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电子商务专业英语第一册UNIT 1


电子商务专业英语第一册UNIT 1电子商务专业英语第一册UNIT 1 电子商务专业英语 第一册 unit 6 本文档由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 Unit 6 Making a Telephone Call 第六单元 打电话 导 读 Unit 6 —10 是本书第二大单元,主要交际主题是打电话、接待商务拜访、传送信息、预订机票、旅馆房间等接待员和秘书从事的基本商务活动。语法我们将学习现在进行时...

电子商务专业英语第一册UNIT 1
电子商务专业英语第一册UNIT 1 电子商务专业英语 第一册 unit 6 本文档由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 和经济类word文档。 Unit 6 Making a Telephone Call 第六单元 打电话 导 读 Unit 6 —10 是本书第二大单元,主要交际主题是打电话、接待商务拜访、传送信息、预订机票、旅馆房间等接待员和秘书从事的基本商务活动。语法我们将学习现在进行时态、There be结构、祈使句和双宾语结构、情态动词,Unit 10是语法小结,课文也只有一个passage(短文)。这一课的交际重点是打电话,请同学们注意电话用语和一般对话的不同之处; 语法我们要学习现在进行时(be + v.+ing 表示此时或现阶段正进行的动作)。课文是Dialogue A:One moment, please. 请稍等 Dialogue B:This is Mr Smith here. 我就是史密斯先生 Passage: How to make an efficient telephone call 怎样打电话快捷高效。 译 文 对话一 请稍等 王芳是一家制鞋厂的秘书。她正在给北京的商业 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 中心打电话。她想给她的经理李先生和负责鞋展的史密斯先生安排一次会面。 接线员:商业设计中心。早上好。您要哪里, : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 王小姐:请接史密斯先生。 接线员:请问您是哪里, 王小姐:我是上海第一制鞋厂的王小姐。我是在上海给您打电话。 接线员:请稍候。(过了片刻) 王小姐:喂, 接线员:我正在给你接线。请别挂机。 接线员:喂,王小姐,接通了。史密斯先生的电话响了。 王小姐:谢谢。 对话二 我就是史密斯先生 现在王芳正在与史密斯先生通电话。 史密斯先生:喂,我就是史密斯先生。 王小姐:早上好,史密斯先生。我叫王芳,是上海第一制鞋厂的。我想安排您和我们李经理见个面,谈谈下个月 你们要举办的鞋展的事。 史密斯先生:好啊,我很高兴和李先生见面。哪一天比较方便呢, 王小姐:李先生星期四到北京,那天是17号。 史密斯先生:2点钟可以吗, 王小姐:可以,我记一下。 史密斯先生:好的,我期待着17号下午2点与他见面。 王小姐:好,非常感谢,史密斯先生。 史密斯先生:不客气,再见。 王小姐:再见。 短文 怎样打电话快捷高效 当你给某个办公室、银行或任何其它机构打电话时,了解你要找的那个人的分机号码是很有用的。接线员会查到这个号码,但是如果你先告诉她,也许会少耽搁时间。 每次拨号前你都应该把必要的资料放在身边,这样你的拨打就会准确而有效。你的资料上需要包括诸如日期、到达时间等等要点。这有助于你打电话快捷高效。做适当的准备可以使你免于打第二次电话。你还应该使用电话记事本以便记下对方提供的信息。 Main points of the text Dialogue A 1. She is phoning the Business Design Center in Beijing. 1) 这句话用的是现在进行时态。现在进行时由be + 动词的现在分词即v+ing 构成(注意phone 加ing时末尾不发音的字母e被去掉了,其它末尾有不发音的字母e的动词也要这样处理;动词末尾音节为单元音 + 单辅音构成,又重读时要双写该辅音字母再加ing,如stitting),表示此时或现阶段正在进行的动作,有时也用于表示动作即将发生。 eg. The woman secretary is making a telephone call with her mobile phone. 女秘书正用手机打电话 The woman secretary isn’t making a telephone call with her mobile phone. : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 Is the woman secretary making a telephone call with her mobile phone? Yes, she is. // No, she isn’t. What is the woman secretary doing? (对动作,即上面的划线部分提问) 2) phone/ring/call sb. 或make a telephone call to sb. 给某人打电话 打长途是 make a long distance call phone 是telephone 是简略形式,如同: exam --- examination考试 lab --- laboratory实验室 math(s) --- mathematics 数学 Business Design Center 是专有名词,单词首字母大写 2. She wishes to arrange a meeting between Mr. Li, her manager, and Mr. Smith (who is in charge of an exhibition). her manager 是Mr. Li 的同位语,同位语的作用是对前面的名词做进一步说明。第二单元对话A中有„Wu Yong, a boy student.其中a boy student就是Wu Yong的同位语。 „Mr. Smith (who is in charge of an exhibition) 中的who 引导一个定语从句修饰Mr. Smith,对他做进一步说明。in charge of 我们学过,意为“负责”。 3. Who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位, 这是打电话的特定用语,不象平时说Who are you? 第六、八、九三个单元我们专门学习电话用语,请同学们留意标注了词组的课文中要求会背、会默的斜体的表达法。 4. This is Miss Wang from Shanghai No.1 shoe Factory. 打电话时回答Who is calling, please? 不说I’m„而说This is„ 还可以说: This is „ speaking. 或干脆说 Speaking. 5. I’m phoning from Shanghai. 这句话用的是现在进行时态。注意介词from 表示“从„”。 6. One moment, please. 这是祈使句,前面省略了you 和wait。 Dialogue B 1. Now Wang Fang is speaking to Mr. Smith on the phone. 这句话用的是现在进行时。speak/ say /talk to sb. 和某人说话 2. I’d like to make an appointment for our manager, Mr. Li, to meet you. I’d like to do sth. 这是英语口语里极常用的句型,意为我想要或我愿意做某事。以后我们常会见到。 eg. What would you like, coffee or tea? 3. It’s about the shoe exhibition (you’re holding next month). 代词it指的是上句的appointment。you’re holding next month是限定 the shoe exhibition的定 you’re holding是用进行时表将来。这句话里还隐藏着一语从句,意为“你们下个月要举办的”。 个词组:举办鞋展。请找出来。 4. Mr Li is arriving in Beijing on Thursday 这句话也是是用进行时表将来。 arriving in Beijing 到达北京 arrive 后还可以跟介词at,表示“到小的地方”,如 arrive at the classroom 我们还学过get (to) 和reach,都是“到达”的意思。 eg. We’ll get there at 4 p.m..(here, there 在这里是副词,本身有“在”的意思, 故不必再跟to : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 on Thursday 在星期四 注意:日期或表示某一天的词、词组前一定用介词 on。 on my birthday 我生日那天 on the Mid-Autumn Festival 在中秋节 5. How about 2 o’clock? How about„? „怎么样,常用于商量事情,进行选择时。也说What about„? 6. I’ll make a note of it. 这是一般将来时态的句子。该时态由shall (用于第一人称)或will (用于任何人称) + v. (动词原形) 构成,表示未来某时间将发生的事情。’ll为shall或will 的简略形式。 eg. I shall / will be on line tonight. 我今天晚上上网。 (1) (2) I shan’t / won’t be on line tonight. Will you be on line tonight? Yes, I will. // No, I won’t. (1) What will you do tonight? (2) When will you be on line? 7. I’m looking forward to seeing him„. look forward to 中的to是介词,故后面的动词see加了ing变成动名词(以作介词的宾语)。 8. — Thank you very much. — Not at all. 别人谢谢你你还可以回答说: You’re welcome. 或Don’t mention it. 或It’s a / my pleasure.等 Passage 1. (When you make a telephone call to an office, a bank or any other institution), … when“当…时候”,做连词引导一个时间状语从句。它的另一个用法是做疑问副词引导特殊疑问句。 eg. When will you reach / get to / arrive at the bank? 你什么时候(能)到银行, 2. „, it is useful to know the extension number of the person you are calling. it是形式主语,真正的主语是 useful后面的部分,为避免这过长的主语造成头重脚轻,就在句首放置形式主语it,而把真正的主语置于表语后面,这种现象已成为一种固定句式,就是我们在前面两次提到的 it is + adj. (形容词) + to do sth. ( + for sb.) eg. It will be quite convenient for us to collect all the useful telephone numbers together in our mobile phones. 把所有有用的电话号码都存储在手机里用起来会很方便。 3. „it might save any delay (if you mention it first). it 又是形式主语,真正的主语是you mention it first。 might是情态动词,意为“可能”,所指之事比may可能性要小。我们学过的几个情态动词按所指可能性大小依次排列为: must (一定)— can (可能)— may (也许)— might (也许有可能) if是连词,意思是“如果”,引导条件状语从句。 any 意为“任何”。 4. (Before you dial), you should always have the necessary information with you. before 在这里是连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“在„之前”。 should 也是情态动词,后面必须接动词原形。 5. Proper preparation may even prevent you from making a second telephone call. prevent„ from„ 防止某事的发生 : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 eg. To prevent your computer from catching any virus, you’d better not open any suspicious e-mail. 为避免你的计算机染上病毒,你最好不打开任何可疑的邮件。 More practice of the text 1 Fill in the blanks according to the text. Wang Fang is the 1 of a shoe factory. She is phoning to arrange a meeting 2 Mr Li, her manager and Mr Smith, who is 3 of a shoe exhibition. The operator answers the phone. Wang Fang says, “ 4 Mr Smith, please?” The operator asks her, “Who is 5 ,please?” Wang Fang introduces 6 . Now the operator is trying 7 connect her and asks her to 8 . After a moment, she tells Wang Fang that she is 9 .Wang Fang 10 her and begins to speak to Mr. thSmith. She 11 an appointment for Mr Li and Mr Smith to meet 12 2 o’clock 13 the 17. Now the two gentlemen are 14 seeing each other 15 Thursday. 2 Translate the following expressions. Suppose you’re a secretary. A Mr Wang from the New Century Advertising Company is designing an advertising programme for your company. He calls to speak to Miss Lee, your manager, but she’s out on business. You assure (保证) him she’ll get the message and promise him to latest model (最新型号) products by fax. Don’t forget to ask him his send the information of your E-mail address. Key: 1. 1. secretary 2. between 3. in charge of 4. May I speak to 5. speaking 6. herself 7. to 8. hold the line 9. through 10. thanks 11. makes 12. at 13. on 14. looking forward to 15. On 2. 1(Welcome to China. 7(我荣幸地把…介绍给你们。 2(I’m lucky to have you as my colleague. 8(我是这个的职员。 3(It would be my pleasure. 9(我想在贵公司做一份兼职。 4(Is this all right? 10(我很愿意。 5(I’m a Chinese student. 11(请出示您的护照 6(Who is calling, please? 12(我可以和…讲话吗? Helping you with the exercises 1 Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the dialogues? Key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F the operator 6. F a shoe exhibition 7. F 8. F : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 2 Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage. Key: 1. Because it may save any delay . 2. We should have dates, time of arrival and so on. 3. Proper preparation may prevent you from making a second phone call. 4. For taking down(make a note of) information from callers. 3 Here is a summary of the patterns and expressions used in making phone calls. Read them and try to remember them by heart. 1. — May I ask who is calling? — I’m sorry, you’ve dialed the wrong number. 你打错号码了。 2. leave a message (留个信)? — It seems like a good idea. Could you tell him I called? — I’ll call him later. 3. — How can I reach(联系到) you in the daytime(在白天)? 4. — There is a call for you. — Put him/her through. 把他的电话接过来。 4 Complete the telephone conversation by filling in the blanks with the patterns you’ve just learned. Key: 1. A: May I speak to Mr Smith, please? B: May I take a message? // Would you like to leave a message? // Is there a message I can give him ? 2. B: Speaking (我就是). 3. A: May I ask who is calling? // Who is calling, please? 4. A: How can I reach you in the daytime (在白天) ? 5. B: Who is it? B: Put her through (把她的电话接过来). 5 Handle the following telephone call as the secretary. 你来做秘书接听下面这个电话。(用Would you like…这个句型会比较客气) Key: 1.Would you like to speak to someone else(别的什么人) here? 2.Woukd you like him phone you when he comes back? 3. Would you like to leave a message then? 6 Match the explanations in Column B with words and expressions in Column A Key: 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. g 5. b 6. a 7. f 8. h 7 Translate the following sentences, using the words and expressions provided. (注意时态) Key: 1. Miss Wang is arranging an appointment between her manager and a visitor. 2. They are holding a shoe exhibition next week. th3. I’m looking forward to seeing you on the 17 of next month. 4. Would you like to leave a message? 5. Miss White, you are through Mr Wang’s number is ringing. 8 Read the passage carefully and then decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 Key: 1. T 2. F (You should greet him immediately when he comes into your office or to your desk.) 3. T 4. T 5. T Grammar Focus 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense) Practice your grammar 1 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs. Key: is playing are dancing (去掉了不发音的字母e), is singing, is waiting 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Key: 1. 我正设法为你接通电话。 2. 王芳正在和史密斯先生通电话。 3. 李先生周四到达北京。 4. 我是从上海打来电话。 5. 他们下周要举办一次鞋展。 3 Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Key: 1. walk 2. riding 3. watch 4. watching 5. drink 6. eats, eating 7. play 8. singing Merry Learning 内容详见多媒体配套光盘。 Listening In and Speaking Out 1 Conversations Listen to the conversations and choose the best answers to complete the statements. 1. ____ is waiting to see Mr. White. : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库 a. Jane b. Mrs. White c. Mr. Green d. Mrs. Green 2. There are ____people in the office. a. four b. six c. eight d. ten 3. ____ will go and speak to the general manager. a. The man b. The women c. Both of them d. Neither of them 4. The man’s telephone number is ____. a.4873512 b. 4783512 c.8473512 d. 8743512 5. The woman is going to Shanghai ____. a. today b. Tomorrow c. This weekend d. next weekend 2 Passage Listen to the passage and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( ) 1. Mary is Mr. White’s secretary. ( ) 2. Mary is talking with a friend. ( ) 3. Mary asks the caller to call back at three. ( ) 4. Mr. White is in his office. 3 Spot Dictation Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Mr. Gray works for a computer ____. He is a very good ____. He seldom stays in his ____. He usually ____ to other parts of the country. He is always ____, even when people are rude to him. 4 Picture Identification Listen to the six statements and identify which ones describe the first picture and which ones describe the second. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 本文档由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 : 更多相关文档免费下载请登录中文文档库
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