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英文诗登幽州台歌 陈子昂 前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。 ON A GATE-TOWER AT YUZHOU Chen Ziang Where, before me, are the ages that have gone? And where, behind me, are the coming generations? I think of heaven.[‘hevn] and earth, without limit, without end, And I am all a...

登幽州台歌 陈子昂 前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。 ON A GATE-TOWER AT YUZHOU Chen Ziang Where, before me, are the ages that have gone? And where, behind me, are the coming generations? I think of heaven.[‘hevn] and earth, without limit, without end, And I am all alone and my tears.[ti?] fall down. Changsha Alone I stand in the autumn cold On the tip of Orange Island, The Xiang flowing northward; I see a thousand hills crimsoned through By their serried woods deep-dyed, And a hundred barges vying Over crystal blue waters. Eagles cleave the air, Fish glide under the shallow water; Under freezing skies a million creatures contend in freedom. Brooding over this immensity, I ask, on this bondless land Who rules over man's destiny? I was here with a throng of companions, Vivid yet those crowded months and years. Young we were, schoolmates, At life's full flowering; Filled with student enthusiasm Boldly we cast all restraints aside. Pointing to our mountains and rivers, Setting people afire with our words, We counted the mighty no more than muck. Remember still How, venturing midstream, we struck the waters And the waves stayed the speeding boats? 沁园春《长沙》一九二五年 独立寒秋, 湘江北去, 橘子洲头。 看万山红遍, 层林尽染; 漫江碧透, 百舸争流。 鹰击长空, 鱼翔浅底, 万物霜天竞自由。 怅寥廓, 问苍茫大地, 谁主沉浮? 携来百侣曾游。 忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。 恰同学少年, 风华正茂; 书生意气, 挥斥方遒。 指点江山, 激扬文字, 粪土当年万户侯。 曾记否, 到中流击水, 浪遏飞舟? 沁园春·雪 1936.2 北国风光千里冰封万里雪飘望长城内外惟余莽莽 大河上下顿失滔滔山舞银蛇原驰蜡象欲与天公试比高须晴日看红装素裹分外妖娆 江山如此多妖引无数英雄竞折腰惜秦皇汉武略输文采 唐宗宋祖稍逊风骚一代天骄成吉思汗只识弯弓射大雕 俱往矣数风流人物还看今朝 SNOW --to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun February 1936 North country scene: A hundred leagues locked in ice, A thousand leagues of whirling snow. Both sides of the Great Wall One single white immensity. The Yellow River‘s swift current Is stilled from end to end. The mountains dance like silver snakes And the highlands* charge like wax-hued elephants, Vying with heaven in stature. On a fine day, the land, Clad in white, adorned in red, Grows more enchanting. This land so rich in beauty Has made countless heroes bow in homage. But alas! Chin Shih-huang and Han Wu-ti Were lacking in literary grace, And Tang Tai-tsung and Sung Tai-tsu Had little poetry in their souls; And Genghis Khan, Proud Son of Heaven for a day, Knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched All are past and gone! For truly great men Look to this age alone. 卖炭翁 卖炭翁,伐薪烧炭南山中,满面尘灰烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指黑。卖炭得钱何所营?身上衣裳口中食。可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒。夜来城外一尺雪,晓驾炭车辗冰辙。牛困人饥日已高,市南门外泥中歇。翩翩两骑来是谁?黄衣使者白衫儿。手把文书口称敕,回车叱牛牵向北。一车炭,千余斤,宫使驱将惜不得。半匹红纱一丈绫,系向牛头充炭直。 The Old Charcoal Seller The old man who sells charcoal Cuts wood and fires his wares on the South Hill, His face streaked with dust and ashes,grimed with smoke, His temples grizzled, his ten fingers blackened. The little money he makes is hardly enough For clothing for his back, food for his belly; But though his coat is thin he hopes for winter---- Cold weather will keep up the price of fuel. At night a foot of snow falls outside the city, At dawn his charcoal cart crushes ruts in the ice; By the time the sun is high, The ox is tired out and the old man hungry, They rest in the slush outside the south gate of the market. Then up canter two rider; Who can they be? Palace heralds in yellow jackets and white shirts; They wave a decree, hout that these are imperial ordes; Then turn the cart, hoot at the ox and drag it north. A whole cartload of charcoal, more than a thousand catteis, Yet they drive it off to the palace and he must accept The strip of red gauze and the ten feet of silk Which they fasten to the ox's horns as payment! 望岳 杜甫 岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云,决眥入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 A VIEW OF TAISHAN Du Fu What shall I say of the Great Peak? -- The ancient dukedoms are everywhere green, Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation, With the Twin Forces balancing day and night. …I bare my breast toward opening clouds, I strain my sight after birds flying home. When shall I reach the top and hold All mountains in a single glance? Coming Home I left home young and not till old do I come back, My accent .[‘?ks?nt]is unchanged, my hair no longer black. The children don't know me, whom I meet on the way, "Where do you come from, reverend .[‘rev?r?nd] sir?" they smile and say.
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