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高中北师大版英语教师用书必修一第一单元 Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 1 (pp. 8–9) 1. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末 on weekdays 在工作日 What do you do at weekends? Do you often work at weekends? 你周末干什么?你周末工作吗? Our office is closed at the weekend. 我们办公室 周末关闭。 Many students have to go to s...

Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 1 (pp. 8–9) 1. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末 on weekdays 在工作日 What do you do at weekends? Do you often work at weekends? 你周末干什么?你周末工作吗? Our office is closed at the weekend. 我们办公室 周末关闭。 Many students have to go to school at weekends. 许多学生周末也得去上学。 Most school libraries are open on weekdays. 大 部分学校图书馆工作日开放。 2. at the moment at the present time; considered as a shorter or longer period 此刻 ; 目前 , 现在 ( 可指较 短或较长的时间 ) for the moment = for the present, temporarily; for now 暂时;目前 in a moment very soon 一会儿;立刻;马上 Her mobile phone is engaged at the moment. 她 的手机占线。 Unfortunately, his parents are out of work at the moment. 很不幸,他父母目前都下岗了。 They are living in an ugly house for the moment. 他们暂时住在一间简陋的房子里。 He was here a moment ago. Just wait a moment, he will come back in a moment. 他刚才还在这里。 等一会儿吧,他很快就会回来。 3. in the evenings = in the evening 晚上;傍晚 on the evening of … = on … evening 在⋯⋯的 晚上 / 傍晚 In the evenings, I often watch TV series. 晚 上, 我经常看电视连续剧。 How about going to see a f ilm on Sunday evening? 星期日晚上去看电影,好吗? Do you have to go to school on the evening of Saturday? 星期六晚上你也要上学吗? 4. switch on = turn on 把开关打开;接通 switch off = turn off 关掉;关上 switch over (to) … 转换频道;转变 Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. At weekends, he often switches on the computer early in the morning and doesn’t switch it off until midnight. 周末,他一早就把计算机打开,直到半 夜才关。 If there is not a good play on CCTV 8, I would switch over to CCTV 7. 如果中央八台没有好节目, 我就换到七频道。 5. do some exercise = do some sports = take some exercise 锻炼身体 (exercise 意为“锻炼运动”时, 作不可数名词用;意为“练习、训练”时,作可 数名词用。) do morning/eye exercises 做早操 / 做眼保健操 do exercises 做练习;做作业 I also do some exercise every day. 我每天也会 锻炼锻炼身体。 He is so fat that everyone advises him to take more exercise. 他太胖了,所以,大家都劝他多锻 炼身体。 Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise. 做纵横字迷游戏能锻炼脑筋。 Students have too many exercises to do after class. 学生课后要做的练习太多。 6. live this lifestyle 过这种生活 live/lead a … life 过⋯⋯的生活 dream a … dream 做⋯⋯的梦 Of course, I couldn’t live this lifestyle without a good wife. 当然,没有一个好妻子,我是不可能过 上这种生活的。 Now farmers of China live a much happier life than before. 现在,中国农民过上了比以往幸福得 多的生活。 I dreamt a strange dream last night and it came true today.我昨晚做了个怪梦,今天,那梦竟然成真。 7. watch the TV = watch TV(通常用 watch TV) listen to the radio 收听无线电广播(radio 前通 常用 the) Sit down and watch TV. 坐下看电视。 8. at one’s desk = at desk 在伏案工作 at the desk 在书桌旁 at table 在吃饭 at the table 在饭桌边 28 Language Notes unit 1.indd 28 2003.8.25 11:07:09 AM 29 Lifestyles Mr Black is sitting at his desk and working his way through his paperwork. 布莱克先生正坐在写字 台前忙着他的案头工作。 She is sitting at the desk, reading English. 她坐 在书桌旁读英语。 Don’t interrupt him. He is at desk. 别 打 扰 他, 他在工作呢。 The family are at table. 他们一家人在吃饭。 After supper, they were still sitting at the table talking about home affairs. 晚饭后,他们仍坐在桌 旁谈论着家事。 9. take up 占据(时间或空间);开始从事某事(尤 指职业) take down 拿下;拆除(构造物);记下 take off(飞机等)起飞;脱下(衣帽等);(观 念、产品等)突然大受欢迎 take on 呈现(不用于被动语态) Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. 整天会议、电话不断。 The new sofa has taken up much place of the sitting room. 那新沙发占据了客厅的许多空间。 Her time is taken up with housework. 她的大部 分时间都用在家务上。 He took up a job as a teacher thirty years ago. 他 三十年前就开始当老师了。 Who could help me to take down the curtains? 谁能帮我把窗帘取下来? The old school gate was taken down yesterday. 昨天,学校的旧大门被拆掉了。 Please take down the useful expressions while listening. 请边听边将有用的词组记下来。 The rocket took off in a flash. 瞬间,火箭上了 天。 Take off your shoes before entering the bedroom. 进卧室前请脱掉鞋子。 Mp4 has taken off recently. 近来,Mp4 极受欢 迎。 Many places in China have taken on a new look in recently years. 近年来,中国许多地方都呈现出 一片新景象。 Her eyes took on a hurt expression. 她眼里流露 出受委屈的神情。 10. be filled with… 装着⋯⋯;装满⋯⋯ fill … with… 把⋯⋯装进⋯⋯ be full of… 装满⋯⋯ Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters. 每分钟都有很多急待处理的事情要做。 The bottle is filled with oil. 那瓶子里装满了油。 /那瓶子里装着油。 The bottle is full of oil. 那瓶子里装满了油。 Don’t fill the bottle with oil.别把油装进瓶子里。 11. complain (to sb.) about sth. 向⋯⋯抱怨⋯⋯ complain vi. 抱怨;埋怨;投诉;诉苦 complaint (about/of sth.) n. 抱怨;埋怨;不满 My family complains about it. 我 家 抱 怨 这 件 事。 She always complains to her parents about the school meals. 她总向父母抱怨学校的饭食。 She complained to me about his impoliteness. 她 对我抱怨他的无礼。 We have a number of complaints about their service. 对他们的服务我们有些怨言。 12. get bored 变得厌烦 bored 厌烦的(指人的感受) boring 令人厌烦的 类似用法的词有: surprised/ surprising; excited/ exciting; frightened/frightening; moved/moving; puzzled/puzzling Besides, I get bored if there’s nothing to do. 而 且,要是没事可做我会觉得无聊。 Look at his bored expression and you can guess how bored he is. 看他脸上厌烦的表情你就知道他 有多烦了。 He got/became bored by her boring speech. 他被 她那些令人厌烦的话搞烦了。 get + participles She can't concentrate for long. She gets fed up quickly. 她不能长时间集中注意力,她很快就厌倦 了。 Hurry and get dressed or you'll be late. 快点儿 穿衣服,不然要迟到了。 Don't leave when it's dark – you could easily get lost. 天黑时别出门——很容易迷路。 Our car got stuck in the mud after the heavy rain. 大雨后,我们的车陷在泥泞中动弹不得。 Lesson 2 (pp.10–11) 13. find + O. (宾语)+ O.C.(宾语补足语) I find painting or drawing very relaxing. (v-ing 作宾补 ) 我觉得画画非常放松。 They found him wounded by a knife. 他们发现 unit 1.indd 29 2003.8.25 11:07:14 AM 30 Lifestyles 他被刀刺伤了。 We found them at the foot of the mountain when we got there. 当我们到达时,我发现他们在山脚下。 The police found him dead in the room. 警察发 现他在屋里死了。 14. suffer from… 忍受;遭受 John suffers from backache. 约翰头痛。 Though he suffered a lot from the hard work, yet he never complained about it. 虽然他饱受劳作之苦, 但是他从无怨言。 15. take place 发生 happen 发生(通常指偶然发生的事情) break out 发生(通常指激烈事件或大的自然 灾害) 注:以上词语均不使用被动语态 The interview took place in a studio. 面试的地 点是一个演播室。 A car accident happened on the bridge. 桥上出 了车祸。 Bird flu has broken out in many countries. 许多 国家发生了禽流感。 16. lose weight 减轻体重 反义词:put on weight 增加体重 Dr Smith is an expert on losing weight. 史密斯 博士是减肥专家。 In order to lose weight, many fat children go to the gym to take some training. 为了减肥,许多肥胖 儿童到体育馆接受训练。 It is easier to put on weight, but it is quite difficult to lose weight. 增加体重较容易,但是减肥 就困难了。 17. can’t stand sth./doing sth. 无法忍受⋯⋯ stand vt. 表示“忍耐;忍受”时,通常用于否 定句或疑问句中 I can’t stand sitting and doing nothing. 我可受 不了整天坐着无事可做。 I can’t stand that woman. She always talks evils about others. 我不能忍受那女人,她总爱说别人的 坏话。 She can’t stand being kept waiting. 她不能忍受 久等。 Can you stand that hot weather? 你能忍受那么 热的天气吗? 18. take turns to do/doing sth.= take it in turns to do sth. 依次 / 轮流做某事 in turn 轮流地;一个接一个地;接连地;依 次 by turns 轮流地;轮替地;依次地 Take turns to talk about the activities you like. 轮 流谈谈你们喜欢的活动。 We take turns to clean the blackboard every day. We take turns (in) cleaning the blackboard every day. 我们每天轮流擦黑板。 They went into the meeting hall in turn. 他们一 个接一个地进入会场。 She laughed and cried by turns. 她 一 会 儿 笑, 一会儿哭。 Lesson 3 (p.12) 19. prepare for… 为⋯⋯做准备 prepare sth. 准备⋯⋯ prepare sb. for sth. 为⋯⋯而辅导或训练某人 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 be prepared to do sth./ be prepare for sth. 准 备好做某事 ; The captain told the soldiers to prepare for action. = The captain told the soldiers to prepare to take action. 上尉告诉士兵准备行动。 The students are preparing for the terminal examinations. 学生正在为期末考试作准备。 The teacher has p repared the t e r mina l examination papers. 老师已经完成了期末考试的命 题工作。 Our English teacher prepared some students for the English competition during the summer holidays. 我们英语老师在暑假期间辅导一些学生准备参加 英语竞赛。 There was no news and we were prepared for the worst. 由于没有任何消息,我们做好了最坏的打算。 You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work. 你得承担做这种工作的风险。 Lesson 4 (pp. 14–15) 20. look after sb. / sth. take care of…; attend to…照顾; 照看;照料 look forward to… 盼望;期待 I also grow wheat and vegetables so there are many things to look after. 我也种小麦、蔬菜,所以, 有很多事情需要料理。 This will give you something exciting to look forward to. 这将使你期盼着令人兴奋的事发生。 21. distance learning 远程教育;远程学习 unit 1.indd 30 2003.8.25 11:07:14 AM 31 Lifestyles Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning. 现在我正通过远程教育学习中文。 Culture Corner (p.18) 22. as a result 结果;因此(独立作状语用) as a result of…由于⋯⋯ ;因为⋯⋯的结果(后 接名词或代词,作状语用) result from… 因⋯⋯引起;起因于⋯⋯ result in… 导致;致使;造成⋯⋯的结果 As a result, people often got hungry during the long wait between these two meals. 结果,人们常常 在等待下一顿正餐时会感到饥肠辘辘。 As a result of the long wait between these two meals, people often got hungry. 由于两顿正餐相隔 时间很长,人们常常感到饥肠辘辘。 The traffic accident resulted from his careless driving. 那宗交通事故是由于他的粗心驾驶造成 的。 His careless driving resulted in the traff ic accident. 他的粗心驾驶造成了交通事故。 23. come up with... produce; find (a solution, an answer) 产生;发现,想出(解决 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 、答案) To solve this problem, the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five o’clock. 为 了解决这个问题,公爵夫人想出了一个聪明的主 意,即在每天下午四至五点的时候邀请一些朋友 来吃东西。 We shall try to come up with the solution to the problem. 我们将尽力想出解决问题的办法。 24. play/have an important role/part in… 发挥重要的 作用 Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life of wealthy people in modern British. 在当代英国,下午茶在富裕的人们 的社交生活中继续发挥着重要的作用。 Coffee also has an important role in British culture. 在英国文化中,咖啡也起着重要的作用。 25. as well as… 和;也;并 as well 和;也 She gave me money as well as clothes. = She gave me clothes, and money as well. 她除了给我衣 服外,还给了我钱。 We traveled by night as well as by day. = We traveled by day, and by night as well. 我们日夜兼程。 (上接 49 页) Lesson 4 (p. 28) 26. on one’s own = by oneself 独自地 ; 单独地 oneself 亲自(作状语用) of one’s own 属于自己的 You needn’t help him, he can dress himself on his own/by himself. 你不必帮他,他能自己穿衣。 I’ll go there by myself and do it myself. 我独自 去那里,并亲自做那件事。 Now many young teachers have houses of their own. 现在许多年轻教师都有属于自己的房子。 27. pull through 康复,渡过难关 We are excited to see our father have managed to pull through after the operation. 我们兴奋地看到, 父亲手术后已康复。 28. give up 放弃 give in (to sb./sth.) ( 向⋯⋯) 屈服 Though I was very weak in English, I never gave up. 虽然我的英语不好,但是我从不放弃。 If you think you are right, don’t give in to his decision. 如果你认为你是正确的,就不要屈服于 他的决定。 29. get on with sb. 与人相处;过活 , 对付下去;进展、 发展 He is difficult to get on with. 他难以相处。 How is your work getting on? 你 工 作 进 展 如 何? How can we get on without water? 没有水我们 怎么活? get through 通过 get around 四处走动 get away 走开 , 离开 get down 写下 , 记下 get over 恢复过来 get in 收割 30. confident adj. 自信的,有信心的, be confident of sth./that ⋯⋯确信,有把握 have confidence in… 对⋯⋯有信心 lose confidence in … 不相信⋯⋯;对⋯⋯没 有信心 He is confident of winning the game. = He is confident that he will win the game. 他对获胜有信 心。 I have confidence in my ability of teaching. 我对 自己的教学能力非常自信。 Don’t lose confidence in yourself. 不要对自己 丧失信心。 unit 1.indd 31 2003.8.25 11:07:15 AM
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