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开拓创新 务实进取 最终哈哈


开拓创新 务实进取 最终哈哈开拓创新 务实进取 最终哈哈 开拓创新 务实进取 合力推进 共赢发展 钱卫忠同志在2010年度工作总结表彰暨职工代表大会上的讲话 ,2011年2月22日, 同志们: 这次大会主要是总结2010年年度工作~动员全体职工以先进模范为榜样~努力保持企业稳定、持续、健康发展,表彰先进~安排部署2011年度工作~确定新的目标任务。会上,刘子贞同志宣读了公司的表彰决定。企业标兵和先进部室代表也分别做了典型发言。在此~我代表公司董事会、党委向受到表彰的企业标兵、先进集体和先进个人表示热烈的祝贺:向在过去一年付出辛勤劳...

开拓创新   务实进取   最终哈哈
开拓创新 务实进取 最终哈哈 开拓创新 务实进取 合力推进 共赢发展 钱卫忠同志在2010年度 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 表彰暨职工代表大会上的讲话 ,2011年2月22日, 同志们: 这次大会主要是总结2010年年度工作~动员全体职工以先进模范为榜样~努力保持企业稳定、持续、健康发展,表彰先进~安排部署2011年度工作~确定新的目标任务。会上,刘子贞同志宣读了公司的表彰决定。企业标兵和先进部室代表也分别做了典型发言。在此~我代表公司董事会、党委向受到表彰的企业标兵、先进集体和先进个人表示热烈的祝贺:向在过去一年付出辛勤劳动和汗水的全体干部职工表示衷心的感谢:下面~根据公司研究的意见讲以下两个方面的意见。 一、2010年工作回顾 随着金融危机的阴霾(mai)逐渐散去~世界经济逐步复苏~纺织行业迎来了历史上较好的发展机遇。公司创新经营发展思路~走转方式、调结构~跨行业多元化的创新发展之路~产品实现了产销两旺~附加值逐步提高~经济效益得到较好体现。全年共生产棉纱,折合,16987吨~进出口贸易总额4300万美元~其中出口创汇1860万美元~实现销售收入4.29亿元~上交税金1286万元~企业保持了稳定、持续、健康的上升发展势头~稳固了发展基础。回首过去的一年~我们在加强基础position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 管理、转变生产经营思路以及推进项目建设上做了大量的工作~取得了明显成效~积累了宝贵的经验。主要有以下几点:一是审时度势~果断决策~狠把原料进口关~确保利润最大化。2010年原料市场价格波动较大~公司经过多方了解市场行情~积极争取棉花配额~审时度势、果断决策~利用时间差、价格差等有效的贸易融资手段~大批量购进进口原料。2010年共进口原料10520吨~其中皮棉7229吨~涤纶3291吨~全年主要依靠进口原料满足生产需求。据综合比较~国内市场原料价格最高时和进口原料差价高达14000元/吨~平均每吨棉花节省3000元左右~有效缓解了公司资金压力~增加了利润空间和获利能力。二是合理有效调整工资结构~提高员工收入~稳定员工队伍。纺织行业是劳动密集型行业~工资收入提升缓慢~员工队伍不稳定。2010年公司结合实际~在经济效益不理想的状态下~本着公开、公正、公平的原则~连续三次提高员工工资。一线员工平均增长工资800元左右~人均工资达到2000元~公司年度增加工资支出1300余万元~有效提高了员工收入水平~员工实现了相对稳定。调整以后的工资水平在利津县企业内已经达到一个较高的水平。三是优化产品结构~提高产品质量~积极开拓中高端市场~提高企业效益。公司营销部门瞄准中高端客户~及时反馈市场信息~与生产部门通力合作~根据市场需求调整产品结构~生产适销对路产品。公司产品从机织用纱市场转向针织用纱市场~针织纱和喷织纱占有 well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed 2 率由年初的5%提升到45%~从而使每吨纱线附加值平均提高了1000元以上。积极开拓上海、广州、青岛等有机棉产品市场~有机棉产品销量由2009年的50吨提高到200吨~有效提升了产品附加值~增加了利润空间~为2011年继续开发差异化产品市场打下了坚实的基础。营销部加大销售力度~库存达到历史最低水平~月均保持在300吨以下~加快了资金周转~降低了财务成本和费用。四是完善内部管理~健全 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ~节能降耗成效显著。公司紧紧围绕ISO9001-2008质量管理体系~积极完善各项 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~由原来的粗放管理逐步向精细化管理迈进~形成了流程慎密、考核到位、循序提高的良好工作机制~基础管理工作不断强化、细化~各项工作逐步进入正规化、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化。各车间根据年初制定的相应节能降耗目标~算小账~算细账~从节约一滴油、一度电做起~出措施、想办法~效果明显。特别是东、西车间全年节能降耗目标基本控制在公司内部指标以内~为公司效益的提升做出了贡献。五是融资渠道进一步拓宽~实现融资渠道的多元化。随着黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划纲要的批复~东营作为黄三角开发的前沿阵地~多家国营或股份制银行相继落户东营~这为公司融资渠道的进一步拓宽提供了有利条件。财务部门积极努力~主动把企业优势推荐给金融部门~并逐步得到了认可~从金融部门得到大力扶持~与华夏、中信、恒丰等多家银行确立了良好的业务合作关系~保证了各项资金需求和业务运转。六是积极争取政策性 e General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes wer construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follown April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good so3 扶持资金。各有关部门根据国家、省、市和县出台的多个项目资金扶持政策~积极研究深入细致做好项目扶持资金的申请、申报工作~通过努力为公司在技改、节能、淘汰落后产能、贴息和人力资源社会保障局稳岗扶持资金等方面争取无偿补助资金240余万元。七是跨行业项目建设成效显著~多元化发展规模雏形初步形成。公司投资500万元成立以棉花仓储为主~兼营物资仓储运输的东营汇洲物流有限责任公司~实现了产业多元化~目前已经完成了仓库建设~各项工作积极筹备~即将投入运营。先后上北京、淄博、中石化、石油大学等地进行参观、学习、考察~落实项目~并结合实际选择了石油精细化工项目做为重要研究考察对象~加强论证。新上8万吨苯酐、20万吨DOP联合装臵项目已经做好前期准备工作~即将开工建设。老厂区搬迁改造、房地产开发项目已经纳入2011年度利津城区建设发展规划。各项目建设稳步推进~公司多元化发展态势已经初具规模。 2010年虽然取得了一定的成绩~但要清醒地认识到~我们自身工作还存在一些问题与不足~主要是基础管理薄弱~管理水平提升较慢,产品质量不稳定~开发新产品能力较差,节能降耗成效不显著,生产任务未全部完成~企业效益不理想,技能化、专业化人才队伍建设相对滞后。以上诸多问题的存在从根本上影响了企业长足、长远发展。为此~我们一定要高度重视~采取更加有效地措施和手段~认真加以 of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv 4 解决。 二、2011年主要工作目标任务及总体要求 2011年总的目标任务:全年总产量达到18000吨,折合,~进出口总额达到5000万美元~其中出口创汇突破2000万美元~全年实现销售收入4.8亿元~有机棉生产完成400吨以上~针织、喷织纱线产品占有率由去年的45%提高至60%~各项管理费用压缩10%以上~节能降耗能力明显增强~项目建设实现突破性进展~实现企业持续、稳定、健康、多元化创新发展目标。 今年是“十二五”规划的开局之年~也是企业在新形势下需要强劲发展和项目建设要有实质性突破的关键之年。总体要求是:以党的十七届五中全会精神为指针~继续深入贯彻落实科学发展观~按照各级经济工作会议精神~紧紧把握转方式调结构这条主线~夯实企业管理基础~狠抓节能降耗。结合企业实际~深化企业体制机制改革~大力提升产品质量和效能~提高工作效率~推进项目建设~形成企业发展强大合力~实现企业健康稳定~产业多元化发展。全体上下要紧紧围绕目标任务和总体要求~找准新定位、推出新举措~为公司2011年各项工作起好步、开好局做出新的贡献。 当前~我们正面临着千载难逢的发展机遇~同时也面临着巨大的挑战。随着“黄蓝”两大国家战略在东营交融汇聚~我们更应该抢抓机遇~做大做强。2011年总的目标任务已经明确~为顺利完成2011的各项工作~我们应积极作为~开 n April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good soe General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes wer construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow5 拓创新~务实进取~着重抓好以下八个方面。 ,一,强化、细化基础管理~实现质量、产量、节能降耗工作的重大突破。 管理是公司的基础性工作~多年来我们一直把基础管理工作放在公司工作的重要位臵。质量方面:首先~按照ISO9000-2008质量管理体系的要求~对比一年的工作~对不合适宜的制度要进行重新修订、完善~做到有章可依、有章可循、可操作性强。其次加强工艺纪律管理、操作管理~找出影响产品质量的环节和问题~组成专门的攻关小组~切实下大气力解决目前存在的条干不均匀率大、棉节多、毛羽长及低级的混纱、错支等问题。产量方面:各部门首先要加强完成产量的意识。其次以加强精细化管理为依托加强产量完成力度~针对各部门实际深化、细化管理基础~做到责任层层分解~实现事事有人管~件件有落实。依据公司制定产量目标任务~分解到班组~班次~采取当天考核的方式~确保完成生产任务~一改多年来生产任务完不成的局面。节能降耗工作要提高认识~教育引导广大职工发挥主观能动性~从节约一滴水、一度电、一寸纱做起。根据公司的节能降耗目标和要求分解到各车间、工序~做到事前有要求、事中有控制、事后有考核。工序与工序之间实行从原料制成率、产品合格率、生产效率入手考核工资~定期召开 ocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and6 节能降耗分析会总结经验教训~集职工之力~同抓共管~把节能降耗工作推向一个新高度~从抓节能降耗中获取更大的利益。 (二)积极调整产品结构~开发中高端市场~扩大市场占有率。 适时、准确研制开发新产品是适应纺织市场结构的重大变化~增强和抵御市场风险能力的必然要求~是关系到企业可持续发展、提升经济效益的根本要求。公司已经下定决心新上5000纱锭赛络纺~专门从事天丝、莫代尔产品的生产。供应部门提前联系原料~保障正常生产需求。技术中心要逐步发挥出技术职能优势~为开发出新产品~跻身国内中高端产品行列做出应有贡献。生产技术部门要密切配合~部门联动、集中一切人力、物力、财力做好新产品开发的各项检测、试验~销售部门积极抢占中、高端产品市场~以提高市场占有率~提高公司效益。 相关部门应积极与大中专院校展开合作~让对方技术优势和研发能力为我所用。目前~山东农业大学正在开发、研究芦苇纤维~该产品绿色环保~前景广阔~成为多个有污染纤维的替代品~利津又有较强的资源优势~希望相关部门依托企业载体~发挥优势~主动与校方沟通交流~达成合作意向~开发功能性纤维。 r construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follown April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good soe General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we7 (三)集合全力推进项目建设~把各项目建设成为公司创新发展的新引擎。 随着经济的发展~新兴物流产业已经爆发出了前所未有的活力。利津是重要的商品棉基地~火车站、中转货站正在建设~这些都为公司物流项目的发展壮大提供了条件。相关部门要为物流公司的投入运行工作做足充分准备~做好前期宣传和各项设备的购臵工作~提前开发、联系好客户~争取做到“开门红”。 年产8万吨苯酐、20万吨DOP联合化工装臵项目是2011年项目开发的重点~年前已经完成可行性研究报告的编制工作~项目资金正在和银行对接~并初步达成合作意向~立项后资金到位即可开工~争取3月份破土动工~10月份前实现设备试车投产。项目部要列出化工项目的推进计划~明确分工~各项工作叠加穿插进行~有序推进~做到环环相扣、保质保量。公司老厂区实施搬迁~各部门着力做好准备工作~适时动工。相关部门要做好前期工作调研和准备~前期越细致、越严谨~投资的风险就越小。要增强紧迫感~危机感~发展不等人~时间不等人~对我们来讲时间就是效益~工期安排要细致有序~在保证工程质量的前提下~抢时间~提效率~创效益。2011年对公司来说项目多、任务重~各部门要高度重视、充分协调、明确分工~为项目建设再立新功。 (四)是拓宽营销渠道~创新营销战略~建立风险预警体系。 eyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow8 营销部门作为公司的门户和对外交往的平台~今年面临着艰巨的任务。内贸方面:开发新产品、扩大产品市场占有率~是今年营销部门的工作重点。新的市场形势下~营销部门的工作已经不能仅仅满足于了解市场信息指导生产~一是要通过定期回访等形式不断稳定老客户。同时及时发现、开发新客户~做到“稳固纳新”。二是创新营销模式~通过建立网上信息平台~了解市场信息~利用区域差别、时间差、价格差进行销售~提高产品附加值。三是生产、营销通过合理安排~努力降低库存产品的数量~实行订单生产~提高企业效益。四是做到与市场同步~适时调整产品价格~随行就市。五是加强资金回笼力度~建立风险预警体系~定期对客户进行评价~防控市场风险。六是减少中间商~与有实体、有实力的企业进行业务往来~减少中间费用。外贸方面:加强配额争取~适时对比国内外价格~进口原料~降低成本~提高资金流动率~缓解资金困难,加大核销力度~增加出口能力~发展自己的直接客户~出口高端产品、高附加值产品。另外要拓宽信息渠道~了解国际贸易壁垒~建立迅速反应机制~加强防范、控制、化解风险体系建设~完善进出口贸易单证等有关手续。 (五)创新融资渠道~积极争取无偿资金和政策扶持资金~合理利用好各金融产品。2011年中央货币政策屡次调整~已经明确发出了一个预警信号~企业融资压力进一步加大。企业发展和新项目建设面临较大的资金缺口~制定切实可行的 r construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follown April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good soe General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we9 融资计划~寻找外来资金~助推企业发展和新项目建设极其重要。2011年财务部门的首要任务是在公司的指导下~搞好财务基础材料~办理好各银行授信和信用等级评定工作~有步骤~有针对性的开展工作。积极协调好关系~千方百计把企业的优势推荐给金融部门~采取多种形式取得对方信任~得到银行支持~保持银企良好合作。在保持好与原有融资部门关系的同时努力拓宽融资渠道~与多家新进股份制银行逐步建立业务往来~进而增加授信额度~增强业务关系~扩大融资的范围~积极争取项目资金的落实。做好国内、国际信用证、承兑等各大金融产品的前期调研和考察工作~结合企业实际~让抗风险能力强的金融产品为企业所用~为公司创造效益。开发利用期货市场~锁定原料成本~保证企业效益的均衡化~也可进行期货交易~规避贸易风险。 积极研究国家政策~多与有关部门进行沟通交流~多方了解项目信息~争取无偿资金支持。积极与兄弟县市的金融部门保持联系~与兄弟单位建立相互担保关系~实现融资渠道的拓宽和创新。新项目和老项目之间实施互相担保~争取资金~以降低融资难度。 (六)加强人才培训力度~提高全员素质~加强专业化人才队伍建设。 人才队伍建设是一项庞大的、复杂的工程~做好这项工作 ork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensur10 任重而道远。要从体制上入手~建立“吸引人、塑造人、凝聚人、提升人、留住人”的体制~形成“尊重人才、重视人才”的大环境~用深厚的企业文化和优厚的待遇条件吸引人才、整合人才。同时依托高档次的的产业和产业膨胀、升级~聚集高层次的人才。创造良好的人文环境~关怀、关注人才~形成企业发展的强大合力。对人才进行全方位、立体式的培训和培养~让他们得到成长和提高~实现更大价值。形成科学的人才任用、晋升机制~任人唯贤不唯亲~敢用人、会用人、用好人。靠管理者魅力留住人才。对人才实施内部挖潜~进行重点培养~对外建立健全人才引进机制~形成人才储备库~充分发挥人才队伍在企业发展中的作用。 今后~公司要从深层次上推动企业管理水平的提高。建立行之有效的监督、考核、考试平台~各级管理人员的提拔和任用进行竞聘上岗~公司将年终考核和综合评议作为提拔任用的重要条件。由人力资源部、组织部署做好外围和生产车间的人员聘任工作。搭建平等竞争的平台~真正将德才兼备的人才提拔到各级岗位上来~做到公平、公正、透明。 建立合理、科学的定员机制~减少冗员~增资增效~进一步提高劳动生产效率~大力提高和鼓励员工自学成才~根据公司需要凡获得职称、学历等对生产、营销、管理有益的同志公司可提供必要的学习机会、报销部分费用并给予重用。 ibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follown April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good soe General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes wer construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and11 (七,加强安全生产管理力度。安全问题是企业的重要工作~国家各级、各部门都把安全工作放在首要的位臵上。安全无小事~责任重于泰山。企业逐步建立了健全的、强有力的安全保障体系、规章制度体系和措施方法体系。实施有效的 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 ~全面贯彻落实以安全生产责任制为核心的安全管理规章制度。首先~要从思想上提高全体员工安全意识~时刻绷紧安全生产弦~狠把安全生产关~采取多种方式、多种渠道加强对安全生产法律、法规和安全知识的宣传教育~提高职工的安全意识~防患于未然。其次~加大安全生产培训力度~进行定期考核~组织全车间定期进行安全大检查~发现隐患~及时进行现场整改~要定期出检查通报~切实提高全员防范意识。制定安全生产责任制~各车间、部室负责人是安全生产第一责任人~共同贯彻各项安全生产规章制度~防火、防盗、防人身安全~做到不伤害他人~不被他人伤害。加大防范措施~实行区域负责制~采取技术手段和管理相结合~实现全员、全面、全过程的安全管理~确保安全生产无事故。 ,八,推动企业文化建设。 加强企业文化建设~是提高企业核心竞争力的内在要求。通过核心竞争力建设来提升广大员工的凝聚力、向心力、约束力、导向力、辐射力。加强企业文化建设~是建 ocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p-the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and12 设高素质职工队伍、促进人的全面发展的迫切需要。近年来~公司一直致力于企业文化建设~提倡内提素质抓质量~外树形象促发展~形成了独具雅美特色的企业文化。继续广泛开展各项有益于企业发展~有利于职工身心健康~有利于团结和谐的文体活动~创新活动载体~巩固活动成果。进一步建立企业网站、局域网、网络销售平台~在物质层、精神层企业文化上下大工夫、下苦工夫~将企业文化内涵融入到企业发展中去。加快品牌建设~质量是品牌的保证~品牌是提高销售收入的的有效手段。品牌建设一直是我们公司的薄弱环节。今后要朝着山东名牌、中国名牌的目标迈进。 新的目标~新的任务~新的形势~新的机遇~要求我们必须解放思想、开拓创新~务实进取。广大员工要继续发扬团结、敬业、创新、奉献精神~团结一心~整体配合~心往一处想~劲往一处使~公司上下拧成一股绳~形成推进企业发展的强大合力~创新现行管理方法和工作发展思路~以开拓创新的气魄和务实进取的精神~为实现共赢发展做出新的、更大贡献! 回首昨天~我们风雨同舟~荣辱与共,今天~我们众志成城~开拓创新,明天~我们携手共进~再创辉煌。同志们~蓝图已经绘就~号角已经吹响~新的一年~机遇与挑 ibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for political task, strengthened responsroots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items majo-arried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, c-cational Working Conference, discussed the city's follown April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" edulid. Od party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good soe General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifiey, tha do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the part ds of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learnroots exten-ermination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grasssisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm dett force, full reflect has central indepth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political se-of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in party always became has ideal, and has faith position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes wer construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and13 战并存~风雨与困难同在~如何完成预期目标~要靠我们大家共同努力。让我们一起努力奋斗吧: 最后~祝大家在新的一年里合家幸福:身体健康:万事如意: 谢谢大家: -the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's followeyed well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conv of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well,eries n all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, sr carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, iroots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, fo-arty work to grassconstruction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule ptical e, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought poliadvance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set forcdepth -ecame has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central ine party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always bposition, ensurork organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, andocus wcal task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the ftends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major politiroots ex-romoted full strictly rule party to grassup. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is p14
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