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名片英文大全(常用)名片英文大全(常用) 名片常用英文大全 高级职位英文简称 CEO(Chief executive officer)首席执行官 类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。 COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官 类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官 类似财务总经理 CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官 类似总工程师 CIO(Chief information officer)首席信息官 主管企业信息的收集和发布 ...

名片英文大全(常用) 名片常用英文大全 高级职位英文简称 CEO(Chief executive officer)首席执行官 类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官 类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官 类似财务总经理 CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官 类似总工程师 CIO(Chief information officer)首席信息官 主管企业信息的收集和发布 CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CEO: Executive 首席执行官 CFO: Finance 财务总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CIO: Information 技术总监 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO: Operation 首席营运官 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CTO: Technology 首席技术官 1. GMD〈General Managing Director〉——总经理。 2. MD(Media Director)——媒体指导、媒介部经理 Media Supervisor——媒介主任、媒介总监 Media Planner媒介策划 3. CD〈Creative Directo〉——创作总监、创意总监、创意指导。CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰 富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导。 ACD〈Associated Creative Director〉副创作总监 ECD执行创意总监 GCD创意群总监 CGH——创意组长 4. AD 〈Account Director〉——客户服务总监、业务指导 AAD——副客户总监 GAD——客户群总监 AM——客户经理 DCS——客户主管 AE〈Account Executive〉-----客户服务人员、客户主任、 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 5. AD〈Art Director〉------美术指导〈在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督〉 AAD------副美术指导 SAD——高级美术指导 Studio Manager------画房经理、作业室经理 Finish Artist------画师 Visualizer-------插图家、插画师、绘图员、视觉设计 Computer Visualizer——计算机绘图员 Visualizer Group Head 视觉设计组长 Production Manager——制作经理 Print Production Manager——平面制作经理 Traffic Coordinator——平面制作统筹 FA——完稿 Finish Artist Group Head——完稿组长 TV Producer 制片 6. Planning Supervisor——企划总监 Planning Director——企划指导 AP〈ACOUNT PLANNER〉——客户企划(分 策略企划 和 业务企划 两种) 7. CW〈Copywriter>——撰稿人。 SCW——高级文案 Copy Director——文案指导 Artist——正稿员 8. AE〈Account Executive〉——预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 联系。 9. Traffic Control Specialist(简称Traffic)——制管人员 10. Research Supervisor——调查总监 名片中常用的100个职称、头衔名称的英文翻译。 董事长 Board Chairman 总经理 General Manager 副总经理 Vice General Manager 总经理秘书 Secretary 总经理助理 General Manager's Assistant 市场营销部经理 Manager of Marketing Department 销售部经理 Sales Manager 餐饮部经理 Food and Bererage Manager 客房部经理 Housekeeper 康乐部经理 Recreation Dept Manager 财务部经理 Financial Controller 人事部经理 Personnel Manager 工程部经理 Chief Engineer 保安部经理 Chief Security Officer 办公室主任 Director of Executive Office 大堂副理 Asst Manager 物资经理 Logistic & Purchasing Dept.Manager 会计 Accountant als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 生产经理 Production Dept.Manager 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 工会主席 Labour Union chairman 操作工 Operator 库管员 Warehouse Keeper 技术工程师 Technicial Engineer 销售一部经理 Sales Dept.Manager 接待员 Receiptionalist 配料员 Operator 保洁员 Purifier 人事经理助理 HR Assistant 炊事员 Canteen Worker 会计 Accountant 质保经理 QC Dept.Manager 机械师 Machinist 工程主管 Facilities Supervisor 采购员 Buyer 车间班长 Group Leader 叉车司机 Driver 机修工 Operator 采购主管 Purchase Manage 综合管理部 Colligation and Management Dep 财务部部长 Finance Dep.Minister 市场部部长助理 Market Dep.Minister's assistant als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 生产部部长助理 Produce Dep. Ministarls assistant 研发工程师 Develop Engineer 业务主办 Operation Direct 计划员 Programmer 更夫 Bellman 技术服务部经理 Technical Service Dept.Manager 物资内勤 Secretary 技术服务工程师 Technician Service Engineer 销售二部经理 Sales Dept.Manager 车间主管 Production Supervisor 内勤 Secretary 出纳 Cashier 检验员 hecker 市场部经理 Marketing Dept.Manager 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager IT工程师 IT Engineer 研磨工 Operator 司机 Driver 清扫工 Purifier 人力资源部经理 Human Resources Manager 文员 Clerk 财务经理 Finance Dept.Manager 技术发展部经理 Technical Development Dept.Manager 电工 Electrician 送货员 Deliveryman 挤压工 Operator als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 行政经理 Administrative Dep.Manager 运输协调员 Traffic Coordinator 副总工程师 Vice - Chief Engineer 综合管理部部长 Colligation and Management Dep.Minister 网络主管 Network Manage 综合管理部总务 Colligation and Management Dep.General Affair 市场部部长 Market Dep.Minister 市场部项目总理 Market Dep.Item Manager 质保部 Quantity Engineer 工艺员 Engineer 调度员 Dispatcher 秘书 Secretary Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理 Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 Application Engineer 应用工程师 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine Assistant Manager 副经理 Bond Analyst 证券分析员 Bond Trader 证券交易员 Business Controller 业务主任 Business Manager 业务经理 Buyer 采购员 Cashier 出纳员 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist 职员,接待员 Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员 Computer Engineer 计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员 Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理 Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager 副总经理 Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Engineering Technician 工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师 Export Sales Manager 外销部经理 Export Sales Staff 外销部职员 Financial Controller 财务主任 Financial Reporter 财务报告人 F.X. (Foreign Exchange) Clerk 外汇部职员 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员 Fund Manager 财务经理 General Auditor 审计长 General Manager/President 总经理 General Manager Assistant 总经理助理 General Manager‘s Secretary 总经理秘书 Hardware Engineer (计算机)硬件工程师 Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员 Import Manager 进口部经理 Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员 International Sales Staff 国际销售员 Interpreter 口语翻译 Legal Adviser 法律顾问 Line Supervisor 生产线主管 Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师 Management Consultant 管理顾问 Manager 经理 Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理 Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师 Manufacturing Worker 生产员工 Market Analyst 市场分析员 Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理 Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理 Marketing Staff 市场销售员 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine Marketing Assistant 销售助理 Marketing Executive 销售主管 Marketing Representative 销售代表 Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理 Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师 Mining Engineer 采矿工程师 Music Teacher 音乐教师 Naval Architect 造船工程师 Office Assistant 办公室助理 Office Clerk 职员 Operational Manager 业务经理 Package Designer 包装设计师 Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员 Personnel Clerk 人事部职员 Personnel Manager 人事部经理 Plant/Factory Manager 厂长 Postal Clerk 邮政人员 Private Secretary 私人秘书 Product Manager 生产部经理 Production Engineer 产品工程师 Professional Staff 专业人员 Programmer 电脑程序设计师 Project Staff (项目)策划人员 Promotional Manager 推销部经理 Proof-reader 校对员 Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师 Real Estate Staff 房地产职员 Recruitment Coordinator 招聘协调人 Regional Manger 地区经理 Research & Development Engineer 研究开发工程师 Restaurant Manager 饭店经理 Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Sales Clerk 店员、售货员 Sales Coordinator 销售协调人 Sales Engineer 销售工程师 Sales Executive 销售主管 Sales Manager 销售部经理 Salesperson 销售员 Seller Representative 销售代表 Sales Supervisor 销售监管 School Registrar 学校注册主任 Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理 Secretary 秘书 Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员 Security Officer 安全人员 Senior Accountant 高级会计 Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问 Senior Employee 高级雇员 Senior Secretary 高级秘书 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine Service Manager 服务部经理 Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员 Software Engineer (计算机)软件工程师 Supervisor 监管员 Systems Adviser 系统顾问 Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Systems Operator 系统操作员 Technical Editor 技术编辑 Technical Translator 技术翻译 Technical Worker 技术工人 Telecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员 Telephonist/Operator 电话接线员、话务员 Tourist Guide 导游 Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管 Trainee Manager 培训部经理 Translation Checker 翻译核对员 Translator 翻译员 Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员 Typist 打字员 Word Processing Operator 文字处理操作员 als voltants escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, nou lentament proposats Paret tanc col lapse, o experimentat un enganxat underground edifici, enterrat el fang de control de plataforma, va ser un obstacle, i oportuna processament d'aigua d'argila plàstic inflor encongiment de paret solc Conca trepant ranures són també obliqua ajupir-se a l'argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura elements obliqua flexió, desbarbat amunt i avall amb freqüència corregit[23] Clough G.W, Dunean J.M. finits Element anàlisis de retenir wa11 comportament [J]. ASCE, 1971, 165-167 [24] Andrew J.W, Youssef M.A. Anàlisi d'excavació profunda a Boston [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria del terreny, 1993, 69-89 [25] Sunil S.Kishnani, Ronaldo I. generada per infiltracions i Soi1-estructura d'interfície efectes en excavacions atirantats [J]. Revista d'Enginyeria Geotècnica, 1993, apèndix 912-929 taula 1 construcció de paret continu del problema i el processament mètode de tractament enganxar trepant (en el trepant sòl de sexe a la ranura, argila adjunta en bous trepant fulla fenomen de trepant Shang suspensió produïda) en argila tova plàstic capa perforació de raons preguntes freqüents, imatges havia ràpid, escòria més, de melmelada de pasta boca; en sòl viscós en forat de perforació, trepant velocitat havia lent, no es sòl de tallades xip darrere Shi trepant Shi nota control velocitat, lby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine
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