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课后习题 中译英


课后习题 中译英Unit 1 1.很高兴收到你关于商务信件格式资料的请求。 I was happy to receive your request for information about business letter formats. 2、能在新的商务函授课程准备上给阁下提供帮助甚感荣幸。 I am glad to be able to help you in this way in the preparation of your new business correspondence course. 3、如不能清晰的表...

课后习题 中译英
Unit 1 1.很高兴收到你关于商务信件格式资料的请求。 I was happy to receive your request for information about business letter formats. 2、能在新的商务函授课程准备上给阁下提供帮助甚感荣幸。 I am glad to be able to help you in this way in the preparation of your new business correspondence course. 3、如不能清晰的表达,就不可能在商界取得成功。 There is no success in the business world for someone who is unable to express himself or herself clearly. 4、良好的沟通能力是商界成功人士的关键所在。 The ability to communicate well is a key attribute of the successful business executive. 5、感谢阁下5月13日的来函,在信中阁下问及鄙人对有效沟通能力在商界重要性的意见。 Thank you for your letter of May 13, in which you asked for my views on the importance in the business world of the ability to communicate effectively. 6、无论信息自身多么坚强有力,只有当信件的信息传递无误才能有效。 No matter how Strong and powerful the message is in itself, it can be effective only if the letter which conveys the message is faultless. 7、应当使用明了的语言,以使收信人能理解商务信函。 Comprehended language should be used in order for business correspondence to be understood by the recipient. 8、事情越是急迫,信息越是要一而再、再而三地仔细检查。 The more urgent the matter is, the more carefully the communication should be checked and rechecked. 9、如果贵方能与我方合作,我们将十分感谢。 It Will be greatly appreciated if you will give us your cooperation. 10、商务信函应当始终包含收信人或公司的姓名和完整的地址 Business letters should always contain the name and complete address of the person or organization for whom the letter is intended. Unit 2 1、根据我们在澳大利亚销售园林工具的经验,我们相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。 Judging from our experience in marketing our garden tools in Australia, we are rather confident that they will soon become quick - selling products in your market. 2、我们的丝绸以质量好著称。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。丝绸女衫色彩鲜艳、设计美观,在国内外很受欢迎,需求量一直很大。 Our silk is known for its good quality. It is one of our traditional exports. Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed. They have met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand. 3、我公司作为纺织品进口商/出口商已有多年。我们的产品质量好,价格合理,在世界上享有极高的声誉。 We are an importer / exporter handling textiles for many years. Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable Price. 4、关于我们的财务状况、信用及声誉,你们可以向香港银行,或我们的当地商会或咨询社进行了解 Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local chamber of commerce or inquiry agencies. 5、我已看过你上次在信中所附的目录和小册子,对贵公司的出口产品有了一些了解。我们对你们的丝绸女衫颇有兴趣。 I have gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter. I have got some idea of your exports. I am interested in your silk blouses. 6、我公司是中国最大的电器用品进口商,谢谢贵公司8月3日来函,我们十分愿意与贵公司建立直接贸易关系。 We are the leading (greatest )importer of electric goods in China. Thank you for your letter of August 3.it is our pleasure to establish direct business relations with your company. 7、我们从驻贵国的中国大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司是纺织品的主要出口商,并获悉贵公司有意与我公司建立业务关系。 We have obtained your name and address through the commercial counselor 's Office of the embassy of the people's republic of China in your country and understand that you are the largest exporter of textiles and would like to establish business relationship with us. 8、如果你对我们的产品有兴趣,请尽快通知我方。一旦收到你方具体询盘,即寄送报价单和样品。 Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products. We will send you our price list and samples as soon as we receive your specific enquiry. 9、目前我们对各种各样的帽子、手套和袜子感兴趣,如贵公司能寄来商品目录、商品样品和价目表,我们将不甚感激。 At present, we are interested in all kinds of caps, gloves and socks and shall be pleased if you will send us the catalogue, sample and price list.  10、为使你方对我方各种款式的毛毯有一初步了解,今航寄我方目录、价格表和一些样品仅供参考。 In order to give you some idea of various qualities of woolen blankets we carry, we have pleasure in airmailing you one catalogue, a list of price and some samples for your reference. Unit 3 1、你能给我们奇一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗? Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment. 2、为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。 To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit. 3、既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复。 Now that we have already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible ? 4、兹奉上我公司新的产品目录和常用的皮革样品,仅供参考。 We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue for your reference, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. 5、7月16日来函已收到。得悉贵公司对我们的产品有兴趣,实感荣幸。 Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. 6、若质量好且价格适合我方市场,我们愿考虑签署一项长期 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long -term contract with you . 7、本公司亦制造多种系列精美的皮带和手套,贵公司如感兴趣,可参看产品目录中所刊登的插图。 We also manufacture a wide range of fine leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue. 8、看到我们的产品,相信也会同意我们的产品用料上乘、手工精巧,能吸引最有鉴赏力的买主。 When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. 9、为促进双方业务来往,另寄上样品以供参考。 In order to promote business between us, we are sending you samples by separate mail for your reference. 10、务请在本月底将你放的空调目录和最低报价寄到我公司。 Please send us your catalogue and lowest quotation of your air-conditioners. These should reach us by the end of this month. Unit 4 1、为了使生意成交,我们荣幸地给你们一个优惠报盘,以我方落实为准。 In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation. 2、很遗憾,你方报价比任何厂商所报高得多,我方无法接受。 Unfortunately the prices you quoted are much higher than any other manufacturers. We cannot accept it. 3、对这批数量大,以现金支付的货,如你方能从价目表中,再给些折扣优待,当不甚感激。 We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount off your price list for cash for this quantity. 4、针对你方5月3日询盘,现寄上与你来函 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 相似的墙纸样品一宗。 In reply to your enquiry of May 3rd, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling what you want. 5、我公司付款条件为交货后3个月内支付现金。一个月内付清货款者,可打5%折扣。 Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 percent discount if paid within one month. 6、你将发现,我公司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。 You will find that we have given you the best terms unprecedented in our business. 7、如果你方认为这一报盘可以接受,即发E-mail给我们,以便我方确认。 If you find the offer acceptable, please E-mail us immediately for our confirmation. 8、我方已另封寄给你方样品及三本商品小册子,请查收。 Under separate cover, we have already sent you our samples and 3 brochures. 9、如果你将我们的价格与其他制造商相比,你肯定能发现我们的价格非常优惠。 If you compare it with the offers of other manufacturers you will no doubt find our price is favorable. 10、谢谢你方8月2日的询价,现随函寄上你放所需的目录和价格表。 It is pleasure to receive your enquiry of August 2nd and we are enclosing the catalogue and price list you asked for. Unit 5 请在你地区尽力推销这种产品。 Kindly do your best to promote the new product in your area. 关于申请广州交易会一事,我们正在与有关当局联系。一佚申请获准,当即通知你方。 With regard to your application for attending the Guangzhou Fair, we are contacting the relevant authorities and shall inform you as soon as the application is approved. 按照你方要求,我们把样品另行邮寄你处。 As requested, we are sending you the samples under separate cover. 我们的手提打字机系轻质硬合金制造,故携带方便,经久耐用。 Our portable typewriter is made of light hard alloy, being convenient in carrying and durable in use. 你方需要的那种老式花样已没有存货,我们今天已寄给你方一件最新式样的样品,如果你们认为可以使用,我们可以立即供应现货。 The old design you require is no longer available from stock. We have today sent you a sample of the latest design and if you consider it suitable we are in a position to supply the goods immediately from stock. 你11月15日来信已收到,谢谢。货号2112电扇我们歉难推销,因为你方价格太高,买方无意换盘。 While thanking you for your letter of Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art . 2112,we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest buyers to make a counter -offer. 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。 Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the under -mentioned products, which can be supplied from stock or prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties. 我喜欢这种款式而不是那种款式。 I prefer this style to that one. 试销定货会使你们相信我们产品的优质。 A trial order would convince you of the excellent quality of our products. 我们公司专营化工品进口业务 We specialize in the import of chemicals. Unit6 贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期定货。 We would like to say that the 10%cash discount is quite satisfactory and Yes intend to place regular orders with you. 感谢你公司5月20日的报价,这是我们10只宫灯的正式订单。 Thank you for your quotation dated  May 20th. And this is our official order for 10palace lanterns. 感谢贵方3月10日发来的报盘及彩色产品目录。我们很乐意向贵方订购下列产品,详见附件第287号订单。 Thank you for your quotation of March 10and the illustrated catalogue. We take pleasure in enclosing our order No. 287for the following items. 若质量达到我们的期望,我们将在最近向贵方下新订单。 Hello the quality is up to our expectation we shall send further orders in the near future. 我们发现贵公司产品在价格和质量上能使我们的客户满意,我们给你下列表格中此类物品的订单。 We find both price and quality of your products satisfactory to our client and we are pleased to give you an order for the items on this sheet. 我们确认收到贵方订单,现随函寄去我方的销售确认 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 一式两份,其中一份请签字并交还我方存档。 We hereby confirm acceptance of your order and are enclosing here with our sales confirmation in duplicate, one of which please sign and return to us for file. 贵公司能立马供应5000条领带的话,我们现在就下订单。 If you can fill our order of 5000 ties very soon we would like to place the order with you now. 我们希望贵公司能接受买方设计和尺寸的订单。 We hoped that you can accept the order in the buyer's design and measurement. 11月份以前发货很重要,以便赶上圣诞节购物潮。 It is important that the delivery should be made before the beginning of November, in time for the Christmas rush. 抱歉无法接受贵方的订货,因为我方目前订单已满,无法给出确切的交货日期。 I am sorry to say that we must turn down your order as we have full order books at present and cannot give a definite date of delivery.  Unit 7 我方已将200包棉花印上“OH”唛头,由“飞蝶”轮运载。运费已付,特此告知。 We inform you that we have forwarded by the "Butterfly ", freight prepaid, 200 bales of cotton, marked “OH ”. 务请使用坚固的木箱装载。木箱必须订妥,并且以金属绳带扣紧。 Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be mailed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping. 请以四寸大小的字体标示唛头,并同时注明毛重和净重。 Kindly stencil our shipping marks in letters 4 inches high, and give gross and net weight on each box. 所有粉末必须以塑料袋包装好,装入锡罐内,并以胶带将封盖封妥。 All powders are wrapped in plastic bags and packed in tins, the lids of which are sealed with adhesive tapes. 请以锡皮防水木箱包装,每件以油布包裹,每三十件装一箱。装运不得迟于6月5日。 The goods should be packed in tin -lined water -proof wooden cases, each piece wrapped in oilcloth , and 30 pieces packed in one case. The shipment should be made not later than June 5. 货物已严格按照要求包装妥当,刷好唛头,以便交第一艘可装货的船只于本月底运出。 The goods have been packed and marked exactly as directed so that they may be shipped by the first ship available towards the end of this month . 运到我们口岸的货物必须在汉堡转船,因此你们的包装必须具有适航性,并经得起运输途中的粗鲁搬运。 As goods to our port should be transshipped at Hamburg, they must be packed in seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling an route. 请注意箱子外面要注明“易碎品”及“小心轻放”的标记。 Please see to it that the cases are marked "Fragile " and "Handle With Care ". 每套茶具必须用透明塑料袋包好,固定在硬质泡沫塑料衬垫里,放在硬纸板箱中,外用尼龙带加固。 Each tea set is to be wrapped in a plastic -film bag, fixed with hard fermented plastic padding, and put in a carton. Outside, it is to be strengthened by nylon straps. 油可以散装,也可以桶装。 The oil can be supplied in bulk or in tins. Unit8 请速与银行联系,告知我方开证情况,否则,装运将大大延期。 We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once and let us know what has become of the letter of credit, otherwise, the shipment may be delayed a great deal. 该批货物已准备就绪,将于明日装上“露露”号轮,自神户开航。 The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be shipped from Kobe by the steamer "Lu Lu " tomorrow. 关于你方10000公吨大米的询盘,我方可分两批交货,2月份交5000公吨,其余5000公吨3月份交货,价格按照报价单。我们尽了最大的努力了。 As to your enquiry for 10000 tons of rice, we can supply in two lots: 5000 tons for February shipment and the other 5000 tons for March shipment, at the price quoted in the sheet. This is the best we can do. 我们获悉你们可生产高质量的合金钢。能否告诉我们能在下月供应的数量。 We are told that you are in a position to supply alloy steel of high quality. Could you tell us what quantity you can offer for delivery next month ? 我们不能更早装运,因为本星期内没有船到你们港口去。 We are unable to effect an earlier shipment, because there is no ship sailing to your port this week. 我方报盘如下:报钢材5000公吨,规格按照我们的目录,价格每公吨192美元,FOB汉堡,2009年9、10月装船。 The offer is as follows: 5000M /T FOB Hamburg, shipment sep. /Oct. 2009. 像化肥这一类的大宗货得由卖方安排舱位,这对我们双方都很方便。 For bulk goods such as chemical fertilizers it is the sellers who arrange the shipping space. That will be of much convenience for our both sides. 你方应在合同规定的装运月份30天前,将合同号码、货物名称、数量、装运口岸和预计货物到达装运口岸的日期电传我们。 As stipulate in the contract, you should inform us by fax, 30days before the month of shipment, of the contract number, name of the commodity, quantity, loading port and the estimated date when the goods will reach the port of loading. 我们所租的船只按期到达装运口岸后,如果你方不能按时备货装船,就应负担我方所遭受的损失。 If you cannot get the goods ready by the ship chartered by us arrives at the port of loading, you will be responsible for the losses thus incurred. 第431号合同规定,2000台洗衣机于2008年12月交货,可是迄今为止未听到你方任何有关发货的消息。 We refer to Contract No. 431, under which we decided to 2000 sets of washing machines would be delivered in Dec. 2008. Up till now we have not heard any news about delivery from you. 我方客户急需此货,务请你方在合同规定的期限内交货。否则,我方只好向你方提出索赔并保留取消合同的权利。 Our client are in urgent need. Please see to it that you should deliver the goods within the time stipulated in the contract, or we will have to lodge a claim and reserve the right to cancel the contract. Unit 9 以保兑的、不可撤销的、以我方为抬头的信用证付款。 Payment is to be made by a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit to be opened in our favor. 抱歉,由于你方信用证开证延期,我们不能于2月的船期装运。请尽快解决此事。 We regret that we could not ship the goods by a February vessel only because new the delay of your L /C .Please attend to this matter with all speed. 鉴于你方经常订购且量大, 建议 关于小区增设电动车充电建议给教师的建议PDF智慧城市建议书pdf给教师的36条建议下载税则修订调整建议表下载 开具以我方为抬头的循环信用证,这样既将少麻烦又节约开支。 Your purchase being regular and numerous, it would be advisable for you to open a revolving L/ C in our favor, thereby saving trouble and expenses. 随函附上支票一张,金额为2300美元,已支付欠你方的佣金。 We enclose a check for US $2300 in payment of all commissions due to you. 请用信用证付款,由你方在交货前15到20天期间开出,其有限期到货物装船后15天截止,以便我方准备好所有装运单据提交银行议付。 Please open the L /C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery, and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation. 由于来自工厂方面的不可预见的困难,非常遗憾,我方无法按你方信用证规定的装期发运。如你方能将信用证展至11月15日,装运期展至11月30日,则不甚感激。 It is a matter new regret to inform you that we failed to effect shipment as per the date of shipment in the credit owing to some unforeseen reasons in the factory. We would be much obliged if you could extend the dates of shipment and validity to Nov. 15 and 30 respectively. 请修改AC- 3 号信用证,数量为2000公吨(卖方有权增减5%),允许部分装运和转船。 Please amend L/ C No. A C -3 to read: quantity: 2000 metric tons (5%more or less at sell's option )and partial shipment and transshipment allowed. 该信用证授权你公司于发货后按发票金额向我方开立30天期票。 You have authority to draw on us at 30 day's against this credit for the amount of your invoice upon shipment of the goods mentioned. 你公司22/56号发票项上由于我方将应付金额5500美元错看5000美元,少付了500美元,甚歉。 We apologize for the underpayment of US$ 500 on your Invoice No. 22/ 56 due to a misreading of the amount due as we regrettably read the final figure as US$ 5,000.00 instead of US$ 5,500.00. 经核对,发现你方装运单据与信用证有一处不符,即:发票金额包括5%佣金,而信用证中未曾规定。 Upon checking your shipping documents, we found one discrepancy, i. e. ,the invoice value includes 5% commission, which is not mentioned in the letter of credit. 请为这些货物投保一切险和战争险,保险金额为发票价值的110%。 Please cover insurance on these goods against all risks and war risk for 110 of the invoice value. 我方的保险条件是由卖方按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。 Our terms of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risk. 根据你方要求,我们已为你方货物投保至目的地。 According to you request, we have insured your shipment to the final destination. 如果客户没有明确指示,我们一般投保水渍险和战争险。 Generally we cover consignments against WPA and war risk in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. 保险使用的货币一般与信用证中的相同。 It is the general practice that the insurance be covered in the same currency as in the letter credit. 如果你希望我们投保特殊险别,则要收取额外保险费用。 If you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 保险费率随保险范围变动而不同,如需增保其他险别,则要收取其他险别,额外保险费由买方支付。 Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer's account if additional risks be covered. 保险费连同运费合并在发票金额之内。 Premium will be added to invoice amount together with freight charges. 一接到保险人的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方。 Insurance certificate will follow as soon as we receive it from the underwriters. 一旦发生损失,你可以在货物到达60天内,向你方保险代理人提出索赔。 Should any damage be incurred, you may file a claim with the insurance agent at your end within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment. 
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