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焊接专业英语词汇(完整版) ⛞᥹㣅䇁 ⛞᥹⃴㔎 welding imperfection ⛞᥹㔎䱋 weld defect ⇨ᄨ blowhole/ gas pore 䩜ᇪ⢊⇨ᄨ pinhole ᆚ䲚⇨ᄨ porosity ᴵ㰿⢊⇨ᄨ wormhole 㺖㒍 crack 㸼䴶㺖㒍 surface crack ઀䖍 undercut ⛞⯸ overlap ߍഥ pit ⚻こ burn through ภ䱋 excessive penetration ᳾⛞䗣 incomplete penetration/ l...

⛞᥹㣅䇁 ⛞᥹⃴㔎 welding imperfection ⛞᥹㔎䱋 weld defect ⇨ᄨ blowhole/ gas pore 䩜ᇪ⢊⇨ᄨ pinhole ᆚ䲚⇨ᄨ porosity ᴵ㰿⢊⇨ᄨ wormhole 㺖㒍 crack 㸼䴶㺖㒍 surface crack ઀䖍 undercut ⛞⯸ overlap ߍഥ pit ⚻こ burn through ภ䱋 excessive penetration ᳾⛞䗣 incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration ᳾❨ড় lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion ᳾⛞⒵ incompletely filled weld ḍ䚼ߍ䱋 root concavity ⬉ᓻ᪺Ӹ arc scratch །⏷ slag inclusion །ᴖ⠽ inclusion །䩼 tungsten inclusion ⱑ⚍ fish eye/ flake 䫭䖍 misalignment/ dislocation ⛞᥹Ẕ偠 䆩ӊ test piece 䆩ḋ test specimen ᮴ᤳẔ偠 nondestructive test/ NDT ⸈ണẔ偠 destructive test ໪㾖Ẕᶹ visual examination 䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ ultrasonic inspection Ⳉᇘ⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ straight beam method ᭰ᇘ⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ angle beam method ⎆⍌⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ immersion method ᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ radiographic inspection/ radiography Xᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ X-ray radiographic inspection Ȗᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ gamma-ray inspection Xᇘ㒓ᎹϮ⬉㾚᥶Ӹ X-ray industrial television inspection ⺕㉝᥶Ӹ magnetic particle inspection ⬉⺕᥶Ӹ electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test ᥶Ӹ♉ᬣᑺ flaw detection sensitivity ⏫䗣᥶Ӹ penetration inspection 㤻ܝ᥶Ӹ flurescent penetrant inspection ⴔ㡆᥶Ӹ dye penetrant inspection ᆚᇕᗻẔ偠 leak test ⇨ᆚᗻẔ偠 air tight test ᵩᔶ⇨ᆚẔ偠 pillow test 㗤य़Ẕ偠 pressure test ∈य़Ẕ偠 hydraulic test ⇨य़Ẕ偠 pneumatic test ⎆᱊Ẕ偠 liquid crystal test ໄথᇘẔ⌟ acoustic emission testing 䴶ᔃ䆩偠 face bend testing 㚠ᔃ䆩偠 root bend test ջᔃ䆩偠 side bend test ῾ᔃ䆩偠 horizontal bend test 㒉ᔃ䆩偠 axial bend test य़᠕䆩偠 squeezing test ⛞᥹㒧ᵘ welded structure/ welded construction ⛞ӊ weldment ⛞᥹䚼ӊ weld assembly 㒘㺙ӊ built-up member ᥹༈䆒䅵 joint design ⛞᥹ᑨ࡯ welding stress ⛞᥹ⶀᯊᑨ࡯ transient welding stress ⛞᥹⅟ԭᑨ࡯ welding residual stress ⛁ᑨ࡯ thermal stress ᬊ㓽ᑨ࡯ contraction stress ሔ䚼ᑨ࡯ local stress ᢬ᴳᑨ࡯ constraint stress ೎᳝ᑨ࡯ inherent stress ೎᳝ᑨবऎ inherent strain zone ⅟ԭᑨ࡯⌟ᅮ residual stress analysis 䗤ሖߛࡆ⊩ Sach’s method Xᇘ㒓㸡ᇘ⊩ X-ray stress analysis ᇣᄨ䞞ᬒ⊩Mathar method ೎᳝ᑨব⊩ inherent strain method ⍜䰸ᑨ࡯ stress relieving ሔ䚼⍜䰸ᑨ࡯ local stress relieving ᑨ࡯䞡ߚᏗ stress redistribution 䗔☿⍜䰸ᑨ࡯ stress relieving by annealing ⏽ᏂᢝԌ⍜䰸ᑨ࡯ low temperature stress relieving ᴎẄᢝԌ⍜䰸ᑨ࡯ mechanical stress relieving ᑨ࡯ᵒᓯ stress relaxation ⛞᥹বᔶ welding deformation ⛞᥹⅟ԭবᔶ welding residual deformation ሔ䚼বᔶ local deformation 㾦বᔶ angular distortion 㞾⬅বᔶ free deformation ᬊ㓽বᔶ contraction deformation 䫭䖍বᔶ mismatching deformation ᣴ᳆বᔶ deflection deformation ⊶⌾বᔶ wave-like deformation ☿✄⶿ℷ flame straightening ডবᔶ backward deformation ⛞᥹࡯ᄺ welding mechanics ᮁ㺖࡯ᄺ fracture mechanics ᔍลᗻᮁ㺖বᔶ elasto-plastic fracture mechanics 㒓ᔍᗻᮁ㺖࡯ᄺ linear elastic fracture mechanics ᓊᗻᮁ㺖 ductile fracture 㛚ᗻᮁ㺖 brittle fracture ᑨ࡯㜤㱔ᓔ㺖 stress corrosion cracking ⛁ᑨব㛚࣪ hot straining embrittlement Ј⬠㺖㒍ሎᇌ critical crack size 㺖㒍ᠽሩ䗳⥛ crack propagation rate 㺖㒍ᓴᓔԡ⿏˄COD˅crack opening displacement ᢬ᴳᑺ restraint intensity ᢬ᴳ㋏᭄ restraint coefficient ᑨব䗳⥛ strain rate ᮁ㺖䶻ᑺ fracture toughness ᑨ࡯ᔎᑺ಴ᄤ stress intensity factor Ј⬠ᑨ࡯ᔎᑺ಴ᄤ critical stress intensity factors ᑨ࡯㜤㱔Ј⬠ᑨ࡯ᔎᑺ಴ᄤ critical stress intensity factor of stress corrosion cracking J⿃ߚ J-integration 㔫ԃ䗞ℶ㺖䆩偠 Robertson crack arrest test ESSO䆩偠 ESSO test ঠ䞡ᢝԌ䆩偠 doucle tension test 䶺ᇨᮃᆑᵓᢝԌ䆩偠Well’s wide plate test Ꮹ⨲ᮃ݀ᓣ Paris formula ᮁ㺖ߚᵤ೒ fracture analysis diagram ⛞᥹䔺䯈 welding shop ⛞᥹Ꮉ԰䯈 welding booth ⛞᥹Ꮉԡ welding post/ welding station ⛞᥹⦃๗ welding surroundings ⛞Ꮉ welder ⬉⛞Ꮉ manual arc welder ⇨⛞Ꮉ gas welder ⛞᥹Ẕ偠ਬ weld inspector ⛞Ꮉ෍䆁 welders training ⛞Ꮉ῵ᢳ䆁㒗఼ trainer of synthetic weld ⛞Ꮉ㗗䆩 welder qualification test ⛞Ꮉড়Ḑ䆕 welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 䩶ᵓ乘໘⧚ steel plate pretreatment ஋≭ sand blast ஋Ќ shot blast ⶿ℷ straighten ᓔവষ bevelling (of the edge)/ chanfering 㺙䜡 assembly/ fitting ᅝ㺙 erect ߮ᗻ೎ᅮ rigid fixing 㺙䜡⛞᥹乎ᑣ sequence of fitting and welding ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎䆘ᅮ welding procedure qualification ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎㾘⿟ welding procedure specification ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎䆩偠 welding procedure test ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎व welding procedure card Ꮉᑣ operational sequence ⛞᥹ᴤ᭭⍜㗫ᅮ乱 welding consumables quota ⛞᥹Ꮉᯊᅮ乱 welder-hour quota ⏙⏷ slag removal ⏙ḍ back gouging/ back chipping 䫸ߏ peening 䖨ׂ⃵᭄ number of rewelding ⛞᥹Ꮉ԰ৄ welding bench 㺙⛞ᑇৄ welding platen ⬉⺕ᑇৄ electromagnetic platen ⛞᥹㗏䕀ᴎ welding tilter ⛞᥹ಲ䕀ৄ floor turnable positioner ⛞᥹বԡᴎ positioner ⛞᥹⒮䕂ᶊ turning rolls ⛞᥹᪡԰ᴎ manpulator ⛞Ꮉछ䰡ৄ welder’s lifting platform ⛞᥹།݋ welding jig/ fixture ⺕࡯།㋻఼ magnetic jig 㶎ᮟ᥼ᩥ఼ screw operated tensioning unit ⛞ϱⲬ㒩ᴎ welding wire coiler ⛞ᴵय़⍖ᴎ welding electrode extrusion press 㑶໪㒓ࡴ⛁఼ infra-red heater ᑆ➹ㆅ dryer ⛞ᴵֱ⏽ㄦ thermostat for electrode ⌕䞣䅵 flow meter CO2乘⛁఼ CO2 heater CO2ᑆ➹఼ CO2 desiccator ⛞᥹⬉㓚 welding cable ⬉㓚།༈ welding connector ഄ㒓 earth lead ഄ㒓།༈ earth clamp ⛞᥹খ᭄䆄ᔩҾ welding parameter recorder ⛞㓱Ẕ⌟㾘 weld gauge ஋ఈ䗮䩜 tip cleaner ⌟⏽ヨ tempil stick ᭆ⏷䫸 chipping hammer ⛞᥹㹀ൿ backing/ welding backing ֱ⬭ൿᵓ fusible backing/ permanent backing Јᯊൿᵓ temporary backing ⛞ࠖൿ flux backing ᛄᗻ⇨ԧ㹀ൿ inert-gas backing ᓩᓻᵓ run-on tab/ end tab/ starting weld tab ᓩߎᵓ run-off tab/ end tab ᅮԡᵓ strong-back ࡴᔎࢦ stiffener ጠᴵ insert ༫⦃ ferrule 䴶㔽 helmet Ⓒܝ䬰⠛ filter glass/ welding glass 䰆ᡸ䬰⠛ cover glass/ plain glass ⇨⛞ⴐ䬰 welding goggles ⛞᥹ᴎ఼Ҏ welding robot ⚍⛞ᴎ఼Ҏ spot welding robot ᓻ⛞ᴎ఼Ҏ arc welding robot ߛࡆᴎ఼Ҏ cutting robot ⛞᥹ᴎ఼Ҏ⫳ѻ㒓 robot line for welding ⛞᥹ᴎ఼ҎᎹ԰キ welding robot station ᴎ఼Ҏ䖤ࡼ㞾⬅ degree of free for robot ᴎ఼ҎᎹ԰ぎ䯈 robot working space 䔼䗍䞡໡㊒ᑺ path repeatability ⚍ԡ䞡໡㊒ᑺ PTP repeatability ⛞᥹ϧᆊ㋏㒳 welding expert system ⛞᥹ᴎ఼Ҏ⼎᭄ welding robot play back ⛞᥹೒䈵䆚߿ pattern recognition for welding ⛞᥹೒䈵໘⧚ welding image processing 䅵ㅫᴎ䕙ࡽ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎䆒䅵 computer-aided welding process programming (CAWPP) 䅵ㅫᴎ䕙ࡽ⛞᥹㒧ᵘ䆒䅵 computer-aided design for welding structure ⛞᥹⚳ᇬ weld fume ⛞᥹থᇬ䞣 total amount of fumes ⛞᥹⚳ᇬ⌧ᑺ weld fume concentration ⛞᥹⚳ᇬᆍ䰤⌧ᑺ threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV) ⛞᥹থᇬ䗳⥛ weld fume emission rate ⛞᥹᳝ᆇ⇨ԧ welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases ᷛᅮि⫳ぎ⇨䳔㽕䞣 nominal hygienic air requirement ⛞Ꮉᇬ㚎 pheumocomsis of welder ⛞Ꮉ䬄Ё↦ chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder ⛞Ꮉ⇳Ё↦ fluorosis of welder ⛞Ꮉ䞥ሲ⚳⛁ metal fume fever of welder ⬉ܝᗻⴐ♢ eye-flash (arc eye) ⬉ܝᗻⲂ♢ electro-photo dermatitis ⬉ᓻ㋿໪㒓♐Ӹ ultraviolet ray burn 䰆⬉ߏ㺙㕂 voltage reducing device 䰸ᇬ㺙㕂 dust collection device ⛞Ꮉ᠟༫ welding gloves ᡸ㛮 welding spats 䰆ᡸ䵟 shielding shoes ⛞᥹⃴㔎 welding imperfection ⛞᥹㔎䱋 weld defect ⇨ᄨ blowhole/ gas pore 䩜ᇪ⢊⇨ᄨ pinhole ᆚ䲚⇨ᄨ porosity ᴵ㰿⢊⇨ᄨ wormhole 㺖㒍 crack 㸼䴶㺖㒍 surface crack ઀䖍 undercut ⛞⯸ overlap ߍഥ pit ⚻こ burn through ภ䱋 excessive penetration ᳾⛞䗣 incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration ᳾❨ড় lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion ᳾⛞⒵ incompletely filled weld ḍ䚼ߍ䱋 root concavity ⬉ᓻ᪺Ӹ arc scratch །⏷ slag inclusion །ᴖ⠽ inclusion །䩼 tungsten inclusion ⱑ⚍ fish eye/ flake 䫭䖍 misalignment/ dislocation 䆩ӊ test piece 䆩ḋ test specimen ᮴ᤳẔ偠 nondestructive test ⸈ണẔ偠 destructive test ໪㾖Ẕᶹ visual examination 䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ ultrasonic inspection Ⳉᇘ⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ straight beam method ᭰ᇘ⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ angle beam method ⎆⍌⊩䍙ໄ⊶᥶Ӹ immersion method ᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ radiographic inspection/ radiography Xᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ X-ray radiographic inspection Ȗᇘ㒓᥶Ӹ gamma-ray inspection Xᇘ㒓ᎹϮ⬉㾚᥶Ӹ X-ray industrial television inspection ⺕㉝᥶Ӹ magnetic particle inspection ⬉⺕᥶Ӹ electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test ᥶Ӹ♉ᬣᑺ flaw detection sensitivity ⏫䗣᥶Ӹ penetration inspection 㤻ܝ᥶Ӹ flurescent penetrant inspection ⴔ㡆᥶Ӹ dye penetrant inspection ᆚᇕᗻẔ偠 leak test ⇨ᆚᗻẔ偠 air tight test ᵩᔶ⇨ᆚẔ偠 pillow test 㗤य़Ẕ偠 pressure test ∈य़Ẕ偠 hydraulic test ⇨य़Ẕ偠 pneumatic test ⎆᱊Ẕ偠 liquid crystal test ໄথᇘẔ⌟ acoustic emission testing 䴶ᔃ䆩偠 face bend testing 㚠ᔃ䆩偠 root bend test ջᔃ䆩偠 side bend test ῾ᔃ䆩偠 horizontal bend test 㒉ᔃ䆩偠 axial bend test य़᠕䆩偠 squeezing test ❨᥹ fusion welding य़᥹ pressure welding ⛞᥹䖛⿟ welding process ⛞᥹ᡔᴃ welding technique ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎 welding technology/procedure ⛞᥹᪡԰ welding operation ⛞᥹乎ᑣ welding sequence ⛞᥹ᮍ৥ direction of welding ⛞᥹ԡ㕂 welding position ❨ᭋ乎ᑣ build-up sequence deposition sequence ⛞㓱ؒ㾦 weld slope/inclination of weld axis ⛞㓱䕀㾦 weld rotation/angle of rotation ᑇ⛞ԡ㕂 flat position of welding ῾⛞ԡ㕂 horizontal position of welding ゟ⛞ԡ㕂 vertical position of welding ӄ⛞ԡ㕂 overhead position of welding ᑇ⛞ downhand welding/flat position welding ῾⛞ horizontal position welding ゟ⛞ vertical position welding ӄ⛞ overhead position welding ܼԡ㕂⛞ all position welding˖❨⛞ᯊˈ⛞ӊ᥹䗶᠔໘ぎ䯈ԡ㕂ࣙᣀᑇ⛞ǃ῾⛞ǃ ӄ⛞ㄝԡ㕂᠔䖯㸠ⱘ⛞᥹DŽབ∈ᑇ೎ᅮㅵ᠔䖯㸠ⱘ⦃㓱⛞᥹ ৥ϟゟ⛞ vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position ৥Ϟゟ⛞ vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position ؒ᭰⛞ inclined position welding Ϟവ⛞ upward welding in the inclined position ϟവ⛞ downward welding in the inclined position ᇍ᥹⛞ butt welding 㾦⛞ fillet welding ᨁ᥹⛞ lap welding 㠍ᔶ⛞ fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position ᑇ㾦⛞ horizontal fillet welding ゟ㾦⛞ fillet welding in the vertical position ӄ㾦⛞ fillet welding in the overhead position വষ⛞ groove welding Iᔶവষᇍ᥹⛞ square butt welding ୛ুᔶവষ⛞ flare groove welding ो䖍⛞ flanged edge welding 㒉㓱⛞᥹ welding of longitudinal seam ῾㓱⛞᥹ welding of transverse seam ⦃㓱⛞᥹ girth welding/ circumferential 㶎ᮟ㓱⛞᥹ welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam ⦃㓱ᇍ᥹⛞ butt welding of circumferential seam ᅮԡ⛞ tack welding ऩ䴶⛞ welding by one side ঠ䴶⛞ welding by both sides ऩ䘧⛞ single pass welding/single run welding ໮䘧⛞ multi-pass welding ऩሖ⛞ single layer welding ໮ሖ⛞ multi-layer welding ߚ↉໮ሖ⛞ block sequence/ block welding ߚሖ໮䘧⛞ multi-layer and multi-pass welding 䖲㓁⛞ continuous welding ᮁ㓁⛞ intermittent welding ᠧᑩ⛞ backing weld ᇕᑩ⛞ back sealing weld Ⲫ䴶⛞ cosmetic welding ⏅❨⛞ deep penetration welding ᨚࡼ⛞ welding with weaving/weave bead welding ࠡؒ⛞ foreward welding (㣅೑)/ forehand welding (㕢೑) ৢؒ⛞ backward welding(㣅೑)/ backhand welding(㕢೑) ߚ↉䗔⛞ backstep welding 䏇⛞ skip welding ᇍ⿄⛞ balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence Ꮊ⛞⊩ leftward welding forehand welding ে⛞⊩ rightward welding/backhand welding ᣥᓻ⛞ whipping method 㞾ࡼ⛞ automatic welding ᠟Ꮉ⛞ manual welding/hand welding 䔺䯈⛞᥹ shop welding Ꮉഄ⛞᥹ site welding(㣅೑)/ field welding (㕢೑) ᢬ᴳ⛞᥹ restraint welding ේ⛞ surfacing/building up/overlaying 䱨⾏ሖේ⛞ buttering ッ䚼਼䖍⛞ boxing/end return 䖨ׂ⛞ rewelding 㸹⛞ repair welding า⛞ plug welding ῑ⛞ slot welding 㹀ൿ⛞ welding with backing ⛞ࠖൿ⛞ welding with flux backing じ䯈䱭⛞ narrow-gap welding ᔎࠊ៤ᔶ⛞ enclosed welding 㛝ކ⬉ᓻ⛞ pulsed are welding ⬉ᓻ⚍⛞ arc spot welding 㶎᷅⛞ stud welding ⛁亢⛞ hot gas welding 催㛑⛞ high grade energy welding ೎ᗕ⛞᥹ solid-state welding ऩ䴶⛞ঠ䴶៤ᔶ one-side welding with back formation ⛞᥹ᴵӊ welding condition ⛞᥹Ꮉ㡎খ᭄ welding parameter ᵕᗻ polarity ℷ᥹ electrode negative/straight polarity ড᥹ electrode positive/reversed polarity 䖤ᴵᮍᓣ manipulation of electrode ⛞᥹⬉⌕ welding current ⛞᥹⬉⌕๲ࡴᯊ䯈 welding current upslope time ⛞᥹⬉⌕㹄ޣᯊ䯈 welding current downslope time ⬉⌕ᆚᑺ current density ⷁ䏃⬉⌕ short circuit current 㛝ކ⬉⌕ pulse level/pulse current level 㛝ކ⬉⌕ᐙؐ pulse current amplitude ෎ؐ⬉⌕ background level 㛝ކ乥⥛ pulse frequency 㛝ކ⛞᥹⬉⌕ऴぎ↨ duty cycle of pulse duration ⬉ᓻ⬉य़ arc voltage ݡᓩᓻ⬉य़ reignition voltage ⛞᥹䗳ᑺ welding speed 㸠䍄䗳ᑺ rate of travel/travel speed 䗕ϱ䗳ᑺ wire feed rate 㒓㛑䞣 heat input/energy input ⛁䕧ܹ heat input 乘⛁ preheat ৢ⛁ postheat ⛞ৢ⛁໘⧚ posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 乘⛁⏽ᑺ preheat temperature ሖ䯈⏽ᑺ interpass temperature ⛞᥹㒜њ⏽ᑺ finishing temperature ৢ⛁⏽ᑺ postheating temperature ⛞ϱԌߎ䭓ᑺ wire extension ᓻ䭓 arc length ❨࣪䗳ᑺ melting rate ❨࣪ᯊ䯈 melting time ❨࣪㋏᭄ melting coefficient ❨ᭋ䗳ᑺ rate of deposition/deposition rate ❨ᭋ㋏᭄ deposition coefficient ❨ᭋᬜ⥛ deposition efficiency ᤳ༅㋏᭄ loss coefficient 亲⑙ spatter 亲⑙⥛ spatter loss coefficient 㵡ড়↨ fusion ratio ⿔䞞 dilution ⿔䞞⥛ rate of dilution ড়䞥䖛ᑺ㋏᭄ transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) വষ groove വষ䴶 groove face വষ䴶㾦ᑺ angle of bevel (㣅೑)/ bevel angle (㕢೑) വষ㾦ᑺ included angle(㣅೑)/groove angle(㕢೑) വষ催ᑺ groove depth 䩱䖍 root face 䩱䖍催ᑺ thickness of root face/width of root face ḍ䚼䯈䱭 root gap(㣅೑)/root opening (㕢೑) ḍ䚼ञᕘ root radius/groove radius ḍ䚼䫤䖍 root edge ो䖍催ᑺ height of flange ो䖍ञᕘ radius of flange ऩ䴶വষ single groove ঠ䴶വষ double groove വষᔶᓣ groove type Iᔶവষ square groove Vᔶവষ single V groove Yᔶവষ single V groove with root face ঠ Yᔶവষ double Vgroove with root face ᏺ䩱䖍 Uᔶവষ single U groove ᏺ䩱䖍ঠ Uᔶവষ double U groove VYᔶവষ single compound angle groove ᏺ䩱䖍 Jᔶവষ single J groove ᏺ䩱䖍ঠ Jᔶവষ double J groove ऩ䖍 Vᔶവষ single bevel groove ঠ Vᔶവষ double V groove ϡᇍ⿄ঠ Vᔶവষ asymmetric double V groove ঠऩ䖍 Vᔶവষ double bevel groove/K groove ᏺൿᵓ Vᔶവষ V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing ⃶䖢䆓䯂᮴ᖻ㣅䇁ᬭ㚆㔥 http://www.51education.net/ ⛞᥹ঞⳌ݇Ꮉ㡎㣅᭛㓽ݭ AW——ARC WELDING——⬉ᓻ⛞ AHW——atomic hydrogen welding——ॳᄤ⇶⛞ BMAW——bare metal arc welding——᮴ֱᡸ䞥ሲϱ⬉ᓻ⛞ CAW——carbon arc welding——⺇ᓻ⛞ CAW-G——gas carbon arc welding——⇨ֱᡸ⺇ᓻ⛞ CAW-S——shielded carbon arc welding——ֱ᳝ᡸ⺇ᓻ⛞ CAW-T——twin carbon arc welding——ঠ⺇ᵕ䯈⬉ᓻ⛞ EGW——electrogas welding——⇨⬉ゟ⛞ FCAW——flux cored arc welding——㥃㢃⛞ϱ⬉ᓻ⛞ FCW-G——gas-shielded flux cored arc welding——⇨ֱᡸ㥃㢃⛞ϱ⬉ᓻ⛞ FCW-S——self-shielded flux cored arc welding——㞾ֱᡸ㥃㢃⛞ϱ⬉ᓻ⛞ GMAW——gas metal arc welding——❨࣪ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ⬉ᓻ⛞ GMAW-P——pulsed arc——❨࣪ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ㛝ކ⬉ᓻ⛞ GMAW-S——short circuiting arc——❨࣪ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸⷁ䏃䖛ᑺ⬉ᓻ⛞ GTAW——gas tungsten arc welding——䩼ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ⬉ᓻ⛞ GTAW-P——pulsed arc——䩼ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ㛝ކ⬉ᓻ⛞ MIAW——magnetically impelled arc welding——⺕᥼࡯⬉ᓻ⛞ PAW——plasma arc welding——ㄝ⾏ᄤᓻ⛞ SMAW——shielded metal arc welding——⛞ᴵ⬉ᓻ⛞ SW——stud arc welding——㶎ᷧ⬉ᓻ⛞ SAW——submerged arc welding——ඟᓻ⛞ SAW-S——series——῾߫ঠϱඟᓻ⛞ RW——RWSISTANCE WELDING——⬉䰏⛞ FW——flash welding——䮾ܝ⛞ RW-PC——pressure controlled resistance welding——य़࡯᥻ࠊ⬉䰏⛞ PW——projection welding——ߌ⛞ RSEW——resistance seam welding——⬉䰏㓱⛞ RSEW-HF——high-frequency seam welding——催乥⬉䰏㓱⛞ RSEW-I——induction seam welding——ᛳᑨ⬉䰏㓱⛞ RSEW-MS——mash seam welding——य़ᑇ㓱⛞ RSW——resistance spot welding——⚍⛞ UW——upset welding——⬉䰏ᇍ⛞ UW-HF——high-frequency ——催乥⬉䰏ᇍ⛞ UW-I——induction——ᛳᑨ⬉䰏ᇍ⛞ SSW——SOLID STATE WELDING——೎ᗕ⛞ CEW——co-extrusion welding—— CW——cold welding——ދय़⛞ DFW——diffusion welding——ᠽᬷ⛞ HIPW——hot isostatic pressure diffusion welding——⛁ㄝ䴭य़ᠽᬷ⛞ EXW——explosion welding——⟚⚌⛞ FOW——forge welding——䬏⛞ FRW——friction welding——ᨽ᪺⛞ FRW-DD——direct drive friction welding——ᕘ৥ᨽ᪺⛞ FSW——friction stir welding——᧙ᢠᨽ᪺⛞ FRW-I——inertia friction welding——ᛃᗻᨽ᪺⛞ HPW——hot pressure welding——⛁य़⛞ ROW——roll welding——⛁䔻⛞ USW——ultrasonic welding——䍙ໄ⊶⛞ S——SOLDERING——䕃䩢⛞ DS——dip soldering——⍌⊒䩢⛞ FS——furnace soldering——♝Ё䩢⛞ IS——induction soldering——ᛳᑨ䩢⛞ IRS——infrared soldering——㑶໪䩢⛞ INS——iron soldering——⚭䪕䩢⛞ RS——resistance soldering——⬉䰏䩢⛞ TS——torch soldering——☿✄䩢⛞ UUS——ultrasonic soldering——䍙ໄ⊶䩢⛞ WS——wave soldering——⊶ዄ䩢⛞ B——BRAZING——䕃䩢⛞ BB——block brazing——ഫ䩢⛞ DFB——diffusion brazing——ᠽᬷ⛞ DB——dip brazing——⍌⊒䩢⛞ EXB——exothermic brazing——ডᑨ䩢⛞ FB——furnace brazing——♝Ё䩢⛞ IB——induction brazing——ᛳᑨ䩢⛞ IRB——infrared brazing——㑶໪䩢⛞ RB——resistance brazing——⬉䰏䩢⛞ TB——torch brazing——☿✄䩢⛞ TCAB——twin carbon arc brazing——ঠ⺇ᓻ䩢⛞ OFW——OXYFUEL GAS WELDING——⇨⛞ AAW——air-acetylene welding——ぎ⇨Э♨⛞ OAW——oxy-acetylene welding——⇻Э♨⛞ OHW——oxy-hydrogen welding——⇶⇻⛞ PGW——pressure gas welding——⇨य़⛞ OTHER WELDING AND JOINING——݊Ҫ⛞᥹Ϣ䖲᥹ᮍ⊩ AB——adhesive bonding——㉬᥹ BW——braze welding——䩢᥹⛞ ABW——arc braze welding——⬉ᓻ䩢⛞ CABW——carbon arc braze welding——⺇ᓻ䩢⛞ EBBW——electron beam braze welding——⬉ᄤᴳ䩢⛞ EXBW——exothermic braze welding——⛁ডᑨ䩢⛞ FLB——flow brazing——⊶ዄ䩢⛞ FLOW——flow welding——⊶ዄ⛞ LBBW——laser beam braze welding——▔ܝ䩢⛞ EBW——electron beam welding——⬉ᄤᴳ⛞ EBW-HV——high vacuum——催ⳳぎ⬉ᄤᴳ⛞ EBW-MV——medium vacuum——Ёⳳぎ⬉ᄤᴳ⛞ EBW-NV——non vacuum——䴲ⳳぎ⬉ᄤᴳ⛞ ESW——electroslag welding——⬉⏷⛞ ESW-CG——consumable guide eletroslag welding——❨ఈ⬉⏷⛞ IW——induction welding——ᛳᑨ⛞ LBW——laser beam welding——▔ܝ⛞ PEW——percussion welding——ކߏ⬉䰏⛞ TW——thermit welding——⛁ࠖ⛞ THSP——THERMAL SPRAYING——⛁஋⍖ ASP——arc spraying——⬉ᓻ஋⍖ FLSP——flame spraying——☿✄஋⍖ FLSP-W——wire flame spraying——ϱᴤ☿✄஋⍖ HVOF——high velocity oxyfuel spraying——催䗳⇻➗⇨஋⍖ PSP——plasma spraying——ㄝ⾏ᄤ஋⍖ VPSP-W——vacuum plasma spraying——ⳳぎㄝ⾏ᄤ஋⍖ TC——THERMAL CUTTING——⛁ߛࡆ OC——OXYGEN CUTTING——⇨ࡆ OC-F——flux cutting——❨ࠖߛࡆ OC-P——metal powder cutting——䞥ሲ❨ࠖߛࡆ OFC——oxyfuel gas cutting——⇻➗⇨ߛࡆ CFC-A——oxyacetylene cutting——⇻Э♨ߛࡆ CFC-H——oxyhydrogen cutting——⇶⇻ߛࡆ CFC-N——oxynatural gas cutting——⇻໽✊⇨ߛࡆ CFC-P——oxypropanne cutting——⇻ϭ䝂ߛࡆ OAC——oxygen arc cutting——⇻⇨⬉ᓻߛࡆ OG——oxygen gouging——⇨߼ OLC——oxygen lance cutting——⇻⶯ߛࡆ AC——ARC CUTTING——⬉ᓻߛࡆ CAC——carbon arc cutting——⺇ᓻߛࡆ CAC-A——air carbon arc cutting——ぎ⇨⺇ᓻߛࡆ GMAC——gas metal arc cutting——❨࣪ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ⬉ᓻߛࡆ GTAC——gas tungsten arc cutting——䩼ᵕ⇨ԧֱᡸ⬉ᓻߛࡆ PAC——plasma arc cutting——ㄝ⾏ᄤᓻߛࡆ SMAC——shielded metal arc cutting——⛞ᴵ⬉ᓻߛࡆ HIGH ENERGY BEAM CUTTING——催㛑ᴳߛࡆ EBC——electron beam cutting——⬉ᄤᴳߛࡆ LBC——laser beam cutting——▔ܝߛࡆ LBC-A——air——ぎ⇨▔ܝߛࡆ LBC-EV——evaporative——㪌⇨▔ܝߛࡆ LBC-IG——inert gas——ᛄᗻ⇨ԧ▔ܝߛࡆ LBC-O——oxygen——⇻⇨▔ܝߛࡆ ࡴᎹ processing working 䰸ⓚ depainting Ꮉ㡎ᄺ technology 㜅㛖 degreasing Ꮉ㡎ᡔᴃ technique 䰸⇻࣪Ⲃ scaling Ꮉ㡎ⱘ technologic ஋⍖ spray painting Ꮉԡ station, position ࠋ⍖ brushing Ꮉᑣ procedure, operation 䰆䫜 antirust Ꮉℹ step 䕞⍖ roller-painting 䔺䯈 shop, workshop ⬉䬔 electroplating Ꮉॖ mill, factory, manufacturer 䬔䫠 galvanized Ꮉഄǃ⦄എ site 㝏ᄤ putty ໪എ yard, field ࠂ㝏ᄤ puttying ջ䴶 side ᪺ޔ scouring ᮁ䴶 section ᱒ᑆ airing 㒧ᵘ structure, construction ጠ฿ implant ᵘӊˈ䚼ӊ member, component 䰆⒥䴶ⓚ finishing non-slip paint 䳊ӊ part, element ⏙ⓚ varnish ᴎᵘ mechanism 䰆䫜ⓚ rust preventive oil 㺙㕂 device 㜅㛖ⓚ antirust grease ᴎӊ machinery 䰆䫜㒌 rust preventive paper ᴎẄ䳊ӊ mechanical element ᧙ᢠ stirring ෎ޚ datum ᴵ㒍⢊⍖ሖ stripe coating ∈ᑇ෎ޚ㒓 horizontal reference line 㡆㋴ pigment ㊒ᑺ accuracy ≝⎔ sediment ԭ䞣 allowance ᮴ぎ⇨஋ⓚ airless spray 㒘ӊ assemble Ⳍᇍ⑓ᑺ relative air humidity ߚ㺙ӊ subassemble ⏽ᑺ䅵 moisture gauge,psychomotor ࣙ㺙 package ㉫䑕ᑺ profile roughness ໪णӊ cooperation ᑆ㝰८ᑺ dry film thickness(D.F.T) ໪䌁ӊ purchase part ⑓㝰८ᑺ wet film thickness(W.F.T) ໛ӊ spare part 㝰८Ҿ film thickness gauge 㻌㺙ӊ nudes ㉬ᑺ䅵 viscosity meter ᬷ㺙ӊ odd lot , odds & ends 䴆໽ open ᢚࣙ unpackaging ৿∈䞣 moisture content Ꮉӊ workpiece ⏋ড়↨՟ mixing ratio 㺙ㆅऩ packing list 亢৥ fan angle ⛞᥹ Welding ⏙⋕ᑺ cleanliness ᇍ᥹⛞ butt welding 㽚Ⲫᑺ coverage 㾦⛞ fillet welding 䴆⚍⌟䞣఼ dew point calculation ᨁ᥹⛞ lap welding ≑࣪ flash off 㠍ᔶ⛞ fillet welding in down hand ݡ஋⍖᳔ᇣ䯈䱨 minimum recoating interval า⛞ plug welding 䰘ⴔ࡯䆩偠 paint adherence test,cross-hatch test ᑇ⛞ down hand welding 䰘ⴔ࡯ adhesion ῾⛞ horizontal position welding ᆚᑺ density ゟ⛞ vertical position welding 䍋⊵ blistering ӄ⛞ overhead position welding ⇨⊵ bubble ܼԡ㕂⛞ all position welding ⇨ᄨ blowhole ᑇ㾦⛞ horizontal fillet welding 䩜ᄨ pin hole ӄ㾦⛞ fillet welding in the overhead 䍋ⲅ wrinkling,crumple 㹀ൿ⛞ welding with backing ߍഥ pitting ऩ䴶⛞ঠ䴶៤ᔶ one-side welding with back formation ⌕ ⎠ running ᅮԡ⛞ tack welding ⌕ᣖ sagging ේ⛞
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