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我国强制医疗程序适用对象我国强制医疗程序适用对象 我国强制医疗程序适用对象的再探讨 【摘要】《新刑诉法》在《刑法》第18条的基础上对强制医疗程序进行了完善,但是,也应看到,《新刑诉法》对强制医疗的规定尚有不尽妥当之处,比较突出的便是对强制医疗适用对象的规定相对单一:一方面表现为“精神病人”的称谓有待规范,另一方面适用对象的外延也有待于进一步扩充。本文认为,强制医疗的适用对象应是“精神障碍者”,包括无刑事责任能力的精神障碍者、无受审能力的精神障碍者、服刑期间患病的精神障碍者。 【关键词】强制医疗;适用对象;探讨一、引言 随着社会压力的...

我国强制医疗程序适用对象 我国强制医疗程序适用对象的再探讨 【摘要】《新刑诉法》在《刑法》第18条的基础上对强制医疗程序进行了完善,但是,也应看到,《新刑诉法》对强制医疗的规定尚有不尽妥当之处,比较突出的便是对强制医疗适用对象的规定相对单一:一方面表现为“精神病人”的称谓有待 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,另一方面适用对象的外延也有待于进一步扩充。本文认为,强制医疗的适用对象应是“精神障碍者”,包括无刑事责任能力的精神障碍者、无受审能力的精神障碍者、服刑期间患病的精神障碍者。 【关键词】强制医疗;适用对象;探讨一、引言 随着社会压力的增加,我国精神病患者人数逐年高升,发病率呈增加趋势。根据中国疾病预防控制中心精神卫生中心2009年初公布的数据,我国各类精神疾病患者人数在1亿人以上,其中重性精神病患人数已超过1600万。,1,另据世界卫生组织推算,到2020年,我国精神疾病负担将上升至疾病负担的25%。,2,与精神病人数量增加相一致的是精神病人肇事肇祸的情况在现实中呈现多发状态,极大地损害了社会公共秩序。为保障社会利益,纠正法律失范,我国《新刑诉法》第五编第四章适时对强制医疗程序进行了完善和扩充,相比《刑法》第十八条,这无疑是一个巨大的进步。但是,也应该看到,《新刑诉法》对强制医疗的规定尚有不尽完善之处,比较突出的便是对强制医疗适用对象的规定不尽妥当。 要 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一个符合社会现实需要又能保护当事人合法权利的正当程序,首先我们需要明确的就是这一程序所针对的对象,只有明确地Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 划定了适用对象,才能根据这些适用对象的本身特性有针对性的进行程序设计。因此,要在我国刑事诉讼中设计一种合理的强制医疗程序,我们首先应当明了我国强制医疗程序的适用对象。二、对“精神病人”称谓的再探讨 在讨论强制医疗的对象之前,笔者认为有必要首先修正一个称谓问题。 依照我国《新刑诉法》第284条规定,刑事强制医疗措施的适用对象仅限于精神病人。然而通观新刑诉法及其他法律法规规定,并没有对我国“精神病人”的内涵予以明确界定,司法操作中也缺乏对“精神病人”的内涵的明确解释。从我国刑法的立法背景来看,我国刑法中对“精神病人”的界定与医学上的界定有着明显的不同,刑法中对“精神病人”的界定,主要解决的是一个人承担法律责任能力的问题,而医学上对“精神病人”的界定主要是着眼于医学研究和医学实践的需要。其实,“精神病”是一个大众化、口语化的称谓。在我国的精神医学领域,早已用“精神障碍”或者“精神疾病”取代“精神病”这一称谓。因此,将这么一个非专业化、概念非确定化的词汇写入新刑诉法,本身就不甚规范。,3,后者的科学性体现在其本身包含有医学 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、法学标准和心理学标准,其不仅能够反映某人具有精神疾病的外在表现,更重要的是能够反映某人在精神疾病的状态下是否具有自我认知和控制能力,所以本文认为,应将法条中“精神病人”用“精神障碍者”或“精神疾病患者”来加以替换。三、对强制医疗程序适用对象范围的再探讨 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village (一)强制医疗程序的适用对象应包括限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者 我国《刑法》第18条第3款规定:“尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人犯罪的,应当负刑事责任,但是可以从轻或者减轻处罚。”从这一条款我们可以看出。限制刑事责任的精神病患者犯罪的,只是“可以”从轻或者减轻处罚。在司法实务中,有不少限制刑事责任的犯罪嫌疑人或被告人所实施的犯罪与辨认与控制行为能力的减弱没有直接联系,因此没有被从轻或减轻处罚。随之而来的问题是,被判处刑罚的限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者是否要被收监执行刑罚。,4, 我国现行《刑事诉讼法》第214条规定,对于被判处有期徒刑或者拘役的罪犯,有严重疾病需要保外就医的,可以暂予监外执行。对于适用保外就医可能有社会危险性的罪犯,不得保外就医。由上述法律规定我们可以看出,对于有社会危险性的罪犯,即使有严重疾病也应该收监。尽管法律没有明确规定精神障碍者是否收监,但是毫无疑问,严重疾病作为总概念,自然包括严重的精神疾病。也就是说,对于判处实刑的限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者,即使病情严重,但具有社会危险性,则仍然应该收监。但是将精神障碍犯罪嫌疑人和罪犯送监关押时,看守所和监狱是不予收押的。?由于存在上述法律冲突,实践中容易出现精神障碍者无法收监执行的情形。为了维护社会秩序,并有效保障精神障碍这是的合法权益,笔Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 者认为,强制医疗程序的适用对象应该涵盖没有服刑能力的限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者。人民法院在对其做出刑罚判决的同时,应判决其接受强制医疗,待强制医疗终止条件后,再收监执行剩余的刑罚,强制医疗的时间应计入刑期。(二)应包括无受审能力的精神障碍者 关于受审能力,目前国内外并无统一定论。国外的一部分学者认为受审能力是一个人理解被控告的性质及其可能带来的后果,以及能在辩护时与律师合理配合的能力。,5,另外有学者认为有关被告人接受审查和判决的主体资格即为受审能力,是被告人以自己对刑事诉讼活动中法律赋予被告人的权利和义务,以及刑事诉讼的意义的理解和操作,接受刑事审查和判决的能力。,6, 刑事诉讼要解决的中心问题,就是犯罪嫌疑人、刑事被告人定罪量刑的问题。犯罪嫌疑人、刑事被告人依法行使诉讼权利和履行诉讼义务,是刑事诉讼活动合法、公正进行的重要条件。但是精神障碍者不同于正常人,其丧失理性,行为异常,因此不可能像正常人一样运用法律武器维护自己的权益。他们既不能正确地理解自己的所作所为,也不能配合辩护人行使辩护权。在这种情况下进行诉讼是不公正的,也是不人道的,因此,就产生了一个受审能力的问题。在司法精神医学鉴定实践中,被告人若患有精神疾病,确有足够的证据证明被告人丧失诉讼行为能力,无法理解自己的权利与义务,无法与他人配合进行诉讼,即可判定此被告人为无受审能力人。此时,应该由法院裁定中止案件的审理,将被告人送往指定的医疗机Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 构给予治疗照护,并定期对其受审能力进行复查评估,待其病情好转,恢复受审能力后,继续审理。因此,强制医疗的适用对象也应包括无受审能力的精神障碍者。(三)应增加服刑期间罹患精神障碍者 无论是《刑法》还是《精神病司法鉴定暂行规定》,我国现行法律法规均没有对服刑期间患精神障碍的罪犯处置问题予以明确。可以说这是一个需要引起注意的法律失范问题。在司法实务中,若罪犯在服刑期间罹患精神疾病,一般是有监狱等单位的精神科医生予以诊疗,提出相关意见,最终由监狱等部门做出是否保外就医的决定。?有必要指出的是,精神障碍虽然属于疾病的一种,但具有慢性治愈的特征,有的精神障碍甚至是终身不能治愈的,这与保外就医的初衷也有些许背离的地方。因此,有必要将在服刑期间罹患精神障碍的罪犯纳入到强制医疗适用对象的范畴内。一旦出现罪犯在服刑期间罹患精神障碍需要保外就医的,可将此种情形上报至原审法院,由其做出强制医疗的判决。,7,强制治疗的时间应计入刑期,强制医疗一日折抵监狱监禁一日,待符合强制医疗终止条件后,再收监执行剩余刑罚。 注释: ?如《看守所条例》第10条规定:“看守所收押人犯,应当进行健康检查,有下列情形之一的,不予收押:(1)患有精神病或者急性传染病的;„„”1982年公安部《监狱、劳改队管教工作细则(试Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 行)》第9条曾经规定:”收押犯人,应当进行健康检查,有下列情形之一的,拒绝收押:(1)有精神病或者患有急性、恶性传染病的;(2)有严重疾病需要保外就医的;„„” ?参见1990年《罪犯保外就医执行 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 》中的相关规定。参考文献: ,1,陈泽伟.我国精神病患者超1亿,1600万重患者监护不力,j/ol,.http: //wenku.baidu.com/view/caccc4a6f524ccbff12184d0.html,(访问日期:2011-04-07). ,2,蒋美琪.论我国强制医疗诉讼程序的构建,d,.华东政法大学硕士 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ,2011:1. ,3,屠嘉铃.强制医疗探讨,d,.西南政法大学硕士论文,2011:24. ,4,杨哓飞.论刑法中的强制医疗,d,.中国政法大学硕士论文,2007:26. ,5,werner a,”the american psychiatric association’’ s nary”,m,.washington dc,the american psychiatric press, 1985psychiatric glos-p.65. ,6,孙东东.精神病人的法律能力,m,.北京:现代出版社,1992:37-44. ,7,杨哓飞.论刑法中的强制医疗,d,.中国政法大学硕士论文,2007:28. Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village
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