首页 第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞

第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞


第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞 昆虫触角课外延伸资料 六下科学第一单元 汪东琴 1、触角 科技名词定义 中文名称: 触角 英文名称: antenna;antennae (复) 定义1: 昆虫头部的一对起感觉作用的分节附肢,着生于额区,复眼之前或之间。 应用学科: 古生物学(一级学科);古无脊椎动物学(二级学科);节肢动物门(三级学科) 定义2: 位于头部的一对分节的感觉附肢。 应用学科: 昆虫学(一级学科);昆虫外部形态(二级学科) 2、昆虫的重要感受器 昆虫的头部有两根像...

第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞
第一单元昆虫触角课外延伸资料 李秋霞 昆虫触角课外延伸资料 六下科学第一单元 汪东琴 1、触角 科技名词定义 中文名称: 触角 英文名称: antenna;antennae (复) 定义1: 昆虫头部的一对起感觉作用的分节附肢,着生于额区,复眼之前或之间。 应用学科: 古生物学(一级学科);古无脊椎动物学(二级学科);节肢动物门(三级学科) 定义2: 位于头部的一对分节的感觉附肢。 应用学科: 昆虫学(一级学科);昆虫外部形态(二级学科) 2、昆虫的重要感受器 昆虫的头部有两根像“天线”一样的须,叫做触角,形状各异,十分奇特。 3、作用 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 蝶角蛉 通常昆虫总是在左右上下停地摆动触角,好像两根天线或雷达时刻在接受电波和追踪目标。因为触角上有许多感觉器和嗅觉器,与触角窝内的许多感觉神经末梢相连,又直接与中枢神经连网,非常灵敏,既能感触物体、感觉气流,又能嗅到各种气味,甚至是远距离散发出来的。 当受到外界刺激后,中枢神经便可支配昆虫进行各种活动。如二化螟的触角,可凭借水稻的气味刺激寻找到它的食物水稻,菜粉蝶的触角可根据接受到的芥子油气味很快发现它的食物十字花科植物。嗅觉最灵敏的是印第安月亮蛾,能从11千米以外的地方察觉到配偶的性外激素。有些姬蜂的触角可凭借害虫体上散发出的微弱红外线,准确无误地搜寻到躲在作物或树木茎杆中的寄主。 对于某些昆虫,触角还有其他作用。例如水生的仰蝽在仰泳时,将触角展开有平衡身体的作用;水龟虫用触角帮助呼吸;萤蚊的幼虫用触角捕捉猎物;芫菁的雄虫在交配时用触角来抱握雌虫的身体;云斑鳃金龟的雄虫用触角发声,像蟋蟀一样,用于招引雌虫。 4、结构 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 触角关节的显微结构 除原尾目、一些双翅目、寄生性膜翅目的幼虫其触角退化外,昆虫均具一对触角,因而很多学者将其另辟一纲。 所有的触角都生长在头部额区膜质的小坑枣触角窝中,有的位于复眼之前,有的位于复眼之间,分为3个节: 柄节 柄节(Scape) 为基部的一节,一般粗壮,其内着生有肌肉,可以自由活动。触角的活动主要由此节来决定。柄节上一般没有感觉器,其变化也很小。较短较粗,用来支撑上面两节的活动,形状和作用像树叶的叶柄一样。 梗节 梗节(Pedicel) 为触角的第二节,一般细小,其内着生有起源于柄节的肌肉,着生在梗节的基部。有的种类有感觉器,例如在蚊子的雄虫中生有琼氏登器(Johnston Organ),这是一种听觉器官。现已经在许多昆虫中都有。它是在听觉器官中,感觉最敏锐的一种。较细而短。 鞭节 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 鞭节(Flagellum) 为第二节后的各节,常由一到数十节组成。例如蚜茧蜂有40节。鞭节除无翅亚纲中的弹尾目和双尾目着生有肌肉外,均无。因此,鞭节的活动主要为被动的。更细,可分为许多小短节,由几个到几十个不等,但在同一种内一般有固定的数目,统称鞭节。 鞭节是触角中行使感觉作用的主要部分,主要是嗅觉作用,相当于哺乳动物的鼻子;其次为触觉作用,由其上的感觉毛感触振动。鞭节在雌雄中往往有明显的差异。例如金龟甲、蚊子、蛾类、芫菁等。小蜂的雄虫鞭节十分发达、长大,用于接收由雌虫传来的雌性激素,用于发现配偶。很多昆虫能感知几公里外雌虫存在,每立方米空气中仅几个分子,即能激发起感觉电位的发生。 由于昆虫种类、性别不同,它们触角的长短、粗细和形状各不相同,例如蝗虫的触角很短,螽斯的触角很长,呈线状;蝴蝶的触角细长而末端膨大,蛾的触角很短,呈羽状;雄蚊触角长有许多刚毛,呈毛丛状,而雌蚊则刚毛很少;天牛的触角比它的身体还长,金龟子的则很短小,呈棒状。最长的为新几内亚天牛的触角,长达20厘米。只有原尾目昆虫没有触角,双翅目、膜翅目幼虫的触角大多退化。 因此,触角也常作为识别昆虫种类、性别的重要特征。昆虫触角的种类大致可分为12种: 刚毛状 很短,基部1-2节较粗大,鞭纤细似鬃毛,如蝉、飞虱和蜻蜓等; 丝状 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 除基部两节稍粗大外,鞭节由许多大小相似的小节相连成细丝状,向端部逐渐变细,如蝗虫、蟋蟀等; 念珠状 鞭节各小节近似圆珠形,大小相似,如串珠状,如白蚁; 锯齿状 鞭节各小节近似三角形,向一侧呈齿状突出,形如锯条,如锯天牛、叩头虫、芫菁等; 栉齿状 鞭节各小节向一侧或两侧呈细枝状突出,形似梳子,如绿豆象雄虫、一些甲虫、蛾类雌虫; 双栉齿状 (羽毛状) 鞭节各小节向两侧作细枝状突出,形似鸟羽,如毒蛾、樟蚕蛾和许多蛾类雄虫; 膝状 柄节特长,梗节细小,鞭节各小节大小相似(并与柄节呈成膝状曲折相接,如蜜蜂; 具芒状 很短,鞭节仅1节,但异常膨大,其上生有刚毛状触角芒,芒上有时还有很多细毛,如蝇类; 环毛状 鞭节各小节都具一圈细毛,愈接近基部的细毛愈长,如雄蚊; 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they 棍棒状 (球杆状) 基部各节细长如杆,端部数节逐渐膨大,整个形状似一根棒球杆,如蝶类; 锤状 基部各节细长如杆,端部数节突然膨大似锤,如露尾虫、郭公虫、皮囊; 鳃片状 端部数节向一侧扩展成薄片状,相叠在一起形似鱼鳃,如金龟甲。 6.2.6 establishing construction site welding secondary, secondary electrode consisted of Rod piled up, welding rod ovens, incubators, thermometers, hygrometers and backing of electrodes, receiving, payment and recovery system. And person responsible for the secondary database. 6.2.7 construction welding machines, grinding machines, plasma cutting machine tool experience is qualified. 6.2.8 welding electrodes, welding wire selection in line with national and industry standards requirements, welding material welding materials quality manual should be provided, its chemical composition, mechanical properties and other indicators should conform to the requirements of the relevant standards, appearance may not have defects such as corrosion, unqualified products cannot be used. 6.2.9 electrode, flux drying before use according to the regulations, and should be kept dry during use, wires should be removed before using the surface oil, rust, etc. Electrodes must not fall off, no rust spots and obvious cracks. 6.3 6.3.1 electrode electrode selection and management list trumpeter argon arc welding electrode arc welding of steel 10# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA 20# E4303 J427 H08Mn2SiA Q235-A E4303 J422, H08Mn2SiA 304 E308 A102 H0Cr21Ni10 316L E00-19 A002 H00Cr21Ni10 321 E347 A137 H0Cr21Ni10Ti 1 5Cr ... (2) the purity of argon carbon steel and alloy steel pipe shall not be less than 99.9%. (3) the welding field wind-proof, rain-proof measures must be taken, when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, when the wind speed is greater than 2m/s, do not allow application of argon arc welding, when the wind speed is greater than 8M/s, do not allow the application of arc welding. Welding shall not be less than 0 ? ambient temperature. (4) prior to welding, you should review the lip size, meet the requirements before they
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