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农业英语专业词汇 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 1 UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTAL METHODS IN LIFE SCIENCE How is it that scientists probe so skillfully into the monument of life and discover so much about its foundations? What is it about their manner of thinking that yie...

A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 1 UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTAL METHODS IN LIFE SCIENCE How is it that scientists probe so skillfully into the monument of life and discover so much about its foundations? What is it about their manner of thinking that yields such precise results? The scientific method is a formalized way of answering questions about causation in the natural world. In principle, the scientific method has three main steps (although in practice scientists work in many different ways). The first step is to collect observations, phenomena which can be detected by the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch). Observations can be also made indirectly, through use of special equipment (such as a microscope) that extended the range of perception. With practice, we can become skilled at making systematic observations. This means focusing one or more senses on a particular object or event in the environment, and screening out the “background noise”of information that probably has no bearing on our focus. Second, the scientist thinks of hypothesis, ideas about the cause of what has been observed. The third step is experimentation, performing tests designed to show that one or more of the hypothesis is more or less likely to be incorrect. Hypothesizing means putting together a tentative explanation to account for an observation. No scientist can put forward an idea and demand that it be believed as true, no questions asked. In science, there are no absolute truths. There are only high probabilities that an idea is correct in the context of observations and tests made so far. Instead of absolutes, there is suspended judgment. This means a hypothesis is tentatively said to be valid if it is consistent with observations at hand. You won’t (or shouldn’t) hear a scientist say, “there is no other explanation!”More likely you will hear, “Based on present knowledge, this explanation is our best judgment at the moment.” Often the weight of evidence is so convincing that the hypothesis becomes accepted as a theory: a coherent set of ideas that form a general frame of reference for further studies. In science, the word “theory”is not used lightly. It is bestowed only on hypothesis that can be relied upon with a very high degree of confidence. Testing the hypothesis through experiments is at the heart of scientific inquiry. Experiments must be designed so that their results are as unambiguous as human ingenuity can make them. For this reason, experiments have to include control treatments as well as experimental treatments. The two differ only by the factors(s) in which you are interested. dell 高亮 殿堂 dell 高亮 思维方式 dell 高亮 原因 dell 高亮 扩展感知能力的范围 dell 高亮 系统观察、系统观测 dell 高亮 筛选出 dell 高亮 没有关系 dell 高亮 假设 dell 高亮 假设 dell 高亮 在...情况下,在...背景下 dell 高亮 可靠的 dell 高亮 证据的效力 dell 高亮 使用,被授予 dell 高亮 科学探究 dell 高亮 人类的创新型 dell 高亮 对照处理 dell 高亮 试验处理 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 2 Collecting and organizing test results is a necessary process in biological experiments. Data tables or graphs are used to organize and display information for analysis. Graphs are especially useful in illustrating trends of patterns. Data analysis is less mechanical and more conceptual than collecting and organizing the information. Often, statistical tests are used to determine if differences between experimental data and control data are significant or are likely due only to chance. If it can be argued that the differences are due to chance only, then it can also be argued that the independent variable had no effect. Generalizing from test results requires careful and objective analysis of the data gathered. Usually, the hypothesis under test is accepted or rejected on the basis of conclusions drawn. A statement is written about what new insights (if any) have been gained into the original problem. Apparent trends are noted when the same data appear in test results gathered over a period of time. Often, further questions and hypothesis are posed in an attempt to guide additional studies of the problem. New words and expressions probe v. 探索 convincing a. 令人信服的 monument n.殿堂,纪念馆 coherent a. 相干的,连贯的 formalize v. 使… …成为正式的 bestow (on) v. 赠与,授予 causation n. 起因, 原因 at the heart of 在… …核心 observation n. 观察(结果 inquiry n. 探索,探究,询问 microscope n. 显微镜 unambiguous a. 清楚的,明确的 perception n. 感知能力,感觉 ingenuity n. 智慧,机灵 systematic a. 系统的 illustrate v. 说明 screen out 排除 mechanical a. 无思想的,呆板的 have no bearing on 与… … 无关 conceptual a. 概念的,观念的 experimentation n. 实验,试验 independent variable 自变量,处理因子 more or less 差不多,大致 insight (into) n. 领悟,深刻的了解 hypothesize v. 提出假说 pose v. 提出(问题),引起 put together 组织 suspend v. 使悬而未决 tentative a. 暂时的,试探性的 judgment n. 判断,评价 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 自变量,处理因子 dell 高亮 由误差引起 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 假说经测定后,基于我们得出的结论来接受或否定这个假说 dell 高亮 得出结论 dell 高亮 新的观点、见解 dell 高亮 在一段时间的试验中得到一致的数据,这样得到的显著地趋势应该 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 述出来。 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 数据分析 dell 高亮 概念上的 dell 高亮 统计检验 dell 高亮 归纳 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 3 UNIT 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PLANT BREEDING Plant breeders have devoted considerable attention to breeding for yield. These programs usually have emphasized selection for higher yields based on yield testing results. It is also true, however, that plant breeders have for decades sought to improve yield by manipulating what are often termed physiological components of yield. In this section we give two examples of improvements in crop plants resulting from selection of desirable plant types. These examples deserve special attention because they involve wheat and rice, which rank first and second in the world in providing food for the human population. In these crops, breeders have selected new gene combinations and new plant types that are highly productive under a wide range of growing conditions, especially when fertility is high. Rice Breeding The development of short-stature rice varieties at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines began in the 1960s following observations that short-strawed varieties yielded more than the taller, leafier indica varieties when given nitrogen fertilizer. A number of characters were associated with generally higher yields and the nitrogen response. The responsive selections were short and had many tillers and good resistance to lodging. Their leaves were short, thick, relatively narrow, erect, dark green, and remained functional until shortly before harvest. Subsequent genetic studies revealed that a single gene controlled many of the leaf characters as well as height and tillering. Two additional characters, early maturity and high floret fertility, though not controlled by the above mentioned gene, were incorporated into the genetic package that contributed to high yield under nitrogen fertilization. In breeding for new plant types at IRRI, a well-adapted tropical indica varieties were crossed with introduced varieties of either japonica or indica types, which served as sources of the desirable new traits. Observation of populations resulting from these crosses indicated that the desirable, short, less leafy plants were not competitive and hence were being eliminated from the breeding populations. The short, less leafy plants compete very poorly in the mixture with tall plants, but in pure stands the short plants yield more than the tall. Consequently, a mass selection procedure is used to increase the proportion of desirable short plants in the breeding populations. The dell 高亮 相当大的注意力 dell 高亮 这些项目通常着重于根据产量试验结果选择高产品种 dell 高亮 seek to 追求,争取,力图 dell 高亮 通过操纵与产量相关的生理构成因子 dell 高亮 改善 dell 高亮 选择理想株型 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 名列第一 dell 高亮 基因组合 dell 高亮 广泛的生长条件 dell 高亮 矮杆 dell 高亮 国际水稻研究所 dell 高亮 在观测到...之后 dell 高亮 高杆多叶的籼稻品种 dell 高亮 氮素反应 dell 高亮 对氮肥敏感的选系 dell 高亮 良好的抗倒伏性 dell 高亮 直立、竖立 dell 高亮 随后的遗传研究 dell 高亮 小花育性、小花的育性高 dell 高亮 被包含,被纳入 dell 高亮 基因包 dell 高亮 粳稻或者籼稻 dell 高亮 作为理想的新性状的来源 dell 高亮 从种群繁殖的过程中被淘汰 dell 高亮 单一种植 dell 高亮 混合选择过程 dell 高亮 高产育种 dell 高亮 分蘖 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 4 populations are planted sparsely so that the tall, leafy plants can be eliminated from the population. Seed harvested from the remaining plants is used for the next generation. Selection against the tall leafy plants is continued for several generations until all the remaining plants are short. Then the seed from individual plants is increased and conventional yield testing is initiated. Many of the short plants with the combination of useful characteristics described above have been highly productive. One plant, IR-8, gained worldwide recognition because of its very high yields, especially in response to nitrogen fertilization. Semidwarf Wheat In 1935 a wheat selection of hybrid origin, ‘Norin 10’, was released for use in Japan. Norin 10 was 1/2 to 2/3 as tall as common wheat varieties and had more heads. In the USA, Norin 10 was not useful as a variety, but as a parent in crosses it provided genes that started a revolution in wheat breeding. One breeder, O.A.Vogel, a USDA plant breeder at Pullman, Washington, crosses Norin 10 with ordinary wheats such as ‘Brevor’, From these crosses came the first highly productive semidwarf wheats in the USA. The first new semidwarf, ‘Gaines’, and a closely related semidwarf, ‘Nugaines’, soon achieved great popularity, and other wheat breeders began to concentrate on semidwarf wheat. N.E.Borlaug, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize in part for his research on wheat, made extensive use of the Washington wheats and the Norin 10 genes. By 1986 semidwarf wheats were being grown successfully in the USA and in more than 20 foreign countries. As many as a dozen characters potentially contribute directly to high yield in short-stature rice. However, less is known about the physiological basis for high productivity in the semidwarf wheats. Semidwarf wheats are more resistant to lodging than their taller counterparts, but lodging resistance is not the entire reason for the yield difference because semidwarf varieties are often superior to tall varieties when lodging does not occur. Many of the semidwarf wheats have more heads per unit area than taller wheats and a higher ratio of grain to straw (higher economic to biological yield). The leaves of many productive semidwarf wheats are generally similar to the droopy, wide, and long leaves of taller wheats. Consequently, the productive semidwarf wheats and short-stature rices differ greatly in leaf characteristics. Whatever the basis for the higher yields in the new rice and wheat varieties their superiority suggests that crops can be made more productive by modifying their general form. dell 高亮 稀疏地 dell 高亮 上面描述的 dell 高亮 得到了世界的认可 dell 高亮 半矮杆的小麦 dell 高亮 杂种起源的小麦选系 dell 高亮 有更多的穗 dell 高亮 取得了很大的知名度 dell 高亮 专注于,集中精力于 dell 高亮 广泛应用了 dell 高亮 一打,12个 dell 高亮 生理基础 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 更加的抗倒伏 dell 高亮 抗倒伏性 dell 高亮 优于 dell 高亮 每一单位面积 dell 高亮 更高的谷物/秸秆比(更高的经济产量) dell 高亮 多产的,高产的 dell 高亮 下垂的、宽且长的 dell 高亮 叶片性状 dell 高亮 优越性 dell 高亮 通过改良它们的一般形态 dell 高亮 从单株上收获种子进行扩繁 dell 高亮 美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture) A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 5 New words and expressions accomplishment n. 成就,成绩 tropical a. 热带的 devote… to 贡献,奉献 cross v.,n. 杂交 decade n. 十年 introduce v. 引进 manipulate v. 调节,操纵 japonica n. 粳 physiological a. 生理(学)的 trait n. (相对)性状 component n. 构成因子 compete v. 竞争 desirable a. 有利的,理想的 mixture n. 混合(物) plant type 株型 pure stand 单一群体 population n. 人口,群体 mass selection 混合选择 fertility n. 肥力,育性 sparsely adv. 稀 short-stature 矮秆 generation n. 世代 straw n. 麦秆,稻草 semidwarf a. 半矮秆的 indica n. 籼 hybrid n. 杂种 nitrogen n. 氮 heads n. 穗 character n. 性状 variety n. 品种 be associated with 与…联系起来 parent n. 亲本 response n. 响应,反应 breeder n. 育种家 responsive a. 有响应的 ordinary a. 普通的,一般的 selection n. 选系 concentrate 集中(精力)于 tiller n.,v. 分蘖 droopy a. 披(弯曲或下垂) floret n. 小花 modify v. 修改,改良 incorporate v. 掺合 form n. 形态 well-adapted a. 适应性好的 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 6 UNIT 3 CROP PRODUCTION Production of food is a problem of major concern in the world today. The world’s food supply, grossly inadequate in many countries today, will need to be increased greatly in the years ahead if the basic nutritional requirements of an explosive world population are to be satisfied. Otherwise, the specter of hunger, malnutrition, and famine, already a reality with two-thirds of the world’s people, will continue to spread and grow, and the nutritional gap between the developed and the underdeveloped countries will continue to widen. Field crops provide the principal source of the world’s food supply. Over 50% of the human food consumed comes directly from seven cereal grains; over 40% comes from rice and wheat. Other foods of vegetable origin include the root crops, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Forage and grain crops utilized as livestock feed may be consumed indirectly as meat, milk, or eggs. Field crops, in addition to their production for human food and livestock feed, are utilized for fiber, fuel, plastics, stimulants, and many other commercial uses. For these purposes we grow crops like cotton, jute, fiber flax, tobacco, soybeans, linseed flax, and corn. The potential for utilizing plants as sources of energy has been little exploited. When this happens the production of food may be placed further in jeopardy. To increase crop production, four important inputs need major attention: water, fertilizer, pest control, and crop variety. The first three-water, fertilizer, and pest control-relate to cultural practices that provide a more desirable environment in which to grow the crop. The fourth-the crop variety-relates to the inherent ability of the plant to produce within the environment provided. In other words, more productive plants and greater food production may result both by improving the environment for crop growth and by improving the heredity of the crop. Improving the heredity of a crop, stated most simply, is accomplished by breeding better varieties. Hereditary improvements in crop varieties are made in various ways. The improved variety may be more vigorous in its growth, thus producing a higher yield through the more efficient use of the sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and plant nutrients available to it. Its structure may be altered so that it will stand until harvest with less loss from lodging or shattering. Plants may be selected with more tolerance to stress, so that a satisfactory yield will be harvested when environmental conditions over which the grower has no control are unfavorable. To accomplish this objective the breeder strives for early maturity, dell 高亮 食物生产是当今世界主要关注的一个问题。 dell 高亮 严重不足 dell 高亮 在未来的几年 dell 高亮 基本营养需求(满足爆炸性的世界人口的基本营养需求) dell 高亮 另外 dell 高亮 营养差距 dell 高亮 主要来源 dell 高亮 谷类作物 dell 高亮 其他源于植物的食物 dell 高亮 块根作物 dell 高亮 饲料和粮食作物 dell 高亮 纤维 dell 高亮 兴奋剂 dell 高亮 为此 dell 高亮 黄麻,纤维亚麻 dell 高亮 大豆 dell 高亮 亚麻籽 dell 高亮 处于更加危险的境地 dell 高亮 需要重点关注四个主要的投入 dell 高亮 病虫害防治 dell 高亮 栽培技术 dell 高亮 在所提供的环境条件下作物产量的遗传能力 dell 高亮 改良作物的遗传特性 dell 高亮 简而言之 dell 高亮 培育优良品种 dell 高亮 生长的更加健壮 dell 高亮 较少的因倒伏和落荚产生的损失 dell 高亮 收获一个满意的产量 dell 高亮 种植者不能控制的不利的环境条件 dell 高亮 目标 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 7 increased winter hardiness, or resistance to heat, drought, disease, and insect damage. Cultural practices to increase yield-fertilization, irrigation, application of chemicals for pest control-must be repeated with each new cropping season. Hereditary improvements are more or less permanent; by planting improved varieties, the benefits may be reaped over and over. Maximum crop production cannot be achieved either by use of superior cultural practices or by planting improved varieties alone. Without good production practices the high yield potential of a superior variety would by largely wasted. Neither will maximum benefits be realized from good production practices unless a potentially high yielding variety is grown. New words and expressions inadequate a. 不足的 vigorous a. 茂盛的 explosive a. 爆炸性的 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 specter n. 幽灵, 妖怪, 缭绕心头的恐惧(或忧虑等) lodging n. 倒伏 malnutrition n. 营养不良 shattering n. 裂荚(果) famine n. 饥荒 stress n. 胁迫 consume v. 消耗,消费 satisfactory a. 令人满意的 stimulant n. 兴奋剂 unfavorable a. 不利的 nut n. 坚果 strive for 为实现…而努力 jute n. 黄麻 maturity n. 熟期,熟性 flax n. 亚麻 winter hardiness 越冬性 linseed n. 亚麻籽 resistance n. 抗性 in jeopardy 处于受损失的危险境地 cultural practice 栽培 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 inherent a. 内在的,遗传的 permanent a. 永久的 productive a. 高产的 reap v. 获得 heredity n. 遗传 maximum a. 最大的 hereditary a. 遗传的 superior a. 优越的 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 耐寒性 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 必须随着每一个种植季节而重复 dell 高亮 反复 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 没有具有高产潜力的优良品种,只通过良好的栽培技术也不能获得最大的效益 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 8 UNIT 4 WHAT SHOULD A MODERN PLANT BREEDER LEARN? Botany. Plant breeders should be accomplished botanists in order to understand the taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, and reproduction of the plants with which they work.. Genetics and Cytogenetics. The plant breeder needs a thorough understanding of the mechanism of heredity in plants since modern plant breeding methods are based on a knowledge of genetic principles and chromosome behavior. This knowledge is being extended to the molecular level with advances in biochemical genetics. Plant Physiology. Variety adaptation is determined by the response of plants to their environment, which includes the effects of heat, cold, drought, and soil nutrient response. The plant breeder strives to make inherent modifications of physiological processes that will enable the plant to function more efficiently. Plant Pathology. Plant disease reduces crop yields. Host resistance is an important means of combating many plant diseases. Evaluation of the response of the plant genotype to infection by the pathogen is an essential part of breeding for host plant resistance. Entomology. Biological control of insect populations by breeding for insect resistance is an important way of reducing insect damage in crop plants. Plant Biochemistry. Inherent improvements in the nutritive value of a crop variety are given attention by the plant breeder. Suitability for industrial utilization often determines the market demand for a particular variety of a crop. This includes such characteristics as the milling and baking qualities of a wheat variety, the cooking and eating qualities of a rice variety, the fiber qualities of a cotton variety. Biochemical genetics is contributing toward a better understanding of the structure and function of the gene. Statistics. The plant breeder compares the performance of many genetically different strains. Sound field plot techniques and suitable methods for statistical analyses of data are necessary to obtain reliable results and to interpret the results correctly. The application of statistical procedures has provided for a better understanding of the inheritance of quantitative characteristics and for predicting the possible genetic advance that may be obtained with particular systems of mating. Agronomy. In addition to all of these, the breeder of field crops should be a sound agronomist. Plant breeders should know crops and their production. dell 高亮 熟练的 dell 高亮 分类学,解剖学,形态学 dell 高亮 细胞遗传学 dell 高亮 他们研究的植物 dell 高亮 统计学 dell 高亮 基因型不同的植株 dell 高亮 dell 高亮 合理的田间试验 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 dell 高亮 适当的数据统计分析方法 dell 高亮 数量性状的遗传 dell 高亮 预测 dell 高亮 遗传进展 dell 高亮 繁殖系统 dell 高亮 机制,原理 dell 高亮 遗传学原理 dell 高亮 染色体 dell 高亮 植物生理学 dell 高亮 土壤养分 dell 高亮 对生理过程进行遗传改良 dell 高亮 植物病理学 dell 高亮 宿主 dell 高亮 基因型 dell 高亮 评价,评估 dell 高亮 病原体 dell 高亮 昆虫学 dell 高亮 生物防治 dell 高亮 植物生物化学 dell 高亮 营养价值 dell 高亮 制粉和烘烤 dell 高亮 生化遗传学 A CONCISE TEXT BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ENGLISH 9 They should understand what the farmer wants and needs in the
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