首页 音乐类社团组建方案



音乐类社团组建方案音乐类社团组建方案 音乐组社团组建方案 一、指导思想 丰富学生课余生活,努力营造和谐向上、健康文明的校园文化氛围和艺术教育环境;为学生提供展示艺术才华的舞台,丰富广大学生的业余文化生活,展现校园文化风采;挖掘学生音乐方面的潜力,调动学生学习艺术的兴趣,不断提升学生的综合素质和艺术修养。 二、实施目标 通过音乐各社团训练,培养学生音乐素养、群体意识和集体荣誉感,以及自信心和乐观向上的情感态度。通过演唱、语言表达、舞台表演等形式,培养学生爱国热情,增强民族自豪感。 三、社团项目 (1) 合唱社团 通过视唱...

音乐类社团组建 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 音乐组社团组建方案 一、指导思想 丰富学生课余生活,努力营造和谐向上、健康文明的校园文化氛围和艺术教育环境;为学生提供展示艺术才华的舞台,丰富广大学生的业余文化生活,展现校园文化风采;挖掘学生音乐方面的潜力,调动学生学习艺术的兴趣,不断提升学生的综合素质和艺术修养。 二、实施目标 通过音乐各社团训练,培养学生音乐素养、群体意识和集体荣誉感,以及自信心和乐观向上的情感态度。通过演唱、语言表达、舞台表演等形式,培养学生爱国热情,增强民族自豪感。 三、社团项目 (1) 合唱社团 通过视唱、发声训练、听辨音高、节奏等教学途径,提高学生音乐听觉的敏锐性和精确性,积累音乐语汇,丰富音乐经验,促进学生在音乐注意力、音乐记忆力、音乐思维能力等主面的发展,为学生更好的感受音乐、理解音乐建立正确的歌唱状态,掌握科学的发声方法打下良好的基础。为每个学生提供自我展示的平台,都得到不同程度的提高和发展。主要内容为:形体训练、歌唱的呼吸、歌唱的共鸣、歌唱的咬字、发声训练、中外歌曲演唱、艺术表现等。 一、活动时间安排: 每周星期三下午 二、活动地点: 音乐教室 三、指导教师: 胥鹏飞 高准 四、教学 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 : 1、教师认真的准备好每一次活动,要求知识通俗易懂并有一定的兴趣性。 2、每次活动学生必须按时到点参加训练,不得以任何理由迟到、早退,有事需说明原因及上交书面请假条。, 3、学生认真完成教师布置的曲目,积极和辅导老师配合。 五、课程安排: of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 合唱队的课程安排,是根据学生掌握的具体情况来设定教学内容,同时进行相关乐理知识的渗透。 六、具体工作措施: 1、上好音乐兴趣活动课,做到“四定”。即定内容、定人员、定时间、定地点,发展学生的个性特色,以此推动学生音乐素质的全面发展。 2、在完成音乐课堂教学的同时,不断扩大学生的音乐视野,丰富学生的精神生活,进一步培养、发展学生的音乐兴趣,使他们学有所长,培养学生的集体主义精神。 3、经常督促学生完成一些学习音乐的好习惯,并使之不断巩固、加强。并在此尽量减少对老师的依赖心理等,平时将定期不定期的向学生推荐一些好的音乐。 4、对小组的课程做出规范,以提高学生学习兴趣,培养音乐能力为主要内容,不让学生放任自由。 5、培养学生的特长,并在一定的时间让他们发挥自己的特长,锻炼和发展学生的能力。 七、活动安排: 2月:基本歌唱技巧和方法的练习。(基本技能训练) 3月:歌曲指导歌唱的基本指导。(吸气换气的训练) 4月:歌曲指导歌唱的基本指导。(咬字吐字的训练) 5月:歌曲演唱的感情处理。(乐句气吸感情处理训练) 6月:歌曲整体演绎 (2)播音主持 本课程分别从呼吸控制、口腔控制、喉部及共鸣控制、声音的弹性和情、声、气的结合等部分讲述发声的原理和艺术语言发声的要求及需要掌握的要领,并配有较充分的练习材料。通过学习和训练使学生掌握发声的基本理论,运用正确的、科学的发声方法逐步改变、纠正不正确的、不科学的发声习惯,从而达到气息通畅,有一定控制能力,声音清晰、集中、圆润、明朗、朴实、大方,运用声音弹性的变化能够做到情、声、气结合以适应不同语言环境语言表达的需要。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 主要内容:形体训练、气息训练、发声训练、共鸣训练、综合训练等 一、培训目的 1.通过系统的专业知识、专业技能的培训,学生能够全面掌握说话的艺术,并具有良好的演讲和主持能力,培养出一批校园大型活动主持人,校园电视台主持。 2.培养学生良好的口头表达能力,较好的普通话会话水平,并开发学生在大庭广众之下的说话胆量,出众的舞台主持水平等多方面的综合素质。 3.受训人员能基本掌握广播、电视主持的要求和常识,可以承担班级、广播站、电视台、学校大型文体活动的主持任务。 4.提高主持人口语表达及口头作文水平,培养学生主持人的应变能力。为学校宣传阵地输送人才,为学校精神文明的建设做出贡献。 5.以点带面,扩大我校学生主持人的队伍,为我校,乃至我教育系统大型文艺活动提供一批学生主持人,提高我校的社会知名度。 二、活动安排 (一)培训方式 1.本校优秀教师讲课。 2.师生、学生互动活动。 3.邀请资深播音、主持人举办讲座。 4.观摩中学生文艺活动主持录像等。 (二)培训时间: 每周二下午5:00,5:50 (三)指导老师: 王晓娜 (四)培训地点: 播音主持教室 (四)培训内容: 1.学习普通话语音、发声技巧。 2.学习舞台上、镜头前的表达技巧。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 3.学习即兴评述、即兴演讲技巧。 4.会场基本主持知识、技巧等课程。 (五)教学宗旨 学主持、练口才、增自信、懂礼仪、长才干、会社交 (3)舞蹈社 作为一名舞蹈学员在身体上所具备的素质主要包括直、绷、软、开。加强基本素质训练,主要包括:1、肩、腰训练(压肩胛带、腰背肌、下腰、拧腰)2、髋部训练3、腿部训练(抱腿、抬腿、竖叉)4、脚部训练。这些练习也叫垫上练习,均需要在地毯上进行,以保证正在长身体的青少年不受损伤。加强扶把训练。包括:正确的战立姿势、擦地练习、各种蹲、踢腿、弹腿、下腰、压腿、劈叉,这些练习必须在把杆上进行,以保证学生优美的体形。 兴趣培养是音乐学习的基础的前提。没有兴趣的技能学习是无源之水、无根之木。如果说形体学习是目的,那么兴趣培养是手段、是过程。所以要发展中学生的形体水平,必须培养浓厚的、稳定的兴趣。让学生在有趣的形体活动中实现中学音乐教学的目标,这是我们努力的方向,我们要将每一个学生带进形体美好的境界中,在感受美和表现美的过程中纯洁他们的心灵,陶冶他们的性情,促进他们身心和谐发展。 一、指导思想: 1、紧紧抓住素质教育的“核心问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ”和“关键环节”从“为了中华民族的复兴”、“为了每位学生的发展”的高度,着力构建一种开放的、民主的、科学的艺术课程,为学生的终身发展建立起坚实丰厚的生产点。 2、关注学生的个体差异和不同需求,关注学生在活动过程中的体验情感、态度和价值观的形成。保护学生的好奇心、求知欲,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取意识,促进孩子健康而有特色地成长。 二、活动目的: 1、使学生正确的掌握舞蹈的基本要领,知道基本的手位,脚位。 2、对队员们要求基功达到下叉,下腰。软度不好的同学可延长时间。 3、对个别素质好的队员在技巧方面可加深一些,同时学一些简单的民族舞蹈。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 三、培养目标: 1、初步掌握舞蹈的基本动作,使学生建立正确的动作技术,养成良好的姿态。 2、学习成套的舞蹈基本动作,培养学生的节奏感协调性和灵敏性。 3、发展学生各项身体素质,增强学生的体质。 四、培训时间 每周星期四下午5:00--6:00 五、培训地点 形体室 六、指导老师: 张成明 (4)吉他社 院吉他社正式成立于2011年9月。社团是以"创造良好的音乐氛围,培养大学生的音乐素养,推动校园音乐文化的发展"为宗旨的最具活力的学生音 乐社团, 以“丰富课余文化生活,营造校园文化艺术氛围”为目的,以“源于同学、服务与同学”的原则,为同学们提供一个了解和掌握吉他这门乐器得到多 方面的锻炼。 吉他是世界上最流行的一种乐器,轻便、灵活、通俗而又不失高雅,以其丰富的表现力深为人们喜爱„ „院吉他社主要以教学民谣吉他、电吉他、古典吉他、架子鼓、贝司、电子琴、横笛等乐器。将爱好吉他,爱好音乐的朋友聚焦在一起进行交流学习,提高自身的艺术素质、审美意识,创造美好的旋律,为中学生涯编织一道靓丽的风景线。 指导老师:高准 培训时间:每周星期一下午5:—6:00 培训地点:音乐活动室 吉他社活动: 1, 教学民谣吉他、电吉他、古典吉他、架子鼓、贝司、电子琴、等乐器。(让爱好音乐者体验乐器的魅力) 2, 每个双休日全体社员才艺展示。(丰富业余生活) 3, 参加学校各种晚会活动(展示自我,虚心学习) 4, 帮助同学组建自己的音乐组合、乐队等。(圆你音乐梦) (5)民乐团 为了进一步繁荣校园文化、提高艺术实践水平,建设一支高水平的艺术团队,在学校党政领导、师生以及社会各界的大力支持下,学校于2014年在原器乐团的基础上成立并建设一支中学生民乐团,并以“弘扬中华民族传统文化,倡导校园of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 主流文化,丰富校园文化生活,活跃人文气氛,在艺术实践活动中进行美誉教育和爱国主义教育,陶冶情操,创造艺术精品,培养艺术精英,提高我校学生的艺术鉴赏力和水平,在广大师生中普及推广民族音乐,建设一支高水平的民族乐团”为立团宗旨。 指导老师:母津兰 培训时间:每周星期五下午5:00—6:00 培训地点:音乐活动室 一、第一阶段: 1、民乐四大部: 古筝 笛子、葫芦丝、扬琴的成员,各部以五人一小组,成员学习期间以昵称称呼,成员确定组名,组成民乐学习小组,每组选定一名组长,负责组员的乐器进度,并有民乐干部作为辅导员,解答问题。 2、民乐协会每周都会有成员展示,进行切磋。 3、月底会进行小型比赛,奖品鼓励,项目丰富有趣,锻炼会员的技术与胆量,指导老师进行指导,提出意见并解疑答惑。 二、第二阶段: 1、民乐四大部成员进行自由结合,组成五人一小组,每组有不少于两种的乐器组成。 2、指导老师进行不同种类乐器配合辅导,使之真正可以组成一支小乐队。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should
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