首页 基础知识笔记本电脑键盘



基础知识笔记本电脑键盘基础知识笔记本电脑键盘 笔记本电脑键盘解析 笔记本电脑键盘的作用就是向系统输入指令,完成各种各样的工作。对于经常从事文 字录入工作的人来说,笔记本电脑键盘的手感是最重要的。 影响手感的五大要素分别为:键程、键宽、键距、回弹性能和键位布局。今天,小编就以此为切入点,为大家详细的介绍一下笔记本电脑的键盘。 手感是最重要的~笔记本电脑键盘解析 ?笔记本按键的结构设计 要想知道笔记本按键的结构设计有什么独到之处,首先就要看一看台式机按键的结构设计。 台式机按键的结构设计比较简单,中间只有一个按键支架 pos...

基础知识笔记本电脑键盘 笔记本电脑键盘解析 笔记本电脑键盘的作用就是向系统输入指令,完成各种各样的工作。对于经常从事文 字录入工作的人来说,笔记本电脑键盘的手感是最重要的。 影响手感的五大要素分别为:键程、键宽、键距、回弹性能和键位布局。今天,小编就以此为切入点,为大家详细的介绍一下笔记本电脑的键盘。 手感是最重要的~笔记本电脑键盘解析 ?笔记本按键的结构 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 要想知道笔记本按键的结构设计有什么独到之处,首先就要看一看台式机按键的结构设计。 台式机按键的结构设计比较简单,中间只有一个按键支架 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 从侧面看,台式机按键的结构设计很像汉字里面的“工” 我们再随便找来一款笔记本电脑,拆下一个键帽 笔记本键盘在按键支架周围设计了一个“X”形回弹垫片 从侧面看,笔记本按键的结构设计很像英文字母里面的“X” “X”结构设计的工作原理跟我们日常生活中使用的剪刀有点像,通过两组平行四连杆,以强迫运动的方式顶起或拉低键帽。这种按键结构设计最大的好处就是,可以令键帽均匀受力。无论用户点击键帽什么位置,都能迅速作出反 ?什么是键程, 键程就是,在正常使用过程中,键帽可以下沉的最大高度。以下面这张图片为例,这款笔记本电脑的键程就是2mm。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 键程 键程的长短主要是由按键支架的高度和“X”形回弹垫片的厚度决定的。每个人对键程长短的喜好都不相同,如果遇到键程刚好适合自己手指的情况,就会觉得这款笔记本键盘的手感很好。 另外,键程的长短也会在一定程度上,影响到笔记本电脑的机身厚度。作为笔记本设计师,还要考虑这个取舍问题。有时候,大家抱怨一款轻薄类笔记本的键盘手感不好,就是因为它为了使机身更薄,牺牲了键程。 ?什么是键宽, 键宽就是,键盘主要工作区域内键帽的宽度。以下面这张图片为例,这款笔记本电脑的键宽就是18.18mm。 键盘主要工作区域包括:10个数字键、26个字母键和标点符号键。 键宽 键宽设计得越合理,出现误打的几率就越低。尤其是那些手指较粗的人,都喜欢键宽大的笔记本电脑。 ?什么是键距,什么叫全尺寸键盘, 键距就是,键盘主要工作区域内键与键之间的距离,约等于一个键帽的长度加上一个缝隙的长度。键距在19mm-19.5mm以内的键盘,称为全尺寸键盘。以下面这张图片为例,这款笔记本电脑的键宽在18mm-19mm之间,所以不算是全尺寸键盘。 顺便说一句,网上一直流传着“ThinkPad X200(报价 参数 图片 评测)采用的是全尺寸键盘”这一说法,其实是错误的。它的键距只有16mm。 键盘主要工作区域包括:10个数字键、26个字母键和标点符号键。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 键距 键距的设计也很讲究:键距太长,影响连续打字速度;键距太短,容易碰到旁边的键出现误打。 ?笔记本键盘的回弹性能 回弹性能就是指,键帽被按下以后,再次弹起的性能。很多人都说ThinkPad笔记本的键盘手感好,在敲击键盘的时候有一种非常清脆的感觉,就是因为ThinkPad笔记本按键回弹设计得好。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 笔记本键盘的回弹性能 ?笔记本键盘的键位布局 笔记本键盘的键位布局多种多样。其中,有两处键位布局最影响使用:一个是“Ctrl”键和“Fn”键哪个在左、哪个在右;另一个就是“HOME”、“PGUP”、“PGDN”和“END” 键的位置。 大家都知道,“复制”和“粘贴”是我们平时最常用的两个系统命令,它们的快捷键就是“Ctrl+V”。将“Ctrl”键设置在“Fn”键左侧,也就是设置在键盘最左下角,操作起 来最顺手。下面介绍的东芝笔记本就是这样设计的。 对于从事文字录入工作的人来说,“HOME”、“PGUP”、“PGDN”和“END”键都很重要,如果可能的话,最好还是独立分布在边边角角等方便点击的位置。下面介绍的东芝笔记 本和ThinkPad笔记本就是这样设计的。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 东芝笔记本键盘布局 东芝笔记本的键盘从横向上来看,可分为6排。“Ctrl”键在“Fn”键左侧。“HOME”、 “PGUP”、“PGDN”和“END”独立分布在键盘右侧。 联想笔记本键盘布局 联想笔记本的键盘从横向上来看,可分为6排。“Ctrl”键在“Fn”键右侧。“HOME”、“PGUP”、“PGDN”和“END”以Fn功能键重叠的方式分布在键盘右下角。 ThinkPad笔记本键盘布局 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along ThinkPad笔记本的键盘从横向上来看,可分为7排,比其他品牌笔记本都多出1排按键。“Ctrl”键在“Fn”键右侧。因为多出了1排,所以使“HOME”、“PGUP”、“PGDN” 和“END”键可以独立分布在键盘右上角,方便从事文字录入工作的人操作。 苹果笔记本键盘布局 苹果笔记本的键盘从横向上来看,可分为6排。与其他品牌笔记本键盘相比,它最大的不同点就是,键盘采用了悬浮式设计,更加美观。目前,索尼和三星部分产品也在使用这 种悬浮式键盘。 ?笔记本键盘的特色功能 最后,小编再为大家介绍一些笔记本键盘的特色功能,比如:防水、散热、背光等。 联想昭阳R2000 笔记本防水键盘大致可以分为三个等级:防溅、防洒和防水。 1.防溅:当你一边看电影一边喝水的时候,突然一个很搞笑的镜头让你笑得喷出了水, 水溅到笔记本键盘上。这种情况,防溅级别的键盘可以应付。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 2.防洒:当你一边看电影一边喝水的时候,突然一个很搞笑的镜头让你笑得碰翻了水 杯,水洒到笔记本键盘上。这种情况,防洒级别的键盘可以应付。 3.防水:当你一边看电影一边喝水的时候,突然一个很搞笑的镜头让你笑得踢翻了笔记本,笔记本掉到了水池子里。这种情况,防水级别的键盘可以应付,也就是完全防水。 东芝A600系列笔记本采用了独特的散热方式 东芝A600系列笔记本采用了独特的散热方式 东芝A600系列笔记本采用键盘辅助散热系统,通过超薄的键盘金属底部,在用户敲击 键盘的同时,完成一次又一次的微小热循环,从而获得绝佳的散热效果。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 苹果MacBook Air笔记本采用背光键盘设计 苹果MacBook Air笔记本采用背光键盘设计。背光键盘的设计原理就是,先采用镂空 印字工艺在键帽内部印上注释文字,然后再通过键盘底部的光线令文字发亮。这种设计最大 的好处就是,键帽上的注释文字永不磨损。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along
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