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山西省交通运输厅安全生产大检查用表山西省交通运输厅安全生产大检查用表 山西省交通运输厅安全生产督查汇总用表,一, 项目名称: 督查施工单位(个) 发现的重大安全隐患(个) 下发指令(个) 督查的具体情况 序号 合同段 施工单位 工程名称 发现的主要问题 处理情况 检查负责人: 检查组成员: 年 月 日 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation o...

山西省交通运输厅安全生产大检查用表 山西省交通运输厅安全生产督查汇总用表,一, 项目名称: 督查施工单位(个) 发现的重大安全隐患(个) 下发指令(个) 督查的具体情况 序号 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 段 施工单位 工程名称 发现的主要问题 处理情况 检查负责人: 检查组成员: 年 月 日 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 山西省交通运输厅安全生产基础工作督查用表,二, 项目名称: 合同段: 抽查指标项 检查内容 督查情况描述 备注 安全生产 有无1.安全生产费用使用台帐~台账 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 是否清楚 , 、有台帐、记清楚,2、施工人员投保意外伤害保险 1费 2.用 是否对施工人员投保意外伤害保险, 安全生产责任制、检查、培训、事故报告等制项制度是否建立~有无针1.安全生产 对性~落实情况, 制定安全生产责任制,检查、培训、事故报告等项制度已建立 制 度 2.分包工程安全职责落实情况, 三类人员 三类人员“”证书持证情况 ,三类人员全部持有证件 证 书 是否对本工程进行危险源识别评价,危险源识别有无针对性,对重大危1. 险源是否实施管理, 风险管理 2.是否落实风险告知制度~并书面告知作业人员; 、有评价~实施管理,12、已落实风险告知,3、有预案并组织演练 3.有无应急预案~预案有无针对性、可操作性~能否及时更新~是否组织 演练, 施工组织 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 中有无安全技术措施,措施是否齐全、有无针对性、可操1. 施工组织设计、专作性, 、施组中有安全技术措施、齐全、有针对性、可操作性,12、危险性较大工程有专项方案并审项方案和临时用电2.危险性较大工程专项施工方案是否编制,方案是否未报批, 批,3、编制了临时用电方案~有巡视记录 3.方案 是否按规定制定临时用电方案,有无电工巡视维修保养记录~记录是否 连续, 特种作业 是否建立特种作业人员花名册1.,,有无到岗、离岗记录; 、有特种作业人员花名册~有到、离岗记录,2、有有关效资格证书 1人员持证2. 特种作业人员有无有效资格证书, 特种设备是否经检验或验收,1. 施工设备 2.有无特种设备施工检查、维修、保养、使用台账, 特种设备已检验~ 3.起重设备吊装有无试吊记录, 有无消防安全责任制度1.;制度有无针对性、可操作性,是否确定消防安全消防和危险品 责任人,; 、制定责任制、有针对性~可操作~确定责任人,12、有消防器材和危险品管理台帐 管理 2.有无消防器材和危险品管理使用台账; 办公生活区选址是否存在风险; 1. 施工驻地 2.是否按规定将作业区和办公生活区分开; 、办公生活区未存在风险12、作 3.装配式房屋有无合格证书; 检查组组长: 检查组成员: 年 月 日Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 山西省交通运输厅安全生产施工现场督查用表,三, 项目名称: 合同段: 检查部位 检查内容 检查情况描述 采取的措施 临边、临水、洞口、陡壁等危险作业区域防护是否符合规定~是1. 否设置必要的警示标志; 、防护符合规定~设置警示标志,2、配置消防灭火12.现场布置是否按规定配置消防灭火器材~消防通道, 器材和消防通道,3、进行交通渠化,4、危险品存放、和防护3. 施工现场是否进行交通渠化, 使用、管理符合规定,5、符合规定 4.危险品存放、使用、管理等是否符合规定, 5.个人安全防护是否符合规定。 外电防护是否小于安全距离~线路过道有无保护, 1. 2.临时用电是否采用TN-S接地接零保护系统~是否符合“三级配电、、符合安全要求~线路过道有保护,2、采用接地保1两级保护”要求, 护系统~符合“三级配电两级保护”要求;临时用电 3、配电3.配电箱开关箱是否“一机、一闸、一漏、一箱”~电闸箱有无门、锁、箱符合要求~未存在未包扎现象, 防雨措施~电线是否老化、是否存在破皮未包扎的现象, 4.潮湿作业现场照明是否否使用36v及以下安全电压, 大型模板、支架和脚手架安装与拆除是否满足施工程序或施工方1. 案~ 模板、支2.大型模板存放有无防倾倒措施, 架及脚手3.支架投入使用前是否经预压, 架 4.脚手架是否按规定设立剪刀撑, 5. 10m以上脚手架是否设置缆风绳; Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from ,续上表, 1(.设备用电是否按“一机一闸一保护”安装~是否做接零,接地,保护和漏电保护器~1类 手持电动工具有无保护接零~设备工作完毕时是否拉闸断电~; 1、设备用电一机一闸一保护。接地保护、安装漏电2.保护器~。预应力张拉作业时是否按规定采取安全防护措施, I类手持电动工具工作完毕拉闸断电2、张拉 3.作业采取防护措施,施工机具 。外露传动部位有无安全防护罩~露天设备有无防雨设施, 3、外露传动部位有防护罩,4、4.。乙炔瓶、氧气瓶之间安全距离是否小于规定与明火之间安全距离是否小于规定, 乙炔瓶、氧气瓶之间安全距离5、有防符合规定,护;6、拌和机检修符 5.合安全要求。钢筋机械冷拉作业及对焊作业区有无防护措施, 6.。拌和机等设备作业和检修是否符合安全要求, 1.。垂直升降设备无验收合格证书, 2(.架体附着装置是否稳定牢固, 垂直升降 3.。设备承载是否超过额定承载重量, 设 备 4.。吊笼出入口是否设置防护设施, 5.。司机有无证上岗,联络工具或联络是否畅通 ~是否规定进行操作, 1.。塔吊基础是否符合要求, 2(.起重设施是否取得准用证, 3(.轨道式起重机有无有效限位或保险装置, 起重作业 4.。是否使用起重设备运送人员, 5.。大型构件是否在空中停留而操作人员离开, 6.。司机有无证上岗,信号传递是否畅通 ~ 是否规定进行操作, 1. 作业平台脚手板是否铺满~有无专设通道或爬梯~脚手架外侧密目式安全网设置是否符合作业平台脚手板铺满~有专设通道或爬梯~ 1. 要求,高处作业 2.高处作业人员安全带有牢靠悬挂点, 2.高处作业人员安全带无有牢靠悬挂点, 1.基坑边坡是否符合安全要求~边沿堆物是否小于安全距离, 2.基坑是否按规定采取排降水措施,支护未按规定观测或支护设施产生变形, 基坑作业 3.基坑是上下通道设置是否符合要求, 4.挖土机作业半径内有无人员进入, Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from ,续上表, 高边坡作业中是否存在立体交叉, 1. 高边坡 2.高陡边坡作业时是否按规定进行有效防护的, 人工挖孔桩孔壁是否进行防护~设置高出地面围栏~桩孔边沿有1. 无堆物~ 2.作业暂停时~是否有罩盖~ 3.能否按规定采用机械通风, 4.护壁是否满足要求, 桥梁 1.索塔、立柱施工过程中未按规定设置施工电梯, 2.悬索桥施工中临时工作索、牵引索、防护围栏设置是否符合规定~, 3.跨公路、铁路桥梁施工时是否设岗哨管理及防护措施, 4.梁板存放是否满足规定; 5.架桥机等特种机械是否按规范进行操作 , 隧道洞口有无登记记录或交接班记录, 1. 2.隧道内作业环境条件是否符合作业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 , 隧道洞口有登记记录或交接班记录, 1. 3.2.隧道内仰拱、二衬距掌子面的距离是否满足要求, 隧道内作业环境条件是符合作业标准, 4.3.隧道 逃生、救生管道设置是否满足要求, 隧道内仰拱、二衬距掌子面的距离满足要求, 5.4.钢拱架连接是否规范, 逃生、救生管道设置符合要求, 6.5.有瓦斯的隧道~是否设专职瓦斯检查员, 钢拱架连接规范 7.有瓦斯的隧道~机具、器材是否采用防爆型, 备注:表中未列内容由各组自行掌握~并记录。 检查组组长: 检查组成员: 年 月 日Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 山西省交通运输厅公路工程安全督查指令(四) 工程名称: 编号: 号 建设管理处(建设公司): 年 月 日,在山西省交通运输厅组织的安全生产大检查中,发现由 承建的 监理的 工程存 在安全问题(隐患),请您单位责成有关部门对该施工、监理单位进行停工(整顿),并 举一反三,对全线工程安全情况进行排查,整顿和排查结果书面向省厅报告。 签发人: 签发时间: 年 月 日 收件人: 收到时间: 年 月 日 存在的主要问题: Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 山西省交通运输厅安全生产检查建设单位排查情况汇总表,五, 项目名称: 安排部署情况 排查出的主要问题及处理情况 序号 合同段 施工单位 部位 排查出的主要问题 处理情况 S 铁十二局 凤凰岭隧道 施工用电不规范,部分配电箱破损,初喷不及时 限时整改 火焰山隧道 洞内烟尘较大.照明不足,台车上灭火器失效 限时整改 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 建设单位负责人: 填表人: 年 月 日 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 山西省交通运输厅安全生产大检查企业自查情况汇总表,六, 施工单位 中铁十二局集团公司 合同段 S合同段 监理单位 建设单位 企业自查重点 自查自整情况 安全企业法人代表负责制及主要负责人、分管生产负责人、安全管理人员、各岗位安全生产已落实 1 责任责任制建立及落实情况 制落 企业法定代表人安全生产承诺制公示落实情已落实 2 实情况 况 安全生产管理机构和专(兼)职安全管理建立安全生产管理机构,专(兼)职14人 1 人员配备情况 安全技术设备安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和岗位安全作业建立并执行 2 生产规程建立、执行情况 法律 作业现场安全监督检查及整改、落实情况 有检查及整改 3 法 安全费用提取及专项资金使用制度执行规、按规定提取安全经费 4 情况 标准 规程工程设计中安全专篇制定执行情况;安全工程设计中编安全防范措施;有安全专和制专项方案的编制、审批及执行情况;风险5 项方案并审批,有风险告知和交底 度执告知、安全技术交底制度执行情况; 行情安全设施“三同时”制度执行情况 已执行 6 况 外来施工队伍(承包商)安全监管情况 全面监管 7 企业安全生产重要设施、装备的完好状况重要设施、装备完好 1 及日常管理维护、保养情况; 隐患排查治理的档案台帐制度、监控和应 急管理制度、挂牌制度、公告公示制度、隐患已建立并落实 2 限期整改销号制度、隐患分析制度、定期排查 报告等各项制度的落实情况 整改 和重 大危危险性较大的特种设备和危险物品存储险源容器、运输工具的完好状况及检测检验、状况良好并检测检验、备案 3 监控验收、备案情况 情况 对存在较大危险因素的生产经营场所以 及重点环节和部位重大危险源普查建档、建档,有监控预预警制度 4 风险辨识、监控预警制度的建设及措施落 实情况 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from ,续上表, 企业自查重点 自查自整情况 建立专(兼)职应急救援队伍或与相建立兼职应急救援队 1 关应急救援队伍签订协议情况 应急配备应急救援物资、制定应急救援预制定了应急救援预案并应急演练 2 管理案和应急演练情况 情况 对企业周边或作业过程中存在的易 由自然灾害引发事故灾难的危险点已排查、防范 3 排查、防范和治理情况 企业主要负责人、安全管理人员、特持证上岗 1 种作业人员的持证上岗情况 安全 基础 生产一线职工(包括农民工)的教育工作全面教育培训 2 培训情况 及教 育培 训情变“招工为招生”制度的执行情况 3 况 劳动组织、用工等情况 符合要求 4 自查自整部署情况 进行部署和自查 1 自查排查隐患数量及整改情况 隐患7项并限人限时整改 2 自整 组织 落实 未整改的重大隐患及原因说明 3 情况 其他需要说明的情况 4 施工单位:中铁十二局集团 监理单位: 建设单位: Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 填表说明: 1、表一由各督查小组按项目分别进行汇总填写。 2、表二、表三由各督查小组按督查的合同段及工程实体进行分类填写。 3、表四由督查小组依据督查实际情况予以签发。 4、表五由各建设单位汇总项目自查情况进行填写。 5、表六由施工企业在全面自查的基础上认真填写,并附相关证明材料,向督查组全面、真实地提供自查自整情况;建设、监理单位认真督促、核查企业自查自整情况,负责人签字确认。 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from
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