首页 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目1



北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目1北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目1 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及 绿化维护项目监理实施细则 一、 工程概况及特点 (一)、工程建设概况 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目北京市城市河湖管理处所管辖的河道水面、绿地、滨河路、护坡、边沟及河边设施等的保洁,绿化养护等。 (二) 、项目范围 包括:永定河引水渠河道、京密引水昆玉段河道、东西土城沟、 小月河河道、通惠河河道、南护城河河道、转河河道、长河、 双紫支渠河道、北护城河河道、二道沟、红领巾退水渠等河道。 ...

北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目1 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及 绿化维护项目监理实施细则 一、 工程概况及特点 (一)、工程建设概况 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目北京市城市河湖管理处所管辖的河道水面、绿地、滨河路、护坡、边沟及河边设施等的保洁,绿化养护等。 (二) 、项目范围 包括:永定河引水渠河道、京密引水昆玉段河道、东西土城沟、 小月河河道、通惠河河道、南护城河河道、转河河道、长河、 双紫支渠河道、北护城河河道、二道沟、红领巾退水渠等河道。 (三) 、主要工程量 a) 永引渠(0+000~5+388)、拦河闸上下游、京浪岛河道保洁工程 量490511m2,垃圾装运消纳4131m3,乔灌木养护7204株,草 坪养护11557.36m2,攀援植物养护2525m2,绿篱花卉养护1640 株; b) 引模式口隧洞出口~罗道庄跌水(桩号:6+096~19+560)河道 保洁909323.6m2,垃圾装运消纳8263m3,乔灌木养护52486 株,草坪养护16400m2,攀援植物养护33474.2m2,绿篱花卉 养护279株。 该项目建设内容包括对水面的杂草和漂浮物进行清理,输水河道 水面及滩地、土路、碎石路、混凝土路、步道、土河坡、衬砌河 坡、沥青混凝土路、透水砖路等进行日常维护等。 (四) 、施工特点 该工程的主要施工特点:工程施工线路较长,水面作业危险性 较高,对施工带来诸多不便。施工协调要求比较高,施工安全 尤为重要。 (五) 、 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 工期要求 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 开工日期:2014年3月1日,计划竣工日期:2014年12 年31日。 二、 编制依据 (一)、招标相关文件或相关 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 《城市园林绿化工程施工及验收规范》DB11/T211-2003 《城市园林绿化养护管理标准》DB11/T213-2003 《城市绿化工程施工及验收规范》CJJ/T82-99 《职业健康安全管理体系规范》(GB/T 28001-2001)。 《生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范》(CJJ 17-2004); 北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目招标 文件 北京市城市河湖绿化管理标准 北京市城市河湖保洁管理标准 ; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.?d water is 2~10 at room temperature; 5. col?; 4. refer to 10~30?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 2. hot water means 70~80?o 98~100efer trd. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, rdigits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standar of is of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method numbeis three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analys .0112ive error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relat l bitthe, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digita nd bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation inseco it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou e error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the,bsolutecause it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum aervations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, bisres ndicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring pointn the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: iuded is. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally inclolution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction pointard scentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standthis kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known con sured,ding to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being meaadded to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then accoret is ection outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the burtely report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth sediabalance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall imm taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the is completed in time for said items 2 三、 监理工作的控制要点及目标值 (一)、监理工作的控制要点及目标值 严格按照《保洁作业标准及要求》的规定制定作业流程,保证做到以下几点: 1、巡回保洁3—9月7:00—19:00,10月—12月8:00—17:00,其他时间进入巡回保洁阶段。清扫保洁人员应准时上岗,全天候保洁。清扫时要做到纵到头、横到边、不得花扫和漏扫。 2、流动保洁必须使用保洁袋。 3、清扫巡库路的保洁标准达到“六不”、 “六净”、 “一通”。即不花扫、漏扫;不见积水(无法排除的积水除外);不见人畜粪便;不漏收堆;不乱倒垃圾(一律送到中转站);不随便焚烧垃圾。路面净、路牙子净、人行道净;树坑、墙基净、雨水井口净。 4、清扫保洁,垃圾收集应及时送往中转站,严禁将垃圾倒在道路两侧或随便乱倒,严禁焚烧垃圾。 5、风景观赏河道、排水河道及输水河道的日常维护需随时把垃圾清理干净,不得遗漏。 6、清扫保洁五个一样,即:领导在与不在一个样,节日与平常一个样,晴天与雨天一个样,坝坡与滩地一个样,检查与不检查一个样,严禁串岗、脱岗、坐岗、干私活等。 7、河湖保洁要确保水面无悬浮物,发现河道被土石及异物等堵塞及时清理。 8、水面作业时必须穿救生衣,每条船至少承载2名作业人员。(水 3 面作业保洁人员年龄不得超过55周岁,且须会游泳) 9、所有标准均按照北京市城市河湖管理处2014年河道保洁及绿化维护项目清扫保洁作业标准及考核细则执行。 (二)、质量控制关键的关键因素及工作方法 1、督促承包人做好保洁和绿化作业人员的责任心和安全意识教育工作。 2、机械、设备、劳动保护符合作业条件。 工作方法: 1、对所管理的范围进行定期、不定期的巡查。 2、发现问题立即通知承包人进行整改。 3、向业主通报结果。 (三)、风景观赏河道环境保洁标准(昆玉河,东、西土城沟,小月河,转河,北护城河,南护城河,长河,双紫支渠,永引渠罗道庄拦污栅以下) 1、水面基本无漂浮物,闸上游基本无堆积漂浮物。 2、保洁船作业时船上至少两名作业人员,并穿着救生衣。 3、河坡、步道、滨河路、边沟、公共绿地内无垃圾、渣土和其它废弃物。 4、花灌木和树木上无飘挂杂物,花池、树坑内无其它废弃物。 5、边沟内、步道上无积水, 100米内不得超过1处,雨水井内无污物。 6、打捞的漂浮物和清扫的垃圾应集中堆放、晾晒,堆放点做围挡; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.?d water is 2~10 at room temperature; 5. col?; 4. refer to 10~30?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 2. hot water means 70~80?o 98~100efer trd. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, rdigits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standar of is of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method numbeis three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analys .0112ive error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relat l bitthe, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digita nd bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation inseco it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou e error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the,bsolutecause it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum aervations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, bisres ndicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring pointn the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: iuded is. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally inclolution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction pointard scentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standthis kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known con sured,ding to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being meaadded to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then accoret is ection outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the burtely report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth sediabalance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall imm taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the is completed in time for said items 4 设施,并做标牌,做到日产日清。垃圾不得向绿地、排水口和道路边沟清扫和倾倒。 7、小雨天气应坚持保洁作业,大风、大雨天气后要及时清扫和清除树挂和白色污染,并清除步道、滨河路积水。 8、保洁人员应统一着装上岗作业,工作服要保持整洁、干净。作业时间内不得私自离岗,文明清扫、文明操作。 (四)、风景观赏河道养护质量标准 1、绿化充分,植物配置合理,达到绿化美化效果。 2、河道及闸站植物达到: (1)、生长势好。 (2)、叶子健壮?叶色正常,叶大而肥厚,在正常的条件下不黄叶、不焦叶、不卷叶、不落叶,叶上无虫尿、虫网、灰尘;?被啃咬的叶子最严重的每株在5,以下(包括5,,以下同);(3)、枝、干健壮(15分):?无明显枯枝、死杈;枝条粗壮,过冬前新梢木质比;?无蛀干害虫的活卵活虫;?介壳虫最严重处,主枝干上100平方厘米l头活虫以下(包括l头,以下同),较细的枝条每尺长的一段上在5头活虫以下(包括5头,以下同);株数都在2,以下(包括2,,以下司);?树冠完整:分支点合适,主侧枝分布匀称和数量适宜,内膛不乱,通风透光。 (4)、措施好:按一级技术措施要求认真进行养护。 (5)、河道林带基本无缺株。 (6)、草坪覆盖率基本达到100,,草坪内杂草控制在5,以内; 5 生长茂盛颜色正常,不枯黄,每年修剪:暖季型草5次以上,冷季型草12次以上;无病虫害。 3、河道林带和绿地内无死树,树木修剪合理,树形美观。 4、绿化生产垃圾(如:树枝、树叶、草沫等)日产日清。 5、栏杆、护网、园路、桌椅等设施完整,作到及时维护。 6、无明显的人为损坏,绿地、草坪内无堆物堆料,河道林带树干上无钉桩、刻画现象。 (五)、输水河道环境保洁标准 (永引渠罗道庄拦污栅以上) 1、水面漂浮物每公里不得超过1平方米,闸上游堆积漂浮物不得超过2平方米。 2、保洁船作业时船上至少两名作业人员,并穿着救生衣。 3、河坡、步道、滨河路、边沟、公共绿地内无垃圾、渣土和其它废弃物,每,,,米不得超过0.1立方米。 4、花灌木和树木上无飘挂杂物,花池、树坑内无其它废弃物。每100米内不得超过2处。 5、边沟内、步道上无积水, 100米内不得超过3处,雨水井内无污物。 6、打捞的漂浮物和清扫的垃圾应集中堆放、晾晒,堆放点做围挡设施,三天之内清运干净。垃圾不得向绿地、排水口和道路边沟清扫和倾倒。 7、小雨天气应坚持保洁作业,大风、大雨天气后要及时清扫和清除树挂和白色污染,并清除步道、滨河路积水。 ; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.?d water is 2~10 at room temperature; 5. col?; 4. refer to 10~30?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 2. hot water means 70~80?o 98~100efer trd. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, rdigits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standar of is of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method numbeis three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analys .0112ive error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relat l bitthe, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digita nd bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation inseco it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou e error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the,bsolutecause it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum aervations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, bisres ndicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring pointn the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: iuded is. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally inclolution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction pointard scentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standthis kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known con sured,ding to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being meaadded to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then accoret is ection outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the burtely report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth sediabalance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall imm taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the is completed in time for said items 6 8)、保洁人员应统一着装上岗作业,工作服要保持整洁、干净。作业时间内不得私自离岗,文明清扫、文明操作。 (六)、输水河道养护质量标准 1、绿化比较充分,植物配置基本合理。 2、河道及闸站植物达到: (1)、生长势:正常。 (2)、叶子正常:?叶色、大小、薄厚正常;?较严重黄叶、焦叶、卷叶、带虫尿虫网,灰尘的株数在2,以下;?被啃咬的叶子最严重的每株在10,以下。 (3)、枝、干正常:?无明显枯枝、死杈;?有蛀干害虫的株数在2,以下;?介壳虫最严重处主枝干上l00平方厘米2头活虫以下,较细的枝条每尺长的一段上在10头活虫以下,株数都在4,以下;?树冠基本完整:主侧枝分布匀称,树冠通风透光。 (4)、措施:按二级技术措施要求认真进行养护。 (5)、河道林带缺株在l,以下。 (6)、草坪覆盖率达95,,草坪内杂草控制在10%以内;生长和颜色正常,不枯黄;每年修剪:暖季型草3次以上,冷季型草8次以上; 基本无病虫害。 3、河道林带绿地内无死树,树木修剪基本合理,树形美观。 4、绿化生产垃圾日产日清,绿地内无明显废弃物。 5、栏杆、护网、园路等设施基本完整,基本作到及时维护。 7 6、无较重的人为损坏。对难以控制的人为损坏,能及时处理。 (七)、排水河道环境保洁标准 (通惠河) 1、水面漂浮物每公里不得超过3平方米,闸上游堆积漂浮物不得超过5平方米。 2、河坡、步道、滨河路、边沟、公共绿地内无垃圾、渣土和其它废弃物,每100米两岸不得超过0.5立方米。 3、保洁船作业时船上至少两名作业人员,并穿着救生衣。 4、花灌木和树木上无飘挂杂物,花池、树坑内无其它废弃物。每100米内不得超过10处。 5、边沟内、步道上无积水,100米内不得超过5处,雨水井内无污物。 6、打捞的漂浮物和清扫的垃圾应及时清运干净,不得超过5天,做到垃圾废弃物不堆放在人流集中地段或公共场所附近。垃圾不得向绿地、排水口和道路边沟清扫和倾倒。 7、小雨天气应坚持保洁作业,大风、大雨天气后要及时清扫和清除树挂和白色污染,并清除步道、滨河路积水。 8、保洁人员应统一着装上岗作业,工作服要保持整洁、干净。作业时间内不得私自离岗,文明清扫、文明操作。 (八)、排水河道养护质量标准 1、绿化基本充分,植物配置一般。 2、河道植物达到: (1)、生长势:基本正常。 ; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.?d water is 2~10 at room temperature; 5. col?; 4. refer to 10~30?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 2. hot water means 70~80?o 98~100efer trd. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, rdigits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standar of is of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method numbeis three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analys .0112ive error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relat l bitthe, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digita nd bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation inseco it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou e error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the,bsolutecause it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum aervations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, bisres ndicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring pointn the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: iuded is. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally inclolution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction pointard scentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standthis kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known con sured,ding to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being meaadded to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then accoret is ection outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the burtely report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth sediabalance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall imm taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the is completed in time for said items 8 (2)、叶子基本正常:?叶色基本正常:?严重黄叶、焦叶、卷叶、带虫尿虫网,灰尘的株数在10,以下;?被啃咬的叶子最严重的每株在15,以下。 (3)、枝、干基本正常:?无明显枯枝、死权:?有蛀干害虫的株数在10,以下;?介壳虫最严重处主枝干上100平方厘米3头活虫以下,较细的枝条每尺长的一段上在15头活虫以下,株数都在6,以下:?90,以上的树冠基本完整,有绿化效果。 (4)、措施:按三级技术措施要求认真进行养护。 (5)、河道林带缺株在3,以下。 (6)、爬山虎(草坪)覆盖达90,,杂草控制在20,以内;生长和颜色正常,不枯黄;每年修剪:暖季型草1次以上,冷季型草6次以上;基本无病虫害。 3、河道林带内无死树,树木修剪基本合理。 4、绿化生产垃圾(树枝叶、草沫等),根据需要突击清运。 5、栏杆、护网等设施比较完整,基本作到及时维护。 6、对难以控制的人为损坏,能及时处理,林带内无堆物堆料。 四、 监理工作流程 1、施工阶段质量控制工作流程图 9 承包人提交总体施工计划 监理机构审批 调整和修改计划 同意 不同意 下达开工令 监理交底 工程质量标准 安全监理细则 工程监理细则 施工质量过程控制 检向监通通 查发发理知知验包现巡施发收单问视工包 整位题 检单单改汇查位位 结报整 果结 改 果 工程验收总结 监理 年终施工发包人 各项施工综合方申承包人 资料方自评比存 档 请报联合 检 评先验 检查 选 优 验收 工程达到合同施工标准 ; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.?d water is 2~10 at room temperature; 5. col?; 4. refer to 10~30?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 2. hot water means 70~80?o 98~100efer trd. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, rdigits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standar of is of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method numbeis three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analys .0112ive error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relat l bitthe, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digita nd bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation inseco it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou e error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the,bsolutecause it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum aervations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, bisres ndicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring pointn the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: iuded is. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally inclolution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction pointard scentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standthis kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known con sured,ding to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being meaadded to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then accoret is ection outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the burtely report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth sediabalance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall imm taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the is completed in time for said items 10 2、施工安全监控程序框图 施工单位编 制施工安全 组织设计 1. 安全保证体系是否 健全 不符合要求 审查内容 2. 安全管理人员是否 修改再报 持证上岗 监理审查 3. 安全措施是否符合 实际并切实可行 专业监理工程师编制建立实 检时 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 报总监批准 查1.人的不安全行为 内 容施工单位组织 2.机械的不安全状态 实施,专业监3.施工方法(水上作业、 理工程师监督路边作业)是否符合要求 检查 4.其它不安全行为 符合要求 不符合要求 继续施工作业 1.责令立即进行整改 2.紧急情况总监先下停工令 后报业主 3.安全隐患消除并经监理确 认后方可恢复施工 11
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