿掌 左腿蹬地发力使重心后移,右腿微屈;左掌经胸前从右臂上向前上弧线穿出伸直,掌心向上,同时右掌收至腰侧,掌心向上;目视左掌(图2-6)。 ?转头亮掌 重心继续后移,左脚稍向右后移,脚尖点地,成左虚步;左臂内旋经左侧向后下方划弧成勾手,勾尖向上,右手继续向后、向右、向前上划弧,屈肘抖腕,在头前上方成亮掌(即横掌),掌心向前,掌指向左;目视左方(图2-7)。 要领:三个动作连贯,双手路线走圆。成虚步时,重心落于右腿上,右大腿与地面平行,上体注意保持正直。 3. 并步对拳 ?提膝亮掌 右腿蹬直,左腿提膝,脚尖里扣;身体直立,上身姿势不变(图2-8)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 14 ?上步穿掌 左脚向前迈步,重心前移;左臂屈肘,左勾手变掌经左肋前穿,右臂外旋向前下落于左掌右侧,两掌同高,掌心均向上;头转正,目视前方(图2-9)。 ?上步后摆掌 右脚向前上一步,重心前移;两臂下垂,双手经髋侧向后摆掌(图2-10)。 ?并步转头对拳 左脚向右脚并步,身体直立;两臂向外、向上经胸前屈肘下按,两掌变拳,拳心向下,拳面相对,停于小腹前;目视左侧(图2-11)。 -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for 15 要领:并步后挺胸、塌腰。对拳、并步、转头要同时完成。 第一段 1. 弓步冲拳 ?上步格挡 左脚向左横开一步,脚尖向斜前方,右腿微屈,上体微左转,成半马步;同时左臂屈肘向左格挡,拳眼向后,拳与肩同高,右拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视左拳(图2-12)。 ?蹬地冲拳 上体左转,右腿蹬直成左弓步;右拳成立拳向前冲出,高与肩平,拳眼向上,同时左拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视右拳(图2-13)。 要领:成弓步时,右腿充分蹬直,脚跟不要离地。冲拳时,尽量转腰顺肩。 2. 弹腿冲拳 重心前移至左腿,右腿屈膝提起,脚面绷直,猛力向前弹出伸直,高与腰平;左拳成立拳向前冲出,右拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视前方(图2-14)。 要领:弹腿和冲拳要协调一致,弹出的腿要用爆发力,力点达于脚尖。 3. 马步冲拳 右脚向前落步,脚尖里扣,右脚脚跟后辗,上体左转,两腿下蹲成马步;右拳成立拳向前冲出,高与肩平,同时左拳收至腰侧;目视前方(图2-15)。 eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar 16 要领:成马步时,大腿接近水平,脚跟外蹬,挺胸、塌腰,冲拳配合转体动作发力。 4.弓步冲拳 ?转体格挡 右脚尖外撇向斜前方,成半马步,上体右转90?;右臂屈肘向右格挡,拳眼向后,拳与肩同高;目视右拳(图2-16)。 ?蹬地冲拳 左腿蹬直成右弓步;左拳成立拳向前冲出,右拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视左拳(图2-17)。 要领:与本段的第一个弓步冲拳相同。 5.弹腿冲拳 重心前移至右脚,左腿屈膝提起,脚面绷直,猛力向前伸直弹出,高与腰平;右拳成立拳向前冲出,左拳抱拳于腰侧,拳心向上;目视前方(图2-18)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dim17 要领:与本段的第一个弹腿冲拳相同。 6.大跃步前穿 ?收腿挂掌 左腿屈膝收腿,上体微前倾;右拳变掌内旋,以手背向左下挂至左膝外侧;目视右手(图2-19)。 ?上步后摆掌 左脚向前落步,重心移至前脚,两腿微屈;右掌继续向后挂,左拳变掌,向后下摆掌伸直;目视右掌(图2-20)。 ?跃步上摆掌 右腿屈膝向前提起,左腿立即猛力蹬地向前跃出,跳起后双小腿后背,身体右转;两掌向前向上划弧摆起;目视左掌(图2-21)。 ?仆步抱拳 右腿落地全蹲,左腿随即落地向前铲出成仆步;右掌变拳抱于 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 18 腰侧,左掌由上向右、向下划弧成立掌,停于右胸前;目视左脚(图2-22)。 要领:跳起后在空中要挺身背腿;跃步要远,落地要轻,落地后立即接做下一个动作。 7.弓步击掌 右腿猛力蹬地,上体左转,重心移向左脚成左弓步;左掌经左脚面向后划弧至身后成勾手,左臂伸直,勾尖向上,右拳由腰侧变掌向前推出,掌指向上,掌外侧向前;目视右掌(图2-23)。 8.马步架掌 ?转体穿掌 重心移至两腿中间,上体右转,左脚脚尖里扣成马步;右臂向左侧平摆,稍屈肘,同时左勾手变掌由后经左腰侧从右臂内向左上穿出,掌心均朝上;目视左手(图2-24)。 ?转头亮掌 上体继续右转;右掌立于左胸前,左臂向左上屈肘抖腕亮掌于头部左上方,掌心向前上方;头部右转,目视右方(图2-25)。 elding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove o19 要领:亮掌的抖腕动作和转头同时完成,发力要干脆;马步同前。 第二段 1. 虚步栽拳 ?提膝转体 右脚蹬地,屈膝提起,左腿伸直站起,以前脚掌为轴向右后转体180?;右掌由左胸前向下经右腿外侧向后划弧成勾手,勾尖向后,左臂随体转动并外旋,使掌心朝右;目视右手(图2-26)。 ?虚步栽拳 右脚向右落地,重心移至右腿上,下蹲成左虚步;左掌变拳下落于左膝上,拳眼向里,拳心向后,右勾手变拳,屈肘架于头右上方,拳心向前;头迅速左转,目视左方(图2-27)。 2. 提膝穿掌 ?转头盖掌 右腿稍伸直;右拳变掌收至腰侧,掌心向上,左拳变掌由下向左上划弧盖压于头上方,掌心向前;头转向右方(图2-28)。 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W20 ?提膝穿掌 右腿蹬直,左腿屈膝提起,脚尖内扣;右掌从腰侧经左臂内向右前上方穿出,掌心向上,左掌收至右胸前成立掌;目视右掌(图2-29)。 要领:?、?动作连贯完成,支撑腿与右臂充分伸直。 3. 仆步穿掌 右腿全蹲,左腿向左后方铲出成左仆步,脚尖内扣;右臂不动,左掌由右胸前向下经左腿内侧,向左脚面穿出;目随左掌转视(图2-30)。 4. 虚步挑掌 ?弓步前穿 右腿蹬直,重心前移至左腿,成左弓步;左掌随重心前移继续向前上方穿掌,右掌稍下降;目随左掌转视(图2-31)。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and w21 ?虚步前挑 右脚向左前方上一步,脚尖点地,左腿半蹲,成右虚步,上体向左转180?;在右脚上步的同时,右掌由后向下、向前上挑起成立掌,指尖与眼平,左掌由前向上、向后划弧成立掌;目视右掌(图2-32)。 要领:上步要快,虚步要稳。 5.马步击掌 ?掳手抱拳 右脚落实,脚尖外撇,重心稍升高并右移;右掌俯掌向外掳手,左掌变拳收至腰侧(图2-33)。 ?上步横击 左脚向前上一步,以右脚为轴向右后转体180?,两腿下蹲成马步;左拳变掌从右臂上成立掌向左侧击出,力达掌根,右掌变拳收至腰侧;目视左掌(图2-34)。 要领:右手做掳手时,先使臂稍内旋、腕伸直,手掌向下向外转,接着臂外旋,掌心经下向上翻转,同时抓握成拳。收拳和击掌要同时进行。 6. 叉步双摆掌 ?转头下摆掌 重心稍升高、右移;右拳变掌,同时两掌由下向右摆,掌指均向上;目视右掌(图2-35)。 eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar22 ?叉步上摆掌 右脚向左腿后插步,前脚掌着地,上身拧紧;两臂继续由右向上、向左摆,停于身体左侧,均成立掌,右掌停于左肘窝处;目随双掌转视(图2-36)。 要领:两臂要划立圆,幅度要大,摆掌与后插步配合一致。 7. 弓步击掌 ?转身按掌 两腿不动,身体右转;右掌向上、向右划弧,掌心向下按掌,左掌收至腰侧,掌心向上;头转向右方(图2-37)。 ?退步击掌 左腿后撤一步,成右弓步;右掌向下向后伸直摆动,成勾手,勾尖向上,左掌成立掌向前推出;目视左掌(图2-38)。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and w23 要领:退步和推掌协调一致,推掌发力前左腿要蹬住地面。 8. 转身踢腿马步盘肘 ?转体抡臂 两脚以前脚掌为轴向左后转体180?,重心移向左脚;在转体的同时,左臂向上、向前划半立圆,右手变掌,右臂向下、向后划半圆;目随左手转视(图2-39)。 ?顺势抡臂 上动不停,两脚不动;右臂由后向上、向前划半立圆,左臂由前向下、向后划半立圆;目视前方(图2-40)。 ?亮掌正踢腿 上动不停,重心移至左脚,重心升高;右臂向下成反臂勾手,勾尖向上,左臂向上成亮掌,掌心向前上方;右腿伸直,脚尖勾起,向额前正踢腿(图2-41)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 24 ?落步拧身 右脚主动向前下压落地,脚尖里扣,上体微向左拧转;右手不动,左臂屈肘下落至胸前,肘平抬,左掌心向下;目视左掌(图2-42)。 ?马步盘肘 上体左转90?,两腿下蹲成马步;同时左掌向前、向左平掳,变拳后收至腰侧,右勾手变拳,右臂伸直,由体后向右、向前平摆,至体前时屈肘,肘尖向前,高与肩平,拳心向下;目视肘尖(图2-43)。 要领:两臂抡动时要划立圆,动作连贯。盘肘要快速有力,右肩前顺。 第三段 1. 歇步抡砸拳 ?转头抡拳 重心稍升高,右脚尖外撇;右臂由胸前向上、向右抡直,左臂摆至体侧,两拳拳心向上;目随右拳转视(图2-44)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dim25 ?转体抡摆 上动不停,重心升高,两脚以前脚掌为轴,向右后转体180?;随身体转动,右臂向下、向后抡摆,左臂向上、向前抡摆(图2-45)。 ?歇步砸拳 紧接上动,两腿全蹲成歇步;左臂随身体下蹲向下平砸,力达拳背,拳心向上,臂部微屈,右臂伸直向上举起;目视左拳(图2-46)。 要领:抡臂动作要连贯完成,划成立圆。歇步要两腿交叉全蹲,左腿大、小腿靠紧,臀部贴于左小腿外侧,膝关节在右小腿外侧,脚跟提起;右脚尖外撇,全脚掌着地。 2.仆步亮拳 ?回身横击掌 左脚由右腿后抽出向前上一步,左腿蹬直,右腿半蹲,成右弓步;上体微向右转;左拳收至腰侧,拳心向上,右拳变掌向下经胸前向右横击掌,掌心向下,力达掌沿;目视右掌(图2-47)。 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W26 ?提膝穿掌 右脚蹬地屈膝提起,上体右转;左拳变掌从右掌上向前穿出,掌心向上,右掌回收,平放至左肘下,掌心向上(图2-48)。 ?仆步亮拳 右脚向右落步,屈膝全蹲,左腿伸直,成仆步;左掌向下、向后划弧成勾手,勾尖向上,右掌向右、向上划弧后,抖腕成亮掌,掌心向前,臂微屈;头随右手转动,至亮掌时,目视左方(图2-49)。 要领:仆步时,左腿充分伸直,脚尖里扣,右腿全蹲,两脚脚掌全部着地。上体挺胸塌腰,稍左转。 3. 弓步劈拳 ?上步掳手 右腿蹬地立起,左腿收回并向左前方上步;右掌变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上,左勾手变掌由下向前上经胸前向左做掳手,掌心横向外;目视左手(图2-50)。 ?上步挥摆 右腿经左腿前方向左绕上一步,左腿蹬直成右弓步;左手向左平掳后再向前挥摆,虎口朝前,在左手平掳的同时,右拳向后平摆,拳眼向上(图2-51)。 elding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove o27 ?弓步劈拳 重心前移成弓步;右拳向上、向前做抡劈拳,力达拳背,拳高与耳平,拳心向上,左掌外旋接扶右前臂;目视右拳(图2-52)。 要领:左、右脚上步稍带弧形。 4. 换跳步弓步冲拳 ?缩身挂掌 重心后移,右脚稍向后移动,上体微前弓;右拳变掌,右臂内旋以掌背向下划弧挂至右膝内侧,左掌背贴靠右肘外侧,掌指向前;目视右掌(图2-53)。 ?提膝拧身 右腿自然上抬,上体稍向左扭转;右掌挂至体左侧,左掌留在右腋下;目随右掌转视(图2-54)。 ?震脚按掌 右脚以全脚掌用力向下震跺,与此同时,左脚急速离地向后勾 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 28 起,同时上体右转;伴随转体,右手由左向上、向前掳盖,而后变拳收至腰侧,左掌伸直向上经头上方向前、向下横掌下按,肘关节平屈,掌心向下;目视左掌(图2-55)。 ?弓步冲拳 左脚向前上步,右腿蹬直成左弓步;右拳从左手手背上向前冲出(立拳),拳高与肩平,左掌回收藏于右腋下,掌背贴靠腋窝,掌指向上;目视右拳(图2-56)。 要领:换跳步动作要连贯、协调。震脚时腿要弯屈,全脚掌着地。左脚离地不要太高。 5. 马步冲拳 左脚蹬转,脚尖内扣,上体右转90?,重心移至两腿中间,成马步;左掌变拳向左冲出,拳眼向上,右拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视左拳(图2-57)。 6. 弓步下冲拳 右脚蹬直,左腿弯曲,上体稍向左转,成左弓步;左拳变掌向下经体前划弧向上架于头左上方,掌心向上,右拳自腰侧向左前斜下方冲出,拳眼向上;目视右拳(图2-58)。 elding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove o29 7. 叉步亮掌侧踹腿 ?十字交叉 上体稍右转;左掌由头上下落于右手腕上,右拳变掌,两手手腕处交叉成十字,手掌小指侧向前;目视双手(图2-59)。 ?叉步亮掌 右脚蹬地并向左腿后插步,以前脚掌着地;左掌由体前向下、向后划弧成勾手,勾尖向上,右掌由前向右、向上划弧抖腕亮掌,掌心向前;目视左方(图2-60)。 ?侧踹腿 重心移至右腿,左腿屈膝提起,向左上方猛力踹出,脚尖勾紧;上肢姿势不变;目视左侧(图2-61)。 要领:插步时上体稍向右倾斜,腿、臂的动作要一致。侧踹高度不能低于腰, sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection bef30 大腿内旋,着力点在脚跟。 8. 虚步挑拳 ?落步左挑拳 左脚在左侧落地;左勾手变拳由体后向左上挑,拳背向上,右掌变拳稍后移,拳心向后(图2-62)。 ?提膝前挂拳 上体左转180?,微含胸前俯;左拳继续向前、向上划弧上挑,右拳向下、向前划弧挂至右膝外侧,拳眼向上;同时右膝提起;目视右拳(图2-63)。 ?虚步右挑拳 右脚向左前方上步,脚尖点地,重心落于左脚,左腿下蹲成右虚步;左拳向后划弧收至腰侧,拳心向上,右拳向前屈臂挑出,拳眼斜向上,拳与肩同高;目视右拳(图2-64)。 要领:挑拳发力与脚尖点地同时完成;虚步大腿接近水平。 第四段 1. 弓步顶肘 ?缩身下挂 重心升高,右脚踏实,上身微含胸前俯;右臂内旋向下直臂划弧以拳背下挂至右膝内侧,左拳不变;目视前下方(图2-65)。 n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres 31 ?提膝摆臂 左腿蹬直,右腿屈膝上抬,上体右转;左拳变掌,右拳不变,两臂向前向上划弧摆起;目随右拳转视(图2-66)。 ?跳换步一 上动不停,左脚蹬地起跳,身体腾空;两臂继续划弧至头上方(图2-67)。 ?跳换步二 右脚先落地,右腿屈膝,左脚向前落步,以前脚掌着地;同时两臂向右向下屈肘停于右胸前,右拳变掌,左掌变拳,右掌心贴靠左拳面,目视右方(图2-68)。 .6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect32 ?弓步顶肘 左脚向左上一步,右腿蹬直,左腿屈膝成左弓步;同时右掌推左拳,以左肘尖向左顶出,高与肩平;头随顶肘动作转向左方,目视前方(图2-69)。 要领:交换步时不要过高,但要快。两臂抡摆时要成圆弧。 2. 转身左拍脚 ?转身抡臂 以两脚前脚掌为轴向右后转体180?,转体后左脚跟半步;随着转体,右臂向上、向右、向下划弧抡摆,同时左拳变掌向下、向后、向前上抡摆(图2-70)。 ?左拍脚 身体重心移至右脚,左腿伸直向前上迅速踢起,脚面绷平;左掌变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上,右掌由体后向上经头上向前拍击左脚面;目视右手(图2-71)。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and w33 要领:右掌拍脚时手指稍横过来,拍脚要准而响亮。 3. 右拍脚 ?左掌后摆 左脚主动向前下压落地;左拳变掌向下、向后摆,右掌变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上(图2-72)。 ?右拍脚 身体重心移至左脚,右腿伸直向前上迅速踢起,脚面绷平;左掌由后向上经头上向前拍击右脚面;目视左手(图2-73)。 要领:接转身左拍脚的上步动作要连贯;其余与本段的转身左拍脚相同。 4. 腾空飞脚 ?落脚上步 右脚主动向前下压落地,身体重心迅速移至右腿;上肢姿势保持不变(图2-74)。 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W34 ?起跳击掌 左脚向前摆起,右腿猛力蹬地跳起,左腿屈膝继续前上摆;同时右拳变掌向前上摆起,左掌先上摆而后下降拍击右掌背(图2-75)。 ?空中拍脚 左腿保持屈膝上提,右腿继续上摆,脚面绷平;右手拍击右脚面,左掌由体前向后侧上举,目视右手(图2-76)。 要领:蹬地要向上,不要太向前冲,左膝尽量上提。击响要在腾空时完成,右臂伸直成水平。 5. 歇步下冲拳 ?半马步按掌 左脚先落地,右脚随后向前落地成半马步;右掌下落前伸,掌心向下,左掌变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上;目视右手(图2-77)。 sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and w35 ?歇步下冲拳 身体右转90?,两腿全蹲成歇步;右掌抓握、外旋变拳收至腰侧,左拳由腰侧向前下方冲出,拳心向下;目视左拳(图2-78)。 6. 仆步抡劈拳 两腿蹬地,重心升高;右臂由腰侧向体后伸直,左臂随身体重?站起抡臂 心升高向上摆起;目随左拳(图2-79)。 ?提膝转体 以右脚前脚掌为轴,左腿屈膝提起,上体左转270?;左拳由前向后下划立圆,右拳由后向下向前上划立圆(图2-80)。 ?仆步劈拳 左脚向后落一步,屈膝全蹲,右腿伸直,脚尖里扣成右仆步;右拳由上向下抡劈,拳眼向上,左拳后上举,拳眼向上;目视右拳(图2-81)。 used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar elding36 要领:抡臂时一定要划立圆。 7. 提膝挑掌 ?弓步抡臂 左腿伸直,重心前移成右弓步;同时右拳变掌由下向上抡摆,左拳变掌稍下落,右掌心向左,左掌心向右(图2-82)。 ?提膝挑掌 左、右臂在垂直面上由前向后各划立圆一周,右臂伸直停于头上,掌心向左,指尖向上,左臂伸直停于身后成反勾手;同时右腿屈膝提起,左腿挺膝伸直独立;目视前方(图2-83)。 要领:抡臂时要划立圆。 8. 提膝劈掌弓步冲拳 ?提膝劈掌 下肢不动;右掌由上向下猛劈伸直,停于右小腿内侧,用力点在小指一侧,左勾手变掌,屈臂向前停于右上臂内侧,掌心向左;目视右掌(图2-84)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dim37 ?退步搂手 右脚向右后落地;身体右转90?;同时左掌变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上,右臂内旋向右划弧做搂手(图2-85)。 ?弓步冲拳 上动不停,左腿蹬直成右弓步;右手抓握变拳收至腰侧,拳心向上,左拳由腰侧向左前方冲出,拳眼向上;目视左拳(图2-86)。 结束动作 1. 虚步亮掌 ?扣膝抱掌 右脚蹬地,重心移至左脚,右脚扣于左膝后;两拳变掌,两臂右上左下屈肘交叉于左胸前,掌心向下;目视右手(图2-87)。 the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be 38 ?退步舞花 右脚向右后落步,重心后移,右腿半蹲,上体稍右转;同时右掌向上、向右、体前划弧停于左腋下,左掌向左、向上划弧停于右臂上与左胸前,两掌心左下右上;目视左掌(图2-88)。 ?虚步亮掌 左脚尖稍向右移,右腿下蹲成左虚步;左臂伸直向左、向后划弧成反勾手,右臂伸直向下、向右、向上划弧抖腕亮掌,掌心向前;目视左方(图2-89) 要领:亮掌和转头协调一致。 2. 并步对拳 ?退步穿掌 左腿向后撤一步;同时两掌从两腰侧向前穿出伸直,掌心向上;目视前方(图2-90)。 ?退步后摆掌 右腿后撤一步;同时两臂分别向体后下摆(图2-91)。 elding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove o39 ?并步转头对拳 左脚后退半步向右脚并拢;两臂由后向上经体前屈臂下按,两掌变拳,停于腹前,拳心向下,拳面相对;目视左方(图2-92)。 3. 还原 两拳变掌,两臂自然下垂;头转向正前方,眼睛向前平视(图2-93)。 t the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 c40 第五章 武术小知识 一、武术拳种知多少, (一)内家拳类:内家拳、太极拳、形意拳、八卦拳等。 (二)长拳类:查拳、华拳、炮拳、洪拳、花拳、少林拳、戳脚、翻子等。 (三)短拳类:绵张短打、绵张拳等。 (四)南拳类:洪家拳、蔡李佛拳、虎鹤双形拳、侠家拳、咏春拳、五祖拳、太祖拳、鹤拳、罗汉拳、武林脱铐拳等。 (五)像形拳类:醉拳、鹰爪拳、猴拳、蛇拳、螳螂拳、鸭拳、地躺拳等。 二、十八般武艺指的是什么, 少年儿童们常常会在武侠小说或武打影视中听到用十八般武艺样样齐全来形容武林高手。那么,十八般武艺指的是什么呢, 大家知道,武术发展源远流长。武术器械也是经历了一个长久的衍变过程,由笨重到灵巧由简单到复杂,再经过实用、美观、方便三方面的滤选,逐渐形成具有代表性的器械,人们之为“十八般兵器”,并将使用这些兵器的能力称为“十八般武艺”。 各个朝代对十八般兵器说法不一,互有出入。现今较为流行的说法是:“刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、镋、锶、槊、棒、鞭、锏、锤、釽、拐子、流星”。事实上,中国器械绝不止“十八般”,仅少林拳谱上所载兵器就有五十种以上,因此,武术发展到今天,“十八般武艺”只是被用来形容习武之人的能力,而“十八般”兵器也只是被作为武术器械的总称。 三、武术对练是随意乱打吗, 少年儿童在看武打片或武术对练表演时,常看到有长枪围人紧扎、大刀向人乱砍、棍子向人猛抽、拳脚向人狠踹的场面或动作,不少孩子常感到害怕,担心这样打会不会打着人,打着人怎么办, 其实,无论是电影中的武打场面,还是表演中的对练、对打都是按预先编排好的套路进行的,每一个动作都是运用正确的攻防要求和防守方法进行的实战演练。它需要对练双方或多方的密切配合,配合越逼真,场面也就越惊险。可见,武术对练既不是毫无目的的乱打,也不是真拚实斗。而是经过刻苦训练,严密配合,按实战动作编排出来的。因此,少年儿童在看武术对打时,既不用感到害怕,也切记不可在没有经过严格训练,没有教练正确指导下随便模仿其中的动作。 四、哪种拳术、兵器最厉害, 开始学习武术,常常会听到少年儿童说:“我喜欢刀,刀最厉害”,“我喜欢棍,棍最厉害”。那么,到底哪种拳术和兵器最厉害呢,还是让我们从各拳种和各器械的特点来看看吧。太极拳的特点从表面上看是体松心静,呼吸自然,可实质上它是以静待动,后发制人,以小力胜大力,以慢制快,所谓“四两拨千斤”就是形容太极拳的发力特点的。再如,长拳类的通臂拳,肩臂松顺,甩膀抖腕,放长击远,劲力是冷弹柔进,力发腰背。而短拳类的拳术,则拳法密集,短促多变,紧逼硬攻,发拳似连珠炮,令人猝不及防。再说兵器,长兵器能放长击远,但不利近战;短兵器运用灵活,利于近战;软兵器能放能收,可长可短,但近身战时,难以发挥效用。以枪为例,枪的长处是可以在远距离向对方攻击,所以枪除了可以对付长兵器外,也可以用来对付短兵器和软兵器;古代很多武林英雄都是以枪天敌手而著名的。 但是,枪也存在着不可克服的短处,它的短处是在近距离作战时不能得心应 nts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shal41 手,没有一定的空间就施展不开,而短器械虽然没有像长器械攻击远距离对方的条件,但它便于招架防守,对近身攻击有利。 总之,各类拳术、各种器械都各有所长,也有所短。不可能说某种拳或某种兵器就是最厉害。有些少年儿童可能会说:“我们把各家拳法的精华都学到手,岂不是天下无敌手了。”其实,我们的前辈们在创造各种拳法时,都十分注意博采众长,但总不能包罗众长,十全十美。有长必有短,在搏击中,决定胜负的不是拳种的本身,而是掌握技术的人的技击功夫。武林豪杰赵云用的是枪,岳飞用的是枪,关羽用的是大刀,张飞用的是丈八蛇矛,岳雷用的是双锤,李逵用的是双斧,谁又能说清哪种拳械最厉害呢,因此,与其问哪种拳枪最厉害,不如问应如何学习武术,在哪些方面下功夫。 五、人真的能飞檐走壁吗, 喜欢看武打小说和武侠电影的少年儿童,常常对“身轻如燕、纵跳如飞”,飞檐走壁,如履平地”之人佩服不已,并信以为真,认为只要练习武术就能得此真功。其实,小说中描写的只是小说家的夸张,电影中拍摄的则是运用特技手段制造的场面。那么,人体是怎样从地面上跳起来的呢,从物理学的原理讲,它是通过力的作用,这个力是由于人用力向下蹬地而产生的。当人用力向下蹬地时,地面就以一个大小相等,方面相反的力作用在人体上,这个反作用力大于人体的重量,人就离开地面跳了起来。我国著名跳高运动员朱建华在第五届全运会上创造了二米三八的世界纪录。经过测试,他所用的蹬地力量是455公斤以上,如果要跳到三米以上的高度,该用多大的力量~这是人的体格和体力所受不了的。当今世界跳高纪录只是二米四,人们创造的每项新纪录都要付出巨大的努力和辛勤的汗水,所谓的飞檐走壁之人是不存在的,它只是一种人们对武术豪杰的想象而已。 六、武术的流派有哪些, 武术流派,是指不同的技法特点和风格形成的武术技术派别。至今为止武术的流派基本上是按下面几种方式划分的; (一)以区域划分的有: 1、长江流域派,俗称“南派”,又称“南拳”。技法特点近似“内家拳”,架势小,招势紧,技法严密。 2、黄河流域派,俗称“北派”,又称“北腿”。技法特点近似“外家拳”,架势大,招势宏敞,多用腿法。 (二)以宗教划分的有:佛家宗少林派,又称“外家派”。道家宗武当派,又称“内家派”。 (三)以山川划分的有:以山划分的有:少林派、武当派、峨嵋派等;以川为划分的有:长江派、黄河派、珠江派等。 (四)以门类划分的有:太极门、少林门、八卦门、地躺门、形意门等。 七、什么是武术的四击、八法、十二型, (一)四击:是指踢、打、摔、拿四种技击法则。 (二)八法:是指手、眼、身、步、精、气、力、功八法。 (三)十二型:是指用自然界的十二种事物形象来形容长拳中动、静、起、落等技法要求,包括:动如涛,静如岳,起如猿,落如鹤、立如鸡、站如松、转如轮、折如弓、轻如叶、重如铁、快如风、缓如鹰。 八、武术训练对场地的要求是什么, 练习武术一般不受场地限制,对场地的要求也不高。拳谚说:“拳打卧牛之 t meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi42 地”,说的就是只要有牛能卧倒那样一块地方,就可以练习武术。少年儿童进行武术训练是从长拳项目开始的。一般来说,长拳类项目蹿蹦跳跃、跌扑滚翻动作较多,少年儿童又处在生长发育时期,在过硬的地面上长期训练,会导致软骨组织过早骨化,从而影响少年儿童的生长发育,甚 至造成创伤。因此,少年儿童最好在辅有地毯的地板上或质地松软、平坦、宽敞的泥地上进行武术训练,对原地单个动作练习和一些简单的武术操及其套路组合练习,只要场地平坦、能活动开就可以了。武术比赛的场地要求为:长十四米,宽八米(集体项目除外)。由于器械活动范围比较大,在场地四周需要有二米左右空余地,以利比赛的进行和安全。比赛可在地毯上或平坦的土地上进行。 九、武术器械有哪些, 武术器械可分为钢制和木制两种,一般训练可以根据现有条件选择器械,常见的器械有: (一)长器械。 ?枪,?矛,?棍,?朴刀,?大刀,?飞叉,?戟。 (二)短器械。 ?刀,?剑,?拐子。 (三)双器械。 ?双匕首,?峨嵋刺,?双刀,?双剑,?双尖双枪,?双勾。 (四)软器械。 ?九节鞭,?三节 棍,?短梢子,?长梢子,?流星锤,?绳镖。 (五)其他。盾牌 十、套路的时间规定是怎样的, 一般的训练套路时间没有具体规定,可长可短,因人和项目而异。少年儿童开始训练时,多以初级套路为主,时间稍短为宜,以后再逐步加长。比赛套路则有时间规定: (一)长拳、南拳和刀、剑、枪、棍的自选套路,少年组、成年组不得少于1分20秒,儿童组不得少于1分钟。 (二)太极拳为5至6分钟(到5分钟时,裁判应鸣哨提示)。 (三)其他项目。 单练不得少于1分钟。 对练不得少于40秒。 (四)集体项目。不得少于3分钟。 十一、武术服装和鞋的要求怎样, (一)服装。 练习武术对运动员服装要求不高,一般来说,训练中穿着的服装无具体要求,只要是质地松软,穿着合体,活动方便的便装即可。(穿着合体指的是在训练中能保证动作练开,例如,裤子,以可作劈又而又不紧为合体。)但对比赛中所着服装则有统一要求,具体规定如下: 1.拳术、棍术、剑术用服装为:短袖套头衫,用料为丝绸或丝绒。西式裤腰,中式裤脚口穿松紧带或系扎带子收口,横直裆要适宜。 2.刀术、拳术、棍术用服装为:中式半开门衣,灯笼裤,用料为绸料 3.剑术、拳术、八卦拳服装为:中式大襟衣,灯笼裤,用料为绸料)。 4.对练、大刀、棍术服装为:中式对襟衣,灯笼裤,用料为绸料自选拳服装为:套头 -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp-l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for 43 衫,灯笼裤,用料为绸或腈纶与尼龙料 6.太极拳、形意拳、八卦拳服装为:中式对襟衣,灯笼裤,用料为绸料 7.南拳服装为:鸡心领套头马夹,灯笼裤,用料为绸或尼龙与丝绒 (二)鞋。 武术训练对鞋的要求为:一般运动鞋或质地较柔软、穿着舒适、活动方便即可。一般运动鞋鞋底具有较好的弹性,软而不滑,鞋帮面配有系带,缚紧后不易脱落,有利于练习跳跃、腾空、击响等动作,这种鞋适应于多种训练场地的练习。 现在武术比赛和表演中常见的是一种以羊皮或帆布制面、软胶制底、鞋帮饰有花式云头的武术表演专用鞋,这种鞋穿着既舒适、又美观。 十二、武术比赛是如何进行评分的, 武术比赛每一组由五名执行裁判打分,运动员表演完,五名裁判同时亮分,去掉最高、最低分,取其中间三个分数的总和之平均数,就是运动员的最后得分。具体评分标准备不相同,因项目特点而定,但总分值都为10分。 附:长拳及其器械的评分标准: 1、动作规格分值为6分。 凡手型、步型、手法、步法、身法、腿法、跳跃、平衡和各种器械的方法都符合规则要求者,给予满分。轻微不符者扣0.1分,显著不符者扣0.分,严重不符者扣0.3分。 2、劲力、协调分值为2分。 凡劲力充足,用力顺达,力点准,手、眼、身、法、步协调(器械项目需身械协调),动作干净利落,给予满分。轻微不符者扣0.1—0.5分,显著不符者扣0.6—1分,严重不符者扣1.1—2分。 3、精神、节奏、风格、内容、结构、布局分值为2分。凡精神饱满、节奏鲜明、风格突出、内容充实、结构合理、变化多样、布局匀称者,给予满分。轻微不符者扣0.1—0.5分,显著不符者扣0.6—1分,严重不符者扣1.1—2分。 名家介绍 杨露禅(1799-1872):绰号太极宗师,河北人士,杨氏太极拳的创始人,早年体弱多病,后迁往河南焦作陈家沟,拜陈氏太极拳掌门人陈长兴为师,潜心习练太极拳,勤学苦练、常年不辍,后来经过自我钻研与大胆创新,自立门派,修成正果,在借鉴陈氏太极拳的拳法技艺基础上,独立地创立了杨氏太极拳,成为了杨氏太极拳的开山鼻祖。后游学于皇城北京,擅长以柔克刚、借力打力,打遍京城无敌手,成为发扬光大太极拳的一代武术宗师。其子杨班侯、其孙杨澄浦后来继承和发扬了杨氏太极拳,在清末民初都成为名噪京城的武术名家。 董海川(1797-1882):绰号八卦神掌,河北人士,晚清年间的著名武术家,民间武术界传说其即为八卦掌的创始人,早于杨露禅出道于武林,喜结江湖狭义之士,武艺精熟、功法深厚,善于刚柔相济的技击之术,而又深藏不露,可谓是“大隐隐于市”类型的大武术家。后来,在端王府的安排之下,曾与杨露禅拆招比武,功法实在是难分伯仲,可谓棋逢对手、将遇良才,遂与杨露禅并称京城武林界双雄。 霍元甲(1868-1910):绰号精门大侠,天津静海人士,系清末民初在中国民间知名度极高的著名武术技击家,自幼习武,勇力绝伦、精通技击、行侠仗义,独创迷踪拳,也被称为霍家拳,曾在各类开放式比武之中多次力挫外国大力士和日本柔术家,后创立精武门和精武会,成为上海滩外著名的武术技击家和社会活 ore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weldhat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. W44 动家,其爱国事迹曾因被后人翻拍成多部影视作品而享誉中国乃至世界,在广大武术爱好者心目之中具有崇高的历史地位,是中国近代武术界的标志性人物。 杜心武(1869-1953):绰号传奇武侠,湖南人士,早年习文尚武,得到过江湖武术奇人徐大侠的点拨和真传,学得旷世武功、身手不凡,青年时代东渡日本求学,并加入孙中山领导的同盟会,辛亥革命之后回国担任宋教仁先生创立的北平林业讲习所(北京林业大学的前身)的高等教员,并曾经担任过孙中山先生的私人保镖,武术造诣极深,创立了传统武术的散打技击之术“自然门”,成为一代享誉京师的武林大家。但是,杜心五为人低调、不事张扬,为此他放弃了不少仕途和政治机会。但是,他的拳拳爱国之心和崇高的民族气节在中华民族危难的抗战时期则彰显无遗,为中国武林界所称颂。另外,他收有高徒万籁声,步其后尘也成为一代武术大家。 王子平(1881-1973):绰号神力千斤,河北沧州人士,出身武林世家,自小尚文习武,青年时代精通武艺、力能扛鼎,被江湖武林人士赞誉为“神力千斤王”,尤其精于武术弹腿,民国时代在北平曾经打擂击败过多位外国来华大力士和日本浪人。1949年之后,王子平成为中国武术界的领军人物之一,他曾经担任过中国武术协会的副主席,晚年定居上海,从事武术教育与中医研究工作,他也系著名的中医骨伤科专家,悬壶济世、治病救人。其女王菊蓉得其真传,女承父业,日后也成为著名的武术教育家。 万籁声(1903-1992):绰号自然宗师,早年身体孱弱多病,后考入国立北平林业大学,毕业后留校任教,师从著名武术家杜心武,正所谓名师出高徒,万籁声通过杜心武的言传身教,再加上自己的勤学苦练和天资悟性,学得一身好功夫,尤其擅长自然门,身手矫健敏捷、技击动作迅雷不及掩耳,以快、准、狠著称于世。他曾经参加过民国时代的国术比赛,获得过轻量级的散打冠军,在抗战期间曾经担任过国民政府下属的中央训练团的国术总教练。晚年定居福建福州,以传授武术和伤骨医生为业,并曾经担任过福建武术协会主席一职,是一位精通传统技击精要的卓越武术家。 蔡龙云(1929-):绰号神龙大侠,山东人士,出身于武术世家,自幼习武,悟性极强,擅长拳法和腿法,青年时代在上海参加过中外拳击对抗赛,击败过俄国力士,后又在擂台赛上击败过美国黑人重量级拳击手,一时间享誉上海滩,被媒体称为神龙大侠,晚年担任过中国武术协会副主席,并担任上海体育学院武术系主任、教授,长期从事传道、授业、解惑的武术教育与研究活动,可谓桃李满天下,同时,他也是中国武术恢复传统散打技击竞技的积极倡导者和热心推广者。 李小龙(1940-1973):绰号功夫之王,原名李振藩,英文Bruce Lee,享誉世界的中国武术家,电影表演艺术家,也是中国功夫最著名的国际代表人物,自幼学习咏春拳,后前往美国求学发展,毕业于华盛顿大学哲学系,自创截拳道,融合东西方武术技击的优点和长处,击打速度恰似闪电一般迅疾,令对手防不胜防,具有很强的实战技击性,尤其擅长二节棍和连环腿,多次在擂台之外的非正式场合与西洋、日本以及泰国的搏击高手交手过招,屡战屡胜,是一名具有哲学创新深邃思维的武术思想家,在国际武术界和自由搏击界享有至高无上的历史地位和家喻户晓的国际声望,在海外甚至已经成为了中国功夫的化身和标志。李小龙英年早逝,生命短暂而辉煌,其墓地葬在旧金山市,成为了全世界功夫爱好者朝圣观光的一处景致。 李连杰(1963-):绰号武术之星,八十年代六夺全国武术套路冠军,在风 -l be removed before they can. Multi6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shalnts. cribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requiremesides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the pres n bothensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove oelding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimthe surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and wsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -ance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resist-nt, shortwelded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low curre austenite dissimilar steel-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Cruldforming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement sho hall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shapeams sbe cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding se ection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, shouldlayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual insp45 靡大江南北的电影《少林寺》中担纲觉远和尚的主演,十八般武艺样样精通,其武术表演技艺十分精湛、基本功扎实,动作舒展大方,挥洒飘逸,如行云流水,一气呵成,具有很强的武术观摩性和功法表演性,是继李小龙之后的第二位真正国际重量级别的中国功夫皇帝,被赞誉为当代黄飞鸿。尤其值得称道的是,李连杰在工作之余,创立了民间慈善机构“壹基金”,从事人道主义的慈善援助事业,获得了社会各界的广泛好评。最近,李连杰在四川5、12汶川大地震中又向灾区人民奉献了爱心援助。近些年来,李连杰开始了禅宗的修炼,崇尚悲天悯人的博爱精神,并身体力行之,已经逐渐地达到了仁者无敌、大爱无疆的思想境界。 成龙,1954年4月7日生于香港太平山,国家一级演员,大中华区影坛巨星和国际功夫电影巨星,在华人世界享有极高声望与影响。他与周星驰、周润发并称“双周一成”,意为香港电影的票房保证。成龙以功夫片著称,曾经多次打破香港电影票房纪录,目前其主演的电影全球总票房已经超过100亿元,为华人演员之首。成龙的成名作是功夫喜剧《醉拳》,1994年由他主演的《红番区》在美国公映后反响强烈,使其成功打入美国好莱坞,而接下的《尖峰时刻》系列电影亦获得极高的票房,并奠定其国际电影巨星的地位。成龙的代表作有《警察故事》、《醉拳》等 柳海龙(1980-):绰号散打之王,山东人士,中国当代武术散打界的重量级领军人物,毕业于解放军体育学院武术系,擅长拳法、腿法和摔跤,独创“柳腿披挂”之绝技,散打功夫技艺精湛、炉火纯青,其虽然在身形上似乎属于力量型的高水平散打选手,但是其技术动作完全可以和前些年国内散打界技术动作最优秀的全国散打冠军杨建芳、贾伟涛和邢志杰等人相媲美,几乎无懈可击,在国内外高水平的职业散打搏击擂台之上是一位攻无不克、战无不胜的超级散打王,除了多次荣获全国散打冠军之外,也曾荣膺世界80公斤级别的武术散打冠军,曾经多次在擂台上击败外国顶级自由搏击高手,多次力挫泰国拳王,多次横扫日本武士,正可谓叱咤风云、谁与争锋,也成为当代中国武术散打界名副其实的功夫第一人,目前正值当打之年,可谓青年才俊、前途无量。 hat ie consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm tGroove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions ar eldingused. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Wore welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection befsided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for -led. High corrosion resistance performance of doublearc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be control-good conditions, low current, short austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-resistant corrosion-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-25Creld reinforcement shouldcts. Wion. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defeheck after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspect.6.3 ct the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6he layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interruplayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean t-ing the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multit meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to weld46
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