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小学校本课程教材小学校本课程教材 写在前面的话:小学环保教育这一活动在小学进行是十分必要的。利用 这一时间为队员讲解环保知识,自然界的奥秘等等。每年的 地球日、 世界环境日和水日、 学校都会组织形式多样的活动, 或大型的展板宣传,或小至集体外出拣拾垃圾,给学生创造 了良好的环保意识氛围。减卡救树行动:每年元旦前后,为 了减少贺卡在学校的轻舞飘扬。大队部在校园里开展“减卡 救树”的活动,呼吁同学们少送或不送贺卡,用电子邮件, 电子贺卡等来代替贺卡,每年我们都采用不同的形式来进 行。或进行展板宣传,或举行签名活动,或发送倡议书,或 ...

小学校本课程教材 写在前面的话:小学环保教育这一活动在小学进行是十分必要的。利用 这一时间为队员讲解环保知识,自然界的奥秘等等。每年的 地球日、 世界环境日和水日、 学校都会组织形式多样的活动, 或大型的展板宣传,或小至集体外出拣拾垃圾,给学生创造 了良好的环保意识氛围。减卡救树行动:每年元旦前后,为 了减少贺卡在学校的轻舞飘扬。大队部在校园里开展“减卡 救树”的活动,呼吁同学们少送或不送贺卡,用电子邮件, 电子贺卡等来代替贺卡,每年我们都采用不同的形式来进 行。或进行展板宣传,或举行签名活动,或发送倡议书,或 在校园里进行横幅,横标的宣传。受到同学们的青睐,效果 很好。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 目 录 我们共同的家园 1、中国环境保护徽图案设计 2、认识各种环保标志 3、你知道日常垃圾如何分类吗 4、你家的龙头节水吗, 5、绿色节日 6、六?五”世界环境日的由来 7、什么是地球日 8、环保行为——防治噪声 9、节约用纸 10、禁用一次性筷子 11、保护野生动物 12、什么叫自然保护区 13、什么是海洋污染 14 、什么是“绿色学校” 文明礼貌 1、 电话礼仪 2、 网络礼仪 3、 交往礼仪(学校篇) 4、 交往礼仪(家庭篇) 5、 交往礼仪(社会篇) 安全知识 1、 安全礼仪(学校篇) 2、 安全礼仪(家庭篇) 3、 安全礼仪(交通安全篇) 4、 安全礼仪(生活安全篇) 5、 学生礼仪规范 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 一、 中国环境保护徽图案设计及使用说明 中国环境保护徽是中国环境保护的标志,象征地球,说明地球只 有一个,这是我们全人类赖以生存的大环境,人们要共同保护它。 徽 标上端图案基本结构与组 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 联合国环境保护徽相近, 说明环境保护 事业是全球性的,它为全世界所关注。在当今时代,日益恶化的环境 告诫人们:环境保护事业与全人类生存休戚相关。上端图案绿色橄榄 枝,既代表和平、安宁,又代表一切植物和生态环境,象征绿色在召 唤,人们应当知道:绿色的消失,就会使生态失去平衡,就是对人类 生存的严重威胁。 图形的蓝色块, 代表蓝天与碧水, 泛指大气与水体, 太阳代表宇宙空间,山与水借用中国象形文字并使之图案化,从形象 上增强中国特色。说明我们环境保护工作者的任务,就是要通过对污 染的监督与治理,使天长蓝、水长清、山长绿,让人们永远生活在美 好环境中。 图案基本色调采用明快,洁白的颜色,代表洁净,无污染 的大气。下端 ZHB 为 Zhong Guo Huan Bao(中国环保)的缩写,标明 这是环境保护徽。 中国环境保护徽可在中央及地方各级环境保护机构 的建筑物上悬挂;可在各级环境监测站、各级环境科研单位及有关环 境保护单位使用;可在各类环境保护会议上悬挂;可在各种环境保护 报刊的报头、杂志的封面上使用,亦可喷涂于环境监测车、船及飞机 上。 思考:中国环境保护的标志分别象征什么, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 二、 认识各种环保标志 环保标志图片 中国节水标志 绿色食品标志 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 中国节能产品标志 回收标志 森林认证 绿色之星 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 有机产品标志 无公害农产品标志 香港环保标志 台湾环保标志 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 你知道下列标志的图片吗, 能源之星 一般固体废物 污水排放口 废气排放口 噪声排放源 图形标志补充 污水排放口 废气排放口 噪声排放源 一般固体废物 危险废物 国际绿色环保标 志 绿色市场认证标 志 安全饮品标志 绿色环保标志 环保协会标志 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 三、 你知道日常垃圾如何分类吗, 同学们,在我们日常生活中会有许多的垃圾,垃圾的分类收集 以及再生(回收)无疑是全民环保的一大举措,但你知道日常垃圾应 如何分类吗, 环保专家指出日常生活垃圾可分为三类: 第一类是有毒、有害垃圾(如废电池等) ;\ 第二类是有机垃圾等可降解垃圾; 第三类是难降解垃圾(如塑料、金属、玻璃等) 。 将垃圾分类后,其中有机垃圾经过处理后可用作花木肥料,可再 生垃圾可分送有关部门回收使用, 其余垃圾封装送交城市垃圾管理部 门处理,这才是真正有效和正确的垃圾分类收集,集中处理的方法。 实践作业: 回家将垃圾进行分类。并将你的做法告诉爸爸、妈 实践作业 妈让她们共同关注环保,你能做到吗, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 四、 你家的龙头节水吗, 水是人类生存的重要条件,节约用水是我们每个公民应尽的义 务,随着人们环保意识的增强,各种节水型的用具也应运而生。你可 能还不知道,小小的水龙头都有节水型的。除此之外还有低容量的节 水型抽水马桶等产品。这些产品帮助我们从生活的细微之处节约用 水,保护生态环境——你还不愿追赶这样的潮流吗, 实践作业:让我们一起动手画一张节约用水的图画,告诉所有的 实践作业 人要节约用水。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 五、 绿色节日 同学们:在我们的日常生活中,有许多可以纪念的节日,你比如 说世界日世界环境日等等,今天老师带你们一起了解一下绿色节 日。 6 月 5 日世界环境日、 2 月 2 日国际湿地日、 3 月 22 日世界水 日 、 3 月 23 日世界气象日、 4 月 22 日世界地球日 、 6 月 17 日世 界防止荒漠化和干旱日、 9 月 16 日国际保护臭氧层日、 10 月 4 日世 界动物日、 10 月 6 日世界粮食日 、 12 月 29 日国际生物日 。 课堂练习:1、( ) 月( ) 日是世界水日( ) 月( ) 日是世界地球日 2、世界动物日是 “六?五”世界环境日的由来 上节课,我们一起学习了绿色节日,你知道 6 月 5 日世界环境 日的由来吗, 3、请同学们仔细听。 联合国于 1972 年 6 月 5 日至 16 日在瑞典的首都斯德哥尔摩举行 了包括中国在内的有 113 个国家和地区参加的第一次 “合国人类环境 会议” 这次会议共同讨论了当代环境问题,探讨了保护全球环境的战 略;会上通过了《斯德哥尔摩人类环境宣言》即《联合国人类环境宣 言》和具有 106 条建议的保护全球环境的《行动计划》 。我国政府代 表团参与了《宣言》的起草工作,提出了经过周总理亲自审定的“全 面规划,合理布局,综合利用,化害为利,依靠群众,大家动手,保 护环境,造福人民”的 32 字方针。 《宣言》规定了人类对环境的权利 和义务。 会上呼吁 “为了这一代和将来的世世代代而保护和改善环境, 已经成为人类一个紧迫的目标” , “这个目标将同争取和平和全世界的 经济与社会发展这两个既定的基本目标共同和协调地实现” , “各国政 府和人民为维护和改善人类环境,造福全体人民和后代而努力” 。 会议提出,建议将这次大会的开幕日作为“世界环境日” 。同年 12 月召开的第 27 届联大作出决定,把今后每年的 6 月 5 日定为“世 界环境日” medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 六、 什么是地球日, “地球日”活动起源于六十年代美国公众对政府盲目发展、耗尽 资源、 破坏环境等一系列活动的反思。 1970 年 4 月 22 日, 第一届 “地 球日”活动在一些大学生的主持下开展。全美有 2000 万群众进行集 会,呼吁创造一个清洁、安宁、和平的生活环境,其声势浩大,被称 为二战以来美国规模最大的社会活动。此后, “地球日”活动逐渐被 世界其它国家所接受,成为一个自发性的全球节日。 世界每分钟环境灾难—— 耕地:每分钟损失耕地 40 公顷,每年损失 2 千 1 百万公顷; 森林:每分钟有 21 公顷森林消失,每年损失 1 千 1 百万公顷; 沙漠化:每分钟有 11 公顷土地沙漠化,每年沙漠化土地 6 百万 公顷; 泥沙:每分钟 4 万 8 千吨泥沙流入大海,每年流入大海的泥沙 为 250 亿吨; 污水:每分钟有 85 万吨污水排入江河大海,每年的污水排放 量为 4 千 5 百亿吨; 人:全世界每分钟有 28 人死于环境污染,每年有 1 千 5 百万 人因此丧命。 说一说:为减少环境污染,我们应做些什么, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 七、 环保行为——防治噪声 环保行为——防治噪声 —— 噪声对人类的危害个是多方面的, 其主要表现为对听力的损伤、 睡眠干扰、人体的生理和心理影响。当人在 100 分贝左右噪声环境中 工作时会感到刺耳、难受,甚至引起暂时性耳聋。超过 140 分贝的噪 声会引起眼球的振动、视觉模糊,呼吸、脉膊、血压都会发生波动, 甚至会使全身血管收缩,供血减少,说话能力受到影响。噪声直接对 人的听力造成损害,长期接触噪声的人会出现头疼、脑、心慌、记忆 力、衰退、乏力、视力下降等症状。 ——通常人们将主观上不需要的声音称为“噪声” ,声音的强弱一 般用“分贝”来衡量。适合人的生活环境不应超过 45 分贝,70-90 分贝属于吵闹,100-120 分贝能使人难受,暂时性耳聋。 实践作业: ——提醒爸爸妈妈开车不要乱鸣喇叭。尖厉的喇叭声会 刺激耳膜,使人的耳膜受到伤害。 ——在校园和各种公共场合,不要高声喧哗。 ——平常看电视、 听音响、唱卡拉 OK 等不要太大声。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 八、 节 约 用 纸 珍惜纸张 纸是用木材制造的,全国每年造纸消耗木材 1000 立 方米,造纸生产还会排出大量废水污染河流,节约用纸就是保护森林 和河流。 —— 一纸多有用,节约使用练习本,不要随便扔掉白纸,用过一面 的纸可以翻过来做草稿纸,或书法练习纸。 ——过年过节不要大量使用贺卡, 因为精美的卡片是砍伐树木 做出来的,平均 4000 个贺卡就要牺牲一棵大树。可利用废旧纸张制 作贺卡,既别致又有意义。 ——开展“减卡救树”活动,把买贺卡的钱省下来种树,保护 大自然。 实践作业: 实践作业:从我们身边做起,每天节约一张纸,那么我们的环境也 将得到保护,快快行动起来吧,为了我们共同的家园。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 九、 禁用一次性筷子 在我们的日常生活中,许多人用一次性木筷子,你可知道一次性 筷子要浪费掉多少棵大树,所以,建议同学们推行使用消毒竹筷子, 为保护森林资源尽一份力。 除了森林资源应被保护以外,对于我们身边的每一棵草,每一棵 树都应尽力保护,伐林造房更是应该禁止。也正如此,南宁的某些房 地产开发企业正在寻求实施更为先进合理的规划设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 , 尽可能保 持地块原有地形地貌,保留原有植被,注重园林绿化,选择高效、美 观的绿化形式(包括屋顶绿化和墙壁垂直绿化等) ,提高小区绿化率。 像这样既保留原有植被,又增加新生绿化的做法,才能创造一个真正 的绿色家园。 实践作业:做好不使用一次性筷子的宣传活动,在家庭中不使用一次性筷子。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 十、 保护野生动物 动物是我们人类的朋友,我们 应该保护它们,珍惜它们。各种动物是人类的朋友,我们要与它们友 好和谐相处。 ——发现猎捕、贩卖、宰杀野生动物或餐馆饭店非法经营野生 动物的行为,要及时制止或检举投诉。 ——不吃野生动物做的菜肴,提醒家长和亲友不要买卖、宰杀 和食用野生动物。 ——在动物园要尊重动物们的安宁,不要恫吓它 们或乱投食物。 ——遇到受伤的野生动物要及时救护。 珍爱绿色珍爱绿色, 保护森林就是保护我们的家园,人人都来做护绿卫士。 ——去公园、郊外游玩时,不攀折、践踏花草树木。 ——爱护 每一块绿地,积极参加绿化校园或社区的植树造林活动。 ——看到毁林毁树行为要劝阻,或制止,或向有关部门报告。 实践作业: 实践作业:当我们看见有人抓动物时应该怎么做呢, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 十一、 什么叫自然保护区 同学们,我们经常听到电视中说自然保护区,你知道什么叫自然 保护区吗, 今天我们就带着问题走进自然。 自然保护区指对一定面积 的陆地或水体的自然环境和自然资源进行特殊保护和管理的区域。 区 内严禁任何直接利用自然资源,严禁一切生产性经营活动。 保护的对 象主要包括:有代表性的自然生态系统,濒危动植物的主要分布区,水 源涵养区,有特殊意义地质构造、地质剖面和化石产地等。自然保护 区不能有人为的直接干涉,任自然流程正常进厅,包括特定时间内的些自然作用,如自然火烧、群落自然演替、自然病虫害、冈暴、地震 等。 实践作业:希望同学们回家在爸爸、妈妈的帮助下,查一查我 实践作业 们国家,一共有多少处自然保护区,名字叫什么, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 十二、什么是海洋污染, 什么是海洋污染, 海洋主要给人类提供的物产有:海洋食品(鱼、虾、海带等), 海盐、矿物资源(如铀、银、金、铜等)。 海洋还有其他功能:调节气 候(吸收二氧化碳)、蒸发水分有利降雨、提供能源(潮汐能可以利用 来发电)引起海洋污染的原因主要有:油船泄漏、 倾倒工业废料和生活 垃圾、 生活污水直接排进海洋。 海洋污染给人类和海洋带来许多危害, 它使海洋食品中聚积毒素,人食用后会得病; 使海产减少,危及人类的 食物源;使浮游生物死亡,海洋吸收二氧化碳能力减低,加速温室效 应;使海洋生物死亡或发生畸形,改变整个海洋的生态平衡。 人类为 保护海洋正在做出种种不懈的努力,包括禁止向海洋倾倒工业废料和 生活垃圾、生活污水处理之后再排放入海。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 十三、什么是“绿色学校” 什么是“绿色学校”, 同学们,在我们全体老师和同学的共同努力下,今年我们学校要 创绿色学校,你们知道什么是绿色学校吗, 创建绿色学校,就是学校 以可持续发展的思想指导,不断完善自我管理,逐步提高办学效率和 效益,进而解决学校自身可持续发展问题全过程。 绿色学校的主要标 志是: 我们同学应该掌握各科教材中有关环境保护和可持续发展的内 容;老师和同学的环境意识提高,积极参与面向社会的环境监督和宣 传教育活动;环境教育效果明显;校园整洁优美。创建绿色学校,就 是围绕人的教育这一核心,把可持续发展和环境保护的原则、指导思 想落实到学校的各项活动中,融入到教育教学的全过程,坚持学校各 方面可持续发展。 实践作业:请你为创建绿色学校提几点建议, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 1 电 话 礼 仪 电话礼仪 礼仪名言: 礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。——梅里美 礼仪提示: 1、正确地接电话: ?养成电话铃响后中断时立即接听和语调温和地自报家门的习惯。 比 如:您好~这是???。请问您找哪位,” ?若是找其他人的电话,应让对方稍等,然后迅速叫来听电话的人; 若是对方要找的人不在,要询问对方是否有事需要自己转告。 ?在接听别人的电话时,应由对方先结束谈话。如果有特殊情况,可 委婉地告知对方并尽快结束谈话。 ?在电话机旁放上笔和卡片纸,便于记录、查询、转达。 2、正确地打电话: ?要选择适当的打电话时间。 ?查清号码,正确拨号。 ?接通后,先报出要找的人名。 ?通话声音要清晰,时间不可过长。 ?为方便使用(节约时间),应把常用的电话号码记在电话薄上并放 在电话机旁。 3、宽容地对待打错的电话。 4、文明使用公用电话,爱护公用电讯设施。 5、牢记和正确使用一些特殊的电话号码:119、120、110 等。 礼仪童谣: 同学们,要牢记,您好,再见,没关系。 谢谢、请、对不起,礼貌用语记心里。 讲文明、懂礼貌,人人见了都夸你。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, 德育 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 2 网 络 礼 仪 网络礼仪 礼仪名言: 理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。——高尔基 小知识窗: 什么是计算机网络,什么是 Internet, 我们可以将各处的计算机通过通讯线路连接在一起, 构成一个高效率 的通讯网称之为计算机网络,凭着这种通讯网,所有在网上的终端机 或电脑都能享受网上(即其它电脑内)所有的资源,比如程序、图文 资料等。 Internet 译为国际互联网, 也有的把它称之为环球网或因特网。 Internet 不是指单个区域范围内的网络, 而是将横跨全球的各种不同类型的计 算机网络连接起来的一个全球性的网络。在 Internet 上我们有享受取 之不尽、用之不完的信息财富。 礼仪提示: 现在,科技发展迅猛,人们的生活日新月异,电脑也普及了。网络虽 造就人才,却也能诱使一些人走向无底深渊。一些不健康的网站对同 学们的危害很大。我总结出以下几点网络对同学们的危害: 1、沉迷于网络游戏,学习成绩一落千丈。 2、每天上网时间过长能导致视力下降,甚至视网膜脱落。 3、因不良网站而走上了犯罪的道路。 我建议: 1、认真学习网络知识,我们要利用好网络资源,不要被网络控制。 2、不进网吧,在家上网,不进不良网站。 3、不玩网络游戏。 4、多上绿色网站和有利于青少年健康的网站。 5、增强自我保护意识,不随意约会网友。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 3 交 往 礼 仪 (学 校 篇) 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 礼仪提示: (一)与老师交往礼仪: 1、学生与老师相遇时,应主动向老师行礼问好。 2、学生进老师的办公室前,应先敲门,经老师允许后方可进入。 3、在老师的工作、生活场所,不能随便翻动老师的物品。 4、学生对老师的相貌和衣着不应指指点点,评头论足,要尊重老师 的习惯和人格。 (二)与同学交往礼仪: 1、同学之间的深厚友谊是生活中的一种团结友爱的力量。注意同学 之间的文明礼仪,是获得良好同学关系的前提。 2、同学之间可彼此直呼姓名,但不能用“喂”“哎”等不礼貌用语称呼 同学。 3、在向同学求助时,须用“请”、“谢谢”、“麻烦你”等礼貌用语。借用 学习和生活用品时, 应在征得同学同意以后再拿取, 用后应及时归还, 并要致谢。 4、对于同学遭遇的不幸、偶尔的失败、学习上的暂时、落后等,不 应嘲笑、歧视,而应给予热情的帮助。 5、对同学的相貌、体态、衣着不能评头论足,也不能给同学起带侮 辱性的绰号,绝对不能嘲笑同学的生理缺陷。在这些事关自尊的问题 上一定要细心加尊重,同学忌讳的话题不要去谈,不要随便议论同学 的不是。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 4 交 往 礼 仪(家 庭 篇) 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 礼仪提示: (一)与家人礼仪 1、对父母长辈不能直呼姓名,更不能以不礼貌言辞代称,要用准确 的称呼,如爸爸、奶奶、老师、叔叔等。 2、与家人交往常用“请”、“谢谢”、“对不起”、“没关系”、“再见”等礼 貌话语。出门要主动向家长说再见,回家要主动和家长打招呼。 3、如外出不能按时回家,应该及时给家人打电话说明原因,以免家 人着急。 4、要诚恳接受长辈的教育和指导。和家人有不同意见时,要心平气 和地进行沟通,不赌气,不吵闹。 5、进爸妈房间前先敲门;出门向家长道别,放学回家自觉向家长打 招呼,帮爸妈做力所能及的家务。 6、记住父母生日,用自己良好表现作为给父母的生日礼物。 7、适时给长辈盛饭敬菜,家中吃饭请长辈先就座。 (二)待客礼仪 1、待客要热情,称呼要礼貌,主动请座,双手端茶敬客人。接收礼 品要经大人允许并道谢。 2、对待客人,主动问候,微笑致意,起立欢迎,招手送别。递送或 接受物品起立并用双手。 3、对长辈的谈话不要插嘴,必要时要主动回避。 (三)电话礼仪 爱护电信设施; 铃声一响,要尽快接话; 接通电话,莫忘客套,要首先说“你好~”; 控制音量,勿扰他人;对方找人,要热情接待。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 5 交 往 礼 仪(社 会 篇) 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 礼仪提示: 公共场所与人交往,探亲访友的礼仪: (一)见面礼仪: 见到老师同学或者熟悉的人时,要面带笑容,问候几句,或者招呼致 意等。 (二)拜访礼仪: 1、选好时机,提前打招呼; 2、守时; 3、得到允许后才能进入房间; 4、衣着整洁,用语合理; 5、举止稳重。 (三)交谈礼仪: 在交谈过程中,用目光注视对方是一种最起码的礼仪要求,交谈时要 注意保持谦虚,三思而后语,听对方谈话时,一定要认真聆听,不要 东张西望,漫不经心。当然,与同学交谈也应尊重对方,等别人把话 说完再发言。 (四)拒绝礼仪: 老师或同学提出的要求学生要尽力做到,实在不能做到时,要有勇气 适时说“不”,不能一概承诺而“言而无信”。那么学生应怎样拒绝呢, 1、要道明原委。拒绝别人提出的要求,一定要寻求别人的理解,要 实事求是,真心诚意地讲出拒绝的理由。 2、要委婉拒绝。拒绝时,首先要尊重对方,说话要适当、得体,使 用一些敬语。 文明用语: 您好、谢谢、对不起、请原谅、不用谢、再见 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 6 安 全 礼 仪(学 校 篇) 礼 仪 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 礼仪提示: 1、教学楼中遇到火灾的逃生: (1)当发现楼内失火切莫慌张、乱跑,要冷静地探明着火方向,确 定风向,并在火势未蔓延前朝逆风方向快速离开火灾区域。 (2)起火时,如果楼道被烟火封死,应该立即关闭房门,防止进烟, 随后用湿毛巾堵住口鼻,防止吸入毒气,并将身上的衣服浇湿,以免 引火烧身。如果楼道中只有烟没有火,可以着上套一个大的透明塑料 袋,防止烟气刺激眼睛和吸入呼吸道,并采用弯腰的低姿势,逃离烟 火区。 (3)千万不要从窗口往下跳,如果楼层不高,可以在老师的保护和 组织下,用绳子从窗口降到安全地区。 2、课余时间玩耍安全: (1)课余时间主要是休息好,并做好上课的准备工作。下课时,千 万不要在走郎里推推攘攘,在校园里追追赶赶。以免互相碰撞,造成 伤害。 (2)同学间不要做危险游戏。哪些游戏不能做呢, 第一、“拔萝卜”:一个人用双手夹住另一个人的头往上拔。这种游戏 容易造成颈椎脱臼或骨折。 第二、“挤油渣”:大家把一个人推在角落里用力挤。这种游戏容易造 成窒息、胸腔出血甚至危及生命。 第三、在游戏时不用玻璃制品玩具、暴力性玩具(弹弓、弓箭、发射 子弹的玩具枪)、含有化学性质的玩具。 第四、游戏时不搞“突然袭击”玩笑,如突然在同学背后大喝一声等。 3、体育活动中的自我防护 第一、要在运动之前换上胶底运动鞋。 第二、要认真做好全身准备活动,否则肌肉拉伤、扭伤、骨折等都可 能发生。 第三、要在教师或同伴的保护下做器械运动;如单杆,严格按老师的 要求去做,尤其是投掷标枪、铅球时,不能擅自投出或捡回,否则有 可能被 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 击中受伤,甚至危及生命。 第四、一旦摔伤,不要急于起来,也不要乱搬受伤同学,等校医或教 师来处理。 第五、夏天运动后不要喝凉水,可以喝些淡盐水,防止中暑;运动后 及时擦净汗水穿好衣服,不要立即冲凉,以防感冒。饭前饭后及睡觉 前不要做剧烈运动。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, 7 安 全 礼 仪(家 庭 篇) 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 礼仪提示: 1、单独在家防盗、防骗的注意事项: (1)有人敲门,千万不要马上开门,要先通过门镜看看,或隔门问 清楚是谁,如果认识的客人,可以开门,陌生人绝对不给开门。 (2)陌生人来访时,可请他在外稍等,这果可通过电话和家长联系。 如家里无电话,可以敲打邻居的隔墙,以便邻居出来查问。 (3)如果陌生人赖着不走要进屋,应马上打电话报警,或向邻居行 人求援。 2、儿童防火儿歌: 小朋友笑呵呵, 大家来唱拍手歌。 你拍一我拍一, 拍完南北拍东西。 你拍二我拍二, 咱俩宣传做伙伴。 你拍三我拍三, 烟花爆竹要注意。 你拍四我拍四, 用火不看爱出事。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 你拍五我拍五, 烟囱坏了快修补。 你拍六我拍六, 风大失火不好救。 你拍七多拍七, 不要玩火做游戏。 你拍八我拍八, 电线不能随便拉。 你拍九我拍九, 火警电话一一九。 你拍十我拍十, 人人防火要落实。 我拍你你拍我, 大家都要来防火。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得 还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 8 安 全 礼 仪(交 通 安 全 篇) 礼仪名言: 礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 交通安全儿歌: 过马路 过马路,左右瞧, 大家要走人行横道。 公路若无斑马线, 直行通过勿打闹。 远离汽车不猛跑, 迅速安全通行好。 各行其道 靠右行、靠边走, 交通法规要遵守。 自行车道、汽车道, 各行其道秩序好, 平平安安不迟到。 红绿灯 红、黄、绿三盏灯, 十字路口眨眼睛。 红灯亮晶晶, 大家停一停; 黄灯亮晶晶, 大家等一等; 绿灯亮晶晶, 可以向前行。 行人车辆听指挥, 拐弯慢行要小心。 礼仪提示: 1、步行安全常识 步行外出时要注意行走在人行道内, 在没有人行道 的地方要靠路边行 走。横过马路时应走人行横道;在没划人行横道的地方 横过马路时要 注意来往车辆,不要斜穿、猛跑;过十字路口时,要听从交 警的指挥 或遵守交通信号灯;在设有护栏或隔离墩的道路上不得横过马路。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 行走时,哪些情况最危险呢, (1)横穿马路很容易出危险。 (2)三五成群横着走在非人行道上,这样最容易发生交通事故。 (3)行走时一心两用,边走边看书,或边走边想问题,或边走边聊 天, 边走边玩等等。 这样做, 可能车子不来撞你, 你倒自己去撞车子, 因此也十分危险。 2、骑车安全常识 (1) 不满 12 周岁的孩子, 不能在道路上骑车。 这是交通法规规定的。 (2)不打伞骑车; (3)不脱手骑车; (4)不骑车带人; (5)不骑 “病”车; (6)不骑快车; (7)不与机动车抢道; (8)不平行骑车。 最后还要注意,在恶劣的天气如雷雨、台风、下雪、或积雪未化、道 路结冰等情况下,也不要骑车。 3、乘车安全常识 (1)乘车时要先下后上,排队上车,不要乱拥乱挤以免踩伤或为小 偷作案提供条件。 (2)上车后不要挤在车门边,往里边走,见空处站稳,并抓住扶手, 头、手、身体不能伸向窗外,否则容易发生伤害事故。 (3)乘车要尊老爱幼讲礼貌,见老弱病残及孕妇要主动让座。 (4)乘长途汽车,一定要忍住瞌睡。在睡眠时,若司机急刹车,巨 大的惯性可能给你造成伤害。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 9 安 全 礼 仪(生 活 安 全 篇) 礼仪提示: 生活安全知识: (1)不满 12 周岁的学生不准骑自行车。 (2)严禁乘坐无证、无照的非法营运车和农用三轮车。 (3)不管步行或骑车在公路街道上行走时,必须靠或行走或人行道 上行走。 (4)不管是步行或骑车,在横穿街道、公路或交叉路口时,应注意 来往车辆。在无来往车辆,从人行横道线内通过。 (5)不在街道上、路上、高压线或其他电线下踢球、放风筝、做游 戏等。 (6)在公路上不要三五成群并肩而行,不准边走边看书或边玩耍。 (7)不准攀登树木、电线杆、墙头、拦杆或楼房平台。 (8)不准在水深河宽的河(湖)面上学游泳或游泳。 (9)不准燃放鞭炮和其他玩火游戏。 (10)不准触摸电源和带电的电器物件。 (11)不喝生水,不食霉烂变质和不清洁的食物。不采摘他人田地里 的蔬菜瓜果,以防农药中毒。 (12)不食用死亡的兽肉、禽肉、鱼虾、蟹,以防食物中毒。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 10 学 生 礼 仪 规 范 礼仪提示: 1(参加升国旗仪式,列队整齐,脱帽肃立,行注目礼,少先队员行 队礼;唱国歌要严肃,准确、声音洪亮。 2(穿戴整洁、得体;坐正立直,行走姿势端正;举止文雅,谈吐庄 重。 3(与人交往,使用礼貌用语:请、您好、谢谢、对不起、没关系、 再见。 4(使用好微笑、鞠躬、握手、招手、鼓掌、礼让、起立等体态语言; 递送或接受礼品、奖品起立并用双手。 5(进校见到老师,主动问好;上下课时,起立向老师致敬;上课发 言先举手;进老师办公室喊“报告”或轻轻敲门,经允许后再进入;离 校时与老师、同学道别。 6(孝敬父母,尊重长辈。外出和到家与父母打招呼;家中用餐请长 辈先就座。 7(敬老爱幼,帮助病残。行走让路,购物让先,乘车让座,尊重、 帮助老幼、妇孺、伤残者。 8.遵守公德、循章骑车、行路;公共场合,不大声喧哗;游览风景名 胜时,爱护花草树木、公共设施,不乱丢乱吐。 9(遇见外宾、热情大方;以礼相待,不卑不亢;维护国家荣誉,不 失人格、国格。 10(参加集会时,安静守纪。如果在会上发言,应先向师长和听众致 礼,发言结束道声“谢谢”;观看演出和比赛,做文明观众,适时适度 鼓掌致意。 礼仪评价: 说说自己通过学习之后有哪些地方有进步,哪些地方做得还不够, medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance
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