首页 21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1))

21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1))


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1))21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1)) 21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1)) Twenty-first Century College English (Book 1) after trans...

21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1))
21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1)) 21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册)课后翻译答案(Twenty-first Century College English reading and writing course (Volume 1)) Twenty-first Century College English (Book 1) after translation Unit 1 L Tom is a very curious boy, he not only "what" of interest, but also interested in the "why" and "how". As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. According to Professor Smith L said, happiness is that you can make full use of all you have. Happiness according, to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. L you'd better put this book in your 15 year old son can't reach. You 'd better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can t get his hands on it. " L this is a very funny story, Bill kept laughing while reading. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it. L outstanding students may not score lower than their students spend more time on learning. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. L how did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed reading course? How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course? L working hard is important, but knowing how to make full use of their talents is more important. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one s abilities counts for much more. " L asked her students to think independently, rather than telling them what to think. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. Unit 2 L says he is talking about differences between American and British English, "the United States and Britain are after all two different countries." Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, United States and Britain "The are, after all, two different countries" L professor Smith encouraged his students to think independently. He often said: "even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me, I am also happy." Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. I am just as happy he, "often says," even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me" L we invited him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but he joined in he introduced a new topic, talking about the NBA finals last week. We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. Responsible for L driver for the accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on the bike. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. L since we stopped producing radios, we have switched to the production of mobile phone. Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones. L our original plan was to visit the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and other famous scenic spots in Beijing. Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing. L to learn a foreign language is not easy. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can't express myself effectively in the language. It 's no simple/easy matter to learn a foreign language well. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can t express myself effectively in' the language. L i want you simply to agree or disagree with me, I need you to give me advice and ideas. I don t want you to simply "to agree or disagree with me. I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas and, so on. Unit 3 L as far as I know, they have to do is to see the child, and fill out a form. As far as I know, all they have to do is to come and see the child they want to bring up and fill up a form. L as he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth. L little girl's songs brought sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life. The little girl s songs brought sunshine to "the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life. L people have come to congratulate them on the successful building of a bridge over the Huangpu river. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River. L, the 10 year old boy playing the violin so skillfully, all the people present were amazed. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully. L after the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the outside world. After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside. Even if the L mother never dreamed that her son would become a world famous pianist. Even in her wildest dreams, Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist. When l heard that their teacher had to get rid of the shadow of death, the students cheered up. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death. Unit 4 L Although the infirm grandmother, she has taken on all the housework in the family. Sickly and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family. The l record company had never been so pleased with anysinger. For them, Steve Wanda is indeed a rare talent. The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find. L they live where there is no tap water, no gas and electricity that kind of facilities of life. They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity. L the past 6 years, after 7 years, 8 years later, the French artist still without hearing a word about. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows what. Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where. L that summer he was very ill, but he just felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his last novel in two months. He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his last novel in two months. L driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken. Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken. L with the help of doctor and nurses, the patient recovered quickly, after a few weeks to once again stand up. With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more. L looked at the old man's wrinkled face was really sad, because it shows that all the life experienced by the elderly. It was really sad to watch the old man s wrinkled face which ", spoke of all that he had borne/endured in his life. Unit 5 L who is the son of Marie Robert and Laurence. One is named after her father, the other one is named after her grandfather. They are Mary s sons Robert and Lawrence. "One is named after her father, the other is named after her grandfather. L he has not met all. He never understands "contentment", what a pity. He is not content with what he has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment. L she is very active in classroom activities. I believe she will make a good teacher. She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure that she will make a good teacher. L you may have different opinions about it, but I don't love them, especially at a dinner party. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party. L we are prepared to give way a little to them in some minor problems, but it will not in the major issues and their principles of compromise. We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle. L during the year Robert didn't usually get much exercise, while his wife Marie was on her feet most of the time. This is why they can't or hard to find a place to leave because of love. Robert didn t usually get much exercise during 'the year, 而他的妻子玛丽却大部分时间一直站着。这就是为什么他们不可能或 至少很难,他们选择了一个地方,他们都喜欢为他们的假期。 我戴维是个自视甚高的青年作家。他认为他的写作风格是独特的、高 雅的但遗憾的是,情况并非如此。 戴维是个自视甚高的年轻作家。他认为他的写作风格是独特的、高雅 的。但不幸的是,事实并非如此。 我我想说的只是,作为个人我们享有很多不同的权利,但却无权做任 何对社会有害的事。 我想说的只是,作为个人我们享有很多不同的权利,但却无权做任何 对社会有害的。 单元6 我问题在于人们如何看待那些专心追求知识的学生。 问题在于人们如何看待那些专心追求知识的学生。 我我国政府已决定向教育投入比过去多得多的钱。 我国政府已决定把更多的钱投入到教育比以前。 我我们得培养更多一流的 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师参与同日本的技术竞争。 我们必须培养更多一流的工程师在技术竞争与日本竞争。 我求知好学和勤奋用功的学生应受到表扬并被树立为其他学生的榜样。 求知好学、勤奋的学生应受到表扬并被树立为其他学生的榜样。 我知道我们消除排斥知识的现象,我们才有希望保持世界级强国的地位。 直到我们消除排斥知识的现象我们才有希望保持世界级强国。 我我们必须使自己适应时代的要求,否则我们就会落后于世界上其他工业国家。 我们必须使自己适应时代的要求,否则我们就会落后于世界上其他工业化国家。 我其他孩子在踢足球,而他们的儿子却在学英语,做父母的为此感到骄傲。 父母是他们的儿子是其他孩子在踢足球而学习英语而自豪。 我你真的期望不花费更多的时间学习就能提高你的英语水平, 你真的期望不花费更多的时间学习就能提高你的英语吗, 单元7 我史密斯先生被认为是一位十分开明的人,除了别的之外,他还认为在法律面前人人平等。 史米斯先生被认为是一位十分开明的人认为,除其他事项外,在法律面前人人平等。 我他获奖并非偶然;他的成功来自艰苦的训练。 这不是偶然的,他得了奖;他的成功来自艰苦的训练。 我老师跟白人孩子们谈了很多,试图使他们相信人人生而平等,但在最初几个星期里,似乎没有多少效果。 老师跟白人孩子们谈了很多,试图使他们相信人人生而平等,但在最初的几周。 我因为我刚来到这所学校,所以有一段时间我感到孤独,也没有朋友。 当我来到这所学校,有一段时间我感到孤独和寂寞。 我伟明日复一日坚持与威尔逊夫人进行交谈,他的英语口语变得越来越流利,越来越自然。 一天之后,day Wei Ming一直与Wilson交谈,他的英语口语变得越来越流利和自然。 我尽管在最初那几个星期一些孩子对我很不客气,一个白人小姑娘却特别友好。 而有些孩子很不客气,在最初的几个星期里,一个白人小姑娘对我特别友好。 我我后来才知道那位看起来又老又满脸皱纹的人才45岁左右。 我后来才知道那位看起来又老又皱只有约45。 我大学毕业之后不久,他便证明自己是一个称职而负责的英语教师。 大学毕业后,他很快就确立了自己作为一个合格的、负责的英语老师。 单元8 我没有一个科学家确切地知道信息高速公路将在未来十年中把我们带往何处。 没有人确切地知道信息高速公路将带领我们在未来的十年。 我至关重要的是,发达国家和发展中国家应通过更多的交流增进相互间的理解和尊重。 至关重要的是,发达国家和发展中国家应通过更多的交流增进相互间的理解和尊重。 我从一开始,大众传媒就对这部关于个人电脑的专著给予了特别的关注。 从一开始,媒体特别关注这部关于个人电脑的专著。 我我的侄子以为日文跟中文在很多方面相似,很容易学,但结果并不 是那样。 我的侄子以为日文,中文在很多方面相似,很容易学,但结果并不是 那样。 我你本应该知道得更多些大学教授讲课的方式并不只限于告诉学生 基本事实,他还激发讨论和争论。 你应该知道的。一个大学教授并不只限于告诉学生基本事实的方式。 他还激发讨论和辩论。 我原来估计这项工程将费时五年但由于工人和工程师们的创造性劳 动,工程大大提前完成了。 原来估计这项工程将需要5年的时间。但由于工人的创造力以及工程 师,大大提前完成了。 我构思和写作自传花费了那位美国作家三年多的时间, During which he met many unimaginable difficulties. The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, during which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties. L doctors aren't sure what illness he is suffering from. That's why he has decided to retire ahead of schedule. The doctors aren t sure what illness he is' suffering from. That 's why he has decided to retire ahead of schedule.
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