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监理人员考核表监理人员考核表 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 沈阳市移动馨城二期9#楼工程 监 理 人 员 高焰 监理专业 土建 职 务 监理员 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 该同志为土建监理员,主要职责:旁站及内 业整理。能够按时完成各项本职监理工作。 及时、准确。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 2008年4月—8月期间整理监理档案约10盒, 旁站18次 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件资料符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职...

监理人员考核表 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 沈阳市移动馨城二期9#楼工程 监 理 人 员 高焰 监理专业 土建 职 务 监理员 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 执行完成情况 该同志为土建监理员,主要职责:旁站及内 业整理。能够按时完成各项本职监理工作。 及时、准确。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 2008年4月—8月期间整理监理档案约10盒, 旁站18次 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职业健康安全情况 遵守各项环境、职业健康法律、法规。 未发生环境、职业健康污染事件。 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 王金石 2008.12.31 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修改页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 鹏利广场D区 监 理 人 员 林枫 监理专业 土建 职 务 监理员 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 该同志为土建监理员,主要职责:旁站及内 业整理。能够按时完成各项本职监理工作。 及时、准确。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 2009.03.12,2009.8.31期间整理监理档 案40盒,整理会议记录 28本,旁站34次。 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件资料符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职业健康安全情况 遵守各项环境、职业健康法律、法规。 未发生环境、职业健康污染事件。 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 白云山 2009-31/8 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修改页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 沈阳市移动馨城二期9#楼工程 监 理 人 员 孙宏志 监理专业 水暖 职 务 监理工程师 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 监理期间能较好的履行自己的职责 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 2009、3、11~2009、8、31期间签发工程报 验159份,材料报验61份,监理通知书11 份。 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件资料符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职业健康安全情况 遵守各项环境、职业健康法律、法规。 未发生环境、职业健康污染事件。 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 白云山 2009-31/8 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修改页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 鹏利广场D区 监 理 人 员 赵哲易 监理专业 土建 职 务 监理工程师 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 该同志为土建监理工程师,主要职责施工阶 段质量、进度、安全监理工作。 能够按时完成各项本职监理工作。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 2008、3、12~2008、12、8签发工程报验101 份,材料报验,,份,监理通知书,,份。 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件资料符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职业健康安全情况 遵守各项环境、职业健康法律、法规。 未发生环境、职业健康污染事件。 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 白云山 2008-8/12 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 沈阳市移动馨城二期9#楼工程 监 理 人 员 孙宏志 监理专业 水暖 职 务 监理工程师 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 监理期间能较好的履行自己的职责 。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 监理期间较好的完成了自己的监理监理工作 内容 三、签认文件质量的符合性 签字及时、准确 四、环境职业健康安全情况 监理期间严格执行国家、地方政府和公司的 相关环境、职业健康安全的各项规定 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 王金石 2008.12.31 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 表21-5 编 号 监理人员考核表 第 1页 共 1页 监理工程名称 鹏利广场D区 监 理 人 员 孙圣全 监理专业 电气 职 务 监理工程师 监视和测量内容 监视和测量意见 一、监理期间职责执行完成情况 该同志为电气监理工程师主要职责施工阶段 质量、进度、安全监理工作。 能够按时完成各项本职监理工作。 二、监理期间完成监理工作内容 200,、,、,,,,,,,、,、,,签发 工程报验收 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,份,材料报验,份。 三、签认文件质量的符合性 以上签认的文件资料符合规范要求,真实、 有效。 四、环境职业健康安全情况 遵守各项环境、职业健康法律、法规。 未发生环境、职业健康污染事件。 五、其它 1、培训 按要求及时参加专业培训。 2、能力 能胜任本职工作。 3、团结协作 团结周围的同志,互帮互助。 4、顾客抱怨、投诉 顾客无抱怨、无投诉。 监视和测量结果评述: 在监理期间能按监理规范要求主动工作,工作成果满足目标、指标要求。 无事故。 总监理工程师/日期 白云山 200,—,,,, 注:监理部人员由总监填写,监理项目总监理工程师由公司项目部填写。按年度或按一个监理项目结束填写。 版次/修页码A/0 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of
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