首页 浅析班组建设的重要作用和现实意义



浅析班组建设的重要作用和现实意义浅析班组建设的重要作用和现实意义 2013-03-27 本文访问次数:827 班组是企业直接组织员工完成生产任务的基本单位,是企业实施固本战略、把握机遇、迎接挑战、健康发展的基础。班组既是企业组织生产经营活动的基本单位,又是“三个文明”建设的“前沿阵地”,是企业一切工作的立足点。只有把班组工作抓好抓实,才能强化劳动纪律,培养良好的职业道德,推进技术和管理现代化,企业才能稳步发展。实践证明,要建设和谐企业就必须重视班组建设,通过加强班组建设形成健康的班组文化,建立严明的规章制度,建设学习型团队,培育和谐的人际氛...

浅析班组建设的重要作用和现实意义 2013-03-27 本文访问次数:827 班组是企业直接组织员工完成生产任务的基本单位,是企业实施固本战略、把握机遇、迎接挑战、健康发展的基础。班组既是企业组织生产经营活动的基本单位,又是“三个文明”建设的“前沿阵地”,是企业一切工作的立足点。只有把班组工作抓好抓实,才能强化劳动纪律,培养良好的职业道德,推进技术和管理现代化,企业才能稳步发展。实践证明,要建设和谐企业就必须重视班组建设,通过加强班组建设形成健康的班组文化,建立严明的规章制度,建设学习型团队,培育和谐的人际氛围,班组就会充满生机,企业活力和后劲就会增强,企业才能立于不败之地。 一、企业班组建设中的主要问题 问题一、对班组重视程度趋向弱化。有的班组长,由于工作千头万绪,分散了抓班组的精力和力量,对班组这个生产组织的“小细胞”不够重视,甚至根本就搁置一边不闻不问。这种现状存在一定客观原因,但是,与班组长没有真正树立抓“三基”的思想、“班组建设可有可无”的意识是分不开的,没有对抓好班组建设的重要意义进行深层次思考。 问题二、班组管理机制不完善。由于班组考核办法交叉、重叠,造成班组管理混乱,工作落实不到位。个别班组管理机制缺乏针对性和准确性,不能有效调动班组职工的积极性。执行制度不严,机制运作不好,安全保障作用没有得到充分发挥。班组长的责、权、利尚未完全统一,班组长的权威树立不起来,影响了班组长指挥生产的效果。 问题三、培训效果不明显。个别班组未能结合工作实际,有针对性地组织开展岗位培训,缺乏实用性、灵活性和有效性。有的班组长的政治、业务和文化素质不适应当前形势任务要求,缺乏对班组管理工作规律性认识,缺少应具备的管理理念和管理思想。 问题四、考核奖惩不够逗硬。在班组“达标”、业务竞赛考核上,还存在轮流“坐庄”、弄虚作假constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 和应付检查等问题。 问题五、文明生产质量不高。个别班组不注重现场环境建设,生产秩序混乱,物流无序,备品随意丢放,跑、冒、滴、漏现象随处可见,影响了班组的整体形象。 二、班组建设在企业发展中的作用 班组是企业管理体系实现的终端环节,是企业的细胞,是促进企业由大变强的出发点和落脚点。既然如此,笔者认为班组建设在国有企业发展中具有五大作用。 一是具有人才成长的基石作用。纵观全国100佳班组的人才状况, 80%以上的科级干部都有在班组工作的经历,95%以上的技术人员都有在基层班组锻炼的体会,掌握基层、了解基层、深入基层的习惯来源于班组,不经过班组锻炼的管理者,可以说是缺课者。班组对人才的成长的确发挥了实实在在的基石作用。 二是具有企业文化落地的土壤作用。文化要落地,“土壤”是关键,这个土壤就是班组。企业文化简单地说,就是企业长期倡导,广大职工认同接受,并自觉付诸实践的价值观和行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。企业文化落地、树根、开花、结果的关键是班组,检验的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 同样也是班组。一切离开班组这个土壤的企业文化,只能是海市蜃楼、纸上谈兵的文化;不在班组这个细胞落地的企业文化,只能是昙花一现、过眼云烟的文化,毫无生命力和价值。 三是具有安全生产的主体作用。中华全国总工会、国家经贸委联合颁发的《工业企业班组安全建设意见 纲要 中国近代史纲要中国近代史纲要复习资料大学中国近代史纲要重点中外历史纲要课件乒乓球课程纲要 》明确了搞好班组安全建设的目标要求,指出:班组是加强企业管理、搞好安全生产、减少伤亡和各类灾害事故的基础和关键。而日常工作中,90%以上的事故多发生在班组,班组成为了各类违章现象的多发区,也是企业刹事故的最前沿阵地。只有班组的主体作用发挥好了,真正做到了控制未遂和异常,才能避免和防止企业发生各类事故,才能保证企业的效益稳步提高,企业的安全大厦才会坚如磐石。 四是具有制度落实的基础作用。小企业发展靠感情,国有企业发展靠制度。诚然,这些年来我constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 们的企业 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 日趋完善,但依然有执行不到位的情况,这主要是班组在落实制度上出了偏差。如一些以罚代管的办法使职工产生了抵触情绪,因而班组长在执行制度时难免要倾注感情,致使制度执行不力。因此,任何再好的办法、再科学的制度不通过班组的具体实施,是落实不了的,这些制度办法只能成为无源之水、无本之木。 五是具有质量管理的保障作用。任何企业的任何产品都是从班组生产出来的,质量好坏取决于各生产班组的工作质量。这就要求一方面管理者俯下身去,深入一线,开展调研,倾听意见,调整策略;另一方面加强职工质量意识教育,强化精细化管理,发挥班组在保障产品质量上的积极作用。 三、班组建设的现实意义 综上所述,针对当前企业班组建设中的五大问题、班组在企业发展中的五大作用,进一步深化和改进企业班组建设十分重要、十分必要,也具有十分重大的现实意义,意义就集中彰显在六大需要上。 一是组织变革的需要。随着科技进步,电子计算机的普及、电子邮件及共享数据库资源等技术的不断发展,为企业大幅度削减中间管理层次,取代中层管理者监督评价、传递信息的职能提供了可能性。同时通过减少管理层次,不仅降低了管理成本,而且有利于高管人员贴近基层,对企业更有效地实施控制。企业组织变革出现了组织结构扁平化、组织运行柔性化、组织联系网络化、组织形态虚拟化的发展趋势,而班组作为企业的最基层组织,在扁平化、柔性化、网络化、虚拟化的变革过程中,其地位和作用将越来越重要,企业竞争力与班组管理水平的联系将越来越密切。因此,在企业中加强和创新班组建设与管理是大势所趋,势在必行。 二是提高企业执行力的需要。一个企业的执行力在很大程度上是由班组来体现的。上头千条线,下头一根针。特别是对于有多个专业、多个工种的高危企业来说,提高班组的执行力尤其重要。因为白班生产有各种管理部门、领导在管控,而到了夜班,有时候在一个工序中班长就是最高行政长官,需要他们全权处理生产过程中出现的紧急和重大问题。而班组管理水平和班组长的素质则决定constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 着处理问题的质量,影响着企业的兴衰。众所周知,因一个事故处理不当,而酿成灾难使企业陷入困境的案例实在是屡见不鲜。因此有些企业领导深有感触地说:“只有把班组建设抓好了,我们晚上睡觉才能安稳。” 三是提升经济效益的需要。一个企业再正确的战略决策、再健全的规章制度、再周到的工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 都要通过班组来执行。如果班组基础不稳固,员工素质不提高,那么管理人员再有能力,也难以取得竞争优势。如,一个企业能否在市场上取得价格竞争的优势,在很大程度上是由班组决定的,因为生产和服务的成本是由班组员工来实现的。所以说出现在谈判桌前的是营销人员,而背后支撑的是班组员工。同样的设备,同样的工艺,班组管理和员工素质不一样、生产出的产品质量不一样、构成的成本也不一样。 四是保障安全生产的需要。安全生产不仅关系到企业的经济效益,而且关系到和谐企业及和谐社会的建设。企业一旦出现安全事故,就会给企业财产和员工生命带来重大损失,对社会和谐造成一定影响。因此,安全生产必须提到重于泰山的高度来认识。企业要想确保安全生产,必须加强和创新班组建设,增强安全意识,执行安全制度。企业的许多安全制度都有着血淋淋的惨痛教训。我们应该坚信,只要认认真真地执行安全制度,企业安全生产是必然的,发生安全事故则是偶然的。就象人们千百次地出入自己的家门而不会走错一样自然。 五是建设和谐企业的需要。要建设和谐企业必须建设和谐班组。班组是企业的细胞,只有各个细胞健康,才能保障整个机体的健康。班组不仅承担着完成生产、服务任务的职能,而且是员工学习知识、交流情感、实现价值的重要场所。按照近朱者赤、近墨者黑的原理,如果班组管理混乱、歪风盛行、人心涣散不仅生产不出合格产品和提供优质服务,而且难免出现安全和质量事故,制造人际矛盾,使企业不得安宁,企业的和谐就无从谈起。实践证明,要建设和谐企业及和谐班组必须重视班组建设,通过加强班组建设形成健康的班组文化,建立严明的规章制度,建设学习型团队,培育和谐的人际氛围。 constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 六是员工全面发展的需要。企业员工每天24小时中最重要的8小时是在班组中度过的,班组 是企业中最重要的集体,企业的发展目标、员工的职业规划、人生的自我价值大都需要通过班组来 实现。要把对员工的关心和爱护真正落实到班组,把加强和创新班组建设放在“以人为本”,构建和谐 企业的高度来认识,认真抓实抓好。班组是员工工作、学习和培训的重要场所。老员工需要在班组 补充新的知识,青年员工需要在班组接受实践锻炼,增加阅历和经验,班组自然成了每个职工工作、 学习、成长不可或缺的平台。 constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor;
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