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英语论文文献综述英语论文文献综述 英语专业毕业论文文献资料目录及综述表 学生姓名 学号 200808014104 专业 英语 文献综述完成时间 2012 年 3 月 文献综述题目 关于"An Analysis of Sons and Lovers from Feminism Perspective”的文献综述 引用文献情况:中文 7 篇 英文 8 篇 其它语种 0 篇 其中期刊 10 种,专著 5 本,其他 0 种(本) 文献时间跨度 1982 年 , 2010 年 文献资料目录(不少于15篇) [1] Jack...

英语论文文献综述 英语专业 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 文献 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 目录及综述表 学生姓名 学号 200808014104 专业 英语 文献综述完成时间 2012 年 3 月 文献综述题目 关于"An Analysis of Sons and Lovers from Feminism Perspective”的文献综述 引用文献情况:中文 7 篇 英文 8 篇 其它语种 0 篇 其中期刊 10 种,专著 5 本,其他 0 种(本) 文献时间跨度 1982 年 , 2010 年 文献资料目录(不少于15篇) [1] Jackson Dennis, Jackson Fleda Brown. Critical Essays on D. H(Lawrence [J]. Boston: Massachusetts. 1988. [2] Simpson, Hilary. D. H. Lawrence and Feminism [M]. London: Croom Helm, 1982. [3] Showalter, Elaine. Sexual Anarchy [M]. London: Bloomsbury, 1992. [4] Storch, Margaret. Images of Women in Sons and Lovers [J]. Tennessee University Press. 1990. [5] Levine, Philippa. Victorian Feminism [M]. Los Angeles: Florida University Press. 1994. [6] Daly, Macdonald. Relationship and Class in Sons and Lovers [J]. London: J. M. Dent, 1994. [7] Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 1994. [8] Kuttner, Alfred Booth. A Freudian Appreciation in Sons and Lovers [M]. The Commercial Press, 1999. [9] 崔更生(论劳伦斯《儿子与情人》关系中女性主义[J](武汉工程职业技术学院报, 2004( [10] 万莉(劳伦斯自我的成长与“柏拉图式恋爱”的关系—《儿子与情人》的人物形象 分析[J](河南大学学报,1998( [11] 苏新明(迷恋与恐惧背后的深层意义—《儿子与情人》中保罗内心世界的女性主 义解读[J]—湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2010( [12] 赵宇航(男性眼中的女性异化—分析劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》[J](赤峰学院学报 (汉文哲学社会科学版),2009( [13] 张文曦(《儿子与情人》中母亲形象女性主体意识的建构与解构[J](吉林大学学 报,2008( [14] 李小林(颠覆男权传统的话语?论西方女性主义批评三大学派[J](浙江大学学报, 2001( [15] 赵春辉(女性悲剧—从女性主义解读《儿子与情人》[J](长春理工大学学报,2006( 文献综述(2000字以上) In the early reviews of this novel reveals a variety of attitudes toward and assessments. Some early reviewers suspected strongly that Sons and Lovers is an autobiographical work. “We suspect that Paul is a projection of the writer’s own personality,” Harold Massingham said. Others did not explicitly make a direct to the passionately personal style of Sons and Lovers. Some of Lawrence’s contemporaries insist on seeing the novel Sons and Lovers as the author’s only-slightly-revised personal history; others do not, although one complains about the writer’s lack of “scientific detachment.” Some of the reviews believe the book to be about the tragic “wastage” of Walter Morel; others think the author is writing against his own biological father. Then, too, there are critics who seemed to sense that the inconsistent reviews of the book are made possible by the work itself, which is about emotional oxymoron, passionate contradictions. Before any reviewers fully insisted upon the autobiographical nature of Sons and Lovers. “In order to understand Mr. Lawrence fully, we must go beyond his works,” Alfred Kuttner suggested in A Freudian Appreciation in Sons and Lovers. Insisting on the strong similarity between Sons and Lovers and Lawrence’s earlier novels and love poems, Kuttner declared all these works to be “expressions of the same personal experience,”namely, Lawrence’s “hatred”for his “father.” Having said this, Kuttner went even further, suggesting that what Lawrence “particularizes so passionately” is what Freud, more generally, “ has proved beyond cavil,” namely, that “the child’s attachment to the parent of the opposite sex becomes the prototype of all later love relations.” According to Showalter E, said in Sexual Anarchy, that Lawrence was difficult to accept women have their own thoughts, in the poems he had written have shown the anger, resentment,fear and pity of female. At the same time, this figure also expressed the view that male should be the dominant position in the relationship between men and women, Lawrence also expressed in the text the resentment of possessive, strong and feisty women. Lawrence articulated a unique view of religion: That the only way to save mankind is the unification of body and mind, the perfect harmony of sex and the male-dominated marriage. Only when it reaches the natural balance between the two and the respect with each other, life is be accepted. In other words, only the love which reaches both the physical and mental coordination and the respect with each other is true love. According to Margaret Storch, said in Images of Women in Sons and Lovers, the three characters, Gertrude Morel, Miriam Leviers and Clara Dawes, The outstanding feature of these women is the high aspiration(They are all dissatisfied with their narrow and small life circles. They hope to cast off their former drab 1ife and to search for equality with men. According to Jackson, Dennis, and Fleda Brown Jackson, said in Critical Essays on D. H. Lawrence, Mrs Morel’s diligent striving for higher social standing and her all anxieties for prosperous and civilized life greatly reflect her high aspiration. In addition, her yearning for knowledge can also show her high aspiration. Miriam is also longing for knowledge and regards learning knowledge as the only access to change her social status. And she believes that in this way it can establish her self-confidence and self-respect. She considered herself as a woman apart, and particularly apart, from her class. Clara’s creed of life is to be free and independent. These three women’s vivid and well developed characteristics add a great luster to the novel itself. Their high social aspiration is the shining points in the novel. In the view of the author, there are fierce debates about the level of education which should be available to women. In the view of Philippa Levine, in Victorian Feminism, women began to demand access to the universities, though people began to pay attention to women’s rights, it is a long way to make people drop their colored glasses and see women in a fair way and with a new sight. These three women in the novel are all fighting in a certain way for retaining their rights. But the result is that they can not break through the social bondage and live unhappily under the men’s influence.Women have just achieved partial rights but failed to get full equal rights in social reality. As Simpson said in D. H. Lawrence and Feminism, that Lawrence may not promote the feminism thought himself, but under the prevailing social conditions, which is that although women can not break through the social bondage and live unhappily under the men’s influence. They have just achieved partial rights in social reality. So in the novel, he has to show some change of women reflected in their thought and behaviors. And objectively, it has shown the British women’s awakening of feminine consciousness to some degree. T.R.Wright believes that the Bible can be said to be a major factor of the root causes in Lawrence’s novels. It is like the irritant of his artistic imagination. The scholars Ye Xingguo also asserted that Lawrence’s novels is inextricably linked to the Bible. Zhang Wenxi has her ideas in The Construction and Deconstruction of The Consciousness of Female Subject in Sons and Lovers. She discusses the mother, Mrs. Morel, in Sons and Lovers, that its prototype of the “mother” in ancient mythology, both terrible and lovely, both kindly gentle and tough terrible. In the novel, Mrs. Morel is gently holding baby Paul and said, “My lamb!” Because in the Bible, Jesus is known as the lamb, so it can be said Mrs. Morel believes that Paul could save her soul and bring happiness to her, just as Jesus save humankind. However, what is the actual impact, the researchers is a matter of opinion. According to Wan Li, said in An Analysis of The Characters in Sons and Lovers, that Lawrence wanted to express a bourgeois ideology through Mrs. Morel, and he tried to prove that the ethics concept of Puritan is the people’s moral standards and spiritual pillar. Ye Xingguo believes that absolutely Lawrence is not to promote the Christian doctrine. He is not a devout Christian. According to the author, due to the novel Sons and Lovers is Lawrence’s early works, the tone is euphemistic in the expression of his ideas. In addition, the consistent anti-traditional use of the prototype is not a blind copy, but it is to have made some changes under the premise of retain its purpose. As Li Xiaolin said in A Discourse That Overturns the Patriarchic Tradition?On Western Feminist Criticism and Its Three Schools of Thoughts , take the female characters as an example, although the prototype of Mrs. Morel is the “mother”, which also includes the shadow of the Virgin Mary. The prototype of Miriam is not one but a combination of two characters both as a mother and sister. Clara is unlike the sleeping beauty in the legend who is gentle and pleasant, but she is stubborn fortitude and independent. Clara is not passively wait, but to strive for her own happiness with initiative, even in the end, she finally choose to stay with her husband. That is the decision made by herself. D. H. Lawrence believes that a harmonious sex relationship is the only way to save mankind. However, it is through the application of these familiar prototypes of characteristics, Lawrence has successfully created vivid and impressive female characters, and promoted his unique ideas on his own gender perspective. Still these reasons are not enough, so some researchers believe that this novel show women’s tragedy in feminism perspective of Lawrence. According to Zhao Chunhui, said in Women’s Tragedy: A Feminist Reading of Sons and Lovers. Paul’s road to become a real man can not be separated from the sacrifice made by his mother, Mrs. Morel, Miriam and Clara, who is Paul’s first and second loves respectively. In the Introduction part of the novel, it says, “The novel itself sees Lawrence imposing interpretations on the ryes of these women and is Paul-centered.” In order to emphasize women’s influence on Paul’s growth from a boy to a real man, Lawrence spares no efforts to create these three types of love: maternal love, spiritual love and physical love. Their opinions are very valuable and worthy of considerations. We should make progress on the basis of their researches. They have provided much information to study for us, but still there are many places where they do not discuss. We need to do further research on it. From the analysis of Cui Gengsheng said in on Feminism in the Relationships of Sons and Lovers and Su Xinming’s The Deep Meaning Behind The Infatuation and Fear?The Feminism Interpretation of the Inner World of Paul, these three women are prompted Paul to become mature in the aspects of the soul, spirit and body respectively. From them, we can not only find the image of traditional women in the paternal society of the Victorian period, but also find the consciousness of female self-awareness which is making their own efforts to fight for their rights. Nevertheless, they have got failure in the male-dominated society in the end. The tragedy of the women leads to historical reasons and the prevailing social conditions as well. With the advent of industrialized society, men are deprived of the rights as a man both in the community and at work. They can only vented the anger on their wives. It will lead to unhappy marriage and the deformity in the family relationships. Meanwhile, due to the influence of the feminist movement, women have the opportunity to participate in women’s associations and they have access to education. They can go out to work. They have opened their eyes and got the thought emancipation, their economic status is also improved. They began to accept new ideas, and can be applied in real life. All these characteristics are embodied on these three heroines in Sons and Lovers. With the double impacts of both the traditional concept in the Victorian period, and women’s liberation movement, although in economic, political, education, love and marriage, women have not yet achieved full equality , but the fact that they have already got a partial equal rights is undoubting. According to Zhao Yuhang, said in Women’s Alienation in The Eye of The Male?An Analysis in Sons and Lovers, from Paul, we can see, his views on women is contradictory. On the one hand, he is very obsessed in the sense of independence and the sexual passion of Clara; On the other hand, he feels scared of the desire to control demonstrated by his mother and Miriam. Paul’s reaction reflects the feeling of Lawrence from his personal experience. He believes that women play a creative as well as a destructive role in male’s growth and sexual relationships. All in all, different people own different opinions on this question because of their personal understandings though there are some in common. Undoubtedly, their researches are worthy of our consideration, but in order to get a better idea of this question, it is also necessary to be continually and deeply researched. Furthermore, there is an additional question to be paid more attention. That is, although Lawrence may not promote the feminism thought himself, his novel Sons and Lovers has reflected that these three women’s struggle for equal rights when British women had achieved a partial victory. And it also concludes the realistic significance of women for present feminine problem. 毕业论文文献综述评分表 学生姓名 曾浩淼 学号 200808014104 专业 英语 文献综述完成时间 2012 年 3 月 文献综述题目 关于“An Analysis of Sons and Lovers from Feminism Perspective”的文献综述 引用文献情况:中文 7 篇 英文 8 篇 其它语种 0 篇 其中期刊 10 种 专著 5 本文献时间跨度 1982 年— 2010 年 评 分 内 容 满分 实际得分 1 15 是否全面收集了有关的文献资料 是否充分介绍了主要学术观点、主要学派及其代表者和 2 25 研究沿革,有无主要遗漏 3 25 是否科学地评价已有的学术观点和理论 4 15 是否在已有理论和成果的基础上阐明本人的观点 5 15 是否能预示今后可能的发展趋势及研究方向 6 5 行文是否流畅,综述能力如何 100 总分 评分等级 指导教师(签名) 年 月 日
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