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会议吴邦国重要演讲(中英文对照) ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t 吴邦国在博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年会开幕式上发表主旨演讲(全文) 2007/04/21 开创亚洲和平合作和谐新局面 ——在博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年会开幕式上的主旨演讲 中国全国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国 (2007 年 4 月 21 日) 尊敬的各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们: 很高兴有机会出席博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年...

ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t 吴邦国在博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年会开幕式上发表主旨演讲( 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 ) 2007/04/21 开创亚洲和平合作和谐新局面 ——在博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年会开幕式上的主旨演讲 中国全国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国 (2007 年 4 月 21 日) 尊敬的各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们: 很高兴有机会出席博鳌亚洲论坛 2007 年年会,与各位新老朋友见面。首先,我谨代表 中国政府对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向与会的各界人士致以诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿! 博鳌亚洲论坛成立 6 年来,在各方面的积极支持和参与下,取得了长足发展,为推动 亚洲区域合作与共同繁荣发挥了积极作用。我们相信,经过有关各方的共同努力,博鳌亚洲 论坛一定能够办成以企业为主体、以务实合作为核心、以共同发展为目标的区域合作与对话 的重要平台。 这次年会,以“亚洲制胜全球经济——创新和可持续发展”为主题,不仅寓意深刻,而且 反映了亚洲发展繁荣的内在需求。刚才,阿罗约总统、阿齐兹总理、比尔·盖茨先生分别作 了精彩的演讲。下面,我就这个主题谈点看法,与大家一起交流。 亚洲地域辽阔、资源丰富,人口众多、人民勤劳,历史悠久、文化灿烂。20 世纪中叶 以后,亚洲绝大多数国家赢得了独立、和平与安宁,不少国家和地区实现了经济跨越式发展, 新兴工业化国家和地区相继崛起,越来越多的亚洲人民开始过上好日子。2000 年以来,亚 洲国内生产总值年均增长超过 6%,对世界经济增长的贡献率平均达到 20%。目前,亚洲经 济总量占全球的四分之一,贸易总额占全球的三分之一,外汇储备占全球的四分之三。我们 高兴地看到,在亚洲持续发展的基础上,区域内经济联系日益密切,对话合作方兴未艾,共 同利益不断扩大,整体意识加快提升,发展与合作呈现出前所未有的良好态势。亚洲已成为 全球经济最具活力和潜力的地区之一,是世界经济发展的重要推动力量,在人类和平与发展 的崇高事业中发挥着越来越重要的作用。我们对亚洲的未来充满信心。 亚洲的深刻变化揭示着人类社会进步的重要趋势,展现着亚洲人民建设和平亚洲、合作 亚洲、和谐亚洲的美好憧憬,也激发着人们对实现亚洲政治上和谐相处、经济上平等互利、 安全上互信协作、文化上交流互鉴的深入思考与探索。亚洲各国各地区在促进和平发展的共 同实践中逐步形成一些相同的理念,这是我们的宝贵财富,值得认真总结,并在今后的实践 中丰富完善,发扬光大。 ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t 一是维护地区和平。和平是亚洲发展的基本前提。长期以来,亚洲人民为维护地区和平 与安宁作出了不懈努力,亚洲迎来了有史以来较为稳定的和平发展时期,和平、发展、合作 已成为亚洲前进的主流。但坦率地讲,亚洲仍然是矛盾和问题较为集中的地区之一,热点问 题时有起伏,传统与非传统安全威胁相互交织。面对威胁和挑战,我们应当坚持和平共处五 项原则,树立互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩 序,通过对话合作增进了解与信任,通过和平谈判解决分歧与争端,照顾彼此利益和关切, 妥善处理历史遗留问题和现实冲突,共同维护地区安全与稳定。 二是深化区域合作。合作是亚洲发展的重要途径。尽管整个亚洲还处于经济一体化的初 始阶段,但重要的是,亚洲各国各地区寻求合作共赢的意愿日益增强,区域和次区域合作蓬 勃发展。东盟与中日韩、上海合作组织、亚洲合作对话、南亚区域合作联盟、东亚峰会等合 作机制相继建立并取得积极成效,政治、经济、人文等领域的交流与合作相互促进,区域合 作的全面性和协调性不断增强。可以预期,伴随世界多极化和经济全球化趋势深入发展,亚 洲区域合作将逐步深化,这不仅有利于亚洲的共同发展,也必将惠及世界其他地区。我们应 当充分利用现有合作机制,拓展合作领域,完善合作方式,增强合作实效,把亚洲区域合作 不断引向深入。 三是加快科技创新。创新是亚洲发展的不竭动力。当今时代,人类社会步入了一个科技 创新空前活跃的重要时期,国民财富的增长和人类生活的改善越来越有赖于知识的积累和创 新。面对世界科技发展的大势,面对日趋激烈的国际竞争,亚洲国家只有把科技创新摆在优 先发展的战略地位,才能抓住先机,赢得发展的主动权。同时应把科技合作作为区域合作的 重要内容,扩大科技合作的领域,深化科技合作的内涵,提升亚洲科技创新的整体水平和竞 争能力。尽管前进道路上还存在许多困难和障碍,广大发展中国家的科技创新仍受到各种不 利因素的严重制约,但我们坚信,亚洲国家一定能够克服种种阻力和困难,推进制度创新、 科技创新、产业创新,为亚洲经济社会发展注入生机和活力。 四是保护资源环境。节约资源、保护环境是亚洲发展的应有之义。亚洲从总体上讲正处 在工业化、城镇化加快发展的进程中,解决资源环境与工业化的矛盾,是亚洲乃至国际社会 面临的共同课题和挑战。在我们面前有三种选择:一是继续走大量消耗资源能源的传统工业 化道路;二是以资源环境制约为由,抑制甚至迫使发展中国家放弃实现工业化和现代化;三 是走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新 型工业化道路。很显然,第一条路是走不通的,第二条路是不公正的,第三条才是我们应当 选择的道路。值得赞赏的是,亚洲各国各地区在发展经济的过程中,更加注重节约资源能源 和保护生态环境,努力寻求新型发展道路,积极加强资源能源、环境保护、气候变化等领域 的国际和地区合作,为世界可持续发展作出了贡献。在此,我们也呼吁发达国家在技术转让、 资金投入、人员 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 等方面,向发展中国家提供更多的帮助,更加积极主动地承担促进全球 可持续发展的责任。 五是促进亚洲和谐。和谐是亚洲发展的本质要求。亚洲有各种民族种族 1000 多个,讲 着 2000 多种不同的语言,自古以来各种文明在相互影响、相互融合中发展,形成了注重和 谐的传统。在新的历史条件下,我们应当继承与弘扬。应尊重文明的多样性,倡导各种文明 平等对话,求同存异,取长补短,促进国际关系民主化。应尊重各国独立自主选择发展道路 的权利、制定内外政策的权利、平等参与国际事务的权利。大国应该尊重小国,强国应该扶 持弱国,富国应该帮助穷国。发展中国家要把发展作为首要任务,同时应更加注重社会建设, 更加注重解决民生问题。在维护独立主权的前提下,奉行开放政策,通过多种渠道和方式, ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t 加强与其他国家和地区的交流与合作,积极吸收人类优秀文明成果,广泛借鉴世界先进发展 经验。 女士们、先生们、朋友们: 中国的发展与全人类的共同利益息息相关。中国人口占世界人口的五分之一。如果中国 发展不起来,13 亿中国人民的生活得不到改善,那么,全人类共同利益的实现就会受到严 重影响。因此,中国把自己的事情办好,实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,就是对全人类 发展和福祉作出的历史性贡献。 改革开放近 30 年来,中国经济保持年均 9.6%的快速增长。2006 年,中国国内生产总 值达到约 2.63 万亿美元,居世界第四;进出口总额达到 1.76 万亿美元,居世界第三。中国 的发展已经站在一个新的历史起点上。中国的持续快速发展,不仅造福于中国人民,也使亚 洲和世界各国人民从中受益。 ——自 2001 年加入世界贸易组织以来,中国平均每年进口近 5000 亿美元的商品,为 相关国家和地区创造了约 1000 万个就业机会。2006 年,中国进口继续保持高速增长,总 额达到 7916 亿美元,其中从亚洲国家和地区进口 5255 亿美元,占中国进口总额的 66.4%。 ——改革开放以来,中国累计实际利用外资超过 6850 亿美元,批准外商投资企业 60 多万家,《财富》杂志评选出的世界 500 强企业中有 480 多家在华投资。1990 年至 2005 年,在华外资企业汇出利润达 2800 亿美元。2002 年以来,中国企业非金融类对外直接投 资年均增长超过 43%,到 2006 年底,已累计达到 733 亿美元,其中 61%集中在亚洲地区。 ——中国公民出境旅游目的地国家和地区达到 132 个,中国已成为亚洲第一大出境旅 游客源输出国。2006 年,中国内地居民出境人数达到 3452 万人次,因私出境 2880 万人次, 比上年增长 14.6%。在中国内地居民首站出境列前十位的国家和地区中,亚洲占了 8 个。 我们也清醒地认识到,中国人均国内生产总值只有 2000 美元,仍排在世界 100 位之后, 人民的生活水平还不高,城乡、区域、经济社会发展很不平衡,人口资源环境压力加大,就 业、社会保障、收入分配等民生问题还比较突出。中国仍然是一个发展中国家,实现现代化 还有很长的路要走。解决中国的问题,归根结底要靠发展。我们将坚定不移地走符合中国国 情、顺应时代潮流、体现人民意愿的中国特色社会主义道路,以科学发展观为指导,坚持科 学发展、和谐发展、和平发展,为建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家而不断奋斗。 这是我们根据中国国情和时代特征选择的发展道路。 科学发展就是坚持以人为本,全面协调可持续发展。和谐发展就是根据中国特色社会主 义事业总体布局,注重统筹协调发展。和平发展就是既通过维护世界和平来发展自己,又通 过自身的发展来维护世界和平。 落实科学发展观,关键是坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,切实把科学发展观 贯穿于经济社会发展的全过程、落实到经济社会发展的各个环节,着力调整经济结构和转变 增长方式,着力加强资源节约和环境保护,着力推进改革开放和自主创新,着力促进社会发 展和解决民生问题,推动经济社会发展切实转入科学发展的轨道。发展离不开速度,但速度 要有新的内涵。我们追求的是一个经济结构比较合理、经济效益比较好、资源消耗比较少、 ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t 生态环境得到保护的速度,是一个经济素质不断提升、有充足后劲、能够稳定持续发展的速 度,是一个重大关系比较协调、人民得到实惠比较多、社会和谐全面进步的速度。 女士们、先生们、朋友们: 中国政府高度重视自主创新,提出到 2020 年进入创新型国家行列的目标,并制定了国 家中长期科学与技术发展规划纲要。根据规划纲要,到 2020 年:(1)科技进步对经济增 长的贡献率达到 60%以上;(2)对外技术依存度降低到 30%以下;(3)研发投入占国 内生产总值的比重提高到 2.5%以上。围绕建设创新型国家的目标,中国把增强自主创新能 力作为发展科学技术的战略基点,作为调整经济结构、转变经济增长方式的中心环节,作为 国家战略贯穿到现代化建设各个方面。进一步激发全民族创新精神,培养高水平创新人才, 形成有利于创新的体制机制,强化企业在创新中的主体地位,加快科技成果向现实生产力转 化,完善激励创新的政策措施,建立 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 创新的考核体系,加大科技投入,鼓励专利发明, 切实提高科技进步对经济增长的贡献率。与此同时,我们坚持对外开放的基本国策,坚持以 引进先进技术、先进管理为重点,积极利用海外智力,扩大和深化国际交流与合作。欢迎跨 国公司在华设立研发中心,与中国企业协作开展技术和产品研发。中国政府将依法保护所有 外国投资者的合法权益,依法保护知识产权和权利人的合法利益。 中国历来重视人与自然和谐相处。中国古代就有“不涸泽而渔,不焚林而猎”的理念。为 了实现发展的可持续性,中国将保护环境和节约资源作为基本国策,将可持续发展作为重大 战略,将建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会作为奋斗目标。我们制定了《中国 21 世纪议程》 和《中国 21 世纪初可持续发展行动纲要》。今年的《政府工作 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 》明确将节能降耗、保 护环境和节约用地作为转变经济增长方式的突破口,再次明确到 2010 年实现单位国内生产 总值能源消耗比 2005 年末降低 20%左右、主要污染物排放总量减少 10%的目标和措施。 中国还积极参与资源环境领域的国际合作,加入了《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《生物多 样性公约》、《联合国防治荒漠化公约》等多项国际条约,并以高度负责的精神履行条约义 务。 中国过去是、现在是、将来永远是亚洲与世界和平发展的积极参与者和建设者。我们将 坚定不移地走和平发展道路,坚定不移地实施互利共赢的开放战略,致力于推动建设持久和 平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。我们始终奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针和睦邻、安邻、 富邻的周边外交政策,发展同亚洲各国各地区的友好合作关系,努力营造和平安宁的地区环 境,积极推动亚洲区域合作,共同促进亚洲的发展与繁荣。 女士们、先生们、朋友们: 实现亚洲可持续发展,是历史的重任、时代的要求、人民的期盼。让我们携起手来,为 创造亚洲和平合作和谐的美好未来而努力奋斗。 最后,预祝本届年会圆满成功! 谢谢大家。 ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t Advance Peace, Cooperation and Harmony in Asia Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Conference 2007 of the Boao Forum for Asia Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (Hainan, 21 April 2007) Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, I am very glad to attend the Annual Conference 2007 of the Boao Forum for Asia and to meet you, old friends and new ones. First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the opening of the conference and best wishes to all the conference participants. In the past six years since its founding, the Boao Forum for Asia has been steadily enhanced thanks to your support and participation. It has played an important role in advancing cooperation and common prosperity in Asia. We are confident that through our concerted efforts, the Boao Forum will grow into an important regional platform of dialogue for promoting business cooperation and common development in Asia. The theme of this annual conference, namely, Asia Winning in Today’s Global Economy—Innovation & Sustainable Development, is a significant one, as it gives full expression to the need for development and prosperity in Asia. I have listened with keen interest to the excellent speeches made by President Macapagal Arroyo, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and Mr. Bill Gates. Now I would like to share with you my views on this topic. Asia is a vast continent with time-honored history, splendid culture, rich resources and a large population. We Asians are hard working peoples. After the mid-20th century, most Asian countries gained independence, and they now enjoy peace and stability. Many Asian countries and regions have achieved leap-frog economic development; emerging industrial nations and regions have risen; and life is getting better for the Asian people. Since 2000, Asia’s GDP has grown by over 6% annually, contributing to 20% of the world economic growth. Today, Asia’s economy, trade and foreign exchange reserves respectively takes up one fourth, one third and three fourths of the world’s total. What is particularly encouraging is that the sustained development in individual Asian countries has led to increasingly closer economic links within the region, flourishing regional dialogue and cooperation, expanding common interests and heightened awareness of the Asian identity. Development and cooperation in Asia are enjoying unprecedented momentum. Asia has become the most dynamic region with the greatest development potential in the world and an engine driving world economic growth. It is playing an increasingly important role in promoting the noble cause of peace and development of mankind. We have full confidence in Asia’s future. The profound changes that are taking place in Asia represent an important trend of human progress. They reflect the aspiration of Asian people to build a peaceful, cooperative and harmonious Asia and stimulate creative thinking as we strive to realize political harmony, economic equality and mutual benefit, security cooperation and mutual trust and cultural exchanges. We the Asian countries and regions have ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t developed many shared values in the course of promoting peaceful development. They are our precious asset which we should summarize, enrich and carry forward in our development endeavors. First, maintain peace in Asia. Peace is essential for Asia’s development. For years, Asian countries and regions have made unremitting efforts to maintain peace and stability on the continent. This has enabled Asia to enter a new era of stable and peaceful development. Peace, development and cooperation are now the general trend in Asia. On the other hand, Asia still faces many problems and conflicts. Hotspot issues keep emerging and traditional and non-traditional security threats are interconnected. In the face of these threats and challenges, we should uphold the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, foster a new thinking on security focusing on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination, promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fair and equitable, enhance mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and cooperation, and settle differences through peaceful negotiation. We should accommodate each other’s interests and concerns, properly handle both issues left over from history and current problems and work together to maintain security and stability in Asia. Second, enhance regional cooperation. Cooperation is an important way to accelerate development in Asia. Although Asia is still in the initial stage of economic integration, the Asian countries and regions are eager to enhance win-win cooperation, and regional and sub-regional cooperation is in full swing. A number of cooperation mechanisms have been set up and are functioning well. They include ASEAN plus China, Japan and the ROK, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Asia Cooperation Dialogue, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and East Asia Summit. Exchanges and cooperation in the political, economic and cultural fields have enhanced common development. Regional cooperation is becoming more comprehensive in coverage and well coordinated. It is expected that with the world moving closer to multipolarity and economic globalization gathering momentum, regional cooperation in Asia will be steadily enhanced and this will benefit not only Asia but also other regions in the world. We should make full use of the existing cooperation mechanisms, expand cooperation to more areas, improve ways of cooperation and raise cooperation efficiency to boost regional cooperation in Asia. Third, accelerate scientific and technological innovation. Innovation provides an inexhaustible source of strength for Asia’s development. The human society has entered a new era of unprecedented and dynamic scientific and technological innovation. The growth of wealth and the increase of people’s well-being increasingly hinge on the accumulation of knowledge and innovation. In the face of the global trend of scientific and technological development and fierce competition, only by giving top priority to scientific and technological innovation can we Asian countries seize the opportunity and take the lead in development. Therefore, cooperation in science and technology should figure prominently in regional cooperation. We should expand such cooperation to cover more areas, and upgrade it so as to strengthen Asia’s overall capacity for and competitiveness in scientific and technological innovation. We are keenly aware of the difficulties and obstacles on our way ahead and that the developing countries’ capacity for making innovation is seriously constrained by various negative factors. However, we are confident that the Asian countries will be able to overcome resistance and difficulties, press ahead with institutional, scientific, technological and industrial innovation and inject new vigor and vitality into the economic and social development in Asia. ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t Fourth, conserve resources and protect the environment. To conserve resources and protect the environment is an integral part of Asia’s development endeavors. Asia is in the process of accelerated industrialization and urbanization. To balance resources conservation and environmental protection on the one hand and industrialization on the other is a major challenge Asia faces, just like the rest of the world does. We have three options. The first is to continue to pursue the traditional path of industrialization characterized by massive consumption of resources and energy. The second is to discourage developing countries from pursuing industrialization and modernization or even force them to give up such pursuit on the ground of resources and the environmental constraints. The third is to pursue a new strategy for industrialization which is high-tech driven, yields high economic returns, is resources-efficient and environment-friendly and fully taps the strengths of human resources. It is obvious that the first choice is not workable and the second one is unjust. We should choose the third one. In the course of economic development, the Asian countries and regions are making effort to conserve resources and energy and protect the ecosystem. They are pursuing a new development path and they are actively involved in international and regional cooperation in resources and energy, environmental protection and climate change, thus making their fair share of contribution to global sustainable development. Asia deserves credit for what it has done in these areas. Here, I call on developed countries to provide more assistance to developing countries in technological transfer, funding and personnel training and take the initiative in promoting global sustainable development. Fifth, promote harmony in Asia. Harmony is fundamental to Asia’s development. There are over 1,000 ethnic groups in Asia who speak over 2,000 languages. Since the ancient times, different civilizations have developed in Asia through mutual influence and integration and formed a tradition that values harmony. Under the changed circumstances today, we should carry forward this fine tradition, respect the diversity of civilizations, encourage dialogue on an equal footing among civilizations, expand common ground while shelving differences, draw on each other’s strength and promote democracy in international relations. The right of a country to choose independently its path of development and follow its domestic and foreign policies and to equal participation in international affairs should be respected. Big countries should respect small ones, the strong should support the weak, and the rich should help the poor. Developing countries should give top priority to development and pay greater attention to social development and improving people’s well-being. They should, while upholding independence and sovereignty, follow an opening-up policy to strengthen, through diversified channels and means, exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions, absorb all that is best in human civilization and benefit from the advanced development practices of other countries. Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, China’s development is inseparably linked with the common interest of mankind. China has one fifth of the world’s population. If China fails to develop itself and the life of 1.3 billion Chinese people is not improved, the common interest of mankind will be seriously affected. Therefore, by developing itself and realizing the objective of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, China is making a historical contribution to the development and well-being of mankind. In the past three decades of reform and opening-up, China’s economy has maintained an average annual growth rate of 9.6%. China’s GDP reached about US$ 2.63 trillion in 2006, ranking fourth in the ww w. lin go bin go .ne t ww w. lin go bin go .ne t world. China’s export and import hit US$ 1.76 trillion, making it the third largest trading nation in the world. China’s development has reached a new historical starting point. China’s sustained and rapid development has benefited not only its own people, but also the people of Asia and the world. --Since joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has imported nearly US$ 500 billion of goods every year and created about 10 million jobs for the exporting countries and regions concerned. China’s import maintained strong momentum of growth in 2006, reaching US$ 791.6 billion. The figure included US$ 525.5 billion, or 66.4% of its total import, from other Asian countries and regions. --China has absorbed a total of US$ 685 billion of paid-in foreign investment since it adopted the reform and opening-up policy. Over 600,000 foreign-funded companies have been set up in China. Over 480 of the Fortune 500 companies have made investment in China. Foreign-funded enterprises in China remitted overseas US$ 280 billion of profits from 1990 to 2005. The non-financial direct overseas investment made by Chinese enterprises has increased at an annual rate of 43% since 2002. It reached US$ 73.3 billion at the end of 2006, of which 61% was made in Asia. One hundred and thirty-two countries and regions are now designated destinations for Chinese tourists, and China has become Asia’s No. 1 source of tourists. In 2006, 34.52 million people from China’s mainland traveled overseas, of whom 28.8 million were for private reasons, an increase of 14.6% over the previous year. Eight of the ten most popular tourist destinations in terms of first overseas stop for tourists from China’s mainland are in Asia. On the other hand, we are also keenly aware that China’s per capita GDP is only US$2,000, ranking behind 100th place in global listing. China still faces many challenges. They include low living standards, imbalances in the development between rural and urban areas, among different regions and between economic and social development, mounting pressure caused by its huge population as well as pressure on resources and the environment, and problems affecting the livelihood of its people such as employment, social welfare and income distribution. China remains a developing country which has a long way to go before it can achieve modernization. Only by developing itself can China meet these challenges. We are committed to taking a socialist path with Chinese features that is suited to our national condition, is in keeping with the trend of the times and reflects the will of the people. We pursue scientific, harmonious and peaceful development under the guidance of the scientific thinking on development, and we are committed to turning China into a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious
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