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七夕节ppt英文版七夕节ppt英文版 篇一:七夕情人节 Microsoft Word 文档 (4) 七夕情人节 七夕情人节,是中国的一个关于爱情的节日,它是每年的七月初七,又称之为七夕节或中国情人节。那么2014年七夕情人节是几月几号,星期几,我们怎么度过这个浪漫温馨的节日呢, 七夕情人节是几月几号: 2014年七夕情人节七月初七(8月2日) 星期六 2015年七夕情人节七月初七(8月20日 )星期四 2016年七夕情人节七月初七((本文来自:WWw.HNboxU.com 博 旭 范文 网:七夕节ppt英文版)8月9日) ...

七夕节 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 英文版 篇一:七夕情人节 Microsoft Word 文档 (4) 七夕情人节 七夕情人节,是中国的一个关于爱情的节日,它是每年的七月初七,又称之为七夕节或中国情人节。那么2014年七夕情人节是几月几号,星期几,我们怎么度过这个浪漫温馨的节日呢, 七夕情人节是几月几号: 2014年七夕情人节七月初七(8月2日) 星期六 2015年七夕情人节七月初七(8月20日 )星期四 2016年七夕情人节七月初七((本文来自:WWw.HNboxU.com 博 旭 范文 网:七夕节ppt英文版)8月9日) 星期二 2017年七夕情人节七月初七(8月28日) 星期一 2018年七夕情人节七月初七(8月17日) 星期五 一般而言,情人节是指西方情人节。每一年的西方情人节是公历的2月14日,而公历2014年2月14日是农历2014年正月十五,这一天刚好是我们中国的传统节日——元宵节。所以,在2014年,西方情人节和元宵节非常巧合的在同一天,这对所有的情侣而言都有着非比寻常的含义。 七夕情人节= 中国情人节 七夕节,又名乞巧节、七巧节或七姐诞,发源于中国,是华人地区以及部分受汉族文化影响的东亚国家传统节日,在农历七月 初七庆祝。来自于牛郎与织女的传说。由于过往女子的命运只能嫁作人妇、相夫教子,因此不少女子都相信牛郎织女的传说,并希望以织女为榜样。所以每逢七姐诞,她们都会向七姐献祭,祈求自己能够心灵手巧、获得美满姻缘的节日。 七夕情人节送女孩什么礼物 最浪漫的情人节礼物 推荐单品:多色玫瑰花 推荐理由:玫瑰花是情人节必不可少的礼物,作为爱情与美的象征,多色的玫瑰凭借着各自不同的花语,赢得了恋人的青睐,也为情人节这一特殊的日子增添了一抹浪漫的色彩。玫瑰的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 虽然不可偏离,但形式却变得越发千姿百态起来。一束玫瑰花,既浪漫又可爱!这样的花束想让她不喜欢都难! 最感人的情人节礼物 推荐单品:实名制戒指 推荐理由:愿得一人心,白首不相离~渴望真爱,人皆有之,尤其是女孩子。情人节送她实名制戒指绝对够诚意。不管你是向她 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 白、求婚、结婚,还是纪念日,送她一枚实名制戒指,其意义不言自明:以我之名,冠你指间,一生相伴,一世相随~古希腊神话中,宙斯用一枚精美无比的戒指赢得了美丽公主欧罗巴的爱情,那么情人节的她肯定也渴望拥有一枚代表真爱的实名制戒指,让我们追求极致忠诚的爱情进行到底吧! 最甜蜜的情人节礼物 推荐单品:香甜巧克力 推荐理由:巧克力一般都是情人节礼物的常选之一,爱是巧克力,爱是熔化的心,在情人节这天送上香甜的巧克力也是不错的选择。巧克力自它诞生以来就于情爱有着千丝万缕的联系。相爱的人们用甜蜜的巧克力表达对爱人的浓浓情谊。在让她品尝甜蜜的同时也能感受到你的用心良苦! 最惊喜的情人节礼物 推荐单品:定制变色杯 推荐理由:杯子是美丽浪漫的象征,代表着是一辈子的爱恋,谐音是“一辈子”,一杯子就意味着一辈子。 所以情人节情侣最好的礼物莫过于情侣对杯,即经济又实惠。如果心爱的人收到你送的杯子,那么她一定会体会爱情之神的到来。今年情人节送她一个能变色的神奇杯她绝对会喜欢! 最耀眼的情人节礼物 推荐单品:情侣装 推荐理由:情人节礼物最有爱的,莫过于两人穿着时尚的情侣装,在甜美的情人节这天迎接众人艳羡的目光了。想到情人节穿着一件,再捧着另一件情侣装出现在TA面前,如此浪漫的桥段,真的忍不住要偷笑呢! 最有品味的情人节礼物 推荐单品:香水 推荐理由:如果她是一个相当时尚的人,就送一瓶香水吧。因 为味道是可以在人的记忆中保留最久的东西,当心爱的人散发着 你送的味道,是不是有一种归属感呢,还有送她一瓶香水更能体 现出你的品位,相信在情人节送这份礼物也是不错的选择。 乐分享:无论怎样,对于女孩子来说,男士的一颗真心,礼物 之于爱情的意义,远远比它本身的价值珍贵得多。 篇二:Word——中国传统节日英文版 Traditional Festivals in China Traditional festivals are important events in the life of every Chinese, beginning right from childhood. Festivals such as the Chinese New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Winter Solstice are more or less evenly distributed across the four seasons. In China's traditional agricultural society, festivals served to mark the passing of time. Let's take a close look to these festivals: The Lantern Festival The Lantern Festival is on the 15th of the first lunar month. That night there is a full moon, and every household is decorated with colorful lanterns and prepares yuanxiao. Yuan Xiao, a kind of round dumpling make of glutinous rice flour sweet or salted fillings, which is boiled or fired. Yuan Xiao, literally "the night of the first full moon", which is another name for the festival. When night falls, people go into the street, where exquisite lanterns of diverse designs are hung. Some are pasted with riddles for the passers-by to solve. It is said that after the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368) destroyed the Jin (1115-1234), the band of the Yuan army celebrated the victory with gongs and drums. Since then beating gongs and drums has been a local tradition to express joy and happiness. In the country and town, people celebrate it heartily. For some reason, there is often a bigger celebration in the rural areas, especially in the North. The most popular food for this festival is yuanxiao. Apart from yuanxiao, the customary foods vary from place to place. In Shanxi Province, people take yuanxiao tea, a sort of soup made of boiled flour mixed with vegetables and fruits; in Luoyang and Lingbao, Henan Province, people favor jujube paste; in Kunming, Yunnan Province, people prefer bean dough. Other folk customs of the Lantern Festival include attending the lantern fair, guessing riddles and performing traditional festivities. Dragon boat festival Various perfume bagsglutinous rice dumpling (zongzi) The Spring festival Family Celebration On the last day of the old year, everyone was busy either in preparing food for the next two days, or in going to the barbers and getting tidied up for the New Year’s Day. Tradition stipulated that all food be pre-pared before the New Year’s Day, so that all sharp instruments, such as knives and scissors, could be put away to avoid cutting the "luckof the New Year. The kitchen and well were not to be disturbed on the first day of the Year. The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations were strickly family affairs. All members of the family would gather for the important family meal on the evening of the New year’s Eve. Even if a family member could not attend, an empty seat would be kept to symbolize that person’s presence at the banquet. At midnight following the banquet, the younger members of the family would bow and pay their respects to their parents and elders. Lai-See On New Year’s Day, the children were given Red money wrapped in little red envelopes. On New Year’s day, everyone had on new clothes, and would put on his best behavior. It was considered improper to tell a lie, raise one’s voice, use indecent language, or break anything on the first day of the year. Starting from the second day, people began going out to visit friends and relatives, taking with them gifts and Lai-See for the children. Visitors would be greeted with traditional New year delicacies, such as melon seeds, flowers, fruits, tray of togetherness and NIANGAO, New Year cakes. The moon festival On the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, there is a Harvest moon. Some countries call it Harvest Festival. Here in China, they call it the Mid-Autumn festival, Chinese culture is deeply imbedded in traditional festivals. Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West, the Moon Festival is one of the most important traditional events for the Chinese. The Moon Festival is full of legendary stories. Legend says that flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. You might see her dancing on the moon during the Moon Festival. The Moon Festival is also an occasion for family reunions. When the full moon rises, families get together to watch the full moon, eat moon cakes, and sing moon poems. With the full moon, the legend, the family and the poems, you can't help thinking that this is really a perfect world. That is why the Chinese are so fond of the Moon Festival. As every Chinese holiday is accompanied by some sort of special food. on the Moon Festival, people eat moon cakes, a kind of cookie with fillings of sugar, fat, sesame, walnut, the yoke of preserved eggs, ham or other material. Some moon cakes are of very high quality and very delicious. An overseas tourist is advised not to miss it if he or she happens to be in China during the Moon Festival. The Moon Festival is also a romantic one. A perfect night for the festival is if it is a quiet night without a silk of cloud and with a little mild breeze from the sea. Lovers spend such a romantic night together tasting the delicious moon cake with some wine while watching the full moon. 篇三:四级翻译课件--原稿 翻译 翻译部分测试学生把汉语所承载的信息用英语表达出来的能 力,所占分值比例为15%,考试时间30经济、社会发展等。四级 长度为140-160个汉字,六级长度为180-200个汉字。 四级翻译一之——词的翻译 一:词的选择: ? 英语中要注意词的实际意义: 例:情况:circumstance, situation, condition, case„ 1. 在这种情况下,你不该一走了之。 Under such circumstances, you shouldn?t just run away. 2. 3. 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。 ? 英语中注意词的固定 搭配: 现在情况不同了。 1.浓茶:淡茶: 红茶:绿茶: 2. 上=up? 上公交车: 上飞机: 上山: 上出租车: 上火: 上瘾: 上坟: ? 1. 2. 3. 练习 飞向蓝天的恐龙练习非连续性文本练习把字句和被字句的转换练习呼风唤雨的世纪练习呼风唤雨的世纪课后练习 : 二:词的增补 ? 1. 我们响应了祖国的号召。) 2. 要有把握,就要有准备,而且要有充分的准备。 ) 3. 天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那座庙里过夜。 ) 4. 你是上白班还是上夜班, ) 5. 我们要全面 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 主题,才能解决的妥当。 We must take thorough analysis of problem before it can be properly solved. ( ) ? 1. 增加句中暗含的词 要提倡顾全大局。 ? 练习: 1. 母亲把孩子叫回来复习功课。 2. 3. 4. 我们积极奋斗,这个宏伟的战略目标是能够达到的。 你想看这本书,就先看吧。 早在公元前5世纪至公元前3世纪的战果年代,古筝就在当时的秦国一代广泛流传. 5. 三(词的省略 ? 1. 汉语中重复出现的词,英语要省略。 生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。 Live or die, we should be loyal to our party, to our people and to our motherland. ? 英语要省略。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 傲慢态度——arrogance. 欢乐的气氛——joyfulness. 愉快的心情——happiness. 沮丧的情绪——depression 暴力事件—— violence 在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了改革事业。 Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have succeeded in their reform. ? 1. 练习: 人民利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。 汉语中表示范畴的词:任务,情况,工作,状态,事业,。。。。经济发展老是停留在低速度,生活水平就很难提高。 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 我们必须培养分析问题,解决问题的能力。 多年以来,我们国家一直有严峻的失业现象。 我们都被他那崇高的品质所深深打动。 会议室里沉闷的气氛让我心烦意乱。 她的嫉妒心理是他失败的根源。 世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住。 四(语序的转换 ? 英国是第一个承认中华人民共和国的西方大国。 Britain was the first Western power to recognize People?s Republic of China. 1. 后置。 咱们到个安静的地方去。 Let?s go somewhere 2. 词作定语后置。 我们一定要用一切可能的办法来帮助他们。 这是能想的出的最好的办法。 3. 然。 英语中把越表示事物基本性质的词越靠近名词。汉语则不the only, the first/last最高级词,及-ible,-able结尾的形容修饰的名词是 some, any, every, no构成的复合词;定语 国际经济新秩序 a new international economic order 中国已然是一个强大的社会主义工业国。 China has already become a powerful industrial socialist country. ? 1. 2. 3. ? 1. 状语位置的置换 多个状语成分时的语序: 汉语——时间、地点、方式; 英语——方式、地点、时间。 他每天早上在操场上高声朗读。 He reads aloud on the playground every morning. 2. 小单位靠后; 英语——反之 我们明天早上七点动身。 We shall set off at seven tomorrow morning. 3. 分别置于句首和句尾,以保持句子平衡。 ? 练习: 两个以上的时间状语或地点状语:汉语——大单位 靠前,练习: 剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术之一。 她是 唯一活着的人。 她是一位中国现代优秀的女作家。
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