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【奇速英语】高考英语单项选择点拨 精选练习题及答案【12】


【奇速英语】高考英语单项选择点拨 精选练习题及答案【12】【奇速英语】高考英语单项选择点拨 精选练习题及答案【12】 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 高考英语单项选择点拨+精选练习题及答案【12】 1.It’s good feeling for people to admire the shanghai world expo that gives them Pleasure. A.不填,a B. a,不填 C. the , a D....

【奇速英语】高考英语单项选择点拨 精选练习题及答案【12】
【奇速英语】高考英语单项选择点拨 精选练习题及答案【12】 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 高考英语单项选择点拨+精选练习题及答案【12】 1.It’s good feeling for people to admire the shanghai world expo that gives them Pleasure. A.不填,a B. a,不填 C. the , a D. a, the 1. 答案B。【解析】考查介词。句意为:“去上海欣赏世博会带给人们的快乐,这是一 个非常好的感觉。”feeling作为感觉讲为可数名词。pleasure作为快乐,欢乐讲为不可数名词。 因此选B项。 2.When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me ? A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 2.答案 C。【解析】考查代词。A项意为“每件事”;B项意为“任何事”;C项意为 “某事”;D项意为“没什么”。句意为:“当你把我介绍给约翰逊先生时,请为我说说话 吧。”something用在问句中是表示建议或请求,期望得到肯定回答或者所问问题可能性很 大时。故选C项。 3.——volunteering is becoming popular in China . ——yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves. A. naturally B. successfully C. splendidly D. increasingly 3. 答案D。【解析】考查副词。A项意为“自然地,当然地”;B项意为“成功地”;C项 意为“壮丽地,非常好地”;D项意为“越来越多地”。第一句句意为:志愿工作在中国正受到 欢迎。故选D项。 4. Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has develop gradually. A. that B. where C. which D. whose 4. 答案B。【解析】考查定语从句。句意为:“斯蒂芬?霍金认为地球是不可能是唯一的 生命逐渐发展的星球。”where引导定语从句,相当于in which。 其余三项不符合先行词在 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 定语从句中所作的成分,故排除。因此应选B项。 5.Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, supplies to Yushu, Qinghai province after the earthquake.... A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent 5.答案A。【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:“地震发生后,大量的营救人员夜以继 日地为青海省玉树县提供补给。”A项意为“正在送”; B项意为“将要送”; C项意为 “已经送到”; D项意为“将要已经送到”。该空作伴随,表示正在送供给的意思。故选 A项。可排除B、C、D三项。 6.The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. A. before B. until C. as D. since 6. 答案A。【解析】考查从属连词。句意为:“这个女孩几乎没来及得按门铃门就突然 被打开了,她的朋友门冲出去欢迎她。”A项意为“在……之前”;B项意为“直到……时(为 止)”;C项意为“当……的时候”;D项意为“自从……以来”。选A项。B、C、D三项在从 句中不合逻辑,故排除。 7.More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space. A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of 7. 答案C。【解析】考查介词短语。句意为:“因为缺少空间,越来越多的高层建筑在 城市中被建造。”A项意为“寻找……”;B项意为“代替,替代”;C项意为“缺乏,短缺”;D 项意为“担心,害怕”。据句意可知,C项符合。 8.Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they before leaving their hometowns. A. promised B. were promised C. have promised D. have been promised 8.答案D。【解析】考查时态。句意为:“每年大量的农民工涌入深圳,为了离开家向 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 前许诺的挣钱的工作。”由句中arrive及before leaving their hometowns可知,该空应为现在 完成时。故选C项。其余三项不符合句意的时态要求。 9.Teachers recommend parents their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow 9. 答案A【解析】考查宾语从句。句意为:“教师们建议:为了孩子的安全,父母不应 让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车人去学校。”这里是recommend引起的宾语从句,且从句谓语 动词用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。故选A项 10.We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. Let’s it. A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. look forward to 10.答案C。【解析】考查动词词组。A项意为“跟上,和„„保持联系”;B项意为 “废除、去掉”;C项意为“开始认真(做某事)”;D项意为“渴望,盼望”。 句意为: “我们刚刚搬进一个大一点的房子,因此有很多事情要做,让我们开始做吧。”故选C项 1.— You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling. —__________ , but I'm afraid I can't do well because Japanese is poor. A. Never mind B. Well, I ought to C. I don’t know yet D. Certainly not 2. —What do you think of your nephew? —He__________ be very naughty but at the same time you poor. A. will ; will B. won't; can't C. may ; may D. can; can't 3. Exercise is__________ as any other to lose unwanted weight. A. so useful a way B. as a useful way C. as useful a way D. such a useful way 4. —____________ you_________ the editor at the airport? 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 —No, he__________ away before my arrival. A. Have... met; has driven B. Had... met; was driven C. Did... meet; had been driven D. Have... met; had driven 5. —Why didn't you answer my phone when I phoned you at about 11 p. m. yesterday? —I ___________and failed to hear the phone. A. might have slept B. must be sleeping C. might be sleeping D. must have been sleeping 6. His parents meant him_____________ scientific research, but he showed no interest and turned poet. A. going in for B. to have gone in for C. to go in for D. having gone in for 7. —What would you wish to do if you were a college student again? —That's very hard to say, but I wish I when I was a college student. A. has not studied biology B. did study biology C. had studied biology D. studied biology 8. He___________ when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was to hurt himself C. was hurt himself D. was hurting himself 9. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn't seem high at all. A. When compared B. To compare C. While comparing D. It compared 10. If you want to see a doctor, fix the date with him ahead of time. This is a common ___________ in the USA. A. habit B. law C. rule D. custom 11. Nothing__________ after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed. A. left B. was remained C. remained D. continued 12. Although motor car has been with us for almost a century, I have never been able to drive __________American one. 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 A. the ; an B. was remained C. a; the D. the ; the 13. It was not a good idea to go skating. You __________your leg. A. can break B. could break C. could have broken D. could have been broken 14. —What were you doing when she dropped in? —I for a while and_________ some reading. A. was playing; was going to do B. played; did C. had played; was going to do D. had played; did 15. The queen will visit the town in May, she will open the new hospital. A. when B. then C. while D. but 16. _________good, the food was soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. Having tasted 17. I feel silly in these clothes. Everyone will___________ me. A. worry about B. make fun of C. get rid of D. take interest in 18. —How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane? A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By taking a number 3 bus C. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way 19. Up to Tuesday's attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls. A. while B. where C. when D. then 20. When I tried to find _________that prevented so many people from taking part in the program, it seemed to me that there were two main reasons. A. why it did B. that it did C. what it was D. why it was 21. I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth, but he remained____________. A. quiet B. secret C. silent D. calm 22. —Why ! Where's my passport? Maybe I left it on the plane. 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 --My Goodness ! You ____________ things behind. A. had never left B. didn't leave C. never left 23. — Show me your permit, please. —Oh, it's not in my pocket. It A. might fall out B. could fall out C. should have fallen out D. must have fallen out 24. —I'd like to have some lunch but I have to stay here doing my work. —___________ what you want and I can get it for you. A. To tell me B. Telling me C. If you tell me D. Tell me 25. "Who Moved My Cheese?", ____________ is a best-selling book, is written by Spencer Johnson. A. which B. that C. it D. what 26. —Our holiday cost a lot of money. —Did it? Well ,that doesn't matter____________ you enjoyed yourselves. A. unless B. in case C. as far as D. as long as 27. O'Neal works hard. He is often seen _______ heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice. A. sweated B. to be sweated C. sweating D. being sweated 28. Travelers_______________ that they should bring their ID cards with them. A. have reminded B. are reminded C. were reminding D. had been reminded 29. —Look at these tracks. It __________ be a wolf. —It needn't be. It be a fox. A. must ; could B. may ; might C. need ; must D. could ; need 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处 30. I've visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them___________ this one. A. makes B. beats C. compares D. matches ********************************************* 参考答案 1—5 BDCCD 6—10 BCAAD 11-15 CACCA 16—20 CBACC 21—25 CCDDA 26—30 DCBAD ************************************************* 奇速英语官网 www.ysc365.com 原上草论文网 www.yscbook.com 教育界杂志社官网 www.jyjzzs.com联合推出, 转载注明出处
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