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2007年南充市中考英语试题2007年南充市中考英语试题 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 2007年南充市中考英语试题 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并将其字母代号填在答题卡上,每段对话或独白读三遍。听第6段材料,回答6—7题。 考号:__________ 班级:____________姓名:________________ 6. What are they talking about ? 第一部分 听力部分(满分20分) A.Something abo...

2007年南充市中考英语 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 2007年南充市中考英语试题 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并将其字母代号填在答题卡上,每段对话或独白读三遍。听第6段材料,回答6—7题。 考号:__________ 班级:____________姓名:________________ 6. What are they talking about ? 第一部分 听力部分(满分20分) A.Something about London . B. Something about a picnic. C. Something about a car . 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 7. When was the car bought ? 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出最佳选项,并A.Half a week ago. B. A week ago. C. Two weeks ago . 将其字母代号填在答题卡上。每段对话读两遍。 听第7段材料,回答8—10题。 8. Who was ill last weekend ? A. Mr Brown. B.Mrs Brown. C.Jackson 9. How soon will Mr Brown be back ? A.In two days. B. In five days . C. In ten days . 10. What do you know about Mrs Brown’s son ? A. He has been ill since last Saturday evening . B. He had a fever eight days ago . 2. Wha C.He had a headache more than a week ago . 听第8段材料,回答11—13题。 11. What’s the man’s telephone number ? A.51518186. B. 51051816. C. 55118186. 12. Whose CD player is wrong ? A. Uncle Lu’s. B. Jenny’s. C. The man’s . 13. What’s the woman going to go this evening / A.To mend her CD player. B.To have her CD player mended . C .To telephone her uncle for help. —16题。 听第9段材料,回答14 14. What’s the man doing ? A . Having sports . B. Asking the time . C. Asking the way. 15. Where is the man going ? A. To a post office . B. To a bookstore . C. To a cinema . 16. How will the man go there ? A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot . 听第10段材料,回答17—20题。 17. When does Mrs Green go to buy some fruit ? A.On Saturday . B. On Sunday . C. On Monday . 18. Where does Mrs Green buy fruit ? A.In a shop near her house . B. In a shop far from her house . C. On a farm near her house . 19. What does Mr Green like best ? A. Apples . B. Oranges . C. Bananas . 20. How often does Mrs Green go to buy fruit ? A.Once a week . B. Twice a week . C. Three times a month . quiet, Then a boy 42 in my ear, “ I have to tell the class something.” He shows me that he has half a 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分) finger missing, I turn him towards the class and he 43 his hands,” I…I only have nine and a half fingers. 第一节 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) Please don’t laugh at me about it.” The students become noisy. Then one boy calls out, “ 44 who makes 21.The desks need to be for students. fun of you, I’ll kick (踢) them.” A. long enough B. enough long C. longer enough “Me, too.” says another. 22. They are going to a hospital to help poor people. When the boy 45 the class become untied(团结),he is very happy and smiles at me. A. write down B. hand out C. set up 36. A. fruit shop B. bookshop C. flower shop 23. She looks worried. Let’s . 37.A. borrow B. buy C. like A. cheer her up B. cheer up her C. her cheer up 38.A. who B. whom C. which 24. There are students in this school. 39.A. expensive B. same C. different A. thousand of B. thousands of C. thousands for 40.A. Later B. Before C. Ago 25. ---“What would you like to drink, or coffee? ---“Coffee,please.” 41. A. Since B. On C. For A. fruit B. bread C. tea 42.A. talks B. says C. tells 26. All of them play basketball, they? 43.A. puts off B. puts in C. puts up A. don’t B. do C. aren’t 44.A. Anyone B. Nobody C. No one 27. This history book be Bob’s sister’s. His sister is only a baby. 45.A. reads B. find out C.sees A. must B. might C. can’t 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 28. We are happy our success. A A. because of B. because C. so. 29.Our street be very noisy. But now it’s quiet. Accident Report Form A. uses to B. used for C. used to Accident A car hit against a tree. Some people got injured in the car. 30. The room is empty. I can’t find in it. A. something B. anything C. nothing Weather conditions(状况) There was a heavy rain. 31. Most students have homework to do every day. Date of call May 9,2010 A. too many B. too much C. much too 32. I like pop music ,but my father my mother likes it. Time of call 10:30 pm A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor Name of caller Mrs Smith 33. This song reminds me my homeland. A. for B. of C. across. Place New Star Road,Beijing 34. She dislikes the same things every day. A. see B. saw C. seeing. Conditions Mr. Smith hurt his head. Mrs. Smith hurt her left leg. Their 35. Your mother should take of her health. daughter was frightened(惊吓)。 A. care B. careful C. carefully Action Policemen arrived at 10:00 pm and sent them to the 第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) People’s Hospital at 10:50 pm. I set up a classroom library of books that I bought with my own money.The library looks 46. Mrs. Smith called the police at . beautiful ,like a 36 , and my students 37 it very much.. I read the children a story. It is about a girl A. 10:30 am B. 10:30 pm C.10:40 pm 38 is so poor that she wears the 39 dress to school every day. But she says she has a hundred dresses at 47. There were people in the car when the accident happened. home. The other girls laugh at her until she goes away. 40 , her classmates discover she really has a A. four B. Two C. Three hundred drawing of dresses . Oh, God, every child cries when I close the book. 41 a moment everything is 48. hurt the head in the accident. 15, of the number of people is left-handed. But, why are people left-handed? The answer is the way the A. Mr. Smith B. Their daughter C.Mrs. Smith brain(脑子) works.The brain has two halves—the right half and the left half. The right half controls(控制) 49. It was that evening. the left side of the body , and the left half controls the right side of the body. So right—handed people A. sunny B. Rainy C.cloudy have a strong left brain,and left—handed people have a strong right brain. 50. Which of the following is TRUE? The two halves of the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left A. The car hit against a house. B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital. side controls language, maths and logic(逻辑). When you remember new words, or when you put things C. The car accident happened on New Star Road in Beijing. in order, you use your left side. The right side of the brain controls your love of art ,color and music. It is also good at recognizing(识B There was once a king who lived in Egypt(埃及). He wanted to send a message to a friend who lived 别) faces. far away in Greece. This does not mean that all artists are left—handed and all accountants(会计) are right—handed. Some The king wanted his friend to read the message, but he didn’t want anyone else to see it. He wanted it right—handers have a strong right brain, and some left—handers have a strong left brain. to be a secret one. How could he send his friend the secret message? The king thought and thought. Then, 56. The phrase ”in common” in the first sentence means . at last , he had an idea. He knew how he could send his message. A. the same B. different C. strange The king called in the servant(仆人) whom he trusted(信赖) most and said to him,” I want you to 57. People are right—handed or left—handed is mostly decided by . shave(剃) all your hair off your head.” And the servant did so. A. their parents B. their minds C. the way the brain works “ Now,” said the king, “ I’m going to write something on your head.” 58. Each side of the brain . The servant hent(弯腰) down,and the king wrote a message on his head. Then the king said,” I want A. likes music and maths. B. controls different things. C. controls the same things. you to stay alone until your hair grows back. Your hair will hide what I have written. I’m going to put you 59. When you are singing, you are using your . in a locked room for a month.” A. logic thinking B. left brain C. right brain One month passed. The king went to see the servant and said,” I see that your hair has grown back. 60. Which of the following is TRUE? Now I want you to go to see my friend in Greece, and I want you to show him the message on your head. A. If a man has a strong right brain, he must be an accountant . Only he may see it. B. Not all the artists are left—handed. hander.. When the servant got to the king’s friend, he cut his hair off again so that the king’s friend could read C. If a man has a strong left brain, he must be a left— the message. Then the servant washed his head, and the massage was gone. 第四部分:口语应用(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) No one but the king and his friend ever knew what the message said. It was a secret message between A: What are you going to do after the graduation exams? B: 61 I’m too tired and just want to relax myself. them. It might have been the first secret message ever sent. 51. The king’s friend lived in . A: What about a journey(旅游) ? I’ve just been to Hainan Island. A. Egypt B. Greece C. a small room alone B: 62 . 52. How many times did the servant cut his hair? A: Yes, of course. We saw many different kinds of flowers there. 63 . A. Four times B. Three times C. Twice B: Did you meet any foreign visitors there? 53. The servant set off to send the message . A: Yes, a lot. And I talked with some of them. A. when his hair grew back. B. soon after his hair was cut C. as soon as the message was written B: That sounds great. I can relax myself and practice my English as well. 64 . A: The price of a one-way ticket from Chengdu to Haikou is 1,530 yuan. 65 .They can give you a 54. The servant when he was sending the message. A. could’t eat anything. B. should live with others. C. could’t wash his hair. 50, discount(折扣) . 55. What is the writer’s purpose? B: Good. I’ll like to go there with my classmates next week. A. He tries to encourage us to send secret letters. B. He wants to tell us the story of a secret message. A. The air line isn’t busy now. B. Did you go there by train? C. He wants to show us a poor servant. C. I have no idea. D.And we went swimming and boating. C E. How much does it cost to fly to Hainan? What do Napoleon,Clinton and Wang Nan have in common? They are all left-handed. Today about F. Did you have a good journey? G. See you tomorrow. (共三节,满分20分) 第五部分:写2007年南充市中考英语试题 第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 66. My friend Tom never eats junk food ,and he is (健康的) than me. 答题卷 67. Our sister Jenny likes (收集) shells. (时间:90分钟, 满分:100分) 68. Yesterday I had a toothache. So I went to see the (牙医). 考号: 班级: 姓名: 得分 69. This time last night I was (躺) in bed. 第一部分 听力部分(每小题1分,共20分) 70. There are two girls in our group, (包括)Mary. 第二节 短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,把文中所缺词语补充出来,使短文完整、正确、通顺。(每空限填一1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ) 词 Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? W 71 e-mail you can just do that . Using a c 72 you can send e-mail quickly and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 easily. The post is much s 73 than e-mail can send its message to the other side the world in seconds. E-mail is easy to use and it s 74 times and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not matter when sending e-mail. It is twenty-four hour service that you can send e-mail at any 第二部分 基础知识运用(每小题1分,共25分) time of the day or night. No one has to be there to r 75 e-mail. It doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send e-mail back. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 第三节 书面表达(满分10分) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 根据下列提示信息,写一篇月80词左右的短文。 要求:书写规范,语句通顺,行文流畅,结构完整,语法正规。 内容提示:假如你叫王海,你收到第一外国语学校 ( No.1 Foreign Language School )的41 42 43 44 45 录取通知书 ( a letter of admission)后,写给你的美籍老师Mr.Jones一封信,她曾教过你 两年多英语。 _________________________________________________________________________ 第三部分 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) _________________________________________________________________________ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 _________________________________________________________________________ 56 57 58 59 60 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 第四部分 口语应用(共5分) _________________________________________________________________________ 61 62 63 64 65 _________________________________________________________________________ M: Excuse me . 2007年南充市中考英语听力材料 W: Yes ? M: Could you please tell me how to get to the bookshop ? 第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话读两遍,选出最佳选项。 W: The bookshop ? 1. W: The school children are dancing, aren’t they? M: Yeah . M: No, They are flying kites. W: OK. Go along this road ,take the second turning on your left .The bookshop is just in front of the 2. M: Did you playing football over the weekend, Linda? cinema . W: No, but I played tennis. M: Shall I take a bus ? 3. M: How many people are there in your family? W: No , it’s near here . You can go there on foot . W: There are four. M: How long does it take to get there on foot ? 4. W: Which do you like, swimming or surfing? W: Only seven or eight minutes . M: Neither. I like water-skiing. M: Fine .I’ll walk there . Thanks a lot . 5. W: What does your father do, Mike? W: You’re welcome . M: He is a policeman. 听第10段材料,回答17—20题。 第二节:听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白读三遍,选出最佳选项。 Fruit is good for people .Many people eat some fruit every day . Mr and Mrs Green like fruit very 听第6段材料,回答6—7题。 much and every Monday Mrs Green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house .The man in the W: That’s a nice car . How long have you had it ? shop knows her well and helps a lot .She can buy all kinds of fruit there ,apples ,pears, oranges and M: Just for two weeks . bananas .In different time of the year , the price of each kind of fruit is not the same , sometimes W: Can I take a look at it ? high ,sometimes low . Mrs Green want to buy cheap fruit .But Mr Green likes bananas only . She buys M: Of course . bananas for him every week . She only buys cheap fruit for herself . W: Oh ,it’s very nice . How far have you been in it ? M: Just to London . 2007年南充市中考英语试题答案 W: Oh. Not very far . I say ,let’s go out for a drive next Sunday .We can take a picnic . M: Good idea . 第一部分:听力: 1-5 .ACCCA, 6-10 .CCCCA. 11-15 . ABBCB . 16-20 .CCACA 听第7段材料,回答8—10题。 第三部分:基础知识运用 M: Mrs Brown looks sad these days . 第一节. 单项选择 21-25.ACABC, 26-30. ACACB, 31-35. BCBCA. W: So she does . M: What’s wrong with her ? 第二节. 完形填空 36-40. BCABA, 41-45. CBCAC, W: Don’t you know her son was ill last weekend ? 46-50 BCABC, 51-55. BCACB, 56-60. ACBCB 第三部分:阅读理解 M: You mean Jackson ? 第四部分:口语应用 61-65. CFDEA W: He had a headache and a fever . Last Saturday evening , Mrs Brown took him to the hospital by 第五部分:写(共三节,满分20分) herself . M: Where is Mr Brown then? 第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) W: He is away from home on business . Maybe in 10 days ,he’ll come back . 66. healthier, 67. collecting, 68. dentist, 69. lying, 70. including. M: How unlucky Mrs Brown was . 第二节 短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) W: Yeah , so she may need our help . Let’s go and give her a hand , shall we ? M: Good idea . 71.With, 72.computer, 73. slower, 74. saves, 75. receive. 听第8段材料,回答11—13题。 第三节 书面表达(满分10分) M: Hello , 51518186. Dear Mrs. Jones, W: Hello ,this is Jenny . May I speak to Uncle Lu ,please . How are you now ? I’m very happy to write you because I have recently received a letter of admission M: Speaking . from No. 1 Foreign Language School and so my dream has come true. W: Hi ,Uncle Lu .How are you ? Mrs. Jones, I still remembered the first day taught us you two years ago.We were quite poor at listening M: Fine , thanks . And you? stW: I’m fine ,too . Uncle Lu,there is something wrong with my CD player .I bought it on May 1 . and speaking.You patiently encouraged us to practice English as much as possible. Your lessons were M: What’s wrong ? interesting that we all enjoyed them very much. W: I don’t know . It can’t work .The button PLAY doesn’t work . Could you help me mend it ? With your help I improved my English step by step, and now I’m very good at English.Mrs. Jones, M: Don’t worry . Let me have a try . thanks. Mrs. Jones, how I miss you! W: How about this evening ? Best wishes! M: OK .See you then . Yours, W: See you ! Wang Hai 听第9段材料,回答14—16题。
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