首页 永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(定稿)



永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(定稿)永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(定稿) 永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试 地理学科试卷2014/05/09 命题人 王振良 核对人 吕向阳 第?巻(70分) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每题2分,共70分) 2013年2月~我国首艘航母辽宁舰正式入驻青岛某军港。读图1,回答1,2两题。 1(青岛航母基地濒临的海洋是 A(渤海 B(黄海 C(东海 D(南海 2(青岛航母基地海岸地貌的特征很可能是 ?地势平坦 ?地势险峻 ?滩涂广阔 ?坡陡水深 A(?? B(...

永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(定稿) 永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试 地理学科试卷2014/05/09 命题人 王振良 核对人 吕向阳 第?巻(70分) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,每题2分,共70分) 2013年2月~我国首艘航母辽宁舰正式入驻青岛某军港。读图1,回答1,2两题。 1(青岛航母基地濒临的海洋是 A(渤海 B(黄海 C(东海 D(南海 2(青岛航母基地海岸地貌的特征很可能是 ?地势平坦 ?地势险峻 ?滩涂广阔 ?坡陡水深 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 图1 区域行业分工指数可大致衡量区域分工的程度。指数值越高~两地区的行业差异性越大~反之则两地区产业相同性越大。读 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf l完成3,4题。 表1 环渤海地区分工指数 1997年 天津 河北 山东 辽宁省 2001年 天津 河北 山东 辽宁 北京 0.393 0.684 0.785 0.528 北京 0.437 0.908 0.938 0.753 天津 0.688 0.653 0.519 天津 0.691 0.738 0.678 河北 0.387 0.463 河北 0.519 0.530 ] 山东 0.546 山东 0.728 3(与北京产业结构最为相似的省级行政区是 A(天津 B(河北 C(山东 D(辽宁 4(1997—2001年,分工指数的变化说明环渤海地区 A(专业化分工进一步加强 B(产业结构趋于一致 C(经济发展速度都在加快 D(内部竞争更加激烈 图3为沿图2,相邻经线或纬线的间隔均为5?,某剖面线的地形剖面示意图。完成5,7题。 米 甲 丙 2000 1500 L 1 1000 乙 500 L 2 0 125?E L L 100?E 34110?E 25?N 45?N 35?N 图3 图2 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 5(图3依据的剖面线是图2的 A(L B(L C(L D(L 12346(图3所示剖面两侧大致上是我国的 A(第二级阶梯和第三级阶梯 B(人口稠密区和人口稀疏区 C(半湿润区和半干旱区 D(季风区和非季风区 7(乙地区冬季气温比同纬度我国其他地区偏高的主要原因是 A(海拔较低 B(甲地形区阻挡冬季风 C(日照时间较长 D(丙地形区阻挡冬季风 图4为我国自然地理分界线附近某地的气候资料示意图。完成8,9题。 8.该地气候可能属于 A.热带季风气候与亚热带季风气候的过渡类型 B.亚热带季风气候与温带季风气候的过渡类型 C.温带季风气候与温带大陆性气候的过渡类型 D.亚热带季风气候与青藏高原气候的过渡类型 9.该地最可能位于 A.横断山 B.秦岭 冈底斯山 C. D.贺兰山 芦苇是一种湿地挺水植物~它在秋季对水量要求较低~淹水时间过长反而会抑制其长势。读图5,回答10,11题。 10(“夏秋天水一色,冬春草洲无边”是对鄱阳湖壮观景色的真实写照,该景观形成的主要原 因是 三峡运行前后(2003年)鄱阳湖年平均A(农业生产周期性特点 苔草和芦苇分布面积 单位:平方公里B(降水的季节性变化 700C(气温的季节性变化 三峡运行前(2003年前)三峡运行后(2003年后)600D(植被的季节性变化 50011(鄱阳湖芦苇分布面积的400变化说明了 300 A(湖泊水位季节变化变200 小了 100 0B(连年干旱,丰水期“晚苔草面积(年平均)芦苇面积(年平均)来早走” C(生态环境明显改善 图5 D(降水增多,丰水期“早来迟走” 中国的玉米种植主要是春播玉米和夏播玉米~其中夏播玉米一般在小麦收割之后播种。 图6为中国玉米种植优势区域示意图。读图完成12,13题。 publicity and education to prevent unsafe beal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainsite electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in norm-rkers. 2, onion wots. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for constructnt the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevetier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a cert-t be in the threete musty management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the siutions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safepreca nlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safetyectrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be u, elpedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of ement,n the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the managem, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened operiodically check the security systn the main construction sites, jobtruction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. Ition license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total conssecond figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) produc-construction site safety signs must have a "six second figure" and-s handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "sixmeasures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident filefixed dous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, ot be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazarnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall ndown, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations person-the security technology to give the lowns of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operatiolaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of . To eip and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technologyinspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadersh, the project has developed a safety tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore-havior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three2 12(下列玉米优势区域中,主要种植夏播玉米的是 A(? B(? C(? D(? 13(下列关于中国优势区域玉米种植条件的分析,正确的是 A(?地区纬度较高,热量充足 B(?地区海拔高,气温年较差大 C(?地区秋季晴朗,利于收摘 D(?地区土层深厚,土壤肥沃 图7为1999,2007年我国耕地减少的重心转移示意图~图8为1999,2007年我国耕地面积与粮食产量变化曲线图。读图完成14,15题。 14(1999,2003年,我国耕地减少的重心转移的主要原因是 A(东南沿海地区城市化速度快 B(东南沿海地区种植业结构调整 C(西部大开发 D(西北地区合理开发耕地后备资源 15(2003,2007年,我国粮食产量变化的主要原因是 A(资金、科技投入加大 B(交通条件不断改善 C(农业劳动力增加 D(经济作物种植面积扩大 2012年12月~哈大,哈尔滨—大连,高速铁路通车~它是我国目前在最北端的严寒地区设计建设标准最高的铁路。图9为我国“四纵四横”客运专线网 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 图~读图完成16,17题。 cationety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualifisponsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safbe re y. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians musthe construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safetin t food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6,of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation3, electrical equipment erection rain ssing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs.site electrical equipment without pa-uction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, onoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen constrmonit tificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has specialion of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certier security education, educat-uction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the threeof safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized constr3 图9 16(下列关于“四纵四横”客运专线网叙述正确的是 A(经过了中国的三级阶梯 B(经过了中国的三大自然区 C(经过了中国的三大经济地带 D(经过了中国的三大高原 17(哈大高速铁路修建过程中可能遇到的困难有 ?输电线除冰 ?高寒缺氧 ?路轨除雪 ?多年冻土 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 表2为2010年四个省份地理数据统计情况。读表,判断第18,19题。 表2 省份 ?[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K] ? ? ? 地理要素 >65岁人口比重 9.3% 7.8% 6.3% 7.6% 第一、第二、第三产业之比 6?54?40 29:30:41 11:55 :34 14:58:28 人口年均增长率 1.53% 0.98% 0.83% 0.16% 城市化率 62% 49.1% 44.7% 48% 18(?、?、?、?四个省份对应正确的是 A(?浙江、?海南、?青海、?河南 B(?青海、?浙江、?海南、?河南 C(?海南、?浙江、?青海、?河南 D(?浙江、?青海、?河南、?海南 19(下列关于各省的说法不正确的 A(?省份人口年增长率大主要是外来人口迁入造成 B(?省份第三产业比重最高,说明经济发展水平最高 C(?省份目前经济发展水平最低 D(四个省份中?省份老龄化程度最重 publicity and education to prevent unsafe beal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainsite electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in norm-rkers. 2, onion wots. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for constructnt the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevetier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a cert-t be in the threete musty management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the siutions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safepreca nlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safetyectrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be u, elpedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of ement,n the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the managem, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened operiodically check the security systn the main construction sites, jobtruction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. Ition license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total conssecond figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) produc-construction site safety signs must have a "six second figure" and-s handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "sixmeasures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident filefixed dous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, ot be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazarnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall ndown, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations person-the security technology to give the lowns of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operatiolaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of . To eip and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technologyinspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadersh, the project has developed a safety tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore-havior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three4 下图为中国农业综合开发分布示意图。读图回答20,21题。 20.造成我国各地农业生产发展 差异的最主要因素是 A.水源、土壤 B.劳动力、技术 C.气候、地形 D.市场、交通 21.与?地区相比,?地区粮食生 产的优势条件是 A.机械化水平高 B.土壤肥力高 C.水热资源丰富 D.人均耕地面积大 下图为吉林省湿地面积变化图。读图完成22,23题。 22.图中显示吉林省湿地存在的问题是 A.湿地总面积急剧减少 B.天然湿地生态功能下降 C.湿地建设得不到重视 D.旅游开发导致湿地污染严重 23.有利于吉林省湿地保护的措施有 ?生态退耕 ?建立自然保护区 ?南水北调 ?建立有效的管理协调机制 铺设防渗地膜 ? A.??? B.??? C.??? D.??? 2012年10月25日8时,随着鄱阳湖星子站水位跌至12米以下,我国第一大淡水湖——鄱 阳湖正式进入低水位期。结合鄱阳湖位置示意图,回答24,25题。 24.2012年10月以来,造成鄱阳湖水位下降的 主要原因可能包括 ?赣江流域降水减少 ?湖泊水补给长江水 ?周边地区引水灌溉 蒸发加剧 ?气候干旱, A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 25.鄱阳湖周边地区耕地不足,人地矛盾尖锐。 从可持续发展的角度考虑,鄱阳湖周边地区应 ?围湖造田,扩大耕地面积 ?发展水产养殖和农产品加工工业 ?开发旅游资源,发展第三产业 ?修建电站,开发水能资源 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? oring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen constrmonit tificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has specialion of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certier security education, educat-uction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the threeof safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized constr cationety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualifisponsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safbe re y. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians musthe construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safetin t food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6,of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation3, electrical equipment erection rain ssing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs.site electrical equipment without pa-uction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on5 读东北地区河流封冻等日数线分布图。回答26,27题。 26.造成M、P两地河流封冻日数差异的主要因素是 ?海拔高低 ?冬季风的影响强度 ?水流速度 ?纬度位置 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 27.松花江防汛部门为密切注意P河段冰情,可采取的合理手段是 A.利用GPS技术,分析河流未来封冻情况 B.利用GIS技术,定位冰块的流淌速度 C.利用RS技术,确定封冻河段 D.利用数字地球,虚拟河流封冻 某大河的一条支流与 干流之间存在“吞吐” 关系,下图示意该支流 出口处1970,2000年 间年净径流量(输出径 流量与输入径流量之 差) 和年净输沙量 (输出泥沙量和输入泥 沙量之差)。根据图文 资料和所学知识,完成 28,30题。 28.下列各时间段中, 年净径流量与年净输沙量变化趋势最接近的是 A.1970年,1976年 B.1977年,1984年 C.1980年,1989年 D.1989年,2000年 29.该支流流入 A.黄河 B.长江 C.辽河 D.黑龙江 30.1983年以来,年净输沙量总体呈下降趋势,最可能的原因是该支流流域 A.建设用沙量增加 B.兴修水库和森林覆盖率提高 C.矿产资源开发力度加大 D.连续干旱 -rkers. 2, onion wots. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for constructnt the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevetier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a cert-t be in the threete musty management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the siutions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safepreca nlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safetyectrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be u, elpedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of ement,n the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the managem, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened operiodically check the security systn the main construction sites, jobtruction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. Ition license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total conssecond figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) produc-construction site safety signs must have a "six second figure" and-s handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "sixmeasures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident filefixed dous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, ot be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazarnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall ndown, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations person-the security technology to give the lowns of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operatiolaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of . To eip and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technologyinspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadersh, the project has developed a safety tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore-havior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a threepublicity and education to prevent unsafe beal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainsite electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in norm6 我国与地理有关的诗词、谚语众多~如?“清明时节雨纷纷”、?“黄梅时节家家雨”、?“三月无雨旱风起~麦苗不秀多黄死”、?“早穿皮袄午穿纱~围着火炉吃西瓜”、?“山北黄牛下地~山南水牛犁田”等。据此完成31,32题。 31.????依次反映的是我国哪几个地区的地理特征 A.青藏高原 黄土高原 黄淮海平原 西北地区 B.云贵高原 长江中下游地区 华北平原 青藏高原 C.东南沿海地区 长江中下游地区 华北平原 西北地区 D.江淮地区 华北平原 西北地区 四川盆地 32.属于谚语?所示地区南部区域特征的有 ?地带性土壤肥力较高 ?河流众多 ?植被以落叶阔叶林为主 ?水热条件优越,盛产甜菜、油菜 ?有全国最大的综合性工业基地 A.??? B.?? C.??? D.?? 图中甲地出产的小枣因核小肉厚、含糖量高而成为优质红枣品种。据此完成33,35题。 33.甲地因地制宜种植该品种枣树,主要是因为其 A.耐旱 B.耐涝 C.抗病虫害 D.占耕地少 34.对甲地枣树生长威胁最大的自然灾害是 A.干旱 B.洪涝 C.台风 D.冻害 35.甲地小枣品质优良,主要是因为该地 A.光照强,气温日较差大 B.气温日较差小,降水多 tificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has specialion of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certier security education, educat-uction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the threeof safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized constr cationety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualifisponsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safbe re y. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians musthe construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safetin t food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6,of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation3, electrical equipment erection rain ssing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs.site electrical equipment without pa-uction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, onoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen constrmonit 7 C.降水少,地形平坦 D.绿洲广布,土壤肥沃 第?巻(30分) 二、非选择题(2小题,共30分) 36.(13分)读下列材料和下图,回答: 材料一 北方果农利用农家有机材料如麦秸、稻草、玉米秆、杂草等有机物质~覆盖于树盘、树行,一行行果树,或全园。覆盖厚度在15,20cm~一般连续覆盖3,4年为一个周期。每年将腐烂的物质埋入果园地~然后继续覆盖上述有机物质~但覆盖时应避开2—3月份。 材料二 我国北方局部地区年太阳日照时数图 材料三 表3 A、B两苹果产地气候资料比较 年平均气年降水量年日照时数夏季平均 温(?) (mm) (小时) 气温(?) B产区 9-11 25.5 A产区 12-14 26 北半球最适宜区 8-12 560-750 > 2500 19-23 (1)从年均温、年降水量判断A、B两地种植苹果条件的优劣,并分析两地年太阳日照时数的差异及原因。(5分) (2)建苹果汁企业,A地相对B地的优势区位有哪些,(2分) (3)为什么覆草应该避开2-3月份,果农在果园覆草对果树生长有哪些有利的影响,(6分) al working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainsite electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in norm-rkers. 2, onion wots. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for constructnt the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevetier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a cert-t be in the threete musty management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the siutions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safepreca nlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safetyectrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be u, elpedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of ement,n the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the managem, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened operiodically check the security systn the main construction sites, jobtruction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. Ition license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total conssecond figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) produc-construction site safety signs must have a "six second figure" and-s handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "sixmeasures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident filefixed dous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, ot be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazarnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall ndown, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations person-the security technology to give the lowns of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operatiolaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of . To eip and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technologyinspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadersh, the project has developed a safety tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore-havior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a threepublicity and education to prevent unsafe be8 37((17分)读下列材料,回答: 材料一:图14为松花江流域水系示意图,图15为大庆市2009年及2013年产业结构统计图。 材料二:世界有三大黑土分布区:乌克兰大平原、美国密西西比河流域、中国松辽流域和三江平原。 (1)简述嫩江干流东西两侧支流水系特征的差异。(6分) (2)归纳世界黑土区的共同分布特征,从地理环境整体性角度分析黑土形成的自然条件。(6分) (3)简述大庆产业结构的变化,并就图中反映的产业结构问题提出合理化建议。(5分) monit tificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has specialion of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certier security education, educat-uction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the threeof safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized constr cationety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualifisponsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safbe re y. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians musthe construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safetin t food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6,of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation3, electrical equipment erection rain ssing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs.site electrical equipment without pa-uction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, onoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen constr9 永康一中2013学年第二学期高二年级期中考试 地理学科试卷参考答案 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每题2分,共70分) 1——10BDAAC BDCDB 11——20BDCCA CCABC 21——30CBAAB BCABB 31——35CDADA 二、非选择题(2小题,共30分) 36.(13分) (1)(5分) 年均温A地劣于B地(1分);降水量A地优于B地(1分)。 A地年日照时数小于B地(1分):B地降水少,晴天多(1分);且海拔较高,太阳辐射削弱少(1分) (2)(2分) 交通便利,靠近国内市场,产品运输成本低(1分); 沿海临近港口便于出口国外市场(1分)。 (3) (6分) 2,3月份覆草会影响地温回升。(2分) 有利的影响(答对4点即可,共4分):?减少水分蒸发;?防止水土流失;?调节土温,夏季不过热、冬季不过冷;?改善土壤理化性状,提高土壤肥力;?防止杂草生长,减轻病虫害;?提高树体营养水平,促进果树生长。 37((17分) (1)西部较东部支流多(2分);西侧向东南流,东侧向西南流(2分);西侧支流流域面积广(2分);西侧支流流程长(任3点,总分不超过6分) (2)分布(4分):?(四季分明的)中纬度地区(1分)(温带、寒温带也给1分); ?半湿润气候区(1分); ?平原地区(1分); ?森林向草原过度地带(1分); 条件(写出两点得2分):气候寒冷(冬季漫长而寒冷),有机质分解慢(腐殖质)易积累(1分);(草甸草本)植物繁茂等(1分);有季节性积水(1分)。 (3)(5分) 大庆产业结构的变化(2分): 第一产业、第二产业下降,第三产业上升(石油产业比重下降,非石油产业比重有所上升也给2分)。 合理化建议(3分):降低第二产业比重(提高第三产业比重)(1分);降低石油产业比重(提高非石油产业比重)(1分);发展新兴工业(优化产业结构)(1分)。 havior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a threepublicity and education to prevent unsafe beal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainsite electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in norm-rkers. 2, onion wots. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for constructnt the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevetier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a cert-t be in the threete musty management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the siutions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safepreca nlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safetyectrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be u, elpedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of ement,n the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the managem, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened operiodically check the security systn the main construction sites, jobtruction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. Ition license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total conssecond figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) produc-construction site safety signs must have a "six second figure" and-s handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "sixmeasures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident filefixed dous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, ot be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazarnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall ndown, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations person-the security technology to give the lowns of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operatiolaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of . To eip and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technologyinspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadersh, the project has developed a safety tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore-10
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