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大学英语3-重点段落翻译 1-P19- Finally we come to the most difficult of all types of vocalization. That is subvocalization默读. In subvocalization there is no body movement. The lips, tongue or vocal cords声带 do not move. But an inner type of speech persists within the student's mind ...

1-P19- Finally we come to the most difficult of all types of vocalization. That is subvocalization默读. In subvocalization there is no body movement. The lips, tongue or vocal cords声带 do not move. But an inner type of speech persists within the student's mind he is saying each word to himself, clearly pronouncing each word and then listening to himself, as it were. This fault is difficult, but not impossible, to cure. 最后我们来到最困难的阅读方式,那就是默读,默读不需要身体的运动,嘴唇,舌头和声带不需要运动,但是同学们会用一种内在的方式阅读,可以说是在头脑里对自己清楚地将每个单词的读音发出。这种阅读 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的缺陷是比较困难,但不是没有可能实现。 2-P19- It is true that an important part of reading instruction lies in asking the students to read aloud.but this must not be the only type of reading instruction. In fact students should be given much practice in reading silently, because unless they are to be radio announcers or follow some similar profession .most of the reading they will do in their lives will be silent reading. 阅读指导的一个重要部分在于让学生大声的朗读是正确的,但这不是阅读指导的唯一形式,事实上,学生应该给予更多的无声阅读练习,因为如果他们将来不成为广播员或者与它相似的职业,他们一生大多数的阅读会是无声阅读。 3 -P32- I want to conclude on a positive note. Because of globalisation, information technology and human mobility流动性;迁移率, we are truly the citizens of one world. We must therefore evolve a global consensus全球共识 on what is good and evil and what is right and wrong. Asians and Europeans can make important contributions towards the evolution of such a consensus. 我想以一条正面的结论结束陈述。因为全球化趋势、资讯科技和人口流动,我们确实是一个世界的公民。因此,我们必须进化出关善与恶,是与非的全球共识。亚洲人和欧洲人可以为达成这种共识做出重要的贡献。 4--P30- In our dialogue, we should be diligent in seeking understanding and be slow to judge避免武断. We should avoid confrontation对抗对质冲突 as much as possible. We should treat each other with mutual互相的 respect. With such an attitude, I am confident that we will succeed in increasing our points of convergence 共识and reducing our points of divergence分歧. And, when we disagree, we should agree to disagree agreeably处之泰然.(convergence收敛会聚集合) 在我们对话的时候,我们应该努力追求理解和避免武断。我们应该尽可能的避免冲突。我们应当彼此相互尊重。有了这样的态度,我有信心,我们将会成功地增加我们的共识和减少我们的分歧。,当我们没有达成一致的意见时,我们也应该处之泰然。 5-P50- Another english characteristic is the English deference遵从、尊重 based on social status,wealth or power.This has largely resulted from the long history of a rigidly严格地;固执地 stratified society社会分层 in England ,but this old deference of the inferior低等的下级的 towards the suprior has by now been largely replaced by an assumption臆断、断定 that there should be politeness and decent正派的、体面的 human respect between man and man,irrespective不考虑、不顾 of status. 英国人的另一个特征是英国人的敬意以社会地位,财富,权利为依据,主要原因是在英格兰长期的严格的社会等级分层。但是这种底层阶级向高层阶级古老的敬意大部分被一种臆断所代替,那就是人与人之间应该不论地位公平,礼貌的对待。 6-P56- A good conversationalist is popular anywhere, so conversation is an art worth studying. Notice what makes other people’s conversation attractive or unattractive. Practice saying only things which are interesting to others. It is bad taste in society to talk a great deal about one’s self or one’s family. There are many interesting and fascinating subject of conversation these days world issues social problems, literature, art, music, psychology, education, science, sports, hobbies or any special interest one has in common with others. Nothing reveals more quickly the kind of person you are than the things you talk about. 一个善于谈话者到处受到欢迎,所以,如何学会交谈是一门值得学习的艺术。注意是哪些东西使他人的谈话引人入胜,又有哪些东西令人躲闪不及,得经常联系哪些令人兴趣盎然的东西。在社交场合喋喋不休的谈论个人和家庭令人感到缺乏品位,时下有许多令人着迷的话题:时势,文学,艺术,音乐,教育,科学,运动,爱好和其他许多。 7 -P56- These are certain things which are considered bad manners in western countries to talk about in society. It is very important to know these and avoid them. The subjects to be avoided: bodily functions, or anything connected with the more private parts of the body, intimate私人的 sex relations, details of birth, details of unpleasant illnesses; bed bugs臭虫, flees跳骚, lice虱子, cockroach蟑螂; income or salary of friends, or prices of their possession; the age of the person one is talking with; personal questions or remark, such as ,”why don’t you get married?” or “I should think you would want to have some children. ” some of these are permissible in Chinese society, but they are all taboo禁忌 in western society. 在西方国家和社交场合下太难论某些话题会看成是有失礼貌的。了解这些话题并避免谈论他们显得十分重要,他们包括:身体功能或涉及身体私密的话题,秘密的性关系,出生细节,生病细节,床上臭虫,厨房蟑螂,朋友工资和收入,与之交谈者的年龄等等,其中有些话题在中国尚可以接受,但在西方社会却属于禁忌之类。 8-P70- The Yangtze River,more than 6,000 kilometres long,holds 36 per cent of the country’s total freshwater resourccs.The river valley流域、山谷,covering an area of 1.8 million square kilometres.Is home to one out of every three Chinese.However.enviromnental conditions along the Yangtze River have witnessed grave严重的 deterioration恶化、退化 since the 1950s.The percentage of area along the river covered with adequate vegetation植被 plummeted暴跌 from 22 per cent in 1957 to10 per cent in the 1990s. 长江.总长6千多公里.包含我国淡水总资源的36%.流域有一百八十万平方公里,平均每三个中国人有一个住在长江流域,然而,从20世纪50年代以来,长江的生态环境发生了严重的恶化,从1957年到1990年,长江流域植被覆盖率从22%暴跌到10%。 9-P103- Many people believe astrology is simply a superstition迷信, and scientists declare that its whole basis is unscientific. Scientists point out, for example, that the position of the earth has changed in space since ancient times. As a result, the signs of the zodiac黄道 used by astrologers no longer match the constellations星座 for which they were named. 许多人认为占星术只是简单地迷信,科学家声明,它的整个基础是不科学的。科学家指出,例如,跟古代相比,地球在空间的位置已经发生了改变。结果,占星家以前用的黄道十二星座应经不能跟现在的星座所对应 10 so they not only need private investment and technological aid from the developed nations, but all the more need the assistance of official capital. 因此他们不但需要发达国家私人的投资于技术援助,更加需要发达政府资本的援助。 In fact, the developed nations' official capital flowing into developing countries in the past 10 years has notably显著地 decreased. Many developed countries have failed to earnestly真诚的认真的 undertake their responsibilities, falling far short of fulfilling the internationally acknowledged target for aiding the developing countries. 事实上, 在过去的10年里,发达国家的政府资本流入发展中国家明显下降。许多发达国家没有认真进行他们的职责,远远达不到履行国际承认的帮助发展中国家的目标。 11-P126- There is no need for reticence沉默寡言 that in the process of economic globalization, the developing countries have contacted the world's advanced technologies and management methods, but this is obtained at the high price of their cheap labor and natural resources. Three years ago, the total annual wages工资报酬 of 22,000 Asian workers were not as much as the advertising fee for a noted public figure paid by the Nike Company of the United States. This situation has not as yet seen much improvement. At present, if this unfair and irrational不合理的 old international order国际秩序 is not broken, the developed nations will continue to hold sway支配 of the process of economic globalization, the developing countries will continue to act a supporting role配角. 没有必要严谨,在经济全球化进程中,发展中国家联系世界先进技术和管理方法,但这是以他们廉价的劳动力和自然资源作为高昂的代价。三年前,累计达22000亚洲工人总工资不及耐克公司给一位著名的美国公众人物支付的广告费。这种情况还没有得到很大的改进。目前,如果这种不公平和不合理的旧的国际秩序不被打破,发达国家将继续掌控摇摆的经济全球化进程,发展中国家将继续扮演一位配角。 12-P127- The accelerated development of economic globalization indicates that mankind has entered a new era with peace and development as the main theme. But this development should not be gained at the expense of the developing countries' economic security and economic sovereignty经济主权, nor should it entail the consequence of creating more poverty and aggravating polarization两极分化 featuring a widening gap between the rich and the poor贫富差距. 经济全球化的加速发展 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,人类进入了一个以和平与发展为主题新时代。但是这个发展不应以牺牲发展中国家的经济安全与经济主权为手段,也不应当承担创造更多的贫困和加重穷人和富人贫富差距的两极分化的后果。 13 -P155- Back in the 1960s,China embarked on scientific research on contraception避孕,and soon made a large number of achievements,which were popularized all over the country.in the 1980s,China formulated the programme for the scientific and technological development of family planning,and has formed an initial,geographically retionally distributed地域分布合理的 system for family planning scientific research and the production of contraceptives. 早在二十世纪六十年代,中国就着手对避孕进行科学研究,不久便取得多项成果在全国推广,八十年代,中国制定了 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育科技发展计划,已经初步形成地域分布合理的计划生育科学研究和避孕药具生产体系。 14 -P155- To ensure that people of child-bearing age育龄 can receive required seevices at any time and in any place,China has established countrywide全国性的 family planning service networks consisting of hospitals,maternity and child care centres and family planning service stations. 为保证育龄人员能随时随地的得到所需的服务,中国建立了由医院,妇幼保健中心和计划生育服务站组成的全国性的计划生育服务网络, 15 -P155- Following the principle of catering迎合;为…服务 to grass-roots units深入基层,going deep into the coutryside, offering service to people’s doorsteps上门服务 and providing convenience to the people,family planning workers privide people of chile-bearing age with guidence,advice and service,and help them select favourable contraceptive methods according to their health and needs. 遵照”深入基层,深入农村,上门服务,方便群众”的方针,计划生育工作者对育龄人员进行指导,为他们提供给建议与服务,并根据其健康状况和个人 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 帮助他们选择妥善的避孕方法。 16 -P139- Americans traditionally have held independence and a closely related value, individualism个人主义, in high esteem尊敬自尊心. Parents try to instill灌输 these prevailing values主流价值观 in their children. American English美国英语 expresses these value preferences价值偏好: children should "cut the (umbilical脐带) cord" and are encouraged not to be "tied to their mothers' apron strings围裙带". In the process of their socialization children learn to "look out for number one争做第一" and to "stand on their own two feet独立." 美国人在传统上很尊崇独立自主和与此相近的个人主义的观念。父母试图。将这些主导价值观灌输到孩子们身上。美国英语表达这些价值偏好为:孩子们应该“把脐带剪短”,并被鼓励不要将自己绑在母亲的围裙带上”。在社会化过程中,让孩子学习“争做第一”和“独立” 17-P139- Many children are taught at a very early age to make decisions and be responsible for their actions. Often children work for money outside the home as a first step to establish autonomy自立. Nine or ten-year-old children may deliver newspapers in their neighborhoods and save or spend their earnings. Teenagers (13 to 19 years) may babysit at neighbors' homes in order to earn a few dollars a week. Receiving a weekly allowance at an early age teaches children to budget their money, preparing them for future financial independence. Many parents believe that managing money helps children learn responsibility as well as appreciate the value of money. 很多孩子在很小的时候,,就被教育要自己做决定,对自己的行为负责。通常他们把在外面赚钱作为建立自己独立自主的第一步,9或10 岁的孩子会在附近送报纸,然后把赚来的钱存起来或者花掉。十几岁的孩子帮邻居家看看孩子,一周赚上几美元。孩子们从很小的时候开始每周获得零花钱,可以叫他们如何理财,使他们为将来的经济独立做好准备,很多父母相信学会管理钱财可以使孩子懂得钱的价值并且学会承担责任。 18-P139- Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest" and begin an independent life. After children leave home, they often find social relationships and financial support outside the family. Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married. 当孩子达到适合的年龄,父母就会鼓励,但不是强迫他们离开家,开始他们独立的生活,而在他们离家后,他们一般会建立自己的社会关系,找到自己的经济来源。父母不会为孩子安排婚姻,而通常孩子们结婚也不必征求父母的意见 19 -P139- In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father's business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father's workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family. Coexisting with与…共存 such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence. 在许多家庭里,父母认为子女应自己决定人生大事,父母可以对子女从事某一职业施加影响,但子女有选择另一职业的自由,有时候,子女会与父母的希望反道而维护其独立。儿子会担心在父亲手底下工作会失去独立自主性,而特意决定不参与父亲的生意。这种对父母亲的独立并不表明父母与子女间没有爱,父母和子女之间强烈的爱是普天皆存的,美国家庭也不例外,在美国家庭,与这种爱并存的是自立,独立的文化价值观。 20-P24-The language has always changed, but the rate of change has been uneven均匀、均衡, minor changes have slowly accumulated in every generation, but there have been periods of rapid change as well. The most important of these periods occurred during the two hundred and fifty years after 1066, the year the Normans conquered England.Before the conquest, the inhabitants of England spoke Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁撒克逊语, a complex Germanic language日耳曼语言. The Normans were Norsemen纳维亚人 who settled in northern France in the tenth century and by 1066 were speaking a form of French. After their conquest of England they instituted Norman French as the dominant language--the language of the upper classes, of law, of government, and of such commerce as there was. 语言一直在改变,但变化频率并不均衡,每一代都慢慢地累积微小的改变,然而也有急剧变化的期间。其中最重要的期间是在1066后的两百五十年内,这一年诺曼人征服英格兰。被征服前,英国的居民用盎格鲁撒克逊语,一种混杂的日耳曼语语。诺曼人原是定居在法国北方的纳维亚人,从第十世纪一直到1066年他们都说一种法语。他们征服英格兰以后,把诺曼法语作为上层阶级、法律、官方和商业上使用的主要语言。 21 -P-81-The ancient Romans may have been among the first people to experience the effects of toxic有毒的 pollution in the form of lead铅 poisoning. Like many other minerals and metal, lead can enter the body with food or drink or may be inhaled吸入 with particles粒子 of dust. The accumulation of lead In the blood and other tissues can cause severe illness or, in large quantities, death. The Romans used lead to line the inside of bowls and pitchers罐子. It was also used for plates, cups, and spoons. In some areas, it was used in plumbing systems管道系统. Some historians believe that the long- term exposure to lead was a major health risk for the Romans. 古代罗马人可能是第一批经历铅中毒形式的有毒污染影响的人。像许多其他矿物和金属、铅可以伴随着食物、饮料或灰尘粒子进入体内。铅在血液和其他组织的累积可以引起严重的疾病,大量的话甚至导致死亡。罗马人将铅涂在碗罐的内壁上,它也常用在盘子,杯子,勺子上,在一些地区,铅也用在管道系统中。许多历史学家认为长期暴露在铅环境中是罗马人健康的主要威胁。 22-P-121-Owners of stocks (and bonds债券, as well) are continually in the business of trying to better their fortunes财产 by selling and buying stock in the secondary market. A stock increases or decreases in value for a variety of reasons: the general business climate, the type of industry represented by the stock, the success of the issuing company发行公司, and more. Those who trade in the secondary market are basically speculators投机商they are betting that the stock they buy will increase in value增值 and that the stock they sell will decline or level off. Shortly after the crash of 1987, the economic journalist William R. Neikirk stated: “It is not too strong to call our financial markets casinos赌场.” When stocks are traded in the secondary market, none of the money goes to the company that originally issued发行 it. It goes to the seller, minus a commission佣金 for the broker经纪人. 股票(和债券)的持有者不断地在二级市场买卖股票以获得更多财产。股票价值的涨跌有种种原因:整体商业气候,股票所代表的行业种类,发行公司的成功,等等。在二级市场进行交易的基本上都是投机商,他们确信他们买进的股票会增值而他们卖出的股票会下跌或趋平。1987年股票市场崩盘后不久,经济新闻记者Neikirk说:“我们的金融市场还不足以被称之为赌场。”当股票在二级市场交易的时候,资金不会回到原发行公司。除去经纪人的佣金后剩下的钱会流入卖方手中。 23-P-124-Economic globalization has become an irreversible不可逆 objective trend and an unavoidable reality. Nowadays, no country isolated孤立于 from the outside world can get development. Humanity needs to transcend超越 the restraint约束抑制 imposed强加施加 by different regions, cultures and concepts of value and allows the market, not ideology, to guide the development of the world economy and trade. To extricate解脱解救 themselves from poverty and accelerate economic development, the developing countries need to actively participate in the process of economic globalization, and pursue benefits and avoid detriments. Otherwise, they would face the danger of "marginalization边缘化". 经济全球化已成为不可逆转的客观趋势和不可避免的现实。如今,孤立于外面的世界的国家是达不到发展的。人类需要冲破来自不同地区、不同文化和不同价值理念施加的束缚,让市场而非意识形态来引导世界经济和贸易的发展。为摆脱贫穷、加速经济发展,发展中国家需要积极参与到经济全球化进程中去,趋利避害。否则,他们将面临“边缘化”的危险。 24-P-96-Radio signal come in defferent shapes,or frequencies.you know this from using your own radio.You find the Voice of American at one frequency, and another broadcasting service at a different frequente .scientiets searching for signals from other planets made a careful study of these many radio frequencies.they decided they would be more likely to discover signals at some frequencies than others. Scientists decided,for example, to give special study to the frequency of fourteen-hundred-twenty.why?because hydrogen atoms make a noise at this frequency.and hydrogen atoms probably exist throught the universe. Intelligent creatures on another planet would know this fact,too. 无线电信号以不同的形状或频率被接收。你用自己的收音机可以了解到这些。你在一个频率接收到美国之音,而在不同的频率接收到另一个电台。科学家搜寻来自其他行星的信号并对这些大量的无线电频率进行仔细地研究.他们断定他们可能在某些频段中比在其他频段中更加容易发现信号。 例如,科学家们决定对1420频率进行专门研究.为什么呢?因为氢原子在这个频率能产生噪音,而且氢原子可能存在于整个宇宙中。另一个星球上的智能生物也会清楚这个事实。 P-116- It is helpful to have some historical perspective about China's role in the world. For most of recorded history, it was more developed than the West, more prosperous繁荣的, more sophisticated沧桑, and more civilized. That is why they called themselves the "Middle Kingdom." Only in the past 500 years has the West been ahead. Of course, that's a long time for us, but the Zhou Dynasty in the first millennium BC lasted that long. Naturally, most of us never heard of it. China is on a road that could restore its earlier greatness. By some economic measures, China is just behind Japan. If current trends当前趋势 continue, it could become number two early in the 21st century, right behind the U.S. in terms of economic output经济产值. Some optimists (or, rather, pessimists) think it will be number one later in the 21st century, but here we can take considerable satisfaction with a standard caveat警告预告: Trends rarely move in a straight line, especially in China. There is no shortage of serious problems facing the Chinese people and their leadership--energy shortages, environmental degradation, infrastructure inadequacies基础设施不完善, and corruption贪污腐败 and crime. Then again其次, there is the famous forecast attributed to Napoleon: "China is a sleeping giant. When it wakes, it will shake the world." It is vital生死攸关至关重要 for Americans to understand events better in that exotic异国的 part of the world and not be on the outside trying to look in. China is the prime example of my standard forecast: In change, there is both threat and opportunity. My final point: In feng shui (Chinese numerology命理学), eight is a lucky number. Thus, I leave you with my favorite eight letters: Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the circumstance wherein the old international economic order dominated by developed Western countries has not been fundamentally changed, the direct 1 cause of economic globalization, 2 which has emerged against such a background, is the nature of 3 unlimited added value and expansion of capital, 4 therefore, it carries the nature of capitalism, however, economic globalization, 5 characterized mainly by the market economy, is not tantamount等同的,相当于 to capitalism, because "the market economy is not tantamount to capitalism". 被西方发达国家所主导的旧的经济秩序从根本上被改变的情况下,在这种背景下出现的经济全球化的直接原因是,资本的扩张及其附加值的不限的性质。因此,它带有资本主义性质,然而,以市场经济为主要特点的经济全球化并不等同于资本主义,因为市场经济不等同于资本主义。 Actively 6 participating in the process of economic globalization is not equal to accepting "Westernization" and entering a "trap". Economic globalization does not mean the "victory of capitalism", but 7 rather it implies the deepening加深深化 of the interrelationship and interdependence of the whole world. 积极参与经济全球化进程并不等于是接受“西方化”或者步入陷阱。经济全球化并不意味着资本主义的胜利,而意味着加深了整个世界的互相联系和互相依赖。 Economic globalization involves both gains and losses and implies the coexistence of opportunities and 8 challenges. 9 Generally speaking, it brings both gains and losses, with gains 10 outdoing losses, to the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. The benefits gained by developed nations are 11 much greater than 12those of the developing countries, while the 13least developed countries have not as yet gained any benefit from economic globalization, the developing countries should 14pursue the good and avoid the harm, seize the opportunity to 15promote development. Economic globalization has become an 16irreversible objective trend and an unavoidable reality. Nowadays, no country 17isolated from the outside world can get development. Humanity needs to 18transcend the restraint imposed by different regions, cultures and concepts of value and allow the mark
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