首页 林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address)

林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address)


林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address)林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address) 林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln's famous speech Gettysburg Address) Gettysburg Address Gettysburg Address (English: Gettysburg Address) is Abraham Lincoln's most famous speech, but also in the history of ...

林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address)
林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln´s famous speech Gettysburg Address) 林肯的名篇演讲《葛底斯堡演说》(Lincoln's famous speech Gettysburg Address) Gettysburg Address Gettysburg Address (English: Gettysburg Address) is Abraham Lincoln's most famous speech, but also in the history of the United States cited the most political speeches. In November 19, 1863, during the American Civil War Battle of Gettysburg after four and a half months, Lincoln in Gettysburg Pennsylvania's Gettysburg National Cemetery (Gettysburg National Cemetery) published the speech is unveiling, mourn in 5 and a half months of the battle of Gettysburg soldiers. Lincoln's speech was exquisite and thorough, and later became one of the greatest speeches in American history. historical background The ceremony went on with Gettysburg's Gettysburg Address Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Five different manuscripts Raw materials and responses at the time The theme and text analysis Marketplace legend Gettysburg Address in popular culture About Chinese Translation English text Historical background Lincoln, surname, man name. Often referred to as Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United states. He led the American Civil War, issued a "Declaration of the liberation of black slaves", maintained the federal unified, paved the way for the United States to become the world's leading industrial power in nineteenth Century, the United States entered a golden age of economic development, known as "the great liberator". Federal troops killed, Timothy, Europe, Sullivan, federal killed, Timothy Europe Sullivan photo The battle of Gettysburg (July 1, 1863 - 3) revolutionized the town of gettysburg. On the battlefield, Mark's allies and the federal army of the army of northern Virginia both left more than seven thousand soldiers, the remains of thousands of horses with bones, solemn and orderly to bury the dead as thousands of local residents priority. The stench of rotting corpses caused much of the town's population to kick up after a week of fighting. Finally, in the 32 year old wealthy attorney David Wells (David Wills) under the direction of the state of Pennsylvania purchased 17 acres (69000 square meters) of the land as a cemetery, buried in the sun that these souls of the aftermath of battle. Wells was originally scheduled for September 23, 1863 on Wednesday dedicated this graveyard, and invited the Secretary of state Edward Alfred, several federal senators and representatives, Massachusetts governor, and President of Harvard University as a speaker. Everett was the country's most famous orator, famous. His reply to Wells and the funeral Committee, due to time constraints, not suitable for ready speech, will delay the date. With the approval of the committee, the opening ceremony is postponed until Thursday, November 19th. Wells and the funeral committee is almost an afterthought invited Lincoln to participate in opening ceremony. Wells's letter said, "please excuse me to dare, after his speech to the executive heads of the statue, to give appropriate notice, make the soil here for official treatment, Tim was sacred." Lincoln ranked second in his speech order, similar to the tradition of inviting guests to the ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening ceremony. Lincoln took the train arrived in November 18th to visit Wells at Gettysburg, the Gettysburg town square house, and the final touches to the written speech in washington. Different from the short stories is that Lincoln prepared speeches on the train was not written on the back of the envelope. At 9:30 on the morning of November 19th, Lincoln rode a horse chestnut jujube, join into play a long list of officials and dignitaries, ordinary people and soldiers in position between the widow, Secretary of state William Shivad and finance minister Salmon Chase. It is estimated that about fifteen thousand to twenty thousand people to participate in the ceremony, to include the 24 in the six federal state governors: Pennsylvania Andrew Greg Curtin (Andrew Gregg Curtin), Maryland Augustus Bradford (Augustus Bradford), Indiana Oliver Morton (Oliver P. Morton), New York Horatio Seymour (Horatio Seymour), New Jersey, Jo Parker (Joel Parker), and the state of Ohio, David Todd (David Tod). The exact sequence of events in the [6] is still controversial. [7] will be buried in the tomb of the battlefield cemetery unearthed the body buried in heavy work, in a few months after the battle started in the opening day, and only completed less than half. The ceremony and Everett's "Gettysburg Address" [natrascorb Edward Avery in Lincoln's commentary on Lincoln's speech before Edward Avery a speech before The arrangement of ceremony arranged by Wells and the funeral committee are as follows: - Music - Berg Field band (Birgfield's Band) - Prayer - Dr. Stark Don (T.H. Stockton, D.D) - Music - Marine Band (Marine Band) - Speech - Sir Edward Alfred (Hon. Edward Everett) - music by the French composer. The Hymn (Hymn composed by B.B. French, Esq) - Speech - President of United States of America - by - elegy for the occasion featured Chorus & blessing - Pastor Bauer Dr. (H.L. Baugher, D.D.) on the same day as "a short speech at Gettysburg" not president Lincoln, but Everett for up to two hours speech. Everett the now rare 13609 words: "this is the beginning of a speech from the sky, and died in their own fields, quiet work, great Aergenni towering mountains, hidden towards me, and all the comrades of the foot rest; in my humble voice breaking silence of God moving, the real sense of hesitation. But you have called it without unloading the Boyle words of compassion, should I pray. " "Standing beneath this serene sky, overlooking these broad fields now reposing from the labors of the waning year, the mighty Alleghenies dimly towering before us, the graves of our brethren beneath our feet, it is with hesitation that I raise my poor voice to break the eloquent silence of God and Nature. But the duty to which you have called me must be performed grant I pray; me, you, your indulgence and your sympathy." in the two hours after the knot: "so I believe, will join us in saying, a total of intrinsic martyrs bones: throughout the world has been civilized, who told the illustrious feats. At the end of and the Messenger, in our common country, brilliant history, no other than the battle of Gettysburg page is more brilliant." "But they, I am sure, will join us in saying, as we bid farewell to the dust of these martyr-heroes, that wheresoever throughout the civilized world the accounts of this great warfare are read, and down to the latest period of recorded time, in the glorious annals of our common country, there will be no brighter page than that which relates The Battles of Gettysburg." Lincoln's Gettysburg Address [natrascorb introduction in the audience's praise after Lincoln in Kentucky he spoke two cavity tapering to three minutes. Lincoln's adaptation of Abraham Lincoln speech, Abraham Lincoln speech Cut to ten words essay "272 words in this civil war, countries in this tough role again in the war, and the impact of this idea: regardless of the federal army or the Confederacy, Gettysburg Memorial no sacrifice in vain. Although this speech in history, the scholars of the wording was just really disagree; transcription of the news reports, even the number of copies of a copy of the manuscript was, its wording, punctuation, and structure are mutual differences. In many versions, "the Bilisi" (Bliss Copy) has become the standard. This is only a Lincoln signed version, also known by its final version written by: (following this in English version) an eighties and seven years ago our ancestors was on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to all men are created equal this belief. Two. Eighty-seven years ago, our fathers created a new nation on this land, founded on the conviction of liberty, and on the belief that all men are created equal. [note] father should avoid a blood related association here. At that time, especially in politics, there was no concept of equality between men and women, men means men, and not white men. In order to be faithful, one should not regard it as a general term for human beings Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. And we will dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who gave their lives that the nation could live. This is perfectly proper and proper, which we ought to do. Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether, that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. but, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate we can not hallow this ground up, cannot achieve. This group of brave, regardless of life and death, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world has not paid attention to it, nor has it long been remembered that it is what it says, but he will never forget what he is doing. We should be living, of course, they gave the great devotion to the unfinished business. We hereby present is dedicated to the great task of the dead we shoulder the ultimate sacrifice, we hereby promise dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- the government of the people by the people and for the people when free to fall. But in, a larger sense, we can not dedicate we can not consecrate we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather to, be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 我们应该献身于留在我们面前的伟大任务——我们要从这些光荣的 死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,引起了他们的奉献的最后一个完整的 措施,我们在这里高度的决心,不让这些死者白白牺牲,这个国家在 上帝的保佑下,必新生的自由和人民的政府,由人民,为人民,将永 远不会从地球上消失。五份不同的手稿[回目录]概述五份已知的葛底 斯堡演说手抄本,各以自林肯之手承接之相关人士命名。林肯给他的 私人秘书约翰?尼柯莱(John Nicolay)与约翰?黑伊(John Hay) 每人各一份。两份皆在其11月19日演说日左右写就,而其他三份演 说稿本,艾佛瑞特本(埃弗雷特)、班克劳福本(班克罗夫特)、与毕 利斯本(幸福),为林肯为慈善目的于11月19日后自撰。由于林肯 对毕利斯本下标题并署名及记下日期,该本成为大多数林肯葛底斯堡 演说的复写再制品之来源。两份最早的草稿互有关连,然两者之存在 与起源有若干的混淆与矛盾之处尼柯莱与黑伊二人,由林肯之子罗。 伯特?陶德?林肯(罗伯特托德林肯)于1874年指派为林肯文件的 保管人。[ 3 ]尼柯莱本于1894年出现在约翰?尼柯莱的文章之副本 中;据猜测,其于尼柯莱在1901年去逝后,混杂在其女海伦转交给 黑伊的文件当中。罗伯特?林肯于1908年开始找寻原稿,海伦从而 耗时数年追寻尼柯莱本未成。在给林肯的信中,海伦写道:“黑伊先 生在文件转交后不久告诉我,令尊给了家父葛底斯堡演说的原稿。” 林肯追寻的结果是在约翰?黑伊装订成册的论文本中发现一份葛底 斯堡演说手抄本-即今称”黑伊稿本”(“草稿”)者,其使用的纸 张、每行字数、整篇的行数、以及林肯编校的手迹,皆不同于约翰?尼 柯莱在1894年印行的版本。八年后,1916年3月,符合伦?尼柯莱 记忆与其父文章之今称”尼柯莱本”者,据报存于约翰?黑伊的孙女 爱丽丝?黑伊?瓦德史渥丝(Alice Hay Wadsworth)的所有物中。 (引据之注解今已绝版)尼柯莱本尼柯莱本据信为现存最早的副本, 通称”首稿”(“初稿”)。学者们对于尼柯莱本是否即林肯于11月 19日发表葛底斯堡演说时所诵读者意见不一。1894年,身为林肯文 件保管者的尼柯莱,于一篇包含此本之摹写的文章中写道,林肯将以 白宫文具写就之讲稿前半携至葛底斯堡,并于11月19日发表演说前 以铅笔在横格纸写下讲稿之次页。两张纸上仍明显可见的相称折痕, 显示其或为目击者所称林肯自其外套口袋掏出并于典礼中诵读者。有 些人认为其讲辞业已丢失,因尼柯莱本的若干词句与林肯当时演讲的 抄本不符。例如说,“凭借神佑”一句,不见于”此一国度,(凭借 神佑),定享自由之新生”这一段。若说尼柯莱本就是当时所诵读者, 那么不是当时的誊录不确,便是林肯于讲稿中数处悖于其写定的文辞。 这份葛底斯堡演说的副本据推测在约翰?尼柯莱于1901年去逝之前 始终为其所有,后传交于其挚友兼同事约翰?黑伊;其后消失于众数 年, Re found in March 1916. Nikelaiben at the Library of Congress in Washington in the United States (American Treasures exhibition) Treasures Exhibition in permanent display. Ibn was first released in 1906 to the public after the Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Wells (Garry Wills) said Ibn "in five copies in Lincoln's most difficult to understand." Among the several changes, the display by copying the rush; after the review, many of the sentence cut the basic meaning of the key, not only can be used to strengthen the Lincoln and clear semantic simple words. This copy is called "second draft" ("second draft"), if not written on the morning of the speech, that is, Lincoln was completed shortly after returning to washington. Believing in speech day, the writer pointed out that some of the words were not found in the first draft, but appeared in a copy of the news reports of the speech and Lincoln's subsequent copy. They concluded that the manuscript was likely to give Lincoln a speech in the hands of the Library of Congress collection, which was annotated with the originals of the first and second drafts. Lincoln finally put this copy to him another personal secretary, John Hay was born in 1916; the second draft together with the Nikelaiben donated to the library of congress. Avery Turban Avery Te, also known as Edward Chi Lis Ben, was presented to President Lincoln at the beginning of 1864. Everett collection of his speech at Gettysburg, bound from New York, the United States Department of health for the disabled charity exhibition. Lincoln's gift manuscript became the third signed copy of the collection at the Lino State Historical Museum in Springfield, Lino. Currently on display at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Treasures Gallery) treasures Gallery) in. Ben Ben Crawford of Gettysburg Address was written by President Lincoln in April 1864 at the invitation of George Bancrawford. As was the most famous historian, this program will copy into the class, "our country's authors behind" (Autograph Leaves of Our from Country's Authors), and the auction Exhibition on sea army health in baltimore. Since these fourth copies are written on both sides of the paper, it is not suitable for this purpose. Mr. Ben Crawford was allowed to keep it. This is the only one with Lincoln sent for the original manuscript envelope, and Lincoln handwritten address and free postage marks. This copy of the Ben Crawford family in the hands of a few years, after work to donate calqued District Library at Cornell University in (Carl A. Kroch Library). This is the only private collector of five copies. In this Bilisi found fourth copies of manuscripts became George Bancrawford received "authentic" behind after President Lincoln wrote the first draft of five. This is the only Bilisi Lincoln signed copy, once for all Colonel Alexander Bilis family; he is the stepson of Crawford and "behind the class" authentic issuer. It was the last manuscript written by Lincoln, and it became the standard version of the speech because of the careful preservation of its appearance, as well as the title and signature and date of Lincoln in this copy. The Bilisi became the source of most of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address carbon products again. The manuscript is hidden in the Lincoln room in the White House for a gift from former Cuban ambassador Oscar Sintas (Oscar B. Cintas). Sintas is the richest cultural relics collectors crafts, he in 1949 at an auction for $fifty-four thousand to buy the Bilisi, public auction documents, for the history of the highest price. Gary Wells (Garry Wills) in the 1993 Pulitzer Prize winning "Lincoln at Gettysburg: remaking America" in the words of judgment, Bilisi "style in a very important aspect, is he the desirable: Lincoln since" the best offer (this) "deleted from this", that is the seventh "in the". "Wells commented," continued improvement, Lincoln that he pays attention to the preservation of "the original text more than perfect" (of course this is understandable)." At the time of the original data and the original data to respond to [directory] another time for joint news notes (Associated Press) cable service (wire service) to broadcast reporter Joseph Gilbert (Joseph L. transcripts from Gilbert) the shorthand notes; also in some small places and the draft is different. As for Lincoln's performance, eyewitness accounts were equally colorful. In 1931, the 87 year old lady Sarah Cook Miles (Mrs. Sarah A. Cooke Myers), who participated in the opening ceremony at the age of 19, she said the Lincoln speech scene after the solemn silence: "I was very close to the president's speech, after all, but it seems too short. Then there was an impressive silence, similar to our Menallen fellowship. There was no applause after he had finished." According to historian Shelby Foot (Shelby Foote) said, delivered a speech in Lincoln, applause, messy, and hesitate to do things carelessly". [by contrast, Pennsylvania governor Curtin said bluntly: "he preached the speech with a clear and audible voice, and the crowd was silent as the president stood in front of him... 'how admirable!' A unanimous comment. A good speech, as they say!" Lincoln later received Everett on the next day to write a letter, praising president concise and to the point and convincing speech, he wrote: "if I can satisfied the main idea in their approach ceremony in two hours, two minutes as you told me, when very lucky." Lincoln was grateful that the speech was not a complete failure". Other public responses to the speech were marked by partisanship. Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago daily) reported the following day: "the thoughtful foreigner, referred to as president of United States of America, is dull, dull and dull.". All Americans on this intonation, will feel blush." Lincoln himself, over time, revised his view of my little speech. The theme and content analysis [natrascorb Lincoln five use "country" ("nation") word, but did not use the "federal" ("union") the word, the word at that time or single refers to the north and restore the "country", rather than the sovereign state of the federal community, as supreme. Lincoln "1776 involved with the American War of independence, and contain" mortal students known equality "and the declaration of independence in words. Lincoln did not allude to the 1789 constitution of the United States, the constitution of the 3/5 protocol (the number of residents based three-fifths compromise, each slave allowance 3/5 free people, as States produce the federal house of Representatives) implies that recognition of slavery. He did not mention before the civil war period (antebellum) of the various political disputes such as nullification (nullification, the state government to abolish the federal regulations, or the right of the state to go) (state's rights, claiming that the United States of America sovereign state set, the president for the agent, the state appointed to involvement of slavery in the state major affairs). In "Lincoln at Gettysburg: remaking America" words in the book, Gary Wells said this speech by American Greek Revival (Greek Revival) and the influence of Athens's traditional funeral oration, as well as a theory (Unitarian, there is only one God, but not beyond the theory of three-in-one) (Transcendentalism, insight) and waste abolitionist Theodore Dole Parke (Theodore Parker, "the national total, national governance, sharing" ("of all the people by all, the people, for all the people") or original), Daniel Webster (Daniel Webster) also has the constitutional proposition. Writer, And the civil war scholar James Mcpherson (James McPherson) comments on the works of Wells, intends to Huges Te di J (Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian), Perry Chris (Pericles, Athens politician) in the Peloponnesian War (Peloponnesian War) during the funeral oration, and lists some characteristics compared with Lincoln's speech. The speech of Perry Chris, like Lincoln, to pay tribute to the honorable ancestors began: "I shall be our ancestors began: it is correct and appropriate, and if today so Festival should sense and proud." ("I shall begin with our ancestors: it is both just and proper that they should have the honour of the first mention on an occasion like the present"); then praised the country's commitment to Democracy: the one and only "concept of the law, equality and justice to all the people Fu" ("If we look to the laws they, afford equal justice to all in their private differences"), respect the dead sacrifice: "so Ning force died, not insulted and living, has been far from shame and adventure" ("Thus choosing to die resisting, rather than to live submitting, they fled only from dishonour, but met danger face to face"); and urged the living: "you continue to struggle, the relic, must be determined to move to read into the battlefield, Shu can struggle for the appropriate prayer." ("You, their survivors, must determine to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though you may pray that it may have a happier issue.") Greg Smith (Craig R. Smith) in the "political rhetoric and culture perfect criticism" ("Criticism of Political Rhetoric and Disciplinary Integrity"), also said Webster (Webster) Lincoln's famous speech in the Gettysburg Address on the government's point of view interpretation, especially in the two reply to Webster Hayne ("Second Reply" "to Hayne"). In which he stated: "this government, Reverend sir, as a result of the public voluntary, creating non state legislatures, no.. What is more, if required to express all the truth, the true people, birth, and support so far, this map, along with him, with great verve and clearly strong restrictions on the sovereignty of the state. " ("This government, Sir is, the independent offspring of the popular will. It is not the creature of State legislatures; nay more, if the, whole truth must be told, the people brought it into existence, established it, and have hitherto supported it for the, very purpose, amongst others, of imposing certain salutary restraints on State sovereignties.") people have noticed that Lincoln was born, survival and extinction of the metaphorical techniques used for the national "conversion" ("brought forth"), "birth" ("conceived"), and shall not from Earth 'demise' ("perish"). In addition, including writer Alan Kilzo (Allen C. Guelzo), said Lincoln the formulation of "Eighty seven" ("Four score and seven") indirectly from the King James Version of the Bible (King James Version of the Bible Psalm 90). The Bible of life is expressed in "sixty ten" ("threescore and ten" (H. L.) writer Menken Mencken) on what he considers Lincoln the central idea of scathing attacks. Lincoln believes the Gettysburg soldiers "to die for the cause of self-determination.". Conclusion: "Mencken is hard to imagine what will be more false. The Union soldiers in the campaign were actually fighting against self-determination, and the union was fighting for the right of its people to rule themselves Short stories [natrascorb rumors of a widely circulated, Lincoln after the speech, Hill Ramon turned to the squire Wade (Ward Hill Lamon), in his speech like abortion plow, "no grilled comb". According to Gary Wells, this statement has no factual basis, and most of it comes from Ramon's unreliable memory. From Wells's point of view, "Lincoln has reached his will.". Another constant marketplace is that Lincoln finished his speech on the train journey from Washington to Gettysburg and wrote it on the back of the envelope. The story is based on reports of previous circulation of manuscripts and the finalization of Lincoln's residence in Wells. In addition, there are rumors that the funeral Committee of Gettysburg was originally expected to speak better than the Lincoln at Gettysburg to long. In fact, everyone in the country knows (or should know) that the president's role was of minor importance. Only one frame of known Lincoln Gettysburg photos by photographer David Bachrach (David Bachrach) taken, in 1952 at the National Archives and documents Department (National Archives and Records Administration America, NARA), Matthew Brady (Mathew Brady) collection of photographic film, as people recognize. As Lincoln said it was too short and the need to prevent or to address midway is shoot more photos with other people in your president to sit for hours for the remaining ceremony. Copies of lecture notes from the Library of Congress are packaged in a specially designed, thermostatic controlled, argon filled sealed container. To protect the file from oxidation and continued denaturation. The Gettysburg Address in mass culture, the constant emergence of Gettysburg addresses in American popular culture, has been emphasized in the history of the United states. It is not only reflected in the prominent position was etched in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., the south wall of the chancel of stone; the Gettysburg address more often appeared in popular culture products, express modern audiences are quite familiar with these words. The examples include Maridis Wilson (Meredith Willson), the 1957 musical "The Music Man", and the mayor of riverside town consistently "eighty." (Four, score,...) Begin and then be interrupted until next time it is his turn to start with the same lines. The 1967 musical "hair" (Hair) has a song called "baby Abby / eighty" (Abie Baby/Fourscore), and relates to Lincoln's assassination, the Gettysburg Address by ironic manner. In the 1989 movie "bill and Ted's excellent adventure" (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure), Abraham Lincoln was engaged in the time travel leading from the past stolen, and the high school students like this: Thomas shimro speech: "Eighty seven minutes ago." In the 1999 movie "the Dick", Bessie and Eileen played the role of saying, "eighty or seven years ago, our forefather did something I didn't know." This is a practical term "Lincoln our fathers' (our fathers) frequently misused examples. In 1919, Sun Wen wrote in the classical Chinese three principles of the people: "Lincoln said," for the people, for the people, for the people, "and the government of the people. There is such a government, and the people are beginning to be the masters of a country." In June 1921, when sun spoke on the concrete measures of the three people's principles, he said, "there is no proper translation in the Chinese meaning of this sentence, and the brother translated it:" the people, the people, the people and the people. ". Of the people is the people, by, the, people is the people, and for the people is the people enjoy. The doctrine of the people, the people and the people, which Lincoln advocated, It is the brotherhood, the civil rights and the people's livelihood advocated by the brothers!" In translating this speech in Chinese, Xu Daolin translated "of, the, people, by, the, people, the, people" into "the people, the people, the people and the people", which should be based on Sun Wen's translation from for to chinese. He notes: "the essence of theory to democratic politics, with three left no analysis of preposition meaning, especially an inspired passage. A thousand words make a man's word." However, Qian Gechuan has questioned such a Chinese translation in the book "explaining the difficulties in English".
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