首页 2013年全国中小学生安全知识竞赛答案



2013年全国中小学生安全知识竞赛答案2013年全国中小学生安全知识竞赛答案 一、选择题(42分) 1 2分 得:2分 ()娱乐场所应当建立______制度,发现娱乐场所内有毒品违法 犯罪活动的,应当立即向公安机关报告。 A(报告 B(监管 C(巡查 D(查验 2 2分 得:2分 ()______是一般道路与高速公路或高速公路之间的连接通道。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not con...

2013年全国中小学生安全知识竞赛答案 一、选择 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (42分) 1 2分 得:2分 ()娱乐场所应当建立______ 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,发现娱乐场所内有毒品违法 犯罪活动的,应当立即向公安机关 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。 A(报告 B(监管 C(巡查 D(查验 2 2分 得:2分 ()______是一般道路与高速公路或高速公路之间的连接通道。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(行车道 B(加速道 C(匝道 3 2分 得:2分 ()国家明令禁止过量添加增白剂______对面粉进行漂白,它不 仅破坏面粉中的维生素A、维生素B,而且能对人体造成危害。 A(过氧化苯乙酰 B(甲醛次硫酸氢钠 C(乙烯利 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals D(苯并芘 4 2分 得:2分 ()爆炸现象的最主要特征是什么, A(温度升高 B(压力急剧升高 C(周围介质振动 5 2分 得:2分 ()思维在认识过程中处于______ 。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(一般地位 B(被支配地位 C(核心地位 D(高级地位 6 2分 得:0分 ()发现有人准备跳楼轻生,你应该拨打_____。 A(120 B(119 C(110 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 7 2分 得:2分 ()一般情况下爆炸性混合物的原始温度越高,爆炸极限范围 ________。 A(不变 B(越小 C(越大 8 2分 得:2分 ()电动工具的电源引线,其中黄绿双色线应作为______线使 用。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(相线 B(工作零线 C(保护接地 9 2分 得:2分 ()如休克者是大月份孕妇,应让她取_____位,否则胎儿以及 巨大的子宫会压迫血管,致使回心血量减少,加重休克 A(仰卧 B(侧卧 C(俯卧 10 2分 得:2分 ()火山的喷发可分为三个区,下列哪项是正确的, Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(气冲区、对流区、扩散区 B(气流区、爆发区、集中区 C(气流区、爆发区、喷发区 D(气冲区、对流区、中心区 11 2分 得:2分 ()自行车应该停放在_____。 A(路边 B(指定的地方 C(随便什么地方 12 2分 得:2分 ()任何单位和个人造成通信中断的,应当承担恢复电信设施的 费用,同时赔偿中断通信所造成的______。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(设备器材 B(精神损失 C(经济损失 D(任何损失 13 2分 得:2分 ()执行强制隔离戒毒_____后,经诊断评估,对于戒毒情况良 好的戒毒人员,强制隔离戒毒场所可以提出提前解除强制隔离戒毒的意见,报强 制隔离戒毒的决定机关批准。 A(三个月 B(半年 C(九个月 D(一年 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 14 2分 得:2分 ()在道路上车辆发生故障、事故停车后,不按规定使用灯光和 设置警告标志的,一次应记____分。 A(1 B(2 C(3 15 2分 得:2分 ()食品进货查验记录、出厂检验记录应当真实,保存期限不得 少于______。 A(一年 B(二年 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals C(三年 D(四年 16 2分 得:2分 ()地震重点监视防御区的哪级以上地方人民政府应当根据实 际需要与可能,在本级财政预算和物资储备中安排适当的抗震救灾资金和物资, A(省级 B(市(地)级 C(县级 D(乡镇级 17 2分 得:2分 ()任何场所的防火通道内,都要装置______。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals A(防火 标语 宣传标语下载抗洪救灾标语防溺水标语工程质量标语开学标语 及海报 B(出路指示灯及照明设备 C(消防头盔和防火服装 D(灭火器材 18 2分 得:2分 ()鱼刺卡喉时,实行_____挤压。如果病人怀孕或过肥胖,则 实施____压挤。 A(腹部,胸部 B(胸部,腹部 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 19 2分 得:2分 ()以下选项中属于危害电力设施的行为的是______。 A(向电力线路设施射击 B(向导线抛掷物体 C(在线路两侧各,,,米区域内放风筝 D(以上都是 20 2分 得:2分 ()在车辆没有停稳之前,______。 A(可以开车门,不准上下人 B(不准开车门和上下人 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals C(可以上下人 21 2分 得:2分 ()公共娱乐场所宜设置在耐火等级不低于_______的建筑物 内。 A(一级 B(二级 C(三级 D(四级 二、判断题(38分) 1 2分 得:2分 ()砒霜是毒品。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 2 2分 得:2分 ()在道路上玩滑板是很危险的。 3 2分 得:2分 ()煮粥保健食品的广告内容应当以国务院卫生 部行政部门批准的说明书和标签为准,不得任意扩大范围。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 4 2分 得:2分 ()焊接管道和设备时,必须采取防火安全措施。 5 2分 得:2分 ()各级人民政府应将防震减灾事业纳入国民经 济和社会发展 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,作为提高综合防御地震灾害能力的一项重要措施。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 6 2分 得:2分 ()人的生理需要和动物的生理需要并无本质不 同。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 7 2分 得:2分 ()在投币、插磁卡电话亭拨打“120”报警电话 时,不用投币、插磁卡。 8 2分 得:2分 ()危险化学品生产单位的危险化学品生产能力、 年需要量、最大储量不需要进行登记 。 9 2分 得:2分 ()家庭配线中间最好没有接头,必须有接头时应 接触牢固并用绝缘胶布缠绕,或者用瓷接线盒。禁止用医用胶布代替电工胶布包 扎接头。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 10 2分 得:2分 ()点篝火最好选在近水处,或在篝火旁预备些泥 土、沙石、青苔等用于及时灭火。 11 2分 得:2分 ()技巧练习要在海绵垫上进行。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 12 2分 得:2分 ()在公共场所上网离开时,一定要退出自己的信 息,然后关掉电脑。 13 2分 得:2分 ()危害广播电台、电视台安全播出的,破坏广播 电视设施的,由省级以上人民政府广播电视行政部门责令停止违法活动。 14 2分 得:2分 ()根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》规定, 国家对机动车实行登记制度。机动车报废的,可以不办理相应的登记。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 15 2分 得:2分 ()禁止携带易燃易爆危险物品进入公共场所或 乘坐交通工具。 16 2分 得:2分 ()购买的家用电器,如果是靠接地作漏电保护 的,则接地线必不可少。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 17 2分 得:2分 ()黑客有时会假装成互联网服务供应商的代表, 并询问你的密码及个人资料,谨记上网时不要向任何人透露这些资料。 18 2分 得:2分 ()当你遇到抢劫、盗窃、强奸、杀人或有人打架 时,都可以拨打“110”报警求助电话。 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 19 2分 得:2分 ()行走过程中要注意控制节奏,最好的行走速度 是走而不喘,脉搏尽量不要超过120次/分钟。 三、视频题(20分) 1 毒品的危害和防范 20分 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 1 2分 得:2分 ()以下哪种不属于鸦片类毒品, A(鸦片 B(海洛因 C(摇头丸 2 2分 得:2分 ()香烟中含有多少种化学物, A(3种 B(4000多种 C(1种 3 2分 得:2分 ()从广义角度讲,香烟是不是毒品, A(是 B(不是 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 4 2分 得:2分 ()煤气中毒涉及到的气体是, A(CO2 B(CO C(H2S 5 2分 得:2分 ()______是中学生吸烟的最初诱因。 A(生理需要 B(好奇和模仿 C(叛逆心理 6 2分 得:2分 ()以下不是毒品吸食方式的是: A(外敷 B(注射 C(鼻吸 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 7 2分 得:2分 ()染上毒瘾的人会______。 A(自残 B(杀人 C(A和B都对 8 2分 得:2分 ()据我国的调查数据:最易受到毒品侵害 的"高危人群"是______。 A(老人 B(小孩 C(青少年 9 2分 得:2分 ()因共用毒品注射器,吸毒者还会染上 _____。 A(传染病和艾滋病 B(肠胃病 C(精神病 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals 10 2分 得:2分 ()《长大成人》中饰女主角的年轻演员朱 洁因______而死亡。 A(不堪压力 B(吸毒过量 C(过度劳累 Focus on some fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver for Communist beliefs do not really, not confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics of Marxist theory, and low self-esteem, spiritual emptiness confused, promoting Western values, and some even participate in superstitious activities, religion and other issues. Keep the faith and belief of the party, keep in mind the party's historical mission, force right ideals
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