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高二英语核心句式翻译核心句式翻译(单选+完成句子)-一定要背下来啊!!  1自从我离开Jenkins先生就再也没有见过他,但是我经常想起他。 I haven’t seen Mr Jenkins since I left school but I often think about him.   2当时我对学校的大多课程都不擅长,有点懒。现在我真希望我当时能多做些努力,尤其是在数学方面。 I wasn’t good at most school subjects. I was a bit lazy and now I wish ...

核心句式翻译(单选+完成句子)-一定要背下来啊!!  1自从我离开Jenkins先生就再也没有见过他,但是我经常想起他。 I haven’t seen Mr Jenkins since I left school but I often think about him.   2当时我对学校的大多课程都不擅长,有点懒。现在我真希望我当时能多做些努力,尤其是在数学方面。 I wasn’t good at most school subjects. I was a bit lazy and now I wish I’d done more work, especially in maths.   3他过去常常用许多实际的例子来解释事情,并且把看起来困难的东西简单化。 He used to explain things with lots of practical examples and simplified things that seemed difficult.   4我知道我不是一个学习很主动的学生,我本来学习不应该那么困难,但很可能是因为我对自己缺乏信心。 I know I wasn’t a willing student and I should not have been so difficult at school, but it was probably because I lacked confidence in myself.   5他非常聪明,本应该能把其他学科学得更好。 He was very bright and should have done much better in all his other subjects.   6我妻子过去常希望我可以选择一个压力小一点的工作,但是我热爱我所做的工作。 My wife often wishes that I had chosen a job with less stress but I love what I do.   7作为一个教师,如果我所做的能把像Graham这样的孩子转变成一个成功的成年人,那我就知道我在做的是值得的。 If what I do as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult, then I know what I’m doing is worthwhile.   8作一名教师,你可以在孩子们心智顿开、渴望学习时进入他们的思想。 The thing about being a teacher is that you have access to children’s minds when they are open and eager to learn.   9过去,像我这样不能通过高考而进入大学的人是没有机会拿到学位的。 If someone like me had failed to get into university through the college exam, he would have had no chance of getting a degree.   10由于我拥有的新资质,我在工作上得到了晋升。 Because of my new qualification, I’m getting promoted at work.   11当我的经理告诉我我将要下岗了,我的脑子一片空白,心中充满了愤怒。 When my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger.   12除了收发电子邮件,我用网上镜头看到了在美国的外孙并且同他们谈话,这太有趣了 Aside from emailing, it’s fun to see and talk to my grandchildren in the US on the i-Cam.   13我决定再给自己一个机会,在保住自己这份稳定的全职工作的同时,利用周末学习得以拿到学位。坦率地讲,过去的四年是很艰苦的,但是很值得。 I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree on weekends while keeping a secure full-time job. Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard work, but it’s been worth it!   14人们想去相信那些古老的见解,因为那些观点是由伟大的哲学家亚里士多德提出的,这不足为奇。 It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these ancient views as they had been put forward by the great philosopher Aristotle.   15人们认为,受人尊重的重要人物说什么事情是对的,那它就一定是对的。 People feel that someone important and respected says that something is right, then it must be so.   16这些人知道,知识和理解是要去为之奋斗的东西:有人会说,对一个人或整个人类来说,它比与全世界的金钱都更至关重要,更加有益。 These men knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight for: more vital to a man, and more beneficial to mankind, some might say, than all the money in the world.   17从现在到21世纪,全球最富裕最先进的国家的人民会感到难以跟上变化的需要。 Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the world’s richest and most advanced nations will find it more and more difficult to keep up with the demand for change.   18毫无疑问,信息技术领域的工作职位将会大幅地增加。 Without doubt, the number of jobs in information technology will multiply.   19公司将会需要那些富有灵活性并且可以独立工作的员工。 Companies will require people who are flexible and can work on their own.   20毫无疑问,这种新科技在改变我们的工作方式,并提供很多其他的工作方式。 There is no doubt that all this new technology is changing the way we work and offering many other ways of working.   21我问她是如何取得成功的,她说保持好奇心、努力工作并且忠于事实的原则使她有了今天的成功。 I asked her how she had achieved success and she told me that being curious, working hard, and believing in what was true made her the success she is today.   22正是我的母亲教我对事物充满好奇心。 It was my mother who taught me to be curious.   23尽管有很多困难要去克服,但是她从未被这些困难打败。 Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems defeat her.   24她对人生的态度一直影响着我的思想和行动。 Her attitude towards life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions.   25我发现,只要我具有献身精神并决不放弃,就能写出高质量的报道。 I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports.   26你的智商表明你的聪明程度,而你的情商表明你对你的聪明才智的利用程度。 While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence.     27在职场上,智商使你得到录用,情商使你得到提拔。 At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.   28萨洛维教授以自己的学术研究作为依据,认为预测一个人未来的成功,其性格(可用EQ来测量),实际上比其智力(可用IQ来测量)的作用更为重要。 Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone’s future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.   29人们往往误认为,智商高的人情商也高。 People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well.   30人们广泛相信,情商高的人容易接受新的观念,并且对人生持有积极的态度。 It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life.   31他们不太可能被麻烦所困扰。另一方面,毫无疑问,情商低的人经常在与人相处和处理困难形势时有麻烦。这样,他们在生存问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 上更艰辛。 They are also less likely to be troubled by problems. On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situation; thus they have a harder time surviving in life.   32他们也许跟别的学生分开了。打雷的时候他们没能听到任何人的声音。 They may have been separated from the other students and couldn’t hear anyone when the thunder started.   33走丢的学生们可能在山顶松树旁的某个空屋子里。他们不可能在那儿。我确信人们会先查看那里的。 The lost students could be in one of those empty cottages near the pine trees right at the top of the mountains. They can’t be there. People would have looked there first, I’m sure.   34我两个小时后到家才意识到我把 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 落下了。 It was only when I got home two hours later that I realized I’d forgotten it.   35老实说,我对她比对其他任何人都信任。 To be honest, I trust her more than anyone else.   36我越来越烦躁。当然了,越烦就越难集中精力。 I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more upset I got, the less I was able to concentrate.   37我拿起书,怒视着她,愤怒地小声说:“由于你的噪音,我无法学习了。” I picked up the books, glared at her and whispered angrily, “Thanks to your noise, I’ve been unable to study.   38我禁不住笑了起来,并邀请她到我的公寓里来喝杯茶。  I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea.   39珍妮要不是如此体贴、宽容我的缺点,我就永远不会享受到如此真挚的友谊。  If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I would never have experienced such true friendship.   40我不敢相信他们现在已经在山里走失三天了!他们一定吓坏了。  I can’t believe that they have been missing in the mountains for three days now! They must be so frightened.   41现在这么冷。他们一定冻僵了!我希望他们多穿点毛织的夹克衫。 It’s so cold at the moment. They must be freezing! I hope they have more jackets made of wool.   42总之,我认为我的学校会有各种各样的活动。  In conclusion, I think my school would have a good variety of activities.   43我感觉好像我哪里做错了。 I felt as if I had done something wrong.   44我满是羞愧,并为我的粗鲁行为多次道歉。 I was filled with shame and apologized several times for my rude behaviour.   45研究者发现,当正常学生结识残疾学生之后,正常学生后来会更愿意帮助有困难的人。 When normal students were introduced to students with disabilities, they found that, afterwards, the normal students were more willing to help people with difficulties.   46我知道他们是伟大的伴侣,彼此深爱。 I know they are great companions and are devoted to each other.   47领先于世界、过上幸福成功的生活就意味着与他人相处融洽,并且能以尽可能好的方式理解和应对各种情形。 To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life means getting on with other people and being able to understand and react to situations in the best way possible.   48. 她一停下提问,我就站了起来走出了房间。 The instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room.   49. 现在很多人不去办公室,而是与互联网连接在家里办公。 Rather than going into an office, a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home.   50. 坐在后面的那个穿着黑夹克抱着胳膊的女人,看起来有一点害羞。 The woman sitting in the back,the one in the black jacket with her arms crossed, she looks a bit kind of shy.   5模块Unit 13-15核心词组 Unit13 People 1. concentrate on  把注意力集中于 2. end up doing sth.  最后结果是 3. apply A to B   将A应用于B 4. be involved in   涉及到,参与到 5. focus on    把注意力集中于 6. make up    编造;化妆;占比例 7. associate A with B   把A和B联系起来 8. in one’s early twenties  在某人二十出头 9. come up with  想出某事 10. draw up  起草 11. positive attitude  积极的态度 12. be open to sth.   善于接受 13. get on (well) with sb.  和某人相处得好 14. have a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事很困难 15. in terms of   关于,在…方面 16. be willing to do sth.  愿意做某事 17. be positive about sth.  对某事持乐观态度 18. fall behind  落后 19. at the top of the mountain  在山顶上 20. be full of anxiety   充满渴望 21. glare at   怒视 22. leave sth. behind  遗留下某物 23. to be honest  老实说 24. can’t help doing sth.   忍不住做某事 25. make comments on/upon 评论 26. put up with sth.  忍受某事 27. take sth. up   开始从事某事 28. show sth off   炫耀某物 29. glance at sth.  瞥一眼 30. get over sth.   克服某事 31. get down to sth.  开始认真做某事 32. be popular with sb.  受某人欢迎 33. be devoted to sth./sb.  献身于某事;忠实于某人   Unit14 Careers 1. take charge of  控制 2. set an example  树立榜样 3. offer to do sth.  主动提出做某事 4. consult sb. about sth. 向某人咨询某事 5. rather than  而不是 6. at all times  总是 7. make out   假装;辨认出;弄懂 8. go into details  详谈 9. speak up  大声说出 10. sit up     坐直;熬夜 11. The instant/moment/minute   一……就…… 12. be scared of sth.  害怕某物 13. dream of/ about (doing) sth.  梦见;梦想 14. believe in    信任;信仰 15. overcome a lot of difficulties  克服不少困难 16. turn sth. over  翻转;移交 17. junior high   初中 18. challenge sb. to do sth.    挑战某人做某事 19. keep up with   赶上 20. work out      算出;弄懂 21. take a deep breath  深呼吸 22. without doubt   毫无疑问 23. instead of   取而代之 24. as before   向过去那样 25. respond to  对……作出反应 26. on one’s own   独立地 27. in case (of)   以防万一 28. due to       由于 29. distinguish A from B    把A和B区分开来 30. an approach to (doing) sth.  做某事的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 31. stand out from/among…    在……中凸显出来 32. take risks   冒险 33. in addition   另外   Unit15 Learning 1. graduate from   从……毕业 2. get promoted   被提升 3. frankly speaking   坦白说 4. be/get laid off   被解雇 5. prove to be    被 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 是 6. go up/go down  上升,上涨/下降 7. get sb to do sth   让某人做某事 8. switch off/on   关/开 9. be related to   与……联系 10. be proud of/ take pride in  以……为骄傲 11. contribute to   贡献 12. participate in   参加 13. hand out      分发 14. in the 1970s   在20世纪70年代 15. loose conduct   行为不检 16. get together   聚会 17. go over   复习,检查 18. set up    建立,创建 19. add up to  总计达…… 20. lack confidence in myself    对自己缺乏信心 21. have access to    接近,使用……的权利或机会 22. be eager to do sth  渴望做某事 23. turn A into B   把A变成B 24. be accustomed to doing  习惯做某事 25. go against      违背,与…相反 26. tend to do sth.  往往会做某事,倾向于… 27. be unwilling to do sth. 不情愿做某事 28. put forward sth. 提出…… 29. approve of   赞成 30. urge sb. to do sth.  催促某人做某事 31. in other words   换句话说 32. fight for sth.   为……而斗争/奋斗 33. be relevant to sth   与…相关 34. one in three    三分之一
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